21st Century C (2015)
Part I. The Environment
In the wilds outside the scripting languages’ walled gardens, there is an abundance of tools that solve the big annoyances about C, but you have to hunt for them. And I mean have to: many of these tools are absolutely necessary to write without pain. If you aren’t using a debugger (standalone or within an IDE), then you’re imposing arbitrary hardship on yourself.
There is also an abundance of existing libraries waiting to be used in your code, so you can work on the problem at hand instead of wasting time reimplementing linked lists, parsers, or other basics. It needs to be as easy as possible to compile your program using external libraries.
The following is an overview of Part I:
Chapter 1 covers setting up the basic environment, including getting a package manager and getting it to install all the requisite tools. This is all background for the interesting part, where we compile programs using libraries from elsewhere. The process is pretty standardized, involving a small set of environment variables and recipes.
Chapter 2 introduces tools for debugging, documenting, and testing, because what good is code until it’s debugged, documented, and tested?
Chapter 3 addresses Autotools, a system for packaging your code for distribution. But the chapter takes the long way, and so also covers more about writing shell scripts and makefiles.
Nothing complicates life like other people. Therefore, Chapter 4 covers Git, a system for keeping track of the slightly different versions of a project on your and your collaborators’ hard drives, and making the process of merging all those versions as simple as possible.
Other languages are a key part of the modern C environment, because so many languages advertise a C interface. Chapter 5 will offer some general notes on writing the interface, and give an extended example with Python.
Chapter 1. Set Yourself Up for Easy Compilation
Look out honey ’cause I’m using technology.
Iggy Pop, “Search and Destroy”
The C standard library is just not enough to get serious work done.
Instead, the C ecosystem has expanded outside of the standard, which means that knowing how to easily call functions from common but not-ISO-standard libraries is essential if you want to get past doing textbook exercises. If you want to work with an XML file, a JPEG image, or a TIFF file, then you will need libxml, libjpeg, or libtiff, which are all freely available but not part of the standard. Unfortunately, this is the point where most textbooks taper off and leave you to work it out for yourself, which is why you can find C detractors who will say self-dissonant things likeC is 40 years old, so you have to write everything from scratch in it—they never worked out how to link to a library.
Here is the agenda for the chapter:
Set up the requisite tools
This is much easier than it was in the dark days when you had to hunt for every component. You can set up a full build system with all the frills in maybe 10 or 15 minutes (plus all the download time to load so much good stuff).
Compile a C program
Yes, you know how to do this, but we need a setup that has hooks for the libraries and their locations; just typing cc myfile.c doesn’t cut it anymore. Make is just about the simplest system to facilitate compiling programs, so it provides a good model for discussion. I’ll show you the smallest possible makefile that offers enough room to grow.
Set up variables and add new libraries
Whatever system we use will be based on a small set of environment-like variables, so I’ll discuss what they do and how to set them. Once we have all that compilation machinery in place, adding new libraries will be an easy question of adjusting the variables we’ve already set up.
Set up a compilation system
As a bonus, we can use everything up to this point to set up a still simpler system for compilation, which will let us cut and paste code onto the command prompt.
A special note to IDE users: you may not be a make user, but this section will nonetheless be relevant to you, because for every recipe that make executes when compiling code, your IDE has an analogous recipe. If you know what make is doing, you’ll have an easy time tweaking your IDE.
Use a Package Manager
If you are not using a package manager, you are missing out.
I bring up package managers for several reasons: first, some of you may not have the basics installed. For you, I put this section first in the book, because you need to get these tools, and fast. A good package manager will have you set up quite rapidly with a full POSIX subsystem, compilers for every language you’ve ever heard of, a half-decent array of games, the usual office productivity tools, a few hundred C libraries, et cetera.
Second, as C authors, the package manager is a key means by which we can get libraries for folding into our work.
Third, if you are making the jump from being somebody who downloads packages to being somebody producing a package, this book will take you halfway, showing you how to prepare your package for easy autoinstallation, so that when the administrator of a package repository decides to include your code in the repository, he or she will have no problem building the final package.
If you are a Linux user, you set up your computer with a package manager and have already seen how easy the software obtention process can be. For Windows users, I’ll cover Cygwin below. Mac users have several options, such as Fink, Homebrew, and Macports. All the Mac options depend on Apple’s Xcode package, available for free via (depending on your Mac’s vintage) the OS install CD, the directory of installable programs, the Apple App Store, or by registering as a developer with Apple.
What packages will you need? Here’s a quick rundown of the C development basics. Because every system has a different organization scheme, some of these may be bundled differently, installed by default in a base package, or oddly named. When in doubt about a package, install it, because we’re past the days when installing too many things could somehow cause system instability or slowdown. However, you probably don’t have the bandwidth (or maybe even the disk space) to install every package on offer, so some judgment will be required. If you find that you are missing something, you can always go back and get it later. Packages to definitely get:
§ A compiler. Definitely install gcc; clang may be available.
§ GDB, a debugger.
§ Valgrind, to test for C memory usage errors.
§ gprof, a profiler.
§ make, so you never have to call your compiler directly.
§ pkg-config, for finding libraries.
§ Doxygen, for documentation generation.
§ A text editor. There are literally hundreds of text editors to choose from. Here are a few subjective recommendations:
§ Emacs and vim are the hardcore geek’s favorites. Emacs is very inclusive (the E is for extensible); vim is more minimalist and is very friendly to touch typists. If you expect to spend hundreds of hours staring at a text editor, it is worth taking the time to learn one of them.
§ Kate is friendly and attractive, and provides a good subset of the conveniences we expect as programmers, such as syntax highlighting.
§ As a last resort, try nano, which is aggressively simple, and is text-based, and therefore works even when your GUI doesn’t.
§ If you are a fan of IDEs, get one—or several. Again, there are many to choose from; here are a few recommendations:
§ Anjuta: in the GNOME family. Friendly with Glade, the GNOME GUI builder.
§ KDevelop: in the KDE family.
§ XCode: Apple’s IDE for OS X.
§ Code::blocks: relatively simple, works on Windows.
§ Eclipse: the luxury car with lots of cupholders and extra knobs. Also cross-platform.
In later chapters, I’ll get to these more heavy-duty tools:
§ Autotools: Autoconf, Automake, libtool
§ Git
§ Alternate shells, such as the Z shell.
