Parallel Threads - The Language - 21st Century C (2015)

21st Century C (2015)

Part II. The Language

Chapter 12. Parallel Threads

It’s 99 revolutions tonight.

Green Day, “99 Revolutions”

Just about all the computers sold in the last few years—even many telephones—are multicore. If you are reading this on a keyboard-and-monitor computer, you may be able to find out how many cores your computer has via:

§ Linux: grep cores /proc/cpuinfo

§ Mac: sysctl hw.logicalcpu

§ Cygwin: env | grep NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS

A single-threaded program doesn’t make full use of the resources the hardware manufacturers gave us. Fortunately, it doesn’t take much to turn a program into one with concurrent parallel threads—in fact, it often only takes one extra line of code. In this chapter, I will cover:

§ A quick overview of the several standards and specifications that exist for writing concurrent C code

§ The one line of OpenMP code that will make your for loops multithreaded

§ Notes on the compiler flags you’ll need to compile with OpenMP or pthreads

§ Some considerations of when it’s safe to use that one magic line

§ Implementing map-reduce, which requires extending that one line by another clause

§ The syntax for running a handful of distinct tasks in parallel, like the UI and backend of a GUI-based program

§ C’s _Thread_local keyword, which makes thread-private copies of global static variables

§ Critical regions and mutexes

§ Atomic variables in OpenMP

§ A quick note on sequential consistency and why you want it

§ POSIX threads, and how they differ from OpenMP

§ Atomic scalar variables via C atoms

§ Atomic structs via C atoms

This is another chapter based on what is missing in standard C textbooks. In my survey of the market, I could not find a single general C text that covered OpenMP. So here I will give you enough to get started—maybe even enough that you may never need to refer to the full books on threading theory.

However, there are books dedicated to the topic of concurrent programming, many in C, covering a wealth of details that I don’t; see The Art of Concurrency: A Thread Monkey’s Guide to Writing Parallel Applications; Multicore Application Programming: for Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris; or Introduction to Parallel Computing (2nd Edition). I will use the default scheduling and the safest form of synchronization throughout, even though cases exist where you can do better by fine-tuning those things; neither will I wade into details of cache optimization, nor give you an exhaustive list of useful OpenMP pragmas (which your Internet search engine will do just fine).

The Environment

It wasn’t until the December 2011 revision that a threading mechanism was a part of standard C. That is late to the party, and others have already provided mechanisms. So you’ve got several options:

§ POSIX threads. The pthreads standard was defined in POSIX v1, circa 1995. The pthread_create function works by assigning a function of a certain form to each thread, so you have to write an appropriate function interface, and typically an accompanying struct.

§ Windows also has its own threading system, which works like pthreads. For example, the CreateThread function takes in a function and a pointer to parameters much like pthread_create does.

§ OpenMP is a specification that uses #pragmas and a handful of library functions to tell the compiler when and how to thread. This is what you can use to turn a serial-running for loop into a threaded for loop with one line of code. The first OpenMP spec for C came out in 1998.

§ The specification for the C standard library now includes headers that define functions for threading and atomic variable operations.

Which to use depends on your target environment, and your own goals and preferences. OpenMP is much easier to write and is therefore much less likely to harbor bugs than the other threading systems. It is supported by almost all major compilers—even Visual Studio—but clang support is still in the works as of this writing in late 2014.28 The compilers and standard libraries that support standard C threading and atoms are not yet universal. If you are unable to rely on OpenMP and its #pragmas, then pthreads are available for any POSIX-conformant host (even MinGW).

There are other options, such as the MPI (message passing interface, for talking across networked nodes) or OpenCL (especially useful for GPU processing). On POSIX systems, you can use the fork system call to effectively produce two clones of your program that share memory but otherwise operate independently.

The Ingredients

Our syntactic needs are not great. In all cases, we will need:

§ A means of telling the compiler to set off several threads at once. To give an early example, (Nabokov-1962) includes this note on line 404: [And here time forked.] The remainder of the section vacillates between two threads.

§ A means of marking a point where the new threads cease to exist, and the main thread continues alone. In some cases, like the above early example, the barrier is implicit at the end of the segment, but some of the options will have an explicit gather-the-threads step.

§ A means of marking parts of the code that should not be threaded, because they can not be made thread-safe. For example, what would happen if thread one resized an array to size 20 at the same time that thread two is resizing it to size 30? Even though a resize takes a microsecond to us humans, if we could slow down time, we would see that even a simple increment like x++ would be a series of finite-time operations that another thread could conflict with. Using OpenMP pragmas, these unshareable segments will be marked as critical regions; in pthread-influenced systems these will be marked via mutexes (a crunching-together of mutual exclusion).

§ Means of dealing with variables that may be simultaneously handled by multiple threads. Strategies include taking a global variable and making a thread-local copy, and syntax to put a mini-mutex around each use of a variable.


As an example, let us thread a word-counting program. I will borrow some string-handling utilities from Example 11-21 to produce a word-counting function. To get it out of the way of the parts about threading, the function is in its own file; see Example 12-1.

Example 12-1. A word counter, which works by reading the entire file into memory and then breaking it at nonword characters (wordcount.c)

#include "string_utilities.h"

int wc(char *docname){

char *doc = string_from_file(docname); 1

if (!doc) return 0;

char *delimiters = " `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={[]}|\\;:\",<>./?\n";

ok_array *words = ok_array_new(doc, delimiters); 2

if (!words) return 0;

double out= words->length;


return out;



string_from_file reads the given document into a string and is borrowed from Example 9-6.


Also borrowed from the string utility library, this function divides a string at the given delimiters. We just want the count from it.

Example 12-2 calls the word-counting function with any list of files given on the command line. In that program, main is basically just a for loop calling wc, followed by a step to sum up the individual counts to a grand total.

Example 12-2. By adding a line of code, we can run chunks of a for loop on different threads (openmp_wc.c)

#include "stopif.h"

#include "wordcount.c"

int main(int argc, char **argv){


argv++; 1

Stopif(!argc, return 0, "Please give some file names on the command line.");

int count[argc];

#pragma omp parallel for 2

for (int i=0; i< argc; i++){

count[i] = wc(argv[i]);

printf("%s:\t%i\n", argv[i], count[i]);


long int sum=0;

for (int i=0; i< argc; i++) sum+=count[i];

printf("Σ:\t%li\n", sum);



argv[0] is the name of the program, so step the argv pointer past it. The rest of the arguments on the command line are files to be word-counted.


