Beginning Oracle SQL: For Oracle Database 12c, Third Edition (2014)
Chapter 3. Data Definition, Part I
This short chapter is the first one about data definition with SQL. It’s intended to get you started using SQL for data retrieval as soon as possible. Therefore, this chapter covers only the data definition basics, such as how to create simple tables using standard datatypes. In Chapter 7, we will revisit data definition with SQL and explore topics such as indexes, synonyms, and constraints.
This chapter is mainly theoretical in nature in that it still offers no hands-on exercises and only a few examples. In the next chapter, you will start writing SQL commands yourself.
The first section introduces the concept of database schemas and database users. In an Oracle database, tables always belong to a schema, and, in general, a schema has a database user as its owner. The second section explains how you can create simple tables, and the most common Oracle datatypes are covered in the third section. To illustrate the contents of the first three sections, Section 3.4 shows the CREATE TABLE commands to create the sample tables used in the examples in this book (introduced in Chapter 1) without bothering about constraints yet.
The last section of this chapter, Section 3.5, covers the Oracle data dictionary. It provides a global overview of the data dictionary, lists some typical examples of data dictionary tables, and shows how to execute some simple queries against some of those data dictionary tables.
3.1 Schemas and Users
Before you can start creating and populating tables with SQL, you need to understand how data stored in an Oracle database is organized internally. In the previous chapter, you learned that you cannot do anything in an Oracle database if you do not identify yourself first by specifying ausername and a password. This process identifies you as a certain database user.
In an Oracle database there is, in general, a one-to-one relationship between database users and database schemas with the same name. Briefly, these are the differences between a database user and a database schema:
· A database userhas a password and certain database privileges (privileges would allow viewing or manipulating data).
· A database schemais a logical collection of database objects (such as tables, indexes, views, and so on) that is usually owned by the user of the same name.
Normally, when you log on to an Oracle database, you are automatically connected with the corresponding database schema with the same name. However, it is also possible that certain database users don’t have their own schema; in other words, they don’t have any database objects of their own, and they don’t have the privileges to create them either. These “schema-less” users are, for example, authorized only to retrieve or manipulate data in a different database schema.
For example, in SQL*Plus, you can use the CONNECT command to establish a new connection with a different schema, provided you are able to enter a valid combination of a database name and a corresponding password. With the ALTER SESSIONSET CURRENT_SCHEMAcommand, you can “visit” a different schema in SQL*Plus without changing your identity as database user, and therefore without changing any of your privileges.
All of the examples and exercises in this book assume the presence of a database user BOOK, with the password BOOK, and a schema BOOK that contains the seven case tables introduced in the previous chapter. You can find all of the scripts to create the BOOK schema, to create the seven tables, and to insert the rows in the Book Resources section of this book’s catalog page on the Apress website at
3.2 Table Creation
The SQL command to create tables is CREATE TABLE. If you create a table, you must specify a name for the new table, followed by a specification of all table columns. The columns must be specified as a comma-separated list between parentheses. You might also create a new table by inheriting properties from an existing one by running a CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT (CTAS) statement
Note The right to create tables in an Oracle database is not granted to everyone; you need some additional system privileges. If you get error messages when you try to create tables, contact your database administrator or check Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide in the Oracle online documentation.
The basic syntax of the . CREATE TABLE command is shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1. A CREATE TABLE basic command syntax diagram
Note Figure 3-1 does not show the complete syntax of the . CREATE TABLE command. Just for fun, check out Oracle SQL Reference for the amount of documentation describing the CREATE TABLE command. Chapter 7 of this book will revisit this command with the full syntax and more details.
Column specifications normally consist of several components. Figure 3-2 shows the column specification syntax.
Figure 3-2. Column specification syntax diagram
Each column specification starts with a column name, followed by the datatype (discussed in the next section). If you add the optional expression NOT NULL to a column definition, each future row of the table you are creating must have a value specified for this column, and you will not be able to update future rows by removing a value for this column. In other words, you define the column to be a mandatory attribute.
