21st Century C (2015)
Part II. The Language
Chapter 10. Better Structures
Twenty-nine different attributes and only seven that you like.
The Strokes, “You Only Live Once”
This chapter is about functions that take structured inputs, and improving the user interface to our libraries.
It starts by covering three bits of syntax introduced to C in the ISO C99 standard: compound literals, variable-length macros, and designated initializers. The chapter is to a great extent an exploration of all the things that combinations of these elements can do for us.
With just compound literals, we can more easily send lists to a function. Then, a variable-length macro lets us hide the compound literal syntax from the user, leaving us with a function that can take a list of arbitrary length: f(1, 2) or f(1, 2, 3, 4) would be equally valid.
We could use similar forms to implement the foreach keyword as seen in many other languages, or vectorize a one-input function so that it operates on several inputs.
Designated initializers make working with structs much easier, to the point that I’ve almost entirely stopped using the old method. Instead of illegible and error-prone junk like person_struct p = {"Joe", 22, 75, 20}, we can write self-documenting declarations such asperson_struct p = {.name="Joe", .age=22, .weight_kg=75, .education_years=20}.
Now that initializing a struct doesn’t hurt, returning a struct from a function is also painless and can go far to clarify our function interfaces.
Sending structs to functions also becomes a more viable option. By wrapping everything in another variable-length macro, we can now write functions that take a variable number of named arguments, and even assign default values to those the function user doesn’t specify. A loan calculator example will provide a function where both amortization(.amount=200000, .rate=4.5, .years=30) and amortization(.rate=4.5, .amount=200000) are valid uses. Because the second call does not give a loan term, the function uses its default of a 30-year mortgage.
The remainder of the chapter gives some examples of situations where input and output structs can be used to make life easier, including when dealing with function interfaces based on void pointers, and when saddled with legacy code with a horrendous interface that needs to be wrapped into something usable.
Compound Literals
You can send a literal value into a function easily enough: given the declaration double a_value, C has no problem understanding f(a_value).
But if you want to send a list of elements—a compound literal value like {20.38, a_value, 9.8}—then there’s a syntactic caveat: you have to put a typecast before the compound literal, or else the parser will get confused. The list now looks like (double[]) {20.38, a_value, 9.8}, and the call looks like this:
f((double[]) {20.38, a_value, 9.8});
Compound literals are automatically allocated, meaning that you need neither malloc nor free to use them. At the end of the scope in which the compound literal appears, it just disappears.
Example 10-1 begins with a rather typical function, sum, that takes in an array of double, and sums its elements up to the first NaN (Not-a-Number, see “Marking Exceptional Numeric Values with NaNs”). If the input array has no NaNs, the results will be a disaster; we’ll impose some safety below. The example’s main has two ways to call it: the traditional via a temp variable and the compound literal.
Example 10-1. We can bypass the temp variable by using a compound literal (sum_to_nan.c)
#include <math.h> //NAN
#include <stdio.h>
double sum(double in[]){
double out=0;
for (int i=0; !isnan(in[i]); i++) out += in[i];
return out;
int main(){
double list[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, NAN};
printf("sum: %g\n", sum(list));
printf("sum: %g\n", sum((double[]){1.1, 2.2, 3.3, NAN}));
This unremarkable function will add the elements of the input array, until it reaches the first NaN marker.
This is a typical use of a function that takes in an array, where we declare the list via a throwaway variable on one line, and then send it to the function on the next.
Here, we do away with the intermediate variable and use a compound literal to create an array and send it directly to the function.
There’s the simplest use of compound literals; the rest of this chapter will make use of them to all sorts of benefits. Meanwhile, does the code on your hard drive use any quick throwaway lists whose use could be streamlined by a compound literal?
This form is setting up an auto-allocated array, not a pointer to an array, so you’ll be using the (double[]) type, not (double*).
Initialization via Compound Literals
Let me delve into a hairsplitting distinction, which might give you a more solid idea of what compound literals are doing.
You are probably used to declaring arrays via a form like:
double list[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, NAN};
Here we have allocated a named array, list. If you called sizeof(list), you would get back whatever 4 * sizeof(double) is on your machine. That is, list is the array (as discussed in “Automatic, Static, and Manual Memory”).
You could also perform the declaration via a compound literal, which you can identify by the (double[]) header:
double *list = (double[]){1.1, 2.2, 3.3, NAN};
Here, the system first generated an anonymous list, put it into the function’s memory frame, and then it declared a pointer, list, pointing to the anonymous list. So list is an alias, and sizeof(list) will equal sizeof(double*). Example 8-2 demonstrates this.
Variadic Macros
I broadly consider variable-length functions in C to be broken (more in “Flexible Function Inputs”). But variable-length macro arguments are easy. The keyword is __VA_ARGS__, and it expands to whatever set of elements were given.
In Example 10-2, I revisit Example 2-5, a customized variant of printf that prints a message if an assertion fails.
Example 10-2. A macro for dealing with errors, reprinted from Example 2-5 (stopif.h)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //abort
/** Set this to \c 's' to stop the program on an error.
Otherwise, functions return a value on failure.*/
char error_mode;
/** To where should I write errors? If this is \c NULL, write to \c stderr. */
FILE *error_log;
#define Stopif(assertion, error_action, ...) { \
if (assertion){ \
fprintf(error_log ? error_log : stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \
fprintf(error_log ? error_log : stderr, "\n"); \
if (error_mode=='s') abort(); \
else {error_action;} \
} }
//sample usage:
Stopif(x<0 || x>1, return -1, "x has value %g, "
"but it should be between zero and one.", x);
Whatever the user puts down in place of the ellipsis (...) gets plugged in at the __VA_ARGS__ mark.
As a demonstration of just how much variable-length macros can do for us, Example 10-3 rewrites the syntax of for loops. Everything after the second argument—regardless of how many commas are scattered about—will be read as the ... argument and pasted in to the __VA_ARGS__marker.
Example 10-3. The ... of the macro covers the entire body of the for loop (varad.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#define forloop(i, loopmax, ...) for(int i=0; i< loopmax; i++) \
int main(){
int sum=0;
forloop(i, 10,
sum += i;
printf("sum to %i: %i\n", i, sum);
I wouldn’t actually use Example 10-3 in real-world code, but chunks of code that are largely repetitive but for a minor difference across repetitions happen often enough, and it sometimes makes sense to use variable-length macros to eliminate the redundancy.
Safely Terminated Lists
Compound literals and variadic macros are the cutest couple, because we can now use macros to build lists and structures. We’ll get to the structure building shortly; let’s start with lists.
A few pages ago, you saw the function that took in a list and summed until the first NaN. When using this function, you don’t need to know the length of the input array, but you do need to make sure that there’s a NaN marker at the end; if there isn’t, you’re in for a segfault. We could guarantee that there is a NaN marker at the end of the list by calling sum using a variadic macro, as in Example 10-4.
Example 10-4. Using a variadic macro to produce a compound literal (safe_sum.c)
#include <math.h> //NAN
#include <stdio.h>
double sum_array(double in[]){
double out=0;
for (int i=0; !isnan(in[i]); i++) out += in[i];
return out;
#define sum(...) sum_array((double[]){__VA_ARGS__, NAN})
int main(){
double two_and_two = sum(2, 2);
printf("2+2 = %g\n", two_and_two);
printf("(2+2)*3 = %g\n", sum(two_and_two, two_and_two, two_and_two));
printf("sum(asst) = %g\n", sum(3.1415, two_and_two, 3, 8, 98.4));
The name is changed, but this is otherwise the sum-an-array function from before.
This line is where the action is: the variadic macro dumps its inputs into a compound literal. So the macro takes in a loose list of doubles but sends to the function a single list, which is guaranteed to end in NAN.
Now, main can send to sum loose lists of numbers of any length, and it can let the macro worry about appending the terminal NAN.
