Developing Games With Ruby (2014)
Prototyping The Game
Warming up was really important, but let’s combine everything we learned, add some new challenges, and build a small prototype with following features:
1. Camera loosely follows tank.
2. Camera zooms automatically depending on tank speed.
3. You can temporarily override automatic camera zoom using keyboard.
4. Music and sound effects.
5. Randomly generated map.
6. Two modes: menu and gameplay.
7. Tank movement with WADS keys.
8. Tank aiming and shooting with mouse.
9. Collision detection (tanks don’t swim).
10.Explosions, visible bullet trajectories.
11.Bullet range limiting.
Sounds fun? Hell yes! However, before we start, we should plan ahead a little and think how our game architecture will look like. We will also structure our code a little, so it will not be smashed into one ruby class, as we did in earlier examples. Books should show good manners!
Switching Between Game States
First, let’s think how to hook into Gosu::Window. Since we will have two game states, State pattern naturally comes to mind.
So, our GameWindow class could look like this:
1 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window
3 attr_accessor :state
5 def initialize
6 super(800, 600, false)
7 end
9 def update
10 @state.update
11 end
13 def draw
14 @state.draw
15 end
17 def needs_redraw?
18 @state.needs_redraw?
19 end
21 def button_down(id)
22 @state.button_down(id)
23 end
25 end
It has current @state, and all usual main loop actions are executed on that state instance. We will add base class that all game states will extend. Let’s name it GameState:
1 class GameState
3 def self.switch(new_state)
4 $window.state && $window.state.leave
5 $window.state = new_state
6 new_state.enter
7 end
9 def enter
10 end
12 def leave
13 end
15 def draw
16 end
18 def update
19 end
21 def needs_redraw?
22 true
23 end
25 def button_down(id)
26 end
27 end
This class provides GameState.switch, that will change the state for our Gosu::Window, and all enter and leave methods when appropriate. These methods will be useful for things like switching music.
Notice that Gosu::Window is accessed using global $window variable, which will be considered an anti-pattern by most good programmers, but there is some logic behind this:
1. There will be only one Gosu::Window instance.
2. It lives as long as the game runs.
3. It is used in some way by nearly all other classes, so we would have to pass it around all the time.
4. Accessing it using Singleton or static utility class would not give any clear benefits, just add more complexity.
Chingu, another game framework built on top of Gosu, also uses global $window, so it’s probably not the worst idea ever.
We will also need an entry point that would fire up the game and enter the first game state - the menu.
1 require 'gosu'
2 require_relative 'states/game_state'
3 require_relative 'states/menu_state'
4 require_relative 'states/play_state'
5 require_relative 'game_window'
7 module Game
8 def self.media_path(file)
9 File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(
10 __FILE__)), 'media', file)
11 end
12 end
14 $window =
15 GameState.switch(MenuState.instance)
16 $
In our entry point we also have a small helper which will help loading images and sounds using Game.media_path.
The rest is obvious: we create GameWindow instance and store it in $window variable, as discussed before. Then we use GameState.switch) to load MenuState, and show the game window.
Implementing Menu State
This is how simple MenuState implementation looks like:
1 require 'singleton'
2 class MenuState < GameState
3 include Singleton
4 attr_accessor :play_state
6 def initialize
7 @message = Gosu::Image.from_text(
8 $window, "Tanks Prototype",
9 Gosu.default_font_name, 100)
10 end
12 def enter
14 music.volume = 1
15 end
17 def leave
18 music.volume = 0
19 music.stop
20 end
22 def music
23 @@music ||=
24 $window, Game.media_path('menu_music.mp3'))
25 end
27 def update
28 continue_text = @play_state ? "C = Continue, " : ""
29 @info = Gosu::Image.from_text(
30 $window, "Q = Quit, #{continue_text}N = New Game",
31 Gosu.default_font_name, 30)
32 end
34 def draw
35 @message.draw(
36 $window.width / 2 - @message.width / 2,
37 $window.height / 2 - @message.height / 2,
38 10)
39 @info.draw(
40 $window.width / 2 - @info.width / 2,
41 $window.height / 2 - @info.height / 2 + 200,
42 10)
43 end
45 def button_down(id)
46 $window.close if id == Gosu::KbQ
47 if id == Gosu::KbC && @play_state
48 GameState.switch(@play_state)
49 end
50 if id == Gosu::KbN
51 @play_state =
52 GameState.switch(@play_state)
53 end
54 end
55 end
It’s a Singleton, so we can always get it with MenuState.instance.