Having added this one line of code, the for loop now runs in parallel threads.

The OpenMP instruction that makes this a threaded program is this line:

#pragma omp parallel for

indicating that the for loop immediately following should be broken down into segments and run across as many threads as the system running the program deems optimal. In this case, I’ve lived up to my promise, and turned a not-parallel program into a parallel program with one line of code.

OpenMP works out how many threads your system can run and splits up the work accordingly. In cases where you need to set the number of threads to N manually, you can do so either by setting an environment variable before the program runs:


or by using a C function in your program:

#include <omp.h>


These facilities are probably most useful for fixing the thread count to N=1. If you want to return to the default of requesting as many threads as your computer has processors, use:

#include <omp.h>



A macro defined via #define can’t expand to a #pragma, so what do you do if you want to parallelize a macro? That’s what the _Pragma operator is for [C99 and C11 §6.10.9]. The input to the operator is (in the language of the official standard) destringized and used as a pragma. For example:

#include <stdio.h>

#define pfor(...) _Pragma("omp parallel for") \


int main(){

pfor(int i=0; i< 1000; i++){

printf("%i\n", i);



You can only have a single string inside the parens of the _Pragma( ). The workaround when you need more is to use a submacro that treats all its inputs as a string. Here is a preprocessor block that uses this form to define an OMP_critical macro that expands to a header for an OpenMP critical block with the given tag (see below) if _OPENMP is defined, else it is replaced with nothing.

#ifdef _OPENMP

#define PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x)

#define OMP_critical(tag) PRAGMA(omp critical(tag))


#define OMP_critical(tag)


Compiling OpenMP, pthreads, and C atoms

For gcc and clang (where clang support for OpenMP is still in progress on some platforms), compiling this requires adding an -fopenmp flag for the compilation. If you need a separate linking step, add -fopenmp to the link flags as well (the compiler will know if any libraries need to be linked and will do what you want). For pthreads, you will need to add a -pthread flag. C atomic support (in gcc, as of this writing) requires linking to the atomic library. So if you were using all three, you might add these lines to your makefile:

CFLAGS=-g -Wall -O3 -fopenmp -pthread

LDLIBS=-fopenmp -latomic

If you are using Autoconf for your OpenMP project, you will need to add a line to your existing script:


which generates an $OPENMP_CFLAGS variable, which you will then need to add to existing flags in For example,



So that took three lines of code, but now Autoconf will correctly compile your code on every known platform that supports OpenMP.

The OpenMP standard requires that an _OPENMP variable be defined if the compiler accepts OpenMP pragmas. You can use this to put #ifdef _OPENMP blocks into your code as needed.

Once you have the program compiled as threaded_wc, try ./threaded_wc `find ~ -type f` to start a word-count of every file in your home directory. You can open top in another window and see if multiple instances of wc crop up.


Now that we have the needed line of syntax to make the program multithreaded, are we guaranteed that it works? For easy cases where you can verify that every iteration of the loop does not interact with any other iteration, yes. But for other cases, we’ll need to be more cautious.

To verify whether a team of threads will work, we need to know what happens with each variable, and the effects of any side effects.

§ If a variable is private to a thread, then we are guaranteed that it will behave as if in a single-threaded program, without interference. The iterator in the loop, named i in the above example, is made private to each thread (OpenMP 4.0 §2.6). Variables declared inside of the loop are private to the given loop.

§ If a variable is being read by a number of threads and is never written by any of them at any point, then you are still safe. This isn’t quantum physics: reading a variable never changes its state (and I’m not covering C atomic flags, which actually can’t be read without setting them).

§ If a variable is written to by one thread and never read by any other thread, there is still no competition—the variable is effectively private.

§ If a variable is shared across threads, and it is written to by one thread, and it is read from or written to by any other thread, now you’ve got real problems, and the rest of this chapter is basically about this case.

The first implication is that, where possible, we should avoid sharing written-to variables. You can go back to the example and see one way of doing this: all the threads use the count array, but iteration i touches only element i in the array, so each array element is effectively thread-private. Further, the count array itself is not resized, freed, or otherwise changed during the loop, and likewise with argv. We’ll even get rid of the count array below.

We don’t know what internal variables printf uses, but we can check the C standard to verify that all the operations in the standard library that operate on input and output streams (almost everything in stdio.h) are thread-safe, so we can call printf without worrying about multiple calls stepping on each other (C11 §7.21.2(7) and (8)).

When I wrote this sample, it took some care in writing to make sure that those conditions were met. However, some of the considerations, such as avoiding global variables, are good advice even in the single-threaded world. Also, the post-C99 style of declaring variables at their first use is paying off, because a variable declared inside a segment to be threaded is unambiguously private to that thread.

As an aside, OpenMP’s omp parallel for pragma understands only simple loops: the iterator is of integer type, it is incremented or decremented by a fixed (loop-invariant) amount every step, and the ending condition compares the iterator to a loop-invariant value or variable. Anything that involves applying the same routine to each element of a fixed array fits this form.


The word-count program has a very common form: each thread does some independent task mapping inputs to outputs, but we are really interested in reducing all those individual outputs down to a single aggregate. OpenMP supports this sort of map-reduce workflow via an addendum to the above pragma. Example 12-3 replaces the count array with a single variable, total_wc, and adds reduction(+:total_wc) to the OpenMP pragma. From here, the compiler does the work to efficiently combine each thread’s total_wc to a grand total.

Example 12-3. Adapting a for loop to implement a map-reduce workflow requires extending the #pragma omp parallel for line by another clause. (mapreduce_wc.c)

#include "stopif.h"

#include "wordcount.c"

int main(int argc, char **argv){



Stopif(!argc, return 0, "Please give some file names on the command line.");

long int total_wc = 0;

#pragma omp parallel for \

reduction(+:total_wc) 1

for (int i=0; i< argc; i++){

long int this_count = wc(argv[i]);

total_wc += this_count;

printf("%s:\t%li\n", argv[i], this_count);


printf("Σ:\t%li\n", total_wc);



Add a reduction clause to the pragma omp parallel for to tell the compiler that this variable holds a sum across all threads.

