Annotations - Core Java for the Impatient (2013)

Core Java for the Impatient (2013)

Chapter 11. Annotations

Topics in This Chapter

Image 11.1 Using Annotations

Image 11.2 Defining Annotations

Image 11.3 Standard Annotations

Image 11.4 Processing Annotations at Runtime

Image 11.5 Source-Level Annotation Processing

Image Exercises

Annotations are tags that you insert into your source code so that some tool can process them. The tools can operate on the source level, or they can process class files into which the compiler has placed annotations.

Annotations do not change the way your programs are compiled. The Java compiler generates the same virtual machine instructions with or without the annotations.

To benefit from annotations, you need to select a processing tool and use annotations that your processing tool understands, before you can apply that tool to your code.

There is a wide range of uses for annotations. For example, JUnit uses annotations to mark methods that execute tests and to specify how the tests should be run. The Java Persistence Architecture uses annotations to define mappings between classes and database tables, so that objects can be persisted automatically without the developer having to write SQL queries.

In this chapter, you will learn the details of the annotation syntax, how to define your own annotations, and how to write annotation processors that work at the source level or at runtime.

The key points of this chapter are:

1. You can annotate declarations just as you use modifiers such as public or static.

2. You can also annotate types that appear in declarations, casts, instanceof checks, or method references.

3. An annotation starts with a @ symbol and may contain key/value pairs called elements.

4. Annotation values must be compile-time constants: primitive types, enum constants, Class literals, other annotations, or arrays thereof.

5. An item can have repeating annotations or annotations of different types.

6. To define an annotation, specify an annotation interface whose methods correspond to the annotation elements.

7. The Java library defines over a dozen annotations, and annotations are extensively used in the Java Enterprise Edition.

8. To process annotations in a running Java program, you can use reflection and query the reflected items for annotations.

9. Annotation processors process source files during compilation, using the Java language model API to locate annotated items.

11.1 Using Annotations

Here is an example of a simple annotation:

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public class CacheTest {
@Test public void checkRandomInsertions()

The annotation @Test annotates the checkRandomInsertions method. In Java, an annotation is used like a modifier (such as public or static). The name of each annotation is preceded by an @ symbol.

By itself, the @Test annotation does not do anything. It needs a tool to be useful. For example, the JUnit 4 testing tool (available at calls all methods that are labeled @Test when testing a class. Another tool might remove all test methods from a class file so they are not shipped with the program after it has been tested.

11.1.1 Annotation Elements

Annotations can have key/value pairs called elements, such as


The names and types of the permissible elements are defined by each annotation (see Section 11.2, “Defining Annotations,” on p. 361. The elements can be processed by the tools that read the annotations.

An annotation element is one of the following:

• A primitive type value

• A String

• A Class object

• An instance of an enum

• An annotation

• An array of the preceding (but not an array of arrays)

For example,

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Image Caution

An annotation element can never have the value null.

Elements can have default values. For example, the timeout element of the JUnit @Test annotation has default 0L. Therefore, the annotation @Test is equivalent to @Test(timeout=0L).

If the element name is value, and that is the only element you specify, you can omit value=. For example, @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") is the same as @SuppressWarnings(value="unchecked").

If an element value is an array, enclose its components in braces:

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@BugReport(reportedBy={"Harry", "Fred"})

You can omit the braces if the array has a single component:

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@BugReport(reportedBy="Harry") // Same as {"Harry"}

An annotation element can be another annotation:

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@BugReport(ref=@Reference(id=11235811), ...)

Image Note

Since annotations are evaluated by the compiler, all element values must be compile-time constants.

11.1.2 Multiple and Repeated Annotations

An item can have multiple annotations:

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@BugReport(showStopper=true, reportedBy="Joe")
public void checkRandomInsertions()

If the author of an annotation declared it to be repeatable, you can repeat the same annotation multiple times:

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@BugReport(showStopper=true, reportedBy="Joe")
@BugReport(reportedBy={"Harry", "Carl"})
public void checkRandomInsertions()

11.1.3 Annotating Declarations

So far, you have seen annotations applied to method declarations. There are many other places where annotations can occur. They fall into two categories: declarations and type uses. Declaration annotations can appear at the declarations of

• Classes (including enum) and interfaces (including annotation interfaces)

• Methods

• Constructors

• Instance variables (including enum constants)

• Local variables (including those declared in for and try-with-resources statements)

• Parameter variables and catch clause parameters

• Type parameters

• Packages

For classes and interfaces, put the annotations before the class or interface keyword:

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@Entity public class User { ... }

For variables, put them before the type:

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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<User> users = ...;
public User getUser(@Param("id") String userId)

A type parameter in a generic class or method can be annotated like this:

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public class Cache<@Immutable V> { ... }

A package is annotated in a file that contains only the package statement preceded by annotations.