And, of course, there are the C libraries that will save you the trouble of reinventing the wheel (or, to be more metaphorically accurate, reinventing the locomotive). You might want more, but here are the libraries that will be used over the course of this book:
§ libcURL
§ libGLib
§ libGSL
§ libSQLite3
§ libXML2
There is no consensus on library package naming schemes, and you will have to work out how your package manager likes to dissect a single library into subparts. There is typically one package for users and a second for authors who will use the library in their own work, so be sure to select both the base package and the -dev or -devel packages. Some systems separate documentation into yet another package. Some require that you download debugging symbols separately, in which case GDB should lead you through the steps the first time you run it on something lacking debugging symbols.
If you are using a POSIX system, then after you’ve installed the preceding items, you will have a complete development system and are ready to get coding. For Windows users, we’ll take a brief detour to understand how the setup interacts with the main Windows system.
Compiling C with Windows
On most systems, C is the central, VIP language that all the other tools work to facilitate; on a Windows box, C is strangely ignored.
So I need to take a little time out to discuss how to set up a Windows box for writing code in C. If you aren’t writing on a Windows box now, feel free to skip this segment and jump to “Which Way to the Library?”.
POSIX for Windows
Because C and Unix coevolved, it’s hard to talk about one and not the other. I think it’s easier to start with POSIX. Also, those of you who are trying to compile code on a Windows box that you wrote elsewhere will find this to be the most natural route.
As far as I can tell, the world of things with filesystems divides into two slightly overlapping classes:
§ POSIX-compliant systems
§ The Windows family of operating systems
POSIX compliance doesn’t mean that a system has to look and feel like a Unix box. For example, the typical Mac user has no idea that he or she is using a standard BSD system with an attractive frontend, but those in the know can go to the Utilities folder (inside the Applications folder), then open the Terminal program and run ls, grep, and make to their hearts’ content.
Further, I doubt that many systems live up to 100% of the standard’s requirements (like having a Fortran ’77 compiler). For our purposes, we need a shell that can behave like the bare-bones POSIX shell, a handful of utilities (sed, grep, make, etc.), a C99 compiler, and additions to the standard C library such as fork and iconv. These can be added as a side note to the main system. The package manager’s underlying scripts, Autotools, and almost every other attempt at portable coding will rely on these tools to some extent, so even if you don’t want to stare at a command prompt all day, these tools will be handy to have for installations.
On server-class OSes and the full-featured editions of Windows 7, Microsoft offers what used to be called INTERIX and is now called the Subsystem for Unix-based Applications (SUA), which provides the usual POSIX system calls, the Korn shell, and gcc. The subsystem is typically not provided by default but can be installed as an add-on component. But the SUA is not available for other current editions of Windows and will not be available for Windows 8, so we can’t depend on Microsoft to provide a POSIX subsystem for its operating systems.
And so, Cygwin.
If you were to rebuild Cygwin from scratch, this would be your agenda:
1. Write a C library for Windows that provides all the POSIX functions. This will have to smooth over some Windows/POSIX incongruities, such as how Windows has distinct drives like C: while POSIX has one unified filesystem. In this case, alias C: as /cygdrive/c, D: as /cygdrive/d, and so on.
2. Now that you can compile POSIX-standard programs by linking to your library, do so: generate Windows versions of ls, bash, grep, make, gcc, X, rxvt, libglib, perl, python, and so on.
3. Once you have hundreds of programs and libraries built, set up a package manager that allows users to select the elements they want to install.
As a user of Cygwin, all you have to do is download the package manager from the setup link at Cygwin’s website and pick packages. You will certainly want the preceding list, plus a decent terminal (try mintty, or install the X subsystem and use the xterm, because both are much friendlier than Windows’ cmd.exe), but you will see that virtually all of the luxuries familiar from a development system are there somewhere.
In “Paths”, I discuss various environment variables that affect compilation, including paths for searching for files. That’s not just for POSIX: Windows has environment variables as well, which you can find in the system settings segment of the control panel. Cygwin is much more usable if you add its bin directory (probably c:\cygwin\bin) to the Windows PATH.
Now you can get to compiling C code.
Compiling C with POSIX
Microsoft provides a C++ compiler, in the form of Visual Studio, which has a C89 compatibility mode (commonly referred to as ANSI C, even though C11 is the current ANSI standard). This is the only means of compiling C code currently provided by Microsoft. Many representatives from the company have made it clear that anything beyond support for a few C99 features (let alone C11 support) is not forthcoming. Visual Studio is the only major compiler that is still stuck on C89, so we’ll have to find alternative offerings elsewhere.
Of course, Cygwin provides gcc, and if you’ve followed along and installed Cygwin, then you’ve already got a full build environment.
By default, programs you compile under Cygwin will depend on its library of POSIX functions, cygwin1.dll (whether your code actually includes any POSIX calls or not). If you are running your program on a box with Cygwin installed, then you have no problem. Users will be able to click on the executable and run it as expected, because the system should be able to find the Cygwin DLL. A program compiled under Cygwin can run on boxes that don’t have Cygwin installed if you distribute cygwin1.dll with your code. On my machine, this is the path to cygwin:/bin/cygwin1.dll. The cygwin1.dll file has a GPL-like license (see “The Legal Sidebar”), in the sense that if you distribute the DLL separately from Cygwin as a whole, then you are required to publish the source code for your program.3
If this is a problem, then you’ll have to find a way to recompile without depending on cygwin1.dll, which means dropping any POSIX-specific functions (like fork or popen) from your code and using MinGW, as discussed later. You can use cygcheck to find out which DLLs your program depends on, and thus verify that your executable does or does not link to cygwin1.dll.
To see what other libraries a program or dynamically linked library depends upon:
§ Cygwin: cygcheck libxx.dll
§ Linux: ldd libxx.so
§ Mac: otool -L libxx.dylib
Compiling C Without POSIX
If your program doesn’t need the POSIX functions, then you can use MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows), which provides a standard C compiler and some basic associated tools. MSYS is a companion to MinGW that provides a shell and other useful utilities.
MSYS provides a POSIX shell (and you can find the mintty or RXVT terminals to run your shell in), or leave the command prompt behind entirely and try Code::blocks, an IDE that uses MinGW for compilation on Windows. Eclipse is a much more extensive IDE that can also be configured for MinGW, though that requires a bit more setup.