Again, there are restrictions: the + operator in reduction(+:variable) can only be replaced by one of a few a basic arithmetic (+, *, -), bitwise (&, |, ^), or logical (&&, ||) operations. Otherwise, you’ll have to go back to something like the count array above and write your own post-thread reduction (see Example 12-5 for an example to calculate a maximum). Also, don’t forget to initialize the reduction variable before the team of threads runs.

Multiple Tasks

Instead of having an array and applying the same operation to every array element, you may have two entirely distinct operations, and they are independent and could run in parallel. For example, programs with a user interface often put the UI on one thread and the backend processing on another, so that slowdown in processing doesn’t make the UI seize up. Naturally, the pragma for this is the parallel sections pragma:

#pragma omp parallel sections


#pragma omp section


//Everything in this block happens only in one thread



#pragma omp section


//Everything in this block happens only in one other thread




Here are a few more features of OpenMP that I didn’t cover but that you may enjoy:


Single instruction, multiple data. Some processors have a facility to apply the same operation to every element of a vector. This is not available on all processors, and is distinct from multiple threads, which run on multiple cores. See #pragma omp simd. Also see your compiler manual, because some compilers auto-SIMDify some operations when possible.

#pragma omp task

When the number of tasks is not known ahead of time, you can use #pragma omp task to set off a new thread. For example, you may be running through a tree structure with a single thread, and at each terminal node, use #pragma omp task to start up a new thread to process the leaf.

#pragma omp cancel

You may be searching for something with multiple threads, and when one thread finds the goal, there is no point having the other threads continue. Use #pragma omp cancel (pthread equivalent: pthread_cancel) to call off the other threads.

Also, I must add one more caveat, lest some readers go out and put a #pragma over every single for loop in everything: there is overhead to generating a thread. This code:

int x = 0;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:x)

for (int i=0; i< 10; i++){



will spend more time generating thread info than incrementing x, and would almost certainly be faster unthreaded. Use threading liberally, but keep an eye on the clock and verify that your changes actually improve performance.

The fact that each thread creation and destruction has some overhead also gives us a rule of thumb that fewer thread creations is better than more. For example, if you have a loop nested inside another loop, it is typically better to parallelize the outer loop rather than the inner loop.

If you have verified that none of your threaded segments write to a shared variable, and all functions called are also thread-safe, then you can stop reading now. Insert #pragma omp parallel for or parallel sections at the appropriate points, and enjoy your speed gains. The rest of this chapter, and in fact the majority of writing on threading, will be focused on strategies for modifying shared resources.

Thread Local

Static variables—even those declared inside of your #pragma omp parallel region—are shared across all threads by default. You can generate a separate private copy for each thread by adding a threadprivate clause to the pragma. For example,

static int state;

#pragma omp parallel for threadprivate(state)

for (int i=0; i< 100; i++)

With some commonsense caveats, the system retains your set of threadprivate variables, so if static_x was 2.7 in thread 4 at the end of one parallel region, it will still be 2.7 in thread 4 at the start of the next parallel region with four threads (OpenMP §2.14.2). There is always a master thread running; outside of the parallel region, the master thread retains its copy of the static variable.

C’s _Thread_local keyword splits off static variables in a similar manner. In C, a thread-local static variable’s “lifetime is the entire execution of the thread for which it is created, and its stored value is initialized when the thread is started” [C11 §6.2.4(4)]. If we read thread 4 in one parallel region to be the same thread as thread 4 in another parallel region, then this behavior is identical to the OpenMP behavior; if they are read to be separate threads, then the C standard specifies that thread-local storage is re-initialized at every parallel region.

There is still a master thread that exists outside of any parallel regions [it’s not stated explicitly, but C11 § implies this], so a thread-private static variable in the master thread looks a lot like a traditional lifetime-of-the-program static variable.

gcc and clang offer the __thread keyword, which was a gcc extension before the standard added the _Thread_local keyword. Within a function, you can use either of:

static __thread int i; //GCC/clang-specific; works today.

// or

static _Thread_local int i; //C11, when your compiler implements it.

Outside a function, the static keyword is optional, because it is the default. The standard requires a threads.h header that defines thread_local as an alias for _Thread_local, much like stdbool.h defines bool as an alias for _Bool.

You can check for which to use via a block of preprocessor conditions, like this one, which sets the string threadlocal to the right thing for the given situation.

#undef threadlocal

#if __STDC_VERSION__ > 201100L

#define threadlocal _Thread_local

#elif defined(__APPLE__)

#define threadlocal //as of this writing, not yet implemented.

#elif (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) && !defined(threadlocal)

#define threadlocal __thread


#define threadlocal


Localizing Nonstatic Variables

If a variable is to be split into private copies across all threads, we have to establish how the variable is to be initialized in each thread, and what is to be done with it on exit from the threaded region. The threadprivate() clause instructs OpenMP to initialize the static variable using the inital value of the variable, and to hold on to the copies on exit from the threaded region for reuse next time the region is entered.

You already saw another such clause: the reduction(+:var) clause tells OpenMP to initialize each thread’s copy with 0 (or 1 for multiplication), let each thread do its internal additions and subtractions, and then on exit add all the private copies to the original value of var.

Nonstatic variables declared outside the parallel region are shared by default. You can make private copies of localvar available to each thread by adding a firstprivate(localvar) clause to your #pragma omp parallel line. A copy is made for each thread, and initialized with the value of the variable at the start of the thread. At the end they are all destroyed, and the original variable is untouched. Add lastprivate(localvar) to copy the final value of the variable in the last thread (the one with the highest index in a for loop, or the last in a list of sections) back to the outside-the-region variable. It is not uncommon to have the same variable in both the firstprivate and lastprivate clauses.

Shared Resources

To this point, I’ve stressed the value of using private variables and presented a means of multiplexing a single static variable into a set of thread-local private variables. But sometimes, a resource really does need to be shared, and the critical region is the simplest means of protecting it. It marks a segment of code that should only be executed by a single thread at a time. As with most other OpenMP constructs, it operates on the subsequent block:

#pragma omp critical (a_private_block)


//interesting code here.


