The Ruby Language - Ruby Crystallized - Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide (2013)

Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide (2013)

Part 3. Ruby Crystallized

Chapter 22. The Ruby Language

This chapter is a bottom-up look at the Ruby language. Most of what appears here is the syntax and semantics of the language itself—we mostly ignore the built-in classes and modules (these are covered in depth in the reference material). However, Ruby sometimes implements features in its libraries that in most languages would be part of the basic syntax. Where it makes sense, we’ve included some of these methods here.

The contents of this chapter may look familiar—with good reason, as we’ve covered most of this earlier. This chapter is a self-contained reference for the Ruby language.

22.1 Source File Encoding

Ruby 1.9 programs are by default written in 7-bit ASCII, also called US-ASCII. If a code set other than 7-bit ASCII is to be used, place a comment containing coding: followed by the name of an encoding on the first line of each source file containing non-ASCII characters. The coding: comment can be on the second line of the file if the first line is a shebang comment. Ruby skips characters in the comment before the word coding:. Ruby 2«2.0» assumes the source is written in UTF-8. This assumption can be overridden using the same style coding: comment.

# coding: utf-8

# -*- encoding: iso-8859-1 -*-


# fileencoding: us-ascii

UTF-8 source...

ISO-8859-1 source...

ASCII source...

22.2 Source Layout

Ruby is a line-oriented language. Ruby expressions and statements are terminated at the end of a line unless the parser can determine that the statement is incomplete, such as if the last token on a line is an operator or comma. A semicolon can be used to separate multiple expressions on a line. You can also put a backslash at the end of a line to continue it onto the next. Comments start with # and run to the end of the physical line. Comments are ignored during syntax analysis.

a = 1

b = 2; c = 3

d = 4 + 5 +

6 + 7 # no '\' needed

e = 8 + 9 \

+ 10 # '\' needed

Physical lines between a line starting with =begin and a line starting with =end are ignored by Ruby and may be used to comment out sections of code or to embed documentation.

You can pipe programs to the Ruby interpreter’s standard input stream:

$ echo 'puts "Hello"' | ruby

If Ruby comes across a line anywhere in the source containing just __END__, with no leading or trailing whitespace, it treats that line as the end of the program—any subsequent lines will not be treated as program code. However, these lines can be read into the running program using the global IO object DATA, described in the section about constants.

BEGIN and END Blocks

Every Ruby source file can declare blocks of code to be run as the file is being loaded (the BEGIN blocks) and after the program has finished executing (the END blocks):

BEGIN { begin code } END { end code }

A program may include multiple BEGIN and END blocks. BEGIN blocks are executed in the order they are encountered. END blocks are executed in reverse order.

General Delimited Input

As well as the normal quoting mechanism, alternative forms of literal strings, arrays of strings and symbols«2.0», regular expressions, and shell commands are specified using a generalized delimited syntax. All these literals start with a percent character, followed by a single character that identifies the literal’s type. These characters are summarized in the following table; the actual literals are described in the corresponding sections later in this chapter.





Single-quoted string

%q{\a and #{1+2} are literal}

%Q, %

Double-quoted string

%Q{\a and #{1+2} are expanded}

%w, %W

Array of strings

%w[ one two three ]

%i, %I«2.0»

Array of symbols

%i[ one two three ]


Regular expression pattern



A symbol

%s!a symbol!


Shell command

%x(df -h)

Unlike their lowercase counterparts, %I, %Q, and %W will preform interpolation:

%i{ one digit#{1+1} three } # => [:one, :"digit\#{1+1}", :three]

%I{ one digit#{1+1} three } # => [:one, :digit2, :three]

%q{ one digit#{1+1} three } # => " one digit\#{1+1} three "

%Q{ one digit#{1+1} three } # => " one digit2 three "

%w{ one digit#{1+1} three } # => ["one", "digit\#{1+1}", "three"]

%W{ one digit#{1+1} three } # => ["one", "digit2", "three"]

Following the type character is a delimiter, which can be any nonalphanumericic or nonmultibyte character. If the delimiter is one of the characters (, [, {, or <, the literal consists of the characters up to the matching closing delimiter, taking account of nested delimiter pairs. For all other delimiters, the literal comprises the characters up to the next occurrence of the delimiter character.

%q/this is a string/


%q(a (nested) string)

Delimited strings may continue over multiple lines; the line endings and all spaces at the start of continuation lines will be included in the string:

meth = %q{def fred(a)

a.each {|i| puts i }


22.3 The Basic Types

The basic types in Ruby are numbers, strings, arrays, hashes, ranges, symbols, and regular expressions.

Integer and Floating-Point Numbers

Ruby integers are objects of class Fixnum or Bignum. Fixnum objects hold integers that fit within the native machine word minus 1 bit. Whenever a Fixnum exceeds this range, it is automatically converted to a Bignum object, whose range is effectively limited only by available memory. If an operation with a Bignum result has a final value that will fit in a Fixnum, the result will be returned as a Fixnum.

Integers are written using an optional leading sign and an optional base indicator (0 or 0o for octal, 0d for decimal, 0x for hex, or 0b for binary), followed by a string of digits in the appropriate base. Underscore characters are ignored in the digit string.

123456 => 123456 # Fixnum

0d123456 => 123456 # Fixnum

123_456 => 123456 # Fixnum - underscore ignored

-543 => -543 # Fixnum - negative number

0xaabb => 43707 # Fixnum - hexadecimal

0377 => 255 # Fixnum - octal

0o377 => 255 # Fixnum - octal

-0b10_1010 => -42 # Fixnum - binary (negated)

123_456_789_123_456_789 => 123456789123456789 # Bignum

A numeric literal with a decimal point and/or an exponent is turned into a Float object, corresponding to the native architecture’s double data type. You must follow the decimal point with a digit; if you write 1.e3, Ruby tries to invoke the method e3 on the Fixnum 1. You must place at least one digit before the decimal point.

12.34 # => 12.34

-0.1234e2 # => -12.34

1234e-2 # => 12.34

Rational and Complex Numbers

Classes that support rational numbers (ratios of integers) and complex numbers are built into the Ruby interpreter. However, Ruby provides no language-level support for these numeric types—there are no rational or complex literals, for example. See the descriptions of Complex and Rationalfor more information.


Ruby provides a number of mechanisms for creating literal strings. Each generates objects of type String. The different mechanisms vary in terms of how a string is delimited and how much substitution is done on the literal’s content. Literal strings are encoded using the source encoding of the file that contains them.

Single-quoted string literals (’stuff’ and %q/stuff/) undergo the least substitution. Both convert the sequence \\ into a single backslash, and a backslash can be used to escape the single quote or the string delimiter. All other backslashes appear literally in the string.

'hello' # => hello

'a backslash \'\\\'' # => a backslash '\'

%q/simple string/ # => simple string

%q(nesting (really) works) # => nesting (really) works

%q(escape a\) with backslash) # => escape a) with backslash

%q no_blanks_here ; # => no_blanks_here

Double-quoted strings ("stuff", %Q/stuff/,} and %/stuff/) undergo additional substitutions; see the following table.

Table 11. Substitutions in double-quoted strings


Value of code


Backspace (0x08)


Tab (0x09)


Octal nnn




Unicode character




Escape (0x1b)

\u{xx xx xx}

Unicode characters




Formfeed (0x0c)


Vertical tab (0x0b)




Newline (0x0a)


Hex nn




Return (0x0d)


Bell/alert (0x07)


Space (0x20)

Here are some examples:

a = 123

"\123mile" # => Smile

"Greek pi: \u03c0" # => Greek pi: π

"Greek \u{70 69 3a 20 3c0}" # => Greek pi: π

"Say \"Hello\"" # => Say "Hello"

%Q!"I said 'nuts'\!," I said! # => "I said 'nuts'!," I said

%Q{Try #{a + 1}, not #{a - 1}} # => Try 124, not 122

%<Try #{a + 1}, not #{a - 1}> # => Try 124, not 122

"Try #{a + 1}, not #{a - 1}" # => Try 124, not 122

%{ #{ a = 1; b = 2; a + b } } # => 3

Last, and probably least (in terms of usage), you can get the string corresponding to an ASCII character by preceding that character with a question mark.



ASCII character



newline (0x0a)



control a (0x65 & 0x9f) == 0x01



meta sets bit 7



meta and control a



delete character

Strings can continue across multiple input lines, in which case they will contain newline characters. You can use here documents to express long string literals. When Ruby parses the sequence <<identifier or <<quoted string, it replaces it with a string literal built from successive logical input lines. It stops building the string when it finds a line that starts with identifier or quoted string. You can put a minus sign immediately after the << characters, in which case the terminator can be indented from the margin. If a quoted string was used to specify the terminator, its quoting rules are applied to the here document; otherwise, double-quoting rules apply.

print <<HERE

Double quoted \

here document.

It is #{}


print <<-'THERE'

This is single quoted.

The above used #{}



Double quoted here document.

It is 2013-05-27 12:31:31 -0500

This is single quoted.

The above used #{}

In the previous example the backslash after Double quoted caused the logical line to be continued with the contents of the next line.

Adjacent single- and double-quoted strings are concatenated to form a single String object:

'Con' "cat" 'en' "ate" # => "Concatenate"

A new String object is created every time a string literal is assigned or passed as a parameter.

3.times do

print 'hello'.object_id, " "



70214897722200 70214897722080 70214897721960

There’s more information in the documentation for class String.


Outside the context of a conditional expression, expr..expr and expr...expr construct Range objects. The two-dot form is an inclusive range; the one with three dots is a range that excludes its last element. See the description of class Range for details. Also see the description of conditional expressionsfor other uses of ranges.


