Sprite Animation Using jQuery and CSS - Building a Game with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Build an HTML5 Game: A Developer’s Guide with CSS and JavaScript (2015)

Build an HTML5 Game: A Developer’s Guide with CSS and JavaScript (2015)

Part I. Building a Game with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Chapter 2. Sprite Animation Using jQuery and CSS

In this chapter we’ll dive into moving sprites around the screen. Animation is one of the most common tasks in game development, and the principles you’ll learn in animating a simple game apply to most game types.

Although much of the buzz around HTML5 games focuses on the canvas element, you can implement many games just as well using more traditional HTML, CSS, and JavaScript techniques, which are the focus of this chapter. They’re useful game development lessons in their own right, and they’ll be advantageous when we look into using the canvas element later. Games developed using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS techniques, often referred to as DOM-based games, also have much wider browser compatibility. Some older browsers still in use have no canvas support and also are unlikely to support CSS3 transformations and transitions; therefore, we’ll use older CSS features.

The key mechanic of the Bubble Shooter game is, of course, shooting bubbles, and the bubble that the player fires triggers every bubble-popping effect. We’ll start by moving a fired bubble based on user input (a mouse click).

First, we need a way to move a bubble from a starting point A to an ending point B, and that bubble needs to move in a straight line at a constant velocity. Second, we need to determine exactly where points A and B are located. Because the player always fires bubbles from the same position, the starting coordinates (point A) will be the same for each new bubble. Point B will be the coordinates of the user’s mouse click when they fire the bubble, so we must retrieve those coordinates. To start, we’ll implement that movement from A to B.

In the final game, the bubble won’t stop when it reaches the click coordinates but rather will continue until it collides with another bubble or moves off the edge of the screen. We’ll deal with collisions later when we more fully develop the game display.

When we have movement from point to point, we can then extrapolate a bubble’s path past the user’s click and continue to move the bubble forward in the same direction. To find that path, we need to calculate a firing angle based on the relative positions of point A and point B, as shown inFigure 2-1.

Moving the bubble along a vector

Figure 2-1. Moving the bubble along a vector

Given that firing angle, we can send a bubble in a particular direction as far as needed. Later, we can calculate how far it needs to move by determining any collisions. For now, we’ll just define as far as needed as a point sufficiently far away to move the bubble off the screen.

Principles of CSS Sprites

A sprite is a two-dimensional game element that is part of a larger scene but can move around without affecting the background data. At the moment, the bubble at point A is the only sprite.

At its simplest, in this DOM-based approach, a sprite is an HTML block (often a set of div tags) with CSS styling applied. Due to the way a browser renders HTML, moving a sprite without altering the rest of the screen is easy to do. An HTML element that is absolutely positioned with CSS is rendered independently of the surrounding HTML elements. The browser paints all the objects to the screen and handles layering and overlaps. If we remove an object, the browser knows it needs to display whatever is underneath. This HTML and CSS sprite manipulation property isn’t free with canvas development, but as you’ll see when we learn more about the canvas element in Chapter 6, it’s one of the features that makes DOM game development an ideal place to start and a great tool for rapidly prototyping games.

Creating the Game Board

In the Bubble Shooter game, the bubbles will all be sprites so we can move them around the screen as self-contained elements. We’ll create the first sprite soon by creating one of the bubbles that will sit in the display. But first we need a container for the game board within the area where all the bubble action happens. We’ll put this container in a div called "board", so add the new div to index.html:


<div id="game">

<div id="board"></div>


Next, we’ll position the board with CSS. The game board will be centered within the fixed-width display, so we’ll make a 760-pixel-wide board and position it 120 pixels from the left edge of the game div, which is positioned to the left of the window. Add the definition for #board tomain.css after the definition for #game:




margin: 0;









position: absolute;

left: 120px;

top: 0;

width: 760px;

height: 620px;


We also need some CSS to describe a bubble’s starting position, width, and height. The player’s current bubble will be placed in the bottom center of the play area and will be 50 pixels square. We’ll assign the user’s current ready-to-fire bubble the CSS class of cur_bubble and define its positioning and appearance in a style sheet. We’ll put game elements in their own CSS file so we can easily distinguish them from the various user interface elements, such as dialog boxes and buttons.

