Developing Games With Ruby (2014)
Creating Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is a subject so vast that we will barely scratch the surface. AI in Video Games is usually heavily simplified and therefore easier to implement.
There is this wonderful series of articles called Designing Artificial Intelligence for Games that I highly recommend reading to get a feeling how game AI should be done. We will be continuing our work on top of what we already have, example code for this chapter will be in 08-ai.
Designing AI Using Finite State Machine
Non player tanks in our game will be lone rangers, hunting everything that moves while trying to survive. We will use Finite State Machine to implement tank behavior.
First, we need to think “what would a tank do?” How about this scenario:
1. Tank wanders around, minding it’s own business.
2. Tank encounters another tank. It then starts doing evasive moves and tries hitting the enemy.
3. Enemy took some damage and started driving away. Tank starts chasing the enemy trying to finish it.
4. Another tank appears and fires a couple of accurate shots, dealing serious damage. Our tank starts running away, because if it kept receiving damage at such rate, it would die very soon.
5. Tank keeps fleeing and looking for safety until it gets cornered or the opponent looks damaged too. Then tank goes into it’s final battle.
We can now draw a Finite State Machine using this scenario:
Vigilante Tank FSM
If you are on a path to become a game developer, FSM should not stand for Flying Spaghetti Monster for you anymore.
Implementing AI Vision
To make opponents realistic, we have to give them senses. Let’s create a class for that:
1 class AiVision
3 attr_reader :in_sight
5 def initialize(viewer, object_pool, distance)
6 @viewer = viewer
7 @object_pool = object_pool
8 @distance = distance
9 end
11 def update
12 @in_sight = @object_pool.nearby(@viewer, @distance)
13 end
15 def closest_tank
16 now = Gosu.milliseconds
17 @closest_tank = nil
18 if now - (@cache_updated_at ||= 0) > CACHE_TIMEOUT
19 @closest_tank = nil
20 @cache_updated_at = now
21 end
22 @closest_tank ||= find_closest_tank
23 end
25 private
27 def find_closest_tank
28 do |o|
29 o.class == Tank && !
30 end.sort do |a, b|
31 x, y = @viewer.x, @viewer.y
32 d1 = Utils.distance_between(x, y, a.x, a.y)
33 d2 = Utils.distance_between(x, y, b.x, b.y)
34 d1 <=> d2
35 end.first
36 end
37 end
It uses ObjectPool to put nearby objects in sight, and gets a short term focus on one closest tank. Closest tank is cached for 500 milliseconds for two reasons:
1. Performance. Uncached version would do Array#select and Array#sort 60 times per second, now it will do 2 times.
2. Focus. When you choose a target, you should keep it a little longer. This should also avoid “jitters”, when tank would shake between two nearby targets that are within same distance.
Controlling Tank Gun
After we made AiVision, we can now use it to automatically aim and shoot at closest tank. It should work like this:
1. Every instance of the gun has it’s own unique combination of speed, accuracy and aggressiveness.
2. Gun will automatically target closest tank in sight.
3. If no other tank is in sight, gun will target in same direction as tank’s body.
4. If other tank is aimed at and within shooting distance, gun will make a decision once in a while whether it should shoot or not, based on aggressiveness level. Aggressive tanks will be trigger happy all the time, while less aggressive ones will make small random pauses between shots.
5. Gun will have a “desired” angle that it will be automatically adjusting to, according to it’s speed.
Here is the implementation:
1 class AiGun
3 attr_reader :target, :desired_gun_angle
5 def initialize(object, vision)
6 @object = object
7 @vision = vision
8 @desired_gun_angle = rand(0..360)
9 @retarget_speed = rand(1..5)
10 @accuracy = rand(0..10)
11 @aggressiveness = rand(1..5)
12 end
14 def adjust_angle
15 adjust_desired_angle
16 adjust_gun_angle
17 end
19 def update
20 if @vision.in_sight.any?
