Optimizing Game Performance - Developing Games With Ruby (2014)

Developing Games With Ruby (2014)

Optimizing Game Performance

To make games that are fast and don’t require a powerhouse to run, we must learn how to find and fix bottlenecks. Good news is that if you wasn’t thinking about performance to begin with, your program can usually be optimized to run twice as fast just by eliminating one or two biggest bottlenecks.

We will be using a copy of the prototype code to keep both optimized and original version, therefore if you are exploring sample code, look at 04-prototype-optimized.

Profiling Ruby Code To Find Bottlenecks

We will try to find bottlenecks in our Tanks prototype game by profiling it with ruby-prof.

It’s a ruby gem, just install it like this:

$ gem install ruby-prof

There are several ways you can use ruby-prof, so we will begin with the easiest one. Instead of running the game with ruby, we will run it with ruby-prof:

$ ruby-prof 03-prototype/main.rb

The game will run, but everything will be ten times slower as usual, because every call to every function is being recorded, and after you exit the program, profiling output will be dumped directly to your console.

Downside of this approach is that we are going to profile everything there is, including the super-slow map generation that uses Perlin Noise. We don’t want to optimize that, so in order to find bottlenecks in our play state rather than map generation, we have to keep playing at dreadful 2 FPS for at least 30 seconds.

This was the output of first “naive” profiling session:

Initial profiling results

Initial profiling results

It’s obvious, that Camera#viewport and Camera#can_view? are top CPU burners. This means either that our implementation is either very bad, or the assumption that checking if camera can view object is slower than drawing the object off screen.

Here are those slow methods:

class Camera

# ...

def can_view?(x, y, obj)

x0, x1, y0, y1 = viewport

(x0 - obj.width..x1).include?(x) &&

(y0 - obj.height..y1).include?(y)


# ...

def viewport

x0 = @x - ($window.width / 2) / @zoom

x1 = @x + ($window.width / 2) / @zoom

y0 = @y - ($window.height / 2) / @zoom

y1 = @y + ($window.height / 2) / @zoom

[x0, x1, y0, y1]


# ...


It doesn’t look fundamentally broken, so we will try our “checking is slower than rendering” hypothesis by short-circuiting can_view? to return true every time:

class Camera

# ...

def can_view?(x, y, obj)

return true # short circuiting

x0, x1, y0, y1 = viewport

(x0 - obj.width..x1).include?(x) &&

(y0 - obj.height..y1).include?(y)


# ...


After saving camera.rb and running the game without profiling, you will notice a significant speedup. Hypothesis was correct, checking visibility is more expensive than simply rendering it. That means we can throw away Camera#can_view? and calls to it.

But before doing that, let’s profile once again:

Profiling results after short-circuiting `Camera#can_view?`

Profiling results after short-circuiting Camera#can_view?

We can see Camera#can_view? is still in top 3, so we will remove if camera.can_view?(map_x, map_y, tile) from Map#draw and for now keep it like this:

class Map

# ...

def draw(camera)

@map.each do |x, row|

row.each do |y, val|

tile = @map[x][y]

map_x = x * TILE_SIZE

map_y = y * TILE_SIZE

tile.draw(map_x, map_y, 0)




# ...


After completely removing Camera#can_view?, profiling session looks like dead-end - no more low hanging fruits on top:

Profiling results after removing `Camera#can_view?`

Profiling results after removing Camera#can_view?

The game still doesn’t feel fast enough, FPS occasionally keeps dropping down to ~45, so we will have to do profile our code in smarter way.

Advanced Profiling Techniques

We would get more accuracy when profiling only what we want to optimize. In our case it is everything that happens in PlayState, except for Map generation. This time we will have to use ruby-prof API to hook into places we need.

