Inessential C Syntax that Textbooks Spend a Lot of Time Covering - The Language - 21st Century C (2015)

21st Century C (2015)

Part II. The Language

Chapter 7. Inessential C Syntax that Textbooks Spend a Lot of Time Covering

I believe it is good

Let’s destroy it.

Porno for Pyros, “Porno for Pyros”

C may be a relatively simple language, but the C standard is about 700 pages, so unless you want to devote your life to studying it, it is important to know which parts can be ignored.

We can start with digraphs and trigraphs. If your keyboard is missing the { and } keys, you can use <% and %> as a replacement (like int main() <% … %>). This was relevant in the 1990s, when keyboards around the world followed diverse customs, but today it is hard to find a keyboard anywhere that is missing curly braces. The trigraph equivalents from C99 and C11 §, ??< and ??>, are so useless that the authors of gcc and clang didn’t bother to implement code to parse them.

Obscure corners of the language like trigraphs are easy to ignore, because nobody mentions them. But other parts of the language got heavy mention in textbooks from decades past, to address requirements in C89 or deal with limitations of computing hardware of the 1900s. With fewer restrictions, we can streamline our code. If you get joy from deleting code and eliminating redundancies, this chapter is for you.

Don’t Bother Explicitly Returning from main

As a warm-up, let’s shave a line off every program you write.

Your program must have a main function, and it has to be of return type int, so you must absolutely have the following in your program:

int main(){ ... }

You would think that you therefore have to have a return statement that indicates what integer gets returned by main. However, the C standard states that “… reaching the } that terminates the main function returns a value of 0” [C99 and C11 §]. That is, if you don’t writereturn 0; as the last line of your main function, then it will be assumed.

Recall that, after running your program, you can use echo $? to see its return value; you can use this to verify that programs that reach the end of main do indeed always return zero.

Earlier, I showed you this version of hello.c, and you can now see how I got away with a main containing only one #include plus one line of code:11

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){ printf("Hello, world.\n"); }

Your Turn: Go through your programs and delete the return 0 line from the end of main; see if it makes any difference.

Let Declarations Flow

Think back to the last time you read a play. At the beginning of the text, there was the Dramatis Personæ, listing the characters. A list of character names probably didn’t have much meaning to you before you started reading, so if you’re like me you skipped that page and went straight to the start of the play. When you are in the thick of the plot and you forget who Benvolio is, it’s nice to be able to flip back to the head of the play and get a one-line description (he is Romeo’s friend and Montague’s nephew), but that’s because you’re reading on paper. If the text were on a screen, you could search for Benvolio’s first appearance.

In short, the Dramatis Personæ is not very useful to readers. It would be better to introduce characters when they first appear.

I see code like this pretty often:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char *head;

int i;

double ratio, denom;


head = "There is a cycle to things divided by seven.";

printf("%s\n", head);

for (i=1; i<= 6; i++){

ratio = i/denom;

printf("%g\n", ratio);



It has three or four lines of introductory material (I’ll let you decide how to count the whitespace), followed by the routine.

This is a throwback to ANSI C89, which required all declarations to be at the head of the block, due to technical limitations of early compilers. We still have to declare our variables, but we can minimize the burden on the author and reader by doing so at the first use:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

double denom = 7;

char *head = "There is a cycle to things divided by seven.";

printf("%s\n", head);

for (int i=1; i<= 6; i++){

double ratio = i/denom;

printf("%g\n", ratio);



Here, the declarations happen as needed, so the onus of declaration reduces to sticking a type name before the first use. If you have color syntax highlighting, then the declarations are still easy to spot (and if you don’t have a text editor that supports color, you are seriously missing out—and there are dozens to hundreds to choose from!).

When reading unfamiliar code, my first instinct when I see a variable is to go back and see where it was declared. If the declaration is at the first use or the line immediately before the first use, I’m saved from a few seconds of skimming back. Also, by the rule that you should keep the scope of a variable as small as possible, we’re pushing the active variable count on earlier lines that much lower, which might start to matter for a longer function. And, as a final benefit, the decaration-in-loop form will prove to be easier to parallelize with OpenMP, in Chapter 12.

