Core Java for the Impatient (2013)
Chapter 10. Concurrent Programming
Topics in This Chapter
10.1 Concurrent Tasks
10.2 Thread Safety
10.3 Parallel Algorithms
10.4 Threadsafe Data Structures
10.5 Atomic Values
10.6 Locks
10.7 Threads
10.8 Asynchronous Computations
10.9 Processes
Java was one of the first mainstream programming languages with built-in support for concurrent programming. Early Java programmers were enthusiastic about how easy it was to load images in background threads or implement a web server that serves multiple requests concurrently. At the time, the focus was on keeping a processor busy while some tasks spend their time waiting for the network. Nowadays, most computers have multiple processors, and programmers worry about keeping them all busy.
In this chapter, you will learn how to divide computations into concurrent tasks and how to execute them safely. My focus is on the needs of application programmers, not system programmers who write web servers or middleware.
For that reason, I arranged the information in this chapter so that I can, as much as possible, first show you the tools that you should be using in your work. I cover the low-level constructs later in the chapter. It is useful to know about these low-level details so that you get a feel for the costs of certain operations. But it is best to leave low-level thread programming to the experts. If you want to become one of them, I highly recommend the excellent book Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz et al. [Addison-Wesley, 2006].
The key points of this chapter are:
1. A Runnable describes a task that can be executed asynchronously.
2. An Executor schedules Runnable instances for execution.
3. A Callable describes a task that yields a result.
4. You can submit one or more Callable instances to an ExecutorService and combine the results when they are available.
5. When multiple threads operate on shared data without synchronization, the result is unpredictable.
6. Prefer using parallel algorithms and threadsafe data structures over programming with locks.
7. Parallel streams and array operations automatically and safely parallelize computations.
8. A ConcurrentHashMap is a threadsafe hash table which allows atomic update of entries.
9. You can use AtomicLong for a lock-free shared counter, or use LongAdder if contention is high.
10. A lock ensures that only one thread at a time executes a critical section.
11. An interruptible task should terminate when the interrupted flag is set or an InterruptedException occurs.
12. A long-running task should not block the user interface of a program, but progress and final updates need to occur in the user-interface thread.
13. The Process class lets you execute a command in a separate process and interact with the input, output, and error streams.
10.1 Concurrent Tasks
When you design a concurrent program, you need to think about the tasks that can be run in parallel. In the following sections, you will see how to execute tasks concurrently.
10.1.1 Running Tasks
In Java, the Runnable interface describes a task you want to run, usually concurrently with others.
public interface Runnable {
void run();
The code of the run method will be executed in a thread. A thread is a mechanism for execution a sequence of instructions, usually provided by the operating system. Multiple threads run concurrently, by using separate processors or different time slices on the same processor.
You could spawn a thread just for this Runnable, and you will see how to do that in Section 10.7.1, “Starting a Thread,” on p. 337. But in practice, it doesn’t usually make sense to have a one-to-one relationship between tasks and threads. When tasks are short lived, you want to run many of them on the same thread, so you don’t waste the time it takes to start a thread. When your tasks are computationally intensive, you just want one thread per processor instead of one thread per task, to avoid the overhead of switching among threads.
In the Java concurrency library, an executor executes tasks, choosing the threads on which to run them.
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Runnable task = () -> { ... };
Executor exec = ...;
The Executors class has factory methods for different types of executors. The call
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exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
yields an executor optimized for programs with many tasks that are short lived or spend most of their time waiting. Each task is executed on an idle thread if possible, but a new thread is allocated if all threads are busy. Threads that are idle for an extended time are terminated.
The call
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exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nthreads);
yield a pool with a fixed number of threads. When you submit a task, it is queued up until a thread becomes available. This is a good choice for computationally intensive tasks. You can derive the number of threads from the number of available processors, which you obtain as
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int processors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
Now go ahead and run the concurrency demo program in the book’s companion code. It runs two tasks concurrently.
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public static void main(String[] args) {
Runnable hellos = () -> {
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
System.out.println("Hello " + i);
Runnable goodbyes = () -> {
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
System.out.println("Goodbye " + i);
Executor executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
Run the program a few times to see how the outputs are interleaved.
Goodbye 1
Goodbye 871
Goodbye 872
Hello 806
Goodbye 873
Goodbye 874
Goodbye 875
Goodbye 876
Goodbye 877
Goodbye 878
Goodbye 879
Goodbye 880
Goodbye 881
Hello 807
Goodbye 882
Hello 1000
You may note that the program waits a bit after the last printout. It terminates when the pooled threads have been idle for a while and the executor terminates them.
10.1.2 Futures and Executor Services
Consider a computation that splits into multiple subtasks, each of which computes a partial result. When all tasks are done, you want to combine the results. You can use the Callable interface for the subtasks. Its call method, unlike the run method of the Runnable interface, returns a value:
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public interface Callable<V> {
V call() throws Exception;
As a bonus, the call method can throw arbitrary exceptions.
To execute a Callable, you need an instance of the ExecutorService interface, a subinterface of Executor. The newCachedThreadPool and newFixedThreadPool methods of the Executors class yield such objects.
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ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool();
Callable<V> task = ...;
Future<V> result = exec.submit(task);
When you submit the task, you get a future—an object that represents a computation whose result will be available at some future time. The Future interface has the following methods:
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V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException
V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException;
boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning)
boolean isCancelled()
boolean isDone()
The get method blocks until the result is available or until the timeout has been reached, and then either returns the computed value or, if the call method threw an exception, throws an ExecutionException wrapping the thrown exception.
The cancel method attempts to cancel the task. If the task isn’t already running, it won’t be scheduled. Otherwise, if mayInterruptIfRunning is true, the thread running the task is interrupted.
If you want a task to be interruptible, you need to periodically check for interruption requests, like this:
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Callable<V> task = () -> {
while (more work to do) {
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return null;
Do more work
return result;
This is a good idea for any tasks that you’d like cancel when some other subtask has succeeded. See Section 10.7.2, “Thread Interruption,” on p. 338 for more details on interruption.
Usually, a task needs to wait for the result of multiple subtasks. Instead of submitting each subtask separately, you can use the invokeAll method, passing a Collection of Callable instances.
For example, suppose you want to count how often a word occurs in a set of files. For each file, make a Callable<Integer> that returns the count for that file. Then submit them all to the executor. When all tasks have completed, you get a list of the futures (all of which are done), and you can total up the answers.
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String word = ...;
Set<Path> paths = ...;
List<Callable<Long>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
for (Path p : paths) tasks.add(
() -> { return number of occurrences of word in p });
List<Future<Long>> results = executor.invokeAll(tasks);
long total = 0;
for (Future<Long> result : results) total += result.get();
There is also a variant of invokeAll with a timeout, which cancels all tasks that have not completed when the timeout is reached.
If it bothers you that the calling task blocks until all subtasks are done, you can use an ExecutorCompletionService. It returns the futures in the order of completion.
