Symbols - Java in a Nutshell, 6th Edition (2015)

Java in a Nutshell, 6th Edition (2015)


· ! (exclamation point)

o != (not equal to) operator, Operator summary table, Comparison Operators

o boolean NOT operator, Operator summary table, Boolean Operators

· " (quotes, double)

o enclosing string literals, String literals

o escaping in char literals, The char Type

o in string literals, String literals

o literals in, Literals

· # (pound sign)

o #!, shebang syntax, Shebang syntax

o indicating comments, Scripting comments

· $ (dollar sign), Naming and Capitalization Conventions

· % (percent sign)

o %= (modulo assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

o modulo operator, Operator summary table, Arithmetic Operators

· & (ampersand)

o && (conditional AND) operator, Operator summary table, Order of evaluation, Boolean Operators

o &= (bitwise AND assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

o bitwise AND operator, Operator summary table, Bitwise and Shift Operators

o boolean AND operator, Operator summary table, Boolean Operators

· ' (quotes, single)

o enclosing character literals, The char Type

o escaping in char literals, The char Type

o in char literals, String literals

o in string literals, String literals

o literals in, Literals

· ( ) (parentheses)

o cast operator, Operator summary table, Special Operators

o enclosing expressions in if statements, The if/else Statement

o enclosing method parameter list, Defining Methods

o method invocation operator, Operator summary table, Side effects, Special Operators

o overriding operator precedence, Precedence

o separators (tokens), Punctuation

· * (asterisk)

o *= (multiply assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

o in doc comments, Structure of a Doc Comment

o in multiline comments, Comments

o in Unix or Windows shell, Regular Expressions

o multiplication operator, Operator summary table, Arithmetic Operators

· + (plus sign)

o ++ (increment) operator, Operator summary table, Side effects, Increment and Decrement Operators, The while Statement

o += (add assignment) operator, Operator summary table, String Concatenation Operator, Assignment Operators

o addition operator, Operator summary table, Arithmetic Operators

o string concatenation operator, Operator summary table, String Concatenation Operator, String literals, String concatenation

o unary plus operator, Operator summary table

· , (comma) separators (tokens), Punctuation

· - (minus sign)

o -- (decrement) operator, Operator summary table, Increment and Decrement Operators

o -= (subtract assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

o subtraction operator, Operator summary table, Operand number and type, Arithmetic Operators

o unary minus operator, Operator summary table, Operand number and type, Arithmetic Operators

· . (dot)

o object member access operator, Operator summary table, Special Operators

o separators (tokens), Punctuation

· ... (elipses)

o separators (tokens), Punctuation

· / (slash)

o /* */ in multiline comments, Comments

o /** */ in doc comments, Comments, Java Documentation Comments

o // in single-line comments, Comments

o //, denoting JavaScript comments, Scripting comments

o /= (divide assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

o division operator, Operator summary table, Arithmetic Operators

· 0 (zero)

o division by zero, Arithmetic Operators

o negative and positive zero, Floating-Point Types

o represented by float and double types, Floating-Point Types

o represented by integral types, How Java Represents Integer Types

· : (colon), :: separators (tokens), Punctuation

· ; (semicolon)

o for empty statements, The Empty Statement

o in abstract methods, Method Modifiers

o in break statements, The break Statement

o in for loops, The for Statement

o separators (tokens), Punctuation

o terminating do loops, The do Statement

· < > (angle brackets)

o < (less than) operator, Operator summary table, Comparison Operators

o << (signed left shift) operator, Operator summary table, Bitwise and Shift Operators

o <<= (left shift assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

o <<END_TOKEN syntax for heredocs, Inline documents

o <= (less than or equal to) operator, Operator summary table, Comparison Operators

o <> (diamond syntax), Diamond Syntax

o > (greater than) operator, Operator summary table, Comparison Operators

o >= (greater than or equal to) operator, Operator summary table, Comparison Operators

o >> (signed right shift) operator, Operator summary table, Bitwise and Shift Operators

o >>= (right shift assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

o >>> (unsigned right shift) operator, Operator summary table, Bitwise and Shift Operators

o >>>= (unsigned right shift assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

o enclosing payload type in generic types, Introduction to Generics

· = (equals sign)

o = (assignment) operator, confusion with == (equal to) operator, Assignment Operators

o == (equal to) operator, Operator summary table, Comparison Operators, equals()

§ comparing objects, Comparing Objects

o assignment operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

· ? (question mark)

o <?> wildcard for unknown types, Wildcards

o ? : (conditional) operator, Operator summary table, Operand number and type, Order of evaluation, The Conditional Operator

o regular expression metacharacter, Regular Expressions

· @ (at sign)

o in doc-comment tags, Doc-Comment Tags

o separators (tokens), Punctuation

· [ ] (brackets)

o accessing array elements, Special Operators, Accessing array elements

o after array element type, Array Types

o array access operator, Operator summary table

· \ (backslash)

o in escape sequences, The char Type

o \\ escape sequence in char literals, The char Type

· ^ (caret)

o bitwise XOR operator, Operator summary table, Bitwise and Shift Operators

o boolean XOR operator, Operator summary table, Boolean Operators, Bitwise and Shift Operators

o ^= (bitwise XOR assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

· ` ` (backticks), Inline command execution

· { } (curly braces)

o enclosing class members, Class Definition Syntax

o in nested if/else statements, The if/else Statement

o in switch statements, The switch Statement

o in try/catch/finally statements, The try/catch/finally Statement

o separators (tokens), Punctuation

· | (vertical bar)

o bitwise OR operator, Operator summary table, Bitwise and Shift Operators

o boolean OR operator, Operator summary table, Boolean Operators

o |= (bitwise OR assignment) operator, Operator summary table, Assignment Operators

o || (conditional OR) operator, Operator summary table, Order of evaluation, Boolean Operators

· ~ (tilde), bitwise complement operator, Operator summary table, Bitwise and Shift Operators

· … (ellipses)

o in variable-length argument lists, Variable-Length Argument Lists

· → (lambda arrow) operator, Operator summary table, Special Operators