The NOT NULL addition is an example of a constraint. You can specify many additional constraints in the CREATE TABLE command. The other types of constraints are UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, and FOREIGN KEY. Chapter 7 will discuss these options of the CREATE TABLE command.
3.3 Datatypes
Oracle supports many standard datatypes, as you will see if you take a look at the Oracle documentation. Some Oracle datatypes look very similar; some are even synonyms for each other. These datatypes are supported for compatibility purposes of Oracle with other DBMSs or with the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. For example, INT and INTEGER are synonyms for NUMBER(38). Some datatypes are very specific in nature, making them irrelevant for us at this point in time. This section covers only the most common and widely used Oracle datatypes.
In general, there are three categories of column data: numbers (numeric data), text (alphanumeric data), and time-related data. The most important corresponding Oracle datatypes are NUMBER, VARCHAR or VARCHAR2, and DATE, respectively.
Number Datatype
The number datatype stores numbers that can be positive or negative and have defined maximum precision and scale; here is an example of how this looks: COLUMN_NAME(P,S) The precision of the numeric datatype is the number of significant digits that can be used. If you specify the column as: COLUMN_NAME NUMBER, this would allow up to Oracle's maximum of 38 significant digits.
Table 3-1 shows some examples of the NUMBER datatype.
Table 3-1. NUMBER Datatype Examples
Example |
Description |
An integer with a maximum length of four digits |
NUMBER(6,2) |
A number with a maximum precision of six digits; at most two digits behind the decimal point |
NUMBER(7,-3) |
A multiple of thousand with at most seven digits |
Identical to NUMBER(38,*) |
NUMBER(*,5) |
Identical to NUMBER(38,5) |
Character Datatype
Character datatypes are used to store strings that contain character data. You decide which type to use based on the maximum length needed and possible use of Unicode character literals, where some characters consist of multiple bytes. Oracle offers a number of alphanumeric datatypes. Depending on the Oracle version you are using, there are some differences due to the evolution of the ANSI/ISO SQL standard over the years. For example, since Oracle7, the two datatypes VARCHAR and VARCHAR2 are identical, but this could change in a future Oracle release. If you create a table and you use the VARCHAR datatype, the Oracle DBMS translates VARCHAR to VARCHAR2 on the fly. Therefore, this book refers to only the VARCHAR2 datatype. In cases where the maximum size of the VARCHAR2 datatype (32767) is insufficient for a specific column, you can use the CLOB (Character Large Object) datatype.
Table 3-2 shows some simple examples of character datatypes.
Table 3-2. Character Datatype Examples
Example |
Description |
VARCHAR2(25) |
Alphanumeric, variable length, up to 25 characters |
CHAR(4) |
Alphanumeric, fixed length, four characters |
Alphanumeric, larger than the maximum size of the VARCHAR2 datatype |
Table 3-3 lists the maximum size values for the datatypes mentioned so far.
Table 3-3. Maximum Datatype Sizes
Datatype |
Maximum Size |
38 digits precision |
2000 |
4000 or 32767 |
4GB |
Note The actual units of measure used for the size of CHAR and VARCHAR2 datatypes depend on character semantics (bytes or characters). See Chapter 7 for details.
The indicated maximum CLOB size (4GB) is not completely correct. Depending on some configuration parameters, CLOB columns may contain much more than 4GB worth of data. Refer to Oracle SQL Reference for details.
VARCHAR2 length depends on the database parameter MAX_STRING_SIZE. 'STANDARD' allows a maximum of 4000 characters, 'EXTENDED' allows 32767 characters. 'STANDARD' is the default value of this new parameter in Oracle 12c.
Date Datatype
The basic datatype for time-related data is DATE. By default, date values are interpreted and displayed according to a standard date format, typically showing only the day, the month, and the last two digits of the year. You can change the default date format for your session or use conversion functions in your SQL commands to display dates in different ways. Oracle stores dates in such a way that DATE column values are allowed from the year 4712 BC until the year 9999. Oracle dates are internally stored with much more precision than you might expect on first consideration.
Caution DATE columns also contain a time indication (hours, minutes, and seconds), which may cause problems when comparing two dates. For example, seemingly equal dates could be different due to their invisible time components.
