Applying Contexts to Files - Exploring SE for Android (2015)

Exploring SE for Android (2015)

Chapter 8. Applying Contexts to Files

In the last chapter, we upgraded our system, collected the audit logs, and started to analyze the audit records. We discovered that some objects on the filesystem were unlabeled. In this chapter, we will:

· Learn how filesystems and filesystem objects get their labels

· Demonstrate techniques to change labels

· Introduce extended attributes for labeling

· Investigate file contexts and dynamic type transitions

Labeling filesystems

Filesystems on Linux originate from mount, with the exception of ramdisk rootfs on Android. Filesystems on Linux vary drastically. In general, in order to support all the features of SELinux, you need a filesystem with the support for xattr and the securitynamespace. We saw this requirement when we were setting up the kernel configuration.

Filesystem objects, as they are created, all start with an initial context, just like all other kernel objects. Contexts on files simply inherit from their parent, so if the parent is unlabeled, then the child is unlabeled, with the exception of a type transition rule. Typically, if the context is unlabeled, it infers that the data was created on a filesystem prior to enabling SELinux support, or the type label in the xattr does not exist in the currently loaded policy.

The initial label or initial security id (sid), is in the sepolicy file initial_sid_contexts. Each object class has its associated initial sid present. For example, let's take a look at the following code snippet:


sid fs u:object_r:labeledfs:s0

sid file u:object_r:unlabeled:s0



Filesystems can be labeled in a variety of ways. The best case scenario is when the filesystem supports xattrs. In that case, an fs_use_xattr statement should appear in the policy. These statements appear in the fs_use file in the sepolicy directory. The syntax forfs_use_xattr is:

fs_use_xattr <fstype> <context>

To look at fs_use from sepolicy, we can refer to an example for the ext4 filesystems:


fs_use_xattr ext3 u:object_r:labeledfs:s0;

fs_use_xattr ext4 u:object_r:labeledfs:s0;

fs_use_xattr xfs u:object_r:labeledfs:s0;


This tells SELinux that when it encounters an ext4 fs object; look in the extended attributes for the label or file context.


The other way a filesystem can be labeled is by using the process' context while creating objects. This makes sense for pseudo filesystems where the objects are really process contexts, such as pipefs and sockfs. These pseudo filesystems manage the pipe and socket syscalls and are not really mounted to userspace. They exist internally to the kernel, for the kernels use. However, they do have objects, and like any other object, they need to be labeled. This is the context in which the fs_task_use policy statement makes sense. These internal filesystems can only be accessed by processes directly, and provide services to those processes. Hence, labeling them with the creator makes sense. The syntax is as follows:

fs_task_use <fstype> <context>

Examples from the sepolicy file fs_use are as follows:


# Label inodes from task label.

fs_use_task pipefs u:object_r:pipefs:s0;

fs_use_task sockfs u:object_r:sockfs:s0;



The next way you might wish to set labels on pseudo filesystems that are actually mounted, is by using fs_use_trans. This sets a filesystem wide label on the pseudo filesystem. The syntax for this is as follows:

fs_use_trans <fstype> <context>

Example from the sepolicy file fs_use is as follows:


fs_use_trans devpts u:object_r:devpts:s0;

fs_use_trans tmpfs u:object_r:tmpfs:s0;



If none of the fs_use_* statements meet your use cases, which would be the case for vfat filesystems and procfs, then you would use the genfscon statement. The label specified for genfscon applies to all instances of that filesystem mount. For instance, you might wish to use genfscon with the vfat filesystems. If you have two vfat mounts, they will use the same genfscon statement for each mount. However, genfscon behaves differently with procfs, and lets you label each file or directory within the filesystem.

The syntax of genfscon is as follows:

genfscon <fstype> <path> <context>

Examples from sepolicy genfs_contexts are as follows:


# Label inodes with the fs label.

genfscon rootfs / u:object_r:rootfs:s0

# proc labeling can be further refined (longest matching prefix).

genfscon proc / u:object_r:proc:s0

genfscon proc /net/xt_qtaguid/ctrl u:object_r:qtaguid_proc:s0


Note that the rootfs partial path is /. It's not procfs, so it doesn't support any fine granularity to its labeling; so / is the only thing you can use. However, you can get wild with procfs and set to any granularity you desire.

