iOS 9 Swift Programming Cookbook (2015)
Chapter 2. Apple Watch
2.13 Recording Audio in Your Watch App
You want to allow your users to record audio while inside your watch app, and you want to get access to the recorded audio.
Use the presentAudioRecorderControllerWithOutputURL(_:preset:options:completion:) method of your WKInterfaceController class to present a system dialog that can take care of audio recording. If you want to dismiss the dialog, use thedismissAudioRecordingController() method of your controller.
The options parameter of the presentAudioRecorderControllerWithOutputURL(_:preset:options:completion:) method accepts a dictionary that can contain the following keys:
This key, of type String, will be the title of our recorder.
This key, of type NSNumber, contains a Bool value to dictates whether the title should always be shown on the recorder.
This key, of type NSNumber, contains a Bool value to indicate whether recording should begin automatically when the dialog is presented.
This key, of type NSNumber, contains a NSTimeInterval value to dictate the maximum duration of the audio content.
For this recipe, we are going to create a watch app whose UI looks like that shown in Figure 2-48). it holds a label to show our current status (started recording, failed recording, etc.) and a button that, upon pressing, can show our recording dialog.
Figure 2-48. Label for status and button
Hook the label up to your code with the name statusLbl. Then hook your record button to your interface under a method named record(). Your interface code should look like this now:
class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {
@IBOutlet var statusLbl: WKInterfaceLabel!
Define the URL where your recording will be saved:
var url: NSURL{
let fm = NSFileManager()
let url = try! fm.URLForDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory.MusicDirectory,
inDomain: NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask,
appropriateForURL: nil, create: true)
return url
Also, because the completion block of our recording screen might not get called on the main thread, create a variable that can set the text inside our status label on the main thread:
var status = ""{
When your record button is pressed, construct your options for the recording:
let oneMinute: NSTimeInterval = 1 * 60
let yes = NSNumber(bool: true)
let no = NSNumber(bool: false)
let options = [
WKAudioRecorderControllerOptionsActionTitleKey : "Audio Recorder",
WKAudioRecorderControllerOptionsAlwaysShowActionTitleKey : yes,
WKAudioRecorderControllerOptionsAutorecordKey : no,
WKAudioRecorderControllerOptionsMaximumDurationKey : oneMinute
Last but not least, present your audio recorder to the user and then set the status accordingly:
preset: WKAudioRecorderPreset.WideBandSpeech,
options: options){
success, error in
guard success && error == nil else{
self.status = "Failed to record"
self.status = "Successfully recorded"
See Also