Apart from the DATE datatype, Oracle also supports the related datatypes TIMESTAMP (with or without TIME ZONE and INTERVAL to store other time-related data in table columns. Chapter 5provides more details on the time-related datatypes.
This book focuses on the usage of the three standard Oracle datatypes: NUMBER, VARCHAR2, and DATE.
3.4 Commands for Creating the Case Tables
This sectionlists the SQL commands to create the seven case tables, introduced in Chapter 1, as an illustration of the concepts covered in the previous three sections, without much additional explanation. Since the BOOK schema consists of seven tables, this section also shows seven CREATE TABLE commands, presented in Listings 3-1 through 3-7.
Listing 3-1. The EMPLOYEES Table
create table EMPLOYEES
( empno number(4) not null
, ename varchar2(8) not null
, init varchar2(5) not null
, job varchar2(8)
, mgr number(4)
, bdate date not null
, msal number(6,2) not null
, comm number(6,2)
, deptno number(2) );
Listing 3-2. The DEPARTMENTS Table
create table DEPARTMENTS
( deptno number(2) not null
, dname varchar2(10) not null
, location varchar2(8) not null
, mgr number(4) );
Listing 3-3. The SALGRADES Table
create table SALGRADES
( grade number(2) not null
, lowerlimit number(6,2) not null
, upperlimit number(6,2) not null
, bonus number(6,2) not null );
Listing 3-4. The COURSES Table
create table COURSES
( code varchar2(6) not null
, description varchar2(30) not null
, category char(3) not null
, duration number(2) not null );
Listing 3-5. The OFFERINGS Table
create table OFFERINGS
( course varchar2(6) not null
, begindate date not null
, trainer number(4)
, location varchar2(8) );
Listing 3-6. The REGISTRATIONS Table
create table REGISTRATIONS
( attendee number(4) not null
, course varchar2(6) not null
, begindate date not null
, evaluation number(1) );
Listing 3-7. The HISTORY Table
create table HISTORY
( empno number(4) not null
, beginyear number(4) not null
, begindate date not null
, enddate date
, deptno number(2) not null
, msal number(6,2) not null
, comments varchar2(60) );
Note As mentioned earlier, constraint definition (and constraint checking) is not taken into consideration in this chapter; therefore, the following listings do not show the complete commands to create the case tables.
3.5 The Data Dictionary
If you are interested in knowing which tables are present in your database, which columns they have, whether or not those columns are indexed, which privileges are granted to you, and similar information, you should query the data dictionary. Another common term for data dictionary iscatalog. By the way, when we used the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command (see Chapter 11), this command queries the data dictionary under the hood.
The data dictionary is more orless the internal housekeeping administration of Oracle. The data dictionary stores information about the data, also referred to as metadata. The data dictionary is automatically maintained by Oracle; therefore, the data dictionary is always up-to-date.
DBMSs, like Oracle, store data dictionary data in precisely the same way as they store “regular” data: in tables. This is in compliance with Ted Codd’s rules (see Chapter 1). The big advantage of this approach is that you can use the SQL language to query data dictionary data in the same way that you query ordinary data. In other words, if you master the SQL language, you need to know only the names of the data dictionary tables and the names of their columns.
Data dictionary access is a potential security risk. That’s why the Oracle DBMS offers system privileges and roles to regulate and protect access to the data dictionary. For example, there is a role, SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, which contains all privileges that you need to be able to access the data dictionary data. Listing 3-8 demonstrates how Oracle controls data dictionary access. The listing was generated from SQL*Plus.
Listing 3-8. Needing the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE Role
SQL> describe dba_sys_privs
ORA-04043: object "SYS"."DBA_SYS_PRIVS" does not exist
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> grant select_catalog_role to book;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> connect book/book
SQL> desc dba_sys_privs
Name Null? Type
----------------------------- -------- ---------------
Although the information is stored in data dictionary tables, most of the time, you access data dictionary views instead. On the other hand, views are much like tables anyway. See Chapter 10 for details about views.
