Structures, Unions, and Enumerations - Basic Facilities - The C++ Programming Language (2013)

The C++ Programming Language (2013)

Part II: Basic Facilities

8. Structures, Unions, and Enumerations

Form a more perfect Union.

– The people



struct Layout; struct Names; Structures and Classes; Structures and Arrays; Type Equivalence; Plain Old Data; Fields


Unions and Classes; Anonymous unions


enum classes; Plain enums; Unnamed enums


8.1. Introduction

The key to effective use of C++ is the definition and use of user-defined types. This chapter introduces the three most primitive variants of the notion of a user-defined type:

• A struct (a structure) is a sequence of elements (called members) of arbitrary types.

• A union is a struct that holds the value of just one of its elements at any one time.

• An enum (an enumeration) is a type with a set of named constants (called enumerators).

enum class (a scoped enumeration) is an enum where the enumerators are within the scope of the enumeration and no implicit conversions to other types are provided.

Variants of these kinds of simple types have existed since the earliest days of C++. They are primarily focused on the representation of data and are the backbone of most C-style programming. The notion of a struct as described here is a simple form of a class3.2, Chapter 16).

8.2. Structures

An array is an aggregate of elements of the same type. In its simplest form, a struct is an aggregate of elements of arbitrary types. For example:

struct Address {
const char* name; //
"Jim Dandy"
int number; // 61
const char* street; // "South St"
const char* town; // "New Providence"
char state[2]; // 'N' 'J'
const char* zip; // "07974"

This defines a type called Address consisting of the items you need in order to send mail to someone within the USA. Note the terminating semicolon.

Variables of type Address can be declared exactly like other variables, and the individual members can be accessed using the . (dot) operator. For example:

void f()

Address jd; = "Jim Dandy";
jd.number = 61;

Variables of struct types can be initialized using the {} notation (§6.3.5). For example:

Address jd = {
"Jim Dandy",
61, "South St",
"New Providence",
{'N','J'}, "07974"

Note that jd.state could not be initialized by the string "NJ". Strings are terminated by a zero character, '\0', so "NJ" has three characters – one more than will fit into jd.state. I deliberately use rather low-level types for the members to illustrate how that can be done and what kinds of problems it can cause.

Structures are often accessed through pointers using the –> (struct pointer dereference) operator. For example:

void print_addr(Address* p)
cout << p–>name << '\n'

<< p–>number << ' ' << p–>street << '\n'
<< p–>town << '\n'
<< p–>state[0] << p–>state[1] << ' ' << p–>zip << '\n';

When p is a pointer, p–>m is equivalent to (*p).m.

Alternatively, a struct can be passed by reference and accessed using the . (struct member access) operator:

void print_addr2(const Address& r)
cout << << '\n'

<< r.number << ' ' << r.street << '\n'
<< << '\n'
<< r.state[0] << r.state[1] << ' ' << << '\n';

Argument passing is discussed in §12.2.

Objects of structure types can be assigned, passed as function arguments, and returned as the result from a function. For example:

Address current;

Address set_current(Address next)
address prev = current;
current = next;
return prev;

Other plausible operations, such as comparison (== and !=), are not available by default. However, the user can define such operators (§, Chapter 18).

8.2.1. struct Layout

An object of a struct holds its members in the order they are declared. For example, we might store primitive equipment readout in a structure like this:

struct Readout {
char hour; //
int value;
char seq; //
sequence mark ['a':'z']

You could imagine the members of a Readout object laid out in memory like this:


Members are allocated in memory in declaration order, so the address of hour must be less than the address of value. See also §8.2.6.

However, the size of an object of a struct is not necessarily the sum of the sizes of its members. This is because many machines require objects of certain types to be allocated on architecture-dependent boundaries or handle such objects much more efficiently if they are. For example, integers are often allocated on word boundaries. On such machines, objects are said to have to be properly aligned6.2.9). This leads to “holes” in the structures. A more realistic layout of a Readout on a machine with 4-byte int would be:


In this case, as on many machines, sizeof(Readout) is 12, and not 6 as one would naively expect from simply adding the sizes of the individual members.

You can minimize wasted space by simply ordering members by size (largest member first). For example:

struct Readout {
int value;
char hour; //
char seq; // sequence mark ['a':'z']

This would give us:


Note that this still leaves a 2-byte “hole” (unused space) in a Readout and sizeof(Readout)==8. The reason is that we need to maintain alignment when we put two objects next to each other, say, in an array of Readouts. The size of an array of 10 Readout objects is 10*sizeof(Readout).

