Core Java for the Impatient (2013)
Chapter 2. Object-Oriented Programming
Topics in This Chapter
2.1 Working with Objects
2.2 Implementing Classes
2.3 Object Construction
2.4 Static Variables and Methods
2.5 Packages
2.6 Nested Classes
2.7 Documentation Comments
In object-oriented programming, work is carried out by collaborating objects whose behavior is defined by the classes to which they belong. Java was one of the first mainstream programming languages to fully embrace object-oriented programming. As you have already seen, in Java every method is declared in a class and, except for a few primitive types, every value is an object. In this chapter, you will learn how to implement your own classes and methods.
The key points of this chapter are:
1. Mutator methods change the state of an object; accessor methods don’t.
2. In Java, variables don’t hold objects; they hold references to objects.
3. Instance variables and method implementations are declared inside the class declaration.
4. An instance method is invoked on an object, which is accessible through the this reference.
5. A constructor has the same name as the class. A class can have multiple (overloaded) constructors.
6. Static variables don’t belong to any objects. Static methods are not invoked on objects.
7. Classes are organized into packages. Use import declarations so that you don’t have to use the package name in your programs.
8. Classes can be nested in other classes.
9. An inner class is a nonstatic nested class. Its instances have a reference to the object of the enclosing class that constructed it.
10. The javadoc utility processes source files, producing HTML files with declarations and programmer-supplied comments.
2.1 Working with Objects
In ancient times, before objects were invented, you wrote programs by calling functions. When you call a function, it returns a result that you use without worrying how it was computed. Functions have an important benefit: they allow work to be shared. You can call a function that someone else wrote without having to know how it does its task.
Objects add another dimension. Each object can have its own state. The state affects the results that you get from calling a method. For example, if in is a Scanner object and you call, the object remembers what was read before and gives you the next input token.
When you use objects that someone else implemented and invoke methods on them, you do not need to know what goes on under the hood. This principle, called encapsulation, is a key concept of object-oriented programming.
At some point, you may want to make your work available for other programmers by providing them with objects they can use. In Java, you provide a class—a mechanism for creating and using objects with the same behavior.
Consider a common task: manipulation of calendar dates. Calendars are somewhat messy, with varying month lengths and leap years, not to mention leap seconds. It makes sense to have experts who figure out those messy details and who provide implementations that other programmers can use. In this situation, objects arise naturally. A date is an object whose methods can provide information such as “on what weekday does this date fall” and “what date is tomorrow.”
In Java, experts who understand date computations provided classes for dates and other date-related concepts such as weekdays. If you want to do computations with dates, use one of those classes to create date objects and invoke methods on them, such as a method that yields the weekday or the next date.
Few of us want to ponder the details of date arithmetic, but you are probably an expert in some other area. To enable other programmers to leverage your knowledge, you can provide them with classes. And even if you are not enabling other programmers, you will find it useful in your own work to use classes so that your programs are structured in a coherent way.
Before learning how to declare your own classes, let us run through a nontrivial example of using objects.
The Unix program cal prints a calendar for a given month and year, in a format similar to the following:
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
How can you implement such a program? With the standard Java library, you use the LocalDate class to express a date at some unspecified location. We need an object of that class representing the first of the month. Here is how you get one:
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LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(year, month, 1);
To advance the date, you call date.plusDays(1). The result is a newly constructed LocalDate object that is one day further. In our application, we simply reassign the result to the date variable:
date = date.plusDays(1);
You apply methods to obtain information about a date, such as the month on which it falls. We need that information so that we can keep printing while we are still in the same month.
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while (date.getMonthValue() == month) {
System.out.printf("%4d", date.getDayOfMonth());
date = date.plusDays(1);
Another method yields the weekday on which a date falls.
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DayOfWeek weekday = date.getDayOfWeek();
You get back an object of another class DayOfWeek. In order to compute the indentation of the first day of the month in the calendar, we need know the numerical value of the weekday. There is a method for that:
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int value = weekday.getValue();
for (int i = 1; i < value; i++)
System.out.print(" ");
The getValue method follows the international convention where the weekend comes at the end of the week, returning 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, and so on. Sunday has value 7.
You can chain method calls, like this:
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int value = date.getDayOfWeek().getValue();
The first method call is applied to the date object, and it returns a DayOfWeek object. The getValue method is then invoked on the returned object.
You will find the complete program in the book’s companion code. It was easy to solve the problem of printing a calendar because the designers of the LocalDate class provided us with a useful set of methods. In this chapter, you will learn how to implement methods for your own classes.
2.1.1 Accessor and Mutator Methods
Consider again the method call date.plusDays(1). There are two ways in which the designers of the LocalDate class could have implemented the plusDays method. They could make it change the state of the date object and return no result. Or they could leave date unchanged and return a newly constructed LocalDate object. As you can see, they chose to do the latter.
We say that a method is a mutator if it changes the object on which it was invoked. It is an accessor if it leaves the object unchanged. The plusDays method of the LocalDate class is an accessor.
In fact, all methods of the LocalDate class are accessors. This situation is increasingly common because mutation can be risky, particularly if two computations mutate an object simultaneously. Nowadays, most computers have multiple processing units, and safe concurrent access is a serious issue. One way to address this issue is to make objects immutable by providing only accessor methods.
Still, there are many situations where mutation is desirable. The add method of the ArrayList class is an example of a mutator. After calling add, the array list object is changed.
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ArrayList<String> friends = new ArrayList<>();
// friends is empty
// friends has size 1
2.1.2 Object References
In some programming languages (such as C++), a variable can actually hold the object—that is, the bits that make up the object’s state. In Java, that is not the case. A variable can only hold a reference to an object. The actual object is elsewhere, and the reference is some implementation-dependent way of locating the object (see Figure 2–1).
Figure 2–1 An object reference
References behave like pointers in C and C++, except that they are perfectly safe. In C and C++, you can modify pointers and use them to overwrite arbitrary memory locations. With a Java reference, you can only access a specific object.