Mount options

Another option, if none of those fit your needs, is to pass the context option via the mount command line. This sets a filesystem wide mount context, such as genfscon, but is useful in the case of multiple filesystems that need to have separate labels. For instance, if you have two vfat filesystems mounted, you might wish to separate accesses to them. With genfscon statements, both filesystems would use the same label provided by genfscon. By specifying the label at mount time, you can have two vfat filesystems mounted with different labels.

Take the following command as an example:

mount -ocontext=u:object_r:vfat1:s0 /dev/block1 /mnt/vfat1

mount -ocontext=u:object_r:vfat2:s0 /dev/block1 /mnt/vfat2

Additional to the context as a mount option are: fscontext and defcontext. These options are mutually exclusive from context. The fscontext option sets the meta filesystem type that is used for certain operations, such as mount, but does not change the per file labels. The defcontext sets the default context for unlabeled files overriding the initial_sid statements. Lastly, another option, rootcontext allows you to set the root inode context in the filesystem, but only for that object. According to the man page mount (man 8 mount), it was found useful in stateless Linux.

Labeling with extended attributes

Lastly, and probably the most frequently used way of labeling, is by using the extended attributes support also known as xattr or EA support. Even with xattr support, new objects inherit the context of their parent directory; however, these labels have the granularity of being per filesystem object-based or inode-based. If you remember, we had to turn on or verify that XATTR(CONFIG_EXT4_FS_XATTR) support was enabled for our filesystems on Android as well as configuring SELinux to use it via the config optionCONFIG_EXT4_FS_SECURITY.

Extended attributes are a key-value metadata stores for files. SELinux security contexts use the security.selinux key, and the value is a string that is the security context or label.

The file_contexts file

Within the sepolicy directory, you will find the file_contexts file. This file is consulted to set the attributes on filesystems that support per file security labels. Note that a couple of pseudo filesystems support this as well, such as tmpfs, sysfs, and recently rootfs. Thefile_context file has a regular expression-based syntax as follows, where regexp is the regular expression for the path:

regexp <type> ( <file label> | <<none>> )

If multiple regular expressions are defined for a file, the last match is used, so order is important.

The following list shows each type field value for the type of filesystem object, their meanings, and syscall interface:

· --: This denotes a regular file.

· -d: This denotes a directory.

· -b: This denotes a block file.

· -s: This denotes a socket file.

· -c: This denotes a character file.

· -l: This denotes a link file.

· -p: This denotes a named pipe file.

As you can see, the type is essentially the mode as output by ls -la command. If it's not specified, it matches everything.

The next field is the file label or the special identifier <<none>>. Either one would supply a context or the identifier <<none>>. If you specify the context, the SELinux tools that consult file_contexts use the last match to the specified context. If the context specified is<<none>>, it means that no context is assigned. So, leave the one that we have found. The keyword <<none>> is not used in the AOSP reference, sepolicy.

It's important to note that the preceding paragraph explicitly states that SELinux tools use the file_contexts policy. The kernel is not aware that this file exists. SELinux labels all its objects by explicitly setting them from userspace with tools that look up the context infile_context or via the fs_use_* and genfs policy statements. In other words, file_contexts is not built in the core policy file, and it is not loaded or used directly by the kernel. At build time, the file_contexts file is built in the ramdisk rootfs and can be found at/file_contexts. Also, during build time, the system image is labeled, freeing the device itself from this burden.

In Android, init, ueventd, and installd have all been modified to look up the contexts of objects they are creating; so that they can label them properly. Thus, all the init built ins that create filesystem objects, such as mkdir, have been modified to make use of thefile_contexts file if it exists, and the same goes for installd and ueventd.

Let's take a look at some snippets from the file_context file located in sepolicy:


/dev(/.*)? u:object_r:device:s0

/dev/accelerometer u:object_r:sensors_device:s0

/dev/alarm u:object_r:alarm_device:s0


Here, we are setting up the contexts for files in /dev. Note how the entries are in order from most generic to more specific dev files. Thus, any files not covered by the more specific entries will end up with the context u:object_r:device:s0, and the files that match further down, end up with a more specific label. For instance, the accelerometer at /dev/accelerometer will get the context u:object_r:sensors_device:s0. Note that the type field was omitted, which means that it matches on all filesystem objects, such as directories (type -d).