It is usually best to order members for readability and sort them by size only if there is a demonstrated need to optimize.

Use of multiple access specifiers (i.e., public, private, or protected) can affect layout (§20.5).

8.2.2. struct Names

The name of a type becomes available for use immediately after it has been encountered and not just after the complete declaration has been seen. For example:

struct Link {
Link* previous;
Link* successor;

However, it is not possible to declare new objects of a struct until its complete declaration has been seen. For example:

struct No_good {
No_good member; // error: recursive definition

This is an error because the compiler is not able to determine the size of No_good. To allow two (or more) structs to refer to each other, we can declare a name to be the name of a struct. For example:

struct List; // struct name declaration: List to be defined later

struct Link {
Link* pre;
Link* suc;
List* member_of;
int data;

struct List {
Link* head;

Without the first declaration of List, use of the pointer type List* in the declaration of Link would have been a syntax error.

The name of a struct can be used before the type is defined as long as that use does not require the name of a member or the size of the structure to be known. However, until the completion of the declaration of a struct, that struct is an incomplete type. For example:

struct S; // "S" is the name of some type

extern S a;
S f();
void g(S);
S* h(S*);

However, many such declarations cannot be used unless the type S is defined:

void k(S* p)

S a; // error: S not defined; size needed to allocate

f(); // error: S not defined; size needed to return value
g(a); // error: S not defined; size needed to pass argument
p–>m = 7; // error: S not defined; member name not known

S* q = h(p); // ok: pointers can be allocated and passed
q–>m = 7; // error: S not defined; member name not known

For reasons that reach into the prehistory of C, it is possible to declare a struct and a non-struct with the same name in the same scope. For example:

struct stat { /* ... */ };
int stat(char* name, struct stat*

In that case, the plain name (stat) is the name of the non-struct, and the struct must be referred to with the prefix struct. Similarly, the keywords class, union8.3), and enum8.4) can be used as prefixes for disambiguation. However, it is best not to overload names to make such explicit disambiguation necessary.

8.2.3. Structures and Classes

A struct is simply a class where the members are public by default. So, a struct can have member functions (§2.3.2, Chapter 16). In particular, a struct can have constructors. For example:

struct Points {
vector<Point> elem;//
must contain at least one Point
Points(Point p0) { elem.push_back(p0);}
Points(Point p0, Point p1) { elem.push_back(p0); elem.push_back(p1); }

Points x0; // error: no default constructor
Points x1{ {100,200} }; // one Point
Points x1{ {100,200}, {300,400} }; // two Points

You do not need to define a constructor simply to initialize members in order. For example:

struct Point {
int x, y;

Point p0; // danger: uninitialized if in local scope (§
Point p1 {}; // default construction: {{},{}}; that is {0.0}
Point p2 {1}; // the second member is default constructed: {1,{}}; that is {1,0}
Point p3 {1,2}; // {1,2}

Constructors are needed if you need to reorder arguments, validate arguments, modify arguments, establish invariants (§, §13.4), etc. For example:

struct Address {
string name; //
"Jim Dandy"
int number; // 61
string street; // "South St"
string town; // "New Providence"
char state[2]; // 'N' 'J'
char zip[5]; // 07974

Address(const string n, int nu, const string& s, const string& t, const string& st, int z);

Here, I added a constructor to ensure that every member was initialized and to allow me to use a string and an int for the postal code, rather than fiddling with individual characters. For example:

Address jd = {
"Jim Dandy",
61, "South St",
"New Providence",
"NJ", 7974 //
(07974 would be octal; §

The Address constructor might be defined like this:

Address::Address(const string& n, int nu, const string& s, const string& t, const string& st, int z)
// validate postal code
if (st.size()!=2)
error("State abbreviation should be two characters")
state = {st[0],st[1]}; //
store postal code as characters
ostringstream ost; // an output string stream; see §38.4.2
ost << z; // extract characters from int
string zi {ost.str()};
switch (zi.size()) {
case 5:
zip = {zi[0], zi[1], zi[2], zi[3], zi[4]};
case 4: //
starts with '0'
zip = {'0', zi[0], zi[1], zi[2], zi[3]};
error("unexpected ZIP code format");
... check that the code makes sense ...

