21st Century C (2015)
Part II. The Language
Chapter 13. Libraries
And if I really wanted to learn something I’d listen to more records.
And I do, we do, you do.
The Hives, “Untutored Youth”
This chapter will cover a few libraries that will make your life easier.
My impression is that C libraries have grown less pedantic over the years. Ten years ago, the typical library provided the minimal set of tools necessary for work, and expected you to build convenient and programmer-friendly versions from those basics. The typical library would require you to perform all memory allocation, because it’s not the place of a library to grab memory without asking. Conversely, the libraries presented in this chapter all provide an “easy” interface, like curl_easy_... functions for cURL, or SQLite’s single function to execute all the gory steps of a database transaction. If they need intermediate workspaces to get the work done, they just do it. They are fun to use.
I’ll start with somewhat standard and very general libraries, and move on to a few of my favorite libraries for more specific purposes, including SQLite, the GNU Scientific Library, libxml2, and libcURL. I can’t guess what you are using C for, but these are friendly, reliable systems for doing broadly applicable tasks.
Given that the standard library left so much to be filled in, it is only natural that a library would eventually evolve to fill in the gaps. GLib implements enough basic computing needs that it will pass the first year of CompSci for you, is ported to just about everywhere (even POSIX-less editions of Windows), and is at this point stable enough to be relied on.
I’m not going to give you sample code for the GLib, because I’ve already given you several samples:
§ The lighting-quick intro to linked lists in Example 2-2
§ A test harness, in “Unit Testing”
§ Unicode tools, in “Unicode”
§ Hashes, in “Generic Structures”
§ Reading a text file into memory and using Perl-compatible regular expressions, in “Count References”
And over the next few pages, I’ll mention GLib’s contributions for wrapping mmap for both POSIX and Windows, in “Using mmap for Gigantic Data Sets”.
There’s more: if you are writing a mouse-and-window program, then you will need an event loop to catch and dispatch mouse and keyboard events; GLib provides this. There are file utilities that do the right thing on POSIX and non-POSIX (i.e., Windows) systems. There’s a simple parser for configuration files, and a lightweight lexical scanner for more complex processes. Et cetera.
The POSIX standard adds several useful functions to the standard C library. Given how prevalent POSIX is, they are worth getting to know. Here, I’ll give some usage notes on two parts that stand out as especially useful: regular expression parsing and mapping a file to memory.
Parsing Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are a means of expressing a pattern in text, like (a number followed by one or more letters) or (number-comma-space-number, with nothing else on the line); in basic regex-ese, these could be expressed as [0-9]\+[[:alpha:]]\+ and ^[0-9]\+, [0-9]\+\$. The POSIX standard specifies a set of C functions to parse the regular expressions whose grammar it defines, and those functions have been wrapped by hundreds of tools. I think it is literally true that I use them every day, either at the command line via POSIX-standard tools like sed, awk, andgrep, or to deal with little text-parsing details in code. Maybe I need to find somebody’s name in a file, or somebody sent me date ranges in single strings like "04Apr2009-12Jun2010" and I want to break that down into six usable fields, or I have a fictionalized treatise on cetology and need to find the chapter markers.
If you want to break a string down into tokens demarcated with a single-character delimiter, strtok will work for you. See “A Pæan to strtok”.
However, I resolved to not include a regular expression tutorial in this book. My Internet search for “regular expression tutorial” gives me 12,900 hits. On a Linux box, man 7 regex should give you a rundown, and if you have Perl installed, you have man perlre summarizing Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCREs). (Friedl, 2002) gives an excellent book-length discussion of the topic. Here, I will cover how they work in POSIX’s C library.
There are three major types of regular expression:
§ Basic regular expressions (BREs) were the first draft, with only a few of the more common symbols having special meaning, like the * meaning zero or more of the previous atom, as in [0-9]* to represent an optional integer. Additional features required a backslash to indicate a special character: one or more digits is expressed via \+, so an integer preceded by a plus sign would be +[0-9]\+.