Or if you are more comfortable at a POSIX command prompt, then set up Cygwin anyway, get the packages providing the MinGW versions of gcc, and use those for compilation instead of the POSIX-linking default version of Cygwin gcc.
If you haven’t already met the Autotools, you’ll meet them soon. The signature of a package built using Autotools is its three-command install: ./configure && make && make install. MSYS provides sufficient machinery for such packages to stand a good chance of working. Or if you have downloaded the packages to build from Cygwin’s command prompt, then you can use the following to set up the package to use Cygwin’s Mingw32 compiler for producing POSIX-free code:
./configure --host=mingw32
Then run make && make install as usual.
Once you’ve compiled under MinGW, via either command-line compilation or Autotools, you’ve got a native Windows binary. Because MinGW knows nothing of cygwin1.dll, and your program makes no POSIX calls anyway, you’ve now got an executable program that is a bona fide Windows program, that nobody will know you compiled from a POSIX environment.
However, MinGW currently has a paucity of precompiled libraries.4 If you want to be free of cygwin1.dll, then you can’t use the version of libglib.dll that ships with Cygwin. You’ll need to recompile GLib from source to a native Windows DLL—but GLib depends on GNU’s gettext for internationalization, so you’ll have to build that library first. Modern code depends on modern libraries, so you may find yourself spending a lot of time setting up the sort of things that in other systems are a one-line call to the package manager. We’re back to the sort of thing that makes people talk about how C is 40 years old, so you need to write everything from scratch.
So, there are the caveats. Microsoft has walked away from the conversation, leaving others to implement a post-grunge C compiler and environment. Cygwin does this and provides a full package manager with enough libraries to do some or all of your work, but it is associated with a POSIX style of writing and Cygwin’s DLL. If that is a problem, you will need to do more work to build the environment and the libraries that you’ll need to write decent code.
Which Way to the Library?
OK, so you have a compiler, a POSIX toolchain, and a package manager that will easily install a few hundred libraries. Now we can move on to the problem of using those in compiling our programs.
We have to start with the compiler command line, which will quickly become a mess, but we’ll end with three (sometimes three and a half) relatively simple steps:
1. Set a variable listing the compiler flags.
2. Set a variable listing the libraries to link to. The half-step is that you sometimes have to set only one variable for linking while compiling, and sometimes have to set two for linking at compile time and runtime.
3. Set up a system that will use these variables to orchestrate the compilation.
To use a library, you have to tell the compiler that you will be importing functions from the library twice: once for the compilation and once for the linker. For a library in a standard location, the two declarations happen via an #include in the text of the program and a -l flag on the compiler line.
Example 1-1 presents a quick sample program that does some amusing math (for me, at least; if the statistical jargon is Greek to you, that’s OK). The C99-standard error function, erf(x), is closely related to the integral from zero to x of the Normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation √2. Here, we use erf to verify an area popular among statisticians (the 95% confidence interval for a standard large-n hypothesis test). Let us name this file erf.c.
Example 1-1. A one-liner from the standard library. (erf.c)
#include <math.h> //erf, sqrt
#include <stdio.h> //printf
int main(){
printf("The integral of a Normal(0, 1) distribution "
"between -1.96 and 1.96 is: %g\n", erf(1.96*sqrt(1/2.)));
The #include lines should be familiar to you. The compiler will paste math.h and stdio.h into the code file here, and thus paste in declarations for printf, erf, and sqrt. The declaration in math.h doesn’t say anything about what erf does, only that it takes in a double and returns adouble. That’s enough information for the compiler to check the consistency of our usage and produce an object file with a note telling the computer: “once you get to this note, go find the erf function, and replace this note with erf’s return value.”
It is the job of the linker to reconcile that note by actually finding erf, which is in a library somewhere on your hard drive.
The math functions found in math.h are split off into their own library, and you will have to tell the linker about it by adding an -lm flag. Here, the -l is the flag indicating that a library needs to be linked in, and the library in this case has a single-letter name, m. You get printf for free, because there is an implicit -lc asking the linker to link the standard libc assumed at the end of the linking command. Later, we’ll see GLib 2.0 linked in via -lglib-2.0, the GNU Scientific Library get linked via -lgsl, and so on.
So if the file were named erf.c, then the full command line using the gcc compiler, including several additional flags to be discussed shortly, would look like this:
gcc erf.c -o erf -lm -g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11
So we’ve told the compiler to include math functions via an #include in the program, and told the linker to link to the math library via the -lm on the command line.
The -o flag gives the output name; otherwise, we’d get the default executable name of a.out.
A Few of My Favorite Flags
You’ll see that I use a few compiler flags every time, and I recommend you do, too.
§ -g adds symbols for debugging. Without it, your debugger won’t be able to give you variable or function names. They don’t slow down the program, and we don’t care if the program is a kilobyte larger, so there’s little reason to not use this. It works for gcc, clang, and icc (Intel C Compiler).
§ -std=gnu11 is clang- and gcc-specific, and specifies that the compiler should allow code conforming to the C11 and POSIX standards (plus some GNU extensions). As of this writing, clang will default to using the C99 standard, and gcc the C89 standard. If your copy of gcc,clang, or icc predates C11, use -std=gnu99 to get it to use C99. The POSIX standard specifies that c99 be present on your system, so the compiler-agnostic version of the above line for compiling C99 code would be:
c99 erf.c -o erf -lm -g -Wall -O3
In the following makefiles, I get this effect by setting the variable CC=c99.
Depending on the vintage of your Mac, c99 may be a specially hacked version of gcc, which is probably not what you want. If you have a version of c99 that halts on the -Wall flag, or it is missing entirely, make your own. Put a bash script named c99 in the directory at the head of your path with the text:
gcc --std=gnu99 $*
clang $*
as you prefer. Make it executable via chmod +x c99.
§ -O3 indicates optimization level three, which tries every trick to build faster code. If, when you run the debugger, you find that too many variables have been optimized out for you to follow what’s going on, then change this to -O0. This will be a common tweak in the CFLAGS variable, later. This works for gcc, clang, and icc.
§ -Wall adds compiler warnings. This works for gcc, clang, and icc. For icc, you might prefer -w1, which displays the compiler’s warnings, but not its remarks.