8.2.4. Structures and Arrays

Naturally, we can have arrays of structs and structs containing arrays. For example:

struct Point {
int x,y

Point points[3] {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}};
int x2 = points[2].x;

struct Array {
Point elem[3];

Array points2 {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}};
int y2 = points2.elem[2].y;

Placing a built-in array in a struct allows us to treat that array as an object: we can copy the struct containing it in initialization (including argument passing and function return) and assignment. For example:

Array shift(Array a, Point p)
for (int i=0; i!=3; ++i) {
a.elem[i].x += p.x;
a.elem[i].y += p.y;
return a;

Array ax = shift(points2,{10,20});

The notation for Array is a bit primitive: Why i!=3? Why keep repeating .elem[i]? Why just elements of type Point? The standard library provides std::array34.2.1) as a more complete and elegant development of the idea of a fixed-size array as a struct:

template<typename T, size_t N>
struct array { //
simplified (see §34.2.1)
T elem[N];

T* begin() noexcept { return elem; }
const T* begin() const noexcept {return elem; }
T* end() noexcept { return elem+N; } const T* end()
const noexcept { return elem+N; }

constexpr size_t size() noexcept;

T& operator[](size_t n) { return elem[n]; }
const T& operator[](size_type n) const { return elem[n]; }

T* data() noexcept { return elem; }
const T * data() const noexcept { return elem; }

// ...

This array is a template to allow arbitrary numbers of elements of arbitrary types. It also deals directly with the possibility of exceptions (§ and const objects (§ Using array, we can now write:

struct Point {
int x,y

using Array = array<Point,3>; // array of 3 Points

Array points {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}};
int x2 = points[2].x;
int y2 = points[2].y;

Array shift(Array a, Point p)
for (int i=0; i!=a.size(); ++i) {
a[i].x += p.x;
a[i].y += p.y;
return a;

Array ax = shift(points,{10,20});

The main advantages of std::array over a built-in array are that it is a proper object type (has assignment, etc.) and does not implicitly convert to a pointer to an individual element:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Point p)
cout << '{' << p[i].x << ',' << p[i].y << '}';

void print(Point a[],int s) // must specify number of elements
for (int i=0; i!=s; ++i)
cout << a[i] << '\n';

template<typename T, int N>
void print(array<T,N>& a)
for (int i=0; i!=a.size(); ++i)
cout << a[i] << '\n';

Point point1[] = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}; // 3 elements
array<Point,3> point2 = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}; // 3 elements

void f()
print(point1,4); //
4 is a bad error

The disadvantage of std::array compared to a built-in array is that we can’t deduce the number of elements from the length of the initializer:

Point point1[] = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}; // 3 elements
array<Point,3> point2 = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}; // 3 elements
array<Point> point3 = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}; // error: number of elements not given

8.2.5. Type Equivalence

Two structs are different types even when they have the same members. For example:

struct S1 { int a; };
struct S2 { int a; };

S1 and S2 are two different types, so:

S1 x;
S2 y = x; // error: type mismatch

A struct is also a different type from a type used as a member. For example:

S1 x;
int i = x; //
error: type mismatch

Every struct must have a unique definition in a program (§15.2.3).

8.2.6. Plain Old Data

Sometimes, we want to treat an object as just “plain old data” (a contiguous sequence of bytes in memory) and not worry about more advanced semantic notions, such as run-time polymorphism (§3.2.3, §20.3.2), user-defined copy semantics (§3.3, §17.5), etc. Often, the reason for doing so is to be able to move objects around in the most efficient way the hardware is capable of. For example, copying a 100-element array using 100 calls of a copy constructor is unlikely to be as fast as calling std::memcpy(), which typically simply uses a block-move machine instruction. Even if the constructor is inlined, it could be hard for an optimizer to discover this optimization. Such “tricks” are not uncommon, and are important, in implementations of containers, such as vector, and in low-level I/O routines. They are unnecessary and should be avoided in higher-level code.

So, a POD (“Plain Old Data”) is an object that can be manipulated as “just data” without worrying about complications of class layouts or user-defined semantics for construction, copy, and move. For example:

struct S0 { }; // a POD
struct S1 { int a; }; // a POD
struct S2 { int a; S2(int aa) : a(aa) { } }; // not a POD (no default constructor)
struct S3 { int a; S3(int aa) : a(aa) { } S3() {} }; // a POD (user-defined default constructor)
struct S4 { int a; S4(int aa) : a(aa) { } S4() = default; }; // a POD
struct S5 { virtual void f(); /* ... */ }; // not a POD (has a virtual function)

struct S6 : S1 { }; // a POD
struct S7 : S0 { int b; }; // a POD
struct S8 : S1 { int b; }; // not a POD (data in both S1 and S8)
struct S9 : S0, S1 {}; // a POD

For us to manipulate an object as “just data” (as a POD), the object must

• not have a complicated layout (e.g., with a vptr; (§3.2.3, §20.3.2),

• not have nonstandard (user-defined) copy semantics, and

• have a trivial default constructor.