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Package-level Javadoc
package com.horstmann.corejava;
import org.gnu.GPL;

Note that the import statement for the annotation comes after the package declaration.

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Annotations for local variables and packages are discarded when a class is compiled. Therefore, they can only be processed at the source level.

11.1.4 Annotating Type Uses

A declaration annotation provides some information about the item being declared. For example, in the declaration

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public User getUser(@NonNull String userId)

it is asserted that the userId parameter is not null.

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The @NonNull annotation is a part of the Checker Framework ( With that framework, you can include assertions in your program, such that a parameter is non-null or that a String contains a regular expression. A static analysis tool then checks whether the assertions are valid in a given body of source code.

Now suppose we have a parameter of type List<String>, and we want to express that all of the strings are non-null. That is where type use annotations come in. Place the annotation before the type argument: List<@NonNull String>

Type use annotations can appear in the following places:

• With generic type arguments: List<@NonNull String>, Comparator.<@NonNull String> reverseOrder().

• In any position of an array: @NonNull String[][] words (words[i][j] is not null), String @NonNull [][] words (words is not null), String[] @NonNull [] words (words[i] is not null).

• With superclasses and implemented interfaces: class Warning extends @Localized Message.

• With constructor invocations: new @Localized String(...).

• With nested types: Map.@Localized Entry.

• With casts and instanceof checks: (@Localized String) text, if (text instanceof @Localized String). (The annotations are only for use by external tools. They have no effect on the behavior of a cast or an instanceof check.)

• With exception specifications: public String read() throws @Localized IOException.

• With wildcards and type bounds: List<@Localized ? extends Message>, List<? extends @Localized Message>.

• With method and constructor references: @Localized Message::getText.

There are a few type positions that cannot be annotated:

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@NonNull String.class // Error—cannot annotate class literal
import java.lang.@NonNull String; // Error—cannot annotate import

You can place annotations before or after other modifiers such as private and static. It is customary (but not required) to put type use annotations after other modifiers, and declaration annotations before other modifiers. For example,

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private @NonNull String text; // Annotates the type use
@Id private String userId; // Annotates the variable

Image Note

As you will see in Section 11.2, “Defining Annotations,” on p. 361, an annotation author needs to specify where a particular annotation can appear. If an annotation is permissible both for a variable and a type use, and it is used in a variable declaration, then both the variable and the type use are annotated. For example, consider

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public User getUser(@NonNull String userId)

if @NonNull can apply both to parameters and to type uses, the userId parameter is annotated, and the parameter type is @NonNull String.

11.1.5 Making Receivers Explicit

Suppose you want to annotate parameters that are not being mutated by a method.

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public class Point {
public boolean equals(@ReadOnly Object other) { ... }

Then a tool that processes this annotation would, upon seeing a call


reason that q has not been changed.

But what about p?

When the method is called, the receiver variable this is bound to p, but this is never declared, so you cannot annotate it.

Actually, you can declare it, with a rarely used syntax variant, just so that you can add an annotation:

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public class Point {
public boolean equals(@ReadOnly Point this, @ReadOnly Object other) { ... }

The first parameter is called the receiver parameter. It must be named this. Its type is the class that is being constructed.

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You can provide a receiver parameter only for methods, not for constructors. Conceptually, the this reference in a constructor is not an object of the given type until the constructor has completed. Instead, an annotation placed on the constructor describes a property of the constructed object.

A different hidden parameter is passed to the constructor of an inner class, namely the reference to the enclosing class object. You can make this parameter explicit as well:

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static class Sequence {
private int from;
private int to;

class Iterator implements java.util.Iterator<Integer> {
private int current;

public Iterator(@ReadOnly Sequence Sequence.this) {
this.current = Sequence.this.from;

The parameter must be named just like when you refer to it, EnclosingClass.this, and its type is the enclosing class.

11.2 Defining Annotations

Each annotation must be declared by an annotation interface, with the @interface syntax. The methods of the interface correspond to the elements of the annotation. For example, the JUnit Test annotation is defined by the following interface:

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public @interface Test {
long timeout();

The @interface declaration creates an actual Java interface. Tools that process annotations receive objects that implement the annotation interface. When the JUnit test runner tool gets an object that implements Test, it simply invokes the timeout method to retrieve the timeout element of a particular Test annotation.