When you assign a variable holding an object reference to another, you have two references to the same object.
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ArrayList<String> people = friends;
// Now people and friends refer to the same object
If you mutate the shared object, the mutation is visible through both references. Consider the call
Now the array list people has size 2, and so does friends (see Figure 2–2). Of course, it isn’t technically true that people “has” size 2. After all, people isn’t an object. It is a reference to an object, namely an array list with size 2.
Figure 2–2 Two references to the same object
Most of the time, this sharing of objects is efficient and convenient, but you have to be aware that it is possible to mutate a shared object through any of its references.
However, if a class has no mutator methods (such as String or LocalDate), you don’t have to worry. Since nobody can change such an object, you can freely give out references to it.
It is possible for an object variable to refer to no object at all, by setting it to the special value null.
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LocalDate date = null; // Now date doesn't refer to any object
This can be useful if you don’t yet have an object for date to refer to, or if you want to indicate a special situation, such as an unknown date.
Null values can be dangerous when they are not expected. Invoking a method on null causes a NullPointerException (which should really have been called a NullReferenceException). For that reason, it is not recommended to use null for optional values. Use the Optional type instead (see Chapter 8).
Finally, have another look at the assignments
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date = LocalDate.of(year, month, 1);
date = date.plusDays(1);
After the first assignment, date refers to the first day of the month. The call to plusDays yields a new LocalDate object, and after the second assignment, the date variable refers to the new object. What happens to the first one?
There is no reference to the first object, so it is no longer needed. Eventually, the garbage collector will recycle the memory and make it available for reuse. In Java, this process is completely automatic, and programmers never need to worry about deallocating memory.
2.2 Implementing Classes
Now let us turn to implementing our own classes. To show the various language rules, I use the classic example of an Employee class. An employee has a name and a salary. In this example, the name can’t change, but ever so often an employee can get a well-deserved raise.
2.2.1 Instance Variables
From the description of employee objects, you can see that the state of such an object is described by two values: name and salary. In Java, you use instance variables to describe the state of an object. They are declared in a class like this:
public class Employee {
private String name;
private double salary;
That means that every object or instance of the Employee class has these two variables.
In Java, instance variables are usually declared as private. That means that only methods of the same class can access them. There are a couple of reasons why this protection is desirable: You control which parts of your program can modify the variables, and you can decide at any point to change the internal representation. For example, you might store the employees in a database and only leave the primary key in the object. As long as you reimplement the methods so they work the same as before, the users of your class won’t care.
2.2.2 Method Headers
Now let’s turn to implementing the methods of the Employee class. When you declare a method, you provide its name, the types and names of its parameters, and the return type, like this:
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public void raiseSalary(double byPercent)
This method receives a parameter of type double and doesn’t return any value, as indicated by the return type void.
The getName method has a different signature:
public String getName()
The method has no parameters and returns a String.
Most methods are declared as public, which means anyone can call such a method. Sometimes, a helper method is declared as private, which restricts it to being used only in other methods of the same class. You should do that for methods that are not relevant to class users, particularly if they depend on implementation details. You can safely change or remove private methods if the implementation changes.
2.2.3 Method Bodies
Following the method header, you provide the body:
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public void raiseSalary(double byPercent) {
double raise = salary * byPercent / 100;
salary += raise;
Use the return keyword if the method yields a value:
public String getName() {
return name;
Place the method declarations inside the class declaration:
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public class Employee {
private String name;
private double salary;
public void raiseSalary(double byPercent) {
double raise = salary * byPercent / 100;
salary += raise;
public String getName() {
return name;
2.2.4 Instance Method Invocations
Consider this example of a method call:
In this call, the argument 5 is used to initialize the parameter variable byPercent, equivalent to the assignment
double byPercent = 5;
Then the following actions occur:
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double raise = fred.salary * byPercent / 100;
fred.salary += raise;
Note that the salary instance variable is applied to the instance on which the method is invoked.
Unlike the methods that you have seen at the end of the preceding chapter, a method such as raiseSalary operates on an instance of a class. Therefore, such a method is called an instance method. In Java, all methods that are not declared as static are instance methods.
As you can see, two values are passed to the raiseSalary method: a reference to the object on which the method is invoked, and the argument of the call. Technically, both of these are parameters of the method, but in Java, as in other object-oriented languages, the first one takes on a special role. It is sometimes called the receiver of the method call.
2.2.5 The this Reference
When a method is called on an object, this is set to that object. If you like, you can use the this reference in the implementation:
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public void raiseSalary(double byPercent) {
double raise = this.salary * byPercent / 100;
this.salary += raise;
Some programmers prefer that style because it clearly distinguishes between local and instance variables—it is now obvious that raise is a local variable and salary is an instance variable.
It is very common to use the this reference when you don’t want to come up with different names for parameter variables. For example,
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public void setSalary(double salary) {
this.salary = salary;
When an instance variable and a local variable have the same name, the unqualified name (such as salary) denotes the local variable, and this.salary is the instance variable.
In some programming languages, instance variables are decorated in some way, for example _name and _salary. This is legal in Java but is not commonly done.
If you like, you can even declare this as a parameter of a method (but not a constructor):
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public void setSalary(Employee this, double salary) {
this.salary = salary;
However, this syntax is very rarely used. It exists so that you can annotate the receiver of the method—see Chapter 11.
2.2.6 Call by Value
When you pass an object to a method, the method obtains a copy of the object reference. Through this reference, it can access or mutate the parameter object. For example,
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public class EvilManager {
private Random generator;
public void giveRandomRaise(Employee e) {
double percentage = 10 * generator.nextGaussian();
Consider the call
The reference fred is copied into the parameter variable e (see Figure 2–3). The method mutates the object that is shared by the two references.