In this example, the declarations are at the beginning of their respective blocks, followed by nondeclaration lines. This is just how the example turned out, but you can freely intermix declarations and nondeclarations.

I left the declaration of denom at the head of the function, but we could move that into the loop as well, because it is only used inside the loop. We can trust that the compiler will know enough not to waste time and energy deallocating and reallocating the variable on every iteration of the loop [although this is what it theoretically does—see C99 and C11 §6.8(3)]. As for the index, it’s a disposable convenience for the loop, so it’s natural to reduce its scope to exactly the scope of the loop.



The compiler’s first step is to parse your code into a language-independent internal representation. This is how the gcc (GNU Compiler Collection) can produce compatible object files for C, C++, ADA, and FORTRAN—by the end of the parsing step, they all look the same. Therefore, the grammatical conveniences provided by C99 to make your text more human-readable are typically abstracted away well before the executable is produced.

Along the same lines, the target device that will run your program will see nothing but postcompilation machine instructions, so it will be indifferent as to whether the original code conformed to C89, C99, or C11.

Set Array Size at Runtime

Dovetailing with putting declarations wherever you want, you can allocate arrays to have a length determined at runtime, based on calculations before the declarations.

Again, this wasn’t always true: a quarter-century ago, you either had to know the size of the array at compile time or use malloc.

To take a real-world example I happened upon once, let’s say that you’d like to create a set of threads, but the number of threads is set by the user on the command line. The author did this by getting the size of the array from the user via atoi(argv[1]) (i.e., convert the first command-line argument to an integer), and then, having established that number at runtime, allocating an array of the right length.

pthread_t *threads;

int thread_count;

thread_count = atoi(argv[1]);

threads = malloc(thread_count * sizeof(pthread_t));



But we can write this with less fuss:

int thread_count = atoi(argv[1]);

pthread_t threads[thread_count];


There are fewer places for anything to go wrong, and it reads like declaring an array, not initializing memory registers. We had to free the manually allocated array, but we can just drop the automatically allocated array on the floor, and it’ll get cleaned up when the program leaves the given scope.12

Cast Less

In the 1970s and 1980s, malloc returned a char* pointer and had to be cast (unless you were allocating a string), with a form like:

//don't bother with this sort of redundancy:

double* list = (double*) malloc(list_length * sizeof(double));

You don’t have to do this anymore, because malloc now gives you a void pointer, which the compiler will comfortably autocast to any pointer type. The easiest way to do the cast is to declare a new variable with the right type. For example, functions that have to take in a void pointer will typically begin with a form like:

int use_parameters(void *params_in){

param_struct *params = params_in; //Effectively casting pointer-to-NULL

... //to a pointer-to-param_struct.


More generally, if it’s valid to assign an item of one type to an item of another type, then C will do it for you without your having to tell it to with an explicit cast. If it’s not valid for the given type, then you’ll have to write a function to do the conversion anyway. This isn’t true of C++, which depends more on types and therefore requires casts to be explicit.

There remain two reasons to use C’s type-casting syntax to cast a variable from one type to another.

First, when dividing two numbers, an integer divided by an integer will always return an integer, so the following statements will both be true:

4/2 == 2

3/2 == 1

That second is the source of lots of errors. It’s easy to fix: if i is an integer, then i + 0.0 is a floating-point number that matches the integer. Don’t forget parentheses as needed, but that solves your problem. If you have a constant, 2 is an integer and 2.0 or even just 2. is floating point. Thus, all of these variants work:

int two=2;

3/(two+0.0) == 1.5

3/(2+0.0) == 1.5

3/2.0 == 1.5

3/2. == 1.5

You can also use the casting form:

3/(double)two == 1.5

3/(double)2 == 1.5

I’m partial to the add-zero form, for æsthetic reasons; you’re welcome to prefer the cast-to-double form. But make a habit of one or the other every time you reach for that / key, because this is the source of many, many errors (and not just in C; lots of other languages also like to insist thatint / int → int—not that that makes it OK).