§ Extended regular expressions (EREs) were the second draft, mostly taking special characters to be special without the backslashes, and plain text with a backslash. Now an integer preceded by a plus sign is \+[0-9]+.
§ Perl has regular expressions at the core of the language, and its authors made several significant additions to the regex grammar, including a lookahead/lookbehind feature, nongreedy quantifiers that match the smallest possible match, and in-regex comments.
The first two types of regular expression are implemented via a small set of functions defined in the POSIX standard. They are probably part of your standard library. PCREs are available via libpcre, which you can download from online or via your package manager. See man pcreapi for details of its functions. GLib provides a convenient, higher-level wrapper for libpcre, as shown in Example 11-18.
Given that regexes are such a fundamental part of POSIX, the sample of regex use in this segment, Example 13-2, compiles on Linux and Mac without any compiler flags beyond the usual necessities:
CFLAGS="-g -Wall -O3 --std=gnu11" make regex
The POSIX and PCRE interfaces have a common four-step procedure:
1. Compile the regex via regcomp or pcre_compile
2. Run a string through the compiled regex via regexec or pcre_exec.
3. If you marked substrings in the regular expression to pull out (see below), copy them from the base string using the offsets returned by the regexec or pcre_exec function.
4. Free the internal memory used by the compiled regex.
The first two steps and the last step can be executed with a single line of code each, so if your question is only whether a string matches a given regular expression, then life is easy. I won’t go into great detail about the flags and details of usage of regcomp, regexec, and regfree here, because the page of the POSIX standard about them is reprinted in the Linux and BSD manpages (try man regexec), and there are many websites devoted to reprinting those manpages.
If you need to pull substrings, things get more complicated. Parens in a regex indicate that the parser should retrieve the match for the subpattern within the parens (even if it only matches the null string). Thus, the ERE pattern "(.*)o" matches the string "hello", and as a side effect, stores the largest possible match for the .*, which is hell. The third argument to the regexec function is the number of parenthesized subexpressions in the pattern; I call it matchcount in the example below. The fourth argument to regexec is an array of matchcount+1 regmatch_telements. The regmatch_t has two elements: rm_so, marking the start of the match, and rm_eo, marking the end. The zeroth element of the array will have the start and end of the match of the entire regex (imagine parens around the entire pattern), and subsequent elements have the start and end of each parenthesized subexpression, ordered by where their open-parens are in the pattern.
By way of foreshadowing, Example 13-1 displays a header describing the two utility functions provided by the sample code at the end of this segment. The regex_match function + macro + struct allows named and optional arguments, as per “Optional and Named Arguments”. It takes in a string and a regex and produces an array of substrings.
Example 13-1. The header for a few regex utilities (regex_fns.h)
typedef struct {
const char *string;
const char *regex;
char ***substrings;
_Bool use_case;
} regex_fn_s;
#define regex_match(...) regex_match_base((regex_fn_s){__VA_ARGS__})
int regex_match_base(regex_fn_s in);
char * search_and_replace(char const *base, char const*search, char const *replace);
We need a separate search-and-replace function because POSIX doesn’t provide one. Unless the replacement is exactly the same length as what it is replacing, the operation requires reallocating the original string. But we already have the tools to break a string into substrings, sosearch_and_replace uses parenthesized substrings to break down a function into substrings, and then rebuilds a new string, inserting the replacement part at the appropriate point.
It returns NULL on no match, so you could do a global search and replace via:
char *s2;
while((s2 = search_and_replace(long_string, pattern))){
char *tmp = long_string;
long_string = s2;
There are inefficiencies here: the regex_match function recompiles the string every time, and the global search-and-replace would be more efficient if it used the fact that everything up to result[1].rm_eo does not need to be re-searched. In this case, we can use C as a prototyping language for C: write the easy version, and if the profiler shows that these inefficiencies are a problem, replace them with more efficient code.
Example 13-2 provides the code. The lines where key events in the above discussion occur are marked, with some additional notes at the end. The test function at the end shows some simple uses of the provided functions.