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ExecutorCompletionService service
= new ExecutorCompletionService(executor);
for (Callable<T> task : tasks) service.submit(task);
for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) {
Process service.take().get()
Do something else
The invokeAny method is like invokeAll, but it returns as soon as any one of the submitted tasks has completed without throwing an exception. It then returns the value of its Future. The other tasks are cancelled. This is useful for a search that can conclude as soon as a match has been found. This code snippet locates a file containing a given word:
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String word = ...;
Set<Path> files = ...;
List<Callable<Path>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
for (Path p : files) tasks.add(
() -> { if (word occurs in p) return p; else throw ... });
Path found = executor.invokeAny(tasks);
As you can see, the ExecutorService does a lot of work for you. Not only does it map tasks to threads, but it also deals with task results, exceptions, and cancellation.
10.2 Thread Safety
Many programmers initially think that concurrent programming seems pretty easy. You just divide your work into tasks, and that’s it. What could possibly go wrong?
In the following sections, I show you what can go wrong, and give a high-level overview of what you can do about it.
10.2.1 Visibility
Even operations as simple as writing and reading a variable can be incredibly complicated with modern processors. Consider this example:
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private static boolean done = false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Runnable hellos = () -> {
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
System.out.println("Hello " + i);
done = true;
Runnable goodbye = () -> {
int i = 1;
while (!done) i++;
System.out.println("Goodbye " + i);
Executor executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
The first task prints “Hello” a thousand times, and then sets done to true. The second task waits for done to become true, and then prints “Goodbye” once, incrementing a counter while it is waiting for that happy moment.
You’d expect the output to be something like
Hello 1
Hello 1000
Goodbye 501249
When I run this program on my laptop, the program prints up to “Hello 1000” and never terminates. The effect of
done = true;
is not visible to the thread running the second task.
Why isn’t it visible? There can be multiple reasons, having to do with caching and instruction reordering.
We think of a memory location such as done as bits somewhere in the transistors of a RAM chip. But RAM chips are slow—many times slower than modern processors. Therefore, a processor tries to hold the data that it needs in registers or an onboard memory cache, and eventually writes changes back to memory. This caching is simply indispensable for processor performance. There are operations for synchronizing cached copies, but they are only issued when requested.
And that’s not all. The compiler, the virtual machine, and the processor are allowed to change the order of instructions to speed up operations, provided it does not change the semantics of the program.
For example, consider a computation
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x = Something not involving y;
y = Something not involving x;
z = x + y;
The first two steps must occur before the third, but they can occur in either order. A processor can (and often will) run the first two steps in parallel, or swap the order if the inputs to the second step are more quickly available.
In our case, the loop
while (!done) i++;
can be reordered as
if (!done) while (true) i++;
since the loop body does not change the value of done.
By default, optimizations assume that there are no concurrent memory accesses. If there are, the virtual machine needs to know, so that it can then emit processor instructions that inhibit improper reorderings.
There are several ways of ensuring that an update to a variable is visible. Here is a summary:
1. The value of a final variable is visible after initialization.
2. The initial value of a static variable is visible after static initialization.
3. Changes to a volatile variable are visible.
4. Changes that happen before releasing a lock are visible to anyone acquiring the same lock (see Section 10.6.1, “Reentrant Locks,” on p. 331).
In our case, the problem goes away if you declare the shared variable done with the volatile modifier:
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private static volatile boolean done;
Then the compiler generates the necessary instructions to ensure that any change to done in one task becomes visible to the other tasks.
The volatile modifier happens to suffice to solve this particular problem. But as you will see in the next section, declaring shared variables as volatile is not a general solution.
It is an excellent idea to declare any field that does not change after initialization as final. Then you never have to worry about its visibility.
10.2.2 Race Conditions
Suppose multiple concurrent tasks update a shared integer counter.
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private static volatile int count = 0;
count++; // Task 1
count++; // Task 2
The variable has been declared as volatile, so the updates are visible. But that is not enough.
The update count++ is not atomic. It actually means
count = count + 1;
and it can be interrupted if a thread is preempted before it stores the value count + 1 back into the count variable. Consider this scenario:
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int count = 0; // Initial value
register1 = count + 1; // Thread 1 computes count + 1
... // Thread 1 is preempted
register2 = count + 1; // Thread 2 computes count + 1
count = register2; // Thread 2 stores 1 in count
... // Thread 1 is running again
count = register1; // Thread 1 stores 1 in count
Now count is 1, not 2. This kind of error is called a race condition because it depends on which thread wins the “race” for updating the shared variable.
Does this problem really happen? It certainly does. Run the demo program of the companion code. It has 100 threads, each incrementing the counter 1,000 times and printing the result.
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for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
int taskId = i;
Runnable task = () -> {
for (int k = 1; k <= 1000; k++)
System.out.println(taskId + ": " + count);
The output usually starts harmlessly enough as something like
1: 1000
3: 2000
2: 3000
6: 4000
After a while, it looks a bit scary:
72: 58196
68: 59196
73: 61196
71: 60196
69: 62196
But that might just be because some threads were paused at inopportune moments. What matters is what happens with the task that finished last. Did it bring up the counter to 100,000?
I ran the program dozens of times on my dual-core laptop, and it fails every time. Years ago, when personal computers had a single CPU, race conditions were more difficult to observe, and programmers did not observe such dramatic failures. But it doesn’t matter whether a wrong value is computed within seconds or hours.
This example looks at the simple case of a shared counter in a toy program. Exercise 16 shows the same problem in a realistic example. But it’s not just counters. Race conditions are a problem whenever shared variables are mutated. For example, when adding a value to the head of a queue, the insertion code might look like this:
Node n = new Node();
if (head == null) head = n;
else = n;
tail = n;
tail.value = newValue;
Lots of things can go wrong if this complex sequence of instructions is paused at an unfortunate time and another task gets control, accessing the queue while it is in an inconsistent state.
Work through Exercise 20 to get a feel for how a data structure can get corrupted by concurrent mutation.
There is a remedy to this problem: Use locks to make critical sequences of operation atomic. You will learn how to program with locks in Section 10.6.1, “Reentrant Locks,” on p. 331. Unfortunately, they are not a general solution for solving concurrency problems. They are difficult to use properly, and it is easy to make mistakes that severely degrade performance or even cause “deadlock.”
10.2.3 Strategies for Safe Concurrency
In languages such as C and C++, programmers need to manually allocate and deallocate memory. That sounds dangerous, and it is. Many programmers have spend many miserable hours chasing memory allocation bugs. In Java, there is a garbage collector, and few Java programmers need to worry about memory management.
Unfortunately, there is no equivalent mechanism for shared data access in a concurrent program. The best you can do is to follow a set of guidelines to manage the inherent dangers.
A highly effective strategy is confinement. Just say no when it comes to sharing data among tasks. For example, when your tasks need to count something, give each of them a private counter instead of updating a shared counter. When the tasks are done, they can hand off their results to another task that combines them.
Another good strategy is immutability. It is safe to share immutable objects. For example, instead of adding results to a shared collection, a task can generate an immutable collection of results. Another task combines the results into another immutable data structure. The idea is simple, but there are a few things to watch out for—see Section 10.2.4, “Immutable Classes,” on p. 322.
