Geocoding - Adding the App Content - iOS App Development For Dummies (2014)

iOS App Development For Dummies (2014)

Part V. Adding the App Content

Chapter 18. Geocoding

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding geocoding

arrow Getting a feel for reverse geocoding

arrow Displaying the address of the user’s current location

There are two basic ways of identifying where you are on Earth. You can describe your location in coordinates of latitude and longitude, or you can describe your location in terms of an address. The latitude and longitude coordinates are based on geometry (remember Euclid) and on the assumption that the Earth is a regular sphere.

Addresses are based on history and politics. The geographic coordinates of the city now known as St. Petersburg have not changed over time (yes, I know that continental drift has an effect, but to all intents and purposes, it has been in the same place since its founding by Tsar Peter the Great on May 27, 1703). However, St. Petersburg’s name was changed to Petrograd, then to Leningrad, and after that back to St. Petersburg.

Despite the fact that geographic coordinates of a spot on Earth are essentially unchanging and the addresses are subject to change, most people commonly use addresses to describe locations on Earth. Most software that deals with mapping works with geographic coordinates, and it converts back and forth between them and addresses. This process is known as geocoding, and it comes in two flavors: forward and reverse geocoding.

This chapter shows you how to use iOS geocoding tools in your apps.

Understanding Geocoding on the iPad

Converting an address to a set of map coordinates is called forward geocoding, whereas converting from a set of coordinates to an address is called reverse geocoding. Both forward and reverse geocoding are supported in Apple’s CLGeocoder class — which is part of Apple’s CoreLocationframework. I showed you how to add the CoreLocation framework to the RoadTrip project way back in Chapter 11.

The CLGeocoder class provides services for converting between a coordinate (specified as a latitude and longitude) and the address of that coordinate. The CLGeocoder class also provides services for the reverse: returning the coordinate value for a text string that is the user-friendly representation of that coordinate.

To use a CLGeocoder object, first create it and then send it a forward- or reverse-geocoding message.

· Reverse-geocoding: These requests take a latitude and longitude value and find a user-readable address.

· Forward-geocoding: These requests take a user-readable address and find the corresponding latitude and longitude value. Forward-geocoding requests may also return additional information about the specified location, such as a point of interest or building at that location.

For both types of request, the results are returned as an array of CLPlacemark objects to a completion handler block. In the case of forward-geocoding requests, multiple placemark objects may be returned if the provided information yields multiple possible locations.

A CLPlacemark object contains, among other things, the following properties:

· location: Very useful for forward geocoding, which I explain in Chapter 19

· name: The name of the placemark

· addressDictionary: A dictionary containing the Address Book keys and values for the placemark

· ISOcountryCode: The abbreviated country name

· country: The name of the country

· postalCode: The postal code

· administrativeArea: The state or province

· subAdministrativeArea: Additional administrative area information (such as county)

· locality: The city

· subLocality: Additional city-level information such as neighborhood or a common name for the location

· thoroughfare: The street

· subThoroughfare: Additional street-level information, such as the building number

· region: The CLRegion

Landmark and geographic information may also be available in the CLPlacemark object in the following properties:

· areasOfInterest: The relevant areas of interest associated with the placemark

· inlandWater: The name of the inland water body associated with the placemark

· ocean: The name of the ocean associated with the placemark

To make smart decisions about what types of information to return, the geocoder server uses all the information provided to it when processing the request. For example, if the user is moving quickly along a highway, the geocoder might return the name of the overall region rather than the name of a small park that the user is passing through.

Here are some rather loose rules (Apple’s) for using the CLGeocoder object:

· Send at most one geocoding request for any single user action. That is, don’t start another request until the first one has completed.

· If the app needs the geocoded location in more than one map location, save and then reuse the results from the initial geocoding request instead of doing another one.

· When you want to update the user’s current location automatically (such as when the user is moving), issue new geocoding requests only when the user has moved a significant distance, a reasonable amount of time has passed, or both. For example, in a typical situation, you should not send more than one geocoding request per minute.

· Do not start a geocoding request if your app is inactive or in the background.

· An iOS-based device must have access to the network in order for the CLGeocoder object to return detailed placemark information. Although iOS stores enough information locally to report the localized country name and ISO country code for many locations, if country information is not available for a specific location, the CLGeocoder object may still report an error.