Example 13-2. A few utilities for regular expression parsing (regex.c)
#define _GNU_SOURCE //cause stdio.h to include asprintf
#include "stopif.h"
#include <regex.h>
#include "regex_fns.h"
#include <string.h> //strlen
#include <stdlib.h> //malloc, memcpy
static int count_parens(const char *string){
int out = 0;
int last_was_backslash = 0;
for(const char *step=string; *step !='\0'; step++){
if (*step == '\\' && !last_was_backslash){
last_was_backslash = 1;
if (*step == ')' && !last_was_backslash)
last_was_backslash = 0;
return out;
int regex_match_base(regex_fn_s in){
Stopif(!in.string, return -1, "NULL string input");
Stopif(!in.regex, return -2, "NULL regex input");
regex_t re;
int matchcount = 0;
if (in.substrings) matchcount = count_parens(in.regex);
regmatch_t result[matchcount+1];
int compiled_ok = !regcomp(&re, in.regex, REG_EXTENDED
+ (in.use_case ? 0 : REG_ICASE)
+ (in.substrings ? 0 : REG_NOSUB) );
Stopif(!compiled_ok, return -3, "This regular expression didn't "
"compile: \"%s\"", in.regex);
int found = !regexec(&re, in.string, matchcount+1, result, 0);
if (!found) return 0;
if (in.substrings){
*in.substrings = malloc(sizeof(char*) * matchcount);
char **substrings = *in.substrings;
//match zero is the whole string; ignore it.
for (int i=0; i< matchcount; i++){
if (result[i+1].rm_eo > 0){//GNU peculiarity: match-to-empty marked with -1.
int length_of_match = result[i+1].rm_eo - result[i+1].rm_so;
substrings[i] = malloc(strlen(in.string)+1);
memcpy(substrings[i], in.string + result[i+1].rm_so,
substrings[i][length_of_match] = '\0';
} else { //empty match
substrings[i] = malloc(1);
substrings[i][0] = '\0';
in.string += result[0].rm_eo; //end of whole match;
return matchcount;
char * search_and_replace(char const *base, char const*search, char const *replace){
char *regex, *out;
asprintf(®ex, "(.*)(%s)(.*)", search);
char **substrings;
int match_ct = regex_match(base, regex, &substrings);
if(match_ct < 3) return NULL;
asprintf(&out, "%s%s%s", substrings[0], replace, substrings[2]);
for (int i=0; i< match_ct; i++)
return out;
#ifdef test_regexes
int main(){
char **substrings;
int match_ct = regex_match("Hedonism by the alps, savory foods at every meal.",
"([He]*)do.*a(.*)s, (.*)or.* ([em]*)al", &substrings);
printf("%i matches:\n", match_ct);
for (int i=0; i< match_ct; i++){
printf("[%s] ", substrings[i]);
match_ct = regex_match("", "([[:alpha:]]+) ([[:alpha:]]+)", &substrings);
Stopif(match_ct != 0, return 1, "Error: matched a blank");
printf("Without the L, Plants are: %s",
search_and_replace("Plants\n", "l", ""));
You need to send regexec an allocated array to hold substring matches and its length, meaning that you need to know how many substrings there will be. This function takes in an ERE and counts open-parens that aren’t escaped by a backslash.
Here we compile the regex to a regex_t. The function would be inefficient in repeated use, because the regex gets recompiled every time. It is left as an exercise to the reader to cache already-compiled regular expressions.
Here is the regexec use. If you just want to know whether there is a match or not, you can send NULL and 0 as the list of matches and its length.
Don’t forget to free the internal memory used by the regex_t.
The search-and-replace works by breaking down the input string into (everything before the match)(the match)(everything after the match). This is the regex representing that.
Using mmap for Gigantic Data Sets
I’ve mentioned the three types of memory (static, manual, and automatic), and here’s a fourth: disk-based. With this type, we take a file on the hard drive and map it to a location in memory using mmap.