Now that’s a stylish function. It takes in as many inputs as you have, and you don’t have to pack them into an array beforehand, because the macro uses a compound literal to do it for you.
In fact, the macro version only works with loose numbers, not with anything you’ve already set up as an array. If you already have an array—and if you can guarantee the NAN at the end—then call sum_array directly.
Multiple Lists
Now what if you want to send two lists of arbitrary length? For example, say that you’ve decided that your program should emit errors in two ways: print a more human-friendly message to screen and print a machine-readable error code to a log (I’ll use stderr here). It would be nice to have one function that takes in printf-style arguments to both output functions, but then how would the compiler know when one set of arguments ends and the next begins?
We can group arguments the way we always do: using parens. With a call to my_macro of the form my_macro(f(a, b), c), the first macro argument is all of f(a, b)—the comma inside the parens is not read as a macro argument divider, because that would break up the parens and produce nonsense [C99 and C11 §6.10.3(11)].
And thus, here is a workable example to print two error messages at once:
#define fileprintf(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define doubleprintf(human, machine) do {printf human; fileprintf machine;} while(0)
if (x < 0) doubleprintf(("x is negative (%g)\n", x), ("NEGVAL: x=%g\n", x));
The macro will expand to:
do {printf ("x is negative (%g)\n", x); fileprintf ("NEGVAL: x=%g\n", x);}
I added the fileprintf macro to provide consistency across the two statements. Without it, you would need the human printf arguments in parens and the log printf arguments not in parens:
#define doubleprintf(human, ...) do {printf human;\
fprintf (stderr, __VA_ARGS__);} while(0)
//and so:
if (x < 0) doubleprintf(("x is negative (%g)\n", x), "NEGVAL: x=%g\n", x);
This is valid syntax, but I don’t like this from the user interface perspective, because symmetric things should look symmetric.
What if users forget the parens entirely? It won’t compile: there isn’t much that you can put after printf besides an open paren that won’t give you a cryptic error message. On the one hand, you get a cryptic error message; on the other, there’s no way to accidentally forget the parens and ship wrong code into production.
To give another example, Example 10-5 will print a product table: given two lists R and C, each cell (i, j) will hold the product Ri Cj. The core of the example is the matrix_cross macro and its relatively user-friendly interface.
Example 10-5. Sending two variable-length lists to one function (times_table.c)
#include <math.h> //NAN
#include <stdio.h>
#define make_a_list(...) (double[]){__VA_ARGS__, NAN}
#define matrix_cross(list1, list2) matrix_cross_base(make_a_list list1, \
make_a_list list2)
void matrix_cross_base(double *list1, double *list2){
int count1 = 0, count2 = 0;
while (!isnan(list1[count1])) count1++;
while (!isnan(list2[count2])) count2++;
for (int i=0; i<count1; i++){
for (int j=0; j<count2; j++)
printf("%g\t", list1[i]*list2[j]);
int main(){
matrix_cross((1, 2, 4, 8), (5, 11.11, 15));
matrix_cross((17, 19, 23), (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13));
matrix_cross((1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13), (1)); //a column vector
Earlier, you saw that you can use a compound literal anywhere you would put an array or structure. For example, here is an array of strings declared via a compound literal:
char **strings = (char*[]){"Yarn", "twine"};
Now let’s put that in a for loop. The first element of the loop declares the array of strings, so we can use the preceding line. Then, we step through until we get to the NULL marker at the end. For additional comprehensibility, I’ll typedef a string type:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef char* string;
int main(){
string str = "thread";
for (string *list = (string[]){"yarn", str, "rope", NULL}; *list; list++)
printf("%s\n", *list);
It’s still noisy, so let’s hide all the syntactic noise in a macro. Then main is as clean as can be:
#include <stdio.h>
//I'll do it without the typedef this time.
#define Foreach_string(iterator, ...)\
for (char **iterator = (char*[]){__VA_ARGS__, NULL}; *iterator; iterator++)
int main(){
char *str = "thread";
Foreach_string(i, "yarn", str, "rope"){
printf("%s\n", *i);
Vectorize a Function
The free function takes exactly one argument, so we often have a long cleanup at the end of a function of the form:
How annoying! No self-respecting LISPer would ever allow such redundancy to stand, but would write a vectorized free function that would allow:
free_all(ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, ptr4);
If you’ve read the chapter to this point, then the following sentence will make complete sense to you: we can write a variadic macro that generates an array (ended by a stopper) via compound literal, then runs a for loop that applies the function to each element of the array. Example 10-6adds it all up.
Example 10-6. The machinery to vectorize any function that takes in any type of pointer (vectorize.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //malloc, free
#define Fn_apply(type, fn, ...) { \
void *stopper_for_apply = (int[]){0}; \
type **list_for_apply = (type*[]){__VA_ARGS__, stopper_for_apply}; \
for (int i=0; list_for_apply[i] != stopper_for_apply; i++) \
fn(list_for_apply[i]); \
#define Free_all(...) Fn_apply(void, free, __VA_ARGS__);
int main(){
double *x= malloc(10);
double *y= malloc(100);
double *z= malloc(1000);
Free_all(x, y, z);
For added safety, the macro takes in a type name. I put it before the function name, because the type-then-name ordering is reminiscent of a function declaration.
We need a stopper that we can guarantee won’t match any in-use pointers, including any NULL pointers, so we use the compound literal form to allocate an array holding a single integer and point to that. Notice how the stopping condition of the for loop looks at the pointers themselves, not what they are pointing to.
Now that the machinery is in place, we can wrap this vectorizing macro around anything that takes in a pointer. For the GSL, you could define:
#define Gsl_vector_free_all(...) \
Fn_apply(gsl_vector, gsl_vector_free, __VA_ARGS__);
#define Gsl_matrix_free_all(...) \
Fn_apply(gsl_matrix, gsl_matrix_free, __VA_ARGS__);
We still get compile-time type-checking (unless we set the pointer type to void), which ensures that the macro inputs are a list of pointers of the same type. To take in a set of heterogeneous elements, we need one more feature—designated initializers.
Designated Initializers
I’m going to define this term by example. Here is a short program that prints a 3-by-3 grid to the screen, with a star in one spot. You get to specify whether you want the star to be in the upper right, left center, or wherever by setting up a direction_s structure.
The focus of Example 10-7 is in main, where we declare three of these structures using designated initializers—i.e., we designate the name of each structure element in the initializer.
Example 10-7. Using designated initializers to specify a structure (boxes.c)
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct {
char *name;
int left, right, up, down;
} direction_s;
void this_row(direction_s d); //these functions are below
void draw_box(direction_s d);
int main(){
direction_s D = {.name="left", .left=1};
D = (direction_s) {"upper right", .up=1, .right=1};
void this_row(direction_s d){
printf( d.left ? "*..\n"
: d.right ? "..*\n"
: ".*.\n");
void draw_box(direction_s d){
printf("%s:\n", (d.name ? d.name : "a box"));
d.up ? this_row(d) : printf("...\n");
(!d.up && !d.down) ? this_row(d) : printf("...\n");
d.down ? this_row(d) : printf("...\n");
This is our first designated initializer. Because .right, .up, and .down are not specified, they are initialized to zero.
It seems natural that the name goes first, so we can use it as the first initializer, with no label, without ambiguity.
This is the extreme case, where everything is initialized to zero.
Everything after this line is about printing the box to the screen, so there’s nothing novel after this point.
The old school method of filling structs was to memorize the order of struct elements and initialize all of them without any labels, so the upper right declaration without a label would be:
direction_s upright = {NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0};
This is illegible and makes people hate C. Outside of the rare situation where the order is truly natural and obvious, please consider the unlabeled form to be deprecated.
§ Did you notice that in the setup of the upper right struct, I had designated elements out of order relative to the order in the structure declaration? Life is too short to remember the order of arbitrarily ordered sets—let the compiler sort ’em out.