Literals of class Array are created by placing a comma-separated series of object references between square brackets. A trailing comma is ignored.

arr = [ fred, 10, 3.14, "This is a string", barney("pebbles"), ]

Arrays of strings can be constructed using the shortcut notations %w and %W. The lowercase form extracts space-separated tokens into successive elements of the array. No substitution is performed on the individual strings. The uppercase version also converts the words to an array but performs all the normal double-quoted string substitutions on each individual word. A space between words can be escaped with a backslash. This is a form of general delimited input, described earlier.

arr = %w( fred wilma barney betty great\ gazoo )

arr # => ["fred", "wilma", "barney", "betty", "great gazoo"]

arr = %w( Hey!\tIt is now -#{}- )

arr # => ["Hey!\tIt", "is", "now", "-#{}-"]

arr = %W( Hey!\tIt is now -#{}- )

arr # => ["Hey! It", "is", "now", "-2013-05-27 12:31:31 -0500-"]


A literal Ruby Hash is created by placing a list of key/value pairs between braces. Keys and values can be separated by the sequence =>.[99]

colors = { "red" => 0xf00, "green" => 0x0f0, "blue" => 0x00f }

If the keys are symbols, you can use this alternative notation:

colors = { red: 0xf00, green: 0x0f0, blue: 0x00f }

The keys and/or values in a particular hash need not have the same type.

Requirements for a Hash Key

Hash keys must respond to the message hash by returning a hash code, and the hash code for a given key must not change. The keys used in hashes must also be comparable using eql? . If eql? returns true for two keys, then those keys must also have the same hash code. This means that certain classes (such as Array and Hash) can’t conveniently be used as keys, because their hash values can change based on their contents.

If you keep an external reference to an object that is used as a key and use that reference to alter the object, thus changing its hash code, the hash lookup based on that key may not work. You can force the hash to be reindexed by calling its rehash method.

arr = [1, 2, 3]

hash = { arr => 'value' }

hash[arr] # => "value"

arr[1] = 99

hash # => {[1, 99, 3]=>"value"}

hash[arr] # => nil


hash[arr] # => "value"

Because strings are the most frequently used keys and because string contents are often changed, Ruby treats string keys specially. If you use a String object as a hash key, the hash will duplicate the string internally and will use that copy as its key. The copy will be frozen. Any changes made to the original string will not affect the hash.

If you write your own classes and use instances of them as hash keys, you need to make sure that either (a) the hashes of the key objects don’t change once the objects have been created or (b) you remember to call the Hash#rehash method to reindex the hash whenever a key hash is changed.


A Ruby symbol is an identifier corresponding to a string of characters, often a name. You construct the symbol for a name by preceding the name with a colon, and you can construct the symbol for an arbitrary string by preceding a string literal with a colon. Substitution occurs in double-quoted strings. A particular name or string will always generate the same symbol, regardless of how that name is used within the program. You can also use the %s delimited notation to create a symbol.



:"Ruby rules"

a = "cat"

:'catsup' # => :catsup

:"#{a}sup" # => :catsup

:'#{a}sup' # => :"\#{a}sup"

Other languages call this process interning and call symbols atoms .

Regular Expressions

Ruby 1.9 uses the Oniguruma regular expression engine. Ruby 2.0 uses an extension of this engine called Onigmo. We show these extensions with the Ruby 2.0 flag.«2.0»

See Chapter 7, Regular Expressions for a detailed description of regular expressions.

Regular expression literals are objects of type Regexp. They are created explicitly by calling or implicitly by using the literal forms, /pattern/ and %r{pattern}. The %r construct is a form of general delimited input (described earlier).

/pattern/ /pattern/options %r{pattern} %r{pattern}options ’pattern’ <, options> )

options is one or more of i (case insensitive), o (substitute once), m (. matches newline), and x (allow spaces and comments). You can additionally override the default encoding of the pattern with n (no encoding-ASCII), e (EUC), s (Shift_JIS), or u (UTF-8).

Regular Expression Patterns

(This section contains minor differences from previous versions of this book. Ruby 1.9 uses the Oniguruma regular expression engine.)[100]«2.0»

An asterisk at the end of an entry in the following list means that the match is extended beyond ASCII characters if Unicode option is set.«2.0»


All except . | ( ) [ \ ^ { + $ * and ? match themselves. To match one of these characters, precede it with a backslash.

\a \cx \e \f \r \t \unnnn \v \xnn \nnn \C-\M-x \C-x \M-x

Match the character derived according to Table 11, Substitutions in double-quoted strings.

^, $

Match the beginning/end of a line.

\A, \z, \Z

Match the beginning/end of the string. \Z ignores trailing \n.

\d, \h

Match any decimal digit or hexadecimal digit ([0-9a-fA-F]).*


Matches any whitespace character: tab, newline, vertical tab, formfeed, return, and space.*


Matches any word character: alphanumerics and underscores.*

\D, \H, \S, \W

The negated forms of \d, \h, \s, and \w, matching characters that are not digits, hexadecimal digits, whitespace, or word characters.*

\b, \B

Match word/nonword boundaries.


The position where a previous repetitive search completed.


Discards the portion of the match to the left of the \K.«2.0»


A generic end-of-line sequence.*«2.0»


A Unicode grapheme.*«2.0»

\p{property}, \P{property}, \p{!property}

Match a character that is in/not in the given property (see Table 4, Unicode character properties).

. (period)

Appearing outside brackets, matches any character except a newline. (With the /m option, it matches newline, too).


Matches a single character from the specified set. See Character Classes.


Matches zero or more occurrences of re.


Matches one or more occurrences of re.


Matches at least m and at most n occurrences of re.


Matches at least m occurrences of re.


Matches at most n occurrences of re.


Matches exactly m occurrences of re.


Matches zero or one occurrence of re.

The ?, *, +, and {m,n} modifiers are greedy by default. Append a question mark to make them minimal, and append a plus sign to make them possessive (that is, they are greedy and will not backtrack).

re1 | re2

Matches either re1 or re2.


Parentheses group regular expressions and introduce extensions.


Substitutes expression in the pattern, as with strings. By default, the substitution is performed each time a regular expression literal is evaluated. With the /o option, it is performed just the first time.

\1, \2, ... \n

Match the value matched by the nth grouped subexpression.

(?# comment)

Inserts a comment into the pattern.


Makes re into a group without generating backreferences.

(?=re), (?!re)

Matches if re is/is not at this point but does not consume it.

(?<=re), (?<!re)

Matches if re is/is not before this point but does not consume it.


Matches re but inhibits subsequent backtracking.

(?adimux), (?-imx)

Turn on/off the corresponding a, d, i, m, u, or x option.«2.0» If used inside a group, the effect is limited to that group.

(?adimux:re), (?-imx:re)

Turn on/off the i, m, or x option for re.

\n, \k’n’, and \k<n>

The nth captured subpattern.

(?<name>...) or (?’name’...)

Name the string captured by the group.

\k<name> or \k’name’

The contents of the named group.

\k<name>+/-n or \k’name’+/-n

The contents of the named group at the given relative nesting level.

\g<name> or \g<number>

Invokes the named or numbered group.

22.4 Names

Ruby names are used to refer to constants, variables, methods, classes, and modules. The first character of a name helps Ruby distinguish its intended use. Certain names, listed in the following table, are reserved words and should not be used as variable, method, class, or module names.

Table 12. Reserved words










































Method names are described later.

In these descriptions, uppercase letter means A through Z, and digit means 0 through 9. Lowercase letter means the characters a through z, as well as the underscore (_). In addition, any non-7-bit characters that are valid in the current encoding are considered to be lowercase.[101]

A name is an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, or an underscore, followed by name characters: any combination of upper- and lowercase letters, underscores, and digits.

A local variable name consists of a lowercase letter followed by name characters. It is conventional to use underscores rather than camelCase to write multiword names, but the interpreter does not enforce this.

fred anObject _x three_two_one

If the source file encoding is UTF-8, ∂elta and été are both valid local variable names.

An instance variable name starts with an “at” sign (@) followed by name characters. It is generally a good idea to use a lowercase letter after the @. The @ sign forms part of the instance variable name.

@name @_ @size

A class variable name starts with two “at” signs (@@) followed by name characters.

@@name @@_ @@Size

A constant name starts with an uppercase letter followed by name characters. Class names and module names are constants and follow the constant naming conventions.

By convention, constant object references are normally spelled using uppercase letters and underscores throughout, while class and module names are MixedCase:

module Math

ALMOST_PI = 22.0/7.0


class BigBlob


Global variables , and some special system variables, start with a dollar sign ($) followed by name characters. In addition, Ruby defines a set of two-character global variable names in which the second character is a punctuation character. These predefined variables are listed Predefined Variables. Finally, a global variable name can be formed using $- followed by a single letter or underscore. These latter variables typically mirror the setting of the corresponding command-line option (see Execution Environment Variables for details):

$params $PROGRAM $! $_ $-a $-K

Variable/Method Ambiguity

When Ruby sees a name such as a in an expression, it needs to determine whether it is a local variable reference or a call to a method with no parameters. To decide which is the case, Ruby uses a heuristic. As Ruby parses a source file, it keeps track of symbols that have been assigned to. It assumes that these symbols are variables. When it subsequently comes across a symbol that could be a variable or a method call, it checks to see whether it has seen a prior assignment to that symbol. If so, it treats the symbol as a variable; otherwise, it treats it as a method call. As a somewhat pathological case of this, consider the following code fragment, submitted by Clemens Hintze:

def a

puts "Function 'a' called"



for i in 1..2

if i == 2

puts "i==2, a=#{a}"


a = 1

puts "i==1, a=#{a}"




i==1, a=1

Function 'a' called

i==2, a=99

During the parse, Ruby sees the use of a in the first puts statement and, because it hasn’t yet seen any assignment to a, assumes that it is a method call. By the time it gets to the second puts statement, though, it has seen an assignment and so treats a as a variable.

Note that the assignment does not have to be executed—Ruby just has to have seen it. This program does not raise an error.

a = 1 if false; a # => nil

22.5 Variables and Constants

Ruby variables and constants hold references to objects. Variables themselves do not have an intrinsic type. Instead, the type of a variable is defined solely by the messages to which the object referenced by the variable responds. (When we say that a variable is not typed, we mean that any given variable can at different times hold references to objects of many different types.)

