Controlling the Arduino with a Browser - Appendixes - Arduino: A Quick-Start Guide, Second Edition (2015)

Arduino: A Quick-Start Guide, Second Edition (2015)

Part III. Appendixes

Appendix 4. Controlling the Arduino with a Browser

For many hardware projects, you’ll need an application on your computer that visualizes some sensor data or that controls your device. In the Arduino scene, many people use Processing[153] for this purpose. Processing is a good choice. It’s fast, it has excellent multimedia support, and it supports a lot of libraries because it uses the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Processing has some disadvantages, too. It is very similar to Java; that is, it’s a statically typed programming language. As such, it isn’t a good tool for building prototypes interactively and incrementally. Also, you have to install Java and the Processing environment to use it.

In many cases it’s a better choice to use a regular web browser to write applications that communicate with the Arduino. Web browsers have excellent multimedia support, too, and the JavaScript programming language is easy to learn and widely available.

The only problem is that most web browsers don’t support serial port programming. But fortunately, Google Chrome comes with native support for serial port programming. Due to security restrictions, you can access the corresponding library only in Chrome Web apps and not on regular websites. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to create Chrome apps, and in this appendix you’ll learn how.

What Are Google Chrome Apps?

Over the years, web browsers have evolved from simple applications used for rendering HTML documents to full-blown programming environments. They’ve become so powerful that you can barely distinguish them from operating systems today. Chrome OS,[154] for example, is an operating system that was designed for executing web applications.

Very early on, Google realized that applications made using standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript could also work well on the desktop. So they invented Google Chrome apps, a technology for using web technologies to create desktop applications.

Google operates a web shop for Chrome apps.[155] Also, the company has released an application launcher that allows you to start Chrome apps without starting the browser.


Unlike regular websites, you can use many Chrome apps when you’re offline. You can even find complete office suites that were implemented as Chrome apps.

In contrast to native applications, web applications and JavaScript programs are often limited in a number of ways. Usually that’s a good thing, because it prevents malicious websites from compromising your computer. Still, there are situations where a bit more freedom would be advantageous—for example, if you’d like to access serial devices from your browser.

Chrome apps address exactly this issue and provide APIs to access serial, USB, or Bluetooth devices. They also come with a mature permission management, so users can decide whether a certain application should get access to a particular resource.

Creating a Minimal Chrome App

Chrome apps are zip files that contain all the assets you’d usually expect in a web application. They contain HTML files, JavaScript files, images, videos, and so on. In addition, each zip archive contains two special files: manifest.json and background.js.

manifest.json describes the Chrome app’s metadata and typically looks like this:



"manifest_version": 2,

"name": "My First Chrome App",

"version": "1",

"permissions": ["serial"],

"app": {

"background": {

"scripts": ["background.js"]




It uses JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)[156] and supports a lot of different options.[157]

Only name and version are mandatory. They specify the app’s name and version. These attributes will appear in the Chrome Web Store, if you decide to make your application available to the public. So choose them carefully if you’re going to release your application.

manifest_version contains the version of the manifest file’s specification. Currently, you must set it to 2 for Chrome apps.

With the permissions option, your Chrome app can request permissions that applications do not have by default. We set it to serial so the Chrome app is allowed to access the computer’s serial port. Users who install a Chrome app have to agree to all permissions it requests.

Eventually, manifest.json sets the Chrome app’s background page to a file named background.js. Which brings us to the second mandatory file in each Chrome app: background.js.

Not only does every Chrome app need a starting point, but every app also needs some kind of lifecycle management. Like operating systems control a native application’s lifecycle, the Chrome environment controls a web application’s lifecycle. It provides the web applications with important events, such as alarms or signals.

The background.js file is where you connect your Chrome app to the Chrome runtime environment. You can register for many events, but you at least have to specify what happens when your application gets launched. Here’s how you can do that:

ChromeApps/SimpleApp/background.js {'main.html', {

id: 'main',

bounds: { width: 200, height: 100 }



The preceding file adds a new listener function to Chrome’s runtime environment. Specifically, it registers a listener function for the onLaunched event—that is, the function will be called when the Chrome app gets launched.