21 if @vision.closest_tank != @target
22 change_target(@vision.closest_tank)
23 end
24 else
25 @target = nil
26 end
28 if @target
29 if (0..10 - rand(0..@accuracy)).include?(
30 (@desired_gun_angle - @object.gun_angle).abs.round)
31 distance = distance_to_target
32 if distance - 50 <= BulletPhysics::MAX_DIST
33 target_x, target_y = Utils.point_at_distance(
34 @object.x, @object.y, @object.gun_angle,
35 distance + 10 - rand(0..@accuracy))
36 if can_make_new_decision? && @object.can_shoot? &&
37 should_shoot?
38 @object.shoot(target_x, target_y)
39 end
40 end
41 end
42 end
43 end
45 def distance_to_target
46 Utils.distance_between(
47 @object.x, @object.y, @target.x, @target.y)
48 end
51 def should_shoot?
52 rand * @aggressiveness > 0.5
53 end
55 def can_make_new_decision?
56 now = Gosu.milliseconds
57 if now - (@last_decision ||= 0) > DECISION_DELAY
58 @last_decision = now
59 true
60 end
61 end
63 def adjust_desired_angle
64 @desired_gun_angle = if @target
65 Utils.angle_between(
66 @object.x, @object.y, @target.x, @target.y)
67 else
68 @object.direction
69 end
70 end
72 def change_target(new_target)
73 @target = new_target
74 adjust_desired_angle
75 end
77 def adjust_gun_angle
78 actual = @object.gun_angle
79 desired = @desired_gun_angle
80 if actual > desired
81 if actual - desired > 180 # 0 -> 360 fix
82 @object.gun_angle = (actual + @retarget_speed) % 360
83 if @object.gun_angle < desired
84 @object.gun_angle = desired # damp
85 end
86 else
87 @object.gun_angle = [actual - @retarget_speed, desired].max
88 end
89 elsif actual < desired
90 if desired - actual > 180 # 360 -> 0 fix
91 @object.gun_angle = (360 + actual - @retarget_speed) % 360
92 if @object.gun_angle > desired
93 @object.gun_angle = desired # damp
94 end
95 else
96 @object.gun_angle = [actual + @retarget_speed, desired].min
97 end
98 end
99 end
100 end
There is some math involved, but it is pretty straightforward. We need to find out an angle between two points, to know where our gun should point, and the other thing we need is coordinates of point which is in some distance away from source at given angle. Here are those functions:
module Utils
# ...
def self.angle_between(x, y, target_x, target_y)
dx = target_x - x
dy = target_y - y
(180 - Math.atan2(dx, dy) * 180 / Math::PI) + 360 % 360
def self.point_at_distance(source_x, source_y, angle, distance)
angle = (90 - angle) * Math::PI / 180
x = source_x + Math.cos(angle) * distance
y = source_y - Math.sin(angle) * distance
[x, y]
# ...
Implementing AI Input
At this point our tanks can already defend themselves, even through motion is not yet implemented. Let’s wire everything we have in AiInput class that we had prepared earlier. We will need a blank TankMotionFSM class with 3 argument initializer and empty update, on_collision(with) and on_damage(amount) methods for it to work:
1 class AiInput < Component
2 UPDATE_RATE = 200 # ms
4 def initialize(object_pool)
5 @object_pool = object_pool
6 super(nil)
7 @last_update = Gosu.milliseconds
8 end
10 def control(obj)
11 self.object = obj
12 @vision =, @object_pool,
13 rand(700..1200))
14 @gun =, @vision)
15 @motion =, @vision, @gun)
16 end
18 def on_collision(with)
19 @motion.on_collision(with)
20 end
22 def on_damage(amount)
23 @motion.on_damage(amount)
24 end
26 def update
27 return if
28 @gun.adjust_angle
29 now = Gosu.milliseconds
30 return if now - @last_update < UPDATE_RATE
31 @last_update = now
32 @vision.update
33 @gun.update
34 @motion.update
35 end
36 end
It adjust gun angle all the time, but does updates at UPDATE_RATE to save CPU power. AI is usually one of the most CPU intensive things in games, so it’s a common practice to execute it less often. Refreshing enemy brains 5 per second is enough to make them deadly.