We are guaranteed that this block will be entered by only one thread at a time. If another thread gets to this point when there is already a thread in the critical region, then the recently arrived thread waits at the head of the region until the thread currently executing the critical region exits the region.

This is called blocking, and a blocked thread is inactive for some period of time. This is time-inefficient, but it is far better to have inefficient code than incorrect code.

The (a_private_block), with the parens, is a name that allows you to link together critical regions, such as to protect a single resource used at different points in the code. If you do not want a structure to be read while another thread is writing to the structure, you could use this form:

#pragma omp critical (delicate_struct_region)




[other code here]

#pragma omp critical (delicate_struct_region)




We are guaranteed that there will be at most one thread in the overall critical region that is the sum of the two segments, and so there will never be a call to delicate_struct_update simultaneous to delicate_struct_read. The intermediate code will thread as usual.


The name is technically optional, but all unnamed critical regions are treated as part of the same group. This is a common form for short programs (like sample code you might find on the Internet) but probably not what you want in nontrivial code. By naming every critical region, you can prevent accidentally linking two segments together.

Consider the problem of finding how many factors (prime and nonprime) a number has. For example, the number 18 is evenly divisible by six positive integers: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 18. The number 13 has two factors, 1 and 13, meaning that it is a prime number.

It is easy to find prime numbers—there are 664,579 of them under 10 million. But there are only 446 numbers under 10 million with exactly 3 factors, 6 with exactly 7 factors, and one with exactly 17 factors. Other patterns are easier to find: there are 2,228,418 numbers under 10 million with exactly 8 factors.

Example 12-4 is a program to find those factor counts, threaded via OpenMP. The basic story involves two arrays. The first is a 10-million-element array, factor_ct. Initialize it to 2 for all values larger than 1, because every number is divisible by 1 and itself. Then, add 1 to each array element whose index is divisible by 2 (i.e., every even number). Then add 1 to the array elements for indices divisible by 3, and so on, up to 5 million (which would only add a tally to slot 10 million, if it were in the array). At the end of that procedure, we know how many factors every number has. You can insert a for loop to fprintf this array to a file if so desired.

Then, set up another array to tally how many numbers have 1, 2, … factors. Before doing this, we have to find the maximum factor count, so we know how big an array to set up; then we can go through the factor_ct array and take the tally.

Each step is clearly a candidate for parallelization via #pragma omp parallel for, but conflicts may easily arise. The thread marking multiples of 5 and the thread marking multiples of 7 may both want to increment factor_ct[35] at the same time. To prevent a write conflict, say that we mark the line where we add 1 to the count of factors for item i as a critical region:

#pragma omp critical (factor)



These pragmas operate on the block of code immediately following. Blocks are typically marked by curly braces, but if there are no curly braces, then one line of code is its own block.

When one thread wants to increment factor_ct[30], it needlessly blocks the other thread that wants to increment factor_ct[33]. Critical regions are about certain blocks of code, and they make sense if some blocks are associated with one resource, but we are really trying to protect 10 million separate resources, which brings us to mutexes and atomic variables.

Mutex is short for mutual exclusion, and it is used to block threads much like the multipart critical regions above. However, the mutex is a struct like any other, so we can have an array of 10 million of them. Locking mutex i before writing to element i, and releasing mutex i after the write is complete gives us an element i-specific critical region. In code, it would look something like this:

omp_lock_t locks[1e7];

for (long int i=0; i< lock_ct; i++)


#pragma omp parallel for

for (long int scale=2; scale*i < max; scale++) {





The omp_set_lock function is really a wait-and-set function: if the mutex is unlocked, then lock it and continue; if the mutex is already locked, block the thread and wait, then continue when the thread that has the lock reaches omp_unset_lock and gives the all-clear.

As desired, we have effectively generated 10 million distinct critical regions. The only problem is that the mutex struct itself takes up space, and allocating 10 million of them may be more work than the basic math itself. The solution I present in the code is to use only 128 mutexes and lock mutex i % 128. That means any two threads working with two different numbers have about a 1-in-128 chance of needlessly blocking each other. That’s not terrible, and on my test boxes is a major speedup from allocating and using 10 million mutexes.

Pragmas are baked into a compiler that understands them, but mutexes are plain C structs, so this example needs to #include <omp.h> to get their definition.

Example 12-4 presents the code; the part about finding the largest number of factors is in a separate listing below.

Example 12-4. Generate an array of factor tallies, find the largest element in that array, then tally how many numbers have 1, 2, … factors. (openmp_atoms.c)

#include <omp.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h> //malloc

#include <string.h> //memset

#include "openmp_getmax.c" 1

int main(){

long int max = 1e7;

int *factor_ct = malloc(sizeof(int)*max);

int lock_ct = 128;

omp_lock_t locks[lock_ct];

for (long int i=0; i< lock_ct; i++)


factor_ct[0] = 0; 2

factor_ct[1] = 1;

for (long int i=2; i< max; i++)

factor_ct[i] = 2;

#pragma omp parallel for

for (long int i=2; i<= max/2; i++)

for (long int scale=2; scale*i < max; scale++) {

omp_set_lock(&locks[scale*i % lock_ct]); 3


omp_unset_lock(&locks[scale*i % lock_ct]); 4


int max_factors = get_max(factor_ct, max);

long int tally[max_factors+1];

memset(tally, 0, sizeof(long int)*(max_factors+1));

#pragma omp parallel for

for (long int i=0; i< max; i++){

int factors = factor_ct[i];

omp_set_lock(&locks[factors % lock_ct]); 5


omp_unset_lock(&locks[factors % lock_ct]);


for (int i=0; i<=max_factors; i++)

printf("%i\t%li\n", i, tally[i]);



See next listing.


Initialize. Define 0 and 1 as nonprime.


Lock the mutex just before reading or writing a variable that will be modified.


Unlock the mutex just after reading or writing a variable that will be modified.


I am recycling the set of mutexes to save an initalization step, but this is a distinct mutex use from the one above.

Example 12-5 finds the maximum value within the factor_ct list. Because OpenMP doesn’t provide a max reduction, we have to maintain an array of maxes and then find the max among those. The array is omp_get_max_threads() long. A thread can use omp_get_thread_num() to find its own index.