The listener opens a new Chrome app window by calling the function. This function expects the name of an HTML document to be opened and some optional arguments, such as the window’s ID and its bounds. For our first Chrome app, the HTML document looks as follows:


<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>My First Chrome App</title>



<p>Hello, world!</p>



These three files (manifest.json, background.js, and main.html) are all you need for a basic Chrome app. In the next section, you’ll learn how to run the application for the first time.

Starting the Chrome App

During development, it’d be tedious to create zip archives every time you wanted to try your latest changes to a Chrome app. That’s why the Chrome browser supports the execution of unzipped applications. Point the browser to chrome://extensions or choose the Tools > Extensions menu. You’ll see something like the following figure:



Make sure the Developer Mode checkbox at the top-right corner is checked. Click the Load Unpacked Extension button to load the Chrome app you wrote in the previous section. Click the Launch link belonging to the My First Chrome App application. Chrome will start a new Chrome app, which will look like the screenshot.

The Chrome app looks like a regular application in many regards. On Mac OS X, for example, it has a menu bar with a quit function, and it runs in a regular application window that you can minimize, maximize, and hide.

Exploring the Chrome Serial API

On Chrome’s Extensions site, you’ll see a link named background page next to each Chrome app. This link actually refers to a Chrome app’s background page. If you click it, Chrome will open a console for the background page. Also, it automatically creates another link next to it, pointing to the application’s main page. If you click this link, you’ll get access to all of your application’s innards—that is, you’ll get a JavaScript console for your running Chrome App.

Because our first Chrome app’s manifest requests permission for accessing the serial port, you can use Chrome’s serial API[158] in the application’s JavaScript console.

The following function prints the paths to all serial devices connected to your computer (to enter multi-line functions in the JavaScript console, press Shift+Enter at the end of each line):

chrome.serial.getDevices(function(devices) {

devices.forEach(function(d) {




On my machine this function outputs the following:







The last two lines represent the serial port connected to my Arduino. With the following statement you can connect to the Arduino from the JavaScript console:



{ bitrate: 38400 },

function(c) { console.log(c) })

chrome.serial.connect expects three arguments. The first is the path to the serial port to connect to. With the second argument, you can specify typical options for serial ports, such as the baud rate (named bitrate in this case) or the parity bit. Eventually you have to pass a callback function that gets called after Chrome tries to establish the connection.

The callback function receives an object containing all information about the connection. The statement above prints a text representation of the serial connection object that has been created:

Object {

bitrate: 38400

bufferSize: 4096

connectionId: 13

ctsFlowControl: false

dataBits: "eight"

name: ""

parityBit: "no"

paused: false

persistent: false

receiveTimeout: 0

sendTimeout: 0

stopBits: "one"


This object contains all properties you’d expect in an object representing a serial connection. It contains properties for the parity bit and stop bit settings. One of its most important properties is connectionId. If the call to connect was successful, its value is greater than zero.

In a next step, you can add a receive listener that gets called whenever data arrives at the serial port:

var listener = function(r) { console.log(; }


This listener outputs the data it receives on the console. Its output looks like this:

ArrayBuffer {}

ArrayBuffer {}

ArrayBuffer {}


This probably isn’t what you expected. The problem is that the Chrome Serial API stores the data it receives in an ArrayBuffer object. This is necessary because you can transmit not only textual, but also binary data over a serial connection. JavaScript doesn’t support binary data out of the box, so you have to use a few helper classes, such as ArrayBuffer.

Using the following function, you can turn the content of an ArrayBuffer object into a JavaScript string:

function arrayBufferToString(buf) {

var bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);

var encodedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bufView);

return decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString));


Although this function comprises only a few statements, it’s very complex. It expects an ArrayBuffer object containing data encoded in UTF-8. That’s why it creates a Uint8Array object first. An ArrayBuffer represents an arbitrary chunk of memory, and using view classes like Uint8Array, you can specify how the memory chunk should be interpreted. In our case, we want to interpret the data we’ve received as characters encoded in UTF-8.

JavaScript strings are usually encoded in UTF-16, so the next two statements convert the UTF-8 data we’ve received into a UTF-16 string. They use the function arrayBufferToString to turn ArrayBuffer objects into JavaScript strings.[159]

var listener = function(r) { console.log(arrayBufferToString(; }


This listener outputs the data received from the Arduino in a readable manner. Note that you’ll see a lot of unexpected line breaks because the serial API doesn’t look for newline characters. Whenever it receives a chunk of data, it hands the chunk over to the listener. It’s the application’s responsibility to interpret the data, and you’ll learn how to do this in the next section.

