Building Your First Prollyfill - Prollyfilling and the Future of the Web Platform - Building Polyfills: Web Platform APIs for the Present and Future (2014)

Building Polyfills: Web Platform APIs for the Present and Future (2014)

Part II. Prollyfilling and the Future of the Web Platform

Chapter 7. Building Your First Prollyfill

In Chapters 3 through 5, I walked you through the exercise of building a polyfill for the HTML5 Forms spec. Over the course of those three chapters, we talked about how to make a plan for building a polyfill, how to go about initial development, how to configure your library for automated and cross-browser testing, and finally, how to build your polyfill for performance.

In Chapter 6, I introduced the concept of the prollyfill and walked through several examples of popular prollyfilling libraries. In this chapter, we’re going to build on that knowledge, along with what we learned earlier in the book, and build our own prollyfill to test out an experimental web platform feature. Along the way, you’ll learn the ways that building polyfills and prollyfills are similar, and the ways they differ.

Prollyfills vs. Polyfills: What’s the Difference?

Prollyfills, as we discussed in Chapter 6, are quite similar to polyfills in many ways, the biggest difference being that they often target proposals or specifications with in-flux APIs. Sometimes they even target untested or unspecified ideas altogether. In both cases, much of the ideas that surround the prollyfill, including the API, are expected to change greatly as the idea is debated, tested, and possibly accepted for standardization.

In addition, the purpose of building a prollyfill differs from that of a polyfill. Polyfills are typically built to allow developers to rely on new features and APIs across all browsers. They are meant, for the most part, to be used in production apps by everyday developers. Prollyfills are different. In many ways, these libraries are experiments. They are built to test out unproven concepts, or ideas for standardization that need developer feedback or real-world application. Prollyfills are, for the most part, meant to be used in development and test settings, and not in production apps.

That key difference between prollyfills and polyfills—their purpose for being—tells us a great deal about how these libraries can and should be built by developers. As you’ll see in this chapter, much of the construction process remains the same. You’ll still want to set up unit tests and cross-browser tests and plan out the scope of your library, but you’ll also need to build flexibility into the API of the library, which you should expect to change. You’ll want to pay attention to performance, of course, but it’s less critical with a prollyfill since these libraries are meant to test ideas. Often prollyfills will lead you to create implementations that can’t be optimized for speed, but as you’ll see in this chapter, that’s perfectly OK.

The Resource Priorities Prollyfill

For the rest of this chapter, we’re going to go through a brief exercise and build our own prollyfill for a brand-new W3C proposal. The name of the specification we’ll be targeting is Resource Priorities. Resource priorities are meant to provide developers with new HTML attributes and a CSS property that can be used to specify the download priority of a resource like an image, script, or media element. The two attributes and property are as follows:


A Boolean HTML attribute that tells the browser to delay loading resources specified by the element in question until all elements that do not have this attribute have started downloading.


A Boolean HTML attribute that tells the browser to delay loading resources specified by the element in question until the element or its container are visible in the viewport.


A CSS property that can be used to set the download priority (lazyload or postpone) of a resource associated with an element or another CSS property.

You’re probably wondering what the point of this spec is, especially in light of HTML5’s defer and async attributes. For starters, defer and async are available only to <script> elements, whereas lazyload and postpone are available to all HTML elements that can download resources, including script, link, img, audio, video, iframe, and more.

More important, though, resource priorities provide developers with a way to programmatically give the browser hints as to the importance of external resources. At the present, download priority for the browser is based solely on document order—scripts, stylesheets, and images are loaded in the order that they appear. But document order, especially for visual resources, is often more a function of document location and not resource importance. As a result, it’s difficult for developers to control the real and perceived performance of their pages without script-based hacks.

Let’s take a look at an example. The page in Example 7-1 contains several resources: two stylesheets, a video, several images, and a few scripts. The way this document is structured, all media will be downloaded in document order, and our script at app.js, which presumably is important to the function of the page, won’t start executing until those downloads have at least initiated. What’s more, if our app.js script is relying on a document.load event or jQuery’s load event, our application script won’t load until those resources have been loaded.

Example 7-1. An example HTML page, sample.html, with document-order prioritized resources

<!DOCTYPE html>



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" src="styles.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" src="animations.css" />



<img id="siteLogo" src="/images/site.png"/>

<img id="Header" src="/images/Header.png"/>

<ul class="gallery">


<img id="img1" src=".../images/img1.png" />



<img id="img3" src=".../images/img2.png" />



<img id="img3" src=".../images/img3.png" />



<video class="promo">

<source src="/videos/promo.mp4">

<source src="/videos/promo.ogv">

<source src="/videos/promo.webm">


<script src="app.js" ></script>

<script src="GoogleAnalytics.js"></script>



The lazyload and postpone properties provide us an alternative that allows us to preserve our page structure, while also providing programmatic hints as to the importance of page resources. Elements with lazyload and postpone will be loaded either when all other resources have been loaded or when the viewport enters the bounding box of the element in question, respectively. Elements without either of these properties, on the other hand, will continue to load in document order, as before. Example 7-2 shows these features in action.

