Sending and Receiving Instant Messages with XMPP - Programming Google App Engine (2012)

Programming Google App Engine

Chapter 15. Sending and Receiving Instant Messages with XMPP

So far, we’ve seen two mechanisms an app can use to communicate with the outside world. The first and most prominent of these is HTTP: an app can receive and respond to HTTP requests, and can send HTTP requests to other hosts and receive responses with the URL Fetch service. The second is email: an app can send email messages by using the Mail service, and can receive messages via a proxy that calls a request handler for each incoming email message.

In this chapter, we introduce a third method of communication: XMPP, also known as “instant messages,” or simply “chat.” An app can participate in a chat dialogue with a user of any XMPP-compatible chat service, such as Google Talk or any Jabber server. The XMPP service is useful for chat interfaces, such as a chat-based query engine, or a customer service proxy. App Engine does not act as an XMPP service itself. Instead, it connects to Google Talk’s infrastructure to participate as a chat user.

Sending and receiving XMPP messages works similarly to email messages. To send a message, an app calls the XMPP service API. To receive a message, the app declares that it accepts such messages in its configuration, and then handles HTTP requests sent by the XMPP service to special-purpose URLs. Figure 15-1 illustrates the flow of incoming XMPP messages.

Architecture of incoming XMPP messages, calling web hooks in response to incoming message events

Figure 15-1. Architecture of incoming XMPP messages, calling web hooks in response to incoming message events

Each participant in an XMPP communication has an address similar to an email address, known as a JID. (JID is short for “Jabber ID,” named after the Jabber project, where XMPP originated.) A JID consists of a username, an “at” symbol (@), and the domain name of the XMPP server. A JID can also have an optional “resource” string, which is used to identify specific clients connected to the service with the username. A message sent to the ID without the resource goes to all connected clients:

username @ domain / resource

To send a message, a chat participant sends an XMPP message to its own XMPP server. The participant’s chat service contacts the recipient service’s host by using the domain name of the JID and a standard port, then delivers the message. If the remote service accepts messages for the JID and someone is connected to the service with a chat client for that JID, the service delivers the message to the client.

As with email, each app has its own set of JIDs, based on its application ID. For XMPP chat, the app can receive messages at addresses of these forms:

(Notice the differences in the domain names from the options available for incoming email.)

App Engine does not support XMPP addresses on a custom (Google Apps) domain. This is one of only a few cases where exposing your application ID to users cannot be avoided.


If your users have Google accounts, you can use the Google Talk API to build custom clients to interact with your app over XMPP. See the Google Talk API documentation for more information.

Let’s take a look at the features and API of the XMPP service.

Inviting a User to Chat

Before a user of an XMPP-compatible instant messaging service will see any messages your app sends, the service needs to know that the user is expecting your messages. This can happen in two ways: either the user explicitly adds your app’s JID to her contact list, or she accepts an invitation to chat sent by the app.

An app can send an invitation to chat by calling the XMPP service API. For apps, it’s polite to get the user’s permission to do this first, so the complete workflow looks something like this:

1. The user visits the website, and activates the chat-based feature of the service, providing a JID.

2. The app sends an invitation to chat to the user’s JID.

3. The user accepts the invitation in her chat client.

4. The user and app exchange chat messages.

The alternative where the user adds the app’s JID to her contact list is usually equivalent to sending an invitation to the app. App Engine accepts all such invitations automatically, even if the app does not accept chat messages.

An accepted invitation entitles both parties to know the other party’s presence status, whether the party is connected and accepting messages. This includes the ability to know when an invitation is accepted. See Managing Presence.

In the development server, inviting a user to chat emits a log message, but otherwise does nothing.

Sending Invitations in Python

To invite a user to chat in Python, you call the send_invite() function in the google.appengine.api.xmpp module. It takes the recipient JID as its first argument, and an optional sender JID (from_jid) as its second argument. By default, it uses as the sender JID:

from google.appengine.api import xmpp

jid = ''

xmpp.send_invite(jid) # from

xmpp.send_invite(jid, from_jid='') # from a custom JID

Sending Invitations in Java

In Java, each JID is represented by an instance of the JID class, in the package You create this by passing the address as a string to the JID constructor. To send an invitation, you call the sendInvitation() method with either one or two arguments:




// ...

XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();

// From

xmpp.sendInvitation(new JID("");

// From a custom JID:

xmpp.sendInvitation(new JID(""),

new JID("");

Sending Chat Messages

An XMPP message includes a sender address, one or more recipient addresses, a message type, and a message body.

The sender address must be one of the app’s incoming XMPP addresses. These are of the form or, where app-id is your application ID and anything can be any string that’s valid on the left side of a JID (it can’t contain an @ symbol). Unlike incoming email addresses, it’s not as convenient to use the “anything” form for creating IDs on the fly, since the recipient needs to accept an invitation from that ID before receiving messages. But it can still be useful for sessions that begin with an invitation, or addresses that represent specific purposes or users of the app (

If the version of the app that is sending an XMPP message is not the default version, App Engine modifies the sender address to a version-specific address, so replies go directly to the correct version: either or

App Engine adds a “resource” to the end of the sender JID (after the domain name) that looks like this: /bot. This is mostly just to comply with the best practice of sending messages using JIDs with resources. It isn’t noticed by chat users, and is not needed when a user wishes to send a message to the app. You’ll see it in log messages.

The message type can be any of the types in the XMPP standard, including chat, error, groupchat, headline, and normal. An app can only receive messages of the types chat, normal, and error, and so cannot participate in group chats. For straightforward communication between an app and a chat user, you usually want to send chat messages. For an app and a custom client, you can do what you like.

Messages are sent asynchronously. The service call returns immediately, and reports success only if the XMPP service enqueued the message successfully. You can configure the app to receive error messages, such as to be notified if a sent message was not received because the user went offline. See Handling Error Messages.

When an app is running in the development server, sending an XMPP chat message or invitation causes the server to print the message to the console. The development server does not contact the XMPP service or send messages.

Sending Chat Messages in Python

To send a chat message in Python, you call the send_message() function in the google.appengine.api.xmpp module. The function takes a JID or list of JIDs, the body of the message, and an optional sender JID (from_jid). It returns a success code, or a list of success codes, one for each recipient JID:

result = xmpp.send_message(


'Your dog has reached level 12!')

if result != xmpp.NO_ERROR:

# ...

By default, this sends a message of the “chat” type. You can send a message of a different type by setting the message_type parameter. Acceptable values include xmpp.MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT (the default), xmpp.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, xmpp.MESSAGE_TYPE_GROUPCHAT,xmpp.MESSAGE_TYPE_HEADLINE, and xmpp.MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL.

Complete XMPP messages are sent over the network as XML data. By default, send_message() treats the text of the message as plain text, and knows to escape XML characters. Instead of a text message, you can send an XML stanza. This is included verbatim (assuming the stanza is well formed) in the XMPP message, so you can send structured data to XMPP clients. To tell send_message() that the content is an XML stanza so it doesn’t escape XML characters, provide the raw_xml=True parameter.

The send_message() function returns a status code for each recipient JID, as a single value if called with a single JID, or as a list of codes if called with a list of JIDs. The possible status values are xmpp.NO_ERROR, xmpp.INVALID_JID, and xmpp.OTHER_ERROR.

Sending Chat Messages in Java

In Java, each action is a method of an XMPPService object, which you get from XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService(). You send a message by calling the sendMessage() method. The method takes a Message object, which you build with a MessageBuilder object.sendMessage() returns a SendResponse object, which contains status codes for each intended recipient of the message:







// ...

XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();

JID recipient = new JID("");

Message message = new MessageBuilder()


.withBody("Your dog has reached level 12!")


SendResponse success = xmpp.sendMessage(message);

if (success.getStatusMap().get(recipient) != SendResponse.Status.SUCCESS) {

// ...


You use the MessageBuilder class to assemble the (immutable) Message object. You can chain its methods to construct a complete message in a single statement. Relevant methods include:

withBody(String body)

Sets the message body.

asXml(boolean asXml)

Declares that the body contains a well-formed XML stanza (and not plain text).

withFromJid(JID jid)

Sets the sender JID.

withRecipientJids(JID jid1, ...)

Adds one or more recipient JIDs.

withMessageType(MessageType type)

Sets the message type.


Returns the finished Message.

Message types are represented by the MessageType enum: MessageType.CHAT, MessageType.ERROR, MessageType.GROUPCHAT, MessageType.HEADLINE, and MessageType.NORMAL.