Obviously, we need to be precise about the definition of POD so that we only use such optimizations where they don’t break any language guarantees. Formally (§iso.3.9, §iso.9), a POD object must be of

• a standard layout type, and

• a trivially copyable type,

• a type with a trivial default constructor.

A related concept is a trivial type, which is a type with

• a trivial default constructor and

• trivial copy and move operations

Informally, a default constructor is trivial if it does not need to do any work (use =default if you need to define one §17.6.1).

A type has standard layout unless it

• has a non-static member or a base that is not standard layout,

• has a virtual function (§3.2.3, §20.3.2),

• has a virtual base (§21.3.5),

• has a member that is a reference (§7.7),

• has multiple access specifiers for non-static data members (§20.5), or

• prevents important layout optimizations

• by having non-static data members in more than one base class or in both the derived class and a base, or

• by having a base class of the same type as the first non-static data member.

Basically, a standard layout type is one that has a layout with an obvious equivalent in C and is in the union of what common C++ Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs) can handle.

A type is trivially copyable unless it has a nontrivial copy operation, move operation, or destructor (§, §17.6). Informally, a copy operation is trivial if it can be implemented as a bitwise copy. So, what makes a copy, move, or destructor nontrivial?

• It is user-defined.

• Its class has a virtual function.

• Its class has a virtual base.

• Its class has a base or a member that is not trivial.

An object of built-in type is trivially copyable, and has standard layout. Also, an array of trivially copyable objects is trivially copyable and an array of standard layout objects has standard layout. Consider an example:

template<typename T>
void mycopy(T* to, const T*
from, int count);

I’d like to optimize the simple case where T is a POD. I could do that by only calling mycopy() for PODs, but that’s error-prone: if I use mycopy() can I rely on a maintainer of the code to remember never to call mycopy() for non-PODs? Realistically, I cannot. Alternatively, I could callstd::copy(), which is most likely implemented with the necessary optimization. Anyway, here is the general and optimized code:

template<typename T>
void mycopy(T* to, const T* from, int count)
if (is_pod<T>::value)
for (int i=0; i!=count; ++i)

The is_pod is a standard-library type property predicate (§35.4.1) defined in <type_traits> allowing us to ask the question “Is T a POD?” in our code. The best thing about is_pod<T> is that it saves us from remembering the exact rules for what a POD is.

Note that adding or subtracting non-default constructors does not affect layout or performance (that was not true in C++98).

If you feel an urge to become a language lawyer, study the layout and triviality concepts in the standard (§iso.3.9, §iso.9) and try to think about their implications to programmers and compiler writers. Doing so might cure you of the urge before it has consumed too much of your time.

8.2.7. Fields

It seems extravagant to use a whole byte (a char or a bool) to represent a binary variable – for example, an on/off switch – but a char is the smallest object that can be independently allocated and addressed in C++ (§7.2). It is possible, however, to bundle several such tiny variables together as fields in a struct. A field is often called a bit-field. A member is defined to be a field by specifying the number of bits it is to occupy. Unnamed fields are allowed. They do not affect the meaning of the named fields, but they can be used to make the layout better in some machine-dependent way:

struct PPN { // R6000 Physical Page Number
unsigned int PFN : 22; // Page Frame Number
int : 3; // unused
unsigned int CCA : 3; // Cache Coherency Algorithm
bool nonreachable : 1;
bool dirty : 1;
bool valid : 1;
bool global : 1;

This example also illustrates the other main use of fields: to name parts of an externally imposed layout. A field must be of an integral or enumeration type (§6.2.1). It is not possible to take the address of a field. Apart from that, however, it can be used exactly like other variables. Note that abool field really can be represented by a single bit. In an operating system kernel or in a debugger, the type PPN might be used like this:

void part_of_VM_system(PPN* p)

// ...
if (p–>dirty) { // contents changed
// copy to disk
p–>dirty = 0;

Surprisingly, using fields to pack several variables into a single byte does not necessarily save space. It saves data space, but the size of the code needed to manipulate these variables increases on most machines. Programs have been known to shrink significantly when binary variables were converted from bit-fields to characters! Furthermore, it is typically much faster to access a char or an int than to access a field. Fields are simply a convenient shorthand for using bitwise logical operators (§11.1.1) to extract information from and insert information into part of a word.

