21st Century C (2015)
Part I. The Environment
Chapter 2. Debug, Test, Document
Over your window
You think I’m confused,
I’m waiting ...
To complete my current ruse.
Wire, “I Am the Fly”
This chapter will cover tools for debugging, testing, and documenting your writing—the essentials to take your writing from a potentially useful set of scripts to something you and others can rely on.
Because C gives you the freedom to do idiotic things with memory, debugging means both the quotidian problem of checking logic (with GDB) and the more technical problem of checking for memory misallocations and leaks (with Valgrind). On the documentation side, this chapter covers one tool at the interface level (Doxygen) and another that helps you document and develop every step of the program (CWEB).
The chapter also gives a quick introduction to the test harness, which will allow you to quickly write lots of tests for your code, and offers some considerations about error reporting and handling input or user errors.
Using a Debugger
The first tip about the debugger is simple and brief:
Use a debugger, always.
Some of you will find this to be not much of a tip, because who possibly wouldn’t use a debugger? Here in the second edition of the book, I can tell you that one of the most common requests regarding the first edition was a more extensive introduction to the debugger, which was entirely new to many readers.
Some people worry that bugs typically come from broad errors of understanding, while the debugger only gives information at the low level of variable states and backtraces. Indeed, after you pinpoint a bug using the debugger, it is worth taking the time to consider what underlying problem and failure of understanding you have just discovered, and whether it replicates itself elsewhere in your code. Some death certificates include an aggressive inquiry into the cause of death: Subject died as a result of ______, as a result of ______, as a result of ______, as a result of ______, as a result of ______. After the debugger has helped you make such an inquiry and understand your code better, you can encapsulate your understanding in more unit tests.
About that always: there is virtually no cost to running a program under the debugger. Nor is the debugger just something to pull out when something breaks. Linus Torvalds explains: “I use gdb all the time … as a disassembler on steroids that you can program.” It’s great being able to pause anywhere, increase the verbosity level with a quick print verbose++, force out of a for (int i=0; i<10; i++) loop via print i=100 and continue, or test a function by throwing a series of test inputs at it. The fans of interactive languages are right that interacting with your code improves the development process all the way along; they just never got to the debugging chapter in the C textbook, and so never realized that all of those interactive habits apply to C as well.
Whatever your intent, you will need to have human-readable debugging information (i.e., names for variables and functions) compiled into the program for any debugger to be at all useful. To include debugging symbols, use the -g flag in the compiler switches (i.e., your CFLAGS variable). Reasons to not use the -g flag are rare indeed—it doesn’t slow down your program, and adding a kilobyte to your executable is irrelevant for most situations. Debugging may also be easier after turning off optimization via the -O0 (oh zero) compiler flag, because the optimizer may eliminate variables useful for debugging and shuffle the code in surprising ways.
I’m mostly covering GDB, because on most POSIX systems, it’s the only game in town. (By the way, a C++ compiler engages in what is known as mangling of the code. In gdb it shows, and I’ve always found debugging C++ code from the gdb prompt to be painful. Because C code compiles without mangling, I find gdb to be much more usable for C, and having a GUI that unmangles the names is not necessary.) LLDB (companion to the LLVM/clang) is gaining popularity, and I will cover it as well. Apple has ceased shipping GDB as part of its Xcode suite, but you can install it via a package manager, such as Macports, Fink, or Homebrew. On a Mac, you may need to run debug sessions via sudo(!), like sudo lldb stddev_bugged.
You might be working from an IDE or other visual front end that runs your program under the debugger every time you click run. I’m going to show you commands from the command line, and you should have no trouble translating the basics here into mouse clicks on your screen. Depending on the frontend, you might be able to use the macros defined in .gdbinit.
When working with the command line directly, you will probably need to have a text editor in another window or terminal displaying your code. The simple debugger/editor combination provides many of the conveniences of an IDE, and may be all you need.
To start your program, you ask the system to execute a function called main. The computer generates a frame into which information about the function is placed, such as the inputs (which for main are customarily named argc and argv) and the variables that are created by the function.
Let us say that, in the course of its execution, main calls another function, get_agents. Then execution of main stops and a new frame is generated for get_agents, holding its various details and variables. Perhaps get_agents calls another function, agent_address, at which point we have a growing stack of frames. Eventually, agent_address will finish execution, at which point it pops off the stack and get_agents resumes.
If your question is just “Where am I?” the easy answer is the line number in the code, and sometimes this is all you need. But more often, your question is “How did I get here?” and the answer, the backtrace or call stack, is a listing of the stack of frames. Here’s a sample backtrace:
#0 0x00413bbe in agent_address (agent_number=312) at addresses.c:100
#1 0x004148b6 in get_agents () at addresses.c:163
#2 0x00404f9b in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe278) at addresses.c:227
The top of the stack is frame 0, down to main, which is currently frame 2 (but that will change as the stack grows and shrinks). The hexadecimal after the frame number gives the locations to which execution will return when the called function returns; as an application programmer, I always took it as visual noise to ignore. After that, we have the function name, its inputs (which in the case of argv is again a hex address), and the line in the source code where execution is happening.
If you found that the house listed in agent_address is clearly wrong, then maybe the agent_number input is somehow wrong, in which case you have to jump to frame 1 and ask what the state of get_agents was that set up the strange state of agent_address. Much of the skill of interrogating a program is in jumping around in the stack and tracing causes and effects from one function’s frame to the next.
A Debugging Detective Story
This section will go through an imaginary Q&A session with GDB or LLDB. In the set of code samples for this book, you will find stddev_bugged.c, a rewrite of Example 7-4 with a bug inserted. The change is small enough that you can refer to that listing of stddev.c to get a view of the program. Like any good detective story, the clues needed to identify the culprit are all available to you. The line of questions will help eliminate suspects until only one suspect remains and the bug becomes obvious.
After compiling the program (CFLAGS="-g" make stddev_bugged should do it), we start the inquiry by starting the debugger:
gdb stddev_bugged
# or
lldb stddev_bugged
We are now at the debugger command prompt, ready to ask questions.
Q: What does this program do?
A: The run command runs the program. Here, the GDB and LLDB command is the same; where they differ I will use the GDB command in the example and put the LLDB command in square brackets. Like all GDB and LLDB commands, it can be abbreviated:
(gdb) r
mean: 5687.496667 var: 194085710
mean: 0.83 var: 4.1334
[Inferior 1 (process 22734) exited normally]
It looks like the program produces some means and variances. It makes it to the end of the program without segfaults or other failures, and returns zero, indicating normal execution.
Q: Does the code in main verify what we got from the output?