§ The elements not declared are initialized to zero. No elements are left undefined. [C99 § 6.7.8(21) and C11 § 6.7.9(21)]
§ You can mix designated and not-designated initializers. In Example 10-7, it seemed natural enough that the name comes first (and that a string like "upper right" isn’t an integer), so when the name isn’t explicitly tagged as such, the declaration is still legible. The rule is that the compiler picks up where it left off:
§ typedef struct{
§ int one;
§ double two, three, four;
§ } n_s;
§ n_s justone = {10, .three=8}; //10 with no label gets dropped into
§ //the first slot: .one=10
§ n_s threefour = {.two=8, 3, 4}; //By the pick up where you left off rule, 3 gets put in
//the next slot after .two: .three=3 and .four=4
§ I had introduced compound literals in terms of arrays, but being that structs are more or less arrays with named and oddly sized elements, you can use them for structs, too, as I did in the upper right and center structs in the sample code. As before, you need to add a cast-like(typename) before the curly braces. The first example in main is a direct declaration and so doesn’t need a compound initializer syntax, while later assignments set up an anonymous struct via compound literal and then copy that anonymous struct to D or send it to a subfunction.
Your Turn: Rewrite every struct declaration in all of your code to use designated initializers. I mean this. The old school way, without markers for which initializer went where, was terrible. Notice also that you can rewrite junk like
direction_s D;
D.left = 1;
D.right = 0;
D.up = 1;
D.down = 0;
direction_s D = {.left=1, .up=1};
Initialize Arrays and Structs with Zeros
If you declare a variable inside a function, then C won’t zero it out automatically (which is perhaps odd for things called automatic variables). I’m guessing that the rationale here is a speed savings: when setting up the frame for a function, zeroing out bits is extra time spent, which could potentially add up if you call the function a million times and it’s 1985.
But here in the present, leaving a variable undefined is asking for trouble.
For simple numeric data, set it to zero on the line where you declare the variable. For pointers, including strings, set it to NULL. That’s easy enough, as long as you remember (and a good compiler will warn you if you risk using a variable before it is initialized).
For structs and arrays of constant size, I just showed you that if you use designated initializers but leave some elements blank, those blank elements get set to zero. You can therefore set the whole structure to zero by assigning a complete blank. Here’s a do-nothing program to demonstrate the idea:
typedef struct {
int la, de, da;
} ladeda_s;
int main(){
ladeda_s emptystruct = {};
int ll[20] = {};
Isn’t that easy and sweet?
Now for the sad part: let us say that you have a variable-length array (i.e., one whose length is set by a runtime variable). The only way to zero it out is via memset:
int main(){
int length=20;
int ll[length];
memset(ll, 0, 20*sizeof(int));
So it goes.22
Your Turn: Write yourself a macro to declare a variable-length array and set all of its elements to zero. You’ll need inputs listing the type, name, and size.
For arrays that are sparse but not entirely empty, you can use designated initializers:
//By the pick up where you left off rule, equivalent to {0, 0, 1.1, 0, 0, 2.2, 3.3}:
double list1[7] = {[2]=1.1, [5]=2.2, 3.3}
Typedefs Save the Day
Designated initializers give new life to structs, and the rest of this chapter is largely a reconsideration of what structs can do for us now that they don’t hurt so much to use.
But first, you’ve got to declare the format of your structs. Here’s a sample of the format I use:
typedef struct newstruct_s {
int a, b;
double c, d;
} newstruct_s;
This declares a new type (newstruct_s) that happens to be a structure of the given form (struct newstruct_s). You’ll here and there find authors who come up with two different names for the struct tag and the typedef, such as typedef struct _nst { ... } newstruct_s;. This is unnecessary: struct tags have a separate namespace from other identifiers [K&R 2nd ed. §A8.3 (p. 213); C99 and C11 §6.2.3(1)], so there is never ambiguity to the compiler. I find that repeating the name doesn’t produce any ambiguity for us humans either, and saves the trouble of inventing another naming convention.
The POSIX standard reserves names ending in _t for future types that might one day be added to the standard. Formally, the C standard only reserves int..._t and unit..._t, but each new standard slips in all sorts of new types ending in _t via optional headers. A lot of people don’t spend a second worrying about potential name clashes their code will face when C22 comes out, and use the _t ending freely. In this book, I end struct names with _s.
You can declare a structure of this type in two ways:
newstruct_s ns1;
struct newstruct_s ns2;
There are only a few reasons for why you would need the struct newstruct_s name instead of just newstruct_s:
§ If you’ve got a struct that includes one of its own kind as an element (such as how the next pointer of a linked-list structure is to another linked-list structure). For example:
§ typedef struct newstruct_s {
§ int a, b;
§ double c, d;
§ struct newstruct_s *next;
} newstruct_s;
§ The standard for C11 anonymous structs goes out of its way to require that you use the struct newstruct_s form. This will come up in “C, with fewer seams”.
§ Some people just kinda like using the struct newstruct_s format, which brings us to a note on style.
A Style Note
I was surprised to see that there are people in the world who think that typedefs are obfuscatory. For example, from the Linux-kernel style file: “When you see a vps_t a; in the source, what does it mean? In contrast, if it says struct virtual_container *a; you can actually tell whata is.” The natural response to this is that having a longer name—and even one ending in container—clarifies the code, not the word struct hanging at the beginning.
But this typedef aversion had to come from somewhere. Further research turned up several sources that advise using typedefs to define units. For example:
typedef double inches;
typedef double meters;
inches length1;
meters length2;
Now you have to look up what inches really is every time it is used (unsigned int? double?), and it doesn’t even afford any error protection. A hundred lines down, when you assign:
length1 = length2;
you have already forgotten about the clever type declaration, and the typical C compiler won’t flag this as an error. If you need to take care of units, attach them to the variable name, so the error will be evident:
double length1_inches, length2_meters;
//100 lines later:
length1_inches = length2_meters; //this line is self-evidently wrong.
It makes sense to use typedefs that are global, and their internals should be known by the user as sparingly as those of any other global elements, because looking up their declaration is as much a distraction as looking up the declaration of a variable, so they can impose cognitive load at the same time that they impose structure.
That said, it’s hard to find a production library that doesn’t rely heavily on typdeffed global structures, like the GSL’s gsl_vectors and gsl_matrixes; or GLib’s hashes, trees, and plethora of other objects. Even the source code for Git, written by Linus Torvalds to be the revision control system for the Linux kernel, has a few carefully placed typedefed structures.
Also, the scope of a typedef is the same as the scope of any other declaration. That means that you can typedef things inside a single file and not worry about them cluttering up the namespace outside that file, and you might even find reason to have typedefs inside a single function. You might have noticed that most of the typedefs so far are local, meaning that the reader can look up the definition by scanning back a few lines, and when they are global (i.e., in a header to be included everywhere), they are somehow hidden in a wrapper, meaning that the reader never has to look up the definition at all. So we can write structs that do not impose cognitive load.
Return Multiple Items from a Function
A mathematical function doesn’t have to map to one dimension. For example, a function that maps to a 2D point (x, y) is nothing at all spectacular.
Python (among other languages) lets you return multiple return values using lists, like this:
#Given the standard paper size name, return its width, height
def width_length(papertype):
if (papertype=="A4"):
return [210, 297]
if (papertype=="Letter"):
return [216, 279]
if (papertype=="Legal"):
return [216, 356]
[a, b] = width_length("A4");
print("width= %i, height=%i" %(a, b))
In C, you can always return a struct, and thus as many subelements as desired. This is why I was praising the joys of having throwaway structs earlier: generating a function-specific struct is not a big deal.
Let’s face it: C is still going to be more verbose than languages that have a special syntax for returning lists. But as demonstrated in Example 10-8, it is not impossible to clearly express that the function is returning a value in ℝ2.
