Warming Up - Developing Games With Ruby (2014)

Developing Games With Ruby (2014)

Warming Up

Before we start building our game, we want to flex our skills little more, get to know Gosu better and make sure our tools will be able to meet our expectations.

Using Tilesets

After playing around with Gosu for a while, we should be comfortable enough to implement a prototype of top-down view game map using the tileset of our choice. This ground tileset looks like a good place to start.

Integrating With Texture Packer

After downloading and extracting the tileset, it’s obvious that Gosu::Image#load_tiles will not suffice, since it only supports tiles of same size, and there is a tileset in the package that looks like this:

Tileset with tiles of irregular size

Tileset with tiles of irregular size

And there is also a JSON file that contains some metadata:

{"frames": {



"frame": {"x":451,"y":102,"w":57,"h":42},

"rotated": false,

"trimmed": false,

"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":57,"h":42},

"sourceSize": {"w":57,"h":42}




"frame": {"x":2,"y":680,"w":63,"h":47},

"rotated": false,

"trimmed": false,

"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":63,"h":47},

"sourceSize": {"w":63,"h":47}




"meta": {

"app": "http://www.texturepacker.com",

"version": "1.0",

"image": "decor.png",

"format": "RGBA8888",

"size": {"w":512,"h":1024},

"scale": "1",

"smartupdate": "$TexturePacker:SmartUpdate:2e6b6964f24c7abfaa85a804e2dc1b05$"


Looks like these tiles were packed with Texture Packer. After some digging I’ve discovered that Gosu doesn’t have any integration with it, so I had these choices:

1. Cut the original tileset image into smaller images.

2. Parse JSON and harness the benefits of Texture Packer.

First option was too much work and would prove to be less efficient, because loading many small files is always worse than loading one bigger file. Therefore, second option was the winner, and I also thought “why not write a gem while I’m at it”. And that’s exactly what I did, and you should do the same in such a situation. The gem is available on GitHub:


You can install this gem using gem install gosu_texture_packer. If you want to examine the code, easiest way is to clone it on your computer:

$ git clone git@github.com:spajus/gosu-texture-packer.git

Let’s examine the main idea behind this gem. Here is a slightly simplified version that does handles everything in under 20 lines of code:


1 require 'json'

2 class Tileset

3 def initialize(window, json)

4 @json = JSON.parse(File.read(json))

5 image_file = File.join(

6 File.dirname(json), @json['meta']['image'])

7 @main_image = Gosu::Image.new(

8 @window, image_file, true)

9 end


11 def frame(name)

12 f = @json['frames'][name]['frame']

13 @main_image.subimage(

14 f['x'], f['y'], f['w'], f['h'])

15 end

16 end

If by now you are familiar with Gosu documentation, you will wonder what the hell is Gosu::Image#subimage. At the point of writing it was not documented, and I accidentally discovered it while digging through Gosu source code.

I’m lucky this function existed, because I was ready to bring out the heavy artillery and use RMagick to extract those tiles. We will probably need RMagick at some point of time later, but it’s better to avoid dependencies as long as possible.

Combining Tiles Into A Map

With tileset loading issue out of the way, we can finally get back to drawing that cool map of ours.

The following program will fill the screen with random tiles.


1 require 'gosu'

2 require 'gosu_texture_packer'


4 def media_path(file)

5 File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(

6 __FILE__)), 'media', file)

7 end


9 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

10 WIDTH = 800

11 HEIGHT = 600

12 TILE_SIZE = 128


14 def initialize

15 super(WIDTH, HEIGHT, false)

16 self.caption = 'Random Map'

17 @tileset = Gosu::TexturePacker.load_json(

18 self, media_path('ground.json'), :precise)

19 @redraw = true

20 end


22 def button_down(id)

23 close if id == Gosu::KbEscape

24 @redraw = true if id == Gosu::KbSpace

25 end


27 def needs_redraw?

28 @redraw

29 end


31 def draw

32 @redraw = false

33 (0..WIDTH / TILE_SIZE).each do |x|

34 (0..HEIGHT / TILE_SIZE).each do |y|

35 @tileset.frame(

36 @tileset.frame_list.sample).draw(

37 x * (TILE_SIZE),

38 y * (TILE_SIZE),

39 0)

40 end

41 end

42 end

43 end


45 window = GameWindow.new

46 window.show

Run it, then press spacebar to refill the screen with random tiles.