Example 12-5. Parallelized search for the maximum element in an array (openmp_getmax.c)

int get_max(int *array, long int max){

int thread_ct = omp_get_max_threads();

int maxes[thread_ct];

memset(maxes, 0, sizeof(int)*thread_ct);

#pragma omp parallel for

for (long int i=0; i< max; i++){

int this_thread = omp_get_thread_num();

if (array[i] > maxes[this_thread])

maxes[this_thread] = array[i];


int global_max=0;

for (int i=0; i< thread_ct; i++)

if (maxes[i] > global_max)

global_max = maxes[i];

return global_max;


In the examples here, each mutex wraps a single block of code, but as with the pair of critical regions above, you could use one mutex to protect a resource at several points in a code base.




[other code here]





An atom is a small, indivisible element.29 Atomic operations often work via features of the processor, and OpenMP limits them to acting on scalars: almost always an integer or floating-point number, or sometimes a pointer (i.e., a memory address). C will provide atomic structs, but even then you will typically need to use a mutex to protect the struct.

However, the case of simple operations on a scalar is a common one, and in that case we can dispense with mutexes and use atomic operations to effectively put an implicit mutex around every use of a variable.

You’ll have to use a pragma that tells OpenMP what you want to do with your atom:

#pragma omp atomic read

out = atom;

#pragma omp atomic write seq_cst

atom = out;

#pragma omp atomic update seq_cst

atom ++; //or atom--

#pragma omp atomic update

//or any binary operation: atom *= x, atom /=x, ...

atom -= x;

#pragma omp atomic capture seq_cst

//an update-then-read

out = atom *= 2;

The seq_cst is optional but recommended (if your compiler supports it); I’ll get to it in a moment.

From there, it is up to the compiler to build the right instructions to make sure that a read from an atom in one part of the code is unaffected by a write to an atom in another part of the code.

In the case of the factor-counter, all the resources protected by mutexes are scalars, so we didn’t need to use mutexes. Atoms make Example 12-6 shorter and more readable than the mutex version in Example 12-4.

Example 12-6. Replacing mutexes with atoms (atomic_factors.c)

#include <omp.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h> //malloc

#include <string.h> //memset

#include "openmp_getmax.c"

int main(){

long int max = 1e7;

int *factor_ct = malloc(sizeof(int)*max);

factor_ct[0] = 0;

factor_ct[1] = 1;

for (long int i=2; i< max; i++)

factor_ct[i] = 2;

#pragma omp parallel for

for (long int i=2; i<= max/2; i++)

for (long int scale=2; scale*i < max; scale++) {

#pragma omp atomic update



int max_factors = get_max_factors(factor_ct, max);

long int tally[max_factors+1];

memset(tally, 0, sizeof(long int)*(max_factors+1));

#pragma omp parallel for

for (long int i=0; i< max; i++){

#pragma omp atomic update



for (int i=0; i<=max_factors; i++)

printf("%i\t%li\n", i, tally[i]);



A good compiler will reorder the sequence of operations in a manner that is mathematically equivalent to the code you wrote, but that runs faster. If a variable is initialized on line 10 but first used on line 20, maybe it’s faster to do an initialize-and-use on line 20 than to execute two separate steps. Here is a two-threaded example, taken from C11 §7.17.3(15) and reduced to more readable pseudocode:

x = y = 0;

// Thread 1:

r1 = load(y);

store(x, r1);

// Thread 2:

r2 = load(x);

store(y, 42);

Reading the page, it seems like r2 can’t be 42, because 42 is stored in y on the line subsequent to the one where r2 is assigned. If thread 1 executed entirely before thread 2, between the two lines of thread 2, or entirely afterward, then r2 can’t be 42. But the compiler could swap the two lines of thread 2, because one line is about r2 and x, and the other is about y, so there is no dependency that requires one to happen before the other. So this sequence is valid:

x = y = 0;

store(y, 42); //thread 2

r1 = load(y); //thread 1

store(x, r1); //thread 1

r2 = load(x); //thread 2

Now all of y, x, r1, and r2 are 42.

The C standard goes on with even more perverse cases, even commenting that one of them “is not useful behavior, and implementations should not allow it.”

So that’s what the seq_cst clause is about: it tells the compiler that atomic operations in a given thread should occur in the order listed in the code file. It was added in OpenMP 4.0, to take advantage of C’s sequentially consistent atoms, and your compiler may not support it yet. In the meantime, keep an eye out for the sort of subtleties that could happen when the compiler shuffles your within-a-thread independent lines of code.


Now let’s translate the above example to use pthreads. We have similar elements: a means of dispersing threads and gathering them, and mutexes. Pthreads don’t give you atomic variables, but plain C does; see below.

The big difference in the code is that the pthread_create function to set a new thread running takes in (among other elements) a single function of the form void *fn(void *in), and because that function takes in one void pointer, we have to write a function-specific struct to take in the data. The function also returns another struct, though if you are defining an ad hoc typedef for a function, it is usually easier to include output elements in the typedef for the input struct than to typedef a special input struct and a special output struct.

Before presenting the full example, let me cut out one of the key sections (meaning some variables will be undefined for now):

tally_s thread_info[thread_ct];

for (int i=0; i< thread_ct; i++){

thread_info[i] = (tally_s){.this_thread=i, .thread_ct=thread_ct,

.tally=tally, .max=max, .factor_ct=factor_ct,

.mutexes=mutexes, .mutex_ct=mutex_ct};

pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, add_tally, &thread_info[i]);


for (int t=0; t< thread_ct; t++)

pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);

The first for loop generates a fixed number of threads (so it is hard to have pthreads dynamically generate a thread count appropriate to different situations). It first sets up the needed struct, and then it calls pthread_create to call the add_tally function, sending in the purpose-built struct. At the end of that loop, there are thread_ct threads at work.

The next for loop is the gather step. The pthread_join function blocks until the given thread has concluded its work. Thus, we can’t go past this for loop until all threads are done, at which point the program is back to the single main thread.

OpenMP mutexes and pthread mutexes behave very much alike. In the limited examples here, changing to pthread mutexes is merely a question of changing names.

