Firmata and Python - Controlling Arduino from OSX - Arduino Development for OSX and iOS (2015)

Arduino Development for OSX and iOS (2015)

3. Controlling Arduino from OSX

3.3 Firmata and Python

pyFirmata uses Firmata protocol for implementation. It's based on the Processing Library for Arduino and currently support firmata v2.1. Further information, you can visit on . You can access the source code on .

Let's try this library to access Arduino.

You can install pyFirmata using pip and compiled from source code. The library needs pySerial, and you can install pySerial by following this guideline,

You can install pySerial via pip.

$ sudo pip install pyserial

You can install pySerial via easy_install tool.

$ sudo easy_install -U pyserial

After that, you can install Python Firmata as follows.

sudo pip install pyfirmata

You can install pyFirmata from source code.

git clone

cd pyFirmata

python install