Use your compiler warnings, always. You may be fastidious and know the C standard inside out, but you aren’t more fastidious or knowledgeable than your compiler. Old C textbooks filled pages admonishing you to watch out for the difference between = and ==, or to check that all variables are initialized before use. As a more modern textbook author, I have it easy, because I can summarize all those admonishments into one single tip: use your compiler warnings, always.
If your compiler advises a change, don’t second-guess it or put off the fix. Do everything necessary to (1) understand why you got a warning and (2) fix your code so that it compiles with zero warnings and zero errors. Compiler messages are famously obtuse, so if you are having trouble with step (1), paste the warning message into your Internet search engine to see how many thousands of others were confounded by this warning before you. You may want to add -Werror to your compiler flags so your compiler will treat warnings as errors.
I’ve got over 700,000 files on my hard drive, and one of them has the declarations for sqrt and erf, and another is the object file holding the compiled functions.5 The compiler needs to know in which directories to look to find the correct header and object file, and the problem will only get more complicated when we use libraries that are not part of the C standard.
In a typical setup, there are at least three places where libraries may be installed:
§ The operating system vendor may define a standard directory or two where libraries are installed by the vendor.
§ There may be a directory for the local sysadmin to install packages that shouldn’t be overwritten on the next OS upgrade from the vendor. The sysadmin might have a specially hacked version of a library that should override the default version.
§ Users typically don’t have the rights to write to these locations, and so should be able to use libraries in their home directories.
The OS-standard location typically causes no problems, and the compiler should know to look in those places to find the standard C library, as well as anything installed alongside it. The POSIX standard refers to these directories as “the usual places.”
But for the other stuff, you have to tell the compiler where to look. This is going to get byzantine: there is no standard way to find libraries in nonstandard locations, and it rates highly on the list of things that frustrate people about C. On the plus side, your compiler knows how to look in the usual locations, and library distributors tend to put things in the usual locations, so you might never need to specify a path manually. On another plus side, there are a few tools to help you with specifying paths. And on one last plus side, once you have located the nonstandard locations on your system, you can set them in a shell or makefile variable and never think about them again.
Let us say that you have a library named Libuseful installed on your computer, and you know that its various files were put in the /usr/local/ directory, which is the location officially intended for your sysadmin’s local libraries. You already put #include <useful.h> in your code; now you have to put this on the command line:
gcc -I/usr/local/include use_useful.c -o use_useful -L/usr/local/lib -luseful
§ -I adds the given path to the include search path, which the compiler searches for header files you #included in your code.
§ -L adds to the library search path.
§ Order matters. If you have a file named specific.o that depends on the Libbroad library, and Libbroad depends on Libgeneral, then you will need:
gcc specific.o -lbroad -lgeneral
Any other ordering, such as gcc -lbroad -lgeneral specific.o, will probably fail. You can think of the linker looking at the first item, specific.o, and writing down a list of unresolved function, structure, and variable names. Then it goes to the next item, -lbroad, and searches for the items on its still-missing list, all the while potentially adding new unresolved items, then checking -lgeneral for those items still on the missing list. If there are names still unlocated by the end of the list (including that implicit -lc at the end), then the linker halts and gives what is left of its missing-items list to the user.
OK, back to the location problem: where is the library that you want to link to? If it was installed via the same package manager that you used to install the rest of your operating system, then it is most likely in the usual places, and you don’t have to worry about it.
You may have a sense of where your own local libraries tend to be, such as /usr/local or /sw or /opt. You no doubt have on hand a means of searching the hard drive, such as a search tool on your desktop or the POSIX:
find /usr -name 'libuseful*'
to search /usr for files with names beginning with libuseful. When you find Libuseful’s shared object file is in /some/path/lib, the headers are almost certainly in /some/path/include.
Everybody else finds hunting the hard drive for libraries to be annoying, too, and pkg-config addresses this by maintaining a repository of the flags and locations that packages self-report as being necessary for compilation. Type pkg-config on your command line; if you get an error about specifying package names, then great, you have pkg-config and can use it to do the research for you. For example, on my PC, typing these two commands on the command line:
pkg-config --libs gsl libxml-2.0
pkg-config --cflags gsl libxml-2.0
gives me these two lines of output:
-lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -lxml2
These are exactly the flags I need to compile using GSL and LibXML2. The -l flags reveal that GNU Scientific Library depends on a Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) library, and the GSL’s BLAS library depends on the standard math library. It seems that all the libraries are in the usual places, because there are no -L flags, but the -I flag indicates the location for LibXML2’s header files.
Back on the command line, when you surround a command by backticks, the shell replaces the command with its output. That is, when I type:
gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gsl libxml-2.0` -o specific specific.c
the compiler sees:
gcc -I/usr/include/libxml2 -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -lxml2 -o specific specific.c
So pkg-config does a lot of the work for us, but it is not sufficiently standard that we can expect that everybody has it or that every library is registered with it. If you don’t have pkg-config, then you’ll have to do this sort of research yourself, by reading the manual for your library or searching your disk as we saw previously.
There are often environment variables for paths, such as CPATH or LIBRARY_PATH or C_INCLUDE_PATH. You would set them in your .bashrc or other such user-specific list of environment variables. They are hopelessly nonstandard—gcc on Linux and gcc on the Mac use different variables, and any other compiler may use others still. I find that it’s easier to set these paths on a per-project basis in the makefile or its equivalent, using -I and -L flags. If you prefer these path variables, check the end of your compiler’s manpage for the list of relevant variables for your situation.
Even with pkg-config, the need for something that will assemble all this for us is increasingly apparent. Each element is easy enough to understand, but it is a long, mechanical list of tedious parts.
Runtime Linking
Static libraries are linked by the compiler by effectively copying the contents of the library into the final executable. So the program itself works as a more-or-less standalone system. Shared libraries are linked to your program at runtime, meaning that we have the same problem with finding the library that we had at compile time all over again at runtime. What is worse, users of your program may have this problem.
If the library is in one of the usual locations, life is good and the system will have no problem finding the library at runtime. If your library is in a nonstandard path, then you need to find a way to modify the runtime search path for libraries. Options:
§ If you packaged your program with Autotools, Libtool knows how to add the right flags, and you don’t have to worry about it.
