Gosu Basics - Developing Games With Ruby (2014)

Developing Games With Ruby (2014)

Gosu Basics

By now Gosu should be installed and ready for a spin. But before we rush into building our game, we have to get acquainted with our library. We will go through several simple examples, familiarize ourselves with Gosu architecture and core principles, and take a couple of baby steps towards understanding how to put everything together.

To make this chapter easier to read and understand, I recommend watching Writing Games With Ruby talk given by Mike Moore at LA Ruby Conference 2014. In fact, this talk pushed me towards rethinking this crazy idea of using Ruby for game development, so this book wouldn’t exist without it. Thank you, Mike.

Hello World

To honor the traditions, we will start by writing “Hello World” to get a taste of what Gosu feels like. It is based on Ruby Tutorial that you can find in Gosu Wiki.


1 require 'gosu'


3 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

4 def initialize(width=320, height=240, fullscreen=false)

5 super

6 self.caption = 'Hello'

7 @message = Gosu::Image.from_text(

8 self, 'Hello, World!', Gosu.default_font_name, 30)

9 end


11 def draw

12 @message.draw(10, 10, 0)

13 end

14 end


16 window = GameWindow.new

17 window.show

Run the code:

$ ruby 01-hello/hello_world.rb

You should see a neat small window with your message:

Hello World

Hello World

See how easy that was? Now let’s try to understand what just happened here.

We have extended Gosu::Window with our own GameWindow class, initializing it as 320x240 window. super passed width, height and fullscreen initialization parameters from GameWindow to Gosu::Window.

Then we defined our window’s caption, and created @message instance variable with an image generated from text "Hello, World!" using Gosu::Image.from_text.

We have overridden Gosu::Window#draw instance method that gets called every time Gosu wants to redraw our game window. In that method we call draw on our @message variable, providing x and y screen coordinates both equal to 10, and z (depth) value equal to 0.

Screen Coordinates And Depth

Just like most conventional computer graphics libraries, Gosu treats x as horizontal axis (left to right), y as vertical axis (top to bottom), and z as order.

Screen coordinates and depth

Screen coordinates and depth

x and y are measured in pixels, and value of z is a relative number that doesn’t mean anything on it’s own. The pixel in top-left corner of the screen has coordinates of 0:0.

z order in Gosu is just like z-index in CSS. It does not define zoom level, but in case two shapes overlap, one with higher z value will be drawn on top.

Main Loop

The heart of Gosu library is the main loop that happens in Gosu::Window. It is explained fairly well in Gosu wiki, so we will not be discussing it here.

Moving Things With Keyboard

We will modify our “Hello, World!” example to learn how to move things on screen. The following code will print coordinates of the message along with number of times screen was redrawn. It also allows exiting the program by hitting Esc button.


1 require 'gosu'


3 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

4 def initialize(width=320, height=240, fullscreen=false)

5 super

6 self.caption = 'Hello Movement'

7 @x = @y = 10

8 @draws = 0

9 @buttons_down = 0

10 end


12 def update

13 @x -= 1 if button_down?(Gosu::KbLeft)

14 @x += 1 if button_down?(Gosu::KbRight)

15 @y -= 1 if button_down?(Gosu::KbUp)

16 @y += 1 if button_down?(Gosu::KbDown)

17 end


19 def button_down(id)

20 close if id == Gosu::KbEscape

21 @buttons_down += 1

22 end


24 def button_up(id)

25 @buttons_down -= 1

26 end


28 def needs_redraw?

29 @draws == 0 || @buttons_down > 0

30 end


32 def draw

33 @draws += 1

34 @message = Gosu::Image.from_text(

35 self, info, Gosu.default_font_name, 30)

36 @message.draw(@x, @y, 0)

37 end


39 private


41 def info

42 "[x:#{@x};y:#{@y};draws:#{@draws}]"

43 end

44 end


46 window = GameWindow.new

47 window.show

Run the program and try pressing arrow keys:

$ ruby 01-hello/hello_movement.rb

The message will move around as long as you keep arrow keys pressed.