The sendMessage() method returns a SendResponse object. Calling this object’s getStatusMap() method returns a Map<JID, SendResponseStatus>, a map of recipient JIDs to status codes. The possible status codes are SendResponse.Status.SUCCESS,SendResponse.Status.INVALID_ID, and SendResponse.Status.OTHER_ERROR.

Receiving Chat Messages

As with email, to receive incoming XMPP messages, you must first enable the feature by adding the XMPP inbound services to your app’s configuration. In Python, you add a section similar to the following in the app.yaml file:


- xmpp_message

In Java, you add a similar section to the appengine-web.xml file, anywhere inside the root element:




This is the same configuration list as the mail inbound service. If you’re enabling both email and XMPP, you provide one list of inbound services with all the items.

Deploy your app, and confirm that incoming XMPP is enabled using the Administration Console, under Application Settings. If your app does not appear to be receiving HTTP requests for incoming XMPP messages, check the Console and update the configuration if necessary.

The xmpp_message inbound service routes incoming XMPP messages of the types chat and normal to your app.

An app receives XMPP messages at several addresses. Messages sent to addresses of these forms are routed to the default version of the app:

Messages sent to addresses of this form are routed to the specified version of the app, useful for testing:

Each message is delivered to the app as an HTTP POST request to a fixed URL path. Chat messages (both chat and normal) become POST requests to this URL path:


(Unlike incoming email, the sender JID is not included in these URL paths.)

The body content of the HTTP POST request is a MIME multipart message, with a part for each field of the message:


The sender’s JID.


The app JID to which this message was sent.


The message body content (with characters as they were originally typed).


The full XML stanza of the message, including the previous fields (with XML special characters escaped); useful for communicating with a custom client using XML.

The Python and Java SDKs include classes for parsing the request data into objects. (See the sections that follow.)

The development server console (http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin/) includes a feature for simulating incoming XMPP messages by submitting a web form. The development server cannot receive actual XMPP messages.


When using the development server console to simulate an incoming XMPP message, you must use a valid JID for the app in the “To:” field, with the application ID that appears in the app’s configuration. Using any other “To:” address in the development server is an error.

Receiving Chat Messages in Python

In Python, you map the URL path to a script handler in the app.yaml file, as usual:


- url: /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/


login: admin

As with all web hook URLs in App Engine, this URL handler can be restricted to admin to prevent anything other than the XMPP service from activating the request handler.

The Python library provides a Message class that can contain an incoming chat message. You can parse the incoming message into a Message object by passing a mapping of the POST parameters to its constructor. With the webapp2 framework, this is a simple matter of passing the parsed POST data (a mapping of the POST parameter names to values) in directly:

from google.appengine.api import xmpp

from google.appengine.ext import webapp2

class IncomingXMPPHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):

def post(self):

message = xmpp.Message(self.request.POST)

message.reply('I got your message! '

'It had %d characters.' % len(message.body)

application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/_ah/xmpp/message/chat/',



The Message object has attributes for each message field: sender, to, and body. (The attribute for the “from” field is named sender because from is a Python keyword.) It also includes a convenience method for replying to the message, reply(), which takes the body of the reply as its first argument.

Handling Commands over Chat in Python

The Message class includes methods for parsing chat-style commands of this form:

/commandname args

If the chat message body is of this form, the command attribute of the Message is the command name (without the slash), and the arg attribute is everything that follows. If the message is not of this form, command is None.

webapp includes a request handler base class that makes it easy to implement chat interfaces that perform user-issued commands. Here’s an example that responds to the commands /stats and /score username, and ignores all other messages:

from google.appengine.api import xmpp

from google.appengine.ext import webapp2

from google.appengine.ext.webapp import xmpp_handlers

def get_stats():

# ...

def get_score_for_user(username):

# ...

class UnknownUserError(Exception):


class ScoreBotHandler(xmpp_handlers.CommandHandler):

def stats_command(self, message):

stats = get_stats()

if stats:

message.reply('The latest stats: %s' % stats)


message.reply('Stats are not available right now.')

def score_command(self, message):


score = get_score_for_user(message.arg)

message.reply('Score for user %s: %d' % (message.arg, score)

except UnknownUserError, e:

message.reply('Unknown user %s' % message.arg)

application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/_ah/xmpp/message/chat/', ScoreBotHandler)],


The CommandHandler base class, provided by the google.appengine.ext.webapp.xmpp_handlers package, parses the incoming message for a command. If the message contains such a command, the handler attempts to call a method named after the command. For example, when the app receives this chat message:

/score druidjane

The handler would call the score_command() method with a message where message.arg is 'druidjane'.