A Ruby constant is also a reference to an object. Constants are created when they are first assigned to (normally in a class or module definition). Ruby, unlike less flexible languages, lets you alter the value of a constant, although this will generate a warning message:


puts "First MY_CONST = #{MY_CONST}"

MY_CONST = 2 # generates a warning but sets MY_CONST to 2

puts "Then MY_CONST = #{MY_CONST}"


prog.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant MY_CONST

prog.rb:1: warning: previous definition of MY_CONST was here

First MY_CONST = 1

Then MY_CONST = 2

Note that although constants should not be changed, you can alter the internal states of the objects they reference (you can freeze objects to prevent this). This is because assignment potentially aliases objects, creating two references to the same object.

MY_CONST = "Tim"

MY_CONST[0] = "J" # alter string referenced by constant

MY_CONST # => "Jim"

Scope of Constants and Variables

Constants defined within a class or module may be accessed unadorned anywhere within the class or module. Outside the class or module, they may be accessed using the scope operator , ::, prefixed by an expression that returns the appropriate class or module object. Constants defined outside any class or module may be accessed unadorned or by using the scope operator with no prefix. Constants may not be defined in methods. Constants may be added to existing classes and modules from the outside by using the class or module name and the scope operator before the constant name.


class Const

def get_const




end # => 100

Const::CONST # => 100

::OUTER_CONST # => 99

Const::NEW_CONST = 123

Global variables are available throughout a program. Every reference to a particular global name returns the same object. Referencing an uninitialized global variable returns nil.

Class variables are available throughout a class or module body. Class variables must be initialized before use. A class variable is shared among all instances of a class and is available within the class itself.

class Song

@@count = 0

def initialize

@@count += 1


def Song.get_count




Class variables belong to the innermost enclosing class or module. Class variables used at the top level are defined in Object and behave like global variables. In Ruby 1.9, class variables are supposed to be private to the defining class, although as the following example shows, there seems to be some leakage.

class Holder # => prog.rb:13: warning: class variable access from toplevel

@@var = 99

def Holder.var=(val)

@@var = val


def var




@@var = "top level variable"

a =

a.var # => "top level variable"

Holder.var = 123

a.var # => 123

Class variables are inherited by children but propagate upward if first defined in a child:

class Top

@@A = "top A"

@@B = "top B"

def dump

puts values


def values

"#{}: @@A = #@@A, @@B = #@@B"



class MiddleOne < Top

@@B = "One B"

@@C = "One C"

def values

super + ", C = #@@C"



class MiddleTwo < Top

@@B = "Two B"

@@C = "Two C"

def values

super + ", C = #@@C"



class BottomOne < MiddleOne; end

class BottomTwo < MiddleTwo; end


Top: @@A = top A, @@B = Two B

MiddleOne: @@A = top A, @@B = Two B, C = One C

MiddleTwo: @@A = top A, @@B = Two B, C = Two C

BottomOne: @@A = top A, @@B = Two B, C = One C

BottomTwo: @@A = top A, @@B = Two B, C = Two C

I recommend against using class variables for these reasons.

Instance variables are available within instance methods throughout a class body. Referencing an uninitialized instance variable returns nil. Each object (instance of a class) has a unique set of instance variables.

Local variables are unique in that their scopes are statically determined but their existence is established dynamically.

A local variable is created dynamically when it is first assigned a value during program execution. However, the scope of a local variable is statically determined to be the immediately enclosing block, method definition, class definition, module definition, or top-level program. Local variables with the same name are different variables if they appear in disjoint scopes.

Method parameters are considered to be variables local to that method.

Block parameters are assigned values when the block is invoked.

If a local variable is first assigned in a block, it is local to the block.

If a block uses a variable that is previously defined in the scope containing the block’s definition, then the block will share that variable with the scope. There are two exceptions to this. Block parameters are always local to the block. In addition, variables listed after a semicolon at the end of the block parameter list are also always local to the block.

a = 1

b = 2

c = 3

some_method { |b; c| a = b + 1; c = a + 1; d = c + 1 }

In this previous example, the variable a inside the block is shared with the surrounding scope. The variables b and c are not shared, because they are listed in the block’s parameter list, and the variable d is not shared because it occurs only inside the block.

A block takes on the set of local variables in existence at the time that it is created. This forms part of its binding. Note that although the binding of the variables is fixed at this point, the block will have access to the current values of these variables when it executes. The binding preserves these variables even if the original enclosing scope is destroyed.

The bodies of while, until, and for loops are part of the scope that contains them; previously existing locals can be used in the loop, and any new locals created will be available outside the bodies afterward.

Predefined Variables

The following variables are predefined in the Ruby interpreter. In these descriptions, the notation [r/o] indicates that the variables are read-only; an error will be raised if a program attempts to modify a read-only variable. After all, you probably don’t want to change the meaning of true halfway through your program (except perhaps if you’re a politician). Entries marked [thread] are thread local.

Many global variables look something like Snoopy swearing: $_, $!, $&, and so on. This is for “historical” reasons—most of these variable names come from Perl. If you find memorizing all this punctuation difficult, you may want to take a look at the English library, which gives the commonly used global variables more descriptive names.

In the tables of variables and constants that follow, we show the variable name, the type of the referenced object, and a description.

Exception Information

$! Exception

The exception object passed to raise . [thread]

$@ Array

The stack backtrace generated by the last exception. See the description of Object#caller for details. [thread]

Pattern Matching Variables

These variables (except $=) are set to nil after an unsuccessful pattern match.

$& String

The string matched (following a successful pattern match). This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread]

$+ String

The contents of the highest-numbered group matched following a successful pattern match. Thus, in "cat" =~ /(c|a)(t|z)/, $+ will be set to “t.” This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread]

$‘ String

The string preceding the match in a successful pattern match. This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread]

$’ String

The string following the match in a successful pattern match. This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread]

$1...$n String

The contents of successive groups matched in a pattern match. In "cat" =~ /(c|a)(t|z)/, $1 will be set to “a” and $2 to “t.” This variable is local to the current scope. [r/o, thread]

$~ MatchData

An object that encapsulates the results of a successful pattern match. The variables $&, $‘, $’, and $1 to $9 are all derived from $~. Assigning to $~ changes the values of these derived variables. This variable is local to the current scope. [thread]

The variable $=, has been removed from Ruby 1.9.

Input/Output Variables

$/ String

The input record separator (newline by default). This is the value that routines such as Object#gets use to determine record boundaries. If set to nil, gets will read the entire file.

$-0 String

Synonym for $/.

$\ String

The string appended to the output of every call to methods such as Object#print and IO#write. The default value is nil.

$, String

The separator string output between the parameters to methods such as Object#print and Array#join. Defaults to nil, which adds no text.

$. Fixnum

The number of the last line read from the current input file.

$; String

The default separator pattern used by String#split. May be set using the -F command-line option.

$< ARGF.class

Synonym for ARGF. See ARGF.

$> IO

The destination stream for Object#print and Object#printf. The default value is STDOUT.

$_ String

The last line read by Object#gets or Object#readline. Many string-related functions in the Kernel module operate on $_ by default. The variable is local to the current scope. [thread]

$-F String

Synonym for $;.

$stderr, $stdout, $stdin, IO

The current standard error, standard output, and standard input streams.

The variables $defout and $deferr have been removed from Ruby 1.9.

Execution Environment Variables

$0 String

The name of the top-level Ruby program being executed. Typically this will be the program’s filename. On some operating systems, assigning to this variable will change the name of the process reported (for example) by the ps(1) command.

$* Array

An array of strings containing the command-line options from the invocation of the program. Options used by the Ruby interpreter will have been removed. [r/o]

$" Array

An array containing the filenames of modules loaded by require . [r/o]

$$ Fixnum

The process number of the program being executed. [r/o]

$? Process::Status

The exit status of the last child process to terminate. [r/o, thread]

$: Array

An array of strings, where each string specifies a directory to be searched for Ruby scripts and binary extensions used by the load and require methods. The initial value is the value of the arguments passed via the -I command-line option, followed by an installation-defined standard library location. As of Ruby 1.9.2, the current directory is no longer added to $:. This variable may be updated from within a program to alter the default search path; typically, programs use $: << dir to append dir to the path. [r/o]

$-a Object

True if the -a option is specified on the command line. [r/o]

__callee__ Symbol

The name of the lexically enclosing method.

$-d Object

Synonym for $DEBUG.

$DEBUG Object

Set to true if the -d command-line option is specified.

__ENCODING__ String

The encoding of the current source file. [r/o]

__FILE__ String

The name of the current source file. [r/o]

$F Array

The array that receives the split input line if the -a command-line option is used.


The name of the current input file. Equivalent to $<.filename. [r/o]

$-i String

If in-place edit mode is enabled (perhaps using the -i command-line option), $-i holds the extension used when creating the backup file. If you set a value into $-i, enables in-place edit mode, as described in the options descriptions.

$-I Array

Synonym for $:. [r/o]

$-l Object

Set to true if the -l option (which enables line-end processing) is present on the command line. See the options description. [r/o]

__LINE__ String

The current line number in the source file. [r/o]


A synonym for $:. [r/o]


Synonym for $". [r/o]

__method__ Symbol

The name of the lexically enclosing method.


Alias for $0.

$-p Object

Set to true if the -p option (which puts an implicit while gets...end loop around your program) is present on the command line. See the options description. [r/o]

$SAFE Fixnum

The current safe level (see Section 26.1, Safe Levels). This variable’s value may never be reduced by assignment. [thread]


Set to true if the -v, --version, -W, or -w option is specified on the command line. Set to false if no option, or -W1 is given. Set to nil if -W0 was specified. Setting this option to true causes the interpreter and some library routines to report additional information. Setting to nil suppresses all warnings (including the output of Object#warn).

$-v, $-w Object

Synonyms for $VERBOSE.

$-W Object

Return the value set by the -W command-line option.

Standard Objects

ARGF Object

Provides access to a list of files. Used by command line processing. See ARGF.