Use arrow keys to move the message around

Use arrow keys to move the message around

We could write a shorter version, but the point here is that if we wouldn’t override needs_redraw? this program would be slower by order of magnitude, because it would create @message object every time it wants to redraw the window, even though nothing would change.

Here is a screenshot of top displaying two versions of this program. Second screen has needs_redraw? method removed. See the difference?

Redrawing only when necessary VS redrawing every time

Redrawing only when necessary VS redrawing every time

Ruby is slow, so you have to use it wisely.

Images And Animation

It’s time to make something more exciting. Our game will have to have explosions, therefore we need to learn to animate them. We will set up a background scene and trigger explosions on top of it with our mouse.


1 require 'gosu'


3 def media_path(file)

4 File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(

5 __FILE__)), 'media', file)

6 end


8 class Explosion

9 FRAME_DELAY = 10 # ms

10 SPRITE = media_path('explosion.png')


12 def self.load_animation(window)

13 Gosu::Image.load_tiles(

14 window, SPRITE, 128, 128, false)

15 end


17 def initialize(animation, x, y)

18 @animation = animation

19 @x, @y = x, y

20 @current_frame = 0

21 end


23 def update

24 @current_frame += 1 if frame_expired?

25 end


27 def draw

28 return if done?

29 image = current_frame

30 image.draw(

31 @x - image.width / 2.0,

32 @y - image.height / 2.0,

33 0)

34 end


36 def done?

37 @done ||= @current_frame == @animation.size

38 end


40 private


42 def current_frame

43 @animation[@current_frame % @animation.size]

44 end


46 def frame_expired?

47 now = Gosu.milliseconds

48 @last_frame ||= now

49 if (now - @last_frame) > FRAME_DELAY

50 @last_frame = now

51 end

52 end

53 end


55 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

56 BACKGROUND = media_path('country_field.png')


58 def initialize(width=800, height=600, fullscreen=false)

59 super

60 self.caption = 'Hello Animation'

61 @background = Gosu::Image.new(

62 self, BACKGROUND, false)

63 @animation = Explosion.load_animation(self)

64 @explosions = []

65 end


67 def update

68 @explosions.reject!(&:done?)

69 @explosions.map(&:update)

70 end


72 def button_down(id)

73 close if id == Gosu::KbEscape

74 if id == Gosu::MsLeft

75 @explosions.push(

76 Explosion.new(

77 @animation, mouse_x, mouse_y))

78 end

79 end


81 def needs_cursor?

82 true

83 end


85 def needs_redraw?

86 !@scene_ready || @explosions.any?

87 end


89 def draw

90 @scene_ready ||= true

91 @background.draw(0, 0, 0)

92 @explosions.map(&:draw)

93 end

94 end


96 window = GameWindow.new

97 window.show

Run it and click around to enjoy those beautiful special effects:

$ ruby 01-hello/hello_animation.rb

Multiple explosions on screen

Multiple explosions on screen

Now let’s figure out how it works. Our GameWindow initializes with @background Gosu::Image and @animation, that holds array of Gosu::Image instances, one for each frame of explosion. Gosu::Image.load_tiles handles it for us.

Explosion::SPRITE points to “tileset” image, which is just a regular image that contains equally sized smaller image frames arranged in ordered sequence. Rows of frames are read left to right, like you would read a book.

Explosion tileset

Explosion tileset

Given that explosion.png tileset is 1024x1024 pixels big, and it has 8 rows of 8 tiles per row, it is easy to tell that there are 64 tiles 128x128 pixels each. So, @animation[0] holds 128x128 Gosu::Image with top-left tile, and@animation[63] - the bottom-right one.

Gosu doesn’t handle animation, it’s something you have full control over. We have to draw each tile in a sequence ourselves. You can also use tiles to hold map graphics The logic behind this is pretty simple:

1. Explosion knows it’s @current_frame number. It begins with 0.

2. Explosion#frame_expired? checks the last time when @current_frame was rendered, and when it is older than Explosion::FRAME_DELAY milliseconds, @current_frame is increased.

3. When GameWindow#update is called, @current_frame is recalculated for all @explosions. Also, explosions that have finished their animation (displayed the last frame) are removed from @explosions array.