Example 10-8. If you need to return multiple values from a function, return a struct (papersize.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h> //strcasecmp (from POSIX)
#include <math.h> //NaN
typedef struct {
double width, height;
} size_s;
size_s width_height(char *papertype){
!strcasecmp(papertype, "A4") ? (size_s) {.width=210, .height=297}
: !strcasecmp(papertype, "Letter") ? (size_s) {.width=216, .height=279}
: !strcasecmp(papertype, "Legal") ? (size_s) {.width=216, .height=356}
: (size_s) {.width=NAN, .height=NAN};
int main(){
size_s a4size = width_height("a4");
printf("width= %g, height=%g\n", a4size.width, a4size.height);
The code sample uses the condition? iftrue : else form, which is a single expression, and so can appear after the return. Notice how a sequence of these cascades neatly into a sequence of cases (including that last catchall else clause at the end). I like to format this sort of thing into a nice little table; you can find people who call this terrible style.
The alternative is to use pointers, which is common and not considered bad form, but it certainly obfuscates what is input and what is output, and makes the version with the extra typedef look stylistically great:
//Return height and width via pointer:
void width_height(char *papertype, double *width, double *height);
//or return width directly and height via pointer:
double width_height(char *papertype, double *height);
Reporting Errors
Pete Goodliffe discusses the various means of returning an error code from a function and is somewhat pessimistic about the options.
§ In some cases, the value returned can have a specific semaphore value, like -1 for integers or NaN for floating-point numbers (but cases where the full range of the variable is valid are common enough).
§ You can set a global error flag, but in 2006, Goodliffe was unable to recommend using the C11 _Thread_local keyword to allow multiple threads to allow the flag to work properly when running in parallel. Although a global-to-the-program error flag is typically unworkable, a small suite of functions that work closely together could conceivably be written with a _Thread_local file-scope variable.
§ The third option is to “return a compound data type (or tuple) containing both the return value and an error code. This is rather clumsy in the popular C-like languages and is seldom seen in them.”
To this point in the chapter, you have seen that there are many benefits to returning a struct, and modern C provides lots of facilities (typedefs, designated initalizers) that eliminate most of the clumsiness.
Any time you are writing a new struct, consider adding an error or status element. Whenever your new struct is returned from a function, you’ll then have a built-in means of communicating whether it is valid for use.
Example 10-9 turns a physics 101 equation into an error-checked function to answer the question: given that an ideal object of a given mass has been in freefall to Earth for a given number of seconds, what is its kinetic energy?
I tricked it up with a lot of macros, because I find that authors tend to be more comfortable writing error-handling macros in C than for most other problems, perhaps because nobody wants error-checking to overwhelm the central flow of the story.
Example 10-9. If your function returns a value and an error, you can use a struct to do so (errortuple.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h> //NaN, pow
#define make_err_s(intype, shortname) \
typedef struct { \
intype value; \
char const *error; \
} shortname##_err_s;
make_err_s(double, double)
make_err_s(int, int)
make_err_s(char *, string)
double_err_s free_fall_energy(double time, double mass){
double_err_s out = {}; //initialize to all zeros.
out.error = time < 0 ? "negative time"
: mass < 0 ? "negative mass"
: isnan(time) ? "NaN time"
: isnan(mass) ? "NaN mass"
if (out.error) return out;
double velocity = 9.8*time;
out.value = mass*pow(velocity, 2)/2.;
return out;
#define Check_err(checkme, return_val) \
if (checkme.error) {fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", checkme.error); return return_val;}
int main(){
double notime=0, fraction=0;
double_err_s energy = free_fall_energy(1, 1);
Check_err(energy, 1);
printf("Energy after one second: %g Joules\n", energy.value);
energy = free_fall_energy(2, 1);
Check_err(energy, 1);
printf("Energy after two seconds: %g Joules\n", energy.value);
energy = free_fall_energy(notime/fraction, 1);
Check_err(energy, 1);
printf("Energy after 0/0 seconds: %g Joules\n", energy.value);
If you like the idea of returning a value/error tuple, then you’ll want one for every type. So I thought I’d really trick this up by writing a macro to make it easy to produce one tuple type for every base type. See the usage a few lines down, to generate double_err_s, int_err_s, andstring_err_s. If you think this is one layer too many, then you don’t have to use it.
Why not let errors be a string instead of an integer? The error messages will typically be constant strings, so there is no messing about with memory management, and nobody needs to look up the translations for obscure enums. See “Enums and Strings” for discussion.
Another table of return values. This sort of thing is common in the input-checking preliminaries to a function. Notice that the out.error element points to one of the literal strings listed. Because no strings get copied, nothing has to be allocated or freed. To clarify this further, I madeerror a pointer to char const.
Or, use the Stopif macro from “Error Checking”: Stopif(out.error, return out, out.error).
Macros to check for errors on return are a common C idiom. Because the error is a string, the macro can print it to stderr (or perhaps an error log) directly.
Usage is as expected. Authors often lament how easy it is for users to traipse past the error codes returned from their functions, and in that respect, putting the output value in a tuple is a good reminder that the output includes an error code that the user of the function should take into account.
Flexible Function Inputs
A variadic function is one that takes a variable number of inputs. The most famous example is printf, where both printf("Hi.") and printf("%f %f %i\n", first, second, third) are valid, even though the first example has one input and the second has four.
Simply put, C’s variadic functions provide exactly enough power to implement printf, and nothing more. You must have an initial fixed argument, and it’s more or less expected that that first argument provides a catalog to the types of the subsequent elements, or at least a count. In the preceding example, the first argument ("%f %f %i\n") indicates that the next two items are expected to be floating-point, and the last an integer.
There is no type safety: if you pass an int like 1 when you thought you were passing a float like 1.0, results are undefined. If the function expects to have three elements passed in but you sent only two, you’re likely to get a segfault. Because of issues like this, CERT, a software security group, considers variadic functions to be a security risk (severity: high; likelihood: probable).23
Earlier, you met one way to provide some safety to variable-length function inputs of homogeneous type: by writing a wrapper macro that appends a stopper to the end of a list, we can guarantee that the base function will not receive a never-ending list. The compound literal will also check the input types and fail to compile if you send in an input of the wrong type.
This section covers two more ways to implement variadic functions with some type-checking safety. The last method will let you name your arguments, which can also help to reduce your error rate. I concur with CERT in considering free-form variadic functions too risky and use only the forms here for variadic functions in my own code.
The first safe format in this segment free-rides on the compiler’s checking for printf, extending the already-familiar form. The second format in this segment uses a variadic macro to prep the inputs to use the designated initializer syntax in function headers.
Declare Your Function as printf-Style
First, let’s go the traditional route, and use C89’s variadic function facilities. I mention this because you might be in a situation where macros somehow can’t be used. Such situations are typically social, not technical—there are few if any cases where a variadic function can’t be replaced by a variadic macro using one of the techniques discussed in this chapter.
To make the C89 variadic function safe, we’ll need an addition from gcc, but widely adopted by other compilers: the __attribute__, which allows for compiler-specific features.24
#include "config.h"
#define __attribute__(...)
It goes on the declaration line of a variable, struct, or function (so if your function isn’t declared before use, you’ll need to do so).
gcc and clang will let you set an attribute to declare a function to be in the style of printf, meaning that the compiler will type-check and warn you should you have an int or a double* in a slot reserved for a double.
Say that we want a version of system that will allow printf-style inputs. In Example 10-10, the system_w_printf function takes in printf-style inputs, writes them to a string, and sends them to the standard system command. The function uses vasprintf, the va_list-friendly analog to asprintf. Both of these are BSD/GNU-standard. If you need to stick to C99, replace them with the snprintf analog vsnprintf (and so, #include <stdarg.h>).
The main function is a simple sample usage: it takes the first input from the command line and runs ls on it.
