Exploring SE for Android (2015)
Chapter 3. Android Is Weird
It really is. Although it is built on the familiar Linux kernel, Android has a completely custom user space, and while many of its functionalities are rewrites of their GNU cousins, some are either new or have significantly different functions than their desktop counterparts. Because of these differences, these systems had to be modified to support SELinux. In this chapter, we will:
· Introduce the Android security model
· Investigate binder, zygote, and the property service
· Cover which SELinux elements were added to complement these systems and why
The coverage of these systems will be moderate, but we will present more intricate details of each system later, when appropriate, in our exploratory investigation of SE for Android.
Android's security model
Android's core security model is based on Linux DAC, including capabilities. Android, however, uses the Linux concept of UID/GID in a very non-traditional way. Each process on the system has its own UID rather than the UID of whoever launched it. These UIDs (generally unique) provide sandboxing and process isolation. There are a few circumstances, though, where processes can share UIDs and GIDs. Typically, when a process shares a UID with another process, it is because they both need the same set of permissions on the system and share data. The same could be possible for GIDs. However, some GIDs in Android are actually used to gain permission to access underlying systems, such as the SD card filesystem. In a nutshell, the UID is used to isolate processes and not the human users of the system. In fact, Android didn't have support for multiple human users until its Jelly Bean 4.3 release. It was always intended for devices with a single human user… at least in operation.
Within this security model, there are two process classes. The first is called system component services. These are the services declared in the system init scripts. They tend to be highly privileged and thus almost never share a UID with another process. An example system component service would be the Radio Interface Layer Daemon (RILD). RILD is responsible for processing messages between Android userspace and the modem on the device. Because of the nature of what it does, it typically runs as UID root. There is no requirement that processes be pure native code. System server has non-native components, runs as the system UID, and is highly privileged. Almost all of these systems share a common theme; they have a UID that is either root or is set to the owner of many sensitive kernel objects, such as sockets, pipes, and files.
The second class is applications. Applications are typically written in Java, although this is not a requirement; this is similar to how system component services are typically written in native code without it being a requirement. These applications have UIDs assigned automatically when they are installed, and these UIDs are reserved by the system for this purpose. The package manager is responsible for issuing UIDs to applications. These UIDs have no ties to anything sensitive or dangerous on the system, and the applications run with no capabilities. In order to access a system resource, an application must have its supplementary group appended to or it must be arbitrated by a separate process.
A simple example of utilizing the supplementary group is seen when an application needs to use the SD card. For applications to access the SD card, they must have SDCARD_RW in their supplementary GIDs. These permissions are enforced with standard Linux DAC permissions by the kernel. The supplementary group is assigned by the package manager during the application's installation based on a declared permission. Applications in Android must declare something called uses-permission in the application's manifest. This permission appears as a string which is mapped to a supplementary GID. This mapping is maintained in a file in the system, specifically /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml. You will see an application of these permission strings in a later chapter.
The second way an application gains access to a system resource is through another process. The application wishing to use a system resource must get another process to do this on its behalf. Most requests are handled by a process known as the system server. The system server checks whether the application making the arbitration request had declared a matching permission string in its manifest file. If it did, it's allowed to proceed, otherwise a security exception is thrown. Even arbitrated accesses in Android use a DAC model, in essence. While the object owner controls the access rules on the object via permission strings, any consumer of the protected object can just request the permission string to get access. Essentially, anyone can write an application requesting any permission strings they want. While installing an application, the user is presented with the list of permissions requested by the application, which they choose to accept or reject en masse. If the user's intent is to install the application, all requested permissions must be granted. If the user is not careful, they might inadvertently allow that application to access protected objects in a way that can threaten the security of the device, applications, or user data. The owners of the devices should always ensure they are comfortable with the application using the declared permissions.
For examples or further discussion, refer to http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/security/permissions.html.
The arbitrated access method discussed before requires some form of Interprocess Communication (IPC), and while Android does use Unix domain sockets, it also brings its own IPC mechanism that is used more widely throughout the system. This IPC mechanism is called binder and is the core IPC mechanism in the Android operating system. It has historical relevance from the BeOS and Palm OS implementations of OpenBinder, and since the initial Android development team was comprised of many OpenBinder engineers, binder went with them to Android. However, Android has a complete, from scratch rewrite of the binder code base that is specific to Linux.
Binder is currently not completely mainstreamed into the Linux kernel, and many of Android's kernel changes are still staged.
