Creating a Magnetic Effect Between UI Components - UI Dynamics - iOS 9 Swift Programming Cookbook (2015)

iOS 9 Swift Programming Cookbook (2015)

Chapter 13. UI Dynamics

13.5 Creating a Magnetic Effect Between UI Components


You want to create a magnetic field between two or more UI elements.


Follow these steps:

1. Create your animator (see Recipe 13.1).

2. Create a collision detector of type UICollisionBehavior.

3. Create a magnetic field of type UIFieldBehavior using the magneticField() class method of UIFieldBehavior.

4. Add your magnetic field and collision detector to your animator.


I am basing this recipe on what we learned in Recipe 13.4 and Recipe 13.1.


Create a UI that looks similar to Figure 13-6.

Figure 13-6. Place 3 colorful views on your UI

Then link all views to an outlet collection called views in your code:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet var views: [UIView]!


Now that you have an array of views to which we want to apply a noise field and a magnetic field, it’s best to extend UIFieldBehavior so that you can pass it an array of UI elements instead of one element at a time:

extension UIFieldBehavior{

func addItems(items: [UIDynamicItem]){

for item in items{





Also, it’s best to extend UIDynamicAnimator so that you can add all our behaviors to our animator at once:

extension UIDynamicAnimator{

func addBehaviors(behaviors: [UIDynamicBehavior]){

for behavior in behaviors{





Now add a noise and collision behavior, plus your animator, using what you learned in Recipe 13.4. I won’t repeat that code here. Create a magnetic field and enable it on all your views (see Figure 13-6):

lazy var magnet: UIFieldBehavior = {

let magnet = UIFieldBehavior.magneticField()


return magnet


Last but not least, add your behaviors to the animator:

var behaviors: [UIDynamicBehavior]{

return [collision, noise, magnet]


override func viewDidLoad() {




Run the app and see the results for yourself:

Figure 13-7. The magnetic field causes all the views to attract one another

See Also