Figure 2–3 A parameter variable holding a copy of an object reference
In Java, you can never write a method that updates primitive type parameters. A method that tries to increase a double value won’t work:
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public void increaseRandomly(double x) { // Won't work
double amount = x * generator.nextDouble();
x += amount;
If you call
then sales is copied into x. Then x is increased, but that doesn’t change sales. The parameter variable then goes out of scope, and the increase leaves no useful effect.
For the same reason, it is not possible to write a method that changes an object reference to something different. For example, this method does not work as presumably intended:
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public class EvilManager {
public void replaceWithZombie(Employee e) {
e = new Employee("", 0);
In the call
the reference fred is copied into the variable e which is then set to a different reference. When the method exits, e goes out of scope. At no point was fred changed.
Some people say that Java uses “call by reference” for objects. As you can see from the second example, that is not true. In a language that supports call by reference, a method can replace the contents of variables passed to it. In Java, all parameters—object references as well as primitive type values—are passed by value.
2.3 Object Construction
One step remains to complete the Employee class: We need to provide a constructor, as detailed in the following sections.
2.3.1 Implementing Constructors
Declaring a constructor is similar to declaring a method. However, the name of the constructor is the same as the class name, and there is no return type.
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public Employee(String name, double salary) { = name;
this.salary = salary;
This constructor is public. It can also be useful to have private constructors. For example, the LocalDate class has no public constructors. Instead, users of the class obtain objects from “factory methods” such as now and of. These methods call a private constructor.
If you accidentally specify a return type void
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public void Employee(String name, double salary)
then you declare a method named Employee, not a constructor!
A constructor executes when you use the new operator. For example, the expression
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new Employee("James Bond", 500000)
allocates an object of the Employee class and invokes the constructor body, which sets the instance variables to the arguments supplied in the constructor.
The new operator returns a reference to the constructed object. You will normally want to save that reference in a variable:
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Employee james = new Employee("James Bond", 500000);
or pass it to a method:
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ArrayList<Employee> staff = new ArrayList<>();
staff.add(new Employee("James Bond", 500000));
2.3.2 Overloading
You can supply more than one version of a constructor. For example, if you want to make it easy to model nameless worker bees, supply a second constructor that only accepts a salary.
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public Employee(double salary) { = "";
this.salary = salary;
Now the Employee class has two constructors. Which one is called depends on the arguments.
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Employee james = new Employee("James Bond", 500000);
// calls Employee(String, double) constructor
Employee anonymous = new Employee(40000);
// calls Employee(double) constructor
In this case, we say that the constructor is overloaded.
A method is overloaded if there are multiple versions with the same name but different parameters. For example, there are overloaded versions of the println method with parameters int, double, String, and so on. Since you have no choice how to name a constructor, it is common to overload constructors.
2.3.3 Calling One Constructor from Another
When there are multiple constructors, they usually have some work in common, and it is best not to duplicate that code. It is often possible to put that common initialization into one constructor.
You can call one constructor from another, but only as the first statement of the constructor body. Somewhat surprisingly, you don’t use the name of the constructor for the call but the keyword this:
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public Employee(double salary) {
this("", salary); // Calls Employee(String, double)
// Other statements can follow
Here, this is not a reference to the object that is being constructed. Instead, it is a special syntax that is only used for invoking another constructor of the same class.
2.3.4 Default Initialization
If you don’t set an instance variable explicitly in a constructor, it is automatically set to a default value: numbers to 0, boolean values to false, and object references to null.
For example, you could supply a constructor for unpaid interns.
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public Employee(String name) {
// salary automatically set to zero = name;
In this regard, instance variables are very different from local variables. Recall that you must always explicitly initialize local variables.
For numbers, the initialization with zero is often convenient. But for object references, it is a common source of errors. Suppose we didn’t set the name variable to the empty string in the Employee(double) constructor:
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public Employee(double salary) {
// name automatically set to null
this.salary = salary;
If anyone called the getName method, they would get a null reference that they probably don’t expect. A condition such as
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if (e.getName().equals("James Bond"))
would then cause a null pointer exception.
2.3.5 Instance Variable Initialization
You can specify an initial value for any instance variables, like this:
public class Employee {
private String name = "";
This initialization occurs after the object has been allocated and before a constructor runs. Therefore, the initial value is present in all constructors. Of course, some of them may choose to overwrite it.
In addition to initializing an instance variable when you declare it, you can include arbitrary initialization blocks in the class declaration.
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public class Employee() {
private String name = "";
private int id;
private double salary;
{ // An initialization block
Random generator = new Random();
id = 1 + generator.nextInt(1_000_000);
public Employee(String name, double salary) {
This is not a commonly used feature. Most programmers place lengthy initialization code into a helper method and invoke that method from the constructors.
Instance variable initializations and initialization blocks are executed in the order in which they appear in the class declaration, and before the body of the constructor.
2.3.6 Final Instance Variables
You can declare an instance variable as final. Such a variable must be initialized by the end of every constructor. Afterwards, the variable may not be modified again. For example, the name variable of the Employee class may be declared as final because it never changes after the object is constructed—there is no setName method.
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public class Employee {
private final String name;
When used with a reference to a mutable object, the final modifier merely states that the reference will never change. It is perfectly legal to mutate the object.
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public class Person {
private final ArrayList<Person> friends = new ArrayList<>();
// OK to add elements to this array list
Methods may mutate the array list to which friends refers, but they can never replace it with another. In particular, it can never become null.
2.3.7 The Constructor with No Arguments
Many classes contain a constructor with no arguments that creates an object whose state is set to an appropriate default. For example, here is a constructor with no arguments for the Employee class:
public Employee() {
name = "";
salary = 0;
Just like an indigent defendant is provided with a public defender, a class with no constructors is automatically given a constructor with no arguments that does nothing at all. All instance variables stay at their default values (zero, false, or null) unless they have been explicitly initialized.
Thus, every class has at least one constructor.