The third strategy is locking. By granting only one task at a time access to a data structure, one can keep it from being damaged. In Section 10.4, “Threadsafe Data Structures,” on p. 324, you will see data structures provided by the Java concurrency library that are safe to use concurrently. Section 10.6.1, “Reentrant Locks,” on p. 331 shows you how locking works, and how experts build these data structures.
Locking can be expensive since it reduces opportunities for parallelism. For example, if you have lots of tasks contributing results to a shared hash table, and the table is locked for each update, then that is a real bottleneck. If most tasks have to wait their turn, they aren’t doing useful work. Sometimes it is possible to partition data so that different pieces can be accessed concurrently. Several data structures in the Java concurrency library use partitioning, as do the parallel algorithms in the streams library. Don’t try this at home! It is really hard to get it right. Instead, use the data structures and algorithms from the Java library.
10.2.4 Immutable Classes
A class is immutable when its instances, once constructed, cannot change. It sounds at first as if you can’t do much with them, but that isn’t true. For example, in Chapter 12, you will see how to work with immutable objects in the Java date and time library. Each date instance is immutable, but you can obtain new dates, such as the one that comes a day after a given one.
Or consider a set for collecting results. You could use a mutable HashSet and update it like this:
But that is clearly dangerous.
An immutable set always creates new sets. You would update the results somewhat like this:
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results = results.union(newResults);
There is still mutation, but it is much easier to control what happens to one variable than to a hash set with many methods.
It is not difficult to implement immutable classes, but you should pay attention to these issues:
1. Be sure to declare instance variables final. There is no reason not to, and you gain an important advantage. The virtual machine ensures that a final instance variable is visible after construction (Section 10.2.1, “Visibility,” on p. 317).
2. Of course, none of the methods can be mutators. You may want to make them final, or declare the class final, so that methods can’t be overridden with mutators.
3. Don’t leak mutable state. None of your (non-private) methods can return a reference to any innards that could be used for mutation. Also, when one of your methods calls a method of another class, it must not pass any such references, since the called method might otherwise use it for mutation. If necessary, return or pass a copy.
4. Don’t let the this reference escape in a constructor. When you call another method, you know not to pass any internal references, but what about this? That’s perfectly safe after construction, but if you revealed this in the constructor, someone could observe the object in an incomplete state.
The first three items are simple enough to follow. The last one sounds quite technical, and it is not common. Examples are starting a thread in a constructor whose Runnable is an inner class (which contains a this reference), or, when constructing an event listener, adding this to a queue of listeners. Simply take those actions after construction has completed.
10.3 Parallel Algorithms
Before starting to parallelize your computations, you should check if the Java library has done this for you. The stream library or the Arrays class may already do what you need.
10.3.1 Parallel Streams
The stream library automatically parallelizes operations on large parallel streams. For example, if coll is a large collection of strings, and you want to find how many of them start with the letter A, call
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long result = coll.parallelStream().filter(s -> s.startsWith("A")).count();
The parallelStream method yields a parallel stream. The stream is broken up into segments. The filtering and counting is done on each segment, and the results are combined. You don’t need to worry about the details.
As another example, suppose you need to count how often a given word occurs in all descendants of a directory. You can get those paths as a stream:
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try (Stream<Path> paths = Files.walk(pathToRoot)) {
Simply turn the stream into a parallel stream, and then compute the sum of the counts:
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int total = paths.parallel()
.mapToInt(p -> { return number of occurrences of word in p })
When you use parallel streams with lambdas (for example, as the argument to filter and map in the preceding examples), be sure to stay away from unsafe mutation of shared objects.
10.3.2 Parallel Array Operations
The Arrays class has a number of parallelized operations. Just as with the parallel stream operations of the preceding sections, the operations break the array into sections, work on them in parallel, and combine the results.
The static Arrays.parallelSetAll method fills an array with values computed by a function. The function receives the element index and computes the value at that location.
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Arrays.parallelSetAll(values, i -> i % 10);
// Fills values with 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ...
Clearly, this operation benefits from being parallelized. There are versions for all primitive type arrays and for object arrays.
The parallelSort method can sort an array of primitive values or objects. For example,
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Arrays.parallelSort(words, Comparator.comparing(String::length));
With all methods, you can supply the bounds of a range, such as
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Arrays.parallelSort(values, values.length / 2, values.length); // Sort the upper half
At first glance, it seems a bit odd that these methods have parallel in their names—the user shouldn’t care how the setting or sorting happens. However, the API designers wanted to make it clear that the operations are parallelized. That way, users are on notice to avoid passing functions with side effects.
Finally, there is a parallelPrefix that is rather specialized—Exercise 4 gives a simple example.
For other parallel operations on arrays, turn them into streams. For example, to compute the sum of a long array of integers, call
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long sum = IntStream.of(values).parallel().sum();
10.4 Threadsafe Data Structures
If multiple threads concurrently modify a data structure, such as a queue or hash table, it is easy to damage the internals of the data structure. For example, one thread may begin to insert a new element. Suppose it is preempted in the middle of rerouting links, and another thread starts traversing the same location. The second thread may follow invalid links and create havoc, perhaps throwing exceptions or even getting trapped in an infinite loop.
As you will see in Section 10.6.1, “Reentrant Locks,” on p. 331, you can use locks to ensure that only one thread can access the data structure at a given point in time, blocking any others. But that is inefficient. The collections in the java.util.concurrent package have been cleverly implemented so that multiple threads can access them without blocking each other, provided they access different parts.
These collections yield weakly consistent iterators. That means that the iterators present elements appearing at onset of iteration, but may or may not reflect some or all of the modifications that were made after they were constructed. However, such an iterator will not throw a ConcurrentModificationException.
In contrast, an iterator of a collection in the java.util package throws a ConcurrentModificationException when the collection has been modified after construction of the iterator.
10.4.1 Concurrent Hash Maps
A ConcurrentHashMap is, first of all, a hash map whose operations are threadsafe. No matter how many threads operate on the map at the same time, the internals are not corrupted. Of course, some threads may be temporarily blocked, but the map can efficiently support a large number of concurrent readers and a certain number of concurrent writers.
But that is not enough. Suppose we want to use a map to count how often certain features are observed. As an example, suppose multiple threads encounter words, and we want to count their frequencies. Obviously, the following code for updating a count is not threadsafe:
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ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Long oldValue = map.get(word);
Long newValue = oldValue == null ? 1 : oldValue + 1;
map.put(word, newValue); // Error—might not replace oldValue
Another thread might be updating the exact same count at the same time.
To update a value safely, use the compute method. It is called with a key and a function to compute the new value. That function receives the key and the associated value, or null if there is none, and computes the new value. For example, here is how we can update a count:
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map.compute(word, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : v + 1);
The compute method is atomic—no other thread can mutate the map entry while the computation is in progress.
There are also variants computeIfPresent and computeIfAbsent that only compute a new value when there is already an old one, or when there isn’t yet one.
Another atomic operation is putIfAbsent. A counter might be initialized as
map.putIfAbsent(word, 0L);
You often need to do something special when a key is added for the first time. The merge method makes this particularly convenient. It has a parameter for the initial value that is used when the key is not yet present. Otherwise, the function that you supplied is called, combining the existing value and the initial value. (Unlike compute, the function does not process the key.)