8.3. Unions

A union is a struct in which all members are allocated at the same address so that the union occupies only as much space as its largest member. Naturally, a union can hold a value for only one member at a time. For example, consider a symbol table entry that holds a name and a value:

enum Type { str, num };

struct Entry {
char* name;

Type t;
char* s; //
use s if t==str
int i; // use i if t==num

void f(Entry* p)
if (p–>t == str)
cout << p–>s;

The members s and i can never be used at the same time, so space is wasted. It can be easily recovered by specifying that both should be members of a union, like this:

union Value {
char* s;
int i;

The language doesn’t keep track of which kind of value is held by a union, so the programmer must do that:

struct Entry {
char* name;

Type t;
Value v; // use v.s if t==str; use v.i if t==num

void f(Entry* p)
if (p–>t == str)
cout << p–>v.s;

To avoid errors, one can encapsulate a union so that the correspondence between a type field and access to the union members can be guaranteed (§8.3.2).

Unions are sometimes misused for “type conversion.” This misuse is practiced mainly by programmers trained in languages that do not have explicit type conversion facilities, so that cheating is necessary. For example, the following “converts” an int to an int* simply by assuming bitwise equivalence:

union Fudge {
int i;
int* p;

int* cheat(int i)

Fudge a;
a.i = i;
return a.p; //
bad use

This is not really a conversion at all. On some machines, an int and an int* do not occupy the same amount of space, while on others, no integer can have an odd address. Such use of a union is dangerous and nonportable. If you need such an inherently ugly conversion, use an explicit type conversion operator (§11.5.2) so that the reader can see what is going on. For example:

int* cheat2(int i)
return reinterpret_cast<int*>(i); //
obviously ugly and dangerous

Here, at least the compiler has a chance to warn you if the sizes of objects are different and such code stands out like the sore thumb it is.

Use of unions can be essential for compactness of data and through that for performance. However, most programs don’t improve much from the use of unions and unions are rather error-prone. Consequently, I consider unions an overused feature; avoid them when you can.

8.3.1. Unions and Classes

Many nontrivial unions have a member that is much larger than the most frequently used members. Because the size of a union is at least as large as its largest member, space is wasted. This waste can often be eliminated by using a set of derived classes (§3.2.2, Chapter 20) instead of aunion.

Technically, a union is a kind of a struct8.2) which in turn is a kind of a class (Chapter 16). However, many of the facilities provided for classes are not relevant for unions, so some restrictions are imposed on unions:

[1] A union cannot have virtual functions.

[2] A union cannot have members of reference type.

[3] A union cannot have base classes.

[4] If a union has a member with a user-defined constructor, a copy operation, a move operation, or a destructor, then that special function is deleted (§3.3.4, §17.6.4) for that union; that is, it cannot be used for an object of the union type.

[5] At most one member of a union can have an in-class initializer (§17.4.4).

[6] A union cannot be used as a base class.

These restrictions prevent many subtle errors and simplify the implementation of unions. The latter is important because the use of unions is often an optimization and we won’t want “hidden costs” imposed to compromise that.

The rule that deletes constructors (etc.) from a union with a member that has a constructor (etc.) keeps simple unions simple and forces the programmer to provide complicated operations if they are needed. For example, since Entry has no member with constructors, destructors, or assignments, we can create and copy Entrys freely. For example:

void f(Entry a)

Entry b = a;

Doing so with a more complicated union would cause implementation difficulties or errors:

union U {
int m1;
complex<double> m2; //
complex has a constructor
string m3; // string has a constructor (maintaining a serious invariant)

To copy a U we would have to decide which copy operation to use. For example:

void f2(U x)

U u; // error: which default constructor?
U u2 = x; // error: which copy constructor?
u.m1 = 1; // assign to int member
string s = u.m3; // disaster: read from string member
return; // error: which destructors are called for x, u, and u2?

It’s illegal to write one member and then read another, but people do that nevertheless (usually by mistake). In this case, the string copy constructor would be called with an invalid argument. It is fortunate that U won’t compile. When needed, a user can define a class containing a union that properly handles union members with constructors, destructors, and assignments (§8.3.2). If desired, such a class can also prevent the error of writing one member and then reading another.