Make sure you spawn some AI controlled tanks in PlayState and try killing them now. I bet they will eventually get you even while standing still. You can also make tanks spawn below mouse cursor when you press T key:
class PlayState < GameState
# ...
def initialize
# ...
10.times do |i|,
# ...
def button_down(id)
# ...
if id == Gosu::KbT
t =,
t.x, t.y = @camera.mouse_coords
# ...
# ...
Implementing Tank Motion States
This is the place where we will need Finite State Machine to get things right. We will design it like this:
1. TankMotionFSM will decide which motion state tank should be in, considering various parameters, e.g. existence of target or lack thereof, health, etc.
2. There will be TankMotionState base class that will offer common methods like drive, wait and on_collision.
3. Concrete motion classes will implement update, change_direction and other methods, that will fiddle with Tank#throttle_down and Tank#direction to make it move and turn.
We will begin with TankMotionState:
1 class TankMotionState
2 def initialize(object, vision)
3 @object = object
4 @vision = vision
5 end
7 def enter
8 # Override if necessary
9 end
11 def change_direction
12 # Override
13 end
15 def wait_time
16 # Override and return a number
17 end
19 def drive_time
20 # Override and return a number
21 end
23 def turn_time
24 # Override and return a number
25 end
27 def update
28 # Override
29 end
31 def wait
32 @sub_state = :waiting
33 @started_waiting = Gosu.milliseconds
34 @will_wait_for = wait_time
35 @object.throttle_down = false
36 end
38 def drive
39 @sub_state = :driving
40 @started_driving = Gosu.milliseconds
41 @will_drive_for = drive_time
42 @object.throttle_down = true
43 end
45 def should_change_direction?
46 return true unless @changed_direction_at
47 Gosu.milliseconds - @changed_direction_at >
48 @will_keep_direction_for
49 end
51 def substate_expired?
52 now = Gosu.milliseconds
53 case @sub_state
54 when :waiting
55 true if now - @started_waiting > @will_wait_for
56 when :driving
57 true if now - @started_driving > @will_drive_for
58 else
59 true
60 end
61 end
63 def on_collision(with)
64 change = case rand(0..100)
65 when 0..30
66 -90
67 when 30..60
68 90
69 when 60..70
70 135
71 when 80..90
72 -135
73 else
74 180
75 end
76 @object.physics.change_direction(
77 @object.direction + change)
78 end
79 end
Nothing extraordinary here, and we need a concrete implementation to get a feeling how it would work, therefore let’s examine TankRoamingState. It will be the default state which tank would be in if there were no enemies around.
Tank Roaming State
1 class TankRoamingState < TankMotionState
2 def initialize(object, vision)
3 super
4 @object = object
5 @vision = vision
6 end
8 def update
9 change_direction if should_change_direction?
10 if substate_expired?
11 rand > 0.3 ? drive : wait
12 end
13 end
15 def change_direction
16 change = case rand(0..100)
17 when 0..30
18 -45
19 when 30..60
20 45
21 when 60..70
22 90
23 when 80..90
24 -90
25 else
26 0
27 end
28 if change != 0
29 @object.physics.change_direction(
30 @object.direction + change)
31 end
32 @changed_direction_at = Gosu.milliseconds
33 @will_keep_direction_for = turn_time
34 end
36 def wait_time
37 rand(500..2000)
38 end
40 def drive_time
41 rand(1000..5000)
42 end
44 def turn_time
45 rand(2000..5000)
46 end
47 end
The logic here:
1. Tank will randomly change direction every turn_time interval, which is between 2 and 5 seconds.
2. Tank will choose to drive (80% chance) or to stand still (20% chance).
3. If tank chose to drive, it will keep driving for drive_time, which is between 1 and 5 seconds.
4. Same goes with waiting, but wait_time (0.5 - 2 seconds) will be used for duration.
5. Direction changes and driving / waiting are independent.
This will make an impression that our tank is driving around looking for enemies.
Tank Fighting State
When tank finally sees an opponent, it will start fighting. Fighting motion should be more energetic than roaming, we will need a sharper set of choices in change_direction among other things.
1 class TankFightingState < TankMotionState
2 def initialize(object, vision)
3 super
4 @object = object
5 @vision = vision
6 end
8 def update
9 change_direction if should_change_direction?
10 if substate_expired?