A: The easiest way to look at the code is to simply open the source code in a text editor. There are ways to keep a text editor side-by-side with the debugger even when logging in to a terminal-only remote machine; see “Try a Multiplexer”. But GDB and LLDB will also display lines of code via the list command:
(gdb) l main
28 }
29 return (meanvar){.mean = avg,
30 .var = avg2 - pow(avg, 2)}; //E[x^2] - E^2[x]
31 }
33 int main(){
34 double d[] = { 34124.75, 34124.48,
35 34124.90, 34125.31,
36 34125.05, 34124.98, NAN};
We get 10 lines of code, centered at the requested point. Rerunning list with no arguments gives us the next 10 lines:
(gdb) l
38 meanvar mv = mean_and_var(d);
39 printf("mean: %.10g var: %.10g\n", mv.mean, mv.var*6/5.);
41 double d2[] = { 4.75, 4.48,
42 4.90, 5.31,
43 5.05, 4.98, NAN};
45 mv = mean_and_var(d2);
46 mv.var *= 6./5;
47 printf("mean: %.10g var: %.10g\n", mv.mean, mv.var);
We see the call to the function mean_and_var on line 38, which is sent the list d. But there’s a problem: the numbers in d are all around 34,125, but the mean output by the program was about 5,687 (not to mention the runaway variance). Similarly, the second call to mean_and_var sent in a list of numbers around 5, but the second mean was 0.83.
The remainder of the session is really asking a single question: what is the first point in the code where something went wrong? But to answer that central question, we will need more details.
Q: How can we see what is happening in mean_and_var?
A: We want the program to pause at mean_and_var, so we set a breakpoint there:
(gdb) b mean_and_var
Breakpoint 1 at 0x400820: file stddev_bugged.c, line 16.
With the breakpoint set, rerunning the program stops at that point:
(gdb) r
Breakpoint 1, mean_and_var (data=data@entry=0x7fffffffe130) at stddev_bugged.c:16
16 meanvar mean_and_var(const double *data){
We are now sitting at line 16, the head of the function, ready to ask further details about what is going on here.
Q: Is data what we think it is?
A: We can look at data within this frame via print, which abbreviates to p:
(gdb) p *data
$2 = 34124.75
That was disappointing: we only got the first element. But GDB has a specialized @-syntax for printing a sequence of elements in an array. Asking for 10 elements [LLDB: mem read -tdouble -c10 data]:
(gdb) p *data@10
$3 = {34124.75,
Note the star at the head of the expression; without it, we’d get a sequence of 10 hexadecimal addresses.
I asked for 10 elements because I couldn’t be bothered to count how many elements are in the data set, but the first 7 of these 10 elements look correct: a series of numbers, followed by a NaN marker. After that, we see whatever noise is in uninitialized space after the array.
Q: Does this match what got sent by main?
A: We can get a backtrace via bt:
(gdb) bt
#0 mean_and_var (data=data@entry=0x7fffffffe130) at stddev_bugged.c:16
#1 0x0000000000400680 in main () at stddev_bugged.c:38
The stack of frames is two frames deep, including the current frame, and its caller, main. Let us see what the data looks like in frame 1. First, we switch to it:
(gdb) f 1
#1 0x0000000000400680 in main () at stddev_bugged.c:38
38 meanvar mv = mean_and_var(d);
The debugger is now in the main frame, on line 38. Line 38 is where we expected it to be, so the sequence of execution is OK (and wasn’t shuffled by the optimizer). In this frame, the data array is named d:
(gdb) p *d@7
$5 = {34124.75,
This looks like it matches the data in the mean_and_var frame, so it seems nothing strange happened with the data set.
We don’t have to explicitly return to frame zero to continue stepping through the program, but we could do so either via f 0 or by movement in the stack relative to the current frame:
(gdb) down
Note that up and down refer to the numeric order. Given that the list produced by bt (in both GDB and LLDB) puts the numerically lowest frame at the physical top of the list, up goes down the backtrace list and down goes up the backtrace list.
Q: Is this a problem with parallel threads?
A: We can get the list of threads via info threads [LLDB: thread list]:
(gdb) info threads
Id Target Id Frame
* 1 Thread 0x7ffff7fcb7c0 (LWP 28903) "stddev_bugged" mean_and_var
(data=data@entry=0x7fffffffe180) at stddev_bugged.c:16
In this case, there is only one active thread, so this can’t be a multithreading problem. The * shows us which thread the debugger is in right now. If there were a thread two, we could jump to it via GDB’s thread 2 or LLDB’s thread select 2.
If your programs aren’t spawning lots of new threads, they will be after you read Chapter 12. GDB users, add this line to your .gdbinit to turn off those annoying notices about every new thread:
set print thread-events off
Q: What is mean_and_var doing?
A: We can repeatedly step through the next line of the program:
(gdb) n
18 avg2 = 0;
(gdb) n
16 meanvar mean_and_var(const double *data){
Hitting the Enter key with no input repeats the previous command, so we don’t even have to type the n:
18 avg2 = 0;
20 size_t count= 0;
16 meanvar mean_and_var(const double *data){
21 for(size_t i=0; !isnan(data[i]); i++){
21 for(size_t i=0; !isnan(data[i]); i++){
22 ratio = count/(count+1);
26 avg += data[i]/(count +0.0);
The line numbers indicate that the program is jumping around. This is because in each step, the debugger is executing machine-level instructions which are not necessarily ordered to match the C code that generated them. Even with optimization set to level zero, this is normal. The jumping around can also affect variables, as their value may be unreliable until after the second or third time a line gets hit in the out-of-order sequence.
There are other options for stepping through, typically one of snuc; see the table below. But stepping through like this will take all day. We see that there is a for loop stepping through data, so let us set another breakpoint in the middle of the loop:
(gdb) b 25
Breakpoint 2 at 0x400875: file stddev_bugged.c, line 25.
Now we have two breakpoints, which we can see via a GDB info break command or LLDB’s break list:
(gdb) info break
Num Type Disp Enb Address What
1 breakpoint keep y 0x0000000000400820 in mean_and_var
at stddev_bugged.c:16
breakpoint already hit 1 time
2 breakpoint keep y 0x0000000000400875 in mean_and_var
at stddev_bugged.c:25
We don’t really need the breakpoint at the head of mean_and_var anymore, so we can disable it [LLDB: break dis 1]:
(gdb) dis 1
After this, the Enb column from the output of info break will be n for breakpoint 1. You can later reenable the breakpoint via GDB’s enable 1 or LLDB’s break enable 1 if need be. Or if you know you will never need it again, delete the breakpoint via GDB’s del 1 or LLDB’sbreak del 1.
Q: What do the variables look like in the middle of the loop?