It is possible to specify an in-class initializer for at most one member. If so, this initializer will be used for default initialization. For example:

union U2 {
int a;
const char* p {""};

U2 x1; // default initialized to x1.p == ""
U2 x2 {7}; // x2.a == 7

8.3.2. Anonymous unions

To see how we can write a class that overcomes the problems with misuse of a union, consider a variant of Entry8.3):

class Entry2 { // two alternative representations represented as a union
enum class Tag { number, text };

Tag type; // discriminant

union { // representation
int i;
string s; //
string has default constructor, copy operations, and destructor
struct Bad_entry { }; //
used for exceptions

string name;

Entry2& operator=(const Entry2&); // necessary because of the string variant
Entry2(const Entry2&);

int number() const;
string text() const;

void set_number(int n);
void set_text(const string&);

I’m not a fan of get/set functions, but in this case we really need to perform a nontrivial user-specified action on each access. I chose to name the “get” function after the value and use the set_ prefix for the “set” function. That happens to be my favorite among the many naming conventions.

The read-access functions can be defined like this:

int Entry2::number() const
if (type!=Tag::number) throw Bad_entry{};
return i;

string Entry2::text() const
if (type!=Tag::text) throw Bad_entry{};
return s;

These access functions check the type tag, and if it is the one that correctly corresponds to the access we want, it returns a reference to the value; otherwise, it throws an exception. Such a union is often called a tagged union or a discriminated union.

The write-access functions basically do the same checking of the type tag, but note how setting a new value must take the previous value into account:

void Entry2::set_number(int n)
if (type==Tag::text) {
s.~string(); //
explicitly destroy string (§11.2.4)
type = Tag::number;
i = n;

void Entry2::set_text(const string& ss)
if (type==Tag::text)
s = ss;
else {
new(&s) string{ss}; //
placement new: explicitly construct string (§11.2.4)
type = Tag::text;

The use of a union forces us to use otherwise obscure and low-level language facilities (explicit construction and destruction) to manage the lifetime of the union elements. This is another reason to be wary of using unions.

Note that the union in the declaration of Entry2 is not named. That makes it an anonymous union. An anonymous union is an object, not a type, and its members can be accessed without mentioning an object name. That means that we can use members of an anonymous union exactly as we use other members of a class – as long as we remember that union members really can be used only one at a time.

Entry2 has a member of a type with a user-defined assignment operator, string, so Entry2’s assignment operator is deleted (§3.3.4, §17.6.4). If we want to assign Entry2s, we have to define Entry2::operator=(). Assignment combines the complexities of reading and writing but is otherwise logically similar to the access functions:

Entry2& Entry2::operator=(const Entry2& e) // necessary because of the string variant
if (type==Tag::text && e.type==Tag::text) {
s = e.s; //
usual string assignment
return *this;

if (type==Tag::text) s.~string(); // explicit destroy (§11.2.4)

switch (e.type) {
case Tag::number:
i = e.i;
case Tag::text:
new(&s)(e.s); //
placement new: explicit construct (§11.2.4)
type = e.type;

return *this;

Constructors and a move assignment can be defined similarly as needed. We need at least a constructor or two to establish the correspondence between the type tag and a value. The destructor must handle the string case:

if (type==Tag::text) s.~string(); //
explicit destroy (§11.2.4)

8.4. Enumerations

An enumeration is a type that can hold a set of integer values specified by the user (§iso.7.2). Some of an enumeration’s possible values are named and called enumerators. For example:

enum class Color { red, green, blue };

This defines an enumeration called Color with the enumerators red, green, and blue. “An enumeration” is colloquially shortened to “an enum.”

There are two kinds of enumerations:

[1] enum classes, for which the enumerator names (e.g., red) are local to the enum and their values do not implicitly convert to other types

[2] “Plain enums,” for which the enumerator names are in the same scope as the enum and their values implicitly convert to integers

In general, prefer the enum classes because they cause fewer surprises.

8.4.1. enum classes

An enum class is a scoped and strongly typed enumeration. For example:

enum class Traffic_light { red, yellow, green };
enum class Warning { green, yellow, orange, red };//
fire alert levels

Warning a1 = 7; // error: no int->Warning conversion
int a2 = green; // error: green not in scope
int a3 = Warning::green; // error: no Warning->int conversion
Warning a4 = Warning::green; // OK

void f(Traffic_light x)
if (x == 9) { /*
... */ } // error: 9 is not a Traffic_light
if (x == red) { /* ... */ } // error: no red in scope
if (x == Warning::red) { /* ... */ } // error: x is not a Warning
if (x == Traffic_light::red) { /* ... */ } // OK

Note that the enumerators present in both enums do not clash because each is in the scope of its own enum class.

