Dealing With Thousands Of Game Objects - Developing Games With Ruby (2014)

Developing Games With Ruby (2014)

Dealing With Thousands Of Game Objects

Gosu is blazing fast when it comes to drawing, but there are more things going on. Namely, we use ObjectPool#nearby quite often to loop through thousands of objects 60 times per second to measure distances among them. This slows everything down when object pool grows.

To demonstrate the effect, we will generate 1500 trees, 30 tanks, ~100 boxes and leave 1000 damage trails from explosions. It was enough to drop FPS below 30:

Running slow with thousands of game objects

Running slow with thousands of game objects

Spatial Partitioning

There is a solution for this particular problem is “Spatial Partitioning”, and the essence of it is that you have to use a tree-like data structure that divides space into regions, places objects there and lets you query itself in logarithmic time, omitting objects that fall out of query region. Spatial Partitioning is explained well in Game Programming Patterns.

Probably the most appropriate data structure for our 2D game is quadtree. To quote Wikipedia, “quadtrees are most often used to partition a two-dimensional space by recursively subdividing it into four quadrants or regions.” Here is how it looks like:

Visual representation of quadtree

Visual representation of quadtree

Implementing A Quadtree

There are some implementations of quadtree available for Ruby - rquad, rubyquadtree and rubyquad, but it seems easy to implement, so we will build one tailored (read: closely coupled) to our game using the pseudo code from Wikipedia.

Axis Aligned Bounding Box

One of prerequisites of quadtree is Axis aligned bounding box, sometimes referred to as “AABB”. It is simply a box that surrounds the shape but has edges that are in parallel with the axes of underlying coordinate system. The advantage of this box is that it gives a rough estimate where the shape is and is very efficient when it comes to querying if a point is inside or outside it.

Axis aligned bounding box with center point and half dimension

Axis aligned bounding box with center point and half dimension

To define axis aligned bounding box, we need it’s center point and half dimension vector, which points from center point to one of the corners of the box, and two methods, one that tells if AABB contains a point, and one that tells if AABB intersects with another AABB. This is how our implementation looks like:


1 class AxisAlignedBoundingBox

2 attr_reader :center, :half_dimension

3 def initialize(center, half_dimension)

4 @center = center

5 @half_dimension = half_dimension

6 @dhx = (@half_dimension[0] - @center[0]).abs

7 @dhy = (@half_dimension[1] - @center[1]).abs

8 end


10 def contains?(point)

11 return false unless (@center[0] + @dhx) >= point[0]

12 return false unless (@center[0] - @dhx) <= point[0]

13 return false unless (@center[1] + @dhy) >= point[1]

14 return false unless (@center[1] - @dhy) <= point[1]

15 true

16 end


18 def intersects?(other)

19 ocx, ocy =

20 ohx, ohy = other.half_dimension

21 odhx = (ohx - ocx).abs

22 return false unless (@center[0] + @dhx) >= (ocx - odhx)

23 return false unless (@center[0] - @dhx) <= (ocx + odhx)

24 odhy = (ohy - ocy).abs

25 return false unless (@center[1] + @dhy) >= (ocy - odhy)

26 return false unless (@center[1] - @dhy) <= (ocy + odhy)

27 true

28 end


30 def to_s

31 "c: #{@center}, h: #{@half_dimension}"

32 end

33 end

If you dig in 10-partitioning/specs, you will find tests for this implementation too.

The math used in AxisAlignedBoundingBox#contains? and AxisAlignedBoundingBox#intersects? is fairly simple and hopefully very fast, because these methods will be called billions of times throughout the game.

QuadTree For Game Objects

To implement the glorious QuadTree itself, we need to initialize it with boundary, that is defined by an instance of AxisAlignedBoundingBox and provide methods for inserting, removing and querying the tree. Private QuadTree#subdivide method will be called when we try to insert an object into a tree that has more objects than it’s NODE_CAPACITY.


1 class QuadTree


3 attr_accessor :ne, :nw, :se, :sw, :objects


5 def initialize(boundary)

6 @boundary = boundary

7 @objects = []

8 end


10 def insert(game_object)

11 return false unless @boundary.contains?(

12 game_object.location)


14 if @objects.size < NODE_CAPACITY

15 @objects << game_object

16 return true

17 end


19 subdivide unless @nw


21 return true if @nw.insert(game_object)

22 return true if @ne.insert(game_object)

23 return true if @sw.insert(game_object)

24 return true if @se.insert(game_object)


26 # should never happen

27 raise "Failed to insert #{game_object}"

28 end


30 def remove(game_object)

31 return false unless @boundary.contains?(

32 game_object.location)

33 if @objects.delete(game_object)