A: We can start over entirely via r, or we can continue from where we are via c:
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, mean_and_var (data=data@entry=0x7fffffffe130) at stddev_bugged.c:25
25 avg2 *= ratio;
We are now stopped at line 25, and can see all local variables [LLDB: frame variable]:
(gdb) info local
i = 0
avg = 0
avg2 = 0
ratio = 0
count = 1
We can also check the input arguments via GDB’s info args, though we have already looked at data directly. LLDB’s frame variable includes both local variables and input arguments.
Q: We know the output mean is wrong, so how does avg change at each run?
A: We could type p avg every time the we stop at this breakpoint, but the display command automates this:
(gdb) disp avg
1: avg = 0
Now, when we continue, the debugger will continue through the loop, and at each stop we see the current value of avg:
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, mean_and_var (data=data@entry=0x7fffffffe130) at stddev_bugged.c:25
25 avg2 *= ratio;
1: avg = 0
Breakpoint 2, mean_and_var (data=data@entry=0x7fffffffe130) at stddev_bugged.c:25
25 avg2 *= ratio;
1: avg = 0
This is a bad sign: the code has lines like
avg *= ratio;
avg += data[i]/(count +0.0);
so avg should be changing at each iteration of the loop, but is stuck at zero. Having established that it is broken, we are done looking at avg (which is labeled as display #1), so we can turn off autoprinting via undisp 1.
Q: How do the inputs to avg look?
A: We verified that data looks good; how are ratio and count?
(gdb) disp ratio
2: ratio = 0
(gdb) disp count
3: count = 3
Continuing through the loop a few times, we see that count is incrementing the way a variable named “count” should, but ratio is not moving:
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, mean_and_var (data=data@entry=0x7fffffffe130) at stddev_bugged.c:25
25 avg2 *= ratio;
3: count = 4
2: ratio = 0
Q: Where did ratio get set?
A: Inspecting the code, in the text editor or via l, we see that ratio is only set on line 22:
ratio = count/(count+1);
We already verified that count is incrementing as it should, but there must be something wrong on this line. At this point, the error may be obvious to you: if count is an integer, then count/(count+1) is integer-arithmetic division, which returns an integer (3/4==0), not the floating-point division we all learned in elementary school (3/4==0.75). The correct thing to do (see “Cast Less”) is to ensure that either the numerator or denominator is floating-point, which we can do by changing the integer constant 1 to the floating-point constant 1.0:
ratio = count/(count+1.0);
The debugger didn’t remind us about this common error, but it helped us find the first point in the code where something went wrong, and it is certainly easier to find an error on one line than to find an error in a 50-line code block. Along the way, we got to check and verify all sorts of details about the code, and get a better understanding of the flow of the program and the stack of frames.
Table 2-1 provides a list of the more common debugger commands. Both GDB and LLDB have dozens more, but these are the 10% that you will likely use 90% of the time. Most of the variable names are taken from the New York Times headline downloader from “libxml and cURL”.
Group |
Command |
Meaning |
Go |
run |
Run the program from the start. |
run args |
Run the program from the start, with the given command-line arguments. |
Stop |
b get_rss |
Pause your program at a certain function. |
b nyt_feeds.c:105 |
Pause just before a certain line of code. |
break 105 |
Same as b nyt_feeds.c:105 if you are already stopped in nyt_feeds.c. |
info break [GDB] |
List breakpoints. |
break list [LLDB] |
watch curl [GDB] |
Break if the value of the given variable changes. |
watch set var curl [LLDB] |
dis 3 / ena 3 / del 3 [GDB] |
Disable/reenable/delete breakpoint 3. If you have a lot of breakpoints set, disable by itself turns them all off, and then you can enable the one or two that you need at the moment; likewise for enable/delete. |
break dis 3 / break ena 3 / break del 3 [LLDB] |
Inspect variables |
p url |
Print the value of url. You may specify any expression, including function calls. |
p *an_array@10 [GDB] |
Print the first 10 elements of an_array. The next 10 are p *(an_array+10)@10. |
mem read -tdouble -c10 an_array |
Read a count of 10 items of type double from an_array. The next 10 are mem read -tdouble -c10 an_array+10. |
info args / info vars [GDB] |
Get the values of all arguments to the function or all local variables. |
frame var [LLDB] |
Get the values of all arguments to the function and all local variables. |
disp url |
Display the value of url every time the program stops. |
undisp 3 |
Stop the display the of display item 3. GDB: with no number, turn them all off. |
Threads |
info thread [GDB] |
List the active threads. |
thread list [LLDB] |
thread 2 [GDB] |
Switch focus to thread 2 |
thread select 2 [LLDB] |
Frames |
bt |
List the stack of frames. |
f 3 |
Look at frame 3. |
up / down |
Go numerically one up or down in the stack of frames. |
Step |
s |
Step one line, even if that means entering another function. |
n |
Next line, but do not enter subfunctions, and possibly back up to the head of a loop. |
u |
Until the next line forward from the current line (so let an already-visited loop run through until forward progress). |
c |
Continue until the next breakpoint or the end of the program. |
ret or ret 3 [GDB] |
Return from the current function immediately with the given return value (if any). |
j 105 [GDB] |
Jump to whatever line you please (within reason). |
Look at code |
l |
list prints the 10 lines around the line you are currently on. |
Repeat |
Enter |
Just hitting Enter will repeat the last command, which makes stepping easier, or after l, Enter will list the next 10 lines after those you just saw. |
Compile |
make [GDB] |
Run make without exiting GDB. You can also specify a target, like make myprog. |
Get help |
help |
Explore everything else the debugger offers. |
Table 2-1. Common debugger commands |
GDB Variables
This segment covers some useful debugger features that will help you look at your data with as little cognitive effort as possible. All of the commands to follow go on the debugger command line; IDE debuggers based on GDB often provide a means of hooking in to these facilities as well.
Here’s a sample program that does nothing, but that you can type in for the sake of having a variable to interrogate. Because it is such a do-nothing program, be sure to set the compiler’s optimization flag to -O0, or else x will disappear entirely.
int main(){
int x[20] = {};
x[0] = 3;
The first tip will only be new to those of you who didn’t read the GDB manual (Stallman, 2002), which is probably all of you. You can generate convenience variables, to save typing. For example, if you want to inspect an element deep within a hierarchy of structures, you can do something like:
(gdb) set $vd = my_model->dataset->vector->data
p *$vd@10
(lldb) p double *$vd = my_model->dataset->vector->data
mem read -tdouble -c10 $vd
That first line generated the convenience variable to substitute for the lengthy path. Following the lead of the shell, a dollar sign indicates a variable. Unlike the shell, GDB uses set and a dollar sign on the variable’s first use, and LLDB uses clang’s parser to evaluate expressions, so the LLDB declaration is a typical C declaration. The second line in both versions demonstrates a simple use. We don’t save much typing here, but if you suspect a variable of guilty behavior, giving it a short name makes it easier to give it a thorough interrogation.