Create a new file in the _css directory, call it game.css, and put the following code in it:




position: absolute;

width: 50px;

height: 50px;




left: 360px;

top: 470px;


Each bubble will sit inside a 50-pixel square. We could just fill the game area completely with bubbles, but the trick is to provide a large playing board without making the game too long lasting. After some trial and error, I chose to use 16 bubbles, which should fit in the game area width and still leave a bit of border.

We also need to link game.css to the style sheet file in the HTML header, so add that link to index.html after the link to main.css:



<meta charset="UTF-8" />

<title>Bubble Shooter</title>

<link href="_css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<link href="_css/game.css" rel="stylesheet" />

The bubble we want to fire doesn’t yet display on the screen, so let’s add an image to the filesystem and then use some CSS to display it.

Adding Sprites

Figure 2-2 shows how a single bubble will appear (without coloring). The appearance of the bubble will be rendered as a background image within the board div element.

Our first bubble sprite graphic

Figure 2-2. Our first bubble sprite graphic

We’ll use four different bubble colors, so let’s make all four colors of bubbles at the same time. Any four colors will do, as long as they’re sufficiently distinct. As with other assets, which are generally images and sound files, we’ll store the colored bubbles in an underscored folder. Let’s call this one _img.

To speed up loading time and keep file management simple, we’ll put the images for all four bubble types into a single PNG file. You can see the complete image in Figure 2-3.

A single image file containing all animation states for four bubble types

Figure 2-3. A single image file containing all animation states for four bubble types

The PNG file (bubble_sprite_sheet.png) contains not only the base state for the four bubbles but also animations of the popping process that we’ll use later. The standard bubble image is shown in the left column; the three popping animation stages are shown in the second, third, and fourth columns. Because we have four different bubbles, we’ll create CSS definitions that let us display whichever color we want by shifting the position of the background image up or down. The ability to use a single image to render multiple sprites is the reason we’re using a CSS background image rather than placing <img> tags directly into the DOM; as a result, the browser needs to download only one image file, which speeds up initialization time. Also, the animation frames for popping are preloaded, so we shouldn’t have any nasty pauses while loading images later in the game.

Although we’re using four bubble colors, the game doesn’t need to know the colors—we might even change the color choices later—but it does need a way to reference them. We’ll number the bubble types from zero to three to represent the four colors.

We can use the base CSS class of .bubble for properties that are common to all bubbles and add an additional class to the HTML elements when we need to specify the bubble’s type (which sets its color). Modify game.css as follows:




position: absolute;

width: 50px;

height: 50px;

background-image: url("../_img/bubble_sprite_sheet.png");




left: 360px;

top: 470px;




background-position: 0 0;




background-position: 0 -50px;




background-position: 0 -100px;




background-position: 0 -150px;


Now, when we want to render the four bubbles, we can just add the correct classes to a div element, and the background-position property should display the appropriate image. If we want to hard-code a bubble of the last type into the DOM, we’d add the following:

<div class="bubble bubble_3"></div>

A bubble of the first type would be

<div class="bubble bubble_0"></div>

Although we currently have a definition for the bubble in CSS, we have no HTML to display it on the screen. Instead of hard-coding the bubbles, we’ll generate them through JavaScript. But before we start animating a bubble, we need to create and render one, which is the focus of the next section.

Animation and the Bubble Class

Because the bubble is one of the main elements of the game, we’ll create a separate JavaScript class for it. We don’t yet know all the properties this class might need, but for every bubble object we need to manipulate in code, an onscreen element will display; therefore, we’ll create a property to reference that. We’ll call it the sprite property, and it will store a reference to the jQuery object that we use to manipulate the DOM element.

