Detecting System Bottlenecks - Optimizing Hadoop for MapReduce (2014)

Optimizing Hadoop for MapReduce (2014)

Chapter 3. Detecting System Bottlenecks

How do you know whether your Hadoop MapReduce job is performing its work optimally? One of the most common performance-related requests we receive in our consulting practice is to find out why a specific job took a long time to execute, and to troubleshoot bottleneck incidents.

In Chapter 1, Understanding Hadoop MapReduce, and Chapter 2, An Overview of the Hadoop Parameters, we learned about factors that may impact Hadoop MapReduce performance and Hadoop MapReduce common parameters' settings. In this chapter, we will continue our journey and learn how to detect potential system bottlenecks.

This chapter presents the performance tuning process, the importance of creating a baseline before any tuning job, and how to use this baseline to tune your cluster. You will also learn how to identify resource bottlenecks and what to do in order to break these bottlenecks.

In this chapter, we will cover the following:

· Introducing the performance tuning process

· Creating a performance baseline

· Hadoop cluster tuning approach

· Identifying system-resource bottlenecks

Performance tuning

The fundamental goal of performance tuning is to ensure that all available resources (CPU, RAM, I/O, and network) in a given cluster configuration are available to a particular job and are used in a balanced way.

Hadoop MapReduce resources are classified into categories such as computation, memory, network bandwidth, and input/output storage. If any of these resources perform badly, this will impact Hadoop's performance, which may cause your jobs to run slowly. Therefore, tuning Hadoop MapReduce performance is getting balanced resources on your Hadoop cluster and not just tuning one or more variables.

In simple words, tuning a Hadoop MapReduce job process consists of multiple analyses that investigate the Hadoop metrics and indicators in order to learn about execution time, memory amount used, and the number of bytes to read or store in the local filesystem, and so on.

Hadoop performance tuning is an iterative process. You launch a job, then analyzes Hadoop counters, adjust them, and re-run the job. Then repeat this process until you reach the ultimate performance of your Hadoop cluster. The following steps describe this process:

1. Create a baseline, as you first need to evaluate the overall system performance. You will run your job the first time using the default configuration settings of your Hadoop cluster. This will be your baseline.

After you have this baseline, you will begin tuning the variable values to execute jobs optimally. So, we can say that performance tuning is the primary means of measuring and analyzing where time is consumed.

2. You analyze the Hadoop counters, modify and tune some configuration settings, and then re-run the job. The result is compared to the baseline. When the analysis is complete, you can review the results and accept or reject the inferences.

3. Repeat step 2 until you get the shortest execution time for your job.

The following figure illustrates the Hadoop performance tuning process:

Performance tuning

Creating a performance baseline

Let's begin by creating a performance baseline for our system. When creating a baseline, you should keep the Hadoop default configuration settings and use the TeraSort benchmark tool, which is a part of the example JAR files provided with the Hadoop distribution package. TeraSort is accepted as an industry standard benchmark to compare the performance of Hadoop. This benchmark tool tries to use the entire Hadoop cluster to sort 1 TB of data as quickly as possible and is divided into three main modules:

· TeraGen: This module is used to generate a file of the desired size as an input that usually ranges between 500 GB up to 3 TB. Once the input data is generated by TeraGen, it can be used in all the runs with the same file size.

· TeraSort: This module will sort the input file across the Hadoop cluster. TeraSort stresses the Hadoop cluster on both layers, MapReduce and HDFS, in terms of computation, network bandwidth, and I/O response. Once sorted, a single reduced task is created to check the output of the sort phase for validity.

· TeraValidate: This module is used for accuracy and to verify the sorted data.

In order to run the TeraSort benchmark tool and get a baseline, you first need to generate the sample input data that will be sorted by TeraSort. Run TeraGen to generate a file with 10 GB size (depending on your cluster capacity, you may generate a larger file size up to 3 TB) using the following command line where you specify the file size (104857600 = 10 GB) and the output DFS directory (/data/input):

hadoop jar $HADOOP_PREFIX/hadoop-*examples*.jar teragen 104857600 /data/input


The /data/input HDFS directory must be empty, otherwise you will get a Java Exception error. If not already empty, you can clear this directory using the following command line:

hadoop dfs -rmr /data/input

To check whether the sample data files have been generated correctly, open the Hadoop DFS home page (http://machinename:50070/dfshealth.jsp) and check the DFS Used row, which should reflect the size of your generated data. You can also browse the/data/input directory in the DFS filesystem, which should contain all the generated files (part-0000 - part-00*).

Once the input data is generated, run TeraSort using the following command line, which specifies the input and output data folders:

hadoop jar $HADOOP_PREFIX/hadoop-*examples*.jar terasort /data/input /d



The only true way to optimize and tune your cluster is to analyze the counters, change the settings' configuration, re-run your MapReduce job, and then come back to change the settings and re-run the job until you lower the finishing time to the lowest possible value.