These aren’t just names; they’re real variables that you can modify. After breaking at line 3 or line 4 of the do-nothing program, try:
(gdb) set $ptr=&x[3]
p *$ptr = 8
p *($ptr++) #print the pointee, and step forward one
(lldb) p int *$ptr = &x[3]
p *$ptr = 8
p *($ptr++)
The second line changes the value in the given location. Adding one to a pointer steps forward to the next item in the list (as per “All the Pointer Arithmetic You Need to Know”), so after the third line, $ptr is now pointing to x[4].
That last form is especially useful because hitting the Enter key without any input repeats the last command. Because the pointer stepped forward, you’ll get a new next value every time you hit Enter, until you get the gist of the array. This is also useful should you find yourself dealing with a linked list. Pretend we have a function named show_structure that displays an element of the linked list and sets $list equal to the given element, and we have the head of the list at list_head. Then:
p $list=list_head
show_structure $list->next
and leaning on the Enter key will step through the list. Later, we’ll make that imaginary function to display a data structure a reality.
But first, here’s one more trick about these $ variables. Let me cut and paste a few lines of interaction with a debugger in the other screen:
(gdb|lldb) p x+3
$17 = (int *) 0xbffff9a4
You probably don’t even look at it anymore, but notice how the output to the print statement starts with $17. Indeed, every output is assigned a variable name, which we can use like any other:
(gdb|lldb) p *$17
$18 = 8
(gdb|lldb) p *$17+20
$19 = 28
To be even more brief, GDB uses a lone $ as a shorthand variable assigned to the last output. So if you get a hex address when you thought you would get the value at that address, just put p *$ on the next line to get the value. With this, the above steps could have been:
(gdb) p x+3
$20 = (int *) 0xbffff9a4
(gdb) p *$
$21 = 8
(gdb) p $+20
$22 = 28
Print Your Structures
You can define simple macros, which are especially useful for displaying nontrivial data structures—which is most of the work one does in a debugger. Even a simple 2D array hurts your eyes when it’s displayed as a long line of numbers. In a perfect world, every major structure you deal with will have a debugger command associated to quickly view that structure in the manner(s) most useful to you.
The facility is rather primitive, but you probably already wrote a C-side function that prints any complex structures you might have to deal with, so the macro can simply call that function with a few keystrokes.
You can’t use any of your C preprocessor macros at the debugger prompt, because they were substituted out long before the debugger saw any of your code. So if you have a valuable macro in your code, you may have to reimplement it in the debugger as well.
Here is a GDB function you can try by putting a breakpoint about halfway through the parse function in “libxml and cURL”, at which point you’ll have a doc structure representing an XML tree. Put these macros in your .gdbinit.
define pxml
p xmlElemDump(stdout, $arg0, xmlDocGetRootElement($arg0))
document pxml
Print the tree of an already opened XML document (i.e., an xmlDocPtr) to the
screen. This will probably be several pages long.
E.g., given: xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(infile);
use: pxml doc
Notice how the documentation follows right after the function itself; view it via help pxml or help user-defined. The macro itself just saves some typing, but because the primary activity in the debugger is looking at data, those little things add up.
I’ll discuss the LLDB versions of these macros below.
GLib has a linked-list structure, so we should have a linked-list viewer. Example 2-1 implements it via two user-visible macros (phead to view the head of the list, then pnext to step forward) and one macro the user should never have to call (plistdata, to remove redundancy betweenphead and pnext).
Example 2-1. A set of macros to easily display a linked list in GDB—about the most elaborate debugging macro you’ll ever need (gdb_showlist)
define phead
set $ptr = $arg1
plistdata $arg0
document phead
Print the first element of a list. E.g., given the declaration
Glist *datalist;
g_list_add(datalist, "Hello");
view the list with something like
gdb> phead char datalist
gdb> pnext char
gdb> pnext char
This macro defines $ptr as the current pointed-to list struct,
and $pdata as the data in that list element.
define pnext
set $ptr = $ptr->next
plistdata $arg0
document pnext
You need to call phead first; that will set $ptr.
This macro will step forward in the list, then show the value at
that next element. Give the type of the list data as the only argument.
This macro defines $ptr as the current pointed-to list struct, and
$pdata as the data in that list element.
define plistdata
if $ptr
set $pdata = $ptr->data
set $pdata= 0
if $pdata
p ($arg0*)$pdata
p "NULL"
document plistdata
This is intended to be used by phead and pnext, q.v. It sets $pdata and prints its value.
Example 2-2 offers some simple code that uses the GList to store char*s. You can break around line 8 or 9 and call the previous macros.
Example 2-2. Some sample code for trying debugging, or a lightning-quick intro to GLib linked lists (glist.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <glib.h>
GList *list;
int main(){
list = g_list_append(list, "a");
list = g_list_append(list, "b");
list = g_list_append(list, "c");
for ( ; list!= NULL; list=list->next)
printf("%s\n", (char*)list->data);
You can define functions to run before or after every use of a given command. To give an example in GDB:
define hook-print
echo <----\n
define hookpost-print
echo ---->\n
will print cute brackets before and after anything you print. The most exciting hook is hook-stop. The display command will print the value of any expression every time the program stops, but if you want to make use of a macro or other GDB command at every stop, redefine hook-stop:
define hook-stop
pxml suspect_tree
When you are done with your suspect, redefine hook-stop to be nothing:
define hook-stop
LLDB users: see target stop-hook add.
Your Turn: GDB macros can also include a while that looks much like the ifs in Example 2-2 (start with a line like while $ptr and conclude with end). Use this to write a macro to print an entire list at once.
LLDB does things a little differently.
First, you may have noticed that LLDB commands are often verbose, because the authors expect you to write your own aliases for the commands you use more often. For example, you could write an alias for the commands to print double or int arrays via:
(lldb) command alias dp memory read -tdouble -c%1
command alias ip memory read -tint -c%1
# Usage:
dp 10 data
ip 10 idata
The aliasing mechanism is intended for abbreviating existing commands. There is no way to assign a help string to the aliased command, because LLDB recycles the help string associated with the full command. To write macros like the GDB macros above, LLDB uses regular expressions.
Here is the LLDB version to put in .lldbinit:
command regex pxml
's/(.+)/p xmlElemDump(stdout, %1, xmlDocGetRootElement(%1))/'
-h "Dump the contents of an XML tree."
A full discussion of regexes is beyond the scope of this book (and there are hundreds of regex tutorials online), but the contents of a set of parens between the first and second slash will be inserted into the %1 marker between the second and third slashes.