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map.merge(word, 1L, (existingValue, newValue) -> existingValue + newValue);
or simply,
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map.merge(word, 1L, Long::sum);
Of course, the functions passed to compute and merge should complete quickly, and they should not attempt to mutate the map.
There are methods that atomically remove or replace an entry if it is currently equal to an existing one. Before the compute method was available, people would write code like this for incrementing a count:
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do {
oldValue = map.get(word);
newValue = oldValue + 1;
} while (!map.replace(word, oldValue, newValue));
There are several bulk operations for searching, transforming, or visiting a ConcurrentHashMap. They operate on a snapshot of the data and can safely execute even while other threads operate on the map. In the API documentation, look for the operations whose names start with search, reduce, and forEach. There are variants that operate on the keys, values, and entries. The reduce methods have specializations for int, long, and double-valued reduction functions.
10.4.2 Blocking Queues
One commonly used tool for coordinating work between tasks is a blocking queue. Producer tasks insert items into the queue, and consumer tasks retrieve them. The queue lets you safely hand over data from one task to another.
When you try to add an element and the queue is currently full, or you try to remove an element when the queue is empty, the operation blocks. In this way, the queue balances the workload. If the producer tasks run slower than the consumer tasks, the consumers block while waiting for the results. If the producers run faster, the queue fills up until the consumers catch up.
Table 10–1 shows the methods for blocking queues. The blocking queue methods fall into three categories that differ by the action they perform when the queue is full or empty. In addition to the blocking methods, there are methods that throw an exception when they don’t succeed, and methods that return with a failure indicator instead of throwing an exception if they cannot carry out their tasks.
Table 10–1 Blocking Queue Operations
The poll and peek methods return null to indicate failure. Therefore, it is illegal to insert null values into these queues.
There are also variants of the offer and poll methods with a timeout. For example, the call
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boolean success = q.offer(x, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
tries for 100 milliseconds to insert an element to the tail of the queue. If it succeeds, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false when it times out. Similarly, the call
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Object head = q.poll(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
tries for 100 milliseconds to remove the head of the queue. If it succeeds, it returns the head; otherwise, it returns null when it times out.
The java.util.concurrent package supplies several variations of blocking queues. A LinkedBlockingQueue is based on a linked list, and an ArrayBlockingQueue uses a circular array.
Exercise 10 shows how to use blocking queues for analyzing files in a directory. One thread walks the file tree and inserts files into a queue. Several threads remove the files and search them. In this application, it is likely that the producer quickly fills up the queue with files and blocks until the consumers can catch up.
A common challenge with such a design is stopping the consumers. A consumer cannot simply quit when the queue is empty. After all, the producer might not yet have started, or it may have fallen behind. If there is a single producer, it can add a “last item” indicator to the queue, similar to a dummy suitcase with a label “last bag” in a baggage claim belt.
10.4.3 Other Threadsafe Data Structures
Just like you can choose between hash maps and tree maps in the java.util package, there is a concurrent map that is based on comparing keys, called ConcurrentSkipListMap. Use it if you need to traverse the keys in sorted order, or if you need one of the added methods in the NavigableMap interface (see Chapter 7). Similarly, there is a ConcurrentSkipListSet.
The CopyOnWriteArrayList and CopyOnWriteArraySet are threadsafe collections in which all mutators make a copy of the underlying array. This arrangement is useful if the threads that iterate over the collection greatly outnumber the threads that mutate it. When you construct an iterator, it contains a reference to the current array. If the array is later mutated, the iterator still has the old array, but the collection’s array is replaced. As a consequence, the older iterator has a consistent (but potentially outdated) view that it can access without any synchronization expense.
Suppose you want a large, threadsafe set instead of a map. There is no ConcurrentHashSet class, and you know better than trying to create your own. Of course, you can use a ConcurrentHashMap with bogus values, but that gives you a map, not a set, and you can’t apply operations of the Set interface.
The static newKeySet method yields a Set<K> that is actually a wrapper around a ConcurrentHashMap<K, Boolean>. (All map values are Boolean.TRUE, but you don’t actually care since you just use it as a set.)
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Set<String> words = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
If you have an existing map, the keySet method yields the set of keys. That set is mutable. If you remove the set’s elements, the keys (and their values) are removed from the map. But it doesn’t make sense to add elements to the key set, because there would be no corresponding values to add. You can use a second keySet method, with a default value used when adding elements to the set:
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Set<String> words = map.keySet(1L);
If "Java" wasn’t already present in words, it now has a value of one.
10.5 Atomic Values
If multiple threads update a shared counter, you need to make sure that this is done in a threadsafe way. There are a number of classes in the java.util.concurrent.atomic package that use safe and efficient machine-level instructions to guarantee atomicity of operations on integers, long and boolean values, object references, and arrays thereof. Generally, deciding when to use atomic values instead of locks requires considerable expertise. However, atomic counters and accumulators are convenient for application-level programming.
For example, you can safely generate a sequence of numbers like this:
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public static AtomicLong nextNumber = new AtomicLong();
// In some thread...
long id = nextNumber.incrementAndGet();
The incrementAndGet method atomically increments the AtomicLong and returns the post-increment value. That is, the operations of getting the value, adding 1, setting it, and producing the new value cannot be interrupted. It is guaranteed that the correct value is computed and returned, even if multiple threads access the same instance concurrently.
There are methods for atomically setting, adding, and subtracting values, but suppose you want to make a more complex update. One way is to use the updateAndGet method. For example, suppose you want to keep track of the largest value that is observed by different threads. The following won’t work:
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public static AtomicLong largest = new AtomicLong();
// In some thread...
largest.set(Math.max(largest.get(), observed)); // Error—race condition!
This update is not atomic. Instead, call updateAndGet with a lambda expression for updating the variable. In our example, we can call
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largest.updateAndGet(x -> Math.max(x, observed));
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largest.accumulateAndGet(observed, Math::max);
The accumulateAndGet method takes a binary operator that is used to combine the atomic value and the supplied argument.
There are also methods getAndUpdate and getAndAccumulate that return the old value.
These methods are also provided for the classes AtomicInteger, AtomicIntegerArray, AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater, AtomicLongArray, AtomicLongFieldUpdater, AtomicReference, AtomicReferenceArray, and AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.
When you have a very large number of threads accessing the same atomic values, performance suffers because updates are carried out optimistically. That is, the operation computes a new value from a given old value, then does the replacement provided the old value is still the current one, or retries if it is not. Under heavy contention, updates require too many retries.
The classes LongAdder and LongAccumulator solve this problem for certain common updates. A LongAdder is composed of multiple variables whose collective sum is the current value. Multiple threads can update different summands, and new summands are automatically provided when the number of threads increases. This is efficient in the common situation where the value of the sum is not needed until after all work has been done. The performance improvement can be substantial—see Exercise 8.
If you anticipate high contention, you should simply use a LongAdder instead of an AtomicLong. The method names are slightly different. Call increment to increment a counter or add to add a quantity, and sum to retrieve the total.
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final LongAdder count = new LongAdder();
for (...)
executor.execute(() -> {
while (...) {
if (...) count.increment();
long total = count.sum();
Of course, the increment method does not return the old value. Doing that would undo the efficiency gain of splitting the sum into multiple summands.