The element declarations in the annotation interface are actually method declarations. The methods of an annotation interface can have no parameters and no throws clauses, and they cannot be generic.

The Target and Retention annotations are meta-annotations. They annotate the Test annotation, indicating the places where the annotation can occur and where it can be accessed.

The value of the @Target meta-annotation is an array of ElementType objects, specifying the items to which the annotation can apply. You can specify any number of element types, enclosed in braces. For example,

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@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface BugReport

Table 11–1 shows all possible targets. The compiler checks that you use an annotation only where permitted. For example, if you apply @BugReport to a variable, a compile-time error results.


Table 11–1 Element Types for the @Target Annotation

Image Note

An annotation without an @Target restriction can be used with any declarations but not with type parameters and type uses. (These were the only possible targets in the first Java release that supported annotations.)

The @Retention meta-annotation specifies where the annotation can be accessed. There are three choices.

1. RetentionPolicy.SOURCE: The annotation is available to source processors, but it is not included in class files.

2. RetentionPolicy.CLASS: The annotation is included in class files, but the virtual machine does not load them. This is the default.

3. RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME: The annotation is available at runtime and can be accessed through the reflection API.

You will see examples of all three scenarios later in this chapter.

There are several other meta-annotations—see Section 11.3, “Standard Annotations,” on p. 364 for a complete list.

To specify a default value for an element, add a default clause after the method defining the element. For example,

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public @interface Test {
long timeout() default 0L;

This example shows how to denote a default of an empty array and a default for an annotation.

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public @interface BugReport {
String[] reportedBy() default {};
// Defaults to empty array
Reference ref() default @Reference(id=0);
// Default for an annotation

Image Caution

Defaults are not stored with the annotation; instead, they are dynamically computed. If you change a default and recompile the annotation class, all annotated elements will use the new default, even in class files that have been compiled before the default changed.

You cannot extend annotation interfaces, and you never supply classes that implement annotation interfaces. Instead, source processing tools and the virtual machine generate proxy classes and objects when needed.

11.3 Standard Annotations

The Java API defines a number of annotation interfaces in the java.lang, java.lang.annotation, and javax.annotation packages. Four of them are meta-annotations that describe the behavior of annotation interfaces. The others are regular annotations that you use to annotate items in your source code. Table 11–2 shows these annotations. I will discuss them in detail in the following two sections.



Table 11–2 The Standard Annotations

11.3.1 Annotations for Compilation

The @Deprecated annotation can be attached to any items whose use is no longer encouraged. The compiler will warn when you use a deprecated item. This annotation has the same role as the @deprecated Javadoc tag.

The @Override makes the compiler check that the annotated method really overrides a method from the superclass. For example, if you declare

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public class Point {
@Override public boolean equals(Point other) { ... }

then the compiler will report an error—this equals method does not override the equals method of the Object class because that method has a parameter of type Object, not Point.

The @SuppressWarnings annotation tells the compiler to suppress warnings of a particular type, for example,

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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T[] result
= (T[]) Array.newInstance(cl, n);

The @SafeVarargs annotation asserts that a method does not corrupt its varargs parameter (see Chapter 6).

The @Generated annotation is intended for use by code generator tools. Any generated source code can be annotated to differentiate it from programmer-provided code. For example, a code editor can hide the generated code, or a code generator can remove older versions of generated code. Each annotation must contain a unique identifier for the code generator. A date string (in ISO 8601 format) and a comment string are optional. For example,

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You have seen the FunctionalInterface annotation in Chapter 3. It is used to annotate conversion targets for lambda expressions, such as

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public interface IntFunction<R> {
R apply(int value);

If you later add another abstract method, the compiler will generate an error.

Of course, you should only add this annotations to interfaces that describe functions. There are other interfaces with a single abstract method (such as AutoCloseable) that are not conceptually functions.

11.3.2 Annotations for Managing Resources

The @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations are used in environments that control the lifecycle of objects, such as web containers and application servers. Methods tagged with these annotations should be invoked immediately after an object has been constructed or immediately before it is being removed.

The @Resource annotation is intended for resource injection. For example, consider a web application that accesses a database. Of course, the database access information should not be hardwired into the web application. Instead, the web container has some user interface for setting connection parameters and a JNDI name for a data source. In the web application, you can reference the data source like this:

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private DataSource source;

When an object containing this instance variable is constructed, the container “injects” a reference to the data source—that is, sets the instance variable to a DataSource object that is configured with the name "jdbc/employeedb".