If there is no method for the parsed command, the handler calls the unhandled_command() method, whose default implementation replies to the message with “Unknown command.” You can override this method to customize its behavior.

The base handler calls the command method with the Message object as an argument. The method can use the command and arg properties to read the parsed command.

If the incoming message does not start with a /commandname-style command, the base handler calls the text_message() method with the Message as its argument. The default implementation does nothing, and you can override it to specify behavior in this case.

This package also contains a simpler handler class named BaseHandler, with several useful features. It parses incoming messages, and logs and ignores malformed messages. If a message is valid, it calls its message_received() method, which you override with the intended behavior. The class also overrides webapp.RequestHandler’s handle_exception() method to send an XMPP reply with a generic error message when an uncaught exception occurs, so the user isn’t left to wonder whether the message was received. (CommandHandler extends BaseHandler, and so also has these features.)

Receiving Chat Messages in Java

In Java, you process incoming XMPP messages by mapping a servlet to the URL path called by the XMPP service, in the deployment descriptor. You can restrict the URL path by using a <security-constraint> to ensure only the XMPP service can access it:

















The XMPPService object includes a parseMessage() method that knows how to parse the incoming request data into a Message object. You access the data by using the Message’s methods:


import javax.servlet.http.*;




public class XMPPReceiverServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,

HttpServletResponse resp)

throws IOException {

XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();

Message message = xmpp.parseMessage(req);

// ...



You access the fields of a Message using methods:


The sender JID.


The MessageType of the message: MessageType.CHAT or MessageType.NORMAL.


The app JID used, as a single-element JID[].


The String content of the message.


The String raw XML of the message.

Handling Error Messages

When an app calls the XMPP service to send a message, the message is queued for delivery and sent asynchronously with the call. The call will only return with an error if the message the app is sending is malformed. If the app wants to know about an error during delivery of the message (such as the inability to connect to a remote server), or an error returned by the remote XMPP server (such as a nonexistent user), it can listen for error messages.

Error messages are just another type of chat message, but the XMPP service separates incoming error messages into a separate inbound service. To enable this service, add the xmpp_error inbound service to the app’s configuration.

In Python’s app.yaml:


- xmpp_message

- xmpp_error

In Java’s appengine-web.xml:





Error messages arrive as POST requests at this URL path:


You handle an error message just as you would a chat message: create a request handler, map it to the URL path, and parse the POST request for more information.

Neither the Python nor Java APIs provide any assistance parsing incoming error messages. While XMPP error messages are similar in structure to chat messages (with a type of error), minor differences are not recognized by the message parsers provided. You can examine the XML data structure in the POST message body, which conforms to the XMPP message standard. See the XMPP specification for details.

Managing Presence

After the user accepts an app’s invitation to chat, both parties are able to see whether the other party is available to receive chat messages. In XMPP RFC 3921, this is known as presence. The process of asking for and granting permission to see presence is called subscription. For privacy reasons, one user must be successfully subscribed to the other before she can send messages, see presence information, or otherwise know the user exists.

When a user accepts an app’s invitation to chat (subscription request), the user’s client sends a “subscribed” message to the app, to confirm that the app is now subscribed. If, later, the user revokes this permission, the client sends an “unsubscribed” message. While the app is subscribed to a user, the user’s client will send all changes in presence to the app as another kind of message.

Conversely, a user can also send “subscribe” and “unsubscribe” messages to the app. It’s the app’s responsibility to maintain a list of subscribed users to use when sending presence updates.

If you’d like to receive these new message types (and be billed for the bandwidth), you must enable these as separate inbound services. Subscription information (invitation responses and subscription requests) use the xmpp_subscribe service, and presence updates use thexmpp_presence service.

Here’s the Python configuration for app.yaml that enables all four XMPP inbound message types:


- xmpp_message

- xmpp_error

- xmpp_subscribe

- xmpp_presence

And here’s Java configuration for appengine-web.xml that does the same:








If you want to know when a user accepts or revokes your app’s chat invitation, but otherwise do not need to see the user’s presence updates, enable the xmpp_subscribe service without the xmpp_presence service. This can save on costs associated with the incoming bandwidth of changes in the user’s presence, which can be frequent.