Map generation happens in PlayState initializer, so we will leverage GameState#enter and GameState#leave to start and stop profiling, since it happens after state is initialized. Here is how we hook in:

require 'ruby-prof'

class PlayState < GameState

# ...

def enter



def leave

result = RubyProf.stop

printer = RubyProf::FlatPrinter.new(result)



# ...


Then we run the game as usual:

$ ruby 04-prototype-optimized/main.rb

Now, after we press N to start new game, Map generation happens relatively fast, and then profiling kicks in, FPS drops to 15. After moving around and shooting for a while we hit Esc to return to the menu, and at that point PlayState#leave spits profiling results out to the console:

Profiling results for `PlayState`

Profiling results for PlayState

We can see that Gosu::Image#draw takes up to 20% of all execution time. Then goes Gosu::Window#caption, but we need it to measure FPS, so we will leave it alone, and finally we can see Hash#each, which is guaranteed to be the one from Map#draw, and it triggers all those Gosu::Image#draw calls.

Optimizing Inefficient Code

According to profiling results, we need to optimize this method:

class Map

# ...

def draw(camera)

@map.each do |x, row|

row.each do |y, val|

tile = @map[x][y]

map_x = x * TILE_SIZE

map_y = y * TILE_SIZE

tile.draw(map_x, map_y, 0)




# ...


But we have to optimize it in more clever way than we did before. If instead of looping through all map rows and columns and blindly rendering every tile or checking if tile is visible we could calculate the exact map cells that need to be displayed, we would reduce method complexity and get major performance boost. Let’s do that.

We will use Camera#viewport to return map boundaries that are visible by camera, then divide those boundaries by Map#TILE_SIZE to get tile numbers instead of pixels, and retrieve them from the map.

class Map

# ...

def draw(camera)

viewport = camera.viewport

viewport.map! { |p| p / TILE_SIZE }

x0, x1, y0, y1 = viewport.map(&:to_i)

(x0..x1).each do |x|

(y0..y1).each do |y|

row = @map[x]

if row

tile = @map[x][y]

map_x = x * TILE_SIZE

map_y = y * TILE_SIZE

tile.draw(map_x, map_y, 0)





This optimization yielded astounding results. We are now getting nearly stable 60 FPS even when profiling the code! Compare that to 2 FPS while profiling when we started.

Profiling results for `PlayState` after `Map#draw` optimization

Profiling results for PlayState after Map#draw optimization

Now we just have to do something about that Gosu::Window#caption, because it is consuming 1/3 of our CPU cycles! Even though game is already flying so fast that we will have to reduce tank and bullet speeds to make it look more realistic, we cannot let ourselves leave this low hanging fruit remain unpicked.

We will update the caption once per second, it should remove the bottleneck:

class PlayState < GameState

# ...

def update

# ...



# ...


def update_caption

now = Gosu.milliseconds

if now - (@caption_updated_at || 0) > 1000

$window.caption = 'Tanks Prototype. ' <<

"[FPS: #{Gosu.fps}. " <<

"Tank @ #{@tank.x.round}:#{@tank.y.round}]"

@caption_updated_at = now




Now it’s getting hard to get FPS to drop below 58, and profiling results show that there are no more bottlenecks:

Profiling results for `PlayState` after introducing `Gosu::Window#caption` cache

Profiling results for PlayState after introducing Gosu::Window#caption cache

We can now sleep well at night.

Profiling On Demand

When you develop a game, you may want to turn on profiling now and then. To avoid commenting out or adding and removing profiling every time you want to do so, use this trick:

# ...

require 'ruby-prof' if ENV['ENABLE_PROFILING']

class PlayState < GameState

# ...

def enter

RubyProf.start if ENV['ENABLE_PROFILING']


def leave


result = RubyProf.stop

printer = RubyProf::FlatPrinter.new(result)




def button_down(id)

# ...

if id == Gosu::KbQ





# ...


Now, to enable profiling, simply start your game with ENABLE_PROFILING=1 environmental variable, like this:

$ ENABLE_PROFILING=1 ruby-prof 03-prototype/main.rb

Adjusting Game Speed For Variable Performance

You should have noticed that our optimized Tanks prototype runs way too fast. Tanks and bullets should travel same distance no matter how fast or slow the code is.