You’ve learned how to create your own Chrome apps and how to talk to serial devices on the JavaScript console. But one of the great things about JavaScript and Chrome apps is that you can tinker so easily with APIs in the browser.

Writing a SerialDevice Class

Playing with a new library in an interactive environment is a great way to learn. Still, you eventually have to come up with some proper JavaScript code that you can actually use in your project.

JavaScript supports object-oriented programming, so it seems logical to put all code related to accessing the serial port into its own class. This way, you can reuse it in other projects, and if you have to fix bugs or improve the code, you have to do it only in one place. In addition, chances are good that there will be a cross-browser solution for accessing the serial port soon.[160] When this happens, you can replace the innards of your class with the new standard API, and your applications will work on all browsers automatically. At least the parts that access the serial port—all other parts will still be subject to browser incompatibilities, of course.

In this section, we’ll create a SerialDevice class that we can use in many of our projects. It’s based on one of the standard Google Chrome app samples,[161] and you should have a look at the other samples, too. Studying them is a great way to learn.

Creating classes in JavaScript isn’t difficult, but it’s completely different from most other object-oriented languages you might know. JavaScript’s object system is based on prototypes, not classes. Instead of providing a template (class) for creating new objects, you create new objects immediately. Then you refine these objects and can use them afterward as a template (or parent) for other objects.

Despite all differences between class-based and prototype-based languages, you have to create your objects somehow. In JavaScript, you can use a constructor function:


Line 1

var SerialDevice = function(path, baudRate) {


this.path = path;


this.baudRate = baudRate || 38400;


this.connectionId = -1;


this.readBuffer = "";


this.boundOnReceive = this.onReceive.bind(this);


this.boundOnReceiveError = this.onReceiveError.bind(this);


this.onConnect = new chrome.Event();


this.onReadLine = new chrome.Event();


this.onError = new chrome.Event();



Using this function you can create new SerialDevice objects like this:

var arduino = new SerialDevice("/dev/tty.usbmodem24321");

Note the frequent use of the this keyword. In JavaScript, this refers to the current function’s execution context. You can use it for various purposes. When creating objects, you’ll most often use it to create attributes and methods that are bound to a certain object. In lines 2 to 5, we use it to define a few instance variables, such as path.

In the following two lines, we use it to define two more instance variables. This time, we use this also on the right-hand side of the assignment and pass it to the bind method. bind creates a new function and sets the new function’s this keyword to the value you passed to bind originally. Using bind, you can define a function now, but make sure that it has a certain context when you actually call it.

When working with event handlers, this is often necessary. Users of the SerialDevice class should be able to pass their own callback functions, but they should be executed in the class’ context. You’ll see how this works in a minute.

At the end of the constructor, we define three instance variables that are all instances of the chrome.Event class.[162] This class provides some nice features to define and dispatch events within Chrome apps. We use it to define the three events that users of our SerialDevice class can listen for. Now users can register for readLine events using the onReadLine property.

The next three methods of the SerialDevice class implement everything needed for connecting and disconnecting serial devices:


Line 1

SerialDevice.prototype.connect = function() {






{ bitrate: this.baudRate },







SerialDevice.prototype.onConnectComplete = function(connectionInfo) {


if (!connectionInfo) {


console.log("Could not connect to serial device.");






this.connectionId = connectionInfo.connectionId;











SerialDevice.prototype.disconnect = function() {


if (this.connectionId < 0) {


throw "No serial device connected.";




chrome.serial.disconnect(this.connectionId, function() {});



First of all, you should note that we define all methods on the prototype property of the SerialDevice object. I won’t go into the details here, but you should know that this is one way to add new methods to objects in JavaScript.

The connect method delegates its work to the chrome.serial.connect function that you saw in the previous section already. The only thing worth noting is the callback function we pass in the function call. Again we use bind to set the callback function’s context explicitly. This way, we make sure that onConnectComplete has access to the properties of the SerialDevice object.