11.3.3 Meta-Annotations

You have already seen the @Target and @Retention meta-annotations in Section 11.2, “Defining Annotations,” on p. 361.

The @Documented meta-annotation gives a hint to documentation tools such as Javadoc. Documented annotations should be treated just like other modifiers (such as private or static) for documentation purposes. In contrast, other annotations should not be included in the documentation.

For example, the @SuppressWarnings annotation is not documented. If a method or field has that annotation, it is an implementation detail that is of no interest to the Javadoc reader. On the other hand, the @FunctionalInterface annotation is documented since it is useful for the programmer to know that the interface is intended to describe a function. Figure 11–1 shows the documentation.


Figure 11–1 A documented annotation

The @Inherited meta-annotation applies only to annotations for classes. When a class has an inherited annotation, then all of its subclasses automatically have the same annotation. This makes it easy to create annotations that work similar to marker interfaces (such as the Serializable interface).

Suppose you define an inherited annotation @Persistent to indicate that objects of a class can be saved in a database. Then the subclasses of persistent classes are automatically annotated as persistent.

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@Inherited @interface Persistent { }

@Persistent class Employee { . . . }
class Manager extends Employee { . . . } // Also @Persistent

The @Repeatable meta-annotation makes it possible to apply the same annotation multiple times. For example, suppose the @TestCase annotation is repeatable. Then it can be used like this:

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@TestCase(params="4", expected="24")
@TestCase(params="0", expected="1")
public static long factorial(int n) { ... }

For historical reasons, the implementor of a repeatable annotation needs to provide a container annotation that holds the repeated annotations in an array.

Here is how to define the @TestCase annotation and its container:

@interface TestCase {
String params();
String expected();

@interface TestCases {
TestCase[] value();

Whenever the user supplies two or more @TestCase annotations, they are automatically wrapped into a @TestCases annotation. This complicates processing of the annotation, as you will see in the next section.

11.4 Processing Annotations at Runtime

So far, you have seen how to add annotations to source files and how to define annotation types. Now the time has come to see what good can come out of that.

In this section, I show you a simple example of processing an annotation at runtime using the reflection API that you have already seen in Chapter 4. Suppose we want to reduce the tedium of implementing toString methods. Of course, one can write a generic toString method using reflection that simply includes all instance variable names and values. But suppose we want to customize that process. We may not want to include all instance variables, or we may want to skip class and variable names. For example, for the Point class we may prefer [5,10] instead of Point[x=5,y=10]. Of course, any number of other enhancements would be plausible, but let’s keep it simple. The point is to demonstrate what an annotation processor can do.

Annotate all classes that you want to benefit from this service with the @ToString annotation. In addition, all instance variables that should be included need to be annotated as well. The annotation is defined like this:

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@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface ToString {
boolean includeName() default true;

Here are annotated Point and Rectangle classes.

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public class Point {
@ToString(includeName=false) private int x;
@ToString(includeName=false) private int y;

public class Rectangle {
@ToString(includeName=false) private Point topLeft;
@ToString private int width;
@ToString private int height;

The intent is for a rectangle to be represented as string as Rectangle[[5, 10], width=20,height=30].

At runtime, we cannot modify the implementation of the toString method for a given class. Instead, let us provide a method that can format any object, discovering and using the ToString annotations if they are present.

The key are the methods

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T getAnnotation(Class<T>)
T getDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>)
T[] getAnnotationsByType(Class<T>)
T[] getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T>)
Annotation[] getAnnotations()
Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations()

of the AnnotatedElement interface. The reflection classes Class, Field, Parameter, Method, Constructor, and Package implement that interface.

As with other reflection methods, the methods with Declared in their name yield annotations in the class itself, whereas the others include inherited ones. In the context of annotations, this means that the annotation is @Inherited and applied to a superclass.

If an annotation is not repeatable, call getAnnotation to locate it. For example:

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Class cl = obj.getClass();
ToString ts = cl.getAnnotation(ToString.class);
if (ts != null && ts.includeName()) ...

Note that you pass the class object for the annotation (here, ToString.class) and you get back an object of some proxy class that implements the ToString interface. You can then invoke the interface methods to get the values of the annotation elements. If the annotation is not present, the getAnnotation method returns null.