When the TeraSort job completes, you get a performance baseline. We can now move to the iterative step (discussed in the previous section) and then analyze these settings.

To illustrate how to use this performance baseline, let's assume we want to process a 10 GB file on a three-node Hadoop cluster (each node has one CPU with four cores, 4 GB RAM, and 40 GB HDD space). Based on the default settings (reported in the following table) this job took 4 minutes and 3 seconds.

This is a light Hadoop cluster with medium data size context. Therefore, the cluster can be configured as follows:

· The replication factor can be reduced to 2.

· The block size can be increased up to 128 MB.

· The io.sort.factor parameter depends on the available memory on the node. Each node has 4 GB of memory; therefore, we can allow more memory to the intermediate map data.

· The io.sort.mb value should be io.sort.factor * 10 that is 35 * 10 = 350 MB, which is the size that will be allowed to map intermediate data.

· The value of and mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum can be set to the CPU core number minus one. Thus, the value should be 4 - 1 = 3.

· It is advisable to set the value of mapred.reduce.tasks between 50 percent and 99 percent of the cluster capacity so that all reduce tasks finish in one wave. This parameter may therefore be set to 0.95 * 3 (nodes) * 3 = 8.55 reducer slots, which is rounded down to 8.

The default value of can be increased to 500 MB to allow more memory to mapper and reducer tasks. However, this should not exceed the available RAM on the node. Therefore, you can set this value using the formula:( + mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum) * memory to allocate (in MB) < available RAM - reserved memory, that is, (3 + 3) * 500 < 4096 - 350 (reserved intermediate map output).

Now we re-run the same MapReduce job again, report the configured settings, and compare the results to those of the baseline. We can choose to accept the tuning results or reject them and re-tune the settings again until we are satisfied with the results.

All these setting values are summarized in the following table:

Hadoop parameter









































Input data size

10 GB

10 GB

Cluster's node number



Job execution time (sec)



Improvement over baseline (percent)


Identifying resource bottlenecks

Typically, a bottleneck occurs when one resource of the system consumes more time than required to finish its tasks and forces other resources to wait, which decreases the overall system performance.

Prior to any deep-dive action into tuning your Hadoop cluster, it is a good practice to ensure that your cluster is stable and your MapReduce jobs are operational. We suggest you verify that the hardware components of your cluster are configured correctly and if necessary, upgrade any software components of the Hadoop stack to the latest stable version. You may also perform a MapReduce job such as TeraSort or PI Estimator to stress your cluster. This is a very important step to get a healthy and optimized Hadoop cluster.

Once your cluster hardware and software components are well configured and updated, you need to create a baseline performance stress-test. In order to stress your Hadoop cluster, you can use the Hadoop microbenchmarks such as TeraSort, TestDFSIO, NNBench, or MRBench. All these benchmarks are part of the Hadoop distribution package.

However, remember that a MapReduce job is in fact a pipeline with many stages, and each stage requires different types of resources. The following illustration describes the major resources (CPU, RAM, I/O, and network bandwidth) that are required by Hadoop to complete a MapReduce job and may create a potential resource bottleneck.

Identifying resource bottlenecks

Identifying RAM bottlenecks

The RAM (memory) is a potential bottleneck source that may have significant effects on your MapReduce job performance. The amount of memory available on each node should be enough to handle the needs of the job to process. You need to ensure that the memory of the cluster nodes is properly configured and set. Otherwise, in an intensive workload context, the Map and Reduce tasks might be initiated but immediately fail. Also, when Hadoop does not have enough memory to handle data, it will use the system storage to store its data and these swaps between memory and storage may be time consuming and will slow down the system.

In order to identify a potential memory bottleneck, you should highlight, using a monitoring tool (such as Ganglia, vmstat), the usage of the swap memory. This will help you to identify whether your map and reduce tasks have enough memory to accomplish their job or not. Otherwise, you should probably extend the node's physical memory or adjust the number of mappers and reducers.

The following screenshot shows the vmstat output report, which shows the amount of memory swapped to disk (so column) and the amount of memory swapped from disk (si column):

Identifying RAM bottlenecks

In Chapter 4, Identifying Resource Weaknesses, you will learn how to configure the number of map and reduce tasks depending on the physical memory you have on each node.

Identifying CPU bottlenecks

CPU is the key resource when processing data in both Map and Reduce computation stages. An intensive CPU activity may be the result of an intensive computation in map and/or reduce user function's code. This high CPU utilization may be a potential bottleneck. Also, a CPU may often be idle if it needs to wait for other resources to feed data before it can be processed. This is generally caused by a misconfiguration of the map and reduce tasks and the Hadoop framework underutilizing the CPU resource. The symptoms of a CPU bottleneck aren't difficult to recognize. Usually, a processor load (time) often exceeds 90 percent; and on multiprocessor systems, the total processor load (time) exceeds 50 percent. But, these symptoms don't always indicate a processor problem.