ARGV Array

A synonym for $*.

ENV Object

A hash-like object containing the program’s environment variables. An instance of class Object, ENV implements the full set of Hash methods. Used to query and set the value of an environment variable, as in ENV["PATH"] and ENV["term"]="ansi".

false FalseClass

Singleton instance of class FalseClass. [r/o]

nil NilClass

The singleton instance of class NilClass. The value of uninitialized instance and global variables. [r/o]

self Object

The receiver (object) of the current method. [r/o]

true TrueClass

Singleton instance of class TrueClass. [r/o]

Global Constants


If the main program file contains the directive __END__, then the constant DATA will be initialized so that reading from it will return lines following __END__ from the source file.

FALSE FalseClass

Constant containing reference to false.

NIL NilClass

Constant containing reference to nil.


The interpreter copyright.


Version number and architecture of the interpreter.


The name of the Ruby interpreter. Returns "ruby" for Matz’s version. Other interpreters include macruby, ironruby, jruby, and rubinius.


The patch level of the interpreter.


The identifier of the platform running this program. This string is in the same form as the platform identifier used by the GNU configure utility (which is not a coincidence).


The date of this release.


The revision of the interpreter.


The version number of the interpreter.


The actual standard error stream for the program. The initial value of $stderr.


The actual standard input stream for the program. The initial value of $stdin.


The actual standard output stream for the program. The initial value of $stdout.


If a constant SCRIPT_LINES__ is defined and references a Hash, Ruby will store an entry containing the contents of each file it parses, with the file’s name as the key and an array of strings as the value. See Object#require for an example.


A Binding object representing the binding at Ruby’s top level—the level where programs are initially executed.

TRUE TrueClass

A reference to the object true.

The constant __FILE__ and the variable $0 are often used together to run code only if it appears in the file run directly by the user. For example, library writers often use this to include tests in their libraries that will be run if the library source is run directly, but not if the source is required into another program.

# library code ...

if __FILE__ == $0

# tests...


22.6 Expressions, Conditionals, and Loops

Single terms in an expression may be any of the following:

  • Literal. Ruby literals are numbers, strings, arrays, hashes, ranges, symbols, and regular expressions. These are described in Section 22.3,The Basic Types.
  • Shell command. A shell command is a string enclosed in backquotes or in a general delimited string starting with %x. The string is executed using the host operating system’s standard shell, and the resulting standard output stream is returned as the value of the expression. The execution also sets the $? variable with the command’s exit status.

filter = "*.c"

files = `ls #{filter}`

files = %x{ls #{filter}}

  • Variable reference or constant reference. A variable is referenced by citing its name. Depending on scope (seeScope of Constants and Variables), you reference a constant either by citing its name or by qualifying the name, using the name of the class or module containing the constant and the scope operator (::).

barney # variable reference

APP_NAMR # constant reference

Math::PI # qualified constant reference

  • Method invocation. The various ways of invoking a method are described in Section 22.8,Invoking a Method.

Operator Expressions

Expressions may be combined using operators. The Ruby operators in precedence order are listed in Table 13, Ruby operators (high to low precedence). The operators with a ✓ in the Method column are implemented as methods and may be overridden.

Table 13. Ruby operators (high to low precedence)




[ ] [ ]=

Element reference, element set



! ~ + -

Not, complement, unary plus and minus (method names for the last two are +@ and -@)

* / %

Multiply, divide, and modulo

+ -

Plus and minus

>> <<

Right and left shift (<< is also used as the append operator)


“And” (bitwise for integers)

^ |

Exclusive “or” and regular “or” (bitwise for integers)

<= < > >=

Comparison operators

<=> == === != =~ !~

Equality and pattern match operators


Logical “and”


Logical “or”

.. ...

Range (inclusive and exclusive)

? :

Ternary if-then-else

= %= /= -= += |= &= >>= <<= *= &&= ||= **= ^=



Logical negation

or and

Logical composition

if unless while until

Expression modifiers


Block expression

More on Assignment

The assignment operator assigns one or more rvalues (the r stands for “right,” because rvalues tend to appear on the right side of assignments) to one or more lvalues (“left” values). What is meant by assignment depends on each individual lvalue.

As the following shows, if an lvalue is a variable or constant name, that variable or constant receives a reference to the corresponding rvalue.

a = /regexp/

b, c, d = 1, "cat", [ 3, 4, 5 ]

If the lvalue is an object attribute, the corresponding attribute-setting method will be called in the receiver, passing as a parameter the rvalue:

class A

attr_writer :value


obj =

obj.value = "hello" # equivalent to obj.value=("hello")

If the lvalue is an array element reference, Ruby calls the element assignment operator ([]=) in the receiver, passing as parameters any indices that appear between the brackets followed by the rvalue. This is illustrated in the following table.

Element Reference

Actual Method Call

var[] = "one"

var.[ ]=("one")

var[1] = "two"

var.[ ]=(1, "two")

var["a", /^cat/ ] = "three"

var.[ ]=("a", /^cat/, "three")

If you are writing an [ ]= method that accepts a variable number of indices, it might be convenient to define it using this:

def []=(*indices, value)

# ...


The value of an assignment expression is its rvalue. This is true even if the assignment is to an attribute method that returns something different.

Parallel Assignment

An assignment expression may have one or more lvalues and one or more rvalues. This section explains how Ruby handles assignment with different combinations of arguments:

  • If any rvalue is prefixed with an asterisk and implements to_a , the rvalue is replaced with the elements returned by to_a , with each element forming its own rvalue.
  • If the assignment contains one lvalue and multiple rvalues, the rvalues are converted to an array and assigned to that lvalue.
  • If the assignment contains multiple lvalues and one rvalue, the rvalue is expanded if possible into an array of rvalues as described in (1).
  • Successive rvalues are assigned to the lvalues. This assignment effectively happens in parallel so that (for example) a,b=b,a swaps the values in a and b.
  • If there are more lvalues than rvalues, the excess will have nil assigned to them.
  • If there are more rvalues than lvalues, the excess will be ignored.
  • At most one lvalue can be prefixed by an asterisk. This lvalue will end up being an array and will contain as many rvalues as possible. If there are lvalues to the right of the starred lvalue, these will be assigned from the trailing rvalues, and whatever rvalues are left will be assigned to the splat lvalue.
  • If an lvalue contains a parenthesized list, the list is treated as a nested assignment statement, and then it is assigned from the corresponding rvalue as described by these rules.

See Parallel Assignment for examples of parallel assignment. The value of a parallel assignment is its array of rvalues.

Block Expressions

begin body end

Expressions may be grouped between begin and end. The value of the block expression is the value of the last expression executed.

Block expressions also play a role in exception handling—see Section 22.14, Exceptions.

Boolean Expressions

Ruby predefines the constants false and nil. Both of these values are treated as being false in a boolean context. All other values are treated as being true. The constant true is available for when you need an explicit “true” value.

And, Or, Not

The and and && operators evaluate their first operand. If false, the expression returns the value of the first operand; otherwise, the expression returns the value of the second operand:

expr1 and expr2 expr1 && expr2

The or and || operators evaluate their first operand. If true, the expression returns the value of their first operand; otherwise, the expression returns the value of the second operand:

expr1 or expr2 expr1 || expr2

The not and ! operators evaluate their operand. If true, the expression returns false. If false, the expression returns true.

The word forms of these operators (and, or, and not) have a lower precedence than the corresponding symbol forms (&&, ||, and !). For details, see Table 13, Ruby operators (high to low precedence).


The defined? keyword returns nil if its argument, which can be an arbitrary expression, is not defined. Otherwise, it returns a description of that argument. For examples, check out the tutorial.

Comparison Operators

The Ruby syntax defines the comparison operators ==, ===, <=>, <, <=, >, >=, and =~. All these operators are implemented as methods. By convention, the language also uses the standard methods eql? and equal? (see Table 5, Common comparison operators). Although the operators have intuitive meaning, it is up to the classes that implement them to produce meaningful comparison semantics. The library reference starting describes the comparison semantics for the built-in classes. The module Comparable provides support for implementing the operators ==, <, <=, >, and >=, as well as the method between? in terms of <=>. The operator === is used in case expressions, described in case Expressions.

Both == and =~ have negated forms, != and !~. If an object defines these methods, Ruby will call them. Otherwise, a != b is mapped to !(a == b), and a !~ b is mapped to !(a =~ b).

Ranges in Boolean Expressions

if expr1 .. expr2 while expr1 .. expr2

A range used in a boolean expression acts as a flip-flop. It has two states, set and unset, and is initially unset.

  1. For the three-dot form of a range, if the flip-flop is unset and expr1 is true, the flip-flop becomes set and the the flip-flop returns true.
  2. If the flip-flop is set, it will return true. However, if expr2 is not true, the flip-flop becomes unset.
  3. If the flip-flop is unset, it returns false.

The first step differs for the two-dot form of a range. If the flip-flop is unset and expr1 is true, then Ruby only sets the flip-flop if expr2 is not also true.

The difference is illustrated by the following code:

a = (11..20).collect {|i| (i%4 == 0)..(i%3 == 0) ? i : nil}

a # => [nil, 12, nil, nil, nil, 16, 17, 18, nil, 20]

a = (11..20).collect {|i| (i%4 == 0)...(i%3 == 0) ? i : nil}

a # => [nil, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, nil, 20]

Regular Expressions in Boolean Expressions

In versions of Ruby prior to 1.8, a single regular expression in boolean expression was matched against the current value of the variable $_. This behavior is now supported only if the condition appears in a command-line -e parameter:

$ ruby -ne 'print if /one/' testfile

This is line one

In regular code, the use of implicit operands and $_ is being slowly phased out, so it is better to use an explicit match against a variable.

if and unless Expressions

if boolean-expression <then> body <elsif boolean-expression then body >* < else body > end

unless boolean-expression <then> body <else body > end

The then keyword separates the body from the condition.[102] It is not required if the body starts on a new line. The value of an if or unless expression is the value of the last expression evaluated in whichever body is executed.

if and unless Modifiers

expression if boolean-expression expression unless boolean-expression

This evaluates expression only if boolean-expression is true (for if) or false (for unless).