$ ruby 02-warmup/random_map.rb

Map filled with random tiles

Map filled with random tiles

The result doesn’t look seamless, so we will have to figure out what’s wrong. After playing around for a while, I’ve noticed that it’s an issue with Gosu::Image.

When you load a tile like this, it works perfectly:

Gosu::Image.new(self, image_path, true, 0, 0, 128, 128)

Gosu::Image.load_tiles(self, image_path, 128, 128, true)

And the following produces so called “texture bleeding”:

Gosu::Image.new(self, image_path, true)

Gosu::Image.new(self, image_path, true).subimage(0, 0, 128, 128)

Good thing we’re not building our game yet, right? Welcome to the intricacies of software development!

Now, I have reported my findings, but until it gets fixed, we need a workaround. And the workaround was to use RMagick. I knew we won’t get too far away from it. But our random map now looks gorgeous:

Map filled with *seamless* random tiles

Map filled with seamless random tiles

Using Tiled To Create Maps

While low level approach to drawing tiles in screen may be appropriate in some scenarios, like randomly generated maps, we will explore another alternatives. One of them is this great, open source, cross platform, generic tile map editor called Tiled.

It has some limitations, for instance, all tiles in tileset have to be of same proportions. On the upside, it would be easy to load Tiled tilesets with Gosu::Image#load_tiles.



Tiled uses it’s own custom, XML based tmx format for saving maps. It also allows exporting maps to JSON, which is way more convenient, since parsing XML in Ruby is usually done with Nokogiri, which is heavier and it’s native extensions usually cause more trouble than ones JSON parser uses. So, let’s see how that JSON looks like:


1 { "height":10,

2 "layers":[

3 {

4 "data":[65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, 65, 6\

5 5, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, 0, 65, 65\

6 , 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 65, 65\

7 , 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65\

8 , 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65\

9 ],

10 "height":10,

11 "name":"Water",

12 "opacity":1,

13 "type":"tilelayer",

14 "visible":true,

15 "width":10,

16 "x":0,

17 "y":0

18 },

19 {

20 "data":[0, 0, 7, 5, 57, 43, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 1, 1, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0,\

21 0, 0, 44, 1, 1, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 1, 1, 27, 43, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 1, 1\

22 , 1, 27, 43, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 1, 1, 1, 59, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48, 62, 61, 61, 16, 0,\

23 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0\

24 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

25 "height":10,

26 "name":"Ground",

27 "opacity":1,

28 "type":"tilelayer",

29 "visible":true,

30 "width":10,

31 "x":0,

32 "y":0

33 }],

34 "orientation":"orthogonal",

35 "properties":

36 {


38 },

39 "tileheight":128,

40 "tilesets":[

41 {

42 "firstgid":1,

43 "image":"media\/ground.png",

44 "imageheight":1024,

45 "imagewidth":1024,

46 "margin":0,

47 "name":"ground",

48 "properties":

49 {


51 },

52 "spacing":0,

53 "tileheight":128,

54 "tilewidth":128

55 },

56 {

57 "firstgid":65,

58 "image":"media\/water.png",

59 "imageheight":128,

60 "imagewidth":128,

61 "margin":0,

62 "name":"water",

63 "properties":

64 {


66 },

67 "spacing":0,

68 "tileheight":128,

69 "tilewidth":128

70 }],

71 "tilewidth":128,

72 "version":1,

73 "width":10

74 }

There are following things listed here:

· Two different tilesets, “ground” and “water”

· Map width and height in tile count (10x10)

· Layers with data array contains tile numbers

Couple of extra things that Tiled maps can have:

· Object layers containing lists of objects with their coordinates

· Properties hash on tiles and objects

This doesn’t look too difficult to parse, so we’re going to implement a loader for Tiled maps. And make it open source, of course.

Loading Tiled Maps With Gosu

Probably the easiest way to load Tiled map is to take each layer and render it on screen, tile by tile, like a cake. We will not care about caching at this point, and the only optimization would be not drawing things that are out of screen boundaries.

After couple of days of test driven development, I’ve ended up writing gosu_tiled gem, that allows you to load Tiled maps with just a few lines of code.