Example 10-10. The olden way of processing variable-length inputs (olden_varargs.c)
#define _GNU_SOURCE //cause stdio.h to include vasprintf
#include <stdio.h> //printf, vasprintf
#include <stdarg.h> //va_start, va_end
#include <stdlib.h> //system, free
#include <assert.h>
int system_w_printf(char const *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf,1,2)));
int system_w_printf(char const *fmt, ...){
char *cmd;
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, fmt);
vasprintf(&cmd, fmt, argp);
int out= system(cmd);
return out;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
assert(argc == 2);
return system_w_printf("ls %s", argv[1]);
Mark this as a printf-like function where input one is the format specifier, and the list of additional parameters starts at input two.
I confess: I’m being lazy here. Use the raw assert macro only to check intermediate values under the author’s control, not inputs sent in by the user. See “Error Checking” for a macro appropriate for input testing.
The one advantage this has over the variadic macro is that it is awkward to get a return value from a macro. However, the macro version in Example 10-11 is shorter and easier, and if your compiler type-checks the inputs to printf-family functions, then it’ll do so here (without anygcc/clang-specific attributes).
Example 10-11. The macro version has fewer moving parts (macro_varargs.c)
#define _GNU_SOURCE //cause stdio.h to include vasprintf
#include <stdio.h> //printf, vasprintf
#include <stdlib.h> //system
#include <assert.h>
#define System_w_printf(outval, ...) { \
char *string_for_systemf; \
asprintf(&string_for_systemf, __VA_ARGS__); \
outval = system(string_for_systemf); \
free(string_for_systemf); \
int main(int argc, char **argv){
assert(argc == 2);
int out;
System_w_printf(out, "ls %s", argv[1]);
return out;
Optional and Named Arguments
I’ve already shown how you can send a list of identical arguments to a function more cleanly via compound literal plus a variable-length macro, in “Safely Terminated Lists”.
A struct is in many ways just like an array, but holding not-identical types, so it seems like we could apply the same routine: write a wrapper macro to clean and pack all the elements into a struct, then send the completed struct to the function. Example 10-12 makes it happen.
It puts together a function that takes in a variable number of named arguments. There are three parts to defining the function: the throwaway struct, which the user will never use by name (but that still has to clutter up the global space if the function is going to be global); the macro that inserts its arguments into a struct, which then gets passed to the base function; and the base function.
Example 10-12. A function that takes in a variable number of named arguments—the arguments not set by the user have default values (ideal.c)
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct {
double pressure, moles, temp;
} ideal_struct;
/** Find the volume (in cubic meters) via the ideal gas law: V =nRT/P
pressure in atmospheres (default 1)
moles of material (default 1)
temperature in Kelvins (default freezing = 273.15)
#define ideal_pressure(...) ideal_pressure_base((ideal_struct){.pressure=1, \
.moles=1, .temp=273.15, __VA_ARGS__})
double ideal_pressure_base(ideal_struct in){
return 8.314 * in.moles*in.temp/in.pressure;
int main(){
printf("volume given defaults: %g\n", ideal_pressure() );
printf("volume given boiling temp: %g\n", ideal_pressure(.temp=373.15) );
printf("volume given two moles: %g\n", ideal_pressure(.moles=2) );
printf("volume given two boiling moles: %g\n",
ideal_pressure(.moles=2, .temp=373.15) );
First, we need to declare a struct holding the inputs to the function.
The input to the macro will be plugged into the definition of an anonymous struct, wherein the arguments the user puts in the parens will be used as designated initializers.
The function itself takes in an ideal_struct, rather than the usual free list of inputs.
The user inputs a list of designated initializers; the ones not listed get given a default value; and then ideal_pressure_base will have an input structure with everything it needs.
Here’s how the function call (don’t tell the user, but it’s actually a macro) on the last line will expand:
ideal_pressure_base((ideal_struct){.pressure=1, .moles=1, .temp=273.15,
.moles=2, .temp=373.15})
The rule is that if an item is initialized multiple times, then the last initialization takes precedence [C99 § 6.7.8(19) and C11 § 6.7.9(19)]. So .pressure is left at its default of one, while the other two inputs are set to the user-specified value.
clang flags the repeated initialization of moles and temp with a warning when using -Wall, because the compiler authors expect that the double-initialization is more likely to be an error than a deliberate choice of default values. Turn off this warning by adding -Wno-initializer-overrides to your compiler flags. gcc flags this as an error only if you ask for -Wextrawarnings; use -Wextra -Woverride-init if you make use of this option.
Your Turn: In this case, the throwaway struct might not be so throwaway, because it might make sense to run the formula in multiple directions:
§ pressure = 8.314 moles * temp/volume
§ moles = pressure *volume /(8.314 temp)
§ temp = pressure *volume /(8.314 moles)
Rewrite the struct to also have a volume element, and use the same struct to write the functions for these additional equations.
Then, use these functions to produce a unifying function that takes in a struct with three of pressure, moles, temp, and volume (the fourth can be NAN, or you can add a what_to_solve element to the struct) and applies the right function to solve for the fourth.
Now that arguments are optional, you can add a new argument six months from now without breaking every program that used your function in the meantime. You are free to start with a simple working function and build up additional features as needed. However, we should learn a lesson from the languages that had this power from day one: it is easy to get carried away and build functions with literally dozens of inputs, each handling only an odd case or two.
Polishing a Dull Function
To this point, the examples have focused on demonstrating simple constructs without too much getting in the way, but short examples can’t cover the techniques involved in integrating everything together to form a useful and robust program that solves real-world problems. So the examples from here on in are going to get longer and include more realistic considerations.
Example 10-13 is a dull and unpleasant function. For an amortized loan, the monthly payments are fixed, but the percentage of the loan that is going toward interest is much larger at the outset (when more of the loan is still owed), and diminishes to zero toward the end of the loan. The math is tedious (especially when we add the option to make extra principal payments every month or to sell off the loan early), and you would be forgiven for skipping the guts of the function. Our concern here is with the interface, which takes in 10 inputs in basically arbitrary order. Using this function to do any sort of financial inquiry would be painful and error-prone.
That is, amortize looks a lot like many of the legacy functions floating around the C world. It is punk rock only in the sense that it has complete disdain for its audience. So in the style of glossy magazines everywhere, this segment will spruce up this function with a good wrapper. If this were legacy code, we wouldn’t be able to change the function’s interface (other programs might depend on it), so on top of the procedure that the ideal gas example used to generate named, optional inputs, we will need to add a prep function to bridge between the macro output and the fixed legacy-function inputs.
Example 10-13. A difficult-to-use function with too many inputs and no error-checking (amortize.c)
#include <math.h> //pow.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "amortize.h"
double amortize(double amt, double rate, double inflation, int months,
int selloff_month, double extra_payoff, int verbose,
double *interest_pv, double *duration, double *monthly_payment){
double total_interest = 0;
*interest_pv = 0;
double mrate = rate/1200;
//The monthly rate is fixed, but the proportion going to interest changes.
*monthly_payment = amt * mrate/(1-pow(1+mrate, -months)) + extra_payoff;
if (verbose) printf("Your total monthly payment: %g\n\n", *monthly_payment);
int end_month = (selloff_month && selloff_month < months )
? selloff_month
: months;
if (verbose) printf("yr/mon\t Princ.\t\tInt.\t| PV Princ.\t PV Int.\t Ratio\n");
int m;
for (m=0; m < end_month && amt > 0; m++){
double interest_payment = amt*mrate;
double principal_payment = *monthly_payment - interest_payment;
if (amt <= 0)
principal_payment =
interest_payment = 0;
amt -= principal_payment;
double deflator = pow(1+ inflation/100, -m/12.);
*interest_pv += interest_payment * deflator;
total_interest += interest_payment;
if (verbose) printf("%i/%i\t%7.2f\t\t%7.2f\t| %7.2f\t %7.2f\t%7.2f\n",
m/12, m-12*(m/12)+1, principal_payment, interest_payment,
principal_payment*deflator, interest_payment*deflator,
*duration = m/12.;
return total_interest;
Example 10-14 and Example 10-15 set up a user-friendly interface to the function. Most of the header file is Doxygen-style documentation, because with so many inputs it would be insane not to document them all, and because we now have to tell the user what the defaults will be, should the user omit an input.