It doesn’t matter how fast your program is: you will still want it faster. In most languages, the first piece of advice is to rewrite everything in C, but you’re already writing in C. The next step is to find the functions that are taking up the most time and therefore would provide the most payoff to more optimization efforts.
First, add the -pg flag to gcc’s or icc’s CFLAGS (yes, this is compiler-specific; gcc will prep the program for gprof; Intel’s compiler will prep the program for prof, and has a similar workflow to the gcc-specific details I give here). With this flag, your program will stop every few microseconds and note in which function it is currently working. The annotations get written in binary format to gmon.out.
Only the executable is profiled, not libraries that are linked to it. Therefore, if you need to profile a library as it runs a test program, you’ll have to copy all of the library and program code into one place and recompile everything as one big executable.
After running your program, call gprof your_program > profile (or prof …), then open profile in your text editor to view a human-readable listing of functions, their calls, and what percentage of the program’s time was spent in each function. You might be surprised by where the bottlenecks turn out to be.
Using Valgrind to Check for Errors
Most of our time spent debugging is spent finding the first point in the program where something looks wrong. Good code and a good system will find that point for you. That is, a good system fails fast.
C gets mixed scores on this. In some languages, a typo like conut=15 would generate a new variable that has nothing to do with the count you meant to set; with C, it fails at the compilation step. On the other hand, C will let you assign to the 10th element of a 9-element array and then trundle along for a long time before you find out that there’s garbage in what you thought was element 10.
Those memory mismanagement issues are a hassle, and so there are tools to confront them. Within these, Valgrind is a big winner. It is ported to most POSIX systems (including OS X), where you can get a copy via your package manager. Windows users might want to try Dr. Memory.
Valgrind runs a virtual machine that keeps better tabs on memory than the real machine does, so it knows when you hit the 10th element in an array of 9 items.
Once you have a program compiled (with debugging symbols included via gcc’s or clang’s -g flag, of course), run:
valgrind your_program
If you have an error, Valgrind will give you two backtraces that look a lot like the backtraces your debugger gives you. The first is where the misuse was first detected, and the second is Valgrind’s best guess as to what line the misuse clashed with, such as where a double-freed block was first freed, or where the closest malloced block was allocated. The errors are often subtle, but having the exact line to focus on goes a long way toward finding the bug. Valgrind is under active development—programmers like nothing better than writing programming tools—so I’m amused to watch how much more informative the reports have gotten over time and only expect better in the future.
To give you an example of a Valgrind backtrace, I inserted an error in the code of Example 9-1 by doubling line 14, free(cmd), thus causing the cmd pointer to be freed once on line 14 and again on line 15. Here’s the backtrace I got:
Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
at 0x4A079AE: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:427)
by 0x40084B: get_strings (sadstrings.c:15)
by 0x40086B: main (sadstrings.c:19)
Address 0x4c3b090 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 19 free'd
at 0x4A079AE: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:427)
by 0x40083F: get_strings (sadstrings.c:14)
by 0x40086B: main (sadstrings.c:19)
The top frame in both backtraces is in the standard library code for freeing pointers, but we can be confident that the standard library is well debugged. Focusing on the part of the stack referring to code that I wrote, the backtrace points me to lines 14 and 15 of sadstrings.c, which are indeed the two calls to free(cmd) in my modified code.
Valgrind is very good at finding conditional jumps that depend on uninitialized values. You can use this to trace back exactly when a variable is or is not initialized by inserting lines like
if(suspect_var) printf(" ");
into your code and seeing if Valgrind complains about the variable at that point.
You can also start the debugger at the first error, by running:
valgrind --db-attach=yes your_program
With this sort of startup, you’ll be asked if you want to run the debugger on every detected error, and then you can check the value of the implicated variables as usual. At this point, we’re back to having a program that fails on the first line where a problem is detected.
Valgrind also does memory leaks:
valgrind --leak-check=full your_program
This is typically slower, so you might not want to run it every time. When it finishes, you’ll have a backtrace for where every leaked pointer was allocated.
For some code bases, chasing leaks can be very time-consuming. A leak in a library function that could conceivably run a million times in the center of a user program’s loop, or in a program that should have 100% runtime for months, will eventually cause potentially major problems for users. But it is easy to find programs broadly deemed to be reliable (on my machine, doxygen, git, TeX, vi, others) that Valgrind reports as definitely losing kilobytes. For such cases, we can adapt a certain cliché about trees falling in the woods: if a bug does not cause incorrect results or user-perceivable slowdowns, is it really a high-priority bug?
Unit Testing
Of course you’re writing tests for your code. You’re writing unit tests for the smaller components and integration tests to make sure that the components get along amicably. You may even be the sort of person who writes the unit tests first and then builds the program to pass the tests.
Now you’ve got the problem of keeping all those tests organized, which is where a test harness comes in. A test harness is a system that sets up a small environment for every test, runs the test, and reports whether the result is as expected. Like the debugger, I expect that some of you are wondering who it is that doesn’t use a test harness, and to others, it’s something you never really considered.
There are abundant choices. It’s easy to write a macro or two to call each test function and compare its return value to the expected result, and more than enough authors have let that simple basis turn into yet another implementation of a full test harness. From How We Test Software at Microsoft: “Microsoft’s internal repository for shared tools includes more than 40 entries under test harness.” For consistency with the rest of the book, I’ll show you GLib’s test harness, and because they are all so similar, and because I’m not going to go into so much detail that I’m effectively reading the GLib manual to you, what I cover here should carry over to other test harnesses as well.
A test harness has a few features that beat the typical homemade test macro:
§ You need to test the failures. If a function is supposed to abort or exit with an error message, you need a facility to test that the program actually exited when you expected it to.
§ Each test is kept separate, so you don’t have to worry that test 3 affected the outcome of test 4. If you want to make sure the two procedures don’t interact badly, run them in sequence as an integration test after running them separately.
§ You probably need to build some data structures before you can run your tests. Setting up the scene for a test sometimes takes a good amount of work, so it would be nice to run several tests given the same setup.
Example 2-3 shows a few basic unit tests of the dictionary object from “Implementing a Dictionary”, implementing these three test harness features. It demonstrates how that last item largely dictates the flow of test harness use: a new struct type is defined at the beginning of the program, then there are functions for setting up and tearing down an instance of that struct type, and once we have all that in place it is easy to write several tests using the built environment.
The dictionary is a simple set of key/value pairs, so most of the testing consists of retrieving a value for a given key and making sure that it worked OK. Notice that a key of NULL is not acceptable, so we check that the program will halt if such a key gets sent in.