There is some controversy around binder and its mainline adoption. Some people argue against the amount of heavy lifting it does within the driver in contrast to competing implementations such as dbus. However, it will likely be a long time before we see the resolution of this debate. Regardless of whether binder stays an Android-specific technology, is mainstreamed in the Linux kernel, or is eventually replaced by another technology in Android, binder is here to stay for the foreseeable future.
Binder's architecture
Binder IPC follows a client/server architecture. A service publishes an interface and clients consume from that interface. Clients can bind to services via one of the two methods: known address or service name.
Each binder interface in the system is known as a binder node. Each binder node has an address. When clients want to use an interface, they must bind to a binder node via this address. This is analogous to browsing a webpage via its IP address. However, unlike an IP address that is usually fixed for long durations of time, the binder address could change based on restarts of the publishing service or on the service startup order at the boot time of the device. The order of processes isn't quite guaranteed, thus the publishing of process services can result in a different binder token (a simple binder object to share among processes) being assigned. Also, this indirection allows the runtime ability to reseat service implementations using just the published service names without the necessity to utilize the token.
The way this redirection functions is similar to how DNS provides the resolution from name to IP address for networked device accesses. Binder has something called the context manager (also known as the service manager). The context manager lives at a fixed node address of 0. Publishing services send a name and a binder token to the context manager, and then, when clients need to find a service by name, they check binder node 0 and resolve the name to the binder token. A binder token is the proper name for this address, or ID, that uniquely addresses a binder interface. After a client binds to the binder object, which is a process that implements the binder interface, the processes then perform binder transactions using a well-established binder protocol. This protocol allows synchronous transactions analog to a method call.
Since binder is a kernel driver, it has some nice features that determine what one can do across the interface. For starters, it allows the transmission of file descriptors. It also manages a thread pool for dispatching service methods. Additionally, it employs an approach referred to as zero copy whereby binder does not copy any of the transaction data between processes... it shares them instead. Binder also affords reference counting of objects and lets services query the client application's Linux credentials like UID, GID, and Process ID (PID). Binder also allows the service and client to know when the other has terminated via its link to death functionality.
Typically in Android, you don't work with binder directly. Instead, you work with a service rather via a service and its Android Interface Description Language (AIDL) interface. The final chapter will provide detailed examples of AIDL in practice for our custom SE for Android system, but in the meantime, the following is a simple example of an AIDL interface providing the means for remote processes to execute the getAccountName() and putAccountName() functions:
package com.example.sample;
interface IRemoteInterface {
String getAccountName();
boolean putAccountName(in String name);
The beauty in working with an AIDL interface is that it is used to generate a significant amount of code to manage data and processes that would otherwise have to be done by hand. For example, the following is only a small portion of the code generated from the preceding AIDL sample:
@Override public boolean onTransact(int code, android.os.Parcel data, android.os.Parcel reply, int flags) throws android.os.RemoteException
switch (code)
return true;
case TRANSACTION_getAccountName:
java.lang.String _result = this.getAccountName();
return true;
case TRANSACTION_putAccountName:
java.lang.String _arg0;
_arg0 = data.readString();
Binder and security
The security implications of binder are quite large. You should be able to control who becomes the context manager, as a rogue context manager could compromise the whole system by sending clients to rogue services, rather than the proper ones. Outside of that, you might want to control which clients can bind to which binder objects. Lastly, you might wish to control whether file descriptors can be sent via binder. The binder also has the capability to allow someone to fake credentials over the interface, which is designed to be used for good. For example, some privileged system processes, such as Activity Manager Service (AMS), perform operations on behalf of other processes. The credentials exposed in this kind of masquerading are of the process you are doing the work for, not of the privileged entity. This is analogous to a power of attorney, used when someone is acting on your behalf.
Android's binder IPC mechanism was traditionally controlled with DAC permissions. However, as we saw in Chapter 1, Linux Access Controls, these permissions have some flaws. It follows that binder needs to be modified to support SELinux because the binder driver does not otherwise implement hooks to any additional security modules. To do this, a patch was sent to Google by Stephen Smalley implementing these features. The patch implements new hooks for consumers of what is known as the Linux Security Module (LSM) framework. This framework allows LSMs such as SELinux to be invoked and then make access decisions. The details of this patch are outside the scope of this book. It suffices that binder was patched, and SELinux can now control its capabilities with MAC.