Second, array indices have to be integers. It’s the law [C99 and C11 §], and compilers will thus complain if you send a floating-point index. So, you may have to cast to an integer, even if you know that in your situation you will always have an integer-valued expression.

4/(double)2 == 2.0 //This is floating-point, not an int.

mylist[4/(double)2] //So, an error: floating-point index

mylist[(int)(4/(double)2)] //Works. Take care with the parens.

int index=4/(double)2 //This form also works, and is more legible.


You can see that even for the few legitimate reasons to cast, you have options to avoid the casting syntax: adding 0.0 and declaring an integer variable for your array indices.

Nor is this just a question of reducing clutter. Your compiler checks types for you and throws warnings or errors accordingly, but an explicit cast is a way of saying to the compiler, leave me alone; I know what I’m doing. For example, consider this short program, which tries to setlist[7]=12, but twice commits the classic error of using a pointer instead of the pointed-to value:

int main(){

double x = 7;

double *xp = &x;

int list[100];

int val2 = xp; //Clang warns about using a pointer as an int.

list[val2] = 12;

list[(int)xp] = 12; //Clang gives no warning.


Enums and Strings

Enums are a good idea that went bad.

The benefit is clear enough: integers are not at all mnemonic, and so wherever you are about to put a short list of integers in your code, you are better off naming them. Here’s the even worse means of how we could do it without the enum keyword:

#define NORTH 0

#define SOUTH 1

#define EAST 2

#define WEST 3

With enum, we can shrink that down to one line of source code, and our debugger is more likely to know what EAST means. Here’s the improvement over the sequence of #defines:

enum directions {NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST};

But we now have five new symbols in our namespaces: directions, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST.

For an enum to be useful, it typically has to be global (i.e., declared in a header file intended to be included in many places all over a project). For example, you’ll often find enums typedefed in the public header file for a library. To minimize the chance of name clashes, library authors use names like G_CONVERT_ERROR_NOT_ABSOLUTE_PATH or the relatively brief CblasConjTrans.

At that point, an innocuous and sensible idea has fallen apart. I don’t want to type these messes, and I use them so infrequently that I have to look them up every time (especially because many are infrequently used error values or input flags, so there’s typically a long gap between each use). Also, all-caps reads like yelling.

My own habit is to use single characters, wherein I would mark transposition with 't' and a path error with 'p'. I think this is enough to be mnemonic—in fact, I’m far more likely to remember how to spell 'p' than how to spell that all-caps mess—and it requires no new entries in the namespace.

I think usability considerations trump efficiency issues at this level, but even so, bear in mind that an enumeration is typically an integer, and char is C-speak for a single byte. So when comparing enums, you will likely need to compare the states of 16 bits or more, whereas with a char, you need compare only 8. So even if the speed argument were relevant, it would advocate against enums.

We sometimes need to combine flags. When opening a file using the open system call, you might need to send O_RDWR|O_CREAT, which is the bitwise combination of the two enums. You probably don’t use open directly all that often; you are probably making more use of fopen, which is more user friendly. Instead of using an enum, it uses a one- or two-letter string, like "r" or "r+", to indicate whether something is readable, writable, both, et cetera.

In the context, you know "r" stands for read, and if you don’t have the convention memorized, you can confidently expect that you will after a few more uses of fopen, whereas I still have to check whether I need CblasTrans or CBLASTrans or CblasTranspose every time.

On the plus side of enums, you have a small, fixed set of symbols, so if you mistype one, the compiler stops and forces you to fix your typo. With strings, you won’t know you had a typo until runtime. Conversely, strings are not a small, fixed set of symbols, so you can more easily extend the set of enums. For example, I once ran into an error handler that offers itself for use by other systems—as long as the errors the new system generates match the handful of errors in the original system’s enum. If the errors were short strings, extension by others would be trivial.

