More Content Manipulation - Appendices - Web Development with jQuery (2015)

Web Development with jQuery (2015)

Part IV. Appendices

Appendix F. More Content Manipulation



Return Value


after(content[, content])

Inserts the specified content after each selected element. One or more content items can be specified for inclusion and will be inserted sequentially. Content items can be an HTML snippet, a DOM element object reference, or a jQuery object.



Executes a function that returns content to be inserted after the selected element(s). The content returned by the function can be an HTML string, a DOM element object reference, an Array of DOM element object references, or a jQuery object.
As with most jQuery callback functions, this refers to the current element within the callback function, and the callback function is provided with the argument list: offset, html.


append(content[, content])

Appends the specified content after any existing content for each selected element. One or more content items can be specified for inclusion and will be inserted sequentially. Content items can be an HTML snippet, a DOM element object reference, or a jQuery object.



Executes a function that returns content to be appended. The content returned by the function can be an HTML string, a DOM element object reference, an Array of DOM element object references, or a jQuery object.
As with most jQuery callback functions, this refers to the current element within the callback function, and the callback function is provided with the argument list: offset, html.



Appends all the selected elements to the elements specified by the selector argument.


before(content[, content])

Inserts the specified content before each selected element. One or more content items can be specified for inclusion and will be inserted sequentially. Content items can be an HTML snippet, a DOM element object reference, or a jQuery object.



Executes a function that returns content to be inserted before the selected element(s). The content returned by the function can be an HTML string, a DOM element object reference, an Array of DOM element object references, or a jQuery object.
As with most jQuery callback functions, this refers to the current element within the callback function, and the callback function is provided with the argument list: offset, html.



Clones the selected elements; returns the jQuery object including the clones you created. If the optional withDataAndEvents argument is true, then events and data are cloned as well.



Clones the selected elements; returns the jQuery object including the clones you created. If the optional withDataAndEvents argument is true, then events and data are cloned as well.
If the optional second argument is provided, the deepWithDataAndEvents argument controls whether children elements also have their events and data cloned. By default, this argument matches whatever is provided for the first value. The first value's default value is false.



Removes the selected elements from the DOM. This method keeps jQuery data for the associated elements around, which can be useful when it is desired to reinsert the elements in the DOM at a later time.



Removes all child nodes from the selected elements.



Inserts the selected elements after the elements specified by the selector argument.



Inserts the selected elements before the selectors specified by the selector argument.


prepend(content[, content])

Prepends the specified content before any existing content for each selected element. One or more content items can be specified for inclusion and will be inserted sequentially. Content items can be an HTML snippet, a DOM element object reference, or a jQuery object.



Executes a function that returns content to be prepended. The content returned by the function can be an HTML string, a DOM element object reference, an Array of DOM element object references, or a jQuery object.
As with most jQuery callback functions, this refers to the current element within the callback function, and the callback function is provided with the argument list: offset, html.



Prepends all the selected elements to the elements specified by the selector argument.



Removes the selected elements from the DOM. An optional selector can be provided to further filter the selection.



Replaces the elements specified in the selector argument with the selected elements.



Replaces each selected element(s) with the specified HTML or DOM element(s). This method returns the jQuery object, which includes the element that was replaced.



A callback function that returns content that will replace the selected elements. The content returned by the callback function can be an HTML snippet, a DOM element reference, an Array of DOM element references, or a jQuery object.
As with most jQuery callback functions, this refers to the current element within the callback function, and the callback function is provided with the argument list: offset, html.



Removes the selected element(s) parent element.



Wraps each selected element with the specified element. The element can be a selector referencing another element, an HTML snippet, a DOM element object reference, or a jQuery object.
Note the distinction that the element must be capable of wrapping another element—for example, you couldn't use an <img/> element to wrap another element.



A callback function that returns content that wraps the selected elements. The content returned by the callback function can be an HTML snippet, a DOM element reference, or a jQuery object.
As with most jQuery callback functions, this refers to the current element within the callback function, and the callback function is provided with the argument list: offset.
Note the distinction that the element must be capable of wrapping another element—for example, you couldn't use an <img/> element to wrap another element.



Wraps all the selected elements. The element used to wrap each element can be a selector referencing an element, an HTML snippet, a DOM element object reference, or a jQuery object.
Note the distinction that the element must be capable of wrapping another element—for example, you couldn't use an <img/> element to wrap another element.



Wraps the inner contents of each selected element. The element used to wrap each element can be a selector referencing an element, an HTML snippet, a DOM element object reference, or a jQuery object.
Note the distinction that the element must be capable of wrapping another element—for example, you couldn't use an <img/> element to wrap another element.



A callback function that returns content that wraps the selected elements. The content returned by the callback function can be an HTML snippet, a DOM element reference, or a jQuery object.
As with most jQuery callback functions, this refers to the current element within the callback function, and the callback function is provided with the argument list: offset.
Note the distinction that the element must be capable of wrapping another element—for example, you couldn't use an <img/> element to wrap another element.