Example 2-3. A test of the dictionary from “Implementing a Dictionary” (dict_test.c)
#include <glib.h>
#include "dict.h"
typedef struct {
dictionary *dd;
} dfixture;
void dict_setup(dfixture *df, gconstpointer test_data){
df->dd = dictionary_new();
dictionary_add(df->dd, "key1", "val1");
dictionary_add(df->dd, "key2", NULL);
void dict_teardown(dfixture *df, gconstpointer test_data){
void check_keys(dictionary const *d){
char *got_it = dictionary_find(d, "xx");
g_assert(got_it == dictionary_not_found);
got_it = dictionary_find(d, "key1");
g_assert_cmpstr(got_it, ==, "val1");
got_it = dictionary_find(d, "key2");
g_assert_cmpstr(got_it, ==, NULL);
void test_new(dfixture *df, gconstpointer ignored){
void test_copy(dfixture *df, gconstpointer ignored){
dictionary *cp = dictionary_copy(df->dd);
void test_failure(){
if (g_test_trap_fork(0, G_TEST_TRAP_SILENCE_STDOUT |
dictionary *dd = dictionary_new();
dictionary_add(dd, NULL, "blank");
g_test_trap_assert_stderr("NULL is not a valid key.\n");
int main(int argc, char **argv){
g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL);
g_test_add ("/set1/new test", dfixture, NULL,
dict_setup, test_new, dict_teardown);
g_test_add ("/set1/copy test", dfixture, NULL,
dict_setup, test_copy, dict_teardown);
g_test_add_func ("/set2/fail test", test_failure);
return g_test_run();
The elements used in a set of tests is called a fixture. GLib requires that each fixture be a struct, so we create a throwaway struct to be passed from the setup to the test to the teardown.
Here are the setup and teardown scripts that create the data structure to be used for a number of tests.
Now that the setup and teardown functions are defined, the tests themselves are just a sequence of simple operations on the structures in the fixture and assertions that the operations went according to plan. The GLib test harness provides some extra assertion macros, like the string comparison macro, g_assert_compstr, used here.
GLib tests for failure via the POSIX fork system call (which means that this won’t run on Windows without a POSIX subsystem). The fork call generates a new program that runs the contents of the if statement, which should fail and call abort. This program watches for the forked version and checks that it failed and that the right message was written to stderr.
Tests are organized into sets via path-like strings. The NULL argument could be a pointer to a data set to be used by the test, but not built/torn down by the system. Notice how both the new and copy tests use the same setup and teardown.
If you don’t have setup/teardown to do before/after the call, use this simpler form to run the test.
Using a Program as a Library
The only difference between a function library and a program is that a program includes a main function that indicates where execution should start.
Now and then I have a file that does one thing that’s not quite big enough to merit being set up as a standalone shared library. It still needs tests, and I can put them in the same file as everything else, via a preprocessor condition. In the following snippet, if Test_operations is defined (via the various methods discussed later), then the snippet is a program that runs the tests; if Test_operations is not defined (the usual case), then the snippet is compiled without main and so is a library to be used by other programs.
int operation_one(){
int operation_two(){
#ifdef Test_operations
void optest(){
int main(int argc, char **argv){
g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL);
g_test_add_func ("/set/a test", test_failure);
There are a few ways to define the Test_operations variable. In with the usual flags, probably in your makefile, add:
The -D flag is the POSIX-standard compiler flag that is equivalent to putting #define Test_operations at the top of every .c file.
When you see Automake in Chapter 3, you’ll see that it provides a += operator, so given the usual flags in AM_CFLAGS, you could add the -D flag to the checks via:
check_CFLAGS += -DTest_operations
The conditional inclusion of main can also come in handy in the other direction. For example, I often have an analysis to do based on some quirky data set. Before writing the final analysis, I first have to write a function to read in and clean the data, and then a few functions producing summary statistics that sanity-check the data and my progress. This will all be in modelone.c. Next week, I may have an idea for a new descriptive model, which will naturally make heavy use of the existing functions to clean data and display basic statistics. By conditionally including mainin modelone.c, I can quickly turn the original program into a library. Here is a skeleton for modelone.c:
void read_data(){
[database work here]
int main(){
I use #ifndef rather than #ifdef, because the norm is to use modelone.c as a program, but this otherwise functions the same way as the conditional inclusion of main for testing purposes did.
What’s your test coverage? Are there lines of code that you wrote that aren’t touched by your tests? gcc has the companion gcov, which will count how many times each line of code was touched by a program. The procedure:
§ Add -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage to your CFLAGS for gcc. You might want to set the -O0 flag, so that no lines of code are optimized out.
§ When the program runs, each source file yourcode.c will produce one or two data files, yourcode.gcda and yourcode.gcno.
§ Running gcov yourcode.gcda will write to stdout the percentage of runnable lines of code that your program hit (declarations, #include lines, and so on don’t count) and will produce yourcode.c.cov.
§ The first column of yourcode.c.cov will show how often each runnable line was hit by your tests, and will mark the lines not hit with a big fat #####. Those are the parts for which you should consider writing another test.
Example 2-4 shows a shell script that adds up all the steps. I use a here document to generate the makefile, so I could put all the steps in one script, and after compiling, running, and gcov-ing the program, I grep for the ##### markers. The -C3 flag to GNU grep requests three lines of context around matches. It isn’t POSIX-standard, but then, neither are pkg-config or the test coverage flags.
Example 2-4. A script to compile for coverage testing, run the tests, and check for lines of code not yet tested (gcov.sh)
cat > makefile << '------'
objects= keyval.o dict.o
CFLAGS = `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` -g -Wall -std=gnu99 \
-O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
LDLIBS = `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`
for i in *gcda; do gcov $i; done;
grep -C3 '#####' *.c.gcov
Error Checking
A complete programming textbook must include at least one lecture to the reader about how important it is to handle errors sent by functions you have called.
OK, consider yourself lectured. Now let’s consider the side of how and when you will return errors from the functions you write. There are a lot of different types of errors in a lot of different contexts, so we have to break down the inquiry into several subcases:
§ What is the user going to do with the error message?
§ Is the receiver a human or another function?
§ How can the error be communicated to the user?
I will leave the third question for later (“Return Multiple Items from a Function”), but the first two questions already give us a lot of cases to consider.
What is the User’s Involvement in the Error?
Thoughtless error-handling, wherein authors pepper their code with error-checks because you can’t have too many, is not necessarily the right approach. You need to maintain lines of error-handling code like any other, and every user of your function has internalized endless lectures about how every possible error code needs to be handled, so if you throw error codes that have no reasonable resolution, the function user will be left feeling guilty and unsure. There is such a thing as too much information (TMI).