To identify whether your node deals with very high CPU activity, you should examine all processes and threads actually run by the processor using your monitoring tool. Then you should identify whether there is a particular process that monopolizes the CPU and understand why it does so. Tuning map and reduce tasks' numbers may resolve the bottleneck, and as a last resort you may need to upgrade to a faster processor or add additional processors, which is a benefit for the overall MapReduce job.

Identifying storage bottlenecks

Storage I/O is the second most common bottleneck source and unfortunately, this resource is needed by the Hadoop in many stages of the MapReduce pipeline process. Storage resource can decrease MapReduce job performance and become a bottleneck at every stage of the execution pipeline. Prior to any storage tuning action, it is recommended to benchmark your storage to learn about its I/O throughput capabilities. You can do this by running the Hadoop HDFS benchmark TestDFSIO which is a read/write test for HDFS. Also, to run a distributed benchmark, you can use DFSCIOTest, which is an I/O distributed benchmark of libhdfs.

Storage bottlenecks appear as sustained rates of disk activity above 85 percent. But this symptom may also be the result of a memory or CPU bottleneck, which looks like a disk bottleneck. This is why you should first check if there is any memory or a CPU bottleneck before trying to identify a disk bottleneck.

Using the TestDFSIO benchmark tool will help you to know how fast your cluster's NameNode and DataNode storage are. The following figure shows a typical TestDFSIO output log:

Identifying storage bottlenecks

To launch a read/write benchmark test using TestDFSIO, you can use the following command line, which writes/reads 10 files of 1000 MB each.

hadoop jar hadoop-test.jar TestDFSIO -write -nrFiles 10 -fileSize 1000

hadoop jar hadoop-test.jar TestDFSIO -read -nrFiles 10 -fileSize 1000

Therefore, using log information output of TestDFSIO, you can calculate the storage throughput using the following formula:

Total read throughput and total write throughput = number of files * throughput (mb/sec).

In Chapter 4, Identifying Resource Weaknesses, you will learn how to determine the storage capacity for a given node.

Identifying network bandwidth bottlenecks

The network bandwidth may also be a possible bottleneck source. Usually, this bottleneck occurs when you have to transfer a large amount of data over the network. In the Hadoop context, this bottleneck occurs when a large amount of data is present. High network utilization happens when reduce tasks pull data from map tasks in the shuffle phase, and also when the job outputs the final results into HDFS.

For the storage system, it is recommended to stress your Hadoop cluster in order to learn about your network bandwidth capabilities and ensure that the network utilization will not become a bottleneck when used in a particular job. The network bandwidth needs to be constantly monitored to be able to figure out whether your data can be transferred efficiently between your cluster's nodes.


To analyze your system's performance, you can also use the Linux OS utilities such as dstat, top, htop, iotop, vmstat, iostat, sar, or netstat, which are helpful in capturing system-level performance statistics. Then you use the collected data to study how different resources of the cluster are being utilized by the Hadoop jobs, and which resources create a bottleneck or may be under contention.

To identify and conduct a deep-dive analysis on potential performance bottlenecks induced by software and/or hardware events, you can also use Linux profilers such as perf or strace.

The network performance analysis is a follow-up to other monitoring efforts. In general, you should start by checking your networking hardware including external elements such as cables, hubs, switches, among others. Then, ensure that you are using the most current network adapters and latest device driver's version for your network components. You should also check the configuration of your network and ensure that it is set to the highest and widest bandwidth possible.

To identify potential network bandwidth bottlenecks, you should monitor and check your network data and interrupt rates (the amount of sent and received bytes over your network interface card). If the data rate is close to or equal to one-eighth of the available bandwidth, it can be inferred that this may be the sign of an overloaded network. Also, a high rate of interrupts means your system is being overloaded by interrupts due to network traffic.


You can check your network traffic data and interrupt rates using dstat as dstat --nf to display data rates, and dstat -i or dstat -if to display interrupt rates.


In this chapter, we introduced the performance tuning process cycle and learned about Hadoop counters. We covered the TeraSort benchmark with its TeraGen module and learned to generate a performance baseline that will be used as a reference when tuning the Hadoop cluster. We also learned the approach to tune a Hadoop cluster illustrated by a three-node Hadoop cluster example and suggested tuning some setting parameters to improve the cluster's performance.

Then we moved ahead and discussed resource bottlenecks and what component is involved at each MapReduce stage or may potentially be the source of a bottleneck. For each component (CPU, RAM, storage, and network bandwidth), we learned how to identify system bottlenecks with suggestions to try to eliminate them.

In the next chapter, we will learn how to identify Hadoop cluster resource weaknesses and how to configure a Hadoop cluster correctly. Keep reading!