If a class already has a constructor, it does not automatically get another constructor with no arguments. If you supply a constructor and also want a no-argument constructor, you have to write it yourself.
In the preceding sections, you saw what happens when an object is constructed. In some programming languages, notably C++, it is common to specify what happens when an object is destroyed. Java does have a mechanism for “finalizing” an object when it is reclaimed by the garbage collector. But this happens at unpredictable times, so you should not use it. However, as you will see in Chapter 5, there is a mechanism for closing resources such as files.
2.4 Static Variables and Methods
In all sample programs that you have seen, the main method is tagged with the static modifier. In the following sections, you will learn what this modifier means.
2.4.1 Static Variables
If you declare a variable in a class as static, then there is only one such variable per class. In contrast, each object has its own copy of an instance variable. For example, suppose we want to give each employee a distinct ID number. Then we can share the last ID that was given out.
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public class Employee {
private static int lastId = 0;
private int id;
public Employee() {
id = lastId;
Every Employee object has its own instance variable id, but there is only one lastId variable that belongs to the class, not to any particular instance of the class.
When a new Employee object is constructed, the shared lastId variable is incremented and the id instance variable is set to that value. Thus, every employee gets a distinct id value.
This code will not work if Employee objects can be constructed concurrently in multiple threads. Chapter 10 shows how to remedy that problem.
You may wonder why a variable that belongs to the class, and not to individual instances, is named “static.” The term is a meaningless holdover from C++ which borrowed the keyword from an unrelated use in the C language instead of coming up with something more appropriate. A more descriptive term is “class variable.”
2.4.2 Static Constants
Mutable static variables are rare, but static constants (that is, static final variables) are quite common. For example, the Math class declares a static constant:
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public class Math {
public static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
You can access this constant in your programs as Math.PI.
Without the static keyword, PI would have been an instance variable of the Math class. That is, you would need an object of the class to access PI, and every Math object would have its own copy of PI.
Here is an example of a static final variable that is an object, not a number. It is both wasteful and insecure to construct a new random number generator each time you want a random number. You are better off sharing a single generator among all instances of a class.
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public class Employee {
private static final Random generator = new Random();
private int id;
public Employee() {
id = 1 + generator.nextInt(1_000_000);
Another example of a static constant is System.out. It is declared in the System class like this:
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public class System {
public static final PrintStream out;
Even though out is declared as final in the System class, there is a method setOut that sets System.out to a different stream. This method is a “native” method, not implemented in Java, which can bypass the access control mechanisms of the Java language. This is a very unusual situation from the early days of Java, and not something you are likely to encounter elsewhere.
2.4.3 Static Initialization Blocks
In the preceding sections, static variables were initialized as they were declared. Sometimes, you need to do additional initialization work. You can put it into a static initialization block.
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public class CreditCardForm {
private static final ArrayList<Integer> expirationYear = new ArrayList<>();
static {
// Add the next twenty years to the array list
int year =;
for (int i = year; i <= year + 20; i++) {
Static initialization occurs when the class is first loaded. Like instance variables, static variables are 0, false, or null unless you explicitly set them to another value. All static variable initializations and static initialization blocks are executed in the order in which they occur in the class declaration.
2.4.4 Static Methods
Static methods are methods that do not operate on objects. For example, the pow method of the Math class is a static method. The expression
Math.pow(x, a)
computes the power xa. It does not use any Math object to carry out its task.
As you have already seen in Chapter 1, a static method is declared with the static modifier:
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public class Math {
public static double pow(double base, double exponent) {
Why not make pow into an instance method? It can’t be an instance method of double since, in Java, primitive types are not classes. One could make it an instance method of the Math class, but then you would need to construct a Math object in order to call it.
Another common reason for static methods is to provide added functionality to classes that you don’t own. For example, wouldn’t it be nice to have a method that yields a random integer in a given range? You can’t add a method to the Random class in the standard library. But you can provide a static method:
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public class RandomNumbers {
public static int nextInt(Random generator, int low, int high) {
return low + generator.nextInt(high - low + 1);
Call this method as
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int dieToss = RandomNumbers.nextInt(gen, 1, 6);
It is legal to invoke a static method on an object. For example, instead of calling to get today’s date, you can call on an object date of the LocalDate class. But that does not make a lot of sense. The now method doesn’t look at the date object to compute the result. Most Java programmers would consider this poor style.
Since static methods don’t operate on objects, you cannot access instance variables from a static method. However, static methods can access the static variables in their class. For example, in the RandomNumbers.nextInt method, we can make the random number generator into a static variable:
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public class RandomNumbers {
private static Random generator = new Random();
public static int nextInt(int low, int high) {
return low + generator.nextInt(high - low + 1);
// OK to access the static generator variable
2.4.5 Factory Methods
A common use for static methods is a factory method, a static method that returns new instances of the class. For example, the NumberFormat class uses factory methods that yield formatter objects for various styles.
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NumberFormat currencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
NumberFormat percentFormatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
double x = 0.1;
System.out.println(currencyFormatter.format(x)); // Prints $0.10
System.out.println(percentFormatter.format(x)); // Prints 10%
Why not use a constructor instead? The only way to distinguish two constructors is by their parameter types. You cannot have two constructors with no arguments.
Moreover, a constructor new NumberFormat(...) yields a NumberFormat. A factory method can return an object of a subclass. In fact, these factory methods return instances of the DecimalFormat class. (See Chapter 4 for more information about subclasses.)
A factory method can also return a shared object, instead of unnecessarily constructing new ones. For example, the call Collections.emptyList() returns a shared immutable empty list.
2.5 Packages
In Java, you place related classes into a package. Packages are convenient for organizing your work and for separating it from code libraries provided by others. As you have seen, the standard Java library is distributed over a number of packages, including java.lang, java.util, java.math, and so on.
The main reason for using packages is to guarantee the uniqueness of class names. Suppose two programmers come up with the bright idea of supplying an Element class. (In fact, at least five developers had that bright idea in the Java API alone.)