An enumeration is represented by some integer type and each enumerator by some integer value. We call the type used to represent an enumeration its underlying type. The underlying type must be one of the signed or unsigned integer types (§6.2.4); the default is int. We could be explicit about that:

enum class Warning : int { green, yellow, orange, red }; // sizeof(Warning)==sizeof(int)

If we considered that too wasteful of space, we could instead use a char:

enum class Warning : char { green, yellow, orange, red }; // sizeof(Warning)==1

By default, enumerator values are assigned increasing from 0. Here, we get:


Declaring a variable Warning instead of plain int can give both the user and the compiler a hint as to the intended use. For example:

void f(Warning key)
switch (key) {
case Warning::green:

// do something
case Warning::orange:

// do something
case Warning::red:
// do something

A human might notice that yellow was missing, and a compiler might issue a warning because only three out of four Warning values are handled.

An enumerator can be initialized by a constant expression (§10.4) of integral type (§6.2.1). For example:

enum class Printer_flags {

The values for the Printer_flags enumerators are chosen so that they can be combined by bitwise operations. An enum is a user-defined type, so we can define the | and & operators for it (§, Chapter 18). For example:

constexpr Printer_flags operator|(Printer_flags a, Printer_flags b)
return static_cast<Printer_flags>(static_cast<int>(a))|static_cast<int>(b));

constexpr Printer_flags operator&(Printer_flags a, Printer_flags b)
return static_cast<Printer_flags>(static_cast<int>(a))&static_cast<int>(b));

The explicit conversions are necessary because a class enum does not support implicit conversions. Given these definitions of | and & for Printer_flags, we can write:

void try_to_print(Printer_flags x)
if (x&Printer_flags::acknowledge) {

// ...
else if (x&Printer_flags::busy) {

// ...
else if (x&(Printer_flags::out_of_black|Printer_flags::out_of_color)) {

// either we are out of black or we are out of color
// ...

I defined operator|() and operator&() to be constexpr functions (§10.4, §12.1.6) because someone might want to use those operators in constant expressions. For example:

void g(Printer_flags x)
switch (x) {
case Printer_flags::acknowledge:

// ...
case Printer_flags::busy:

// ...
case Printer_flags::out_of_black:

// ...
case Printer_flags::out_of_color:

// ...
case Printer_flags::out_of_black&Printer_flags::out_of_color:

// we are out of black *and* out of color
// ...

// ...

It is possible to declare an enum class without defining it (§6.3) until later. For example:

enum class Color_code : char; // declaration
void foobar(Color_code* p); // use of declaration
// ...
enum class Color_code : char { // definition
red, yellow, green, blue

A value of integral type may be explicitly converted to an enumeration type. The result of such a conversion is undefined unless the value is within the range of the enumeration’s underlying type. For example:

enum class Flag : char{ x=1, y=2, z=4, e=8 };

Flag f0 {}; // f0 gets the default value 0
Flag f1 = 5; // type error: 5 is not of type Flag
Flag f2 = Flag{5}; // error: no narrowing conversion to an enum class
Flag f3 = static_cast<Flag>(5); // brute force
Flag f4 = static_cast<Flag>(999); // error: 999 is not a char value (maybe not caught)

The last assignments show why there is no implicit conversion from an integer to an enumeration; most integer values do not have a representation in a particular enumeration.

Each enumerator has an integer value. We can extract that value explicitly. For example:

int i = static_cast<int>(Flag::y); // i becomes 2
char c = static_cast<char>(Flag::e); // c becomes 8

The notion of a range of values for an enumeration differs from the enumeration notion in the Pascal family of languages. However, bit-manipulation examples that require values outside the set of enumerators to be well defined (e.g., the Printer_flags example) have a long history in C and C++.

The sizeof an enum class is the sizeof of its underlying type. In particular, if the underlying type is not explicitly specified, the size is sizeof(int).