You might be wondering how /dev, the directory itself, gets a file context. Looking at some of the snippets, we say the / or root, got labeled via the statement genfscon rootfs / u:object_r:rootfs:s0 in the genfs_context file. This chapter stated earlier that, "new objects inherit the context of their parent directory." Hence, we can reason that /dev is of context u:object_r:rootfs:s0 since that is the label / has. We can test this by passing the -Z flag to ls to show us the label of /dev. On the UDOO serial connection, execute the following command:

130|root@udoo:/ # ls -laZ /


drwxr-xr-x root root u:object_r:device:s0 dev


It seems that the hypothesis is incorrect, but note that it is true that everything has a label, and if it's not specified, then it inherits from the parent. Looking back at sepolicy, we can see that the dev filesystem was initially set with a fs_use_trans devtmpfs u:object_r:device:s0; policy statement. So when the filesystem is mounted, it is set filesystem wide. Later, when entries are added by init or ueventd, they use file_contexts entries to set the context of the newly created filesystem object to what is specified in thefile_contexts file. The filesystem at /dev, which is a devtmps pseudo filesystem, is an example of a filesystem that has both a filesystem-wide label via the fs_use_trans statement, but can also support fine grained labeling via file_contexts;. Filesystems are not very consistent in capabilities on Linux.

Dynamic type transitions

Dynamic type transitions indicated by the SELinux policy statement type_transition are a way to allow files to dynamically determine their types. Because these are compiled into the policy, these do not have any relation to the file_contexts file. These policy statements allow the policy author to dynamically dictate the context of a file based on the context in which the file is created. These are useful in situations where you don't control source code, or do not wish to couple SELinux in any way. For instance, the wpasupplicant, which is a service that runs for Wi-Fi support and creates a socket file in its data directory. Its data directory is labeled with the type wifi_data_file and as expected, the socket ends up with that label. However, this socket is shared by the system server. Now, we can allow just the system server to access the type and object class, however, hostapd and other things are creating sockets and other objects in that directory and thus the objects also have this type. We really want to ensure that the two sockets in question, the one used by hostapd and the other by system server, are kept exclusive from each other. To do this, we need to be able to label one of the sockets at a finer granularity, and to do so, we can either modify the code or use a dynamic type transition. Rather than mucking with the code, let's use a type transition, as follows:

type_transition wpa wifi_data_file:sock_file wpa_socket;

This is an actual statement from the sepolicy file, wpa_supplicant.te. It says that, when a process of the type wpa creates a file of the type wifi_data_file and the object class is sock_file to label it as wpa_socket on creation. The statement syntax is as follows:

type_transition <creating type> <created type>:<class> <new type>;

As of SELinux policy version 25, the type_transition statement can support named type transitions where a fourth argument exists and is the name of the file:

type_transition <creating type> <created type>:<class> <new type> <file name>;

We will see an example use of this filename in the sepolicy file, system_server.te:

type_transition system_server system_data_file:sock_file system_ndebug_socket "ndebugsocket";

Note the filename or basename and not the path, and it must match exactly. Regex is not supported. It's also interesting to note that the dynamic transitions are not limited to file objects, but any object class event processes. We will see how dynamic process transitions are used in Chapter 9, Adding Services to Domains.

Examples and tools

With the theory behind us, let's look at the tools and techniques to label files in the system. Let's start by mounting a ramfs filesystem. We will start by remounting / since it is read only and create a mount point for the filesystem. Via the UDOO serial console, execute:

root@udoo:/ # mount -oremount,rw /

root@udoo:/ # mkdir /ramdisk

root@udoo:/ # mount -t ramfs -o size=20m ramfs /ramdisk

Now, we want to see which label the filesystem has:

# ls -laZ / | grep ramdisk

drwxr-xr-x root root u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 ramdisk

As you can recall, the initial_sid_context file had this initial sid set for the filesystem:

sid file u:object_r:unlabeled:s0

If we want to get this ramdisk in a new label, we need to create the type in the policy, and set a new genfscon statement to use it. We will declare the new type in the sepolicy file file.te:

type ramdisk, file_type, fs_type;

The type policy statement syntax is as follows:

type <new type>, <attribute0,attribute1…attributeN>;

Attributes in SELinux are statements that let you define common groups. They are defined via the attribute statement. In Android SELinux policy, we have file_type and fs_type defined for us already. We will use them here because this new type, which we're creating, has the attributes file_type and fs_type. The file_type attribute is associated with a type for a file, and the fs_type attribute means that this type is also associated with filesystems. Attributes, right now, are not of great importance; so don't get caught up in the detail.