As long as all of them place their classes into different packages, there is no conflict.
In the following sections, you will learn how to work with packages.
2.5.1 Package Declarations
A package name is a dot-separated list of identifiers such as java.util.regex.
To guarantee unique package names, it is a good idea to use an Internet domain name (which is known to be unique) written in reverse. For example, I own the domain name For my projects, I use package names such as com.horstmann.corejava. A major exception to this rule is the standard Java library whose package names start with java or javax.
In Java, packages do not nest. For example, the packages java.util and java.util.regex have nothing to do with each other. Each is its own independent collection of classes.
To place a class in a package, you add a package statement as the first statement of the source file:
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package com.horstmann.corejava;
public class Employee {
Now the Employee class is in the com.horstmann.corejava package, and its fully qualified name is com.horstmann.corejava.Employee.
There is also a default package with no name that you can use for simple programs. To add a class to the default package, don’t provide a package statement. However, the use of the default package is not recommended.
When class files are read from a file system, the path name needs to match the package name. For example, the file Employee.class must be in a subdirectory com/horstmann/corejava.
If you arrange the source files in the same way and compile from the directory that contains the initial package names, then the class files are automatically put in the correct place. Suppose the EmployeeDemo class makes use of Employee objects, and you compile it as
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javac com/horstmann/corejava/
The compiler generates class files com/horstmann/corejava/EmployeeDemo.class and com/horstmann/corejava/Employee.class. You run the program by specifying the fully qualified class name:
Click here to view code image
java com.horstmann.corejava.EmployeeDemo
If a source file is not in a subdirectory that matches its package name, the javac compiler will not complain and generate a class file, but you will need to put it in the right place. This can be quite confusing—see Exercise 12.
It is a good idea to run javac with the -d option. Then the class files are generated in a separate directory, without cluttering up the source tree, and they have the correct subdirectory structure.
2.5.2 The Class Path
Instead of storing class files in the file system, you can place them into one or more archive files called JAR files. You can make such an archive with the jar utility that is a part of the JDK. Its command-line options are similar to those of the Unix tar program.
Click here to view code image
jar cvf library.jar com/mycompany/*.class
This is commonly done with package libraries.
By default, JAR files use the ZIP format. There is also an option for another compression scheme, called “pack200,” that is designed to compress class files more efficiently.
You can use JAR files to package a program, not just a library. Generate the JAR file with
Click here to view code image
jar cvfe program.jar com.mycompany.MainClass com/mycompany/*.class
Then run the program as
java -jar program.jar
When you use library JAR files in a project, you need to tell the compiler and the virtual machine where these files are by specifying the class path. A class path can contain
• Directories containing class files (in subdirectories that match their package names)
• JAR files
• Directories containing JAR files
The javac and java programs have an option -classpath, which you can abbreviate to -cp. For example,
Click here to view code image
java -classpath .:../libs/lib1.jar:../libs/lib2.jar com.mycompany.MainClass
This class path has three elements: the current directory (.), and two JAR files in the directory ../libs.
In Windows, use semicolons instead of colons to separate the path elements:
Click here to view code image
java -classpath .;..\libs\lib1.jar;..\libs\lib2.jar com.mycompany.MainClass
If you have many JAR files, put them all in a directory and use a wildcard to include them all:
Click here to view code image
java -classpath .:../libs/\* com.mycompany.MainClass
In Unix, the * must be escaped to prevent shell expansion.
The javac compiler always looks for files in the current directory, but the java program only looks into the current directory if the “.” directory is on the class path. If you have no class path set, this is not a problem—the default class path consists of the “.” directory. But if you have set the class path and forgot to include the “.” directory, your programs will compile without error but won’t run.
Using the -classpath option is the preferred approach for setting the class path. An alternate approach is the CLASSPATH environment variable. The details depend on your shell. If you use bash, use a command such as
Click here to view code image
export CLASSPATH=.:/home/username/project/libs/\*
In Windows, it is
Click here to view code image
SET CLASSPATH=.;C:\Users\username\project\libs\*
You can set the CLASSPATH environment variable globally (for example, in .bashrc or the Windows control panel). However, many programmers have regretted this when they forgot the global setting and were surprised that their classes were not found.
Some people recommend to bypass the class path altogether, by dropping all JAR files into the jre/lib/ext directory, a special directory that the virtual machine consults for “installed extensions.” That is truly bad advice, for two reasons. Code that manually loads classes does not work correctly when placed in the extension directory. Moreover, programmers are even less likely to remember the obscure jre/lib/ext directory than a CLASSPATH environment variable—they will scratch their heads when the class loader will ignore their carefully crafted class path by loading long-forgotten classes from the extension directory.
2.5.3 Package Scope
You have already encountered the access modifiers public and private. Features tagged as public can be used by any class. Private features can be used only by the class that declares them. If you don’t specify either public or private, the feature (that is, the class, method, or variable) can be accessed by all methods in the same package.
Package scope is useful for utility classes and methods that are needed by the methods of a package but are not of interest to the users of the package. Another common use case is for testing. You can place test classes in the same package, and then they can access internals of the classes being tested.
A source file can contain multiple classes, but at most one of them can be declared public. If a source file has a public class, its name must match the class name.
For variables, it is unfortunate that package scope is the default. It is a common mistake to forget the private modifier and accidentally make an instance variable accessible to the entire package. Here is an example from the Window class in the java.awt package:
Click here to view code image
public class Window extends Container {
String warningString;
Since the warningString variable is not private, the methods of all classes in the java.awt package can access it. Actually, no method other than those of the Window class itself does that, so it seems likely that the programmer simply forgot the private modifier.
This can be a security issue because packages are open ended. Any class can add itself to a package by providing the appropriate package statement.
The Java implementors protect themselves from such an attack by rigging the ClassLoader class so it will not load any class whose fully qualified name starts with java.