The LongAccumulator generalizes this idea to an arbitrary accumulation operation. In the constructor, you provide the operation as well as its neutral element. To incorporate new values, call accumulate. Call get to obtain the current value.
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LongAccumulator accumulator = new LongAccumulator(Long::sum, 0);
// In some tasks . . .
// When all work is done
long sum = accumulator.get();
Internally, the accumulator has variables a1, a2, ..., an. Each variable is initialized with the neutral element (0 in our example).
When accumulate is called with value υ, then one of them is atomically updated as ai = ai op υ, where op is the accumulation operation written in infix form. In our example, a call to accumulate computes ai = ai + υ for some i.
The result of get is a1 op a2 op ... op an. In our example, that is the sum of the accumulators, a1 + a2 + ... + an.
If you choose a different operation, you can compute maximum or minimum (see Exercise 9). In general, the operation must be associative and commutative. That means that the final result must be independent of the order in which the intermediate values were combined.
There are also DoubleAdder and DoubleAccumulator that work in the same way, except with double values.
If you use a hash map of LongAdder, you can use the following idiom to increment the adder for a key:
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ConcurrentHashMap<String,LongAdder> counts = ...;
counts.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new LongAdder()).increment();
When the count for key is incremented the first time, a new adder is set.
10.6 Locks
Now you have seen several tools that application programmers can safely use for structuring concurrent applications. You may be curious how one would build a threadsafe counter or blocking queue. The following sections show you how it is done, so that you gain some understanding of the costs and complexities.
10.6.1 Reentrant Locks
To avoid the corruption of shared variables, one needs to ensure that only one thread at a time can compute and set the new values. Code that must be executed in its entirety, without interruption, is called a critical section. One can use a lock to implement a critical section:
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Lock countLock = new ReentrantLock(); // Shared among multiple threads
int count; // Shared among multiple threads
try {
count++; // Critical section
} finally {
countLock.unlock(); // Make sure the lock is unlocked
In this section, I use the ReentrantLock class to explain how locking works. As you will see in the next section, in many cases, there is no particular reason to use explicit locks since there are “implicit” locks that are used by the synchronized keyword. But it is easier to understand what goes on under the hood when one has seen explicit locks.
The first thread to execute the lock method locks the countLock object and then proceeds into the critical section. If another thread tries to call lock on the same object, it is blocked until the first thread executes the call to unlock. In this way, it is guaranteed that only one thread at a time can execute the critical section.
Note that, by placing the unlock method into a finally clause, the lock is released if any exception happens in the critical section. Otherwise, the lock would be permanently locked, and no other thread would be able to proceed past it. This would clearly be very bad. Of course, in this case, the critical section can’t throw an exception since it only executes an integer increment. But it is a common idiom to use the try/finally statement anyway, in case more code gets added later.
At first glance, it seems simple enough to use locks for protecting critical sections. However, the devil is in the details. Experience has shown that many programmers have difficulty writing correct code with locks. They might use the wrong locks, or create situations that deadlock when no thread can make progress because all of them wait for a lock.
For that reason, application programmers should use locks as a matter of last resort. First try to avoid sharing, by using immutable data or handing off mutable data from one thread to another. If you must share, use prebuilt threadsafe structures such as a ConcurrentHashMap or a LongAdder. It is useful to know about locks so you can understand how such data structures can be implemented, but it is best to leave the details to the experts.
10.6.2 The synchronized Keyword
In the preceding section, I showed you how to use a ReentrantLock to implement a critical section. You don’t have to use an explicit lock because in Java, every object has an intrinsic lock. To understand intrinsic locks, however, it helps to have seen explicit locks first.
The synchronized keyword is used to lock the intrinsic lock. It can occur in two forms. You can lock a block:
synchronized (obj) {
Critical section
This essentially means
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try {
Critical section
} finally {
An object does not actually have a field that is an intrinsic lock. The code is just meant to illustrate what goes on when you use the synchronized keyword.
You can also declare a method as synchronized. Then its body is locked on the receiver parameter this. That is,
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public synchronized void method() {
is the equivalent of
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public void method() {
try {
} finally {
For example, a counter can simply be declared as
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public class Counter {
private int value;
public synchronized int increment() {
return value;
By using the intrinsic lock of the Counter instance, there is no need to come up with an explicit lock.
As you can see, using the synchronized keyword yields code that is quite concise. Of course, to understand this code, you have to know that each object has an intrinsic lock.
There is more to locks than just locking. They also guarantee visibility. For example, consider the done variable that gave us so much grief in Section 10.2.1, “Visibility,” on p. 317. If you use a lock for both writing and reading the variable, then you are assured that the caller of get sees any update to the variable through a call by set.
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public class Flag {
private boolean done;
public synchronized void set() { done = true; }
public synchronized boolean get() { return done; }
Synchronized methods were inspired by the monitor concept that was pioneered by Per Brinch Hansen and Tony Hoare in the 1970s. A monitor is essentially a class in which all instance variables are private and all methods are protected by a private lock.
In Java, it is possible to have public instance variables and to mix synchronized and unsynchronized methods. More problematically, the intrinsic lock is publicly accessible.
Many programmers find this confusing. For example, Java 1.0 has a Hashtable class with synchronized methods for mutating the table. To safely iterate over such a table, you can acquire the lock like this:
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synchronized (table) {
for (K key : table.keySet()) ...
Here, table denotes both the hash table and the lock that its methods use. This is a common source of misunderstandings—see Exercise 21.
10.6.3 Waiting on Conditions
Consider a simple Queue class with methods for adding and removing objects. Synchronizing the methods ensures that these operations are atomic.
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public class Queue {
class Node { Object value; Node next; };
private Node head;
private Node tail;
public synchronized void add(Object newValue) {
Node n = new Node();
if (head == null) head = n;
else = n;
tail = n;
tail.value = newValue;
public synchronized Object remove() {
if (head == null) return null;
Node n = head;
head =;
return n.value;
Now suppose we want to turn the remove method into a method take that blocks if the queue is empty.
The check for emptiness must come inside the synchronized method because otherwise the inquiry would be meaningless—another thread might have emptied the queue in the meantime.
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public synchronized Object take() {
if (head == null) ... // Now what?
Node n = head;
head =;
return n.value;
But what should happen if the queue is empty? No other thread can add elements while the current thread holds the lock. This is where the wait method comes in.
If the take method finds that it cannot proceed, it calls the wait method:
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public synchronized Object take() throws InterruptedException {
while (head == null) wait();
The current thread is now deactivated and gives up the lock. This lets in another thread that can, we hope, add elements to the queue. This is called waiting on a condition.
Note that the wait method is a method of the Object class. It relates to the lock that is associated with the object.
There is an essential difference between a thread that is blocking to acquire a lock and a thread that has called wait. Once a thread calls the wait method, it enters a wait set for the object. The thread is not made runnable when the lock is available. Instead, it stays deactivated until another thread has called the notifyAll method on the same object.