Example 12-7 shows the program rewritten with pthreads. Breaking each subroutine into a separate thread, defining a function-specific struct, and the disperse-and-gather routines add a lot of lines of code (and I’m still recycling the OpenMP get_max function).

Example 12-7. The factors example via pthreads (pthread_factors.c)

#include <omp.h> //get_max is still OpenMP

#include <pthread.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h> //malloc

#include <string.h> //memset

#include "openmp_getmax.c"

typedef struct {

long int *tally;

int *factor_ct;

int max, thread_ct, this_thread, mutex_ct;

pthread_mutex_t *mutexes;

} tally_s;

void *add_tally(void *vin){

tally_s *in = vin; 1

for (long int i=in->this_thread; i < in->max; i += in->thread_ct){

int factors = in->factor_ct[i];

pthread_mutex_lock(&in->mutexes[factors % in->mutex_ct]); 2


pthread_mutex_unlock(&in->mutexes[factors % in->mutex_ct]);


return NULL;


typedef struct {

long int i, max, mutex_ct;

int *factor_ct;

pthread_mutex_t *mutexes ;

} one_factor_s;

void *mark_factors(void *vin){

one_factor_s *in = vin;

long int si = 2*in->i;

for (long int scale=2; si < in->max; scale++, si=scale*in->i) {

pthread_mutex_lock(&in->mutexes[si % in->mutex_ct]);


pthread_mutex_unlock(&in->mutexes[si % in->mutex_ct]);


return NULL;


int main(){

long int max = 1e7;

int *factor_ct = malloc(sizeof(int)*max);

int thread_ct = 4, mutex_ct = 128;

pthread_t threads[thread_ct];

pthread_mutex_t mutexes[mutex_ct];

for (long int i=0; i< mutex_ct; i++)

pthread_mutex_init(&mutexes[i], NULL);

factor_ct[0] = 0;

factor_ct[1] = 1;

for (long int i=2; i< max; i++)

factor_ct[i] = 2;

one_factor_s x[thread_ct];

for (long int i=2; i<= max/2; i+=thread_ct){

for (int t=0; t < thread_ct && t+i <= max/2; t++){//extra threads do no harm.

x[t] = (one_factor_s){.i=i+t, .max=max,

.factor_ct=factor_ct, .mutexes=mutexes, .mutex_ct=mutex_ct};

pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, mark_factors, &x[t]); 3


for (int t=0; t< thread_ct; t++)

pthread_join(threads[t], NULL); 4


FILE *o=fopen("xpt", "w");

for (long int i=0; i < max; i ++){

int factors = factor_ct[i];

fprintf(o, "%i %li\n", factors, i);



int max_factors = get_max(factor_ct, max);

long int tally[max_factors+1];

memset(tally, 0, sizeof(long int)*(max_factors+1));

tally_s thread_info[thread_ct];

for (int i=0; i< thread_ct; i++){

thread_info[i] = (tally_s){.this_thread=i, .thread_ct=thread_ct,

.tally=tally, .max=max, .factor_ct=factor_ct,

.mutexes=mutexes, .mutex_ct=mutex_ct};

pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, add_tally, &thread_info[i]);


for (int t=0; t< thread_ct; t++)

pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);

for (int i=0; i<=max_factors; i++)

printf("%i\t%li\n", i, tally[i]);



In addition to being required for the pthread_create form, the throwaway typedef, tally_s, adds safety. I still have to be careful to write the inputs and outputs to the pthread system correctly, but the internals of the struct get type-checked, both in main and here in the wrapper function. Next week, when I change tally to an array of plain ints, the compiler will warn me if I don’t do the change correctly.


Pthread mutexes and OpenMP mutexes look a lot alike.


Here is the thread-creation step. An array of thread info pointers was declared just before the loop. Then, the loop fills the next thread info pointer, creates a new thread with pthread_create, and sends the just-filled thread info pointer to the function the new thread will run. The second argument controls some threading attributes which this intro-level chapter doesn’t cover.


This second loop gathers outputs. The second argument to pthread_join is an address where we could write the output from the threaded function (mark_factors).


The curly brace at the end of a for loop ends the scope, so any locally declared variables are tossed out. Normally, we don’t get to the end of scope until all called functions have returned, but the entire point of pthread_create is that the main function continues while the thread runs. Thus, this code fails:

for (int i=0; i< 10; i++){

tally_s thread_info = {...};


NULL, add_tally, &thread_info);


because what is at &thread_info will be thrown out by the time add_tally gets around to putting it to use. Moving the declaration outside the loop:

tally_s thread_info;

for (int i=0; i< 10; i++){

thread_info = (tally_s) {...};


NULL, add_tally, &thread_info);


also doesn’t work, because what is stored at thread_info changes on the second iteration of the loop, even while the first iteration is looking at that location. Thus, the example sets up an array of function inputs, which guarantees that one thread’s info will persist and not be changed while the next thread is being set up.

What does pthreads give us for all that extra work? There are more options. For example, the pthread_rwlock_t is a mutex that blocks reads or writes if any thread is writing to the thread, but does not block multiple simultaneous reads. The pthread_cont_t is a semaphore that can be used to block and unblock multiple threads at once on a signal, and could be used to implement read-write locks or general mutexes. But with great power comes great ways to screw things up. It is easy to write fine-tuned pthreaded code that runs better than OpenMP on the test computer and is all wrong for next year’s computer.

The OpenMP spec makes no mention of pthreads, and the POSIX spec makes no mention of OpenMP, so there is no pseudolegal document that requires the meaning of thread used by OpenMP to match the meaning of thread in POSIX. However, the authors of your compiler had to find some means of implementing OpenMP, POSIX or Windows, and C thread libraries, and they were working too hard by far if they developed distinct threading procedures for each specification. Further, your computer’s processor does not have pthread cores and separate OpenMP cores: it has one set of machine instructions to control threads, and it is up to the compiler to reduce the syntax of all the standards and specifications into that single set of instructions. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to mix and match, generating threads via an easy OpenMP #pragma and using pthread mutexes or C atoms to protect resources, or starting with OpenMP and then adopting one segment to pthreads as needed.