It starts playing menu_music.mp3 when you enter the menu, and stop the music when you leave it. Instance of Gosu::Song is cached in @@music class variable to save resources.
We have to know if play is already in progress, so we can add a possibility to go back to the game. That’s why MenuState has @play_state variable, and either allows creating new PlayState when N key is pressed, or switches to existing @play_state if C key is pressed.
Here comes the interesting part, implementing the play state.
Implementing Play State
Before we start implementing actual gameplay, we need to think what game entities we will be building. We will need a Map that will hold our tiles and provide world coordinate system. We will also need a Camera that will know how to float around and zoom. There will be Bullets flying around, and each bullet will eventually cause an Explosion.
Having all that taken care of, PlayState should look pretty simple:
1 require_relative '../entities/map'
2 require_relative '../entities/tank'
3 require_relative '../entities/camera'
4 require_relative '../entities/bullet'
5 require_relative '../entities/explosion'
6 class PlayState < GameState
8 def initialize
9 @map =
10 @tank =
11 @camera =
12 @bullets = []
13 @explosions = []
14 end
16 def update
17 bullet = @tank.update(@camera)
18 @bullets << bullet if bullet
20 @bullets.reject!(&:done?)
21 @camera.update
22 $window.caption = 'Tanks Prototype. ' <<
23 "[FPS: #{Gosu.fps}. Tank @ #{@tank.x.round}:#{@tank.y.round}]"
24 end
26 def draw
27 cam_x = @camera.x
28 cam_y = @camera.y
29 off_x = $window.width / 2 - cam_x
30 off_y = $window.height / 2 - cam_y
31 $window.translate(off_x, off_y) do
32 zoom = @camera.zoom
33 $window.scale(zoom, zoom, cam_x, cam_y) do
34 @map.draw(@camera)
35 @tank.draw
37 end
38 end
39 @camera.draw_crosshair
40 end
42 def button_down(id)
43 if id == Gosu::MsLeft
44 bullet = @tank.shoot(*@camera.mouse_coords)
45 @bullets << bullet if bullet
46 end
47 $window.close if id == Gosu::KbQ
48 if id == Gosu::KbEscape
49 GameState.switch(MenuState.instance)
50 end
51 end
53 end
Update and draw calls are passed to the underlying game entities, so they can handle them the way they want it to. Such encapsulation reduces complexity of the code and allows doing every piece of logic where it belongs, while keeping it short and simple.
There are a few interesting parts in this code. Both @tank.update and @tank.shoot may produce a new bullet, if your tank’s fire rate is not exceeded, and if left mouse button is kept down, hence the update. If bullet is produced, it is added to @bullets array, and they live their own little lifecycle, until they explode and are no longer used. @bullets.reject!(&:done?) cleans up the garbage.
PlayState#draw deserves extra explanation. @camera.x and @camera.y points to game coordinates where Camera is currently looking at. Gosu::Window#translate creates a block within which all Gosu::Image draw operations are translated by given offset. Gosu::Window#scale does the same with Camera zoom.
Crosshair is drawn without translating and scaling it, because it’s relative to screen, not to world map.
Basically, this draw method is the place that takes care drawing only what @camera can see.
If it’s hard to understand how this works, get back to “Game Coordinate System” chapter and let it sink in.
Implementing World Map
We will start analyzing game entities with Map.