There are reasons for using enums: sometimes you have an array that makes no sense as a struct but that nonetheless requires named elements, and when doing kernel-level work, giving names to bit patterns is essential. But in cases where enums are used to indicate a short list of options or a short list of error codes, a single character or a short string can serve the purpose without cluttering up the namespace or users’ memory.

Labels, gotos, switches, and breaks

In the olden days, assembly code didn’t have the modern luxuries of while and for loops. Instead, there were only conditions, labels, and jumps. Where we would write while (a[i] < 100) i++;, our ancestors might have written:

label 1

if a[i] >= 100

go to label 2

increment i

go to label 1

label 2

If it took you a minute to follow what was going on in this block, imagine reading this in a real-world situation, where the loop would be interspersed, nested, or half-nested with other jumps. I can attest from my own sad and painful experience that following the flow of such code is basically impossible, which is why goto is considered harmful in the present day (Dijkstra, 1968).

You can see how welcome C’s while keyword would have been to somebody stuck writing in assembly code all day. However, there is a subset of C that is still built around labels and jumps, including the syntax for labels, goto, switch, case, default, break, and continue. I personally think of this as the portion of C that is transitional from how authors of assembly code wrote to the more modern style. This segment will present these forms as such, and suggest when they are still useful. However, this entire subset of the language is technically optional, in the sense that you can write equivalent code using the rest of the language.

goto Considered

A line of C code can be labeled by providing a name with a colon after it. You can then jump to that line via goto. Example 7-1 is a simple function that presents the basic idea, with a line labeled outro. It finds the sum of all the elements in two arrays, provided they are all not NaN (Not a Number; see “Marking Exceptional Numeric Values with NaNs”). If one of the elements is NaN, this is an error and we need to exit the function. But however we choose to exit, we will free both vectors as cleanup. We could place the cleanup code in the listing three times (once if vectorhas a NaN, once if vector2 has one, and once on OK exit), but it’s cleaner to have one exit segment and jump to it as needed.

Example 7-1. Using goto for a clean getaway in case of errors

/* Sum to the first NaN in the vector.

Sets error to zero on a clean summation, 1 if a NaN is hit.*/

double sum_to_first_nan(double* vector, int vector_size,

double* vector2, int vector2_size, int *error){

double sum=0;


for (int i=0; i< vector_size; i++){

if (isnan(vector[i])) goto outro;

sum += vector[i];


for (int i=0; i< vector2_size; i++){

if (isnan(vector2[i])) goto outro;

sum += vector2[i];




printf("The sum until the first NaN (if any) was %g\n", sum);



return sum;


The goto will only work within one function. If you need to jump from one function to an entirely different one, have a look at longjmp in your C standard library documentation.

A single jump by itself tends to be relatively easy to follow, and can clarify if used appropriately and in moderation. Even Linus Torvalds, the lead author of the Linux kernel, recommends the goto for limited uses like cutting out of a function when there’s an error or processing is otherwise finished early, as in the example. Also, when you get to working with OpenMP in Chapter 12, you’ll find that it doesn’t allow a return in the middle of a parallelized block. So to stop execution, you will need either a lot of if statements, or a goto jumping to the end of the block.

So, to revise the common wisdom on goto, it is generally harmful but is a common present-day idiom for cleaning up in case of different kinds of errors, and it is often cleaner than the alternatives.


The goto is useful for executing a few cleanup operations on the way out of a single function when something goes wrong. On a global scale, you have the choice of three go-to-the-exit functions: exit, quick_exit, and _Exit, and you can use the the at_exit and at_quick_exit functions to register the cleanup operations. (C11 §7.22.4).

At an early point in your program, you can call at_exit(fn), to register fn to be called by exit before closing streams and shutting down. For example, if you have a database handle open, or need to close a network connection, or want your XML document to close all its open elements, you can put a function here to do so. It has to have the form void fn(void), so any information for the function has to be delivered via global variables. After the registered functions are called (in last-in first-out order), open streams and files are closed and the program terminates.