If you want to have a similar protection for your own packages, you need place them into a sealed JAR file. Provide a manifest, a plain text file containing entries
Name: com/mycompany/util/
Sealed: true
Name: com/mycompany/misc/
Sealed: true
Then run the jar command like this:
Click here to view code image
jar cvfm library.jar manifest.txt com/mycompany/*/*.class
2.5.4 Importing Classes
The import statement lets you use classes without the fully qualified name. For example, when you use
import java.util.Random;
then you can write Random instead of java.util.Random in your code.
Import declarations are a convenience, not a necessity. You could drop all import declarations and use fully qualified class names everywhere.
Click here to view code image
java.util.Random generator = new java.util.Random();
Place import statements above the first class declaration in the source file, but below the package statement.
You can import all classes from a package with a wildcard:
import java.util.*;
The wildcard can only import classes, not packages. You cannot use import java.*; to obtain all packages whose name starts with java.
When you import multiple packages, it is possible to have a name conflict. For example, the packages java.util and java.sql both contain a Date class. Suppose you import both packages:
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
If your program doesn’t use the Date class, this is not a problem. But if you refer to Date, without the package name, the compiler complains.
In that case, you can import the specific class that you want:
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.sql.Date;
If you really need both classes, you must use the fully qualified name for at least one of them.
The import statement is a convenience for programmers. Inside class files, all class names are fully qualified.
The import statement is very different from the #include directive in C and C++. That directive includes header files for compilation. Imports do not cause files to be recompiled. They just shorten names, like the C++ using statement.
2.5.5 Static Imports
A form of the import statement permits the importing of static methods and variables. For example, if you add the directive
Click here to view code image
import static java.lang.Math.*;
to the top of your source file, you can use the static methods and static variables of the Math class without the class name prefix:
Click here to view code image
sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)) // i.e., Math.sqrt, Math.pow
You can also import a specific static method or variable:
Click here to view code image
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import static java.lang.Math.PI;
As you will see in Chapters 3 and 8, it is common to use static import declarations with java.util.Comparator and, which provide a large number of static methods.
You cannot import static methods or fields from a class in the default package.
2.6 Nested Classes
In the preceding section, you have seen how to organize classes into packages. Alternatively, you can place a class inside another class. Such a class is called a nested class. This can be useful to restrict visibility, or to avoid cluttering up a package with generic names such as Element, Node, or Item. Java has two kinds of nested classes, with somewhat different behavior. Let us examine both in the following sections.
2.6.1 Static Nested Classes
Consider an Invoice class that bills for items, each of which has a description, quantity, and unit price. We can make Item into a nested class:
Click here to view code image
public class Invoice {
private static class Item { // Item is nested inside Invoice
String description;
int quantity;
double unitPrice;
double price() { return quantity * unitPrice; }
private ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();
It won’t be clear until the next section why this inner class is declared static. For now, just accept it.
There is nothing special about the Item class, except for access control. The class is private in Invoice, so only Invoice methods can access it. For that reason, I did not bother making the instance variables of the inner class private.
Here is an example of a method that constructs an object of the inner class:
Click here to view code image
public class Invoice {
public void addItem(String description, int quantity, double unitPrice) {
Item newItem = new Item();
newItem.description = description;
newItem.quantity = quantity;
newItem.unitPrice = unitPrice;
A class can make a nested class public. In that case, one would want to use the usual encapsulation mechanism.
Click here to view code image
public class Invoice {
public static class Item { // A public nested class
private String description;
private int quantity;
private double unitPrice;
public Item(String description, int quantity, double unitPrice) {
this.description = description;
this.quantity = quantity;
this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
public double price() { return quantity * unitPrice; }
private ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();
public void add(Item item) { items.add(item); }
Now anyone can construct Item objects by using the qualified name Invoice.Item:
Click here to view code image
Invoice.Item newItem = new Invoice.Item("Blackwell Toaster", 2, 19.95);
There is essentially no difference between this Invoice.Item class and a class InvoiceItem declared outside any other class. Nesting the class just makes it obvious that the Item class represents items in an invoice.
2.6.2 Inner Classes
In the preceding section, you saw a nested class that was declared as static. In this section, you will see what happens if you drop the static modifier. Such classes are called inner classes.
Consider a social network in which each member has friends that are also members.
Click here to view code image
public class Network {
public class Member { // Member is an inner class of Network
private String name;
private ArrayList<Member> friends;
public Member(String name) { = name;
friends = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<Member> members;
With the static modifier dropped, there is an essential difference. A Member object knows to which network it belongs. Let’s see how this works.
First, here is a method to add a member to the network:
Click here to view code image
public class Network {
public Member enroll(String name) {
Member newMember = new Member(name);
return newMember;
So far, nothing much seems to be happening. We can add a member and get a reference to it.
Click here to view code image
Network myFace = new Network();
Network.Member fred = myFace.enroll("fred");
Now let’s assume that Fred thinks this isn’t the hottest social network anymore, and he wants to leave.
Here is the implementation of the leave method:
Click here to view code image
public class Network {
public class Member {
public void leave() {
private ArrayList<Member> members;
As you can see, a method of an inner class can access instance variables of its outer class. In this case, they are the instance variables of the outer class object that created it, the unpopular myFace network.
This is what makes an inner class different from a static nested class. Each inner class object has a reference to an object of the enclosing class. For example, the method
actually means
where I use outer to denote the hidden reference to the enclosing class.
A static nested class does not have such a reference (just like a static method does not have the this reference). Use a static nested class when the instances of the nested class don’t need to know to which instance of the enclosing class they belong. Use an inner class only if this information is important.