This is often how shared libraries work: the system finds libwhatever.so, assigns a memory address to the segment of the file representing a needed function, and there you go: you’ve loaded a function into memory.
Or, we could share data across processes by having them both mmap the same file.
Or, we could use this to save data structures to memory. mmap a file to memory, use memmove to copy your in-memory data structure to the mapped memory, and it’s stored for next time. Problems come up when your data structure has a pointer to another data structure; converting a series of pointed-to data structures to something savable is the serialization problem, which I won’t cover here.
And, of course, there’s dealing with data sets too large to fit in memory. The size of an mmaped array is constrained by the size of your disk, not memory.
Example 13-3 presents sample code. The load_mmap routine does most of the work. If used as a malloc, then it needs to create the file and stretch it to the right size; if you are opening an already-existing file, it just has to be opened and mmaped.
Example 13-3. A file on disk can be mapped transparently to memory (mmap.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h> //lseek, write, close
#include <stdlib.h> //exit
#include <fcntl.h> //open
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include "stopif.h"
#define Mapmalloc(number, type, filename, fd) \
load_mmap((filename), &(fd), (number)*sizeof(type), 'y')
#define Mapload(number, type, filename, fd) \
load_mmap((filename), &(fd), (number)*sizeof(type), 'n')
#define Mapfree(number, type, fd, pointer) \
releasemmap((pointer), (number)*sizeof(type), (fd))
void *load_mmap(char const *filename, int *fd, size_t size, char make_room){
make_room=='y' ? O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC : O_RDWR,
Stopif(*fd==-1, return NULL, "Error opening file");
if (make_room=='y'){ // Stretch the file size to the size of the (mmapped) array
int result=lseek(*fd, size-1, SEEK_SET);
Stopif(result==-1, close(*fd); return NULL,
"Error stretching file with lseek");
result=write(*fd, "", 1);
Stopif(result!=1, close(*fd); return NULL,
"Error writing last byte of the file");
void *map=mmap(0, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, *fd, 0);
Stopif(map==MAP_FAILED, return NULL, "Error mmapping the file");
return map;
int releasemmap(void *map, size_t size, int fd){
Stopif(munmap(map, size) == -1, return -1, "Error un-mmapping the file");
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int fd;
long int N=1e5+6;
int *map = Mapmalloc(N, int, "mmapped.bin", fd);
for (long int i = 0; i <N; ++i) map[i] = i;
Mapfree(N, int, fd, map);
//Now reopen and do some counting.
int *readme = Mapload(N, int, "mmapped.bin", fd);
long long int oddsum=0;
for (long int i = 0; i <N; ++i) if (readme[i]%2) oddsum += i;
printf("The sum of odd numbers up to %li: %lli\n", N, oddsum);
Mapfree(N, int, fd, readme);
I wrapped the functions that follow in macros so you don’t have to type sizeof every time, and you won’t have to remember how to call load_mmap when allocating, as opposed to when loading.
The macros hide that this function gets called two different ways. If only reopening existing data, the file gets opened, mmap gets called, the results are checked, and that’s all. If called as an allocate function, we need to stretch the file to the right length.
Releasing the mapping requires using munmap, which is akin to malloc’s friend free, and closing the file handle. The data is left on the hard drive, so when you come back tomorrow you can reopen it and continue where you left off. If you want to remove the file entirely, useunlink("filename").
The payoff: you can’t tell map is on disk and not in the usual memory.
Final details: the mmap function is POSIX-standard, so it is available everywhere but Windows boxes and some embedded devices. In Windows, you can do the identical thing but with different function names and flags; see CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile. GLib wraps bothmmap and the Windows functions in an if POSIX … else if Windows … construct and names the whole thing g_mapped_file_new.
The GNU Scientific Library
If you ever read a question that starts “I’m trying to implement something from Numerical Recipes in C …” (Press, 1992), the correct response is almost certainly “Download the The GNU Scientific Library (GSL), because they already did it for you” (Gough, 2003).