The next thing to modify is the sepolicy file, genfs_context by adding the following:

genfscon ramfs / u:object_r:ramdisk:s0

Now, we will compile the boot image and flash it to the device, or better yet, let's use the dynamic policy reload support like the following.

From the root of the UDOO project tree build just the sepolicy project:

$ mmm external/sepolicy/

Push the new policy over adb, as follows:

$ adb push $OUT/root/sepolicy /data/security/current/sepolicy

544 KB/s (86409 bytes in 0.154s)

Trigger a reload by using the setprop command:

$ adb shell setprop selinux.reload_policy 1

If you have the serial console connected, you should see:

SELinux: Loaded policy from /data/security/current/sepolicy

If you don't, and just have adb, check dmesg:

$ adb shell dmesg | grep "SELinux: Loaded"

<4>SELinux: Loaded policy from /sepolicy

<6>init: SELinux: Loaded property contexts from /property_contexts

<4>SELinux: Loaded policy from /data/security/current/sepolicy

A successful load should use our policy at the path, /data/security/current/sepolicy. Let's unmount the ramdisk and remount it to check out its type:

root@udoo:/ # umount /ramdisk

root@udoo:/ # mount -t ramfs -o size=20m ramfs /ramdisk

root@udoo:/ # ls -laZ / | grep ramdisk

drwxr-xr-x root root u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 ramdisk

We were able to modify the policy and use genfscon to change the filesystem type, and now to show inheritance, let's go ahead and create a file on the filesystem with touch:

root@udoo:/ # cd /ramdisk

root@udoo:/ramdisk # touch hello

root@udoo:/ramdisk # ls -Z

-rw------- root root u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 hello

As we expected, the new file is labeled with the type ramdisk. Now, suppose when we do touch from the shell, we want the file to be of a different type, such as ramdisk_newfile; how can we do this? We can do this by modifying touch itself to consult file_contexts, or we can define a dynamic type transition; let us try the dynamic type transition approach. The first argument to the type_transition statement is the creating type; so what type is our shell in? You can get this by performing:

root@udoo:/ramdisk # echo `cat /proc/self/attr/current`


A simpler way is to run the id -Z command, which uses the aforementioned proc file. For a serial console, execute:

root@udoo:/ramdisk # id -Z

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) context=u:r:init_shell:s0

And to run the same command for the adb shell:

$ adb shell id -Z

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) context=u:r:shell:s0

Note the discrepancy between our serial console shell and the adb shell, in Chapter 9, Adding Services to Domains; we will fix this. Because of this, the policy we author now will address both cases.

Start by opening the sepolicy file, init_shell.te and append the following to the end of the file:

type_transition init_shell ramdisk:file ramdisk_newfile;

Do this for the sepolicy file, shell.te:

type_transition shell ramdisk:file ramdisk_newfile;

Now, we need to declare the new type; so open up the sepolicy file, file.te and append the following:

type ramdisk_newfile, file_type;

Note that we have only used the file_type attribute. This is because a filesystem should never have the type ramdisk_newfile, only a file residing within that file system should.

Now, build the adb policy, push it to the device, and trigger a reload. With that done, create the file and check the results:

$ adb shell 'touch /ramdisk/shell_newfile'

$ adb shell 'ls -laZ /ramdisk'

-rw-rw-rw- root root u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 shell_newfile

So it didn't work. Let's investigate the reason by trying on an example of an ext4 filesystem. Let's use the following commands:

root@udoo:/ # cd /data/

root@udoo:/data # mkdir ramdisk

Now, check its context:

root@udoo:/data # ls -laZ | grep ramdisk

drwx------ root rootu:object_r:system_data_file:s0 ramdisk

The label is system_data_file. This is not helpful, as it doesn't apply to our type transition rule; to fix this, we can use the chcon command to explicitly change the files context:

root@udoo:/data # chcon u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 ramdisk

root@udoo:/data # ls -laZ | grep ramdisk

drwx------ root root u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 ramdisk

Now with the context changed to match what we were trying earlier with the ramdisk, let's try to create a file within this directory:

root@udoo:/data/ramdisk # touch newfile

root@udoo:/data/ramdisk # ls -laZ

-rw------- root root u:object_r:ramdisk_newfile:s0 newfile

As you can see, the type transition has occurred. This was meant to illustrate the issues you may find while working with SELinux and Android. Now that we have shown that our type_transition statement is valid, there are only two possibilities why this is failing: the filesystem doesn't support it or we're missing something somewhere to "turn it on". It turns out that the latter is the case; we were missing our fs_use_trans statements. So go ahead and open up the sepolicy file, fs_use and add the following line:

fs_use_trans ramfs u:object_r:ramdisk:s0;