To approach the question of how an error will be used, consider the complementary question of how the user was involved in the error to begin with.
Sometimes the user can’t know if an input is valid before calling the function.
The classic example of this is looking up a key in a key/value list and finding out that the key is not in the list. In this case, you could think of the function as a lookup function that throws errors if the key is missing from the list, or you could think of it as a dual-purpose function that either looks up keys or informs the caller whether the key is present or not.
Or to give an example from high-school algebra, the quadratic formula requires calculating sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c), and if the term in parens is negative, the square root is not a real number. It’s awkward to expect the function user to calculate b*b - 4*a*c to establish feasibility, so it is reasonable to think of the quadratic formula function as either returning the roots of the quadratic equation or reporting whether the roots will be real or not.
In these examples of nontrivial input-checking, bad inputs aren’t even an error, but are a routine and natural use of the function. If an error-handling function aborts or otherwise destructively halts on errors (as does the error-handler that follows), then it shouldn’t be called in situations like these.
Users passed in blatantly wrong input, such as a NULL pointer or other sort of malformed data.
Your function has to check for these things, to prevent it from segfaulting or otherwise failing, but it is hard to imagine what the caller will do with the information. The documentation for yourfn told users that the pointer can’t be NULL, so when they ignore it and call int* indata=NULL; yourfn(indata), and you return an error like Error: NULL pointer input, it’s hard to imagine what the caller will do differently.
A function usually has several lines like if (input1==NULL) return -1; ... if (input20==NULL) return -1; at the head, and I find in the contexts where I work that reporting exactly which of the basic requirements enumerated in the documentation the caller missed is TMI.
The error is entirely an error of internal processing.
This includes “shouldn’t happen” errors, wherein an internal calculation somehow got an impossible answer—what Hair: The American Tribal Love Rock Musical called a failure of the flesh, such as unresponsive hardware or a dropped network or database connection.
The flesh failures can typically be handled by the recipient (e.g., by wiggling the network cable). Or, if the user requests that a gigabyte of data be stored in memory and that gigabyte is not available, it makes sense to report an out-of-memory error. However, when allocation for a 20-character string fails, the machine is either overburdened and about to become unstable or it is on fire, and it’s typically hard for a calling system to use that information to recover gracefully. Depending on the context in which you are working, your computer is on fire-type errors might be counterproductive and TMI.
Errors of internal processing (i.e., errors unrelated to external conditions and not directly tied to a somehow-invalid input value) cannot be handled by the caller. In this case, detailing to the user what went wrong is probably TMI. The caller needs to know that the output is unreliable, but enumerating lots of different error conditions just leaves the caller (duty-bound to handle all errors) with more work.
The Context in Which the User is Working
As above, we often use a function to check on the validity of a set of inputs; such usage is not an error per se, and the function is most useful if it returns a meaningful value for these cases rather than calling an error handler. The rest of this section considers the bona fide errors.
§ If the user of the program has access to a debugger and is in a context where using one is feasible, then the fastest way to fail is to call abort and cause the program to stop. Then the user has the local variables and backtrace right at the scene of the crime. The abort function has been C-standard since forever (you’ll need to #include <stdlib.h>).
§ If the user of the program is actually a Java program, or has no idea what a debugger is, then abort is an abomination, and the correct response is to return some sort of error code indicating a failure.
Both of these cases are very plausible, so it is sensible to have an if-else branch that lets the user select the correct mode of operation for the context.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a nontrivial library that didn’t implement its own error-handling macro. It’s at just that level where the C standard doesn’t provide one, but it’s easy to implement with what C does offer, so everybody writes a new one.
The standard assert macro (hint: #include <assert.h>) will check a claim you make, and then stop if and only if your claim turns out to be false. Every implementation will be a little bit different, but the gist is:
#define assert(test) (test) ? 0 : abort();
By itself, assert is useful to test whether intermediate steps in your function are doing what they should be doing. I also like to use assert as documentation: it’s a test for the computer to run, but when I see assert(matrix_a->size1 == matrix_b->size2), then I as a human reader am reminded that the dimensions of the two matrices will match in this manner. However, assert provides only the first kind of response (aborting), so assertions have to be wrapped.
Example 2-5 presents a macro that satisfies both conditions; I’ll discuss it further in “Variadic Macros”. Note also that some users deal well with stderr, and some have no means to work with it.
Example 2-5. A macro for dealing with errors: report or record them, and let the user decide whether to stop on errors or move on (stopif.h)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //abort
/** Set this to \c 's' to stop the program on an error.
Otherwise, functions return a value on failure.*/
char error_mode;
/** To where should I write errors? If this is \c NULL, write to \c stderr. */
FILE *error_log;
#define Stopif(assertion, error_action, ...) { \
if (assertion){ \
fprintf(error_log ? error_log : stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \
fprintf(error_log ? error_log : stderr, "\n"); \
if (error_mode=='s') abort(); \
else {error_action;} \
} }
Here are some imaginary sample uses:
Stopif(!inval, return -1, "inval must not be NULL");
Stopif(isnan(calced_val), goto nanval, "Calced_val was NaN. Cleaning up, leaving.");
return NAN;
The most common means of dealing with an error is to simply return a value, so if you use the macro as is, expect to be typing return often. This can be a good thing, however. Authors often complain that sophisticated try-catch setups are effectively an updated version of the morass ofgotos that we all consider to be harmful. For example, Google’s internal coding style guide advises against using try-catch constructs, using exactly the morass-of-gotos rationale. This advises that it is worth reminding readers that the flow of the program will be redirected on error (and to where), and that we should keep our error-handling simple.
How Should the Error Indication Be Returned?
I’ll get to this question in greater detail in the chapter on struct handling (notably, “Return Multiple Items from a Function”), because if your function is above a certain level of complexity, returning a struct makes a lot of sense, and then adding an error-reporting variable to that struct is an easy and sensible solution. For example, given a function that returns a struct named out that includes a char* element named error:
Stopif(!inval, out.error="inval must not be NULL"; return out
, "inval must not be NULL");
GLib has an error-handling system with its own type, the GError, that must be passed in (via pointer) as an argument to any given function. It provides several additional features above the macro listed in Example 2-5, including error domains and easier passing of errors from subfunctions to parent functions, at the cost of added complexity.
Interweaving Documentation
You need documentation. You know this, and you know that you need to keep it current when the code changes. Yet, somehow, documentation is often the first thing to fall by the wayside. It is so very easy to say it runs; I’ll document it later.
So you need to make writing the documentation as easy as physically possible. The immediate implication is that you have the documentation for the code in the same file as the code, as close as possible to the code being documented, and that implies that you’re going to need a means of extracting the documentation from the code file.