It gets a bit messy if an annotation is repeatable. If you call getAnnotation to look up a repeatable annotation, and the annotation was actually repeated, then you also get null. That is because the repeated annotations were wrapped inside the container annotation.

In this case, you should call getAnnotationsByType. That call “looks through” the container and gives you an array of the repeated annotations. If there was just one annotation, you get it in an array of length 1. With this method, you don’t have to worry about the container annotation.

The getAnnotations method gets all annotations (of any type) with which an item is annotated, with repeated annotations wrapped into containers.

Here is the implementation of the annotation-aware toString method:

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public class ToStrings {
public static String toString(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return "null";
Class<?> cl = obj.getClass();
ToString ts = cl.getAnnotation(ToString.class);
if (ts == null) return obj.toString();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (ts.includeName()) result.append(cl.getName());
boolean first = true;
for (Field f : cl.getDeclaredFields()) {
ts = f.getAnnotation(ToString.class);
if (ts != null) {
if (first) first = false; else result.append(",");
if (ts.includeName()) {
try {
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
return result.toString();

When a class is annotated with ToString, the method iterates over its fields and prints the ones that are also annotated. If the includeName element is true, then the class or field name is included in the string.

Note that the method calls itself recursively. Whenever an object belongs to a class that isn’t annotated, its regular toString method is used and the recursion stops.

This is a simple but typical use of the runtime annotation API. Look up classes, fields, and so on, using reflection; call getAnnotation or getAnnotationsByType on the potentially annotated elements to retrieve the annotations; then, invoke the methods of the annotation interfaces to obtain the element values.

11.5 Source-Level Annotation Processing

In the preceding section, you saw how to analyze annotations in a running program. Another use for annotation is the automatic processing of source files to produce more source code, configuration files, scripts, or whatever else one might want to generate.

To show you the mechanics, I will repeat the example of generating toString methods. However, this time, let’s generate them in Java source. Then the methods will get compiled with the rest of the program, and they will run at full speed instead of using reflection.

11.5.1 Annotation Processors

Annotation processing is integrated into the Java compiler. During compilation, you can invoke annotation processors by running

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javac -processor ProcessorClassName1,ProcessorClassName2,... sourceFiles

The compiler locates the annotations of the source files. Each annotation processor is executed in turn and given the annotations in which it expressed an interest. If an annotation processor creates a new source file, the process is repeated. Once a processing round yields no further source files, all source files are compiled.

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An annotation processor can only generate new source files. It cannot modify an existing source file.

An annotation processor implements the Processor interface, generally by extending the AbstractProcessor class. You need to specify which annotations your processor supports. In our case:

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public class ToStringAnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations,
RoundEnvironment currentRound) {

A processor can claim specific annotation types, wildcards such as "com.horstmann.*“ (all annotations in the com.horstmann package or any subpackage), or even "*" (all annotations).

The process method is called once for each round, with the set of all annotations that were found in any files during this round, and a RoundEnvironment reference that contains information about the current processing round.

11.5.2 The Language Model API

You use the language model API for analyzing source-level annotations. Unlike the reflection API, which presents the virtual machine representation of classes and methods, the language model API lets you analyze a Java program according to the rules of the Java language.

The compiler produces a tree whose nodes are instances of classes that implement the javax.lang.model.element.Element interface and its subinterfaces, TypeElement, VariableElement, ExecutableElement, and so on. These are the compile-time analogs to the Class, Field/Parameter, Method/Constructor reflection classes.

I do not want to cover the API in detail, but here are the highlights that you need to know for processing annotations.

• The RoundEnvironment gives you a set of all elements annotated with a particular annotation, by calling the method

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Set<? extends Element> getElementsAnnotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation> a)

• The source-level equivalent of the AnnotateElement interface is AnnotatedConstruct. You use the methods

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A getAnnotation(Class<A> annotationType)
A[] getAnnotationsByType(Class<A> annotationType)

to get the annotation or repeated annotations for a given annotation class.

• A TypeElement represents a class or interface. The getEnclosedElements method yields a list of its fields and methods.

• Calling getSimpleName on an Element or getQualifiedName on a TypeElement yields a Name object that can be converted to a string with toString.

11.5.3 Using Annotations to Generate Source Code

Let us return to our task of automatically generating toString methods. We can’t put these methods into the original classes—annotation processors can only produce new classes, not modify existing ones.