When another thread has added an element, it should call that method:
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public synchronized void add(Object newValue) {
The call to notifyAll reactivates all threads in the wait set. When the threads are removed from the wait set, they are again runnable and the scheduler will eventually activate them again. At that time, they will attempt to reacquire the lock. As one of them succeeds, it continues where it left off, returning from the call to wait.
At this time, the thread should test the condition again. There is no guarantee that the condition is now fulfilled—the notifyAll method merely signals to the waiting threads that it may be fulfilled at this time and that it is worth checking for the condition again. For that reason, the test is in a loop
while (head == null) wait();
Another method, notify, unblocks only a single thread from the wait set. That is more efficient than unblocking all threads, but there is a danger. If the chosen thread finds that it still cannot proceed, it becomes blocked again. If no other thread calls notify again, the program deadlocks.
A thread can only call wait, notifyAll, or notify on an object if it holds the lock on that object.
The wait and notifyAll methods are appropriate for building data structures with blocking methods. But they are not easy to use properly. If you just want some threads to wait until some condition is fulfilled, don’t use wait and notifyAll, but use one of the synchronizer classes (such as CountdownLatch and CyclicBarrier) in the concurrency library.
10.7 Threads
As we are nearing the end of this chapter, the time has finally come to talk about threads, the primitives that actually execute tasks. Normally, you are better off using executors that manage threads for you, but the following sections give you some background information about working directly with threads.
10.7.1 Starting a Thread
Here is how to run a thread in Java.
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Runnable task = () -> { ... };
Thread thread = new Thread(task);
The static sleep method makes the current thread sleep for a given period, so that some other threads have a chance to do work.
Runnable task = () -> {
If you want to wait for a thread to finish, call the join method:
These two methods throws the checked InterruptedException that is discussed in the next section.
A thread ends when its run method returns, either normally or because an exception was thrown. In the latter case, the uncaught exception handler of the thread is invoked. When the thread is created, that handler is set to the uncaught exception handler of the thread group, which is ultimately the global handler (see Chapter 5). You can change the handler of a thread by calling the setUncaughtExceptionHandler method.
The initial release of Java defined a stop method that immediately terminates a thread, and a suspend method that blocks a thread until another thread calls resume. Both methods have since been deprecated.
The stop method is inherently unsafe. Suppose a thread is stopped in the middle of a critical section—for example, inserting an element into a queue. Then the queue is left in a partially updated state. However, the lock protecting the critical section is unlocked, and other threads can use the corrupted data structure. You should interrupt a thread when you want it to stop. The interrupted thread can then stop when it is safe to do so.
The suspend method is not as risky but still problematic. If a thread is suspended while it holds a lock, any other thread trying to acquire that lock blocks. If the resuming thread is among them, the program deadlocks.
10.7.2 Thread Interruption
Suppose that, for a given query, you are always satisfied with the first result. When the search for an answer is distributed over multiple tasks, you want to cancel all others as soon as the answer is obtained. In Java, task cancellation is cooperative.
Each thread has an interrupted status that indicates that someone would like to “interrupt” the thread. There is no precise definition of what interruption means, but most programmers use it to indicate a cancellation request.
A Runnable can check for this status, which is typically done in a loop:
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Runnable task = () -> {
while (more work to do) {
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return;
Do more work
When the thread is interrupted, the run method simply ends.
There is also a static Thread.interrupted method which gets the interrupted status of the current thread, then clears it, and returns the old status.
Sometimes, a thread becomes temporarily inactive. That can happen if a thread waits for a value to be computed by another thread or for input/output, or if it goes to sleep to give other threads a chance.
If the thread is interrupted while it waits or sleeps, it is immediately reactivated—but in this case, the interrupted status is not set. Instead, an InterruptedException is thrown. This is a checked exception, and you must catch it inside the run method of a Runnable. The usual reaction to the exception is to end the run method:
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Runnable task = () -> {
try {
while (more work to do) {
Do more work
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// Do nothing
When you catch the InterruptedException in this way, there is no need to check for the interrupted status. If the thread was interrupted outside the call to Thread.sleep, the status is set and the Thread.sleep method throws an InterruptedException as soon as it is called.
The InterruptedException may seem pesky, but you should not just catch and hide it when you call a method such as sleep. If you can’t do anything else, at least set the interrupted status:
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try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Or better, simply propagate the exception to a competent handler:
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public void mySubTask() throws InterruptedException {
10.7.3 Thread-Local Variables
Sometimes, you can avoid sharing by giving each thread its own instance, using the ThreadLocal helper class. For example, instances of NumberFormat class is not threadsafe. Suppose we have a static variable
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public static final NumberFormat currencyFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
If two threads execute an operation such as
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String amountDue = currencyFormat.format(total);
then the result can be garbage since the internal data structures used by the NumberFormat instance can be corrupted by concurrent access. You could use synchronization, which is expensive. Alternatively, you could construct a local NumberFormat object whenever you need it, but that is also wasteful.
To construct one instance per thread, use the following code:
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public static final ThreadLocal<NumberFormat> currencyFormat =
ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance());
To access the actual formatter, call
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String amountDue = currencyFormat.get().format(total);
The first time you call get in a given thread, the lambda in the constructor is called to create the instance for the thread. From then on, the get method returns the instance belonging to the current thread.
10.7.4 Miscellaneous Thread Properties
The Thread class exposes a number of properties for threads, but most of them are more useful for students of certification exams than application programmers. This section briefly reviews them.
Threads can be collected in groups, and there are API methods to manage thread groups, such as interrupting all threads in a group. Nowadays, executors are the preferred mechanism for managing groups of tasks.
You can set priorities for threads, where high-priority threads are scheduled to run before lower-priority ones. Hopefully, priorities are honored by the virtual machine and the host platform, but the details are highly platform-dependent. Therefore, using priorities is fragile and not generally recommended.
Threads have states, and you can tell whether a thread is new, running, blocked on input/output, waiting, or terminated. When you use threads as an application programmer, you rarely have a reason to inquire about their states.
When a thread terminates due to an uncaught exception, the exception is passed to the thread’s uncaught exception handler. By default, its stack trace is dumped to System.err, but you can install your own handler (see Chapter 5).
A daemon is a thread that has no other role in life than to serve others. This is useful for threads that send timer ticks or clean up stale cache entries. When only daemon threads remain, the virtual machine exits.
To make a daemon thread, call thread.setDaemon(true) before starting the thread.
10.8 Asynchronous Computations
So far, our approach to concurrent computation has been to break up a task, and then wait until all pieces have completed. But waiting is not always a good idea. In the following sections, you will see how to implement wait-free or asynchronous computations.
10.8.1 Long-Running Tasks in User Interface Callbacks
One of the reasons to use threads is to make your programs more responsive. This is particularly important in an application with a user interface. When your program needs to do something time consuming, you cannot do the work in the user-interface thread, or the user interface will be frozen. Instead, fire up another worker thread.
For example, if you want to read a web page when the user clicks a button, don’t do this:
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Button read = new Button("Read");
read.setOnAction(event -> { // Bad—action is executed on UI thread
Scanner in = new Scanner(url.openStream());
while (in.hasNextLine()) {
String line = in.nextLine();
Instead, do the work in a separate thread.