1 require 'perlin_noise'
2 require 'gosu_texture_packer'
4 class Map
5 MAP_WIDTH = 100
6 MAP_HEIGHT = 100
7 TILE_SIZE = 128
9 def initialize
10 load_tiles
11 @map = generate_map
12 end
14 def find_spawn_point
15 while true
16 x = rand(0..MAP_WIDTH * TILE_SIZE)
17 y = rand(0..MAP_HEIGHT * TILE_SIZE)
18 if can_move_to?(x, y)
19 return [x, y]
20 else
21 puts "Invalid spawn point: #{[x, y]}"
22 end
23 end
24 end
26 def can_move_to?(x, y)
27 tile = tile_at(x, y)
28 tile && tile != @water
29 end
31 def draw(camera)
32 @map.each do |x, row|
33 row.each do |y, val|
34 tile = @map[x][y]
35 map_x = x * TILE_SIZE
36 map_y = y * TILE_SIZE
37 if camera.can_view?(map_x, map_y, tile)
38 tile.draw(map_x, map_y, 0)
39 end
40 end
41 end
42 end
44 private
46 def tile_at(x, y)
47 t_x = ((x / TILE_SIZE) % TILE_SIZE).floor
48 t_y = ((y / TILE_SIZE) % TILE_SIZE).floor
49 row = @map[t_x]
50 row[t_y] if row
51 end
53 def load_tiles
54 tiles = Gosu::Image.load_tiles(
55 $window, Game.media_path('ground.png'),
56 128, 128, true)
57 @sand = tiles[0]
58 @grass = tiles[8]
59 @water =
60 $window, Game.media_path('water.png'), true)
61 end
63 def generate_map
64 noises =
65 contrast = Perlin::Curve.contrast(
66 Perlin::Curve::CUBIC, 2)
67 map = {}
68 MAP_WIDTH.times do |x|
69 map[x] = {}
70 MAP_HEIGHT.times do |y|
71 n = noises[x * 0.1, y * 0.1]
72 n =
73 map[x][y] = choose_tile(n)
74 end
75 end
76 map
77 end
79 def choose_tile(val)
80 case val
81 when 0.0..0.3 # 30% chance
82 @water
83 when 0.3..0.45 # 15% chance, water edges
84 @sand
85 else # 55% chance
86 @grass
87 end
88 end
89 end
This implementation is very similar to the Map we had built in “Generating Random Map With Perlin Noise”, with some extra additions. can_move_to? verifies if tile under given coordinates is not water. Pretty simple, but it’s enough for our prototype.
Also, when we draw the map we have to make sure if tiles we are drawing are currently visible by our camera, otherwise we will end up drawing off screen. camera.can_view? handles it. Current implementation will probably be causing a bottleneck, since it brute forces through all the map rather than cherry-picking the visible region. We will probably have to get back and change it later.
find_spawn_point is one more addition. It keeps picking a random point on map and verifies if it’s not water using can_move_to?. When solid tile is found, it returns the coordinates, so our Tank will be able to spawn there.
Implementing Floating Camera
If you played the original Grand Theft Auto or GTA 2, you should remember how fascinating the camera was. It backed away when you were driving at high speeds, closed in when you were walking on foot, and floated around as if a smart drone was following your protagonist from above.
The following Camera implementation is far inferior to the one GTA had nearly two decades ago, but it’s a start:
1 class Camera
2 attr_accessor :x, :y, :zoom
4 def initialize(target)
5 @target = target
6 @x, @y = target.x, target.y
7 @zoom = 1
8 end
10 def can_view?(x, y, obj)
11 x0, x1, y0, y1 = viewport
12 (x0 - obj.width..x1).include?(x) &&
13 (y0 - obj.height..y1).include?(y)
14 end
16 def mouse_coords
17 x, y = target_delta_on_screen
18 mouse_x_on_map = @target.x +
19 (x + $window.mouse_x - ($window.width / 2)) / @zoom
20 mouse_y_on_map = @target.y +
21 (y + $window.mouse_y - ($window.height / 2)) / @zoom
22 [mouse_x_on_map, mouse_y_on_map].map(&:round)
23 end
25 def update
26 @x += @target.speed if @x < @target.x - $window.width / 4
27 @x -= @target.speed if @x > @target.x + $window.width / 4
28 @y += @target.speed if @y < @target.y - $window.height / 4
29 @y -= @target.speed if @y > @target.y + $window.height / 4
31 zoom_delta = @zoom > 0 ? 0.01 : 1.0
32 if $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbUp)
33 @zoom -= zoom_delta unless @zoom < 0.7
34 elsif $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbDown)
35 @zoom += zoom_delta unless @zoom > 10
36 else
37 target_zoom = @target.speed > 1.1 ? 0.85 : 1.0
38 if @zoom <= (target_zoom - 0.01)
39 @zoom += zoom_delta / 3
40 elsif @zoom > (target_zoom + 0.01)
41 @zoom -= zoom_delta / 3
42 end
43 end
44 end
46 def to_s
47 "FPS: #{Gosu.fps}. " <<
48 "#{@x}:#{@y} @ #{'%.2f' % @zoom}. " <<
49 'WASD to move, arrows to zoom.'