§ When compiling the program with gcc, clang, or icc based on a library in libpath, add:
LDADD=-Llibpath -Wl,-Rlibpath
to the subsequent makefile. The -L flag tells the compiler where to search for libraries to resolve symbols; the -Wl flag passes its flags through from gcc/clang/icc to the linker, and the linker embeds the given -R into the runtime search path for libraries to link to. Unfortunately, pkg-config often doesn’t know about runtime paths, so you may need to enter these things manually.
§ At runtime, the linker will use yet another path to find libraries not in the usual places and not annotated in an executable via -Wl,R.... This path can be set in your shell’s startup script (.bashrc, .zshrc, or whatever is appropriate). To ensure that libpath is searched for shared libraries at runtime, use:
§ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libpath:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH #Linux, Cygwin
There are those who warn against overuse of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (what if somebody puts a malicious impostor library in the path, thus replacing the real library without your knowledge?), but if all your libraries are in one place, it is not unreasonable to add one directory under your ostensible control to the path.
Using Makefiles
The makefile provides a resolution to all this endless tweaking. It is basically an organized set of variables and sequences of one-line shell scripts. The POSIX-standard make program reads the makefile for instructions and variables, and then assembles the long and tedious command lines for us. After this segment, there will be little reason to call the compiler directly.
In “Makefiles vs. Shell Scripts”, I’ll cover a few more details about the makefile; here, I’m going to show you the smallest practicable makefile that will compile a basic program that depends on a library. Here it is, all six lines of it:
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O3
$(P): $(OBJECTS)
§ Once ever: Save this (with the name makefile) in the same directory as your .c files. If you are using GNU Make, you have the option of capitalizing the name to Makefile if you feel that doing so will help it to stand out from the other files. Set your program’s name on the first line (useprogname, not progname.c).
§ Every time you need to recompile: Type make.
Your Turn: Here’s the world-famous hello.c program (Kernighan, 1978), in two lines:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){ printf("Hello, world.\n"); }
Save that and the preceding makefile to a directory, and try the previous steps to get the program compiled and running.
Setting Variables
We’ll get to the actual functioning of the makefile soon, but five out of six lines of this makefile are about setting variables (two of which are currently set to be blank), indicating that we should take a moment to consider environment variables in a little more detail.
Historically, there have been two main threads of shell grammar: one based primarily on the Bourne shell, and another based primarily on the C shell. The C shell has a slightly different syntax for variables, e.g., set CFLAGS="-g -Wall -O3” to set the value of CFLAGS. But the POSIX standard is written around the Bourne-type variable-setting syntax, so that is what I focus on through the rest of this book.
The shell and make use the $ to indicate the value of a variable, but the shell uses $var, whereas make wants any variable names longer than one character in parens: $(var). So, given the preceding makefile, $(P): $(OBJECTS) will be evaluated to mean
There are several ways to tell make about a variable:
§ Set the variable from the shell before calling make, and export the variable, meaning that when the shell spawns a child process, it has the variable in its list of environment variables. To set CFLAGS from a POSIX-standard command line:
export CFLAGS='-g -Wall -O3'
At home, I omit the first line in this makefile, P=program_name, and instead set it once per session via export P=program_name, which means I have to edit the makefile itself still less frequently.
§ You can put these export commands in your shell’s startup script, like .bashrc or .zshrc. This guarantees that every time you log in or start a new shell, the variable will be set and exported. If you are confident that your CFLAGS will be the same every time, you can set them here and never think about them again.
§ You can export a variable for a single command by putting the assignment just before the command. The env command lists the environment variables it knows about, so when you run the following:
PANTS=kakhi env | grep PANTS
you should see the appropriate variable and its value. This is why the shell won’t let you put spaces around the equals sign: the space is how it distinguishes between the assignment and the command.
Using this form sets and exports the given variables for one line only. After you try this on the command line, try running env | grep PANTS again to verify that PANTS is no longer an exported variable.
Feel free to specify as many variables as you’d like:
PANTS=kakhi PLANTS="ficus fern" env | grep 'P.*NTS'
This form is a part of the shell specification’s simple command description, meaning that the assignment needs to come before an actual command. This will matter when we get to noncommand shell constructs. Writing:
VAR=val if [ -e afile ] ; then ./program_using_VAR ; fi
will fail with an obscure syntax error. The correct form is:
if [ -e afile ] ; then VAR=val ./program_using_VAR ; fi
§ As in the earlier makefile, you can set the variable at the head of the makefile, with the lines like CFLAGS=. In the makefile, you can have spaces around the equals sign without anything breaking.
§ make will let you set variables on the command line, independent of the shell. Thus, these two lines are close to equivalent:
§ make CFLAGS="-g -Wall" Set a makefile variable.
CFLAGS="-g -Wall" make Set an environment variable visible to make and its children.
All of these means are equivalent, as far as your makefile is concerned, with the exception that child programs called by make will know new environment variables but won’t know any makefile variables.
In your C code, get environment variables with getenv. Because getenv is so easy to use, it can be useful for quickly setting options from the command prompt.
Example 1-2 prints a message to the screen as often as the user desires. The message is set via the environment variable msg and the number of repetitions via reps. Notice how there are defaults of 10 and “Hello.” in case getenv returns NULL (typically meaning that the environment variable is unset).
#include <stdlib.h> //getenv, atoi
#include <stdio.h> //printf
int main(){
char *repstext = getenv("reps");
int reps = repstext ? atoi(repstext) : 10;
char *msg = getenv("msg");
if (!msg) msg = "Hello.";
for (int i=0; i< reps; i++)
printf("%s\n", msg);
As previously, we can export a variable for just one line, which makes sending a variable to the program still more convenient. Usage:
reps=10 msg="Ha" ./getenv
msg="Ha" ./getenv
reps=20 msg=" " ./getenv
You might find this to be odd—the inputs to a program should come after the program name, darn it—but the oddness aside, you can see that it took little setup within the program itself, and we get to have named parameters on the command line almost for free.
When your program is a little further along, you can take the time to set up the POSIX-standard getopt or the GNU-standard argp_parse to process input arguments the usual way.
make also offers several built-in variables. Here are the (POSIX-standard) ones that you will need to read the following rules:
The full target filename. By target, I mean the file that needs to be built, such as a .o file being compiled from a .c file or a program made by linking .o files.
The target file with the suffix cut off. So if the target is prog.o, $* is prog, and $*.c would become prog.c.
The name of the file that caused this target to get triggered and made. If we are making prog.o, it is probably because prog.c has recently been modified, so $< is prog.c.