One would expect Gosu::Window#update_interval to be designed exactly for that purpose, but it returns 16.6666 in both original and optimized version of the prototype, so you can guess it is the desired interval, not the actual one.

To find out actual update interval, we will use Gosu.milliseconds and calculate it ourselves. To do that, we will introduce Game#track_update_interval that will be called in GameWindow#update, and Game#update_interval which will retrieve actual update interval, so we can use it to adjust our run speed.

We will also add Game#adjust_speed method that will take arbitrary speed value and shift it so is as fast as it was when the game was running at 30 FPS. The formula is simple, if 60 FPS expects to call Gosu::Window#update every 16.66 ms, our speed adjustment will divide actual update rate from 33.33, which roughly equals to 16.66 * 2. So, if bullet would fly 100 pixels per update in 30 FPS, adjusted speed will change it to 50 pixels at 60 FPS.

Here is the implementation:

# 04-prototype-optimized/main.rb

module Game

# ...

def self.track_update_interval

now = Gosu.milliseconds

@update_interval = (now - (@last_update ||= 0)).to_f

@last_update = now


def self.update_interval

@update_interval ||= $window.update_interval


def self.adjust_speed(speed)

speed * update_interval / 33.33



# 04-prototype-optimized/game_window.rb

class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

# ...

def update




# ...


Now, to fix that speed problem, we will need to apply Game.adjust_speed to tank, bullet and camera movements.

Here are all the changes needed to make our game run at roughly same speed in different conditions:

# 04-prototype-optimized/entities/tank.rb

class Tank

# ...

def update(camera)

# ...

shift = Game.adjust_speed(speed)

new_x -= shift if $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbA)

new_x += shift if $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbD)

new_y -= shift if $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbW)

new_y += shift if $window.button_down?(Gosu::KbS)

# ...


# ...


# 04-prototype-optimized/entities/bullet.rb

class Bullet

# ...

def update

# ...

fly_speed = Game.adjust_speed(@speed)

fly_distance = (Gosu.milliseconds - @fired_at) * 0.001 * fly_speed

@x, @y = point_at_distance(fly_distance)

# ...


# ...


# 04-prototype-optimized/entities/camera.rb

class Camera

# ...

def update

shift = Game.adjust_speed(@target.speed)

@x += shift if @x < @target.x - $window.width / 4

@x -= shift if @x > @target.x + $window.width / 4

@y += shift if @y < @target.y - $window.height / 4

@y -= shift if @y > @target.y + $window.height / 4

zoom_delta = @zoom > 0 ? 0.01 : 1.0

zoom_delta = Game.adjust_speed(zoom_delta)

# ...


# ...


There is one more trick to make the game playable even at very low FPS. You can simulate such conditions by adding sleep 0.3 to GameWindow#draw method. At that framerate game cursor is very unresponsive, so you may want to start showing native mouse cursor when things get ugly, i.e. when update interval exceeds 200 milliseconds:

# 04-prototype-optimized/game_window.rb

class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

# ...

def needs_cursor?

Game.update_interval > 200


# ...


Frame Skipping

You will see strange things happening at very low framerates. For example, bullet explosions are showing up frame by frame, so explosion speed seems way too slow and unrealistic. To avoid that, we will modify our Explosionclass to employ frame skipping if update rate is too slow:

# 04-prototype-optimized/explosion.rb

class Explosion

FRAME_DELAY = 16.66 # ms

# ...

def update



def done?

@done ||= @current_frame >= animation.size


# ...


# ...

def advance_frame

now = Gosu.milliseconds

delta = now - (@last_frame ||= now)

if delta > FRAME_DELAY

@last_frame = now


@current_frame += (delta / FRAME_DELAY).floor



Now our prototype is playable even at lower frame rates.