You can register an entirely separate set of functions via at_quick_exit. These functions (and not the ones registered via at_exit) are called should your program call quick_exit. This form of exit does not close streams or flush buffers.

Finally, the _Exit function leaves as quickly as possible: no registered functions are called, and no buffers flushed.

Example 7-2 presents a simple example that prints different things depending on which nonreturning function you uncomment.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <unistd.h> //sleep

#include <stdlib.h> //exit, _Exit, et al.

void wail(){

fprintf(stderr, "OOOOooooooo.\n");


void on_death(){

for (int i=0; i<4; i++)

fprintf(stderr, "I'm dead.\n");


_Noreturn void the_count(){ 1

for (int i=5; i --> 0;){

printf("%i\n", i); sleep(1);


//quick_exit(1); 2




int main(){







The _Noreturn keyword is advice to the compiler that there is no need to prepare return information for the function.


Uncomment these to see what gets called by the other exit functions.


Here is a snippet of code for the textbook norm for using the POSIX-standard getopt function to parse command-line arguments:

char c;

while ((c = getopt(...))){


case 'v':



case 'w':



case 'f':





So when c == 'v', the verbosity level is increased, when c == 'w', the weighting function is called, et cetera.

Note well the abundance of break statements (which cut to the end of the switch statement, not the while loop, which continues looping). The switch function just jumps to the appropriate label (recall that the colon indicates a label), and then the program flow continues along, as it would given any other jump to a label. Thus, if there were no break after verbose++, then the program would merrily continue on to execute weighting_function, and so on. This is called fall-through. There are reasons for when fall-through is actually desirable, but to me, it always seemed to be a lemonade-out-of-lemons artifact of how switch-case is a smoothed-over syntax for using labels, goto, and break. Peter van der Linden surveyed a large code base and found that fall-through was appropriate for only 3% of cases.

If the risk of inserting a subtle bug by forgetting a break or default seems great to you, there is a simple solution: don’t use switch.

The alternative to the switch is a simple series of ifs and elses:

char c;

while ((c = getopt(...))){

if (c == 'v') verbose++;

else if (c == 'w') weighting_function();

else if (c == 'f') fun_function();


It’s redundant because of the repeated reference to c, but it’s shorter because we don’t need a break every three lines. Because it isn’t a thin wrapper around raw labels and jumps, it’s harder to get wrong.

Deprecate Float

Floating-point math is challenging in surprising places. It’s easy to write down a reasonable algorithm that introduces 0.01% error on every step, which over 1,000 iterations turns the results into complete slop. You can easily find volumes filled with advice about how to avoid such surprises. Much of it is still valid today, but much of it is easy to handle quickly: use double instead of float, and for intermediate values in calculations, it doesn’t hurt to use long double.

For example, Writing Scientific Software advises users to avoid what the authors call the single-pass method of calculating variances (Oliveira, 2006; p 24). They give an example that is ill-conditioned. As you may know, a floating-point number is so named because the decimal floats to the right position in an otherwise scale-independent number. For exposition, let’s pretend the computer works in decimal; then this sort of system can store 23,000,000 exactly as easily as it could store .23 or .00023—just let the decimal point float. But 23,000,000.00023 is a challenge, because there are only so many digits available for expressing the prefloat value, as shown in Example 7-3.

Example 7-3. A float can’t store this many significant digits (floatfail.c)

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

printf("%f\n", (float)333334126.98);

printf("%f\n", (float)333334125.31);


The output from Example 7-3 on my netbook, with a 32-bit float:



There went our precision. This is why computing books from times past worried so much about writing algorithms to minimize the sort of drift one could have with only seven reliable decimal digits.

That’s for a 32-bit float, which is the minimum standard anymore. I even had to explicitly cast to float, because the system will otherwise store these numbers with a 64-bit value.

64 bits is enough to reliably store 15 significant digits: 100,000,000,000,001 is not a problem. (Try it! Hint: printf(%.20g, val) prints val to 20 significant decimal digits).