The Rules
Now, let us focus on the procedures the makefile will execute, and then get to how the variables influence that.
Setting the variables aside, segments of the makefile have the form:
target: dependencies
If the target gets called, via the command make target, then the dependencies are checked. If the target is a file, the dependencies are all files, and the target is newer than the dependencies, then the file is up-to-date and there’s nothing to do. Otherwise, the processing of the target gets put on hold, the dependencies are run or generated, probably via another target, and when the dependency scripts are all finished, the target’s script gets executed.
For example, before this was a book, it was a series of tips posted to a blog. Every blog post had an HTML and PDF version, all generated via LaTeX. I’m omitting a lot of details for the sake of a simple example (like the many options for latex2html), but here’s the sort of makefile one could write for the process.
If you are copying any of these makefile snippets from a version on your screen or on paper to a file named makefile, don’t forget that the whitespace at the head of each line must be a tab, not spaces. Blame POSIX.
all: html doc publish
pdflatex $(f).tex
latex -interaction batchmode $(f)
latex2html $(f).tex
scp $(f).pdf $(Blogserver)
I set f on the command line via a command like export f=tip-make. When I then type make on the command line, the first target, all, gets checked. That is, the command make by itself is equivalent to make first_target. That depends on html, doc, and publish, so those targets get called in sequence. If I know it’s not yet ready to copy out to the world, then I can call make html doc and do only those steps.
In the simple makefile from earlier, we had only one target/dependency/script group. For example:
OBJECTS=addition.o subtraction.o
$(P): $(OBJECTS)
This follows a sequence of dependencies and scripts similar to what my blogging makefile did, but the scripts are implicit. Here, P=domath is the program to be compiled, and it depends on the object files addition.o and subtraction.o. Because addition.o is not listed as a target, make uses an implicit rule, listed below, to compile from the .c to the .o file. Then it does the same for subtraction.o and domath.o (because GNU make implicitly assumes that domath depends on domath.o given the setup here). Once all the objects are built, we have no script to build the $(P) target, so GNU make fills in its default script for linking .o files into an executable.
POSIX-standard make has this recipe for compiling a .o object file from a .c source code file:
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $*.c
The $(CC) variable represents your C compiler; the POSIX standard specifies a default of CC=c99, but current editions of GNU make set CC=cc, which is typically a link to gcc. In the minimal makefile at the head of this segment, $(CC) is explicitly set to c99, $(CFLAGS) is set to the list of flags earlier, and $(LDFLAGS) is unset and therefore replaced with nothing. So if make determines that it needs to produce your_program.o, then this is the command that will be run, given that makefile:
c99 -g -Wall -O3 -o your_program.o your_program.c
When GNU make decides that you have an executable program to build from object files, it uses this recipe:
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) first.o second.o $(LDLIBS)
Recall that order matters in the linker, so we need two linker variables. In the previous example, we needed:
cc specific.o -lbroad -lgeneral
as the relevant part of the linking command. Comparing the correct compilation command to the recipe, we see that we need to set LDLIBS=-lbroad -lgeneral.
If you’d like to see the full list of default rules and variables built in to your edition of make, try:
make -p > default_rules
So, that’s the game: find the right variables and set them in the makefile. You still have to do the research as to what the correct flags are, but at least you can write them down in the makefile and never think about them again.
Your Turn: Modify your makefile to compile erf.c.
If you use an IDE, or CMAKE, or any of the other alternatives to POSIX-standard make, you’re going to be playing the same find-the-variables game. I’m going to continue discussing the preceding minimal makefile, and you should have no problem finding the corresponding variables in your IDE.
§ The CFLAGS variable is an ingrained custom, but the variable that you’ll need to set for the linker changes from system to system. Even LDLIBS isn’t POSIX-standard, but it is what GNU make uses.
§ The CFLAGS and LDLIBS variables are where we’re going to hook all the compiler flags locating and identifying libraries. If you have pkg-config, put the backticked calls here. For example, the makefile on my system, where I use Apophenia and GLib for just about everything, looks like:
§ CFLAGS=`pkg-config --cflags apophenia glib-2.0` -g -Wall -std=gnu11 -O3
LDLIBS=`pkg-config --libs apophenia glib-2.0`
Or, specify the -I, -L, and -l flags manually, like:
CFLAGS=-I/home/b/root/include -g -Wall -O3
LDLIBS=-L/home/b/root/lib -lweirdlib
§ After you add a library and its locations to the LDLIBS and CFLAGS lines and you know it works on your system, there is little reason to ever remove it. Do you really care that the final executable might be 10 kilobytes larger than if you customized a new makefile for every program? That means you can write one makefile summarizing where all the libraries are on your system and copy it from project to project without any rewriting.
§ If your program requires a second (or more) C file, add second.o, third.o, and so on to the OBJECTS line (no commas, just spaces between names) in the makefile at the head of this section.
§ If you have a program that is one .c file, you may not need a makefile at all. In a directory with no makefile and erf.c from earlier, try using your shell to:
§ export CFLAGS='-g -Wall -O3 -std=gnu11'
§ export LDLIBS='-lm'
make erf
and watch make use its knowledge of C compilation to do the rest.
To tell you the truth, I have no idea. It’s different across operating systems, both by type and by year, and even on one system the rules are often hairy.
Instead, Libtool, one of the tools introduced in Chapter 3, knows every detail of every shared library generation procedure on every operating system. I recommend investing your time getting to know Autotools and thus solve the shared object compilation problem once and for all, rather than investing that time in learning the right compiler flags and linking procedure for every target system.
Using Libraries from Source
So far, the story has been about compiling your own code using make. Compiling code provided by others is often a different story.
Let’s try a sample package. The GNU Scientific Library includes a host of numeric computation routines.
The GSL is packaged via Autotools, a set of tools that will prepare a library for use on any machine, by testing for every known quirk and implementing the appropriate workaround. “Packaging Your Code with Autotools” will go into detail about how you can package your own programs and libraries with Autotools. But for now, we can start off as users of the system and enjoy the ease of quickly installing useful libraries.
The GSL is often provided in precompiled form via package manager, but for the purposes of going through the steps of compilation, here’s how to get the GSL as source code and set it up, assuming you have root privileges on your computer.
wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl/gsl-1.16.tar.gz
tar xvzf gsl-*gz
cd gsl-1.16
sudo make install
Download the zipped archive. Ask your package manager to install wget if you don’t have it, or type this URL into your browser.