C atoms

The C standard includes two headers, stdatomic.h and threads.h, which specify functions and types for atomic variables and threads. Here, I will give an example with pthreads to do the threading and C atoms to protect the variables.

There are two reasons why I’m not using C threads. First, I only put sample programs in this book after testing them, and as of this writing, I couldn’t get a compiler/standard library pair that implements threads.h. This is understandable, because of the second reason: C threads are modeled on C++ threads, which are modeled on a least-common-denominator between Windows and POSIX threads, and so C threads are largely a relabeling without the addition of many especially exciting features. C atoms do bring new things to the table, though.

Given a type my_type, be it a struct, a scalar, or whatever, declare it to be atomic via:

_Atomic(my_type) x

In the next round or two of compiler releases,

_Atomic my_type x

will work. This form makes it clearer that _Atomic is a type qualifier, like const. For the integer types defined in the standard, you can reduce this to atomic_int x, atomic_bool x, et cetera.

Simply declaring the variable as atomic gives you a few things for free: x++, --x, x *= y, and other simple binary operation/assignment steps work in a thread-safe manner [C11 § and §]. These operations, and all the thread-safe operations below, are all seq_cst, as discussed in the context of the OpenMP atoms in “Sequential consistency” (in fact, a note in OpenMP v4.0 §2.12.6 says that OpenMP atoms and C11 atoms should have similar behavior). However, other operations will have to happen via atom-specific functions:

§ Initialize with atomic_init(&your_var, starting_val), which sets the starting value “while also initializing any additional state that the implementation might need to carry for the atomic object” [C11 §]. This is not thread-safe, so do it before you disperse new threads, or wrap it in a mutex or critical region. There is also the ATOMIC_VAR_INIT macro that can be used on a declaration line to the same effect, so you can use either:

§ _Atomic int i = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(12);

§ //or

§ _Atomic int x;

§ atomic_init(&x, 12);

§ Use atomic_store(&your_var, x) to assign x to your_var thread-safely.

§ Use x = atomic_load(&your_var) to thread-safely read the value of your_var and assign it to x.

§ Use x = atomic_exchange(&your_var, y) to write y to your_var and copy the previous value to x.

§ Use x = atomic_fetch_add(&your_var, 7) to add 7 to your_var and set x to the preaddition value; atomic_fetch_sub subtracts (but there is no atomic_fetch_mul or atomic_fetch_div).

There is a lot more to atomic variables, partly because the C committee is hoping that future implementations of threading libraries will use these atomic variables to produce mutexes and other such constructs within standard C. Because I assume that you are not designing your own mutexes, I won’t cover those facilities (such as the atomic_compare_exchange_weak and _strong functions, which implement compare-and-swap operations).

Example 12-8 shows the example rewritten with atomic variables. I use pthreads for the threading, so it is still verbose, but the verbiage about mutexes is eliminated.

Example 12-8. The factors example via C atomic variables (c_factors.c)

#include <pthread.h>

#include <stdatomic.h>

#include <stdlib.h> //malloc

#include <string.h> //memset

#include <stdio.h>

int get_max_factors(_Atomic(int) *factor_ct, long int max){

//single-threading to save verbiage.

int global_max=0;

for (long int i=0; i< max; i++){

if (factor_ct[i] > global_max)

global_max = factor_ct[i];


return global_max;


typedef struct {

_Atomic(long int) *tally;

_Atomic(int) *factor_ct;

int max, thread_ct, this_thread;

} tally_s;

void *add_tally(void *vin){

tally_s *in = vin;

for (long int i=in->this_thread; i < in->max; i += in->thread_ct){

int factors = in->factor_ct[i];

in->tally[factors]++; 1


return NULL;


typedef struct {

long int i, max;

_Atomic(int) *factor_ct;

} one_factor_s;

void *mark_factors(void *vin){

one_factor_s *in = vin;

long int si = 2*in->i;

for (long int scale=2; si < in->max; scale++, si=scale*in->i) {



return NULL;


int main(){

long int max = 1e7;

_Atomic(int) *factor_ct = malloc(sizeof(_Atomic(int))*max); 2

int thread_ct = 4;

pthread_t threads[thread_ct];

atomic_init(factor_ct, 0);

atomic_init(factor_ct+1, 1);

for (long int i=2; i< max; i++)

atomic_init(factor_ct+i, 2);

one_factor_s x[thread_ct];

for (long int i=2; i<= max/2; i+=thread_ct){

for (int t=0; t < thread_ct && t+i <= max/2; t++){

x[t] = (one_factor_s){.i=i+t, .max=max,


pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, mark_factors, x+t);


for (int t=0; t< thread_ct && t+i <=max/2; t++)

pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);


int max_factors = get_max_factors(factor_ct, max);

_Atomic(long int) tally[max_factors+1];

memset(tally, 0, sizeof(long int)*(max_factors+1));

tally_s thread_info[thread_ct];

for (int i=0; i< thread_ct; i++){

thread_info[i] = (tally_s){.this_thread=i, .thread_ct=thread_ct,

.tally=tally, .max=max,


pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, add_tally, thread_info+i);


for (int t=0; t< thread_ct; t++)

pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);

for (int i=0; i<max_factors+1; i++)

printf("%i\t%li\n", i, tally[i]);



Before, we had a mutex or a #pragma omp atomic preface protecting this line. Because the elements of the tally array are declared atomic, we are guaranteed that simple arithmetic like the increment here will be thread-safe by itself.


The _Atomic keyword is a type qualifier, like const. But unlike with const, the size of an atomic int need not be the same as the size of a plain int [C11 §6.2.5(27)].

Atomic structs

Structs can be atomic. However, “accessing a member of an atomic structure or union object results in undefined behavior” [C11 §] This dictates a certain procedure for working with them:

1. Copy the shared atomic struct to a not-atomic private struct of the same base type: struct_t private_struct = atomic_load(&shared_struct).

2. Mess around with the private copy.

3. Copy the modified private copy back to the atomic struct: atomic_store(&shared_struct, private_struct).

If there are two threads that could modify the same struct, you still have no guarantee that your structs won’t change between the read in step 1 and the write in step 3. So you will probably still need to ensure that only one thread is writing at a time, either by design or with mutexes. But you no longer need a mutex for reading a struct.