This statement enables SELinux dynamic transitions on this filesystem. Now, rebuild the sepolicy project, adb push the policy file, and enable a dynamic reload via setprop:

$ mmm external/sepolicy

$ adb push $OUT/root/sepolicy /data/security/current/sepolicy546 KB/s (86748 bytes in 0.154s)

$ adb shell setprop selinux.reload_policy 1

root@udoo:/ # cd ramdisk

root@udoo:/ramdisk # touch foo

root@udoo:/ramdisk # ls -Z

-rw------- root root u:object_r:ramdisk_newfile:s0 foo

There you have it, the object has the right value determined by a dynamic type transition. We were missing fs_use_trans, which enabled type transitions on filesystems that don't support xattrs.

Now, suppose we want to mount another ramdisk, what would happen? Well since it was labeled with the genfscon statement, all filesystems mounted with that type should get the context, u:object_r:ramdisk:s0. We will mount this filesystem at /ramdisk2, and verify this 'margin-top:6.0pt;margin-right:29.0pt;margin-bottom: 6.0pt;margin-left:29.0pt;line-height:normal'>root@udoo:/ # mkdir ramdisk2

root@udoo:/ # mount -t ramfs -o size=20m ramfs /ramdisk2

Also, check the contexts:

root@udoo:/ # ls -laZ | grep ramdisk

drwxr-xr-x root root u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 ramdisk

drwxr-xr-x root root u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 ramdisk2

If we want to write allow rules to separate accesses to these file systems, we will need to have their target files in separate types. To do this, we can mount the new ramdisk with the context option. But first, we need to create the new type; lets go to the sepolicy file,file.te and add a new type called ramdisk2:

type ramdisk2, file_type, fs_type;

Now, build the sepolicy with the command mmm, followed be using the command abd push to push the policy, and trigger a reload with the setprop command:

$ mmm external/sepolicy/

$ adb push out/target/product/udoo/root/sepolicy /data/security/current/sepolicy542 KB/s (86703 bytes in 0.155s)

$ adb shell setprop selinux.reload_policy 1

At this point, let's umount /ramdisk2 and remount it with the context= option:

root@udoo:/ # umount /ramdisk2/

root@udoo:/ # mount -t ramfs -osize=20m,context=u:object_r:ramdisk2:s0 ramfs /ramdisk2

Now, verify the contexts:

root@udoo:/ # ls -laZ | grep ramdisk

drwxr-xr-x root root u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 ramdisk

drwxr-xr-x root root u:object_r:ramdisk2:s0 ramdisk2

We can override the genfscon context with the mount option, context=<context>. In fact, if we look at dmesg, we can see some great messages. When we mounted ramfs without the context option, we got:

<7>SELinux: initialized (dev ramfs, type ramfs), uses genfs_contexts

When we mounted it with the context=<context> option, we got:

<7>SELinux: initialized (dev ramfs, type ramfs), uses mountpoint labeling

We can see that SELinux gives us some helpful messages while trying to figure out from where it sources its labels.

Now, let's go onto labeling filesystems with the xattr support, such as ext4. We will start with the toolbox command, chcon. The chcon command allows you to set the context of a file system object explicitly, it does not consult file_contexts.

Let's take a look at /system/bin and in it, at the first 10 files:

$ adb shell ls -laZ /system/bin | head -n10

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 InputDispatcher_test

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 InputReader_test

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 abcc

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 adb

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 am

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 app_process

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 applypatch

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 applypatch_static

drwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 asan

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 asanwrappe

We can see that many of them have the system_file label, which is the default label for that filesystem; let's change the am type to am_exec. Again, we need to create a new type by adding the following to sepolicy file, file.te:

type am_exec, file_type;

Now, rebuild the policy file, push it to the UDOO, and trigger a reload. After that, let's start remounting the system, since it is read only:

root@udoo:/ # mount -orw,remount /system

Now perform chcon:

root@udoo:/ # chcon u:object_r:am_exec:s0 /system/bin/am

Verify the result:

root@udoo:/ # la -laZ /system/bin/am

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:am_exec:s0 am

Additionally, the restorecon command will use file_contexts, and restore that file to what is set in the file_contexts file, which should be system_file:

root@udoo:/ # restorecon /system/bin/am

root@udoo:/ # la -laZ /system/bin/am

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:system_file:s0 am

As you can see, restorecon was able to consult file_contexts and restore the specified context on that object.