Put the following in a separate file called bubble.js in the _js folder, and add the new file to the Modernizr.load call in index.html just after ui.js:


var BubbleShoot = window.BubbleShoot || {};

BubbleShoot.Bubble = (function($){

var Bubble = function(sprite){

var that = this;

➊ this.getSprite = function(){ return sprite;};


➋ Bubble.create = function(){

var sprite = $(document.createElement("div"));



var bubble = new Bubble(sprite);

return bubble;


return Bubble;


We have only one argument to pass into the constructor, which is a reference to the jQuery sprite object that will be created within a call to the Bubble.create function ➋. This function currently creates only one type of sprite due to the assigning of the bubble_0 CSS class. Currently, only one method is in the class definition ➊, and it returns the sprite object. When we want to create a bubble, rather than invoking BubbleShoot.Bubble directly, we’ll call BubbleShoot.Bubble.create. As a result, we can ensure that all components of a bubble are instantiated correctly and minimize code duplication.

Now we can create Bubble objects, and the document element is created at the same time. However, the bubble still won’t be part of the visible DOM because it hasn’t been inserted into the document. To handle this, we’ll make a function inside Game to create new bubbles and add the CSS class of cur_bubble to the newly created DOM element.

At any time in the game, only a single bubble is on the screen that’s ready for the player to fire, so we’ll keep a reference to it, called curBubble, in a variable within Game. To finish this step of bubble creation, add the lines in bold to game.js:


var BubbleShoot = window.BubbleShoot || {};

BubbleShoot.Game = (function($){

var Game = function(){

var curBubble;

this.init = function(){



var startGame = function(){



curBubble = getNextBubble();


var getNextBubble = function(){

var bubble = BubbleShoot.Bubble.create();



return bubble;



return Game;


At the top of the Game definition, we define curBubble ➊, which will exist only within the scope of the Game object. This empty variable is declared here and is set when the user clicks the New Game button, which calls startGame. Here, curBubble is set to the value returned bygetNextBubble ➋. The function getNextBubble ➌ calls BubbleShoot.Bubble.create ➍, which returns an instance of the Bubble class and then adds the CSS class cur_bubble ➎to the DOM element. Finally, the DOM element is appended to the board div element ➏.

Reload the page and click New Game. At the bottom center of the screen you should see a bubble appear. The bubble can’t move anywhere yet, but we’ll change that in the next section when we add some simple animation.

Calculating Angle and Direction

To determine which direction to fire the bubble in, we need to find out where the mouse is at the moment the user clicks. We can do this by interrogating the event object that will fire in response to the click event. The Game controller needs to know the angle to fire the bubble and what the results of the game display should be. To avoid adding interface code to the controller, the ui object will handle the movement process, which will follow these steps:

1. Find the coordinates of the mouse click.

2. Calculate a vector from the bubble’s starting point to the click point.

3. Extend that vector by a sufficient length to move the bubble off the game screen.

4. Move the bubble to the end of the vector.

An example of a bubble’s trajectory was shown in Figure 2-1.

At this point, the movement process assumes that the bubble won’t collide with anything, which is the feature we’ll tackle first.

In the Game function definition, create the clickGameScreen function (right after the getNextBubble function) and add an event binding to startGame, as shown here:


var BubbleShoot = window.BubbleShoot || {};

BubbleShoot.Game = (function($){

var Game = function(){

var curBubble;


var startGame = function(){



curBubble = getNextBubble();




var clickGameScreen = function(e){

var angle = BubbleShoot.ui.getBubbleAngle(curBubble.getSprite(),e);



return Game;


The function clickGameScreen ➊ will be called in response to the user clicking the screen. As part of the jQuery event handling, it will receive an event object e that contains useful data about the clicked object, including the coordinates of the click. This function also has a call toBubbleShoot.ui.getBubbleAngle, which will calculate a firing angle for the bubble using the event object’s click coordinates. The value returned will be an angle, in radians, either to the left or right of the vertical center line of the bubble. Let’s write that code now.