Ternary Operator

boolean-expression ? expr1 : expr2

This returns expr1 if boolean expression is true and expr2 otherwise.

case Expressions

Ruby has two forms of case statement. The first allows a series of conditions to be evaluated, executing code corresponding to the first condition that is true:

case when <boolean-expression>+ <then> body when <boolean-expression>+ <then> body ... <else body > end

The second form of a case expression takes a target expression following the case keyword. It searches for a match starting at the first (top left) comparison, using comparison === target:

case target when <comparison>+ <then> body when <comparison>+ <then> body ... <else body > end

A comparison can be an array reference preceded by an asterisk, in which case it is expanded into that array’s elements before the tests are performed on each. When a comparison returns true, the search stops, and the body associated with the comparison is executed (no break is required). case then returns the value of the last expression executed. If no comparison matches, this happens: if an else clause is present, its body will be executed; otherwise, case silently returns nil.

The then keyword separates the when comparisons from the bodies and is not needed if the body starts on a new line.

As an optimization in Matz’s Ruby 1.9 and later, comparisons between literal strings and between numbers do not use ===.


while boolean-expression <do> body end

This executes body zero or more times as long as boolean-expression is true.

until boolean-expression <do> body end

This executes body zero or more times as long as boolean-expression is false.

In both forms, the do separates boolean-expression from the body and can be omitted when the body starts on a new line:

for <name>+ in expression <do> body end

The for loop is executed as if it were the following each loop, except that local variables defined in the body of the for loop will be available outside the loop, and those defined within an iterator block will not.

expression.each do | <name>+ | body end

loop , which iterates its associated block, is not a language construct—it is a method in module Kernel.

loop do

print "Input: "

breakunless line = gets



while and until Modifiers

expression while boolean-expression expression until boolean-expression

If expression is anything other than a begin/end block, executes expression zero or more times while boolean-expression is true (for while) or false (for until).

If expression is a begin/end block, the block will always be executed at least one time.

break, redo, and next

break, redo, and next alter the normal flow through a while, until, for, or iterator-controlled loop.[103]

break terminates the immediately enclosing loop—control resumes at the statement following the block. redo repeats the loop from the start but without reevaluating the condition or fetching the next element (in an iterator). The next keyword skips to the end of the loop, effectively starting the next iteration.

break and next may optionally take one or more arguments. If used within a block, the given argument(s) are returned as the value of the yield. If used within a while, until, or for loop, the value given to break is returned as the value of the statement. If break is never called or if it is called with no value, the loop returns nil.

match = for line in ARGF.readlines

nextif line =~ /^#/

break line if line =~ /ruby/


22.7 Method Definition

def defname <( arg ) > body end defnamemethodname | expr.methodname

defname is both the name of the method and optionally the context in which it is valid.

A methodname is either a redefinable operator (see Table 13, Ruby operators (high to low precedence)) or a name. If methodname is a name, it should start with a lowercase letter (or underscore) optionally followed by uppercase and lowercase letters, underscores, and digits. A methodname may optionally end with a question mark (?), exclamation point (!), or equal sign (=). The question mark and exclamation point are simply part of the name. The equal sign is also part of the name but additionally signals that this method may be used as an lvalue (see the description ofwriteable attributes).

A method definition using an unadorned method name within a class or module definition creates an instance method. An instance method may be invoked only by sending its name to a receiver that is an instance of the class that defined it (or one of that class’s subclasses).

Outside a class or module definition, a definition with an unadorned method name is added as a private method to class Object. It may be called in any context without an explicit receiver.

A definition using a method name of the form expr.methodname creates a method associated with the object that is the value of the expression; the method will be callable only by supplying the object referenced by the expression as a receiver. This style of definition creates per-object or singleton methods . You’ll find it most often inside class or module definitions, where the expr is either self or the name of the class/module. This effectively creates a class or module method (as opposed to an instance method).

class MyClass

def MyClass.method # definition



MyClass.method # call

obj =

def obj.method # definition


obj.method # call

def (1.class).fred # receiver may be an expression


Fixnum.fred # call

Method definitions may not contain class or module definitions. They may contain nested instance or singleton method definitions. The internal method is defined when the enclosing method is executed. The internal method does not act as a closure in the context of the nested method—it is self-contained.

def toggle

def toggle

"subsequent times"


"first time"


toggle # => "first time"

toggle # => "subsequent times"

toggle # => "subsequent times"

The body of a method acts as if it were a begin/end block, in that it may contain exception-handling statements (rescue, else, and ensure).

Method Arguments

A method definition may have zero or more regular arguments, zero or more keyword arguments,«2.0» a optional splat argument, an optional double splat argument, and an optional block argument. Arguments are separated by commas, and the argument list may be enclosed in parentheses.

A regular argument is a local variable name, optionally followed by an equals sign and an expression giving a default value. The expression is evaluated at the time the method is called. The expressions are evaluated from left to right. An expression may reference a parameter that precedes it in the argument list.

def options(a=99, b=a+1)

[ a, b ]


options # => [99, 100]

options(1) # => [1, 2]

options(2, 4) # => [2, 4]

Arguments without default values may appear after arguments with defaults. When such a method is called, Ruby will use the default values only if fewer parameters are passed to the method call than the total number of arguments.

def mixed(a, b=50, c=b+10, d)

[ a, b, c, d ]


mixed(1, 2) # => [1, 50, 60, 2]

mixed(1, 2, 3) # => [1, 2, 12, 3]

mixed(1, 2, 3, 4) # => [1, 2, 3, 4]

As with parallel assignment, one of the arguments may start with an asterisk. If the method call specifies any parameters in excess of the regular argument count, all these extra parameters will be collected into this newly created array.

def varargs(a, *b)

[ a, b ]


varargs(1) # => [1, []]

varargs(1, 2) # => [1, [2]]

varargs(1, 2, 3) # => [1, [2, 3]]

This argument need not be the last in the argument list. See the description of parallel assignment to see how values are assigned to this parameter.

def splat(first, *middle, last)

[ first, middle, last ]


splat(1, 2) # => [1, [], 2]

splat(1, 2, 3) # => [1, [2], 3]

splat(1, 2, 3, 4) # => [1, [2, 3], 4]

If an array argument follows arguments with default values, parameters will first be used to override the defaults. The remainder will then be used to populate the array.

def mixed(a, b=99, *c)

[ a, b, c]


mixed(1) # => [1, 99, []]

mixed(1, 2) # => [1, 2, []]

mixed(1, 2, 3) # => [1, 2, [3]]

mixed(1, 2, 3, 4) # => [1, 2, [3, 4]]

Keyword Arguments

Ruby 2 methods may declare keyword arguments using the syntax name: default_value for each. These arguments must follow any regular arguments in the list.«2.0»

def header(name, level: 1, upper: false)

name = name.upcase if upper



header("Introduction") # => "<h1>Introduction</h1>"

header("Getting started", level:2) # => "<h2>Getting started</h2>"

header("Conclusion", upper: true) # => "<h1>CONCLUSION</h1>"

If you call a method that has keyword arguments and do not provide corresponding values in the method call’s parameter list, the default values will be used. If you pass keyword parameters that are not defined as arguments, an error will be raised unless you also define a double splat argument, **arg. The double splat argument will be set up as a hash containing any uncollected keyword parameters passed to the method.

def header(name, level: 1, upper: false, **attrs)

name = name.upcase if upper

attr_string = {|k,v| %{#{k}="#{v}"}}.join(' ')

"<h#{level} #{attr_string}>#{name}</h#{level}>"


header("TOC", class: "nav", level:2, id: 123)

Block Argument

The optional block argument must be the last in the list. Whenever the method is called, Ruby checks for an associated block. If a block is present, it is converted to an object of class Proc and assigned to the block argument. If no block is present, the argument is set to nil.

def example(&block)

puts block.inspect



example { "a block" }




Undefining a Method

The keyword undef allows you to undefine a method.

undef name | symbol ...

An undefined method still exists; it is simply marked as being undefined. If you undefine a method in a child class and then call that method on an instance of that child class, Ruby will immediately raise a NoMethodError—it will not look for the method in the child’s parents.

22.8 Invoking a Method

<receiver.>name < parameters > < {block} > <receiver::>name < parameters > < {block} > parameters ← ( <param>* <, hashlist> <*array> <&a_proc> ) block ← { blockbody } or do blockbody end

The parentheses around the parameters may be omitted if it is otherwise unambiguous.

Initial parameters are assigned to the actual arguments of the method. Following these parameters may be a list of key => value or key: value pairs. These pairs are collected into a single new Hash object and passed as a single parameter.

