Developing Backbone.js Applications (2013)

Developing Backbone.js Applications (2013)


Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Fundamentals

Chapter 3. Backbone Basics

Chapter 4. Exercise 1: Todos-Your First Backbone.js App

Chapter 5. Exercise 2: Book Library-Your First RESTful Backbone.js App

Chapter 6. Backbone Extensions

Chapter 7. Common Problems and Solutions

Chapter 8. Modular Development

Chapter 9. Exercise 3: Your First Modular Backbone and RequireJS App

Chapter 10. Paginating Backbone.js Requests and Collections

Chapter 11. Backbone Boilerplate and Grunt-BBB

Chapter 12. Backbone and jQuery Mobile

Chapter 13. Jasmine

Chapter 14. QUnit

Chapter 15. SinonJS

Appendix A. Further Learning