Some means of numerically integrating a function are better than others, and as hinted in “Deprecate Float”, some seemingly sensible numeric algorithms will give you answers that are too imprecise to be considered anywhere near correct. So especially in this range of computing, it pays to use existing libraries where possible.
At the least, the GSL provides a reliable random-number generator (the C-standard RNG may be different on different machines, which makes it inappropriate for reproducible inquiry), and vector and matrix structures that are easy to subset and otherwise manipulate. The standard linear algebra routines, function minimizers, basic statistics (means and variances), and permutation structure may be of use to you even if you aren’t spending all day crunching numbers.
And if you know what an Eigenvector, Bessel function, or Fast Fourier Transform are, here’s where you can get routines for them.
You saw one example using the GSL’s vectors and complex numbers in Example 11-14. I give another example of the GSL’s use in Example 13-4, though you’ll notice that the string gsl_ only appears once or twice in the example. The GSL is a fine example of an old-school library that provides the minimal tools needed and then expects you to build the rest from there. For example, the GSL manual will show you the page of boilerplate you will need to use the provided optimization routines to productive effect. It felt like something the library should do for us, so I wrote a set of wrapper functions for portions of the GSL, which became Apophenia, a library aimed at modeling with data. For example, the apop_data struct binds together raw GSL matrices and GSL vectors with row and column names and an array of text data, which brings the basic numeric-processing structs closer to what real-world data looks like. The library’s calling conventions look like the modernized forms in Chapter 10.
An optimizer has a setup much like the routines in “The Void Pointer and the Structures It Points To”, where routines took in any function and used the provided function as a black box. The optimizer tries an input to the given function and uses the output value to improve its next guess for an input that will produce a larger output; with a sufficiently intelligent search algorithm, the sequence of guesses will converge to the function-maximizing input. Using an optimization routine is then a problem of writing a function to be optimized in the appropriate form and sending it and the right settings to the optimizer.
To give an example, say that we are given a list of data points x1, x2, x3, … in some space (in the example, ℝ2), and we want the point y that minimizes the total distance to each of those points. That is, given a distance function D, we want the value of y that minimizes D(y, x1) + D(y, x2) + D(y, x3) + … .
The optimizer will need a function that takes in those data points and a candidate point, and calcuates D(y, xi) for each xi. This sounds a lot like a map-reduce operation like those discussed in “Map-reduce”, and apop_map_sum facilitates this (it even parallelizes the process using OpenMP). The apop_data struct offers a consistent means of providing the set of xs against which the optimization will occur. Also, physicists and the GSL usually prefer to minimize; economists and Apophenia maximize. This difference is easily surmounted by adding a minus sign: instead of minimizing the total distance, maximize the negation of the total distance.
An optimization procedure is relatively complex (over how many dimensions is the optimizer searching? Where can the optimizer find the reference data set? Which search procedure should the optimizer use?), so the apop_estimate function takes in an apop_model struct with hooks for the function and the relevant additional information. It may seem odd to call this distance-minimzer a model, but many of the things we recognize as statistical models (linear regressions, support vector machines, simulations, etc.) are estimated via exactly this form of taking in data, finding the optimum given some objective function, and reporting the optimum as the most likely parameter set for the model given the data.
Example 13-4 goes through the full procedure of writing down a distance function, wrapping it and all the relevant metatdata into an apop_model, and the one-line call to apop_estimate that does the actual optimization, and spits out a model struct with its parameters set to the point that minimizes total distance to the input data points.
Example 13-4. Finding the point that minimizes the sum of distances to a set of input points (gsl_distance.c)
#include <apop.h>
double one_dist(gsl_vector *v1, void *v2){
return apop_vector_distance(v1, v2);
long double distance(apop_data *data, apop_model *model){
gsl_vector *target = model->parameters->vector;
return -apop_map_sum(data, .fn_vp=one_dist, .param=target);
apop_model *min_distance= &(apop_model){
.name="Minimum distance to a set of input points.", .p=distance, .vsize=-1};
int main(){
apop_data *locations = apop_data_falloc((5, 2),
1.1, 2.2,
4.8, 7.4,
2.9, 8.6,
-1.3, 3.7,
2.9, 1.1);
Apop_model_add_group(min_distance, apop_mle, .method="NM simplex",
apop_model *est=apop_estimate(locations, min_distance);
Apply the one_dist function to every row of the input data set. The negation is because we are using a maximization system to find a minimum distance.
