Publishing Software on Mac (2015)
This is for developers who wish to publish, sell, and deploy software for Mac running OSX 10.7+ on their own or a reseller's website. It is for those who wish to discourage others in the illegal casual copying, softlifting, or software piracy of their products and intellectual property without paying for them. You will learn how to package, sign, secure, and deploy your installation
What you get
You will get concise instructions on how to get your app packaged so you can sell it. You will not get a lot of theory, not a lot of words just simple instructions and many screen grabs. Code where applicable so you can copy, paste, and edit in app names, folders, etc. Tools you need to get the job
You will get a URL where you can download a Package installable on your Mac that has the following:
Sample Packages projects with full examples of the hierarchy, shell scripts, presentations, and more
Flow of a validation application you can code in your favorite programming language.
Web server script for validation, authorization, and computer fingerprint record entry.
You get everything you need to package your app, sign it, and protect it from casual copying.
Tools you need (besides this book)
Mac computer running OSX v10.7 or later (upgrade to 10.10 recommended).
Packages Software (free: to create packages)
Download from:
Apple Developer Certificate ($99/yr. to sign apps and packages)
Enroll at
See detail instructions in Chapter 3.
Apple Xcode tools (free) Download from the Member Center after you enroll. Note, while you will not be required to learn Xcode, you may need some of the utility apps.