Stephen Smalley is a computer security researcher at the Trusted Systems Research organization of the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and leads the SE Android project. The patch he sent to Google to modify the binder for SELinux hooks can be viewed at https://android-review.googlesource.com/45984.
Because of the integration of SELinux and binder, SE for Android has an additional class with access vectors (a fancy way of saying, "things it can do.") In previous examples from Chapter 2, Mandatory Access Controls and SELinux, the target class is food. Similarly, the SELinux class for binder is binder. It defines the access vectors listed in the following bullets. If you recall, the access vector for food in Chapter 2, Mandatory Access Controls and SELinux, was eat. The following access vectors are available for binder:
· impersonate: This creates fake credentials over a binder interface
· call: This binds a client to a binder interface and uses it
· set_context_mgr: This sets the context manager
· transfer: This transfers a file descriptor
Zygote – application spawn
Non-native applications in Android historically make use of the Dalvik virtual machine (VM) and run a proprietary byte code called DEX. Applications are also spawned from a common process called zygote through a mechanism called fork and specialize. Zygote itself is a process that has the Dalvik VM and some common classes, such as java.util.*, loaded into the VM. Fork and specialize is the mechanism of going from a zygote to a child process of zygote that executes some application code.
Versions of Android since Android 4.4 are replacing this with the Android RunTime (ART). It is speculated that Android L will not use the Dalvik VM at all.
The first part of this process involves a socket connection. Zygote listens over this socket for an application's spawn requests. Some of the arguments include the package name of the application that should be loaded and a flag that indicates whether the application is the system server or not. Once the spawn command is received, the fork can proceed.
A great way to start tracing back this initial socket connection is with the app_process tool. This command starts a process with Dalvik. For more information, navigate to frameworks/base/cmds/app_process/app_main.cpp.
After the fork, the now parent zygote returns to listen on the socket for more requests. The child process is executing and a few things need to happen. The first thing that needs to happen is a UID and GID switch. Zygote runs with the UID root, and thus to meet the Android security model, it must set the child process UIDs and GIDs to something other than root. The child process will set UID and GID as defined by the package manager and the supplementary GIDs. It also sets the process' resource limits and scheduling policy. Then it clears the capability set of the application to zero (no capabilities). In the case of the system server, the capability set is not cleared but rather set as one of the arguments sent over the socket. After this point, the child process runs. Code further along in the zygote loads the class, and other system interactions, such as intent delivery, are used to start an activity. These parts of zygote are beyond the scope of this book.
The property service
The property service in Android provides a shared mapping of key-value pairs between all processes. All processes on an Android system share some pages of memory dedicated to this system. However, the mapping in all processes is READ ONLY with the exception of init processes, which have a READ/WRITE mapping. The property service system resides within init, and it is this system's job to update or add values to this key-value map. In order to change a value, you must go through property service, but anyone can read a value. It's imperative that if you use property service, you do not store sensitive information. It is primarily intended to be used for small values, not a generic large-value store. What follows is only a very basic introduction to the property service. A thorough investigation will be conducted later.
To set a property, you must send a request using a Unix domain socket to the property service. Property service will then parse the request and set the value if the permissions allow it to do so. Properties have period-delimited segments, like package names, that have permissions assigned to it statically at build time. The permissions and property service code can be found together at system/core/property_service.c. The arguments expected over this interface include a command, the property name, and the property value. For those who are curious, these are all defined in the structure prop_msg, which is defined in bionic/libc/include/sys/_system_properties.h. Upon receiving the message, the property service checks the peer socket's credentials against the static map of permissions. If the UID is root, it can write to anything, otherwise it must be a match for either UID or GID. In very new Android versions, or those with the patch applied from https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/98428/, both the permission checking and hardcoded DAC have been replaced by SELinux controls.
Since the permission to set a value is controlled by user space using DAC, it follows that the property set mechanisms share the inherent rooting vulnerability flaw. With this in mind, the property service code was augmented in SELinux. Since this is a user space process, it uses the SELinux API through the kernel to program something called a user space object manager. This just means the user space application checks with SELinux in the kernel to ensure it can perform an activity… in this case, set on a property.
Android has some very unique properties. From its use of the common UID and GID model to promote its security goals, to its custom binder IPC mechanism, these systems have implications on the security and functionality of the device. In the next chapter, these systems will come back into play as we get the UDOO up and running and enable SE for Android on it.