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read.setOnAction(event -> { // Good—long-running action in separate thread
Runnable task = () -> {
Scanner in = new Scanner(url.openStream());
while (in.hasNextLine()) {
String line = in.nextLine();
new Thread(task).start();
However, you have to be careful what you do in such a worker thread. User interfaces such as JavaFX, Swing, or Android are not threadsafe. If you manipulate user interface elements from multiple threads, the elements can become corrupted. In fact, JavaFX and Android check for this, and throw an exception if you try to access the user interface from a thread other than the UI thread.
Therefore, you need to schedule any UI updates to happen on the UI thread. Each user interface library provides some mechanism to schedule a Runnable for execution on the UI thread. For example, in JavaFX, you can use
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Platform.runLater(() ->
message.appendText(line + "\n"));
It is tedious to implement lengthy operations while giving users feedback on the progress, so user interface libraries usually provide some kind of helper class for managing the details, such as SwingWorker in Swing and AsyncTask in Android. You specify actions for the long-running task (which is run on a separate thread), as well as progress updates and the final disposition (which are run on the UI thread).
The Task class in JavaFX takes a slightly different approach to progress updates. The class provides methods to update task properties (a message, completion percentage, and result value) in the long-running thread. You bind the properties to user interface elements, which are then updated in the UI thread.
10.8.2 Completable Futures
The traditional approach for dealing with nonblocking calls is to use event handlers, where the programmer registers a handler for the action that should occur after a task completes. Of course, if the next action is also asynchronous, the next action after that is in a different event handler. Even though the programmer thinks in terms of “first do step 1, then step 2, then step 3,” the program logic becomes dispersed in different handlers. It gets worse when one has to add error handling. Suppose step 2 is “the user logs in.” You may need to repeat that step since the user can mistype the credentials. Trying to implement such a control flow in a set of event handlers, or to understand it once it has been implemented, is challenging.
The CompletableFuture class provides an alternative approach. Unlike event handlers, completable futures can be composed.
For example, suppose we want to extract all links from a web page in order to build a web crawler. Let’s say we have a method
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public void CompletableFuture<String> readPage(URL url)
that yields the text of a web page when it becomes available. If the method
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public static List<URL> getLinks(String page)
yields the URLs in an HTML page, you can schedule it to be called when the page is available:
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CompletableFuture<String> contents = readPage(url);
CompletableFuture<List<URL>> links = contents.thenApply(Parser::getLinks);
The thenApply method doesn’t block either. It returns another future. When the first future has completed, its result is fed to the getLinks method, and the return value of that method becomes the final result.
With completable futures, you just specify what you want to have done and in which order. It won’t all happen right away, of course, but what is important is that all the code is in one place.
Conceptually, CompletableFuture is a simple API, but there are many variants of methods for composing completable futures. Let us first look at those that deal with a single future (see Table 10–2). (For each method shown, there are also two Async variants that I don’t show. One of them uses a shared ForkJoinPool, and the other has an Executor parameter.) In the table, I use a shorthand notation for the ponderous functional interfaces, writing T -> U instead of Function<? super T, U>. These aren’t actual Java types, of course.
Table 10–2 Adding an Action to a CompletableFuture<T> Object
You have already seen the thenApply method. The calls
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CompletableFuture<U> future.thenApply(f);
CompletableFuture<U> future.thenApplyAsync(f);
return a future that applies f to the result of future when it is available. The second call runs f in yet another thread.
The thenCompose method, instead of taking a function T -> U, takes a function T -> CompletableFuture<U>. That sounds rather abstract, but it can be quite natural. Consider the action of reading a web page from a given URL. Instead of supplying a method
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public String blockingReadPage(URL url)
it is more elegant to have that method return a future:
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public CompletableFuture<String> readPage(URL url)
Now, suppose we have another method that gets the URL from user input, perhaps from a dialog that won’t reveal the answer until the user has clicked the OK button. That, too, is an event in the future:
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public CompletableFuture<URL> getURLInput(String prompt)
Here we have two functions T -> CompletableFuture<U> and U -> CompletableFuture<V>. Clearly, they compose to a function T -> CompletableFuture<V> if the second function is called when the first one has completed. That is exactly what thenCompose does.
The third method in Table 10–2 focuses on a different aspect that I have ignored so far: failure. When an exception is thrown in a CompletableFuture, it is captured and wrapped in an unchecked ExecutionException when the get method is called. But perhaps get is never called. In order to handle an exception, use the handle method. The supplied function is called with the result (or null if none) and the exception (or null if none), and it gets to make sense of the situation.
The remaining methods have void result and are normally used at the end of a processing pipeline.
Now let us turn to methods that combine multiple futures (see Table 10–3).
Table 10–3 Combining Multiple Composition Objects
The first three methods run a CompletableFuture<T> and a CompletableFuture<U> action in parallel and combine the results.
The next three methods run two CompletableFuture<T> actions in parallel. As soon as one of them finishes, its result is passed on, and the other result is ignored.
Finally, the static allOf and anyOf methods take a variable number of completable futures and yield a CompletableFuture<Void> that completes when all of them, or any one of them, completes. No results are propagated.
Technically speaking, the methods in this section accept parameters of type CompletionStage, not CompletableFuture. That is an interface with almost forty abstract methods, implemented only by CompletableFuture. The interface is provided so that third-party frameworks can implement it.
10.9 Processes
Up to now, you have seen how to execute Java code in separate threads within the same program. Sometimes, you need to execute another program. For this, use the ProcessBuilder and Process classes. The Process class executes a command in a separate operating system process and lets you interact with its standard input, output, and error streams. The ProcessBuilder class lets you configure a Process object.
The ProcessBuilder class is a more flexible replacement for the Runtime.exec calls.
10.9.1 Building a Process
Start the building process by specifying the command that you want to execute. You can supply a List<String> or simply the strings that make up the command.
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ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("gcc", "myapp.c");
The first string must be an executable command, not a shell builtin. For example, to run the dir command in Windows, you need to build a process with strings "cmd.exe", "/C", and "dir".
Each process has a working directory, which is used to resolve relative directory names. By default, a process has the same working directory as the virtual machine, which is typically the directory from which you launched the java program. You can change it with the directory method:
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builder =;
Each of the methods for configuring a ProcessBuilder returns itself, so that you can chain commands. Ultimately, you will call
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Process p = new ProcessBuilder(command).directory(file)....start();
Next, you will want to specify what should happen to the standard input, output, and error streams of the process. By default, each of them is a pipe that you can access with
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OutputStream processIn = p.getOutputStream();
InputStream processOut = p.getInputStream();
InputStream processErr = p.getErrorStream();
Note that the input stream of the process is an output stream in the JVM! You write to that stream, and whatever you write becomes the input of the process. Conversely, you read what the process writes to the output and error streams. For you, they are input streams.
You can specify that the input, output, and error streams of the new process should be the same as the JVM. If the user runs the JVM in a console, any user input is forwarded to the process, and the process output shows up in the console. Call
to make this setting for all three streams. If you only want to inherit some of the streams, pass the value
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to the redirectInput, redirectOutput, or redirectError methods. For example,
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You can redirect the process streams to files by supplying File objects:
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The files for output and error are created or truncated when the process starts. To append to existing files, use
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It is often useful to merge the output and error streams, so you see the outputs and error messages in the sequence in which the process generates them. Call
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to activate the merging. If you do that, you can no longer call redirectError on the ProcessBuilder or getErrorStream on the Process.