Here is a dedicated prime finder. The knock-out method used in the examples to this point (a variant of the Sieve of Eratosthenes) has proven to be much faster for finding primes in my tests, but this version nicely demonstrates an atomic struct.

I want to check that a candidate is not evenly divisible by any number less than itself. But if a candidate number is not divisible by 3 and not divisible by 5, then I know it is not divisible by 15, so I need only check whether a number is divisible by smaller primes. Further, there is no point checking past half of the candidate, because the largest possible factor is the one that satisfies 2 * factor = candidate. So, in pseudocode:

for (candidate in 2 to a million){

is_prime = true

for (test in (the primes less than candidate/2))

if ((candidates/test) has no remainder)

is_prime = false


The only problem now is to keep that list of the primes less than candidate/2. We need a size-modifiable list, which means that a realloc will be necessary. I am going to use a raw array with no end-marker, so I also need to keep the length. This is a perfect candidate for an atomic struct, because the array itself and the length must be kept in sync.

In Example 12-9, prime_list is a struct to be shared across all threads. You can see that its address is passed as a function argument a few times, but all other uses are in atomic_init, atomic_store, or atomic_load. The add_a_prime function is the only place where it is modified, and it uses the above workflow of copying to a local struct and working with the local. It is wrapped by a mutex, because simultaneous reallocs would be a disaster.

The test_a_number function has one other notable detail: it waits until the prime_list has primes up to candidate/2 before proceeding, lest some factor be missed. It is a convenient feature of primes that this will work; you can check that this code won’t get into a deadlock, where every thread is waiting for every other. After that, the algorithm is as per the pseudocode above. Note that there are no mutexes anywhere in this part of the code, because it only uses atomic_load to read the struct.

Example 12-9. Use an atomic struct to find primes (c_primes.c)

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdatomic.h>

#include <stdlib.h> //malloc

#include <stdbool.h>

#include <pthread.h>

typedef struct { 1

long int *plist;

long int length;

long int max;

} prime_s;

int add_a_prime(_Atomic (prime_s) *pin, long int new_prime){

prime_s p = atomic_load(pin); 2


p.plist = realloc(p.plist, sizeof(long int) * p.length);

if (!p.plist) return 1;

p.plist[p.length-1] = new_prime;

if (new_prime > p.max) p.max = new_prime;

atomic_store(pin, p);

return 0;


typedef struct{

long int i;

_Atomic (prime_s) *prime_list;

pthread_mutex_t *mutex;

} test_s;

void* test_a_number(void *vin){

test_s *in = vin;

long int i = in->i;

prime_s pview;

do {

pview = atomic_load(in->prime_list);

} while (pview.max*2 < i);

bool is_prime = true;

for (int j=0; j < pview.length; j++)

if (!(i % pview.plist[j])){

is_prime = false;



if (is_prime){

pthread_mutex_lock(in->mutex); 3

int retval = add_a_prime(in->prime_list, i);

if (retval) {printf("Too many primes.\n"); exit(0);}



return NULL;


int main(){

prime_s inits = {.plist=NULL, .length=0, .max=0};

_Atomic (prime_s) prime_list = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(inits);

pthread_mutex_t m;

pthread_mutex_init(&m, NULL);

int thread_ct = 3;

test_s ts[thread_ct];

pthread_t threads[thread_ct];

add_a_prime(&prime_list, 2);

long int max = 1e6;

for (long int i=3; i< max; i+=thread_ct){

for (int t=0; t < thread_ct && t+i < max; t++){

ts[t] = (test_s) {.i = i+t, .prime_list=&prime_list, .mutex=&m};

pthread_create(threads+t, NULL, test_a_number, ts+t);


for (int t=0; t< thread_ct && t+i <max; t++)

pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);


prime_s pview = atomic_load(&prime_list);

for (int j=0; j < pview.length; j++)

printf("%li\n", pview.plist[j]);



The list itself and the length of the list must stay consistent across reallocations, so we put them both in a struct and declare only atomic instances of the struct.


This function uses the procedure of loading the atomic struct to a not-atomic local copy, modifying the copy, and then using atomic_store to copy back to the atomic version. It is not thread-safe, so it must be called by one thread at a time.


Because add_a_prime is not thread-safe, wrap its call in a mutex.

This chapter covered some of the many options for running code in parallel. With OpenMP, setting up the code to dispatch and gather threads is as easy as a single annotation. The hard part is tracking all the variables: every variable involved in the part to be threaded must be classified and handled.

The easiest class of variables is read-only variables, followed by those that are generated and destroyed entirely within one thread and thus do not interact with other threads. This advises that we should write functions that do not modify any inputs (i.e., all pointers are marked as const) and do not otherwise have any side effects. We can run such functions in parallel without worry. In a sense, these functions have no concept of time or environment: given a sum function that does what it says, sum(2, 2) always returns 4, no matter when or how often it is called and no matter what is going on elsewhere. In fact, there are some purely functional languages that strive to restrict the user to only this type of function.

State variables are variables that change over the course of a function’s evaluation. Once state variables are included, a function loses its timeless purity. Running a function to return a bank account balance today may show a large balance, but calling the same function in the same manner tomorrow may return a small balance. The philosophy of the purely functional authors reduces to the simple rule that we should avoid state variables. But they are inevitable, because we are writing code to describe a world that is full of states. When reading purely functional authors, it is an amusing exercise to see how far they can get before they mention state. For example, Harold Abelson, et al. get about a third of the way through (to page 217) before confessing that the world is full of stateful situations like bank account balances, pseudorandom number generators, and electric circuits.

Most of this chapter has been about how to deal with state variables in a parallelized environment, after time forks. You have several tools at your disposal to make time coherent again, including atomic operations, mutexes, and critical regions, which force the state to be updated in a sequential manner. Because they can take work to implement, verify, and debug, the easiest way to deal with state variables is to avoid them, and write as much as possible without state before writing the functions that deal with time and environment.

28 Visual Studio supports version 2.0, and OpenMP is at version 4.0, but the basic pragmas covered here are not new.

29 By the way, the C standard dictates that C atoms have infinite half-life: “Atomic variables shall not decay” [C11 7.17.3(13), footnote].