As you can probably surmise, geocoding is expensive — that’s why these rules emphasize caching data and not updating unless it’s necessary.

image You can use a CLGeocoder object either in conjunction with, or independent of, the classes of the MapKit framework.

In this chapter, I show you how to add the code to do a reverse geocode. Essentially, you are going to update the goToLocation: method to use reverse geocoding to display the address of the current location in the annotation. In the next chapter, you get to do pretty much the same thing in order to set up a forward geocode, although you send a different message and process the placemark differently.

Reverse Geocoding

You’ll begin the process of implementing reverse geocoding by adding a new instance variable to MapController.m to store a reference to the CLGeocoder object. You do all this by adding the bolded code in Listing 18-1 to MapController.m. As you’ll see later, you’ll need that reference to cancel a request.

Listing 18-1: Updating the MapController Implementation

#import "MapController.h"
#import "RTAppDelegate.h"
#import "Trip.h"

@interface MapController ()
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet MKMapView *mapView;
@property (strong, nonatomic) CLGeocoder *geocoder;

- (IBAction)mapType:(id)sender;
- (void)setInitialRegion;
- (NSString *)mapTitle;
- (void)addAnnotations;

Next, you allocate and initialize the CLGeocoder and send it a message to return the information for the current location. Adding the bolded code in Listing 18-2 to goToLocation in MapController.m does that for you.

Listing 18-2: Updating goToLocation

- (void)goToLocation:(id)sender {

void (^clGeocodeCompletionHandler)(NSArray *, NSError *)
^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error){

CLPlacemark *placemark = [placemarks
if (error!= nil || placemark == nil) {
NSLog(@"Geocoder failure! Error code: %u,
description: %@, and reason: %@", error.code,
[error localizedDescription],
else {
self.mapView.userLocation.subtitle =
[NSString stringWithFormat: @" lat:%f lon:%f",

if ([placemark.areasOfInterest objectAtIndex:0]) {
self.mapView.userLocation.title =
else {
if (placemark.thoroughfare) {
if (placemark.subThoroughfare)
self.mapView.userLocation.title =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@",

self.mapView.userLocation.title =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",
else {
if (placemark.locality) {
self.mapView.userLocation.title =
self.mapView.userLocation.title = @"Your

MKUserLocation *annotation = self.mapView.userLocation;
CLLocation *location = annotation.location;
if (nil == location)
CLLocationDistance distance =
MKCoordinateRegion region =
(location.coordinate, distance,
[self.mapView setRegion:region animated:NO];

if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] ==
UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
NSArray *itemsArray = self.toolbar.items];
UIBarButtonItem *locateButton = [itemsArray
objectAtIndex:[itemsArray count]-1];
locateButton.action = @selector(goToDestination:);
locateButton.title = @"Destination";
else {
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.action =
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.title =
self.geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc]init];
[self.geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:location


The code you've added allocates and initializes the CLGeocoder, sends it the message to reverse geocode, and provides it with a completion handler block (just as you did with the animation you did in Chapter 10).

self.geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc]init];
[self.geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:location

Sending the reverseGeocodeLocation:completionHandler: message is how you make a reverse-geocoding request for the specified location.

This method submits the location data to the geocoding server asynchronously and returns. Your completion handler block will be executed on the main thread. (The main thread encompasses the app’s main run loop — apps can add [spawn] additional threads, which is beyond the scope of this book.)

After initiating a reverse-geocoding request, you shouldn't make another reverse- or forward-geocoding request until the first request is completed.

For both types of requests, the results are returned to the completion block in a CLPlacemark object. In the case of forward-geocoding requests, multiple placemark objects may be returned if what you submitted results in more than one possible location.

image Note that the block is called whether or not the request is successful. It's invoked when the CLGeocoder either finds placemark information for its coordinate or receives an error. The CLPlacemark object, as you previously saw in the “Understanding Geocoding on the iPad” section, earlier in this chapter, will contain placemark data for a given latitude and longitude. Placemark data includes the properties that hold the country, state, city, and so on.