4. GameWindow#draw draws background image and all @explosions draw their current_frame.

5. Again, we are saving resources and not redrawing when there are no @explosions in progress. needs_redraw? handles it.

It is important to understand that update and draw order is unpredictable, these methods can be called by your system at different rate, you can’t tell which one will be called more often than the other one, so update should only be concerned with advancing object state, and draw should only draw current state on screen if it is needed. The only reliable thing here is time, consult Gosu.milliseconds to know how much time have passed.

Rule of the thumb: draw should be as lightweight as possible. Prepare all calculations in update and you will have responsive, smooth graphics.

Music And Sound

Our previous program was clearly missing a soundtrack, so we will add one. A background music will be looping, and each explosion will become audible.


1 require 'gosu'


3 def media_path(file)

4 File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(

5 __FILE__)), 'media', file)

6 end


8 class Explosion

9 FRAME_DELAY = 10 # ms

10 SPRITE = media_path('explosion.png')


12 def self.load_animation(window)

13 Gosu::Image.load_tiles(

14 window, SPRITE, 128, 128, false)

15 end


17 def self.load_sound(window)

18 Gosu::Sample.new(

19 window, media_path('explosion.mp3'))

20 end


22 def initialize(animation, sound, x, y)

23 @animation = animation

24 sound.play

25 @x, @y = x, y

26 @current_frame = 0

27 end


29 def update

30 @current_frame += 1 if frame_expired?

31 end


33 def draw

34 return if done?

35 image = current_frame

36 image.draw(

37 @x - image.width / 2.0,

38 @y - image.height / 2.0,

39 0)

40 end


42 def done?

43 @done ||= @current_frame == @animation.size

44 end


46 def sound

47 @sound.play

48 end


50 private


52 def current_frame

53 @animation[@current_frame % @animation.size]

54 end


56 def frame_expired?

57 now = Gosu.milliseconds

58 @last_frame ||= now

59 if (now - @last_frame) > FRAME_DELAY

60 @last_frame = now

61 end

62 end

63 end


65 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

66 BACKGROUND = media_path('country_field.png')


68 def initialize(width=800, height=600, fullscreen=false)

69 super

70 self.caption = 'Hello Animation'

71 @background = Gosu::Image.new(

72 self, BACKGROUND, false)

73 @music = Gosu::Song.new(

74 self, media_path('menu_music.mp3'))

75 @music.volume = 0.5

76 @music.play(true)

77 @animation = Explosion.load_animation(self)

78 @sound = Explosion.load_sound(self)

79 @explosions = []

80 end


82 def update

83 @explosions.reject!(&:done?)

84 @explosions.map(&:update)

85 end


87 def button_down(id)

88 close if id == Gosu::KbEscape

89 if id == Gosu::MsLeft

90 @explosions.push(

91 Explosion.new(

92 @animation, @sound, mouse_x, mouse_y))

93 end

94 end


96 def needs_cursor?

97 true

98 end


100 def needs_redraw?

101 !@scene_ready || @explosions.any?

102 end


104 def draw

105 @scene_ready ||= true

106 @background.draw(0, 0, 0)

107 @explosions.map(&:draw)

108 end

109 end


111 window = GameWindow.new

112 window.show

Run it and enjoy the cinematic experience. Adding sound really makes a difference.

$ ruby 01-hello/hello_sound.rb

We only added couple of things over previous example.

72 @music = Gosu::Song.new(

73 self, media_path('menu_music.mp3'))

74 @music.volume = 0.5

75 @music.play(true)

GameWindow creates Gosu::Song with menu_music.mp3, adjusts the volume so it’s a little more quiet and starts playing in a loop.

16 def self.load_sound(window)

17 Gosu::Sample.new(

18 window, media_path('explosion.mp3'))

19 end

Explosion has now got load_sound method that loads explosion.mp3 sound effect Gosu::Sample. This sound effect is loaded once in GameWindow constructor, and passed into every new Explosion, where it simply starts playing.

Handling audio with Gosu is very straightforward. Use Gosu::Song to play background music, and Gosu::Sample to play effects and sounds that can overlap.