I will not go through describing the implementation, but if you want to examine the thought process, take a look at gosu_tiled gem’s git commit history.

To use the gem, do gem install gosu_tiled and examine the code that shows a map of the island that you can scroll around with arrow keys:


1 require 'gosu'

2 require 'gosu_tiled'


4 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

5 MAP_FILE = File.join(File.dirname(

6 __FILE__), 'island.json')

7 SPEED = 5


9 def initialize

10 super(640, 480, false)

11 @map = Gosu::Tiled.load_json(self, MAP_FILE)

12 @x = @y = 0

13 @first_render = true

14 end


16 def button_down(id)

17 close if id == Gosu::KbEscape

18 end


20 def update

21 @x -= SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbLeft)

22 @x += SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbRight)

23 @y -= SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbUp)

24 @y += SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbDown)

25 self.caption = "#{Gosu.fps} FPS. Use arrow keys to pan"

26 end


28 def draw

29 @first_render = false

30 @map.draw(@x, @y)

31 end


33 def needs_redraw?

34 [Gosu::KbLeft,

35 Gosu::KbRight,

36 Gosu::KbUp,

37 Gosu::KbDown].each do |b|

38 return true if button_down?(b)

39 end

40 @first_render

41 end

42 end


44 GameWindow.new.show

Run it, use arrow keys to scroll the map.

$ ruby 02-warmup/island.rb

The result is quite satisfying, and it scrolls smoothly without any optimizations:

Exploring Tiled map in Gosu

Exploring Tiled map in Gosu

Generating Random Map With Perlin Noise

In some cases random generated maps make all the difference. Worms and Diablo would probably be just average games if it wasn’t for those always unique, procedurally generated maps.

We will try to make a very primitive map generator ourselves. To begin with, we will be using only 3 different tiles - water, sand and grass. For implementing fully tiled edges, the generator must be aware of available tilesets and know how to combine them in valid ways. We may come back to it, but for now let’s keep things simple.

Now, generating naturally looking randomness is something worth having a book of it’s own, so instead of trying to poorly reinvent what other people have already done, we will use a well known algorithm perfectly suited for this task - Perlin noise.

If you have ever used Photoshop’s Cloud filter, you already know how Perlin noise looks like:

Perlin noise

Perlin noise

Now, we could implement the algorithm ourselves, but there is perlin_noise gem already available, it looks pretty solid, so we will use it.

The following program generates 100x100 map with 30% chance of water, 15% chance of sand and 55% chance of grass:


1 require 'gosu'

2 require 'gosu_texture_packer'

3 require 'perlin_noise'


5 def media_path(file)

6 File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(

7 __FILE__)), 'media', file)

8 end


10 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

11 MAP_WIDTH = 100

12 MAP_HEIGHT = 100

13 WIDTH = 800

14 HEIGHT = 600

15 TILE_SIZE = 128


17 def initialize

18 super(WIDTH, HEIGHT, false)

19 load_tiles

20 @map = generate_map

21 @zoom = 0.2

22 end


24 def button_down(id)

25 close if id == Gosu::KbEscape

26 @map = generate_map if id == Gosu::KbSpace

27 end


29 def update

30 adjust_zoom(0.005) if button_down?(Gosu::KbDown)

31 adjust_zoom(-0.005) if button_down?(Gosu::KbUp)

32 set_caption

33 end


35 def draw

36 tiles_x.times do |x|

37 tiles_y.times do |y|

38 @map[x][y].draw(

39 x * TILE_SIZE * @zoom,

40 y * TILE_SIZE * @zoom,

41 0,

42 @zoom,

43 @zoom)

44 end

45 end

46 end


48 private


50 def set_caption

51 self.caption = 'Perlin Noise. ' <<

52 "Zoom: #{'%.2f' % @zoom}. " <<

53 'Use Up/Down to zoom. Space to regenerate.'