8.4.2. Plain enums

A “plain enum” is roughly what C++ offered before the enum classes were introduced, so you’ll find them in lots of C and C++98-style code. The enumerators of a plain enum are exported into the enum’s scope, and they implicitly convert to values of some integer type. Consider the examples from §8.4.1 with the “class” removed:

enum Traffic_light { red, yellow, green };
enum Warning { green, yellow, orange, red }; //
fire alert levels

// error: two definitions of yellow (to the same value)
// error: two definitions of red (to different values)

Warning a1 = 7; // error: no int->Warning conversion
int a2 = green; // OK: green is in scope and converts to int
int a3 = Warning::green; // OK: Warning->int conversion
Warning a4 = Warning::green; // OK

void f(Traffic_light x)
if (x == 9) { /*
... */ } // OK (but Traffic_light doesn't have a 9)
if (x == red) { /* ... */ } // error: two reds in scope
if (x == Warning::red) { /* ... */ } // OK (Ouch!)
if (x == Traffic_light::red) { /* ... */ } // OK

We were “lucky” that defining red in two plain enumerations in a single scope saved us from hard-to-spot errors. Consider “cleaning up” the plain enums by disambiguating the enumerators (as is easily done in a small program but can be done only with great difficulty in a large one):

enum Traffic_light { tl_red, tl_yellow, tl_green };
enum Warning { green, yellow, orange, red }; //
fire alert levels

void f(Traffic_light x)
if (x == red) { /*
... */ } // OK (ouch!)
if (x == Warning::red) { /* ... */ } // OK (ouch!)
if (x == Traffic_light::red) { /* ... */ } // error: red is not a Traffic_light value

The compiler accepts the x==red, which is almost certainly a bug. The injection of names into an enclosing scope (as enums, but not enum classes or classes, do) is namespace pollution and can be a major problem in larger programs (Chapter 14).

You can specify the underlying type of a plain enumeration, just as you can for enum classes. If you do, you can declare the enumerations without defining them until later. For example:

enum Traffic_light : char { tl_red, tl_yellow, tl_green }; // underlying type is char

enum Color_code : char; // declaration
void foobar(Color_code *p); // use of declaration
// ...
enum Color_code : char { red, yellow, green, blue }; // definition

If you don’t specify the underlying type, you can’t declare the enum without defining it, and its underlying type is determined by a relatively complicated algorithm: when all enumerators are nonnegative, the range of the enumeration is [0:2k-1] where 2k is the smallest power of 2 for which all enumerators are within the range. If there are negative enumerators, the range is [-2k:2k-1]. This defines the smallest bit-field capable of holding the enumerator values using the conventional two’s complement representation. For example:

enum E1 { dark, light }; // range 0:1
enum E2 { a = 3, b = 9 }; // range 0:15
enum E3 { min = –10, max = 1000000 }; // range -1048576:1048575

The rule for explicit conversion of an integer to a plain enum is the same as for the class enum except that when there is no explicit underlying type, the result of such a conversion is undefined unless the value is within the range of the enumeration. For example:

enum Flag { x=1, y=2, z=4, e=8 }; // range 0:15

Flag f0 {}; // f0 gets the default value 0
Flag f1 = 5; // type error: 5 is not of type Flag
Flag f2 = Flag{5}; // error: no explicit conversion from int to Flag
Flag f2 = static_cast<Flag>(5); // OK: 5 is within the range of Flag
Flag f3 = static_cast<Flag>(z|e); // OK: 12 is within the range of Flag
Flag f4 = static_cast<Flag>(99); // undefined: 99 is not within the range of Flag

Because there is an implicit conversion from a plain enum to its underlying type, we don’t need to define | to make this example work: z and e are converted to int so that z|e can be evaluated. The sizeof an enumeration is the sizeof its underlying type. If the underlying type isn’t explicitly specified, it is some integral type that can hold its range and not larger than sizeof(int), unless an enumerator cannot be represented as an int or as an unsigned int. For example, sizeof(e1) could be 1 or maybe 4 but not 8 on a machine where sizeof(int)==4.

8.4.3. Unnamed enums

A plain enum can be unnamed. For example:

enum { arrow_up=1, arrow_down, arrow_sideways };

We use that when all we need is a set of integer constants, rather than a type to use for variables.

8.5. Advice

[1] When compactness of data is important, lay out structure data members with larger members before smaller ones; §8.2.1.

[2] Use bit-fields to represent hardware-imposed data layouts; §8.2.7.

[3] Don’t naively try to optimize memory consumption by packing several values into a single byte; §8.2.7.

[4] Use unions to save space (represent alternatives) and never for type conversion; §8.3.

[5] Use enumerations to represent sets of named constants; §8.4.

[6] Prefer class enums over “plain” enums to minimize surprises; §8.4.

[7] Define operations on enumerations for safe and simple use; §8.4.1.