The .vbase element is a hint that apop_estimate does a lot under the hood. It will allocate the model’s parameters element, and setting this element to -1 indicates that the parameter count should equal the number of columns in the data set.
The first argument to apop_data_falloc is a list of dimensions; then fill the grid of the given dimensions with five 2D points. See “Multiple Lists”.
This line appends a group of settings to the model regarding how optimization should be done: use the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm, and keep trying until the algorithm’s error measure is less than 1e-5. Add .verbose='y' for some information about each iteration of the optimization search.
OK, everything is now in place, so run the optimization engine in one last line of code: search for the point that minimizes the min_distance function given the locations data.
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a roughly human-readable means of interacting with a database. Because the database is typically on disk, it can be as large as desired. An SQL database has two especial strengths for these large data sets: taking subsets of a data set and joining together data sets.
I won’t go into great detail about SQL, because there are voluminous tutorials available. If I may cite myself, Modeling with Data: Tools and Techniques for Statisical Computing has a chapter on SQL and using it from C, or just type sql tutorial into your favorite search engine. The basics are pretty simple. Here, I will focus on getting you started with the SQLite library itself.
SQLite provides a database via a single C file plus a single header. That file includes the parser for SQL queries, the various internal structures and functions to talk to a file on disk, and a few dozen interface functions for our use in interacting with the database. Download the file, unzip it into your project directory, add sqlite3.o to the objects line of your makefile, and you’ve got a complete SQL database engine on hand.
There are only a few functions that you will need to interact with, to open the database, close the database, send a query, and get rows of data from the database.
Here are some serviceable database-opening and -closing functions:
sqlite3 *db=NULL; //The global database handle.
int db_open(char *filename){
if (filename) sqlite3_open(filename, &db);
else sqlite3_open(":memory:", &db);
if (!db) {printf("The database didn't open.\n"); return 1;}
return 0;
//The database closing function is easy:
I prefer to have a single global database handle. If I need to open multiple databases, then I use the SQL attach command to open another database. The SQL to use a table in such an attached database might look like:
attach "diskdata.db" as diskdb;
create index diskdb.index1 on diskdb.tab1(col1);
select * from diskdb.tab1 where col1=27;
If the first database handle is in memory, and all on-disk databases are attached, then you will need to be explicit about which new tables or indices are being written to disk; anything you don’t specify will be taken to be a temporary table in faster, throwaway memory. If you forget and write a table to memory, you can always write it to disk later using a form like create table diskdb.saved_table as select * from table_in_memory.
The Queries
Here is a macro for sending SQL that doesn’t return a value to the database engine. For example, the attach and create index queries tell the database to take an action but return no data.
#define ERRCHECK {if (err!=NULL) {printf("%s\n",err); return 0;}}
#define query(...){char *query; asprintf(&query, __VA_ARGS__); \
char *err=NULL; \
sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL,NULL, &err); \
free(query); free(err);}
The ERRCHECK macro is straight out of the SQLite manual. I wrap the call to sqlite3_exec in a macro so that you can write things like:
for (int i=0; i< col_ct; i++)
query("create index idx%i on data(col%i)", i, i);
Building queries via printf-style string construction is the norm for SQL-via-C, and you can expect that more of your queries will be built on the fly than will be verbatim from the source code. This format has one pitfall: SQL like clauses and printf bicker over the % sign, soquery("select * from data where col1 like 'p%%nts'") will fail, as printf thinks the %% was meant for it. Instead, query("%s", "select * from data where col1 like 'p%%nts'") works. Nonetheless, building queries on the fly is so common that it’s worth the inconvenience of an extra %s for fixed queries.
