Expert MySQL, Second Edition (2012)

Expert MySQL, Second Edition (2012)


PART 1. Getting Started with MySQL Development

CHAPTER 1. MySQL and The Open Source Revolution

CHAPTER 2. The Anatomy of a Database System

CHAPTER 3. A Tour of the MySQL Source Code

CHAPTER 4. Test-Driven MySQL Development

PART 2. Extending MySQL

CHAPTER 5. Debugging

CHAPTER 6. Embedded MySQL

CHAPTER 7. Adding Functions and Commands to MySQL

CHAPTER 8. Extending MySQL High Availability

CHAPTER 9. Developing MySQL Plugins

CHAPTER 10. Building Your Own Storage Engine

PART 3. Advanced Database Internals

CHAPTER 11. Database System Internals

CHAPTER 12. Internal Query Representation

CHAPTER 13. Query Optimization

CHAPTER 14. Query Execution



Sample Database

Chapter Exercise Notes