54 end


56 def adjust_zoom(delta)

57 new_zoom = @zoom + delta

58 if new_zoom > 0.07 && new_zoom < 2

59 @zoom = new_zoom

60 end

61 end


63 def load_tiles

64 tiles = Gosu::Image.load_tiles(

65 self, media_path('ground.png'), 128, 128, true)

66 @sand = tiles[0]

67 @grass = tiles[8]

68 @water = Gosu::Image.new(

69 self, media_path('water.png'), true)

70 end


72 def tiles_x

73 count = (WIDTH / (TILE_SIZE * @zoom)).ceil + 1

74 [count, MAP_WIDTH].min

75 end


77 def tiles_y

78 count = (HEIGHT / (TILE_SIZE * @zoom)).ceil + 1

79 [count, MAP_HEIGHT].min

80 end


82 def generate_map

83 noises = Perlin::Noise.new(2)

84 contrast = Perlin::Curve.contrast(

85 Perlin::Curve::CUBIC, 2)

86 map = {}

87 MAP_WIDTH.times do |x|

88 map[x] = {}

89 MAP_HEIGHT.times do |y|

90 n = noises[x * 0.1, y * 0.1]

91 n = contrast.call(n)

92 map[x][y] = choose_tile(n)

93 end

94 end

95 map

96 end


98 def choose_tile(val)

99 case val

100 when 0.0..0.3 # 30% chance

101 @water

102 when 0.3..0.45 # 15% chance, water edges

103 @sand

104 else # 55% chance

105 @grass

106 end

107 end


109 end


111 window = GameWindow.new

112 window.show

Run the program, zoom with up / down arrows and regenerate everything with spacebar.

$ ruby 02-warmup/perlin_noise_map.rb

Map generated with Perlin noise

Map generated with Perlin noise

This is a little longer than our previous examples, so we will analyze some parts to make it clear.

81 def generate_map

82 noises = Perlin::Noise.new(2)

83 contrast = Perlin::Curve.contrast(

84 Perlin::Curve::CUBIC, 2)

85 map = {}

86 MAP_WIDTH.times do |x|

87 map[x] = {}

88 MAP_HEIGHT.times do |y|

89 n = noises[x * 0.1, y * 0.1]

90 n = contrast.call(n)

91 map[x][y] = choose_tile(n)

92 end

93 end

94 map

95 end

generate_map is the heart of this program. It creates two dimensional Perlin::Noise generator, then chooses a random tile for each location of the map, according to noise value. To make the map a little sharper, cubic contrast is applied to noise value before choosing the tile. Try commenting out contrast application - it will look like a boring golf course, since noise values will keep buzzing around the middle.

97 def choose_tile(val)

98 case val

99 when 0.0..0.3 # 30% chance

100 @water

101 when 0.3..0.45 # 15% chance, water edges

102 @sand

103 else # 55% chance

104 @grass

105 end

106 end

Here we could go crazy if we had more different tiles to use. We could add deep waters at 0.0..0.1, mountains at 0.9..0.95 and snow caps at 0.95..1.0. And all this would have beautiful transitions.

Player Movement With Keyboard And Mouse

We have learned to draw maps, but we need a protagonist to explore them. It will be a tank that you can move around the island with WASD keys and use your mouse to target it’s gun at things. The tank will be drawn on top of our island map, and it will be above ground, but below tree layer, so it can sneak behind palm trees. That’s as close to real deal as it gets!


1 require 'gosu'

2 require 'gosu_tiled'

3 require 'gosu_texture_packer'


5 class Tank

6 attr_accessor :x, :y, :body_angle, :gun_angle


8 def initialize(window, body, shadow, gun)

9 @x = window.width / 2

10 @y = window.height / 2

11 @window = window

12 @body = body

13 @shadow = shadow

14 @gun = gun

15 @body_angle = 0.0

16 @gun_angle = 0.0

17 end


19 def update

20 atan = Math.atan2(320 - @window.mouse_x,

21 240 - @window.mouse_y)

22 @gun_angle = -atan * 180 / Math::PI

23 @body_angle = change_angle(@body_angle,

24 Gosu::KbW, Gosu::KbS, Gosu::KbA, Gosu::KbD)

25 end


27 def draw

28 @shadow.draw_rot(@x - 1, @y - 1, 0, @body_angle)

29 @body.draw_rot(@x, @y, 1, @body_angle)

30 @gun.draw_rot(@x, @y, 2, @gun_angle)

31 end


33 private


35 def change_angle(previous_angle, up, down, right, left)

36 if @window.button_down?(up)

37 angle = 0.0

38 angle += 45.0 if @window.button_down?(left)