We benefit from that in the onConnectComplete method. Here we can set the connectionId property of our SerialDevice object as soon as we’ve successfully connected to a serial device. If we hadn’t bound onConnectComplete before, this would have a completely different meaning in this function, and we couldn’t access the properties of the SerialDevice object.

In lines 14 and 15, we use the same technique to add receive and error listeners to the chrome.serial object. Here we use the listeners we’ve prepared in the constructor function before. After we’ve established the connection successfully, we call the onConnect object’s dispatch method to spread the good news to all listeners outside.

Eventually, we have to implement the actual listener functions that deal with incoming and outgoing data and with errors:


SerialDevice.prototype.onReceive = function(receiveInfo) {

if (receiveInfo.connectionId !== this.connectionId) {



this.readBuffer += this.arrayBufferToString(;

var n;

while ((n = this.readBuffer.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) {

var line = this.readBuffer.substr(0, n + 1);


this.readBuffer = this.readBuffer.substr(n + 1);



SerialDevice.prototype.onReceiveError = function(errorInfo) {

if (errorInfo.connectionId === this.connectionId) {




SerialDevice.prototype.send = function(data) {

if (this.connectionId < 0) {

throw "No serial device connected.";





function() {});


onReceive basically works like the sample listener we implemented in Exploring the Chrome Serial API. The only difference is that the new implementation looks for newline characters. Whenever it finds one, it passes the current read buffer to the function that is listening for onReadLineevents. Note that more than one line can be transmitted in a single data chunk. Also note that onReceive checks whether it got data from the correct serial port.

The onReceiveError method also makes sure first that it got error information for the correct connection. In this case, it dispatches the event to the function that is listening for onError events.

For our purposes we don’t need a send method, but it doesn’t hurt to add it for the sake of completeness. This way, you have a SerialDevice class that you can use in many more projects.

Finally, we need our two helper methods for converting ArrayBuffer objects into strings and vice versa:


SerialDevice.prototype.arrayBufferToString = function(buf) {

var bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);

var encodedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bufView);

return decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString));


SerialDevice.prototype.stringToArrayBuffer = function(str) {

var encodedString = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));

var bytes = new Uint8Array(encodedString.length);

for (var i = 0; i < encodedString.length; ++i) {

bytes[i] = encodedString.charCodeAt(i);


return bytes.buffer;


That’s it! We now have a generic class for communicating with serial devices from a Chrome app. Let’s use it right away and write a small demo application. This demo will be the simplest serial monitor possible. It will permanently read data from a serial port and display it in an HTML page. The HTML page looks as follows:


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8"/>

<title>Serial Device Demo</title>



<div id="main">

<p>The Arduino sends:</p>

<p id="output"></p>


<script src="js/serial_device.js"></script>

<script src="js/arduino.js"></script>



In the HTML page, you’ll find a paragraph element with its id attribute set to output. That’s the element we’ll fill with the data we read from the serial port. At the end of the document, we include our new JavaScript library for accessing the serial device. Also, we include a file namedarduino.js:


var arduino = new SerialDevice('/dev/tty.usbmodem24311');

arduino.onConnect.addListener(function() {

console.log('Connected to: ' + arduino.path);


arduino.onReadLine.addListener(function(line) {

console.log('Read line: ' + line);

document.getElementById('output').innerText = line;



Here we create a new SerialDevice object named arduino. Then we add listener functions for the onConnect and onReadLine events. Both write a message to the console. The onReadLine listener puts the line it has read into the browser’s Document Object Model (DOM).

Make sure you use the correct serial port in the first line of arduino.js. Then connect your Arduino to your computer and upload a sketch that permanently outputs lines of text on the serial port. You can use the sketch from Building Your Own Game Controller. Start the Chrome app, and you should see something like the following figure:


The Chrome app will update the HTML page whenever it receives a new line of data.

Isn’t it fascinating how easy it is to combine modern Web technologies with microcontrollers?

There’s one minor drawback, though. Support for the serial API in the Google Chrome browser is still a rather new feature. It might happen that your browser crashes from time to time, especially when you’re starting or stopping Chrome apps that access the serial port, or when you’re attaching or detaching devices while the browser is running. Apart from that, everything runs smoothly and is stable. The situation will probably improve with every new browser release.









At, you can find a detailed explanation of this function. It’s not for the faint of heart!