Getting data back from SQLite requires a callback function, as per “Functions with Generic Inputs”. Here is an example that prints to the screen.
int the_callback(void *ignore_this, int argc, char **argv, char **column){
for (int i=0; i< argc; i++)
printf("%s,\t", argv[i]);
return 0;
#define query_to_screen(...){ \
char *query; asprintf(&query, __VA_ARGS__); \
char *err=NULL; \
sqlite3_exec(db, query, the_callback, NULL, &err); \
free(query); free(err);}
The inputs to the callback look a lot like the inputs to main: you get an argv, which is a list of text elements of length argc. The column names (also a text list of length argc) are in column. Printing to screen means that I treat all the strings as such, which is easy enough. So is a function that fills an array, for example:
typedef {
double *data;
int rows, cols;
} array_w_size;
int the_callback(void *array_in, int argc, char **argv, char **column){
array_w_size *array = array_in;
*array = realloc(&array->data, sizeof(double)*(++(array->rows))*argc);
for (int i=0; i< argc; i++)
array->data[(array->rows-1)*argc + i] = atof(argv[i]);
#define query_to_array(a, ...){\
char *query; asprintf(&query, __VA_ARGS__); \
char *err=NULL; \
sqlite3_exec(db, query, the_callback, a, &err); \
free(query); free(err);}
//sample usage:
array_w_size untrustworthy;
query_to_array(&untrustworthy, "select * from people where age > %i", 30);
The trouble comes in when we have mixed numeric and string data. Implementing something to handle a case of mixed numeric and text data took me about page or two in the previously mentioned Apophenia library.
Nonetheless, let us delight in how the given snippets of code, along with the two SQLite files themselves and a tweak to the objects line of the makefile, are enough to provide full SQL database functionality to your program.
libxml and cURL
The cURL library is a C library that handles a long list of Internet protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, POP3, Telnet, SCP, and of course Gopher. If you need to talk to a server, you can probably use libcURL to do it. As you will see in the following example, the library provides an easy interface that requires only that you specify a few variables, and then run the connection.
While we’re on the Internet, where markup languages like XML and HTML are so common, it makes sense to introduce libxml2 at the same time.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is used to describe the formatting for plain text files, but it is really the definition of a tree structure. The first half of Figure 13-1 is a typical barely readable slurry of XML data; the second half displays the tree structure formed by the text. Handling a well-tagged tree is a relatively easy affair: we could start at the root node (via xmlDocGetRootElement) and do a recursive traversal to check all elements, or we could get all elements with the tag par, or we could get all elements with the tag title that are children of the second chapter, and so on. In the following sample code, //item/title indicates all title elements whose parent is an item, anywhere in the tree.
libxml2 therefore speaks the language of tagged trees, with its focal objects being representations of the document, nodes, and lists of nodes.
Figure 13-1. An XML document and the tree structure encoded therein
Example 13-5 presents a full example. I documented it via Doxygen (see “Interweaving Documentation”), which is why it looks so long, but the code explains itself. Again, if you’re in the habit of skipping long blocks of code, do try it out and see if it’s readable. If you have Doxygen on hand, you can try generating the documentation and viewing it in your browser.
Example 13-5. Parse the NYT Headline feed to a simpler format (nyt_feed.c)
/** \file
A program to read in the NYT's headline feed and produce a simple
HTML page from the headlines. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <libxml2/libxml/xpath.h>
#include "stopif.h"
/** \mainpage
The front page of the Grey Lady's web site is as gaudy as can be, including
several headlines and sections trying to get your attention, various formatting
schemes, and even photographs--in <em>color</em>.
This program reads in the NYT Headlines RSS feed, and writes a simple list in
plain HTML. You can then click through to the headline that modestly piques
your attention.
For notes on compilation, see the \ref compilation page.
/** \page compilation Compiling the program
Save the following code to \c makefile.
Notice that cURL has a program, \c curl-config, that behaves like \c pkg-config,
but is cURL-specific.