Example 10-14. The header file, which is mostly documentation, plus a macro and a header for a prep function (amortize.h)
double amortize(double amt, double rate, double inflation, int months,
int selloff_month, double extra_payoff, int verbose,
double *interest_pv, double *duration, double *monthly_payment);
typedef struct {
double amount, years, rate, selloff_year, extra_payoff, inflation;
int months, selloff_month;
_Bool show_table;
double interest, interest_pv, monthly_payment, years_to_payoff;
char *error;
} amortization_s;
/** Calculate the inflation-adjusted amount of interest you would pay
over the life of an amortized loan, such as a mortgage.
\li \c amount The dollar value of the loan. No default--if unspecified,
print an error and return zeros.
\li \c months The number of months in the loan. Default: zero, but see years.
\li \c years If you do not specify months, you can specify the number of
years. E.g., 10.5=ten years, six months.
Default: 30 (a typical U.S. mortgage).
\li \c rate The interest rate of the loan, expressed in annual
percentage rate (APR). Default: 4.5 (i.e., 4.5%), which
is typical for the current (US 2012) housing market.
\li \c inflation The inflation rate as an annual percent, for calculating
the present value of money. Default: 0, meaning no
present-value adjustment. A rate of about 3 has been typical
for the last few decades in the US.
\li \c selloff_month At this month, the loan is paid off (e.g., you resell
the house). Default: zero (meaning no selloff).
\li \c selloff_year If selloff_month==0 and this is positive, the year of
selloff. Default: zero (meaning no selloff).
\li \c extra_payoff Additional monthly principal payment. Default: zero.
\li \c show_table If nonzero, display a table of payments. If zero, display
nothing (just return the total interest). Default: 1
All inputs but \c extra_payoff and \c inflation must be nonnegative.
\return an \c amortization_s structure, with all of the above values set as
per your input, plus:
\li \c interest Total cash paid in interest.
\li \c interest_pv Total interest paid, with present-value adjustment for inflation.
\li \c monthly_payment The fixed monthly payment (for a mortgage, taxes and
interest get added to this)
\li \c years_to_payoff Normally the duration or selloff date, but if you make early
payments, the loan is paid off sooner.
\li \c error If <tt>error != NULL</tt>, something went wrong and the results
are invalid.
#define amortization(...) amortize_prep((amortization_s){.show_table=1, \
amortization_s amortize_prep(amortization_s in);
The structure used by the macro to transfer data to the prep function. It has to be part of the same scope as the macro and prep function themselves. Some elements are input elements that are not in the amortize function but can make the user’s life easier; some elements are output elements to be filled.
The documentation, in Doxygen format. It’s a good thing when the documentation takes up most of the interface file. Notice how each input has a default listed.
This macro stuffs the user’s inputs—perhaps something like amortization(.amount=2e6, .rate=3.0)—into a designated initializer for an amortization_s. We have to set the default to show_table here, because without it, there’s no way to distinguish between a user who explicitly sets .show_table=0 and a user who omits .show_table entirely. So if we want a default that isn’t zero for a variable where the user could sensibly send in zero, we have to use this form.
The three ingredients to the named-argument setup are still apparent: a typedef for a struct, a macro that takes in named elements and fills the struct, and a function that takes in a single struct as input. However, the function being called is a prep function, wedged in between the macro and the base function, the declaration of which is here in the header. Its guts are in Example 10-15.
Example 10-15. The nonpublic part of the interface (amort_interface.c)
#include "stopif.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "amortize.h"
amortization_s amortize_prep(amortization_s in){
Stopif(!in.amount || in.amount < 0 || in.rate < 0
|| in.months < 0 || in.years < 0 || in.selloff_month < 0
|| in.selloff_year < 0,
return (amortization_s){.error="Invalid input"},
"Invalid input. Returning zeros.");
int months = in.months;
if (!months){
if (in.years) months = in.years * 12;
else months = 12 * 30; //home loan
int selloff_month = in.selloff_month;
if (!selloff_month && in.selloff_year)
selloff_month = in.selloff_year * 12;
amortization_s out = in;
out.rate = in.rate ? in.rate : 4.5;
out.interest = amortize(in.amount, out.rate, in.inflation,
months, selloff_month, in.extra_payoff, in.show_table,
&(out.interest_pv), &(out.years_to_payoff), &(out.monthly_payment));
return out;
This is the prep function that amortize should have had: it sets nontrivial, intelligent defaults, and checks for an input errors. Now it’s OK that amortize goes straight to business, because all the introductory work happened here.
See “Error Checking” for discussion of the Stopif macro. As per the discussion there, the check on this line is more to prevent segfaults and check sanity than to allow users to do automated testing of error conditions.
Because it’s a simple constant, we could also have set the rate in the amortization macro, along with the default for show_table. You’ve got options.
The immediate purpose of the prep function is to take in a single struct and call the amortize function with the struct’s elements, because we can’t change the interface to amortize directly. But now that we have a function dedicated to preparing function inputs, we can really do error-checking and default-setting right. For example, we can now give users the option of specifying time periods in months or years, and can use this prep function to throw errors if the inputs are out of bounds or insensible.
Defaults are especially important for a function like this one, by the way, because most of us don’t know (and have little interest in finding out) what a reasonable inflation rate is. If a computer can offer the user subject-matter knowledge that he or she might not have, and can do so with an unobtrusive default that can be overridden with no effort, then rare will be the user who is ungrateful.
The amortize function returns several different values. As per “Return Multiple Items from a Function”, putting them all in a single struct is a nice alternative to how amortize returns one value and then puts the rest into pointers sent as input. Also, the form using designated initializers via variadic macros requires another structure intermediating; why not combine the two structures? The result is an output structure that retains all of the input specifications.
After all that interface work, we now have a well-documented, easy-to-use, error-checked function, and the program in Example 10-16 can run lots of what-if scenarios with no hassle. It uses amortize.c and amort_interface.c from earlier, and the former file uses pow from the math library, so your makefile will look like:
objects=amort_interface.o amortize.o
CFLAGS=-g -Wall -O3 #the usual
Example 10-16. At this point, we can use the amortization macro/function to write readable what-if scenarios (amort_use.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "amortize.h"
int main(){
printf("A typical loan:\n");
amortization_s nopayments = amortization(.amount=200000, .inflation=3);
printf("You flushed real $%g down the toilet, or $%g in present value.\n",
nopayments.interest, nopayments.interest_pv);
amortization_s a_hundred = amortization(.amount=200000, .inflation=3,
.show_table=0, .extra_payoff=100);
printf("Paying an extra $100/month, you lose only $%g (PV), "
"and the loan is paid off in %g years.\n",
a_hundred.interest_pv, a_hundred.years_to_payoff);
printf("If you sell off in ten years, you pay $%g in interest (PV).\n",
amortization(.amount=200000, .inflation=3,
.show_table=0, .selloff_year=10).interest_pv);
The amortization function returns a struct, and in the first two uses, the struct was given a name, and the named struct’s elements were used. But if you don’t need the intermediate named variable, don’t bother. This line pulls the one element of the struct that we need from the function. If the function returned a piece of malloced memory you couldn’t do this, because you’d need a name to send to the memory-freeing function, but notice how this entire chapter is about passing structs, not pointers-to-structs.
There are a lot of lines of code wrapping the original function, but the boilerplate struct and macros to set up named arguments are only a few of them. The rest is documentation and intelligent input-handling that is well worth adding. As a whole, we’ve taken a function with an almost unusable interface and made it as user-friendly as an amortization calculator can be.
The Void Pointer and the Structures It Points To
This segment is about the implementation of generic procedures and generic structures. One example in this segment will apply some function to every file in a directory hierarchy, letting the user print the filenames to screen, search for a string, or whatever else comes to mind. Another example will use GLib’s hash structure to record a count of every character encountered in a file, which means associating a Unicode character key with an integer value. Of course, GLib provides a hash structure that can take any type of key and any type of value, so the Unicode character counter is an application of the general container.