Example 7-4 presents the code to run Oliveira and Stewart’s example, including a single-pass calculation of mean and variance. Once again, this code is only useful as a demonstration, because the GSL already implements means and variance calculators. It does the example twice: once with the ill-conditioned version, which gave our authors from 2006 terrible results, and once after subtracting 34,120 from every number, which thus gives us something that even a plain float can handle with full precision. We can be confident that the results using the not-ill-conditioned numbers are accurate.

Example 7-4. Ill-conditioned data: not such a big deal anymore (stddev.c)

#include <math.h>

#include <stdio.h> //size_t

typedef struct meanvar {double mean, var;} meanvar;

meanvar mean_and_var(const double *data){

long double avg = 0, 1

avg2 = 0;

long double ratio;

size_t cnt= 0;

for(size_t i=0; !isnan(data[i]); i++){

ratio = cnt/(cnt+1.0);

cnt ++;

avg *= ratio;

avg2 *= ratio;

avg += data[i]/(cnt +0.0);

avg2 += pow(data[i], 2)/(cnt +0.0);


return (meanvar){.mean = avg, 2

.var = avg2 - pow(avg, 2)}; //E[x^2] - E^2[x]


int main(){

double d[] = { 34124.75, 34124.48,

34124.90, 34125.31,

34125.05, 34124.98, NAN};

meanvar mv = mean_and_var(d);

printf("mean: %.10g var: %.10g\n", mv.mean, mv.var*6/5.);

double d2[] = { 4.75, 4.48,

4.90, 5.31,

5.05, 4.98, NAN};

mv = mean_and_var(d2);

mv.var *= 6./5; 3

printf("mean: %.10g var: %.10g\n", mv.mean, mv.var); 4



As a rule of thumb, using a higher level of precision for intermediate variables can avoid incremental roundoff problems. That is, if our output is double, then avg, avg2, and ratio should be long double. Do the results from the example change if we just use doubles? (Hint: no.)


The function returns a struct generated via designated initializers. If this form is unfamiliar to you, you’ll meet it soon.


The function above calculated the population variance; scale to produce the sample variance.


I used %g as the format specifier in the printfs; that’s the general form, which accepts both floats and doubles.

Here are the results:

mean: 34124.91167 var: 0.07901676614

mean: 4.911666667 var: 0.07901666667

The means are off by 34,120, because we set up the calculations that way, but they are otherwise precisely identical (the .66666 would continue off the page if we let it), and the ill-conditioned variance is off by 0.000125%. The ill-conditioning had no appreciable effect.

That, dear reader, is technological progress. All we had to do was throw twice as much space at the problem, and suddenly all sorts of considerations are basically irrelevant. You can still construct realistic cases where numeric drift can create problems, but it’s much harder to do so. Even if there is a perceptible speed difference between a program written with all doubles and one written with all floats, it’s worth extra microseconds to be able to ignore so many caveats.

Should we use long ints everywhere integers are used? The case isn’t quite as open and shut. A double representation of π is more precise than a float representation of π, even though we’re in the ballpark of 3; both int and long int representations of numbers up to a few billion are precisely identical. The only issue is overflow. There was once a time when the limit was scandalously short, like around 32,000. It’s good to be living in the present, where the range of integers on a typical system might go up to about ±2.1 billion. But if you think there’s even a remote possibility that you have a variable that might multiply its way up to the billions (that’s just 200 × 200 × 100 × 500, for example), then you certainly need to use a long int or even a long long int, or else your answer won’t just be imprecise—it’ll be entirely wrong, as most implementations wrap around from +2.1 billion to -2.1 billion. Have a look at your copy of limits.h (typically in the usual locations like /include or /usr/include/) for details; on my netbook, for example, limits.h says that int and long int are identical.

If you are doing some exceptionally serious counting, then #include <stdint.h> and use the intmax_t type, which is guaranteed to have a range at least up to 263-1 = 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 [C99 §7.18.1 and C11 §7.20.1].