CFLAGS =-g -Wall -O3 `curl-config --cflags` -I/usr/include/libxml2
LDLIBS=`curl-config --libs ` -lxml2 -lpthread
Having saved your makefile, use <tt>make nyt_feed</tt> to compile.
Of course, you have to have the development packages for libcurl and libxml2
installed for this to work.
//These have in-line Doxygen documentation. The < points to the prior text
//being documented.
char *rss_url = "http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml";
/**< The URL for an NYT RSS feed. */
char *rssfile = "nytimes_feeds.rss"; /**< A local file to write the RSS to.*/
char *outfile = "now.html"; /**< The output file to open in your browser.*/
/** Print a list of headlines in HTML format to the outfile, which is overwritten.
\param urls The list of urls. This should have been tested for non-NULLness
\param titles The list of titles, also pre-tested to be non-NULL. If the length
of the \c urls list or the \c titles list is \c NULL, this will crash.
void print_to_html(xmlXPathObjectPtr urls, xmlXPathObjectPtr titles){
FILE *f = fopen(outfile, "w");
for (int i=0; i< titles->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++)
fprintf(f, "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br>\n"
, xmlNodeGetContent(urls->nodesetval->nodeTab[i])
, xmlNodeGetContent(titles->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]));
/** Parse an RSS feed on the hard drive. This will parse the XML, then find
all nodes matching the XPath for the title elements and all nodes matching
the XPath for the links. Then, it will write those to the outfile.
\param infile The RSS file in.
int parse(char const *infile){
const xmlChar *titlepath= (xmlChar*)"//item/title";
const xmlChar *linkpath= (xmlChar*)"//item/link";
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(infile);
Stopif(!doc, return -1, "Error: unable to parse file \"%s\"\n", infile);
xmlXPathContextPtr context = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
Stopif(!context, return -2, "Error: unable to create new XPath context\n");
xmlXPathObjectPtr titles = xmlXPathEvalExpression(titlepath, context);
xmlXPathObjectPtr urls = xmlXPathEvalExpression(linkpath, context);
Stopif(!titles || !urls, return -3, "either the Xpath '//item/title' "
"or '//item/link' failed.");
print_to_html(urls, titles);
return 0;
/** Use cURL's easy interface to download the current RSS feed.
\param url The URL of the NY Times RSS feed. Any of the ones listed at
\url http://www.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/ should work.
\param outfile The headline file to write to your hard drive. First save
the RSS feed to this location, then overwrite it with the short list of links.
\return 1==OK, 0==failure.
int get_rss(char const *url, char const *outfile){
FILE *feedfile = fopen(outfile, "w");
if (!feedfile) return -1;
CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
if(!curl) return -1;
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, feedfile);
CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
if (res) return -1;
return 0;
int main(void) {
Stopif(get_rss(rss_url, rssfile), return 1, "failed to download %s to %s.\n",
rss_url, rssfile);
printf("Wrote headlines to %s. Have a look at it in your browser.\n", outfile);
Strike another match, go start anew—
Bob Dylan, closing out his 1965 Newport Folk Festival set, “It’s All Over Now Baby Blue”
Wait!, you exclaim. You said that I can use libraries to make my work easier, but I’m an expert in my field, I’ve searched everywhere, and I still can’t find a library to suit my needs!
If that’s you, then it’s time for me to reveal my secret agenda in writing this book: as a C user, I want more people writing good libraries that I can use. If you’ve read this far, you know how to write modern code based on other libraries, how to write a suite of functions around a few simple objects, how to make the interface user-friendly, how to document it so others can use it, what tools are available so you can test it, how to use a Git repository so that others can contribute, and how to package it for use by the general public using Autotools. C is the foundation of modern computing, so when you solve your problem in C, then the solution is available for all sorts of platforms everywhere.
Punk rock is a do-it-yourself art form. It is the collective realization that music is made by people like us, and that you don’t need permission from a corporate review committee to write something new and distribute it to the world. In fact, we already have all the tools we need to make it happen.