Finally, you may want to modify the environment variables of the process. Here, the builder chain syntax breaks down. You need to get the builder’s environment (which is initialized by the environment variables of the process running the JVM), then put or remove entries.
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Map<String, String> env = builder.environment();
env.put("LANG", "fr_FR");
Process p = builder.start();
10.9.2 Running a Process
After you have configured the builder, invoke its start method to start the process. If you configured the input, output, and error streams as pipes, you can now write to the input stream and read the output and error streams. For example,
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Process p = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/ls", "-l")
try (Scanner in = new Scanner(p.getInputStream())) {
while (in.hasNextLine())
There is limited buffer space for the process streams. You should not flood the input, and you should read the output promptly. If there is a lot of input and output, you may need to produce and consume it in separate threads.
To wait for the process to finish, call
int result = p.waitFor();
or, if you don’t want to wait indefinitely,
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long delay = ...;
if (p.waitfor(delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
int result = p.exitValue();
} else {
The first call to waitFor returns the exit value of the process (by convention, 0 for success or a nonzero error code). The second call returns true if the process didn’t time out. Then you need to retrieve the exit value by calling the exitValue method.
Instead of waiting for the process, you can just leave it running and occasionally call isAlive to see whether it is still alive. To kill the process, call destroy or destroyForcibly. The difference between these calls is platform-dependent. On Unix, the former kills the process with SIGTERM, the latter with SIGKILL.
1. Using parallel streams, find all files in a directory that contain a given word. How do you find just the first one? Are the files actually searched concurrently?
2. How large does an array have to be for Arrays.parallelSort to be faster than Arrays.sort on your computer?
3. Implement a method yielding a task that reads through all words in a file, trying to find a given word. The task should finish immediately (with a debug message) when it is interrupted. For all files in a directory, schedule one task for each file. Interrupt all others when one of them has succeeded.
4. One parallel operation not discussed in Section 10.3.2, “Parallel Array Operations,” on p. 324 is the parallelPrefix method that replaces each array element with the accumulation of the prefix for a given associative operation. Huh? Here is an example. Consider the array [1, 2, 3, 4, ...] and the × operation. After executing Arrays.parallelPrefix(values, (x, y) -> x * y), the array contains
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[1, 1 × 2, 1 × 2 × 3, 1 × 2 × 3 × 4, ...]
Perhaps surprisingly, this computation can be parallelized. First, join neighboring elements, as indicated here:
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[1, 1 × 2, 3, 3 × 4, 5, 5 × 6, 7, 7 × 8]
The gray values are left alone. Clearly, one can make this computation in parallel in separate regions of the array. In the next step, update the indicated elements by multiplying them with elements that are one or two positions below:
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[1, 1 × 2, 1 × 2 × 3, 1 × 2 × 3 × 4, 5, 5 × 6, 5 × 6 × 7, 5 × 6 × 7 × 8]
This can again be done in parallel. After log(n) steps, the process is complete. This is a win over the straightforward linear computation if sufficient processors are available.
In this exercise, you will use the parallelPrefix method to parallelize the computation of Fibonacci numbers. We use the fact that the nth Fibonacci number is the top left coefficient of Fn, where . Make an array filled with 2 × 2 matrices. Define a Matrix class with a multiplication method, use parallelSetAll to make an array of matrices, and use parallelPrefix to multiply them.
5. Write an application in which multiple threads read all words from a collection of files. Use a ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<File>> to track in which files each word occurs. Use the merge method to update the map.
6. Repeat the preceding exercise, but use computeIfAbsent instead. What is the advantage of this approach?
7. In a ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>, find the key with maximum value (breaking ties arbitrarily). Hint: reduceEntries.
8. Generate 1,000 threads, each of which increments a counter 100,000 times. Compare the performance of using AtomicLong versus LongAdder.
9. Use a LongAccumulator to compute the maximum or minimum of the accumulated elements.
10. Use a blocking queue for processing files in a directory. One thread walks the file tree and inserts files into a queue. Several threads remove the files and search each one for a given keyword, printing out any matches. When the producer is done, it should put a dummy file into the queue.
11. Repeat the preceding exercise, but instead have each consumer compile a map of words and their frequencies that are inserted into a second queue. A final thread merges the dictionaries and prints the ten most common words. Why don’t you need to use a ConcurrentHashMap?
12. Repeat the preceding exercise, making a Callable<Map<String, Integer>> for each file and using an appropriate executor service. Merge the results when all are available. Why don’t you need to use a ConcurrentHashMap?
13. Use an ExecutorCompletionService instead and merge the results as soon as they become available.
14. Repeat the preceding exercise, using a global ConcurrentHashMap for collecting the word frequencies.
15. Repeat the preceding exercise, using parallel streams. None of the stream operations should have any side effects.
16. Write a program that walks a directory tree and generates a thread for each file. In the threads, count the number of words in the files and, without using locks, update a shared counter that is declared as
public static long count = 0;
Run the program multiple times. What happens? Why?
17. Fix the program of the preceding exercise with using a lock.
18. Fix the program of the preceding exercise with using a LongAdder.
19. Consider this stack implementation:
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public class Stack {
class Node { Object value; Node next; };
private Node top;
public void push(Object newValue) {
Node n = new Node();
n.value = newValue; = top;
top = n;
public Object pop() {
if (top == null) return null;
Node n = top;
top =;
return n.value;
Describe two different ways in which the data structure can fail to contain the correct elements.
20. Consider this queue implementation:
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public class Queue {
class Node { Object value; Node next; };
private Node head;
private Node tail;
public void add(Object newValue) {
Node n = new Node();
if (head == null) head = n;
else = n;
tail = n;
tail.value = newValue;
public Object remove() {
if (head == null) return null;
Node n = head;
head =;
return n.value;
Describe two different ways in which the data structure can fail to contain the correct elements.
21. What is wrong with this code snippet?
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public class Stack {
private Object myLock = "LOCK";
public void push(Object newValue) {
synchronized (myLock) {
22. What is wrong with this code snippet?
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public class Stack {
public void push(Object newValue) {
synchronized (new ReentrantLock()) {
23. What is wrong with this code snippet?
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public class Stack {
private Object[] values = new Object[10];
private int size;
public void push(Object newValue) {
synchronized (values) {
if (size == values.length)
values = Arrays.copyOf(values, 2 * size);
values[size] = newValue;
24. Write a program that asks the user for a URL, reads the web page at that URL, and displays all the links. Use a CompletableFuture for each stage. Don’t call get. To prevent your program from terminating prematurely, call
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ForkJoinPool.commonPool().awaitQuiescence(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
25. Write a method
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public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> repeat(
Supplier<T> action, Predicate<T> until)
that asynchronously repeats the action until it produces a value that is accepted by the until function, which should also run asynchronously. Test with a function that reads a from the console, and a function that simulates a validity check by sleeping for a second and then checking that the password is "secret". Hint: Use recursion.