39 angle -= 45.0 if @window.button_down?(right)

40 elsif @window.button_down?(down)

41 angle = 180.0

42 angle -= 45.0 if @window.button_down?(left)

43 angle += 45.0 if @window.button_down?(right)

44 elsif @window.button_down?(left)

45 angle = 90.0

46 angle += 45.0 if @window.button_down?(up)

47 angle -= 45.0 if @window.button_down?(down)

48 elsif @window.button_down?(right)

49 angle = 270.0

50 angle -= 45.0 if @window.button_down?(up)

51 angle += 45.0 if @window.button_down?(down)

52 end

53 angle || previous_angle

54 end

55 end


57 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

58 MAP_FILE = File.join(File.dirname(

59 __FILE__), 'island.json')

60 UNIT_FILE = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(

61 __FILE__)), 'media', 'ground_units.json')

62 SPEED = 5


64 def initialize

65 super(640, 480, false)

66 @map = Gosu::Tiled.load_json(self, MAP_FILE)

67 @units = Gosu::TexturePacker.load_json(

68 self, UNIT_FILE, :precise)

69 @tank = Tank.new(self,

70 @units.frame('tank1_body.png'),

71 @units.frame('tank1_body_shadow.png'),

72 @units.frame('tank1_dualgun.png'))

73 @x = @y = 0

74 @first_render = true

75 @buttons_down = 0

76 end


78 def needs_cursor?

79 true

80 end


82 def button_down(id)

83 close if id == Gosu::KbEscape

84 @buttons_down += 1

85 end


87 def button_up(id)

88 @buttons_down -= 1

89 end


91 def update

92 @x -= SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbA)

93 @x += SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbD)

94 @y -= SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbW)

95 @y += SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbS)

96 @tank.update

97 self.caption = "#{Gosu.fps} FPS. " <<

98 'Use WASD and mouse to control tank'

99 end


101 def draw

102 @first_render = false

103 @map.draw(@x, @y)

104 @tank.draw()

105 end

106 end


108 GameWindow.new.show

Tank sprite is rendered in the middle of screen. It consists of three layers, body shadow, body and gun. Body and it’s shadow are always rendered in same angle, one on top of another. The angle is determined by keys that are pressed. It supports 8 directions.

Gun is a little bit different. It follows mouse cursor. To determine the angle we had to use some math. The formula to get angle in degrees is arctan(delta_x / delta_y) * 180 / PI. You can see it explained in more detail on stackoverflow.

Run it and stroll around the island. You can still move on water and into the darkness, away from the map itself, but we will handle it later.

$ ruby 02-warmup/player_movement.rb

See that tank hiding between the bushes, ready to go in 8 directions and blow things up with that precisely aimed double cannon?

Tank moving around and aiming guns

Tank moving around and aiming guns

Game Coordinate System

By now we may start realizing, that there is one key component missing in our designs. We have a virtual map, which is bigger than our screen space, and we should perform all calculations using that map, and only then cut out the required piece and render it in our game window.

There are three different coordinate systems that have to map with each other:

1. Game coordinates

2. Viewport coordinates

3. Screen coordinates

Coordinate systems

Coordinate systems

Game Coordinates

This is where all logic will happen. Player location, enemy locations, powerup locations - all this will have game coordinates, and it should have nothing to do with your screen position.

Viewport Coordinates

Viewport is the position of virtual camera, that is “filming” world in action. Don’t confuse it with screen coordinates, because viewport will not necessarily be mapped pixel to pixel to your game window. Imagine this: you have a huge world map, your player is standing in the middle, and game window displays the player while slowly zooming in. In this scenario, viewport is constantly shrinking, while game map stays the same, and game window also stays the same.

Screen Coordinates

This is your game display, pixel by pixel. You will draw static information, like your HUD directly on it.

How To Put It All Together

In our games we will want to separate game coordinates from viewport and screen as much as possible. Basically, we will program ourselves a “camera man” who will be busy following the action, zooming in and out, perhaps changing the view angle now and then.