34 return true

35 end

36 return false unless @nw

37 return true if @nw.remove(game_object)

38 return true if @ne.remove(game_object)

39 return true if @sw.remove(game_object)

40 return true if @se.remove(game_object)

41 false

42 end


44 def query_range(range)

45 result = []

46 unless @boundary.intersects?(range)

47 return result

48 end


50 @objects.each do |o|

51 if range.contains?(o.location)

52 result << o

53 end

54 end


56 # Not subdivided

57 return result unless @ne


59 result += @nw.query_range(range)

60 result += @ne.query_range(range)

61 result += @sw.query_range(range)

62 result += @se.query_range(range)


64 result

65 end


67 private


69 def subdivide

70 cx, cy =

71 hx, hy = @boundary.half_dimension

72 hhx = (cx - hx).abs / 2.0

73 hhy = (cy - hy).abs / 2.0

74 @nw =


76 [cx - hhx, cy - hhy],

77 [cx, cy]))

78 @ne =


80 [cx + hhx, cy - hhy],

81 [cx, cy]))

82 @sw =


84 [cx - hhx, cy + hhy],

85 [cx, cy]))

86 @se =


88 [cx + hhx, cy + hhy],

89 [cx, cy]))

90 end

91 end

This is a vanilla quadtree that stores instances of GameObject and uses GameObject#location for indexing objects in space. It also has specs that you can find in code samples.

You can experiment with QuadTree#NODE_CAPACITY, but I found that values between 8 and 16 works best, so I settled with 12.

Integrating ObjectPool With QuadTree

We have implemented a QuadTree, but it is not yet incorporated into our game. To do that, we will hook it into ObjectPool and try to keep the old interface intact, so that ObjectPool#nearby will still work as usual, but will be able to cope with way more objects than before.


1 class ObjectPool

2 attr_accessor :map, :camera, :objects


4 def size

5 @objects.size

6 end


8 def initialize(box)

9 @tree =

10 @objects = []

11 end


13 def add(object)

14 @objects << object

15 @tree.insert(object)

16 end


18 def tree_remove(object)

19 @tree.remove(object)

20 end


22 def tree_insert(object)

23 @tree.insert(object)

24 end


26 def update_all


28 @objects.reject! do |o|

29 if o.removable?

30 @tree.remove(o)

31 true

32 end

33 end

34 end


36 def nearby(object, max_distance)

37 cx, cy = object.location

38 hx, hy = cx + max_distance, cy + max_distance

39 # Fast, rough results

40 results = @tree.query_range(

41[cx, cy], [hx, hy]))

42 # Sift through to select fine-grained results

43 do |o|

44 o != object &&

45 Utils.distance_between(

46 o.x, o.y, object.x, object.y) <= max_distance

47 end

48 end


50 def query_range(box)

51 @tree.query_range(box)

52 end

53 end

An old fashioned array of all objects is still used, because we still need to loop through everything and invoke GameObject#update. ObjectPool#query_range was introduced to quickly grab objects that have to be rendered on screen, and ObjectPool#nearby now queries tree and measures distances only on rough result set.

This is how we will render things from now on:

class PlayState < GameState

# ...

def draw

cam_x = @camera.x

cam_y = @camera.y

off_x = $window.width / 2 - cam_x

off_y = $window.height / 2 - cam_y

viewport = @camera.viewport

x1, x2, y1, y2 = viewport

box =

[x1 + (x2 - x1) / 2, y1 + (y2 - y1) / 2],

[x1 - Map::TILE_SIZE, y1 - Map::TILE_SIZE])

$window.translate(off_x, off_y) do

zoom = @camera.zoom

$window.scale(zoom, zoom, cam_x, cam_y) do


@object_pool.query_range(box).map do |o|








# ...


Moving Objects In QuadTree

There is one more errand we now have to take care of. Everything works fine when things are static, but when tanks and bullets move, we need to update them in our QuadTree. That’s why ObjectPool has tree_remove and tree_insert, which are called from GameObject#move. From now on, the only way to change object’s location will be by using GameObject#move:

class GameObject

attr_reader :x, :y, :location, :components

def initialize(object_pool, x, y)

@x, @y = x, y

@location = [x, y]

@components = []

@object_pool = object_pool



def move(new_x, new_y)

return if new_x == @x && new_y == @y


@x = new_x

@y = new_y

@location = [new_x, new_y]



# ...


At this point we have to go through all the game objects and change how they initialize their base class and update x and y coordinates, but we won’t cover that here. If in doubt, refer to code at 10-partitioning.

Finally, FPS is back to stable 60 and we can focus on gameplay again.

Spatial partitioning saves the day

Spatial partitioning saves the day