The Android system's filesystem gets constructed during the build time, and consequently, all its file objects are labeled during that process. We can also change this at build time by changing file_contexts. With this changed, the system partition rebuilt, and after reflashing the system, we should see the am file with the am_exec type. We can test this by amending the sepolicy file, file_contexts by adding this line at the end of the system/bin section:

/system/bin/am u:object_r:am_exec:s0

Rebuild the whole system with:

$ make -j8 2>&1 | tee logz

Now flash and reboot, and let's take a look at the /system/bin/am context as follows:

root@udoo:/ # ls -laZ /system/bin/am

-rwxr-xr-x root shell u:object_r:am_exec:s0 am

This shows that the system partition respects the file contexts for build-time labeling, and how we can control these labels.

Fixing up /data

Additionally in the audit logs, we have seen a bunch of unlabeled files, for instance, the following denial:

type=1400 msg=audit(86559.780:344): avc: denied { append } for pid=2668 comm="UsbDebuggingHan" name="adb_keys" dev=mmcblk0p4 ino=42 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=file

We can see that the device is mmcblk0p4, which mount commands and will tell us what filesystem this is mounted to, in its output:

root@udoo:/ # mount | grep mmcblk0p4

/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 /data ext4 rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,errors=panic,user_x0

So why does the /data filesystem have so many unlabeled files? The reason is that SELinux is meant to be turned on from an empty device, that is, from first boot. Android builds the data directory structures on demand. Thus, all the labels for the /data are handled by the file_contexts file since it is ext4. Also, it is handled by the systems that create the /data files and directories. These systems have been modified to label the data partition based on the file_contexts specifications. So this presents two options: wipe /data and reboot, or restorecon -R /data.

Option one is a bit harsh, but if you eject the SD card and remove all the files on the data partition, partition 4, Android will rebuild and you won't see any more unlabeled issues. However, this is not recommended for deployed devices when you upgrade; you will destroy all of the users' data.

Option two is more palatable in deployed scenarios, but has its limitations. Notably, executing restorecon -R /data will take a long time and must be done early in boot, right after the mount. However, this is really the only option at this point. Google, however, has done a lot of work in this area, and created a system that intelligently relabels /data on policy updates. For our use, we will choose a variant of option two, especially after considering how sparsely populated the /data filesystem is; we really haven't installed or generated a lot of user data yet. With that stated, execute:

root@udoo:/ # restorecon -R /data

root@udoo:/ # reboot

We don't have to execute restorecon early in boot since our system is in permissive mode, and we're not in a deployed scenario. Now, let's pull the audit.log file and compare it to the already pulled audit.log:

$ adb pull /data/misc/audit/audit.log audit_data_relabel.log

170 KB/s (14645 bytes in 0.084s)

Let's use grep to count the number of occurrences in each file:

$ grep -c unlabeled audit.log


$ grep -c unlabeled audit_data_relabel.log


Great, we fixed up all of our unlabeled issues on /data!

A side note on security

Note that even though we are running all these commands and changing all these things, this is not a security vulnerability within SELinux. Being able to change type labels, mounting filesystems, and associating filesystems with a type, all require allow rules. If you look through the audit logs, you'll see a slew of denials; a sample is provided:

type=1400 msg=audit(90074.080:192): avc: denied { associate } for pid=3211 comm="touch" name="foo" scontext=u:object_r:ramdisk_newfile:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 tclass=filesystem

type=1400 msg=audit(90069.120:187): avc: denied { mount } for pid=3205 comm="mount" name="/" dev=ramfs ino=1992 scontext=u:r:init_shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:ramdisk:s0 tclass=filesystem

If we were in an enforcing mode, we wouldn't have been able to perform any of the experiments shown here.


In this chapter, we saw how to get files into contexts by relabeling them. We used a variety of techniques to accomplish this task, from toolbox commands such as chcon and restorecon, to mount options and dynamic transitions. With these tools, we can ensure that all filesystem objects are labeled correctly. This way, we end up with the right target contexts so that the policies we author are effective. In the next chapter, we will focus on the processes, making sure that they are in the right domain or context.