As with chat messages, you can simulate incoming subscription and presence messages in the development server by using the development console. Outgoing subscription and presence messages in the development server are logged to the console, but not actually sent.

Managing Subscriptions

An app subscribes to a user when it sends an invitation to chat, with the send_invite() function (Python) or the sendInvitation() method (Java). An app cannot send an explicit “unsubscribe” message, only “subscribe.”

When the user accepts the invitation, her chat client sends a subscribed message to the app. If the user later revokes the invitation, the client sends an unsubscribed message.

These messages arrive via the xmpp_subscribe inbound service as POST requests on the following URL paths:



A user can send an explicit subscription request (invitation to chat) to the app by sending a subscribe message. Similarly, the user can explicitly unsubscribe from presence updates by sending an unsubscribe message. These arrive at the following URL paths:



The subscription process typically happens just once in the lifetime of the relationship between two chat users. After the users are successfully subscribed, they remain subscribed until one party explicitly unsubscribes from the other (unsubscribe), or one party revokes the other party’s invitation (unsubscribed).

If you intend for your app to have visible changes in presence, the app must maintain a roster of subscribers based on subscribe and unsubscribe messages, and send updates only to subscribed users.

Incoming subscription-related requests include form-style fields in the POST data, with the following fields:


The sender’s JID.


The app JID to which this message was sent.


The full XML stanza of the subscription message, including the previous fields.

Because the POST data for these requests does not contain a body field, you cannot use the SDK’s Message class to parse the data. You access these fields simply as POST form fields in the request.

The app gets the subscription command from the URL path.

Subscriptions in Python

Here is an outline for a request handler that processes subscription-related messages, using Python and webapp2:

import webapp2

from google.appengine.api import xmpp

def truncate_jid(jid):

# Remove the "resource" portion of a JID.

if jid:

i = jid.find('/')

if i != -1:

jid = jid[:i]

return jid

class SubscriptionHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):

def post(self, command):

user_jid = truncate_jid(self.request.POST.get('from')

if command == 'subscribed':

# User accepted a chat invitation.

# ...

if command == 'unsubscribed':

# User revoked a chat invitation.

# ...

if command == 'subscribe':

# User wants presence updates from the app.

# ...

if command == 'unsubscribed':

# User no longer wants presence updates from the app.

# ...

application = webapp2.WSGIApplication(

[('/_ah/xmpp/subscription/(.*)/', SubscriptionHandler)],


As mentioned earlier, an app sends a subscription request ('subscribe') to a user by calling the xmpp.send_invite(jid) function. There is no way to send an 'unsubscribe' message from an app. If the app no longer cares about a user’s presence messages, the only choice is to ignore the incoming presence updates from that user.

Subscriptions in Java

As with chat messages, the Java API’s XMPPService includes a facility for parsing subscription messages out of the incoming HTTP request. The parseSubscription() method takes the HttpServletRequest and returns a Subscription object:






// ...

public class SubscriptionServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,

HttpServletResponse resp)

throws IOException, ServletException {

XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();

Subscription sub = xmpp.parseSubscription(req);

JID userJID = sub.getFromJid();

if (sub.getSubscriptionType() == SubscriptionType.SUBSCRIBED) {

// User accepted a chat invitation.

// ...

} else if (sub.getSubscriptionType() == SubscriptionType.UNSUBSCRIBED) {

// User revoked a chat invitation.

// ...

} else if (sub.getSubscriptionType() == SubscriptionType.SUBSCRIBE) {

// User wants presence updates from the app.

// ...

} else if (sub.getSubscriptionType() == SubscriptionType.UNSUBSCRIBE) {

// User no longer wants presence updates from the app.

// ...




You can access the fields of a Subscription message, using methods:


The sender JID.


The app’s recipient JID used in the message.


The type of the subscription message: SubscriptionType.SUBSCRIBED, SubscriptionType.UNSUBSCRIBED, SubscriptionType.SUBSCRIBE, or SubscriptionType.UNSUBSCRIBE.


The String raw XML of the message.

An app sends a subscription request ('subscribe') to a user by calling the sendInvitation(jid) method of the XMPPService. There is no way to send an 'unsubscribe' message from an app. If the app no longer cares about a user’s presence messages, the only choice is to ignore the incoming presence updates from that user.

Managing Presence Updates

While an app is subscribed to a user, the user sends changes in presence to the app. If the app is configured to receive inbound presence messages via the xmpp_presence service, these messages arrive as POST requests on one of these URL paths:



Chat clients typically send an available message when connecting, and an unavailable message when disconnecting (or going “invisible”).