All this versatility is thanks to the void pointer, which can point to anything. The hash function and directory processing routine are wholly indifferent to what is being pointed to and simply pass the values through as needed. Type safety becomes our responsibility, but structs will help us retain type safety and will make it easier to write and work with generic procedures.
Functions with Generic Inputs
A callback function is a function that is passed to another function for the other function’s use. In this example to to recurse through a directory and do something to every file found there, the callback is the function handed to the directory-traversal procedure for it to apply to each file.
The problem is depicted in Figure 10-1. With a direct function call, the compiler knows the type of your data, it knows the type the function requires, and if they don’t match the compiler will tell you. But a generic procedure should not dictate the format for the function or the data the function uses. “Pthreads” makes use of pthread_create, which (omitting the irrelevant parts) might be declared with a form like:
typedef void *(*void_ptr_to_void_ptr)(void *in);
int pthread_create(..., void *ptr, void_ptr_to_void_ptr fn);
If we make a call like pthread_create(..., indata, myfunc), then the type information for indata has been lost, as it was cast to a void pointer. We can expect that somewhere in pthread_create, a call of the form myfunc(indata) will occur. If indata is a double*, andmyfunc takes a char*, then this is a disaster the compiler can’t prevent.
Figure 10-1. Calling a function directly versus having a generic procedure perform the call
Example 10-17 is the header file for an implementation of the function that applies functions to every directory and file within a given directory. It includes Doxygen documentation of what the process_dir function is expected to do. As it should be, the documentation is roughly as long as the code will be.
Example 10-17. A header file for a generic directory-recursing function (process_dir.h)
struct filestruct;
typedef void (*level_fn)(struct filestruct path);
typedef struct filestruct{
char *name, *fullname;
level_fn directory_action, file_action;
int depth, error;
void *data;
} filestruct;
/** I get the contents of the given directory, run \c file_action on each
file, and for each directory run \c dir_action and recurse into the directory.
Note that this makes the traversal depth first.
Your functions will take in a \c filestruct, qv. Note that there is an \c error
element, which you can set to one to indicate an error.
Inputs are designated initializers, and may include:
\li \c .name The current file or directory name
\li \c .fullname The path of the current file or directory
\li \c .directory_action A function that takes in a \c filestruct.
I will call it with an appropriately-set \c filestruct
for every directory (just before the files in the directory
are processed).
\li \c .file_action Like the \c directory_action, but the function
I will call for every non-directory file.
\li \c .data A void pointer to be passed in to your functions.
\return 0=OK, otherwise the count of directories that failed + errors thrown
by your scripts.
Sample usage:
void dirp(filestruct in){ printf("Directory: <%s>\n", in.name); }
void filep(filestruct in){ printf("File: %s\n", in.name); }
//list files, but not directories, in current dir:
//show everything in my home directory:
process_dir(.name="/home/b", .file_action=filep, .directory_action=dirp);
#define process_dir(...) process_dir_r((filestruct){__VA_ARGS__})
int process_dir_r(filestruct level);
Here they are again: the three parts of a function that takes in named arguments. Even setting that aside, this struct will be essential to retaining type safety when passing void pointers.
The macro that stuffs designated initializers from the user into a compound literal struct.
The function that takes in the struct built by the process_dir macro. Users won’t call it directly.
Comparing this with Figure 10-1, this header already indicates a partial solution to the type-safety problem: defining a definite type, the filestruct, and requiring the callback take in a struct of that type. There’s still a void pointer buried at the end of the struct. I could have left the void pointer outside of the struct, as in:
typedef void (*level_fn)(struct filestruct path, void *indata);
But as long as we’re defining an ad hoc struct as a helper to the process_dir function, we might as well throw the void pointer in there. Further, now that we have a struct associated with the process_dir function, we can use it to implement the form where a macro turns designated initializers into a function input, as per “Optional and Named Arguments”. Structs make everything easier.
Example 10-18 presents a use of process_dir—the portions before and after the cloud of Figure 10-1. These callback functions are simple, printing some spacing and the file/directory name. There isn’t even any type unsafety yet, because the input to the callback was defined to be a certain type of struct.
Here’s sample output, for a directory that has two files and a subdirectory named cfiles, holding another three files:
Tree for sample_dir:
├ cfiles
│ c.c
│ a.c
│ b.c
│ a_file
│ another_file
Example 10-18. A program to display a tree of the current directory structure (show_tree.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "process_dir.h"
void print_dir(filestruct in){
for (int i=0; i< in.depth-1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("├ %s\n", in.name);
for (int i=0; i< in.depth-1; i++) printf(" ");
void print_file(filestruct in){
for (int i=0; i< in.depth; i++) printf(" ");
printf("│ %s\n", in.name);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
char *start = (argc>1) ? argv[1] : ".";
printf("Tree for %s:\n", start ? start: "the current directory");
process_dir(.name=start, .file_action=print_file, .directory_action=print_dir);
As you can see, main hands the print_dir and print_file functions to process_dir, and trusts that process_dir will call them at the right time with the appropriate inputs.
The process_dir function itself is in Example 10-19. Most of the work of the function is absorbed in generating an up-to-date struct describing the file or directory currently being handled. The given directory is opened, via opendir. Then, each call to readdir will pull another entry from the directory, which will describe one file, directory, link, or whatever else in the given directory. The input filestruct is updated with the current entry’s information. Depending on whether the directory entry describes a directory or a file, the appropriate callback is called with the newly prepared filestruct. If it’s a directory, then the function is recursively called using the current directory’s information.
Example 10-19. Recurse through a directory, and apply file_action to every file found and directory_action to every directory found (process_dir.c)
#include "process_dir.h"
#include <dirent.h> //struct dirent
#include <stdlib.h> //free
int process_dir_r(filestruct level){
if (!level.fullname){
if (level.name) level.fullname=level.name;
else level.fullname=".";
int errct=0;
DIR *current=opendir(level.fullname);
if (!current) return 1;
struct dirent *entry;
while((entry=readdir(current))) {
if (entry->d_name[0]=='.') continue;
filestruct next_level = level;
next_level.name = entry->d_name;
asprintf(&next_level.fullname, "%s/%s", level.fullname, entry->d_name);
if (entry->d_type==DT_DIR){
next_level.depth ++;
if (level.directory_action) level.directory_action(next_level);
errct+= process_dir_r(next_level);
else if (entry->d_type==DT_REG && level.file_action){
errct+= next_level.error;
return errct;
The opendir, readdir, and closedir functions are POSIX-standard.
For each entry in the directory, make a new copy of the input filestruct, then update it as appropriate.
Given the up-to-date filestruct, call the per-directory function. Recurse into subdirectory.
Given the up-to-date filestruct, call the per-file function.
The filestructs that get made for each step are not pointers and are not malloced, so they require no memory-management code. However, asprintf does implicitly allocate fullname, so that has to be freed to keep things clean.
The setup successfully implemented the appropriate encapsulation: the printing functions didn’t care about POSIX directory handling, and process_dir.c knew nothing of what the input functions did. And the function-specific struct made the flow relatively seamless.
Generic Structures
Linked lists, hashes, trees, and other such data structures are applicable in all sorts of situations, so it makes sense that they would be provided with hooks for void pointers, and then you as a user would check types on the way in and on the way out.
This segment will present a typical textbook example: a character-frequency hash. A hash is a container that holds key/value pairs, with the intent of allowing users to quickly look up values using a key.
Before getting to the part where we process files in a directory, we need to customize the generic GLib hash to the form that the program will use, with a Unicode key and a value holding a single integer. Once this component (which is already a good example of dealing with callbacks) is in place, it will be easy to implement the callbacks for the file traversal part of the program.