In ui.js, add the following constant at the top of the ui object and new methods after hideDialog:


var BubbleShoot = window.BubbleShoot || {};

BubbleShoot.ui = (function($){

var ui = {


init : function(){


hideDialog : function (){



getMouseCoords : function(e){

var coords = {x : e.pageX, y : e.pageY};

return coords;


getBubbleCoords : function(bubble){

var bubbleCoords = bubble.position();

bubbleCoords.left += ui.BUBBLE_DIMS/2;

bubbleCoords.top += ui.BUBBLE_DIMS/2;

return bubbleCoords;


getBubbleAngle : function(bubble,e){

var mouseCoords = ui.getMouseCoords(e);

var bubbleCoords = ui.getBubbleCoords(bubble);

var gameCoords = $("#game").position();

var boardLeft = 120;

var angle = Math.atan((mouseCoords.x - bubbleCoords.left - boardLeft)

/ (bubbleCoords.top + gameCoords.top - mouseCoords.y));

if(mouseCoords.y > bubbleCoords.top + gameCoords.top){

angle += Math.PI;


return angle;



return ui;


BUBBLE_DIMS ➊ is the width (and height) of a bubble sprite in the DOM. This constant allows us to calculate the offset to the center of the element, which means we can translate to the (top, left) coordinates that CSS uses. In game programming, you’ll often want to work with the center coordinates of an object when you change its position, whereas when rendering, you’ll use the (top, left) coordinates.

This new code fetches the coordinates of the player’s mouse click ➋ by retrieving two properties that jQuery passes us with the event object e. We also need the starting bubble’s coordinates, so the next method ➌ will do that job using another jQuery method. When we have the two coordinate pairs, we can calculate the relative x/y offset between them ➍. Now, we can use the tangent trigonometry function ➎ to calculate the angle based on the x/y offset. Then, if the click is below the center line of the bubble➏, we add pi (which is 180 degrees, but JavaScript trigonometry is always in radians) to the angle so we can describe a full circle.

To calculate the angle, we’ve used some trigonometry, which you’ll become more familiar with as you build games, if you’re not already. The Math.atan method retrieves angles offset from the vertical with positive numbers to the right and negative numbers to the left of vertical. The returned angle will be a value in radians ranging from negative to positive pi.

Firing and Animating Bubbles

Now that we know the angle at which to fire a bubble, we can send it off the screen. Let’s assume we’ll fire it at 1000 pixels—which is enough to move it outside the game area—and then see the results in action.


We can calculate the angle we want to fire the bubble with some trigonometry using the inverse tangent function. In Figure 2-4, we calculate the angle by taking the inverse tangent of the vector’s x and y components.

Calculating the firing angle manually


Add the following lines of code to clickGameScreen in game.js:


var BubbleShoot = window.BubbleShoot || {};

BubbleShoot.Game = (function($){

var Game = function(){


var clickGameScreen = function(e){

var angle = BubbleShoot.ui.getBubbleAngle(curBubble.getSprite(),e);

var duration = 750;

var distance = 1000;

var distX = Math.sin(angle) * distance;

var distY = Math.cos(angle) * distance;

var bubbleCoords = BubbleShoot.ui.getBubbleCoords(curBubble.


var coords = {

x : bubbleCoords.left + distX,

y : bubbleCoords.top - distY





return Game;


The new code sets a duration and total distance, and then calculates the distance along the x- and y-axes to give coordinates (coords) that are 1000 pixels from its starting point in the direction of the mouse click.

Next, we need to write the fireBubble function ➊ that takes the bubble object ➋, a coordinate to fire at ➌, and a duration ➍ as arguments. We’ll put that in the ui class, because it handles just onscreen movement and won’t affect the game state.