Any parameter may be a prefixed with an asterisk. If a starred parameter supports the to_a method, that method is called, and the resulting array is expanded inline to provide parameters to the method call. If a starred argument does not support to_a , it is simply passed through unaltered.

def regular(a, b, *c)

"a=#{a}, b=#{b}, c=#{c}"


regular 1, 2, 3, 4 # => a=1, b=2, c=[3, 4]

regular(1, 2, 3, 4) # => a=1, b=2, c=[3, 4]

regular(1, *[2, 3, 4]) # => a=1, b=2, c=[3, 4]

regular(1, *[2, 3], 4) # => a=1, b=2, c=[3, 4]

regular(1, *[2, 3], *4) # => a=1, b=2, c=[3, 4]

regular(*[], 1, *[], *[2, 3], *[], 4) # => a=1, b=2, c=[3, 4]

Any parameter may be prefixed with two asterisks (a double splat). Such parameters are treated as hashes, and their key-value pairs are added as additional parameters to the method call.«2.0»

def regular(a, b)

"a=#{a}, b=#{b}"


regular(99, a: 1, b: 2) # => a=99, b={:a=>1, :b=>2}

others = { c: 3, d: 4 }

regular(99, a: 1, b: 2, **others) # => a=99, b={:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3,

# .. :d=>4}

regular(99, **others, a: 1, b: 2) # => a=99, b={:c=>3, :d=>4, :a=>1,

# .. :b=>2}

rest = { e: 5 }

regular(99, **others, a: 1, b: 2) # => a=99, b={:c=>3, :d=>4, :a=>1,

# .. :b=>2}

regular(99, **others, a: 1, b: 2, **rest) # => a=99, b={:c=>3, :d=>4, :a=>1,

# .. :b=>2, :e=>5}

When a method defined with keyword arguments is called, Ruby matches the keys in the passed hash with each argument, assigning values when it finds a match.

def keywords(a, b: 2, c: 3)

"a=#{a}, b=#{b}, c=#{c}"


keywords(99) # => a=99, b=2, c=3

keywords(99, c:98) # => a=99, b=2, c=98

args = { b: 22, c: 33}

keywords(99, **args) # => "a=99, b=22, c=33"

keywords(99, **args, b: 'override') # => "a=99, b=override, c=33"

If the passed hash contains any keys not defined as arguments, Ruby raises a runtime error unlesss the method also declares a double splat argument. In that case, the double splat receives the excess key-value pairs from the passed hash.

def keywords1(a, b: 2, c: 3)

"a=#{a}, b=#{b}, c=#{c}"


keywords1(99, d: 22, e: 33)


prog.rb:5:in `<main>': unknown keywords: d, e (ArgumentError)

def keywords2(a, b: 2, c: 3, **rest)

"a=#{a}, b=#{b}, c=#{c}, rest=#{rest}"


keywords2(99, d: 22, e: 33) # => a=99, b=2, c=3, rest={:d=>22, :e=>33}

A block may be associated with a method call using either a literal block (which must start on the same source line as the last line of the method call) or a parameter containing a reference to a Proc or Method object prefixed with an ampersand character.

def some_method



some_method { }

some_method do


a_proc = lambda { 99 }


Ruby arranges for the value of Object#block_given? to reflect the availability of a block associated with the call, regardless of the presence of a block argument. A block argument will be set to nil if no block is specified on the call to a method.

def other_method(&block)

puts "block_given = #{block_given?}, block = #{block.inspect}"


other_method { }



block_given = true, block = #<Proc:0x007fafc305c3d0@prog.rb:4>

block_given = false, block = nil

A method is called by passing its name to a receiver. If no receiver is specified, self is assumed. The receiver checks for the method definition in its own class and then sequentially in its ancestor classes. The instance methods of included modules act as if they were in anonymous superclasses of the class that includes them. If the method is not found, Ruby invokes the method method_missing in the receiver. The default behavior defined in Object#method_missing is to report an error and terminate the program.

When a receiver is explicitly specified in a method invocation, it may be separated from the method name using either a period (.) or two colons (::). The only difference between these two forms occurs if the method name starts with an uppercase letter. In this case, Ruby will assume that receiver::Thing is actually an attempt to access a constant called Thing in the receiver unless the method invocation has a parameter list between parentheses. Using :: to indicate a method call is mildly deprecated.

Foo.Bar() # method call

Foo.Bar # method call

Foo::Bar() # method call

Foo::Bar # constant access

The return value of a method is the value of the last expression executed. The method in the following example returns the value of the if statement it contains, and that if statement returns the value of one of its branches.

def odd_or_even(val)

if val.odd?






odd_or_even(26) # => "even"

odd_or_even(27) # => "odd"

A return expression immediately exits a method.

return <expr>*

The value of a return is nil if it is called with no parameters, the value of its parameter if it is called with one parameter, or an array containing all of its parameters if it is called with more than one parameter.


super < ( param *array ) > <block>

Within the body of a method, a call to super acts like a call to the original method, except that the search for a method body starts in the superclass of the object that contained the original method. If no parameters (and no parentheses) are passed to super, the original method’s parameters will be passed; otherwise, the parameters to super will be passed.

Operator Methods

expr operator operator expr expr1 operator expr2

If the operator in an operator expression corresponds to a redefinable method (see Table 13, Ruby operators (high to low precedence)), Ruby will execute the operator expression as if it had been written like this:

(expr1).operator() or (expr1).operator(expr2)

Attribute Assignment

receiver.attrname = rvalue

When the form receiver.attrname appears as an lvalue, Ruby invokes a method named attrname= in the receiver, passing rvalue as a single parameter. The value returned by this assignment is always rvalue—the return value of the method is discarded. If you want to access the return value (in the unlikely event that it isn’t the rvalue), send an explicit message to the method.

class Demo

attr_reader :attr

def attr=(val)

@attr = val

"return value"



d =

# In all these cases, @attr is set to 99

d.attr = 99 # => 99

d.attr=(99) # => 99

d.send(:attr=, 99) # => "return value"

d.attr # => 99

Element Reference Operator

receiver[ <expr>+ ] receiver[ <expr>+ ] = rvalue

When used as an rvalue, element reference invokes the method [] in the receiver, passing as parameters the expressions between the brackets.

When used as an lvalue, element reference invokes the method []= in the receiver, passing as parameters the expressions between the brackets, followed by the rvalue being assigned.

22.9 Aliasing

alias new_name old_name

This creates a new name that refers to an existing method, operator, global variable, or regular expression backreference ($&, $‘, $’, and $+). Local variables, instance variables, class variables, and constants may not be aliased. The parameters to alias may be names or symbols.

class Fixnum

alias plus +

end # => 4

alias $prematch $`

"string" =~ /i/ # => 3

$prematch # => "str"

alias :cmd :`

cmd "date" # => "Mon May 27 12:31:34 CDT 2013\n"

When a method is aliased, the new name refers to a copy of the original method’s body. If the original method is subsequently redefined, the aliased name will still invoke the original implementation.

def meth

"original method"


alias original meth

def meth

"new and improved"


meth # => "new and improved"

original # => "original method"

22.10 Class Definition

class <scope::> classname << superexpr> body end class << obj body end

A Ruby class definition creates or extends an object of class Class by executing the code in body. In the first form, a named class is created or extended. The resulting Class object is assigned to a constant named classname (keep reading for scoping rules). This name should start with an uppercase letter. In the second form, an anonymous (singleton) class is associated with the specific object.

If present, superexpr should be an expression that evaluates to a Class object that will be the superclass of the class being defined. If omitted, it defaults to class Object.

Within body, most Ruby expressions are executed as the definition is read. However:

  • Method definitions will register the methods in a table in the class object.
  • Nested class and module definitions will be stored in constants within the class, not as global constants. These nested classes and modules can be accessed from outside the defining class using :: to qualify their names.

module NameSpace

class Example

CONST = 123



obj =

a = NameSpace::Example::CONST

  • TheModule#include method will add the named modules as anonymous superclasses of the class being defined.

The classname in a class definition may be prefixed by the names of existing classes or modules using the scope operator (::). This syntax inserts the new definition into the namespace of the prefixing module(s) and/or class(es) but does not interpret the definition in the scope of these outer classes. A classname with a leading scope operator places that class or module in the top-level scope.

In the following example, class C is inserted into module A’s namespace but is not interpreted in the context of A. As a result, the reference to CONST resolves to the top-level constant of that name, not A’s version. We also have to fully qualify the singleton method name, because C on its own is not a known constant in the context of A::C.

CONST = "outer"

module A

CONST = "inner" # This is A::CONST


module A

class B

def B.get_const





A::B.get_const # => "inner"

class A::C

def (A::C).get_const




A::C.get_const # => "outer"

Remember that a class definition is executable code. Many of the directives used in class definitions (such as attr and include ) are actually simply private instance methods of class Module (documented in the reference section). The value of a class definition is the value of the last executed statement.

Chapter 24, Metaprogramming describes in more detail how Class objects interact with the rest of the environment.

Creating Objects from Classes

obj = < ( args ) >

Class Class defines the instance method Class#new, which creates an instance of the class of its receiver (classexpr). This is done by calling the method classexpr.allocate. You can override this method, but your implementation must return an object of the correct class. It then invokes initialize in the newly created object and passes it any arguments originally passed to new .

If a class definition overrides the class method new without calling super , no objects of that class can be created, and calls to new will silently return nil.

Like any other method, initialize should call super if it wants to ensure that parent classes have been properly initialized. This is not necessary when the parent is Object, because class Object does no instance-specific initialization.

Class Attribute Declarations

Class attribute declarations are not part of the Ruby syntax; they are simply methods defined in class Module that create accessor methods automatically.

class name attr attribute <, writable> attr_reader <attribute>+ attr_writer <attribute>+ attr_accessor <attribute>+ end

22.11 Module Definitions

module name body end

A module is basically a class that cannot be instantiated. Like a class, its body is executed during definition, and the resulting Module object is stored in a constant. A module may contain class and instance methods and may define constants and class variables. As with classes, a module’s class methods (sometimes called module methods ) are invoked using the Module object as a receiver, and constants are accessed using the :: scope resolution operator. The name in a module definition may optionally be preceded by the names of enclosing class(es) and/or module(s).

CONST = "outer"

module Mod


def Mod.method1 # module method




module Mod::Inner

def (Mod::Inner).method2

CONST + " scope"



Mod::CONST # => 1

Mod.method1 # => 2

Mod::Inner::method2 # => "outer scope"

Mixins: Including Modules

class|module name include expr end

A module may be included within the definition of another module or class using the include method. The module or class definition containing the include gains access to the constants, class variables, and instance methods of the module it includes.

If a module is included within a class definition, the module’s constants, class variables, and instance methods are made available via an anonymous (and inaccessible) superclass for that class. Objects of the class will respond to messages sent to the module’s instance methods. Calls to methods not defined in the class will be passed to the module(s) mixed into the class before being passed to any parent class. A module may define an initialize method, which will be called upon the creation of an object of a class that mixes in the module if either the class does not define its own initialize method or the class’s initialize method invokes super.

A module may also be included at the top level, in which case the module’s constants, class variables, and instance methods become available at the top level.