The completion handler is a block that appears in the following form:

void (^CLGeocodeCompletionHandler)
(NSArray *placemark, NSError*error);

As you can see, placemark contains an array of CLPlacemark objects. For most geocoding requests, this array should contain only one entry. However, forward-geocoding requests may return multiple placemark objects in situations in which the specified address couldn't be resolved to a single location.

If the request was canceled or an error in obtaining the placemark information occurred, placemark is nil.

error contains a pointer to an error object (if any) indicating why the placemark data wasn't returned.

if (error!= nil || placemark == nil) {
NSLog(@"Geocoder failure! Error code:%u, description:
%@, and reason: %@", error.code,
[error localizedDescription],
[error localizedFailureReason]);

image The CLGeocoder can fail for a variety of reasons, such as the service is down or it can’t find an address for the coordinate. If the CLGeocoder fails, you get back an error object that can have some useful information. I’ll leave it to you to explore the details of the error information on your own.

Although I simply log a message here, you may want to expand the user interface to inform the user what's happening. Doing so isn't important in this case because you can always just leave the annotation as Current Location, but when you start dragging annotations (which you can do, but won’t in this book), you might want to develop a plan for what to display in the annotation if the CLGeocoder fails.

If the CLGeocoder is successful, you update the userLocation annotation — provided, as always by the Map view (if you set the showsUserLocation property to YES as you did in Chapter 17) — in the completion handler. userLocation is a Map View property representing the user’s current location.

As I explain earlier, the CLPlacemark object returned when the block is invoked stores placemark data for a given latitude and longitude. To update what's displayed in the annotation using the information you get back from the geocoder, you start by setting the subtitle using the coordinatein the Placemark Location property:

self.mapView.userLocation.subtitle =
[NSString stringWithFormat: @" lat:%f lon:%f",

If an areasOfInterest exists in the placemark, you set the title to that:

if ([placemark.areasOfInterest objectAtIndex:0]) {
self.mapView.userLocation.title =

Otherwise, you see whether you have a thoroughfare and use that for the title (along with a subthoroughfare; together they provide the “street address”). Occasionally, however, you may find that a thoroughfare (street) exists, but no sub-thoroughfare (street number). When that's the case, you just display the thoroughfare.

if (placemark.thoroughfare) {
if (placemark.subThoroughfare)
self.mapView.userLocation.title =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@",
self.mapView.userLocation.title =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",


If no thoroughfare exists, you try for a locality, and if all else fails, you use a general-purpose location string.

if (placemark.locality ) {
self.mapView.userLocation.title = placemark.locality;
self.mapView.userLocation.title = @"Your location";

Because the CLGeocoder operates asynchronously, the user might tap the button to return to the Destination map before the CLGeocoder has completed the request. If that's the case, you’ll want to cancel the CLGeocoder request. To do so, add the bolded code in Listing 18-3 togoToDestination: in MapController.m.

Listing 18-3: Updating goToDestination:

- (void)goToDestination:(id)sender {

[self.geocoder cancelGeocode];
self.geocoder = nil;

[self setInitialRegion];
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.title =
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.action =

The cancelGeocode message cancels a pending geocoding request, which causes the completion handler block to be called.

You cancel the CLGeocoder request in this method because although you start the CLGeocoder in the goToLocation: method, it actually doesn’t return the information in that method. It operates asynchronously when it constructs the placemark, gives up, or sends an error. You also set the instance variable to nil so that ARC will release the CLGeocoder.

But not only might the user return to the Destination map before the geocoder request completes, he might also leave the Map view entirely and return to the Content controller. This means that you’ll want to cancel the request when the view disappears as well, and the logical place to do that is in viewWillDisappear:, which notifies the view controller that its view is about to be dismissed, covered, or otherwise hidden from view. In the Map controller, that will happen only if the user taps the Back button to return to the Main view.

Add viewWillDisappear: to MapController.m with the code in Listing 18-4. (If you added the capability to track user location changes in Chapter 17, viewWillDisappear will already be there.)

Listing 18-4: Overriding viewWillDisappear:

- (void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {

[self.geocoder cancelGeocode];
self.geocoder = nil;
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];

image After initiating a forward-geocoding request, don't make another forward- or reverse-geocoding request until the first one completes or you cancel it.

Figure 18-1 shows the result of your adventures in reverse geocoding.


Figure 18-1: Reverse geocoding.