Add a new method right after getBubbleAngle in ui.js:


var BubbleShoot = window.BubbleShoot || {};

BubbleShoot.ui = (function($){

var ui = {


getBubbleAngle : function(bubble,e){



fireBubble : function(bubble,coords,duration){


left : coords.x - ui.BUBBLE_DIMS/2,

top : coords.y - ui.BUBBLE_DIMS/2



duration : duration,

easing : "linear"




return ui;


The fireBubble method is a jQuery call that moves a bubble with jQuery’s animate method. The coordinates passed into the function represent the center point of where the bubble needs to stop. To make sure the bubble reaches the correct (top, left) coordinates, fireBubble first translates the coordinates it receives to the top left of the object ➊, which is how CSS positions elements.

The simplest form of animation for moving a sprite around the screen requires two steps: ➊ place the sprite at a fixed position and ➋ move it to a new position a short time later. Repeat the second step until the sprite reaches its destination. With DOM manipulation, we just need to change the top and left CSS properties of the element for each movement and can let the browser take it from there.

We can achieve this animation in two ways. We can use JavaScript animation, which requires us to move the sprite along each step of its path manually, or we can use CSS3 transitions to move the sprite without input from our code each frame. In this chapter, we’re focusing on the JavaScript approach; later we’ll demonstrate a CSS3 implementation.

As with many of the effects we want to achieve in JavaScript and CSS, we can let jQuery do much of the work for us. The animate method provides a way to animate numerical CSS properties, such as left and top coordinates. It calculates the difference between the start and end values, and it changes the property’s values from start to end over a number of steps.


This method doesn’t work with non-numerical CSS properties because the way to get from start to end can’t be calculated easily. For example, you couldn’t use animate to transition a background color with start and end values that are hexadecimal pairs because interpolating between two colors is not as simple a calculation.

The animate method takes a number of arguments, including these:

§ CSS properties ➋. Specifies the properties to animate. Most often, these are positioning properties, such as top and left, but they could be anything that can be defined by a single-integer dimension in pixels, including font-size, width, height, or even border-width or margin-left. (Note that the shorthand definition for margin, such as margin: 0 10px 20px 10px, contains four different values, so it won’t work with animate without being split into the four constituent parts of margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left.)

§ Duration ➌. Defines the length in milliseconds of the animation duration. The duration here is fixed at 1 second (1000 milliseconds) for a velocity of 1000 pixels per second. The distance the bubble moves will depend on the game state and, specifically, anything the bubble might collide with. But the duration that we have now should be correct for bubbles that are fired off the screen.

§ Easing ➍. Defines how an object transitions from its start state to its end state. Easing is usually used to vary acceleration and deceleration along a movement path. For movement, linear results in a constant velocity from start to end, whereas swing adds some starting acceleration and ending deceleration.

You can pass other options to animate as well, and it’s worth referring to the jQuery documentation to get an idea of the full potential of the function. To fire the bubble, we need only the preceding parameters.

Reload the page and click in a location above the bubble. The bubble should fly off in that direction. This will work only once. You’ll need to refresh the page to see it again, but it’s certainly a start.


In this chapter, you’ve learned how to perform simple animations with jQuery, HTML, and CSS techniques. Now that we have the basic code in place to move a bubble across the screen in response to a mouse click, it’s time to start fleshing out the game.

In Chapter 3, we’ll focus on drawing the game board, detecting collisions, and popping bubble groups.

Further Practice

1. If you click in the game area a second time, the bubble appears back on the screen. How would you disable this click event to prevent it?

2. In the .animate call, we specify easing : "linear". Try using "swing" and think about why this may not be appropriate for Bubble Shooter but may be a better animation method for other games. Then look at more easing settings at http://api.jqueryui.com/easings/ and see if you can incorporate any of them into the code.