Module Functions

Instance methods defined in modules can be mixed-in to a class using include. But what if you want to call the instance methods in a module directly?

module Math

def sin(x)




include Math # The only way to access Math.sin


The method Module#module_function solves this problem by taking module instance methods and copying their definitions into corresponding module methods.

module Math

def sin(x)



module_function :sin



include Math


The instance method and module method are two different methods: the method definition is copied by module_function , not aliased.

You can also use module_function with no parameters, in which case all subsequent methods will be module methods.

22.12 Access Control

private <symbol>* protected <symbol>* public <symbol>*

Ruby defines three levels of protection for module and class constants and methods:

  • Public. Accessible to anyone.
  • Protected. Can be invoked only by objects of the defining class and its subclasses.
  • Private. Can be called only in functional form (that is, with an implicit receiver of self). Private methods therefore can be called in the defining class and by that class’s descendents and ancestors, but only within the same object. See Section 3.3,Access Control for examples.

Each function can be used in two different ways:

  • If used with no arguments, the three functions set the default access control of subsequently defined methods.
  • With arguments, the functions set the access control of the named methods and constants.

Access control is enforced when a method is invoked.

22.13 Blocks, Closures, and Proc Objects

A code block is a set of Ruby statements and expressions between braces or a do/end pair. The block may start with an argument list between vertical bars. A code block may appear only immediately after a method invocation. The start of the block (the brace or the do) must be on the same logical source line as the end of the invocation.

invocation do | a1, a2, ... | end invocation { | a1, a2, ... | }

Braces have a high precedence; do has a low precedence. If the method invocation has parameters that are not enclosed in parentheses, the brace form of a block will bind to the last parameter, not to the overall invocation. The do form will bind to the invocation.

Within the body of the invoked method, the code block may be called using the yield keyword. Parameters passed to yield will be assigned to arguments in the block. A warning will be generated if yield passes multiple parameters to a block that takes just one. The return value of the yield is the value of the last expression evaluated in the block or the value passed to a next statement executed in the block.

A block is a closure ; it remembers the context in which it was defined, and it uses that context whenever it is called. The context includes the value of self, the constants, the class variables, the local variables, and any captured block.

class BlockExample


@@a = 3

def return_closure

a = 1

@a = 2

lambda { [ CONST, a, @a, @@a, yield ] }


def change_values

@a += 1

@@a += 1



eg =

block = eg.return_closure { "original" } # => [0, 1, 2, 3, "original"]

eg.change_values # => [0, 1, 3, 4, "original"]

Here, the return_closure method returns a lambda that encapsulates access to the local variable a, instance variable @a, class variable @@a, and constant CONST. We call the block outside the scope of the object that contains these values, but they are still available via the closure. If we then call the object to change some values, the values accessed via the closure also change.

Block Arguments

Block argument lists are very similar to method argument lists:

  • You can specify default values.
  • You can specify splat (starred) arguments.
  • The last argument can be prefixed with an ampersand, in which case it will collect any block passed when the original block is called.
  • Block-local variables are declared by placing them after a semicolon in the argument list.

These changes make it possible to use Module#define_method to create methods based on blocks that have similar capabilities to methods created using def.

Proc Objects

Ruby’s blocks are chunks of code attached to a method. Blocks are not objects, but they can be converted into objects of class Proc. There are four ways of converting a block into a Proc object.

  • By passing a block to a method whose last parameter is prefixed with an ampersand. That parameter will receive the block as a Proc object.

def meth1(p1, p2, &block)

puts block.inspect


meth1(1,2) { "a block" }


  • Produces:



  • By, again associating it with a block.[104]

block = { "a block" }

block # => #<Proc:0x007fd4a4064638@prog.rb:1>

  • By calling the methodObject#lambda, associating a block with the call.

block = lambda { "a block" }

block # => #<Proc:0x007f9d4c12c5c8@prog.rb:1 (lambda)>

  • Using the -> syntax.

lam = ->(p1, p2) { p1 + p2 }, 3) # => 7

  • Note that there cannot be a space between -> and the opening parenthesis.

The first two styles of Proc object are identical in use. We’ll call these objects raw procs. The third and fourth styles, generated by lambda and ->, add some functionality to the Proc object, as we’ll see in a minute. We’ll call these objects lambdas.

Here’s the big thing to remember: raw procs are basically designed to work as the bodies of control structures such as loops. Lambdas are intended to act like methods. So, lambdas are stricter when checking the parameters passed to them, and a return in a lambda exits much as it would from a method.

Calling a Proc

You call a proc by invoking its methods call , yield , or [] . The three forms are identical. Each takes arguments that are passed to the proc, just as if it were a regular method. If the proc is a lambda, Ruby will check that the number of supplied arguments match the expected parameters. You can also invoke a proc using the syntax name.(args...). This is mapped internally into

Procs, break, and next

Within both raw procs and lambdas, executing next causes the block to exit back to the caller of the block. The return value is the value (or values) passed to next, or nil if no values are passed.

def ten_times

10.times do |i|


puts "Caller likes #{i}"




ten_times do |number|

next(true) if number ==7



Caller likes 7

Within a raw proc, a break terminates the method that invoked the block. The return value of the method is any parameters passed to the break.

Return and Blocks

A return from inside a raw block that’s still in scope acts as a return from that scope. A return from a block whose original context is no longer valid raises an exception (LocalJumpError or ThreadError depending on the context). The following example illustrates the first case:

def meth1

(1..10).each do |val|

return val # returns from meth1



meth1 # => 1

The following example shows a return failing because the context of its block no longer exists:

def meth2(&b)



res = meth2 { return }


from prog.rb:6:in `call'

from prog.rb:6:in `<main>'

prog.rb:5:in `block in <main>': unexpected return (LocalJumpError)

And here’s a return failing because the block is created in one thread and called in another:

def meth3



t = do

meth3 { return }




from prog.rb:2:in `meth3'

from prog.rb:6:in `block in <main>'

prog.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <main>': unexpected return (LocalJumpError)

This is also true if you create the raw proc using .

def meth4

p = { return 99 }

puts "Never get here"


meth4 # => 99

A lambda behaves more like a free-standing method body: a return simply returns from the block to the caller of the block:

def meth5

p = lambda { return 99 }

res =

"The block returned #{res}"


meth5 # => "The block returned 99"

Because of this, if you use Module#define_method, you’ll probably want to pass it a proc created using lambda , not, because return will work as expected in the former and will generate a LocalJumpError in the latter.

22.14 Exceptions

Ruby exceptions are objects of class Exception and its descendents (a full list of the built-in exceptions is given in Figure 1, Standard exception hierarchy).

Raising Exceptions

The Object#raise method raises an exception:

raise raise string raise thing <, string stack trace>

The first form reraises the exception in $! or a new RuntimeError if $! is nil. The second form creates a new RuntimeError exception, setting its message to the given string. The third form creates an exception object by invoking the method exception on its first argument, setting this exception’s message and backtrace to its second and third arguments. Class Exception and objects of class Exception contain a factory method called exception , so an exception class name or instance can be used as the first parameter to raise .

When an exception is raised, Ruby places a reference to the Exception object in the global variable $!.

Handling Exceptions

Exceptions may be handled in the following ways:

  • Within the scope of a begin/end block:

begin code... code... <rescue parm => var then error handling code... >* <else no exception code...> <ensure always executed code...> end

  • Within the body of a method:

def method name and args code... code... <rescue parm => var then error handling code... >* <else no exception code...> <ensure always executed code...> end

  • After the execution of a single statement:

statement <rescue statement>*

A block or method may have multiple rescue clauses, and each rescue clause may specify zero or more exception parameters. A rescue clause with no parameter is treated as if it had a parameter of StandardError. This means that some lower-level exceptions will not be caught by a parameterless rescue class. If you want to rescue every exception, use this:

rescue Exception => e

When an exception is raised, Ruby scans the call stack until it finds an enclosing begin/end block, method body, or statement with a rescue modifier. For each rescue clause in that block, Ruby compares the raised exception against each of the rescue clause’s parameters in turn; each parameter is tested using parameter===$!. If the raised exception matches a rescue parameter, Ruby executes the body of the rescue and stops looking. If a matching rescue clause ends with => and a variable name, the variable is set to $!.

Although the parameters to the rescue clause are typically the names of exception classes, they can be arbitrary expressions (including method calls) that return an appropriate class.

If no rescue clause matches the raised exception, Ruby moves up the stack looking for a higher-level begin/end block that matches. If an exception propagates to the top level of the main thread without being rescued, the program terminates with a message.

If an else clause is present, its body is executed if no exceptions were raised in code. Exceptions raised during the execution of the else clause are not captured by rescue clauses in the same block as the else.

If an ensure clause is present, its body is always executed as the block is exited (even if an uncaught exception is in the process of being propagated).

Within a rescue clause, raise with no parameters will reraise the exception in $!.

Rescue Statement Modifier

A statement may have an optional rescue modifier followed by another statement (and by extension another rescue modifier, and so on). The rescue modifier takes no exception parameter and rescues StandardError and its children.

If an exception is raised to the left of a rescue modifier, the statement on the left is abandoned, and the value of the overall line is the value of the statement on the right:

values = [ "1", "2.3", /pattern/ ]

result = {|v| Integer(v) rescue Float(v) rescue String(v) }

result # => [1, 2.3, "(?-mix:pattern)"]

Retrying a Block

The retry statement can be used within a rescue clause to restart the enclosing begin/end block from the beginning.

22.15 catch and throw

The method Object#catch executes its associated block:

catch ( object ) do code... end

The method Object#throw interrupts the normal processing of statements:

throw( object <, obj> )

When a throw is executed, Ruby searches up the call stack for the first catch block with a matching object. If it is found, the search stops, and execution resumes past the end of the catch’s block. If the throw is passed a second parameter, that value is returned as the value of the catch . Ruby honors the ensure clauses of any block expressions it traverses while looking for a corresponding catch.

If no catch block matches the throw, Ruby raises an ArgumentError exception at the location of the throw.