Unzip the archive: x=extract, v=verbose, z=unzip via gzip, f=filename.
Determine the quirks of your machine. If the configure step gives you an error about a missing element, then use your package manager to obtain it and run configure again.
Install to the right location—if you have permissions.
If you are trying this at home, then you probably have root privileges, and this will work fine. If you are at work and using a shared server, the odds are low that you have superuser rights, so you won’t be able to provide the password needed to do the last step in the script as superuser. In that case, hold your breath until the next section.
Did it install? Example 1-3 provides a short program to try finding that 95% confidence interval using GSL functions; try it and see if you can get it linked and running:
Example 1-3. Redoing Example 1-1 with the GSL (gsl_erf.c)
#include <gsl/gsl_cdf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
double bottom_tail = gsl_cdf_gaussian_P(-1.96, 1);
printf("Area between [-1.96, 1.96]: %g\n", 1-2*bottom_tail);
To use the library you just installed, you’ll need to modify the makefile of your library-using program to specify the libraries and their locations.
Depending on whether you have pkg-config on hand, you can do one of:
LDLIBS=`pkg-config --libs gsl`
LDLIBS=-lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
If it didn’t install in a standard location and pkg-config is not available, you will need to add paths to the heads of these definitions, such as CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include and LDLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-R/usr/local/lib.
Using Libraries from Source (Even if Your Sysadmin Doesn’t Want You To)
You may not have root access if you are using a shared computer at work, or at home if you have an especially controlling significant other. Then you have to go underground and make your own private root directory.
The first step is to simply create the directory:
mkdir ~/root
I already have a ~/tech directory where I keep all my technical logistics, manuals, and code snippets, so I made a ~/tech/root directory. The name doesn’t matter, but I’ll use ~/root as the dummy directory here.
Your shell replaces the tilde with the full path to your home directory, saving you a lot of typing. The POSIX standard only requires that the shell do this at the beginning of a word or just after a colon (which you’d need for a path-type variable), but most shells expand midword tildes as well. Other programs, like make, may or may not recognize the tilde as your home directory. In these cases, you can use the POSIX-mandated HOME environment variable, as in the examples to follow.
The second step is to add the right part of your new root system to all the relevant paths. For programs, that’s the PATH in your .bashrc (or equivalent):
By putting the bin subdirectory of your new directory before the original PATH, it will be searched first, and your copy of any programs will be found first. Thus, you can substitute in your preferred version of any programs that are already in the standard shared directories of the system.
For libraries you will fold into your C programs, note the new paths to search in the preceding makefile:
LDLIBS=-L$(HOME)/root/lib (plus the other flags, like -lgsl -lm ...)
CFLAGS=-I$(HOME)/root/include (plus -g -Wall -O3 ...)
Now that you have a local root, you can use it for other systems as well, such as Java’s CLASSPATH.
The last step is to install programs in your new root. If you have the source code and it uses Autotools, all you have to do is add --prefix=$HOME/root in the right place:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/root && make && make install
You didn’t need sudo to do the install step, because everything is now in territory you control.
Because the programs and libraries are in your home directory and have no more permissions than you do, your sysadmin can’t complain that they are an imposition on others. If your sysadmin complains anyway, then, as sad as it may be, it might be time to break up.
I suppose there was once a time when the manual was actually a printed document, but in the present day, it exists in the form of the man command. For example, use man strtok to read about the strtok function, typically including what header to include, the input arguments, and basic notes about its usage. The manual pages tend to keep it simple, sometimes lack examples, and assume the reader already has a basic idea of how the function works. If you need a more basic tutorial, your favorite Internet search engine can probably offer several (and in the case of strtok, see the section “A Pæan to strtok”). The GNU C library manual, also easy to find online, is very readable and written for beginners.
§ If you can’t recall the name of what you need to look up, every manual page has a one-line summary, and man -k searchterm will search those summaries. Many systems also have the apropos command, which is similar to man -k but adds some features. For extra refinement, I often find myself piping the output of apropos through grep.
§ The manual is divided into sections. Section 1 is command-line commands, and section 3 is library functions. If your system has a command-line program named printf, then man printf will show its documentation, and man 3 printf will show the documentation for the C library’s printf command.
§ For more on the usage of the man command (such as the full list of sections), try man man.
§ Your text editor or IDE may have a means of calling up manpages quickly. For example, vim users can put the cursor on a word and use K to open that word’s manpage.
Compiling C Programs via Here Document
At this point, you have seen the pattern of compilation a few times:
1. Set a variable expressing compiler flags.
2. Set a variable expressing linker flags, including a -l flag for every library that you use.
3. Use make or your IDE’s recipes to convert the variables into full compile and link commands.
The remainder of this chapter will do all this one last time, using an absolutely minimal setup: just the shell. If you are a kinetic learner who picked up scripting languages by cutting and pasting snippets of code into the interpreter, you’ll be able to do the same with pasting C code onto your command prompt.
Include Header Files from the Command Line
gcc and clang have a convenient flag for including headers. For example:
gcc -include stdio.h
is equivalent to putting
#include <stdio.h>
at the head of your C file; likewise for clang -include stdio.h.
By adding that to our compiler invocation, we can finally write hello.c as the one line of code it should be:
int main(){ printf("Hello, world.\n"); }
which compiles fine via:
gcc -include stdio.h hello.c -o hi --std=gnu99 -Wall -g -O3
or shell commands like:
export CFLAGS='-g -Wall -include stdio.h'
export CC=c99
make hello
This tip about -include is compiler-specific and involves moving information from the code to the compilation instructions. If you think this is bad form, well, skip this tip.
The Unified Header
Allow me to digress for a few paragraphs onto the subject of header files. To be useful, a header file must include the typedefs, macro definitions, and function declarations for types, macros, and functions used by the code file including the header. Also, it should not include typdefs, macro definitions, and function declarations that the code file will not use.
To truly conform to both of these conditions, you would need to write a separate header for every code file, with exactly the relevant parts for the current code file. Nobody actually does this.
There was once a time when compilers took several seconds or minutes to compile even relatively simple programs, so there was human-noticeable benefit to reducing the work the compiler has to do. My current copies of stdio.h and stdlib.h are each about 1,000 lines long (try wc -l /usr/include/stdlib.h) and time.h another 400, meaning that this seven-line program:
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
srand(time(NULL)); // Initialize RNG seed.
printf("%i\n", rand()); // Make one draw.
is actually a ~2,400-line program.