If you do switch, remember that you’ll need to modify all your printfs to use %li as the format specifier for long int and %ji for intmax_t.

Comparing Unsigned Integers

Example 7-5 shows a simple program that compares an int to a size_t, which is an unsigned integer sometimes used for representing array offsets (formally, it is the type returned by sizeof):

Example 7-5. Comparing unsigned and signed integers (uint.c)

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int neg = -2;

size_t zero = 0;

if (neg < zero) printf("Yes, -2 is less than 0.\n");

else printf("No, -2 is not less than 0.\n");


You can run this and verify that it gets the wrong answer. This snippet demonstrates that in most comparisons between signed and an unsigned integers, C will force the signed type to unsigned (C99 & C11 §, which is the opposite of what we as humans expect. I will admit to having been caught by this a few times, and it is hard to spot the bug because the comparison looks so natural.

C gives you a multitude of ways to represent a number, from unsigned short int up to long double. Having so many types was necessary back when even mainframe memory was measured in kilobytes. But in the present day, this section and the last advise against using the full range. Micromanaging types, using float for efficiency and breaking out double for special occasions, or using unsigned int because you are confident the variable will never store a negative number, opens the way to bugs caused by subtle numeric imprecision and C’s not-quite-intuitive arithmetic conversions.

Safely Parse Strings to Numbers

There are several functions available to parse the numeric value of a string of text. The most popular are atoi and atof (ASCII-to-int and ASCII-to-float). Their use is very simple, such as:

char twelve[] = "12";

int x = atoi(twelve);

char million[] = "1e6";

double m = atof(million);

But there is no error-checking: if twelve is "XII", then atoi(twelve) evaluates to zero and the program continues.

The safer alternative is using strtol and strtod. They have actually been around since C89 but often take a back seat because they do not appear in K&R, 1st ed., and take a little more work to use. Most of the authors I have surveyed (including myself in a prior book!) do not mention them or relegate them to an appendix.

The strtod function takes a second argument, a pointer-to-pointer-to-char, which will point to the first character that the parser could not interpret as part of a number. This can be used to continue parsing the rest of the text, or to check for errors if you expect that the string should consist only of a number. If that variable is declared as char *end, then at the end of reading a string that could be read in its entirety as a number, end points to the '\0' at the end of the string, so we can test for failure with a condition like if (*end) printf("read failure.").

Example 7-6 gives a sample usage, in the form of a simple program to square a number given on the command line.

Example 7-6. Using strtod to read in a number (strtod.c)

#include "stopif.h"

#include <stdlib.h> //strtod

#include <math.h> //pow

int main(int argc, char **argv){

Stopif (argc < 2, return 1, "Give me a number on the command line to square.");

char *end;

double in = strtod(argv[1], &end);

Stopif(*end, return 2, "I couldn't parse '%s' to a number. "

"I had trouble with '%s'.", argv[1], end);

printf("The square of %s is %g\n", argv[1], pow(in, 2));


Since C99, there have also been strtof and strtold to convert to float and long double. The integer versions, strtol or strtoll, to convert to a long int or a long long int, take three arguments: the string to convert, the pointer-to-end, and a base. The traditional base is base 10, but you can set this to 2 to read binary numbers, 8 to read octal, 16 to read hexadecimal, and so on up to base 36.


Gonna make it through, gonna make it through. Divide by zero like a wrecking crew.

The Offspring, “Dividing by Zero”

The IEEE floating-point standard gives precise rules for how floating-point numbers are represented, including special forms for infinity, negative infinity, and Not-a-Number—NaN, which indicates a math error like 0/0 or log(-1). IEEE 754/IEC 60559 (as the standard is called, because the sort of people who deal with these things are fine with their standards having a number as a name) is distinct from the C or POSIX standards, but it is supported almost everywhere. If you are working on a Cray or some special-purpose embedded devices, you’ll have to ignore the details of this section (but even AVR libc for Arduino and other microcontrollers defines NAN and INFINITY).