50 end
52 def target_delta_on_screen
53 [(@x - @target.x) * @zoom, (@y - @target.y) * @zoom]
54 end
56 def draw_crosshair
57 x = $window.mouse_x
58 y = $window.mouse_y
59 $window.draw_line(
60 x - 10, y, Gosu::Color::RED,
61 x + 10, y, Gosu::Color::RED, 100)
62 $window.draw_line(
63 x, y - 10, Gosu::Color::RED,
64 x, y + 10, Gosu::Color::RED, 100)
65 end
67 private
69 def viewport
70 x0 = @x - ($window.width / 2) / @zoom
71 x1 = @x + ($window.width / 2) / @zoom
72 y0 = @y - ($window.height / 2) / @zoom
73 y1 = @y + ($window.height / 2) / @zoom
74 [x0, x1, y0, y1]
75 end
76 end
Our Camera has @target that it tries to follow, @x and @y that it currently is looking at, and @zoom level.
All the magic happens in update method. It keeps track of the distance between @target and adjust itself to stay nearby. And when @target.speed shows some movement momentum, camera slowly backs away.
Camera also tels if you can_view? an object at some coordinates, so when other entities draw themselves, they can check if there is a need for that.
Another noteworthy method is mouse_coords. It translates mouse position on screen to mouse position on map, so the game will know where you are targeting your guns.
Implementing The Tank
Most of our tank code will be taken from “Player Movement With Keyboard And Mouse”:
1 class Tank
2 attr_accessor :x, :y, :body_angle, :gun_angle
5 def initialize(map)
6 @map = map
7 @units = Gosu::TexturePacker.load_json(
8 $window, Game.media_path('ground_units.json'), :precise)
9 @body = @units.frame('tank1_body.png')
10 @shadow = @units.frame('tank1_body_shadow.png')
11 @gun = @units.frame('tank1_dualgun.png')
12 @x, @y = @map.find_spawn_point
13 @body_angle = 0.0
14 @gun_angle = 0.0
15 @last_shot = 0
16 sound.volume = 0.3
17 end
19 def sound
20 @@sound ||=
21 $window, Game.media_path('tank_driving.mp3'))
22 end
24 def shoot(target_x, target_y)
25 if Gosu.milliseconds - @last_shot > SHOOT_DELAY
26 @last_shot = Gosu.milliseconds
27, @y, target_x, target_y).fire(100)
28 end
29 end
31 def update(camera)
32 d_x, d_y = camera.target_delta_on_screen
33 atan = Math.atan2(($window.width / 2) - d_x - $window.mouse_x,
34 ($window.height / 2) - d_y - $window.mouse_y)
35 @gun_angle = -atan * 180 / Math::PI
36 new_x, new_y = @x, @y
37 new_x -= speed if $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbA)
38 new_x += speed if $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbD)
39 new_y -= speed if $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbW)
40 new_y += speed if $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbS)
41 if @map.can_move_to?(new_x, new_y)
42 @x, @y = new_x, new_y
43 else
44 @speed = 1.0
45 end
46 @body_angle = change_angle(@body_angle,
47 Gosu::KbW, Gosu::KbS, Gosu::KbA, Gosu::KbD)
49 if moving?
51 else
52 sound.pause
53 end
55 if $window.button_down?(Gosu::MsLeft)
56 shoot(*camera.mouse_coords)
57 end
58 end
60 def moving?
61 any_button_down?(Gosu::KbA, Gosu::KbD, Gosu::KbW, Gosu::KbS)
62 end
64 def draw
65 @shadow.draw_rot(@x - 1, @y - 1, 0, @body_angle)
66 @body.draw_rot(@x, @y, 1, @body_angle)
67 @gun.draw_rot(@x, @y, 2, @gun_angle)
68 end
70 def speed
71 @speed ||= 1.0
72 if moving?
73 @speed += 0.03 if @speed < 5
74 else
75 @speed = 1.0
76 end
77 @speed
78 end
80 private
82 def any_button_down?(*buttons)
83 buttons.each do |b|
84 return true if $window.button_down?(b)
85 end
86 false
87 end
89 def change_angle(previous_angle, up, down, right, left)
90 if $window.button_down?(up)
91 angle = 0.0
92 angle += 45.0 if $window.button_down?(left)
93 angle -= 45.0 if $window.button_down?(right)
94 elsif $window.button_down?(down)
95 angle = 180.0
96 angle -= 45.0 if $window.button_down?(left)
97 angle += 45.0 if $window.button_down?(right)
98 elsif $window.button_down?(left)
99 angle = 90.0
100 angle += 45.0 if $window.button_down?(up)
101 angle -= 45.0 if $window.button_down?(down)
102 elsif $window.button_down?(right)
103 angle = 270.0
104 angle -= 45.0 if $window.button_down?(up)
105 angle += 45.0 if $window.button_down?(down)
106 end
107 angle || previous_angle
108 end
109 end
Tank has to be aware of the Map to check where it’s moving, and it uses Camera to find out where to aim the guns. When it shoots, it produces instances of Bullet, that are simply returned to the caller. Tank won’t keep track of them, it’s “fire and forget”.