Having the documentation right by the code also means you’re more likely to read the documentation. It’s a good habit to reread the documentation for a function before modifying it, both so that you have a better idea of what’s going on, and so that you will be more likely to notice when your changes to the code will also require a change in the documentation.
I’ll present two means of weaving documentation into the code: Doxygen and CWEB. Your package manager should be happy to install either of them.
Doxygen is a simple system with simple goals. It works best for attaching a description to each function, struct, or other such block. This is the case of documenting an interface for users who will never care to look at the code itself. The description will be in a comment block right on top of the function, struct, or whatever, so it is easy to write the documentation comment first, then write the function to live up to the promises you just made.
The syntax for Doxygen is simple enough, and a few bullet points will have you well on your way to using it:
§ If a comment block starts with two stars, /** like so */, then Doxygen will parse the comment. One-star comments, /* like so */, are ignored.
§ If you want Doxygen to parse a file, you will need a /** \file */ comment at the head of the file; see the example. If you forget this, Doxygen won’t produce output for the file and won’t give you much of a hint as to what went wrong.
§ Put the comment right before the function, struct, et cetera.
§ Your function descriptions can (and should) include \param segments describing the input parameters and a \return line listing the expected return value. Again, see the example.
§ Use \ref for cross-references to other documented elements (including functions or pages).
§ You can use an @ anywhere I used a backslash above: @file, @mainpage, et cetera. This is in emulation of JavaDoc, which seems to be emulating WEB. As a LaTeX user, I am more used to the backslash.
To run Doxygen, you will need a configuration file, and there are a lot of options to configure. Doxygen has a clever trick for handling this; run:
doxygen -g
and it will write a configuration file for you. You can then open it and edit as needed; it is of course very well documented. After that, run doxygen by itself to generate the outputs, including HTML, PDF, XML, or manual pages, as per your specification.
If you have Graphviz installed (ask your package manager for it), then Doxygen can generate call graphs: box-and-arrow diagrams showing which functions call and are called by which other functions. If somebody hands you an elaborate program and expects you to get to know it quickly, this can be a nice way to get a quick feel for the flow.
I documented “libxml and cURL” using Doxygen; have a look and see how it reads to you as code, or run it through Doxygen and check out the HTML documentation it produces.
Every snippet throughout the book beginning with /** is also in Doxygen format.
The narrative
Your documentation should contain at least two parts: the technical documentation describing the function-by-function details, and a narrative explaining to users what the package is about and how to get their bearings.
Start the narrative in a comment block with the header \mainpage. If you are producing HTML output, this will be the index.html of your website—the first page readers should see. From there, add as many pages as you’d like. Subsequent pages have a header of the form:
/** \page onewordtag The title of your page
Back on the main page (or any other, including function documentation), add \ref onewordtag to produce a link to the page you wrote. You can tag and name the main page as well, if need be.
The narrative pages can be anywhere in your code: you could put them close to the code itself, or the narrative might make sense as a separate file consisting entirely of Doxygen comment blocks, maybe named documentation.h.
Literate Code with CWEB
TeX, a document formatting system, is often held up as a paragon of a complicated system done very right. It is about 35 years old as of this writing, and (in this author’s opinion) still produces the most attractive math of any typesetting system available. Many more recent systems don’t even try to compete, and use TeX as a backend for typesetting. Its author, Donald Knuth, used to offer a bounty for bugs, but eventually dropped the bounty after it went unclaimed for many years.
Dr. Knuth explains the high quality of TeX by discussing how it was written: literate programming, in which every procedural chunk is preceded by a plain-English explanation of that chunk’s purpose and functioning. The final product looks like a free-form description of code with some actual code interspersed here and there to formalize the description for the computer (in contrast to typical documented code, which is much more code than exposition). Knuth wrote TeX using WEB, a system that intersperses English expository text with PASCAL code. Here in the present day, the code will be in C, and now that TeX works to produce beautiful documentation, we might as well use it as the markup language for the expository side. Thus, CWEB.
As for the output, it’s easy to find textbooks that use CWEB to organize and even present the content (e.g., Hanson, 1996). If somebody else is going to study your code (for some of you this might be a coworker or a review team), then CWEB might make a lot of sense.
I wrote “Example: An Agent-Based Model of Group Formation” using CWEB; here’s a rundown of what you need to know to compile it and follow its CWEB-specific features:
§ It’s customary to save CWEB files with a .w extension.
§ Run cweave groups.w to produce a .tex file; then run pdftex groups.tex to produce a PDF.
§ Run ctangle groups.w to produce a .c file. GNU make knows about this in its catalog of built-in rules, so make groups will run ctangle for you.
The tangle step removes comments, which means that CWEB and Doxygen are incompatible. Perhaps you could produce a header file with a header for each public function and struct for doxygenization, and use CWEB for your main code set.
Here is the CWEB manual reduced to seven bullet points:
§ Every special code for CWEB has an @ followed by a single character. Be careful to write @<titles@> and not @<incorrect titles>@.
§ Every segment has a comment, then code. It’s OK to have a blank comment, but that comment-code rhythm has to be there, or else all sorts of errors turn up.
§ Start a text section with an @ following by a space. Then expound, using TeX formatting.
§ Start an unnamed chunk of code with @c.
§ Start a named block of code with a title followed by an equals sign (because this is a definition): @<an operation@>=.
§ That block will get inserted verbatim wherever you use the title. That is, each chunk name is effectively a macro that expands to the chunk of code you specified, but without all the extra rules of C preprocessor macros.
§ Sections (like the sections in the example about group membership, setting up, plotting with Gnuplot, and so on) start with @* and have a title ending in a period.
That should be enough for you to get started writing your own stuff in CWEB. Have a look at “Example: An Agent-Based Model of Group Formation” and see how it reads to you.
I selected many of the topics in this book based on my experience helping colleagues work out C code, and in the process learning the things that give them trouble. For some, setting up the environment was a real roadblock; many had trouble getting comfortable with pointers; and a surprisingly large number of people are just uncomfortable with the keyboard. It might not be what we think about when discussing programming, but people who are not confident at the keyboard are disinclined to use a language where symbol-heavy text like for (i=0; i<10; i++) is standard fare.
Here’s the advice I give when issues with typing come up: get a light t-shirt and drape it over the keyboard. Stick your hands under the shirt, and start typing.
The intent is to prevent that sneaking glance that we all do to check where the keys are. It turns out that the keys aren’t very mobile and are always exactly where you left them. But those micropauses to check on things are how we keep our confidence and facility with the keyboard at a certain safe speed.
If not being able to see is frustrating at first, persist through the initial awkwardness, and get to know those occasional keys that you never quite learned. When you are more confident with the keyboard, you’ll have more brain power to dedicate to writing.