As of Ruby 1.9, a comma may no longer be used to separate keys and values in hash literals. A comma still appears between each key/value pair.


Some of the information here is based on .


Such names will not be usable from other source files with different encoding.


Prior to Ruby 1.9, you could use a colon instead of then. This is no longer supported.


The retry keyword is no longer permitted in a loop context.


There’s also a built-in Object#proc method. In Ruby 1.8, this was equivalent to lambda . In Ruby 1.9 and later, it is the same as . Don’t use proc in new code.

Ruby and Microsoft Windows

Ruby runs in a number of environments. Some of these are Unix-based, and others are based on the various flavors of Microsoft Windows. Ruby came from people who were Unix-centric, but over the years it has developed a whole lot of useful features in the Windows world, too. In this chapter, we’ll look at these features and share some secrets that let you use Ruby effectively under Windows.

21.1 Running Ruby Under Windows

You’ll find two versions of the Ruby interpreter in the RubyInstaller distribution.

The ruby is meant to be used at a command prompt (a DOS shell), just as in the Unix version. For applications that read and write to the standard input and output, this is fine. But this also means that any time you run ruby, you’ll get a DOS shell even if you don’t want one—Windows will create a new command prompt window and display it while Ruby is running. This may not be appropriate behavior if, for example, you double-click a Ruby script that uses a graphical interface (such as Tk) or if you are running a Ruby script as a background task or from inside another program.

In these cases, you will want to use rubyw. It is the same as ruby except that it does not provide standard in, standard out, or standard error and does not launch a DOS shell when run.

You can set up file associations using the assoc and ftype commands so that Ruby will automatically run Ruby when you double-click the name of a Ruby script:

C:\> assoc .rb=RubyScript

C:\> ftype RubyScript="C:\ruby1.9\bin\ruby.exe" %1 %*

You may have to run the command prompt with elevated privileges to make this work. To do this, right-click it in the Start menu, and select Run As Administrator.

If you don’t want to have to type the rb, you can add Ruby scripts to your PATHEXT:

C:\> set PATHEXT=.rb;%PATHEXT%

21.2 Win32API

If you plan on doing Ruby programming that needs to access some Windows 32 API functions directly or that needs to use the entry points in some other DLLs, we have good news for you—the Win32API library.

As an example, here’s some code that’s part of a larger Windows application used by our book fulfillment system to download and print invoices and receipts. A web application generates a PDF file, which the Ruby script running on Windows downloads into a local file. The script then uses the print shell command under Windows to print this file.

arg = "ids=#{resp.intl_orders.join(",")}"

fname = "/temp/invoices.pdf"

site =, PORT)

site.use_ssl = true

http_resp, = site.get2("/ship/receipt?" + arg,

'Authorization' => 'Basic ' +

["name:passwd"].pack('m').strip ), "wb") {|f| f.puts(http_resp.body) }

shell ="shell32","ShellExecute",

['L','P','P','P','P','L'], 'L' )

shell.Call(0, "print", fname, 0,0, SW_SHOWNORMAL)

You create a Win32API object that represents a call to a particular DLL entry point by specifying the name of the function, the name of the DLL that contains the function, and the function signature (argument types and return type). In the previous example, the variable shell wraps the Windows function ShellExecute in the shell32 DLL. The second parameter is an array of characters describing the types of the parameters the method takes: n and l represent numbers, i represent integers, p represents pointers to data stored in a string, and v represents a void type (used for export parameters only). These strings are case insensitive. So, our method takes a number, four string pointers, and a number. The last parameter says that the method returns a number. The resulting object is a proxy to the underlying ShellExecute function and can be used to make the call to print the file that we downloaded.

Many of the arguments to DLL functions are binary structures of some form. Win32API handles this by using Ruby String objects to pass the binary data back and forth. You will need to pack and unpack these strings as necessary.

21.3 Windows Automation

If groveling around in the low-level Windows API doesn’t interest you, Windows Automation may—you can use Ruby as a client for Windows Automation thanks to Masaki Suketa’s Ruby extension called WIN32OLE. Win32OLE is part of the standard Ruby distribution.

Windows Automation allows an automation controller (a client) to issue commands and queries against an automation server, such as Microsoft Excel, Word, and so on.

You can execute an automation server’s method by calling a method of the same name from a WIN32OLE object. For instance, you can create a new WIN32OLE client that launches a fresh copy of Internet Explorer and commands it to visit its home page:


require 'win32ole'

ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')

ie.visible = true


You could also make it navigate to a particular page:


require 'win32ole'

ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')

ie.visible = true


Methods that aren’t known to WIN32OLE (such as visible , gohome , or navigate ) are passed on to the WIN32OLE#invoke method, which sends the proper commands to the server.

Getting and Setting Properties

An automation server’s properties are automatically set up as attributes of the WIN32OLE object. This means you can set a property by assigning to an object attribute. For example, to get and then set the Height property of Explorer, you could write this:


require 'win32ole'

ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')

ie.visible = true

puts "Height = #{ie.Height}"

ie.Height = 300

The following example uses the automation interface built into the OpenOffice suite to create a spreadsheet and populate some cells:[97]


require 'win32ole'

class OOSpreadsheet

def initialize

mgr ='')

desktop = mgr.createInstance("")

@doc = desktop.LoadComponentFromUrl("private:factory/scalc", "_blank", 0, [])

@sheet = @doc.sheets[0]


def get_cell(row, col)

@sheet.getCellByPosition(col, row, 0)


# tl: top_left, br: bottom_right

def get_cell_range(tl_row, tl_col, br_row, br_col)

@sheet.getCellRangeByPosition(tl_row, tl_col, br_row, br_col, 0)



spreadsheet =

cell = spreadsheet.get_cell(1, 0)

cell.Value = 1234

cells = spreadsheet.get_cell_range(1, 2, 5, 3)

cols = cells.Columns.count

rows = cells.Rows.count

cols.times do |col_no|

rows.times do |row_no|

cell = cells.getCellByPosition(col_no, row_no)

cell.Value = (col_no + 1)*(row_no+1)



Named Arguments

Other automation client languages such as Visual Basic have the concept of named arguments. Suppose you had a Visual Basic routine with the following signature:

Song(artist, title, length): rem Visual Basic

Instead of calling it with all three arguments in the order specified, you could use named arguments:

Song title := 'Get It On': rem Visual Basic

This is equivalent to the call Song(nil, "Get It On", nil).

In Ruby, you can use this feature by passing a hash with the named arguments:'title' => 'Get It On')

for each

Where Visual Basic has a for each statement to iterate over a collection of items in a server, a WIN32OLE object has an each method (which takes a block) to accomplish the same thing:


require 'win32ole'

excel ="excel.application")


excel.Range("a1").Value = 10

excel.Range("a2").Value = 20

excel.Range("a3").Value = "=a1+a2"

excel.Range("a1:a3").each do |cell|

p cell.Value



Your automation client written in Ruby can register itself to receive events from other programs. This is done using the WIN32OLE_EVENT class.

This example (based on code from the Win32OLE 0.1.1 distribution) shows the use of an event sink that logs the URLs that a user browses to when using Internet Explorer:


require 'win32ole'

urls_visited = []

running = true

def default_handler(event, *args)

case event

when "BeforeNavigate"

puts "Now Navigating to #{args[0]}..."



ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')

ie.visible = TRUE


ev =, 'DWebBrowserEvents')

ev.on_event {|*args| default_handler(*args)}

ev.on_event("NavigateComplete") {|url| urls_visited << url }

ev.on_event("Quit") do |*args|

puts "IE has quit"

puts "You Navigated to the following URLs: "

urls_visited.each_with_index do |url, i|

puts "(#{i+1}) #{url}"


running = false


# hang around processing messages

WIN32OLE_EVENT.message_loop while running


As with most (if not all) high-level languages, it can be all too easy to churn out code that is unbearably slow, but that can be easily fixed with a little thought.

With WIN32OLE, you need to be careful with unnecessary dynamic lookups. Where possible, it is better to assign a WIN32OLE object to a variable and then reference elements from it, rather than creating a long chain of “.” expressions.

For example, instead of writing this:

workbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").value = 1

workbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A2").value = 2

workbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A3").value = 4

workbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A4").value = 8

we can eliminate the common subexpressions by saving the first part of the expression to a temporary variable and then make calls from that variable:

worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1)

worksheet.Range("A1").value = 1

worksheet.Range("A2").value = 2

worksheet.Range("A3").value = 4

worksheet.Range("A4").value = 8

You can also create Ruby stubs for a particular Windows type library. These stubs wrap the OLE object in a Ruby class with one method per entry point. Internally, the stub uses the entry point’s number, not name, which speeds access.

Generate the wrapper class using the olegen.rb script, available in the Ruby source repository.[98] Give it the name of type library to reflect on:

C:\> ruby olegen.rb 'Microsoft TAPI 3.0 Type Library' >tapi.rb

The external methods and events of the type library are written as Ruby methods to the given file. You can then include it in your programs and call the methods directly.

More Help

If you need to interface Ruby to Windows NT, 2000, or XP, you may want to take a look at Daniel Berger’s Win32Utils project ( ). There you’ll find modules for interfacing to the Windows clipboard, event log, scheduler, and so on.

Also, the Fiddle library (described briefly in the library section) allows Ruby programs to invoke methods in dynamically loaded shared objects. This means your Ruby code can load and invoke entry points in a Windows DLL. For example, the following code pops up a message box on a Windows machine and determines which button the user clicked.


require 'fiddle'

user32 = DL.dlopen("user32.dll")

msgbox =['MessageBoxA'],



MB_OKCANCEL = 1, "OK?", "Please Confirm", MB_OKCANCEL)

This code wraps User32 DLL, creating a Ruby method that is a proxy to the underlying MessageBoxA method. It also specifies the return and parameter types so that Ruby can correctly marshal them between its objects and the underlying operating system types.

The wrapper object is then used to call the message box entry point in the DLL. The return values are the result (in this case, the identifier of the button pressed by the user) and an array of the parameters passed in (which we ignore).



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