Implementing Bullets And Explosions
Bullets will require some simple vector math. You have a point that moves along the vector with some speed. It also needs to limit the maximum vector length, so if you try to aim too far, the bullet will only go as far as it can reach.
1 class Bullet
2 COLOR = Gosu::Color::BLACK
3 MAX_DIST = 300
6 def initialize(source_x, source_y, target_x, target_y)
7 @x, @y = source_x, source_y
8 @target_x, @target_y = target_x, target_y
9 @x, @y = point_at_distance(START_DIST)
10 if trajectory_length > MAX_DIST
11 @target_x, @target_y = point_at_distance(MAX_DIST)
12 end
14 end
16 def draw
17 unless arrived?
18 $window.draw_quad(@x - 2, @y - 2, COLOR,
19 @x + 2, @y - 2, COLOR,
20 @x - 2, @y + 2, COLOR,
21 @x + 2, @y + 2, COLOR,
22 1)
23 else
24 @explosion ||=, @y)
25 @explosion.draw
26 end
27 end
29 def update
30 fly_distance = (Gosu.milliseconds - @fired_at) * 0.001 * @speed
31 @x, @y = point_at_distance(fly_distance)
32 @explosion && @explosion.update
33 end
35 def arrived?
36 @x == @target_x && @y == @target_y
37 end
39 def done?
40 exploaded?
41 end
43 def exploaded?
44 @explosion && @explosion.done?
45 end
47 def fire(speed)
48 @speed = speed
49 @fired_at = Gosu.milliseconds
50 self
51 end
53 private
55 def sound
56 @@sound ||=
57 $window, Game.media_path('fire.mp3'))
58 end
60 def trajectory_length
61 d_x = @target_x - @x
62 d_y = @target_y - @y
63 Math.sqrt(d_x * d_x + d_y * d_y)
64 end
66 def point_at_distance(distance)
67 return [@target_x, @target_y] if distance > trajectory_length
68 distance_factor = distance.to_f / trajectory_length
69 p_x = @x + (@target_x - @x) * distance_factor
70 p_y = @y + (@target_y - @y) * distance_factor
71 [p_x, p_y]
72 end
73 end
Possibly the most interesting part of Bullet implementation is point_at_distance method. It returns coordinates of point that is between bullet source, which is point that bullet was fired from, and it’s target, which is the destination point. The returned point is as far away from source point as distance tells it to.
After bullet has done flying, it explodes with fanfare. In our prototype Explosion is a part of Bullet, because it’s the only thing that triggers it. Therefore Bullet has two stages of it’s lifecycle. First it flies towards the target, then it’s exploding. That brings us to Explosion:
1 class Explosion
2 FRAME_DELAY = 10 # ms
4 def animation
5 @@animation ||=
6 Gosu::Image.load_tiles(
7 $window, Game.media_path('explosion.png'), 128, 128, false)
8 end
10 def sound
11 @@sound ||=
12 $window, Game.media_path('explosion.mp3'))
13 end
15 def initialize(x, y)
17 @x, @y = x, y
18 @current_frame = 0
19 end
21 def update
22 @current_frame += 1 if frame_expired?
23 end
25 def draw
26 return if done?
27 image = current_frame
28 image.draw(
29 @x - image.width / 2 + 3,
30 @y - image.height / 2 - 35,
31 20)
32 end
34 def done?
35 @done ||= @current_frame == animation.size
36 end
38 private
40 def current_frame
41 animation[@current_frame % animation.size]
42 end
44 def frame_expired?
45 now = Gosu.milliseconds
46 @last_frame ||= now
47 if (now - @last_frame) > FRAME_DELAY
48 @last_frame = now
49 end
50 end
51 end
There is nothing fancy about this implementation. Most of it is taken from “Images And Animation” chapter.
Running The Prototype
We have walked through all the code. You can get it at GitHub.
Now it’s time to give it a spin. There is a video of me playing it available on YouTube, but it’s always best to experience it firsthand. Run main.rb to start the game:
$ ruby 03-prototype/main.rb
Hit N to start new game.
Tanks Prototype menu
Time to go crazy!
Tanks Prototype gameplay
One thing should be bugging you at this point. FPS shows only 30, rather than 60. That means our prototype is slow. We will put it back to 60 FPS in next chapter.