Your compiler doesn’t think 2,400 lines is a big deal anymore, and this compiles in under a second. So the trend has been to save users time picking headers by including more elements in a single header.
You will see examples using GLib later, with an #include <glib.h> at the top. That header includes 74 subheaders, covering all the subsections of the GLib library. This is good user interface design by the GLib team, because those of us who don’t want to spend time picking just the right subsections of the library can speed through the header paperwork in one line, and those who want detailed control can pick and choose exactly the headers they need. It would be nice if the C standard library had a quick-and-easy header like this; it wasn’t the custom in the 1980s, but it’s easy to make one.
Your Turn: Write yourself a single header, let us call it allheads.h, and throw in every header you’ve ever used, so it’ll look something like:
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
I can’t tell you exactly what it’ll look like, because I don’t know exactly what you use day to day.
Now that you have this aggregate header, you can just throw one:
#include <allheads.h>
on top of every file you write, and you’re done with thinking about headers. Sure, it will expand to perhaps 10,000 lines of extra code, much of it not relevant to the program at hand. But you won’t notice, and unused declarations don’t change the final executable.
If you are writing a public header for other users, then by the rule that a header should not include unnecessary elements, your header probably should not have an #include "allheads.h" reading in all the definitions and declarations of the standard library—in fact, it is plausible that your public header may not have any elements from the standard library at all. This is generally true: your library may have a code segment that uses GLib’s linked lists to operate, but that means you need to #include <glib.h> in that code file, not in the public library header.
Getting back to the idea of setting up a quick compilation on the command line, the unified header makes writing quick programs more quick. Once you have a unified header, even a line like #include <allheads.h> is extraneous if you are a gcc or clang user, because you can instead add -include allheads.h to your CFLAGS and never think about which out-of-project headers to include again.
Here Documents
Here documents are a feature of POSIX-standard shells that you can use for C, Python, Perl, or whatever else, and they will make this book much more useful and fun. Also, if you want to have a multilingual script, here documents are an easy way to do it. Do some parsing in Perl, do the math in C, then have Gnuplot produce the pretty pictures, and have it all in one text file.
Here’s a Python example. Normally, you’d tell Python to run a script via:
python your_script.py
Python lets you give the filename - to use stdin as the input file:
echo "print 'hi.'" | python -
You could, in theory, put some lengthy scripts on the command line via echo, but you’ll quickly see that there are a lot of small, undesired parsings going on—you might need \"hi\" instead of "hi", for example.
Thus, the here document, which does no parsing at all. Try this:
python - <<"XXXX"
print "\nThis script is %i lines long.\n" %(lines,)
§ Here documents are a standard shell feature, so they should work on any POSIX system.
§ The "XXXX" is any string you’d like; "EOF" is also popular, and "-----" looks good as long as you get the dash count to match at top and bottom. When the shell sees your chosen string alone on a line, it will stop sending the script to the program’s stdin. That’s all the parsing that happens.
§ There’s also a variant that begins with <<-. This variant removes all tabs at the head of every line, so you can put a here document in an indented section of a shell script without breaking the flow of indentation. Of course, this would be disastrous for a Python here document.
§ As another variant, there’s a difference between <<"XXXX" and <<XXXX. In the second version, the shell parses certain elements, which means you can have the shell insert the value of $shell_variables for you. The shell relies heavily on the $ for its variables and other expansions; the $ is one of the few characters on a standard keyboard that has no special meaning to C. It’s as if the people who wrote Unix designed it from the ground up to make it easy to write shell scripts that produce C code….
Compiling from stdin
OK, back to C: we can use here documents to compile C code pasted onto the command line via gcc or clang, or have a few lines of C in a multilingual script.
We’re not going to use the makefile, so we need a single compilation command. To make life less painful, let us alias it. Paste this onto your command line, or add it to your .bashrc, .zshrc, or wherever applicable:
go_flags="-g -Wall -include allheads.h -O3"
alias go_c="c99 -xc - $go_libs $go_flags"
where allheads.h is the aggregate header you’d put together earlier. Using the -include flag means one less thing to think about when writing the C code, and I’ve found that bash’s history gets wonky when there are #s in the C code.
On the compilation line, you’ll recognize the - to mean that instead of reading from a named file, use stdin. The -xc identifies this as C code, because gcc stands for GNU Compiler Collection, not GNU C Compiler, and with no input filename ending in .c to tip it off, we have to be clear that this is not Java, Fortran, Objective C, Ada, or C++ (and likewise for clang, even though its name is meant to invoke C language).
Whatever you did to customize the LDLIBS and CFLAGS in your makefile, do here.
Now we’re sailing, and can compile C code on the command line:
go_c << '---'
int main(){printf("Hello from the command line.\n");}
We can use a here document to paste short C programs onto the command line, and write little test programs without hassle. Not only do you not need a makefile, you don’t even need an input file.6
Don’t expect this sort of thing to be your primary mode of working. But cutting and pasting code snippets onto the command line can be fun, and being able to have a single step in C within a longer shell script is pretty fabulous.
3 Cygwin is a project run by Red Hat, Inc., which will also allow users to purchase the right to not distribute their source code as per the GPL.
4 Although MinGW has a package manager that installs the system basics and provides a number of libraries (mostly the ones needed for MinGW itself), this handful of precompiled libraries pales in comparison to the hundreds of packages provided by the typical package manager. In fact, the package manager for my Linux box has more MinGW-compiled libraries than the MinGW package manager has. This is as of this writing; by the time you read this, users like yourself may have contributed more packages to the MinGW repository.
5 You can try find / -type f | wc -l to get a rough file count on any POSIX-standard system.
6 There is a POSIX custom that if the first line of file is #!aninterpreter, then when you run file from the shell, the shell will actually run aninterpreter file. This works well for interpreted languages like Perl or Python (especially given that they take # as a comment marker and so ignore the first line). Given the hints in this segment, you could write a script (let us call it c99sh) that would do the right thing with a C file that started with #!c99sh: fix the first line, send the rest of the file via a pipe to the compiler, then execute the resulting program. However, Rhys Ulerich already wrote such a c99sh for you, and has published the script to GitHub.