Let’s implement a prototype that will allow us to navigate and zoom around a big map. We will only draw objects that are visible in viewport. Some math will be unavoidable, but in most cases it’s pretty basic - that’s the beauty of 2D games:


1 require 'gosu'


3 class WorldMap

4 attr_accessor :on_screen, :off_screen


6 def initialize(width, height)

7 @images = {}

8 (0..width).step(50) do |x|

9 @images[x] = {}

10 (0..height).step(50) do |y|

11 img = Gosu::Image.from_text(

12 $window, "#{x}:#{y}",

13 Gosu.default_font_name, 15)

14 @images[x][y] = img

15 end

16 end

17 end


19 def draw(camera)

20 @on_screen = @off_screen = 0

21 @images.each do |x, row|

22 row.each do |y, val|

23 if camera.can_view?(x, y, val)

24 val.draw(x, y, 0)

25 @on_screen += 1

26 else

27 @off_screen += 1

28 end

29 end

30 end

31 end

32 end


34 class Camera

35 attr_accessor :x, :y, :zoom


37 def initialize

38 @x = @y = 0

39 @zoom = 1

40 end


42 def can_view?(x, y, obj)

43 x0, x1, y0, y1 = viewport

44 (x0 - obj.width..x1).include?(x) &&

45 (y0 - obj.height..y1).include?(y)

46 end


48 def viewport

49 x0 = @x - ($window.width / 2) / @zoom

50 x1 = @x + ($window.width / 2) / @zoom

51 y0 = @y - ($window.height / 2) / @zoom

52 y1 = @y + ($window.height / 2) / @zoom

53 [x0, x1, y0, y1]

54 end


56 def to_s

57 "FPS: #{Gosu.fps}. " <<

58 "#{@x}:#{@y} @ #{'%.2f' % @zoom}. " <<

59 'WASD to move, arrows to zoom.'

60 end


62 def draw_crosshair

63 $window.draw_line(

64 @x - 10, @y, Gosu::Color::YELLOW,

65 @x + 10, @y, Gosu::Color::YELLOW, 100)

66 $window.draw_line(

67 @x, @y - 10, Gosu::Color::YELLOW,

68 @x, @y + 10, Gosu::Color::YELLOW, 100)

69 end

70 end



73 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window

74 SPEED = 10


76 def initialize

77 super(800, 600, false)

78 $window = self

79 @map = WorldMap.new(2048, 1024)

80 @camera = Camera.new

81 end


83 def button_down(id)

84 close if id == Gosu::KbEscape

85 if id == Gosu::KbSpace

86 @camera.zoom = 1.0

87 @camera.x = 0

88 @camera.y = 0

89 end

90 end


92 def update

93 @camera.x -= SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbA)

94 @camera.x += SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbD)

95 @camera.y -= SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbW)

96 @camera.y += SPEED if button_down?(Gosu::KbS)


98 zoom_delta = @camera.zoom > 0 ? 0.01 : 1.0


100 if button_down?(Gosu::KbUp)

101 @camera.zoom -= zoom_delta

102 end

103 if button_down?(Gosu::KbDown)

104 @camera.zoom += zoom_delta

105 end

106 self.caption = @camera.to_s

107 end


109 def draw

110 off_x = -@camera.x + width / 2

111 off_y = -@camera.y + height / 2

112 cam_x = @camera.x

113 cam_y = @camera.y

114 translate(off_x, off_y) do

115 @camera.draw_crosshair

116 zoom = @camera.zoom

117 scale(zoom, zoom, cam_x, cam_y) do

118 @map.draw(@camera)

119 end

120 end

121 info = 'Objects on/off screen: ' <<

122 "#{@map.on_screen}/#{@map.off_screen}"

123 info_img = Gosu::Image.from_text(

124 self, info, Gosu.default_font_name, 30)

125 info_img.draw(10, 10, 1)

126 end

127 end


129 GameWindow.new.show

Run it, use WASD to navigate, up / down arrows to zoom and spacebar to reset the camera.

$ ruby 02-warmup/coordinate_system.rb

It doesn’t look impressive, but understanding the concept of different coordinate systems and being able to stitch them together is paramount to the success of our final product.

Prototype of separate coordinate systems

Prototype of separate coordinate systems

Luckily for us, Gosu helps us by providing Gosu::Window#translate that handles camera offset, Gosu::Window#scale that aids zooming, and Gosu::Window#rotate that was not used yet, but will be great for shaking the view to emphasize explosions.