As in Example 10-1, NaN can be useful as a marker to indicate the end of a list, provided we are confident that the main part of the list will have all not-NaN values.

The other thing everybody needs to know about NaN is that testing for equality always fails—after setting x=NAN, even x==x will evaluate to false. Use isnan(x) to test whether x is NaN.

Those of you elbow deep in numeric data may be interested in other ways we can use NaNs as markers.

The IEEE standard has a lot of forms for NaN: the sign bit can be 0 or 1, then the exponent is all 1s, and the rest is nonzero, so you have a bunch of bits like this: S11111111MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, where S is the sign and M the unspecified mantissa.

A zero mantissa indicates ±infinity, depending on the sign bit, but we can otherwise specify those Ms to be anything we want. Once we have a way to control those free bits, we can add all kinds of distinct semaphores into a cell of a numeric array.

The graceful way to generate a specific NAN is via the function nan(tagp) that returns a NAN “with content indicated through tagp.” [C99 and C11 §] The input should be a string representing a floating-point number—the nan function is a wrapper for strtod—which will be written to the mantissa of the NaN.

The program in Example 7-7 generates and uses an NA (not available) marker, which is useful in contexts where we need to distinguish between data that is missing and math errors.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h> //NAN, isnan, nan

double ref;

double set_na(){

if (!ref) ref=nan("21");

return ref;


int is_na(double in){ 1

if (!ref) return 0; //set_na was never called==>no NAs yet.

char *cc = (char *)(&in);

char *cr = (char *)(&ref);

for (int i=0; i< sizeof(double); i++)

if (cc[i] != cr[i]) return 0;

return 1;


int main(){

double x = set_na();

double y = x;

printf("Is x=set_na() NA? %i\n", is_na(x));

printf("Is x=set_na() NAN? %i\n", isnan(x));

printf("Is y=x NA? %i\n", is_na(y));

printf("Is 0/0 NA? %i\n", is_na(0/0.));

printf("Is 8 NA? %i\n", is_na(8));



The is_na function checks whether the bit pattern of the number we’re testing matches the special bit pattern that set_na made up. It does this by treating both inputs as character strings and doing character-by-character comparison.

I produced a single semaphore to store in a numeric data point, using 21 as the haphazardly chosen key. We can insert as many other distinct markers as desired directly into our data set using a minor modification of the preceding code to mark all sorts of different exceptions.

In fact, some widely used systems (such as WebKit) go much further than just a semaphore and actually insert an entire pointer into the mantissa of their NaNs. This method, NaN boxing, is left as an exercise for the reader.

11 By the way, there is one other way that this snippet shaves four keystrokes from the old requirements. In what even K& R 2nd ed. called “old style” declarations, having nothing inside the parens, like int main(), indicated no information about parameters, not definite information that there are zero parameters. Under the old rules, we would need int main(void) to be clear that main is taking no arguments. But since 1999, “An empty list in a function declarator that is part of a definition of that function specifies that the function has no parameters” [C99 § and C11 §].

12 The C99 standard required conforming compilers to accept variable-length arrays (VLAs). The C11 standard took a step back and made it optional. Personally, I found this move to be out of character for the standards committee, which is normally meticulous about making sure that all existing code (even trigraphs!) will continue to compile into the future.
Because VLAs are an optional part of the standard, we have to ask whether they are reliable. Compiler authors gain market share by writing compilers that work for as much existing code as possible, so it is not surprising that every major compiler that makes a serious effort to comply to the C11 standard does allow VLAs. Even if you are writing for an Arduino microcontroller (which is not a traditional stack-and-heap system), you will be using AVR-gcc, a variant of gcc that still handles VLAs. I consider code using VLAs to be reliable across a diverse range of platforms, and expect it to continue to be reliable in the future.
Readers who wish to prepare for a standards-compliant compiler that opts out of supporting VLAs can use a feature test macro to check whether VLAs can be used; see “Test Macros”.