An inner class can also invoke methods of the outer class through its outer class instance. For example, suppose the outer class had a method to unenroll a member. Then the leave method can call it:
Click here to view code image
public class Network {
public class Member {
public void leave() {
private ArrayList<Member> members;
public Member enroll(String name) { ... }
public void unenroll(Member m) { ... }
In this case,
actually means
2.6.3 Special Syntax Rules for Inner Classes
In the preceding section, I explained the outer class reference of an inner class object by calling it outer. The actual syntax for the outer reference is a bit more complex. The expression
denotes the outer class reference. For example, you can write the leave method of the Member inner class as
Click here to view code image
public void leave() {
In this case, the Network.this syntax was not necessary. Simply referring to members implicitly uses the outer class reference. But sometimes, you need the outer class reference explicitly. Here is a method to check whether a member belongs to a particular network:
Click here to view code image
public class Network {
public class Member {
public boolean belongsTo(Network n) {
return Network.this == n;
When you construct an inner class object, it remembers the enclosing class object that constructed it. In the preceding section, a new member was created by this method:
Click here to view code image
public class Network {
Member enroll(String name) {
Member newMember = new Member(name);
That is a shortcut for
Click here to view code image
Member newMember = Member(name);
You can invoke an inner class constructor on any instance of an outer class:
Click here to view code image
Network.Member wilma = Member("Wilma");
Inner classes cannot declare static members other than compile-time constants. There would be an ambiguity about the meaning of “static.” Does it mean there is only one instance in the virtual machine? Or only one instance per outer object? The language designers decided not to tackle this issue.
By historical accident, inner classes were added to the Java language at a time when the virtual machine specification was considered complete, so they are translated into regular classes with a hidden instance variable referring to the enclosing instance. Exercise 14 invites you to explore this translation.
Local classes are another variant of inner classes that we will discuss in Chapter 3.
2.7 Documentation Comments
The JDK contains a very useful tool, called javadoc, that generates HTML documentation from your source files. In fact, the online API documentation that we described in Chapter 1 is simply the result of running javadoc on the source code of the standard Java library.
If you add comments that start with the special delimiter /** to your source code, you too can easily produce professional-looking documentation. This is a very nice approach because it lets you keep your code and documentation in one place. In the bad old days, programmers often put their documentation into a separate file, and it was just a question of time for the code and the comments to diverge. When documentation comments are in the same file as the source code, it is an easy matter to update both and run javadoc again.
2.7.1 Comment Insertion
The javadoc utility extracts information for the following items:
• Packages
• Public classes and interfaces
• Public and protected variables
• Public and protected constructors and methods
Interfaces are introduced in Chapter 3 and protected features in Chapter 4.
You can (and should) supply a comment for each of these features. Each comment is placed immediately above the feature it describes. A comment starts with /** and ends with */.
Each /** ... */ documentation comment contains free-form text followed by tags. A tag starts with an @, such as @author or @param.
The first sentence of the free-form text should be a summary statement. The javadoc utility automatically generates summary pages that extract these sentences.
In the free-form text, you can use HTML modifiers such as <em>...</em> for emphasis, <code>...</code> for a monospaced “typewriter” font, <strong>...</strong> for boldface, and even <img ...> to include an image. You should, however, stay away from headings <hn> or rules <hr> because they can interfere with the formatting of the documentation.
If your comments contain links to other files such as images (for example, diagrams or images of user interface components), place those files into a subdirectory of the directory containing the source file, named doc-files. The javadoc utility will copy the doc-files directories and their contents from the source directory to the documentation directory. You need to specify the doc-files directory in your link, for example <img src="doc-files/uml.png" alt="UML diagram"/>.
2.7.2 Class Comments
The class comment must be placed directly before the class declaration. You may want to document the author and version of a class with the @author and @version tags. There can be multiple authors.
Here is an example of a class comment:
Click here to view code image
* An <code>Invoice</code> object represents an invoice with
* line items for each part of the order.
* @author Fred Flintstone
* @author Barney Rubble
* @version 1.1
public class Invoice {
There is no need to put a * in front of every line. However, most IDEs supply the asterisks automatically, and some even rearrange them when the line breaks change.
2.7.3 Method Comments
Place each method comment immediately before its method. Document the following features:
• Each parameter, with a comment @param variable description
• The return value, if not void: @return description
• Any thrown exceptions (see Chapter 5): @throws exceptionClass description
Here is an example of a method comment:
Click here to view code image
* Raises the salary of an employee.
* @param byPercent the percentage by which to raise the salary (e.g., 10 means 10%)
* @return the amount of the raise
public double raiseSalary(double byPercent) {
double raise = salary * byPercent / 100;
salary += raise;
return raise;
2.7.4 Variable Comments
You only need to document public variables—generally that means static constants. For example:
Click here to view code image
* The number of days per year on Earth (excepting leap years)
public static final int DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365;
2.7.5 General Comments
In all documentation comments, you can use the @since tag to describe the version in which this feature became available:
@since version 1.7.1
The @deprecated tag adds a comment that the class, method, or variable should no longer be used. The text should suggest a replacement. For example,
Click here to view code image
@deprecated Use <code>setVisible(true)</code> instead
There is also a @Deprecated annotation that compilers use to issue warnings when deprecated items are used—see Chapter 11. The annotation does not have a mechanism for suggesting a replacement, so you should supply both the annotation and the Javadoc comment for deprecated items.
2.7.6 Links
You can add hyperlinks to other relevant parts of the javadoc documentation or to external documents with the @see and @link tags.
The tag @see reference adds a hyperlink in the “see also” section. It can be used with both classes and methods. Here, reference can be one of the following:
• package.class#feature label
• <a href="...">label</a>
• "text"
The first case is the most useful. You supply the name of a class, method, or variable, and javadoc inserts a hyperlink to its documentation. For example,
Click here to view code image
@see com.horstmann.corejava.Employee#raiseSalary(double)
makes a link to the raiseSalary(double) method in the com.horstmann.corejava.Employee class. You can omit the name of the package, or both the package and class name. Then, the feature will be located in the current package or class.