11 rand > 0.2 ? drive : wait
12 end
13 end
15 def change_direction
16 change = case rand(0..100)
17 when 0..20
18 -45
19 when 20..40
20 45
21 when 40..60
22 90
23 when 60..80
24 -90
25 when 80..90
26 135
27 when 90..100
28 -135
29 end
30 @object.physics.change_direction(
31 @object.direction + change)
32 @changed_direction_at = Gosu.milliseconds
33 @will_keep_direction_for = turn_time
34 end
36 def wait_time
37 rand(300..1000)
38 end
40 def drive_time
41 rand(2000..5000)
42 end
44 def turn_time
45 rand(500..2500)
46 end
47 end
We will have much less waiting and much more driving and turning.
Tank Chasing State
If opponent is fleeing, we will want to set our direction towards the opponent and hit pedal to the metal. No waiting here. AiGun#desired_gun_angle will point directly to our enemy.
1 class TankChasingState < TankMotionState
2 def initialize(object, vision, gun)
3 super(object, vision)
4 @object = object
5 @vision = vision
6 @gun = gun
7 end
9 def update
10 change_direction if should_change_direction?
11 drive
12 end
14 def change_direction
15 @object.physics.change_direction(
16 @gun.desired_gun_angle -
17 @gun.desired_gun_angle % 45)
19 @changed_direction_at = Gosu.milliseconds
20 @will_keep_direction_for = turn_time
21 end
23 def drive_time
24 10000
25 end
27 def turn_time
28 rand(300..600)
29 end
30 end
Tank Fleeing State
Now, if our health is low, we will do the opposite of chasing. Gun will be pointing and shooting at the opponent, but we want body to move away, so we won’t get ourselves killed. It is very similar to TankChasingState where change_direction adds extra 180 degrees to the equation, but there is one more thing. Tank can only flee for a while. Then it gets itself together and goes into final battle. That’s why we provide can_flee? method that TankMotionFSMwill consult with before entering fleeing state.
We have implemented all the states, that means we are moments away from actually playable prototype with tank bots running around and fighting with you and each other.
Wiring Tank Motion States Into Finite State Machine
Implementing TankMotionFSM after we have all motion states ready is surprisingly easy:
1 class TankMotionFSM
4 def initialize(object, vision, gun)
5 @object = object
6 @vision = vision
7 @gun = gun
8 @roaming_state =, vision)
9 @fighting_state =, vision)
10 @fleeing_state =, vision, gun)
11 @chasing_state =, vision, gun)
12 set_state(@roaming_state)
13 end
15 def on_collision(with)
16 @current_state.on_collision(with)
17 end
19 def on_damage(amount)
20 if @current_state == @roaming_state
21 set_state(@fighting_state)
22 end
23 end
25 def update
26 choose_state
27 @current_state.update
28 end
30 def set_state(state)
31 return unless state
32 return if state == @current_state
33 @last_state_change = Gosu.milliseconds
34 @current_state = state
35 state.enter
36 end
38 def choose_state
39 return unless Gosu.milliseconds -
40 (@last_state_change) > STATE_CHANGE_DELAY
41 if
42 if > 40
43 if @gun.distance_to_target > BulletPhysics::MAX_DIST
44 new_state = @chasing_state
45 else
46 new_state = @fighting_state
47 end
48 else
49 if @fleeing_state.can_flee?
50 new_state = @fleeing_state
51 else
52 new_state = @fighting_state
53 end
54 end
55 else
56 new_state = @roaming_state
57 end
58 set_state(new_state)
59 end
60 end
All the logic is in choose_state method, which is pretty ugly and procedural, but it does the job. The code should be easy to understand, so instead of describing it, here is a picture worth thousand words:
First real battle
You may notice a new crosshair, which replaced the old one that was never visible:
class Camera
# ...
def draw_crosshair
factor = 0.5
x = $window.mouse_x
y = $window.mouse_y
c = crosshair
c.draw(x - c.width * factor / 2,
y - c.height * factor / 2,
1000, factor, factor)
# ...
def crosshair
@crosshair ||=
$window, Utils.media_path('c_dot.png'), false)
However this new crosshair didn’t help me win, I got my ass kicked badly. Increasing game window size helped, but we obviously need to fine tune many things in this AI, to make it smart and challenging rather than dumb and deadly accurate.