Therefore, we’ll add all methods into a utility class ToStrings:

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public class ToStrings {
public static String toString(Point obj) {
Generated code
public static String toString(Rectangle obj) {
Generated code
public static String toString(Object obj) {
return Objects.toString(obj);

Since we don’t want to use reflection, we annotate accessor methods, not fields:

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public class Rectangle {
@ToString(includeName=false) public Point getTopLeft() { return topLeft; }
@ToString public int getWidth() { return width; }
@ToString public int getHeight() { return height; }

The annotation processor should then generate the following source code:

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public static String toString(Rectangle obj) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
return result.toString();

The “boilerplate” code is in gray. Here is an outline of the method that produces the toString method for a class with given TypeElement:

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private void writeToStringMethod(PrintWriter out, TypeElement te) {
String className = te.getQualifiedName().toString();
Print method header and declaration of string builder
ToString ann = te.getAnnotation(ToString.class);
if (ann.includeName()) Print code to add class name
for (Element c : te.getEnclosedElements()) {
ann = c.getAnnotation(ToString.class);
if (ann != null) {
if (ann.includeName()) Print code to add field name
Print code to append toString(obj.methodName())
Print code to return string

And here is an outline of the process method of the annotation processor. It creates a source file for the helper class and writes the class header and one method for each annotated class.

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public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations,
RoundEnvironment currentRound) {
if (annotations.size() == 0) return true;
try {
JavaFileObject sourceFile = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile(
try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sourceFile.openWriter())) {
Print code for package and class
for (Element e : currentRound.getElementsAnnotatedWith(ToString.class)) {
if (e instanceof TypeElement) {
TypeElement te = (TypeElement) e;
writeToStringMethod(out, te);
Print code for toString(Object)
} catch (IOException ex) {
Kind.ERROR, ex.getMessage());
return true;

For the tedious details, check the book’s companion code.

Note that the process method is called in subsequent rounds with an empty list of annotations. It then returns immediately so it doesn’t create the source file twice.

Image Tip

To see the rounds, run the javac command with the -XprintRounds flag:

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Round 1:
input files: {ch11.sec05.Point, ch11.sec05.Rectangle,
annotations: [com.horstmann.annotations.ToString]
last round: false
Round 2:
input files: {com.horstmann.annotations.ToStrings}
annotations: []
last round: false
Round 3:
input files: {}
annotations: []
last round: true

This example demonstrates how tools can harvest source file annotations to produce other files. The generated files don’t have to be source files. Annotation processors may choose to generate XML descriptors, property files, shell scripts, HTML documentation, and so on.

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You have now seen how to process annotations in source files and in a running program. A third possibility is to process annotations in class files, usually on the fly when loading them into the virtual machine. You need a tool such as ASM ( to locate and evaluate the annotations, and rewrite the byte codes.


1. Describe how Object.clone could be modified to use a @Cloneable annotation instead of the Cloneable marker interface.

2. If annotations had existed in early versions of Java, then the Serializable interface would surely have been an annotation. Implement a @Serializable annotation. Choose a text or binary format for persistence. Provide classes for streams or readers/writers that persist the state of objects by saving and restoring all fields that are primitive values or themselves serializable. Don’t worry about cyclic references for now.

3. Repeat the preceding assignment, but do worry about cyclic references.

4. Add a @Transient annotation to your serialization mechanism that acts like the transient modifier.

5. Define an annotation @Todo that contains a message describing whatever it is that needs to be done. Define an annotation processor that produces a reminder list from a source file. Include a description of the annotated item and the todo message.

6. Turn the annotation of the preceding exercise into a repeating annotation.

7. If annotations had existed in early versions of Java, they might have taken the role of Javadoc. Define annotations @Param, @Return, and so on, and produce a basic HTML document from them with an annotation processor.

8. Implement the @TestCase annotation, generating a source file whose name is the name of the class in which the annotation occurs, followed by Test. For example, if contains

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@TestCase(params="4", expected="24")
@TestCase(params="0", expected="1")
public static long factorial(int n) { ... }

then generate a file with statements

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assert(MyMath.factorial(4) == 24);
assert(MyMath.factorial(0) == 1);

You may assume that the test methods are static, and that params contains a comma-separated list of parameters of the correct type.

9. Implement the @TestCase annotation as a runtime annotation and provide a tool that checks it. Again, assume that the test methods are static and restrict yourself to a reasonable set of parameter and return types that can be described by strings in the annotation elements.

10. Implement a processor for the @Resource annotation that accepts an object of some class and looks for fields of type String annotated with @Resource(name="URL"). Then load the URL and “inject” the string variable with that content, using reflection.