Note that you must use a #, not a period, to separate the class from the method or variable name. The Java compiler itself is highly skilled in guessing the various meanings of the period character as a separator between packages, subpackages, classes, inner classes, and their methods and variables. But the javadoc utility isn’t quite as clever, so you have to help it along.
If the @see tag is followed by a < character, you’re specifying a hyperlink. You can link to any URL you like. For example: @see <a href="">Leap years</a>.
In each of these cases, you can specify an optional label that will appear as the link anchor. If you omit the label, the user will see the target code name or URL as the anchor.
If the @see tag is followed by a " character, the text in quotes is displayed in the “see also” section. For example:
Click here to view code image
@see "Core Java for the Impatient"
You can add multiple @see tags for one feature but you must keep them all together.
If you like, you can place hyperlinks to other classes or methods anywhere in any of your documentation comments. Insert a tag of the form
Click here to view code image
{@link package.class#feature label}
anywhere in a comment. The feature description follows the same rules as for the @see tag.
2.7.7 Package and Overview Comments
The class, method, and variable comments are placed directly into the Java source files, delimited by /** ... */. However, to generate package comments, you need to add a separate file in each package directory.
Supply a Java file named The file must contain an initial javadoc comment, delimited with /** and */, followed by a package statement. It should contain no further code or comments.
You can also supply an overview comment for all source files. Place it in a file called overview.html, located in the parent directory that contains all the source files. All text between the tags <body>...</body> is extracted. This comment is displayed when the user selects “Overview” from the navigation bar.
2.7.8 Comment Extraction
Here, docDirectory is the name of the directory where you want the HTML files to go. Follow these steps:
1. Change to the directory that contains the source files you want to document. If you have nested packages to document, such as com.horstmann.corejava, you must be working in the directory that contains the subdirectory com. (This is the directory that contains the overview.html file, if you supplied one.)
2. Run the command
Click here to view code image
javadoc -d docDirectory package1 package2 ...
If you omit the -d docDirectory option, the HTML files are extracted to the current directory. That can get messy, so I don’t recommend it.
The javadoc program can be fine-tuned by numerous command-line options. For example, you can use the -author and -version options to include the @author and @version tags in the documentation. (By default, they are omitted.) Another useful option is -link to include hyperlinks to standard classes. For example, if you run the command
Click here to view code image
javadoc -link *.java
all standard library classes are automatically linked to the documentation on the Oracle web site.
If you use the -linksource option, each source file is converted to HTML, and each class and method name turns into a hyperlink to the source.
1. Change the calendar printing program so it starts the week on a Sunday. Also make it print a newline at the end (but only one).
2. Consider the nextInt method of the Scanner class. Is it an accessor or mutator? Why? What about the nextInt method of the Random class?
3. Can you ever have a mutator method return something other than void? Can you ever have an accessor method return void? Give examples when possible.
4. Why can’t you implement a Java method that swaps the contents of two int variables? Instead, write a method that swaps the contents of two IntHolder objects. (Look up this rather obscure class in the API documentation.) Can you swap the contents of two Integer objects?
5. Implement an immutable class Point that describes a point in the plane. Provide a constructor to set it to a specific point, a no-arg constructor to set it to the origin, and methods getX, getY, translate, and scale. The translate method moves the point by a given amount in x- and y-direction. The scale method scales both coordinates by a given factor. Implement these methods so that they return new points with the results. For example,
Click here to view code image
Point p = new Point(3, 4).translate(1, 3).scale(0.5);
should set p to a point with coordinates (2, 3.5).
6. Repeat the preceding exercise, but now make translate and scale into mutators.
7. Add javadoc comments to both versions of the Point class from the preceding exercises.
8. In the preceding exercises, providing the constructors and getter methods of the Point class was rather repetitive. Most IDEs provide shortcuts for writing the boilerplate code. What does your IDE offer?
9. Implement a class Car that models a car traveling along the x-axis, consuming gas as it moves. Provide methods to drive by a given number of miles, to add a given number of gallons to the gas tank, and to get the current distance from the origin and fuel level. Specify the fuel efficiency (in miles/gallons) in the constructor. Should this be an immutable class? Why or why not?
10. In the RandomNumbers class, provide two static methods randomElement that get a random element from an array or array list of integers. (Return zero if the array or array list is empty.) Why couldn’t you make these methods into instance methods of int[] or ArrayList<Integer>?
11. Rewrite the Cal class to use static imports for the System and LocalDate classes.
12. Make a file that declares a class HelloWorld in a package ch01.sec01. Put it into some directory, but not in a ch01/sec01 subdirectory. From that directory, run javac Do you get a class file? Where? Then run java HelloWorld. What happens? Why? (Hint: Run javap HelloWorld and study the warning message.) Finally, try javac -d . Why is that better?
13. Download the JAR file for OpenCSV from Write a class with a main method that reads a CSV file of your choice and prints some of the content. There is sample code on the OpenCSV web site. You haven’t yet learned to deal with exceptions. Just use the following header for the main method:
Click here to view code image
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
The point of this exercise is not to do anything useful with CSV files, but to practice using a library that is delivered as a JAR file.
14. Compile the Network class. Note that the inner class file is named Network$Member.class. Use the javap program to spy on the generated code. The command
javap -private Classname
displays the methods and instance variables. Where do you see the reference to the enclosing class? (In Linux/Mac OS X, you need to put a \ before the $ symbol when running javap.)
15. Fully implement the Invoice class in Section 2.6.1, “Static Nested Classes,” on p. 79. Provide a method that prints the invoice and a demo program that constructs and prints a sample invoice.
16. Implement a class Queue, an unbounded queue of strings. Provide methods add, adding at the tail, and remove, removing at the head of the queue. Store elements as a linked list of nodes. Make Node a nested class. Should it be static or not?
17. Provide an iterator—an object that yields the elements of the queue in turn—for the queue of the preceding class. Make Iterator a nested class with methods next and hasNext. Provide a method iterator() of the Queue class that yields a Queue.Iterator. Should Iterator be static or not?