A presence message can also contain additional status information: the presence show (“show me as”) value and a status message. Most chat clients represent the show value as a colored dot or icon, and may display the status message as well. And of course, most chat clients allow the user to change the show value and the message. The possible show values, along with how they typically appear in chat clients, are as follows:


The user is available to chat. Green, “available.”


The user is away from her computer temporarily and not available to chat. Yellow, “away.” A typical chat client switches to this presence show value automatically when the user is away from the keyboard.


“Do not disturb”: the user may be at her computer, but does not want to receive chat messages. Red, “busy.”


“Extended away”: the user is not available to chat and is away for an extended period. Red.

In XMPP, availability and the presence show value are distinct concepts. For a user to appear as “busy,” the user must be available. For example, a red-colored “busy” user is available, with a show value of “dnd.” Chat clients represent unavailable users either with a grey icon or by showing the user in another list.

An incoming presence update request includes form-style fields in the POST data, with the following fields:


The sender’s JID.


The app JID to which this message was sent.


One of several standard presence show values. If omitted, this implies the “chat” presence.


A custom status message. Only present if the user has a custom status message set, or is changing her status message.


The full XML stanza of the subscription message, including the previous fields.

An app can notify users of its own presence by sending a presence message. If the app’s presence changes, it should attempt to send a presence message to every user known to be subscribed to the app. To support this, the app should listen for “subscribe” and “unsubscribe” messages, and keep a list of subscribed users, as described in Managing Subscriptions.

An app should also send a presence message to a user if it receives a presence probe message from that user. See Probing for Presence.

As with chat and subscription messages, the development server can simulate incoming presence messages. However, it cannot include presence show and status strings in these updates.

Presence in Python

Here is an outline for a request handler for processing incoming presence updates, using Python and webapp2:

import webapp2

from google.appengine.api import xmpp

def truncate_jid(jid):

# Remove the "resource" portion of a JID.

if jid:

i = jid.find('/')

if i != -1:

jid = jid[:i]

return jid

class PresenceHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):

def post(self, command):

user_jid = truncate_jid(self.request.POST.get('from')

if command == 'available':

# The user is available.

show = self.request.POST.get('show')

status_message = self.request.POST.get('status')

# ...

elif command == 'unavailable':

# The user is unavailable (disconnected).

# ...

application = webapp2.WSGIApplication(

[('/_ah/xmpp/presence/(.*)/', PresenceHandler)],


To send a presence update to a single user in Python, you call the xmpp.send_presence() method:


status="Doing fine.",



The send_presence() function takes the jid, a status message (up to 1 kilobyte), the presence_type, and the presence_show as arguments. presence_type is either xmpp.PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE or xmpp.PRESENCE_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE. presence_show is one of the standard presence show values, which are also available as library constants: xmpp.PRESENCE_SHOW_CHAT, xmpp.PRESENCE_SHOW_AWAY, xmpp.PRESENCE_SHOW_DND, and xmpp.PRESENCE_SHOW_XA.


When the app wishes to broadcast a change in presence, it must call send_presence() once for each user currently subscribed to the app. Unlike send_message(), you can’t pass a list of JIDs to send_presence() to send many updates in one API call. A best practice is to use task queues to query your data for subscribed users and send presence updates in batches. See Chapter 16for more information on task queues.

Presence in Java

The Java API’s XMPPService can also parse incoming presence update messages. The parsePresence() method takes the HttpServletRequest and returns a Presence object:







// ...

public class PresenceServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,

HttpServletResponse resp)

throws IOException, ServletException {

XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();

Presence presence = xmpp.parsePresence(req);

JID userJID = presence.getFromJid();

if (presence.getPresenceType() == PresenceType.AVAILABLE) {

// The user is available.

PresenceShow show = presence.getPresenceShow();

String status = presence.getStatus();

// ...

} else if (presence.getPresenceType() == PresenceType.AVAILABLE) {

// The user is not available (disconnected).

// ...




You can access the fields of a Presence message, using methods:


The sender JID.


The app’s recipient JID used in the message.


The type of the presence message: PresenceType.AVAILABLE, PresenceType.UNAVAILABLE, or PresenceType.PROBE (see later).


A convenience method for testing whether the presence type is “available.” Returns true or false.