You can refer to Oracle Database Reference in the Oracle documentation to get a complete overview of the Oracle data dictionary. Fortunately, the Oracle data dictionary contains a view that lists all Oracle data dictionary views, with a short description of their contents. This view is called DICTIONARY; DICT is a shorter synonym for the same view. Listing 3-9 shows an abbreviated version of the query results. It’s abbreviated for a practical reason: the DICT view contains more than 3000 rows!
Listing 3-9. Using the DICT View
select * from dict order by table_name;
-------------------- ----------------------------------------
ALL_ALL_TABLES Description of all object and relational
tables accessible to the user
ALL_APPLY Details about each apply process that
dequeues from the queue visible to the
current user
USER_COL_COMMENTS Comments on columns of user's tables and
USER_COL_PRIVS Grants on columns for which the user is
the owner, grantor or grantee
3124 rows selected.
Data dictionary view names typically have prefixes that suggest the existence of four main categories. In Listing 3-9, you can see the ALL, USER, and V$ prefixes. The fourth common prefix is DBA. The idea behind this is that, most of the time, you are interested in information about a certain subcategory of database objects. By using the appropriate views, you automatically suppress information that is not of interest to you. Also, depending on your database privileges, you will not be allowed to use certain categories of data dictionary views. Table 3-4 lists the most common data dictionary view name prefixes. (Note that not all data dictionary views have one of these prefixes.)
Table 3-4. Common Data Dictionary View Prefixes
Prefix |
Description |
USER_... |
Information about your own objects |
ALL_... |
Information about all objects you can access |
DBA_... |
All information in the database; for database administrators only |
[G]V$... |
Dynamic performance views; for database administrators only |
The dynamic performance views (those with a V$ or GV$ name prefix) are a special category. These views are not based on database tables, but rather on information from other sources such as internal memory structures. They are mainly relevant for, and accessible to, database administrators.
Most data dictionary view names give a clear indication of their contents; however, as a consequence, some of these names are very long. That’s why some of the most popular data dictionary views also have alternative (shorter) synonyms, such as CAT, OBJ, IND, TABS, and COLS.TheCAT view is an especially useful one, because it lists the objects in the current schema. Listing 3-10 shows an example of using the CAT view with our BOOK schema.
Listing 3-10. Using the CAT View
select * from cat;
------------------------------ -----------
Suppose you want to query a specific data dictionary view, and you don’t know the actual column names of that view. In that case, you can use the SQL*Plus command DESCRIBE, just as you would do for regular tables. As you can see in Listing 3-11, you can use the DESCRIBEcommand, or you can query the data dictionary view DICT_COLUMNS.
Listing 3-11. Using the DESCRIBE Command and the DICT_COLUMNS View
describe ALL_USERS
Name Null? Type
select column_name, comments
from dict_columns
where table_name = 'ALL_USERS';
--------------------------- -------------------------
USERNAME Name of the user
USER_ID ID number of the user
CREATED User creation date
Listing 3-12 shows a query against the NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS view (NLS stands for National Language Support). The result shows, for example, the NLS_DATE_FORMAT value used to display dates.
Listing 3-12. Using the NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS View
select * from nls_session_parameters;
----------------------- ----------------------
The NLS features in Oracle are documented in great detail in the Globalization Support Guide in the Oracle documentation set.
Table 3-5 lists a selection of useful Oracle data dictionary tables.
Table 3-5. Some Useful Oracle Data Dictionary Views
View |
Description |
Description of the data dictionary itself |
Data dictionary column descriptions |
Information about all database users |
All indexes |
All sequences |
All objects |
All synonyms |
All tables |
All views |
Indexes |
Sequences |
Objects |
Synonyms |
Tables |
Columns |
Views |
Dropped objects |
Synonym for USER_CATALOG |
Synonym for USER_TAB_COLUMNS |
Synonym for DICTIONARY |
Dummy table, with one row and one column |
Synonym for USER_INDEXES |
Synonym for USER_OBJECTS |
Synonym for USER_SYNONYMS |
Synonym for USER_TABLES |
1Accessible to the user
2Owned by the user
The Oracle online documentation, Oracle Database Reference provides all the details you need about the Oracle data dictionary.