As you will see, the equal_chars and printone functions are intended as callbacks for use by functions associated with the hash, so the hash will send to these callbacks two void pointers. Thus, the first lines of these functions declare variables of the correct type, effectively casting the void pointer input to a type.
Example 10-20 presents the header, showing what is for public use out of Example 10-21.
Example 10-20. The header for unictr.c (unictr.h)
#include <glib.h>
void hash_a_character(gunichar uc, GHashTable *hash);
void printone(void *key_in, void *val_in, void *xx);
GHashTable *new_unicode_counting_hash();
Example 10-21. Functions built around a hash with a Unicode character as key and a purpose-built counter value (unictr.c)
#include "string_utilities.h"
#include "process_dir.h"
#include "unictr.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //calloc, malloc
typedef struct {
int count;
} count_s;
void hash_a_character(gunichar uc, GHashTable *hash){
count_s *ct = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, &uc);
if (!ct){
ct = calloc(1, sizeof(count_s));
gunichar *newchar = malloc(sizeof(gunichar));
*newchar = uc;
g_hash_table_insert(hash, newchar, ct);
void printone(void *key_in, void *val_in, void *ignored){
gunichar const *key= key_in;
count_s const *val= val_in;
char utf8[7];
utf8[g_unichar_to_utf8(*key, utf8)]='\0';
printf("%s\t%i\n", utf8, val->count);
static gboolean equal_chars(void const * a_in, void const * b_in){
const gunichar *a= a_in;
const gunichar *b= b_in;
return (*a==*b);
GHashTable *new_unicode_counting_hash(){
return g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, equal_chars);
Yes, this is a struct holding a single integer. One day, it might save your life.
This is going to be a callback for g_hash_table_foreach, so it will take in void pointers for the key, value, and an optional void pointer that this function doesn’t use.
If a function takes in a void pointer, the first line needs to set up a variable with the correct type, thus casting the void pointer to something usable. Do not put this off to later lines—do it right at the top, where you can verify that you got the type cast correct.
Six chars is enough to express any UTF-8 encoding of a Unicode character. Add another byte for the terminating '\0', and 7 bytes is enough to express any one-character string.
Because a hash’s keys and values can be any type, GLib asks that you provide the comparison function to determine whether two keys are equal. Later, new_unicode_counting_hash will send this function to the hash creation function.
Did I mention that the first line of a function that takes in a void pointer needs to assign the void pointer to a variable of the correct type? Once you do this, you’re back to type safety.
Now that we have a set of functions in support of a hash for Unicode characters, Example 10-22 uses them, along with process_dir from before, to count all the characters in the UTF-8-readable files in a directory.
It uses the same process_dir function defined earlier, so the generic procedure and its use should now be familiar to you. The callback to process a single file, hash_a_file, takes in a filestruct, but buried within that filestruct is a void pointer. The functions here use that void pointer to point to a GLib hash structure. Thus, the first line of hash_a_file casts the void pointer to the structure it points to, thus returning us to type safety.
Each component can be debugged in isolation, just knowing what will get input and when. But you can follow the hash from component to component and verify that it gets sent to process_dir via the .data element of the input filestruct, then hash_a_file casts .data to aGHashTable again, then it gets sent to hash_a_character, which will modify it or add to it as you saw earlier. Then, g_hash_table_foreach uses the printone callback to print each element in the hash.
Example 10-22. A character frequency counter; usage: charct your_dir |sort -k 2 -n (charct.c)
#define _GNU_SOURCE //get stdio.h to define asprintf
#include "string_utilities.h" //string_from_file
#include "process_dir.h"
#include "unictr.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //free
void hash_a_file(filestruct path){
GHashTable *hash = path.data;
char *sf = string_from_file(path.fullname);
if (!sf) return;
char *sf_copy = sf;
if (g_utf8_validate(sf, -1, NULL)){
for (gunichar uc; (uc = g_utf8_get_char(sf))!='\0';
sf = g_utf8_next_char(sf))
hash_a_character(uc, hash);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
GHashTable *hash;
hash = new_unicode_counting_hash();
char *start=NULL;
if (argc>1) asprintf(&start, "%s", argv[1]);
printf("Hashing %s\n", start ? start: "the current directory");
process_dir(.name=start, .file_action=hash_a_file, .data=hash);
g_hash_table_foreach(hash, printone, NULL);
Recall that the filestruct includes a void pointer, data. So the first line of the function will of course declare a variable with the correct type for the input void pointer.
UTF-8 characters are variable-length, so you need a special function to get the current character or step to the next character in a string.
I am a klutz who makes every possible error, yet I have rarely (if ever!) put the wrong type of struct in a list, tree, et cetera. Here are my own rules for ensuring type safety:
§ If I have a linked list based on void pointers named active_groups and another named persons, it is obvious to me as a human being that a line like g_list_append(active_groups, next_person) is matching the wrong type of struct to the wrong list, without the compiler having to throw up a flag. So the first secret to my success is that I use names that make it very clear when I’m doing something dumb.
§ Put the two sides of Figure 10-1 as close together as possible in your code, so when you change one, you can easily change the other.
§ I may have mentioned this before, but the first line of a function that takes in a void pointer should declare a variable with the correct type, effectively casting to the correct type, as in printone and equal_chars. Having it right at the front raises the odds that you do the cast right, and once the cast is done, the type-safety problem is resolved.
§ Associating a purpose-built structure with a given use of a generic procedure or structure makes a whole lot of sense.
§ Without a purpose-built struct, when you change the input type, you’ll have to remember to hunt down every cast from a void pointer to the old type and change it to a cast to the new type, and the compiler won’t help you with this. If you are sending a purpose-built struct holding the data, all you have to do is change the struct definition.
§ Along similar lines, when you realize that you need to pass one more piece of information to the callback function—and the odds are good that you will—then all you have to do is add the element to the struct’s definition.
§ It might seem like passing a single number doesn’t merit a whole new structure, but this is actually the riskiest case. Say that we have a generic procedure that takes in a callback and a void pointer to be sent to the callback, and call it like so:
§ void callback (void *voidin){
§ double *input = voidin;
§ ...
§ }
§ int i=23;
generic_procedure(callback, &i);
Did you notice that this innocuous code is a type disaster? Whatever the bit pattern of an int representing 23 might be, rest assured that when it is read as a double by callback, it won’t be anywhere near 23. Declaring a new struct seems like a lot of bureaucracy, but it prevents an easy and natural error:
typedef struct {
int level;
} one_lonely_integer;
§ I find that there is some cognitive ease in knowing that there is a single type defined for all dealings in some segment of the code. When I cast to a type clearly purpose-built for the current situation, then I know I’m right; there are no lingering doubts that I should double-check thatchar * is the correct type instead of char ** or wchar_t * or whatever else.
This chapter has covered the many ways that sending structs in and out of a function can be easy: with a good macro, the input struct can be filled with defaults and provide named function inputs; the output structure can be built on the fly using a compound literal; if the function has to copy the structure around (as in the recursion), then all you need is an equals sign; returning a blank structure is a trivial case of using designated initializers with nothing set. And associating a purpose-built struct with a function solves many of the problems with using generic procedures or containers, so applying a generic to a given situation is the perfect time to pull out all the struct-related tricks. Having a struct even gave you a place to put error codes, so you don’t have to shoehorn them into the arguments to the function. That’s a lot of payoff for the investment of writing up a quick type definition.
22 You can blame ISO C standard §6.7.8(3) for this, because it insists that variable length arrays can’t be initialized. I say the compiler should be able to work it out.
23 See the CERT website.
24 If you are worried that users will have a compiler that does not support __attribute__, Autotools can allay your concerns. Get the AX_C___ATTRIBUTE__ macro from the Autoconf archive and paste it into a file named aclocal.m4 in your project directory, add the callAX_C___ATTRIBUTE__ to configure.ac, then have the C preprocessor define __attribute__ to be blank should Autoconf find the user’s compiler doesn’t support it, via