The presence show value: PresenceShow.NONE, PresenceShow.AWAY, PresenceShow.CHAT, PresenceShow.DND, or PresenceShow.XA. This returns null if no value was present in the message.


A custom status message, if the user has one set.


The String raw XML of the message.

To send a presence update to a single user, call the sendPresence() method of the XMPPService:

xmpp.sendPresence(new JID(""),




This takes as arguments a JID, a PresenceType, a PresenceShow, and a String custom status message. You can set the show value or status message to null if no value is appropriate.


When the app wishes to broadcast a change in presence, it must call sendPresence() once for each user currently subscribed to the app. Unlike sendMessage(), you can’t pass a list of JIDs to sendPresence() to send many updates in one API call. A best practice is to use task queues to query your data for subscribed users and send presence updates in batches. See Chapter 16 for more information on task queues.

Probing for Presence

Chat services broadcast presence updates to subscribed users as a user’s presence changes. But this is only useful while the subscribed users are online. When a user comes online after a period of being disconnected (such as if her computer was turned off or not on the Internet), the user’s client must probe the users in her contact list to get updated presence information.

When a user sends a probe to an app, it comes in via the xmpp_presence inbound service, as a POST request to this URL path:


The POST data contains the following fields:


The sender’s JID.


The app JID to which this message was sent.


The full XML stanza of the subscription message, including the previous fields.

If your app receives this message, it should respond immediately by sending a presence update just to that user.

An app can send a presence probe message to a user. If the app is subscribed to the user, the user will send a presence message to the app in the usual way.

In the development server, outgoing probe messages are logged to the console, and not actually sent. There is currently no way to simulate an incoming probe message in the development console.

Presence probes in Python

Here’s how you would extend the PresenceHandler in the previous Python example to respond to presence probes:

class PresenceHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):

def post(self, command):

user_jid = truncate_jid(self.request.POST.get('from')

if command == 'available':

# ...

elif command == 'unavailable':

# ...

elif command == 'probe':

# The user is requesting the app's presence information.





To send a presence probe to a user, you call xmpp.send_presence() with a presence_type of xmpp.PRESENCE_TYPE_PROBE:

xmpp.send_presence(jid, presence_type=xmpp.PRESENCE_TYPE_PROBE)

The reply comes back as a presence update message.

Presence probes in Java

In Java, an incoming presence probe message is just another type of Presence message. You can map a separate servlet to the /_ah/xmpp/presence/probe/ URL path, or just test the PresenceType of the parsed message in a servlet that handles all /_ah/xmpp/presence/*requests:

XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();

Presence presence = xmpp.parsePresence(req);

JID userJID = presence.getFromJid();

if (presence.getPresenceType() == PresenceType.PROBE) {






Similarly, to send a presence probe to a user, you call the sendPresence() method with a presence type of PresenceType.PROBE:

xmpp.sendPresence(jid, PresenceType.PROBE, null, null);

The reply comes back as a presence update message.

Checking a Google Talk User’s Status

By virtue of the fact that the XMPP service is using Google Talk’s infrastructure, an app can check the presence of a Google Talk user with an immediate API call, without using a probe and waiting for a response.

For privacy reasons, a Google Talk user will only appear as available to an App Engine app if the app has an active subscription to the user (the user accepted an invitation from the app and has not revoked it). All other users appear as “not present.”

To get the presence of a Google Talk user in Python, you call the get_presence() function with the user’s JID and an optional custom sender JID (from_jid). The function returns True if the user is connected and can receive chat messages from the app:

if xmpp.get_presence(''):

# User can receive chat messages from the app.

# ...

If you specify the argument get_show=True, instead of a Boolean value, get_presence() returns a tuple. The first value is the availability Boolean. The second value is one of the four presence show values: 'chat', 'away', 'dnd', or 'xa'. There is no way to get the custom status message with get_presence().

In Java, you call the getPresence() method of the XMPPService instance with the user’s JID and an optional sender JID. The method returns a Presence object, which is populated as if parsed from a presence update message:



// ...

JID jid = new JID("");

Presence presence = xmpp.getPresence(jid);

if (presence.isAvailable() {

PresenceShow presenceShow = presence.getPresenceShow();

String status = presence.getStatus();

// ...


When running in the development server, all user addresses are present, with a presence show value of chat. There is no way to change the return value of this API in the development server. (Simulating XMPP presence messages will not change it.)