Example 7-2. An example HTML page, sample.html, with prioritized resources

<!DOCTYPE html>



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" src="styles.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" src="animations.css" lazyload />

<style> source {

resource-priorities: postpone;





<img id="siteLogo" src="/images/site.png"/>

<img id="Header" src="/images/Header.png"/>

<ul class="gallery">


<img id="img1" src=".../images/img1.png" lazyload />



<img id="img3" src=".../images/img2.png" postpone />



<img id="img3" src=".../images/img3.png" postpone />



<video class="promo">

<source src="/videos/promo.mp4">

<source src="/videos/promo.ogv">

<source src="/videos/promo.webm">


<script src="app.js" ></script>

<script src="GoogleAnalytics.js" lazyload></script>



In this sample, which will also serve as our base demo page for the prollyfill, you can see both attributes and the property in action. First, in the <style> tag, we have a single CSS selector for the source values of any <video> tags containing the class promo. Inside the selector is ourresource-priorities property, which tells the browser to set the postpone value on the video source elements, which will ensure that the video on my page doesn’t begin loading until the user scrolls to that location on the screen.

Throughout the rest of the sample, I’ve applied the lazyload attribute to those resources that I want to have downloaded as soon as core page resources are loaded, and the postpone attribute to those resources that need to be loaded only when in the user’s visible viewport. The end result is a page with clear instructions to the browser as to the loading priority of all resources in the document.

Resource priorities are a great idea, but since they are so new, there aren’t any native browser implementations. So we’ll build our own prollyfill, which will allow us and other developers to put this spec through its paces and offer feedback to spec authors and the W3C. Let’s get started building that prollyfill, which I’ve decided to call slacker.js in what was probably a misguided attempt to be clever.

Specifying the API and Deciding What to Build

Before beginning construction of our prollyfill, it’s important to take a moment and consider the purpose and goals of the project, what you will and won’t take on, as well as the API of the library. As I did in Chapter 2 with the HTML5 Forms polyfill, the first thing I did with slacker.jswas to define the purpose and goals of the project, as described here:

Purpose and Goals

The purpose of this project is to serve as a complete prollyfill for the draft Resource Priorities spec, including support for new HTML attributes (lazyload and postpone), a new CSS property (resource-priorities), and a DOM event (lazyloaded). This project includes built-in feature detection and, by default, will polyfill only those forms features not present in the user’s browser.

As a prollyfill, this library’s primary purpose is to serve as a proof-of-concept and test bed for conversations around the Resource Priorities specification, and not to serve as a cross-browser polyfill ready for production use.

This library will function as both a drop-in and opt-in prollyfill, depending on the features being used. For the lazyload and postpone properties, this library will manage resources when these attributes are included in a document and the data-href or data-src attribute is used. When using the resource-priorities CSS property, link and style elements should be decorated with an attribute (data-slacker-interpret) that will indicate use of this property to the prollyfill.


§ Provide a complete Resource Priorities solution that allows developers to experiment with new attributes, CSS properties, and DOM events, as defined in the spec.

§ Provide a test bed for specified and experimental features. As a prollyfill, the API surface of this library is not limited to those features already contained in the spec. Where it makes sense to propose new or changed features, this library can be used as a POC for those proposed changes.

§ Adapt quickly to specification changes, including those to the spec’s API. We expect this spec to change, and this library should be built in such a way that API changes are easy to absorb.


§ This library is intended to serve as a proof-of-concept for a cutting-edge web platform feature, and as such is not meant for production use.

§ As a proof-of-concept, this library will not be performance-tuned.

§ This library may diverge from the Resource Priorities spec in order to add convenience features, nonstandard behaviors, or experimental APIs for consideration by spec authors.

As you can see, this section has a lot of similarities to and differences from our Forms polyfill. Like the Forms Library, this section contains a summary of the purpose of the project, as well as a few bullets covering the goals and non-goals of the project. The differences are clear in the content, however. Our prollyfill is an experiment intended to drive discussion, and you can see that reflected in the preceding text.

Once I’ve clearly defined the purpose and goals of my library, I’ll turn my attention next to its API. For this, I like to sit down with the spec and draft a features matrix so that I can outline the major features my library should provide, as well as any feature-specific caveats, opt-in features, or quirks that the library should account for. Table 7-1 illustrates my initial features matrix for slacker.js.

Table 7-1. Features matrix for slacker.js



Workflow and Exceptions

Supported Elements

Support for lazyloadattribute

Yes (data-src/data-href)

Remove src of elements with lazyload and place in an array. When document.load is fired, reset the src for each element. For script, if defer is used with lazyload, it has no effect. Forscript, if async is set to false, lazyload has no effect; for svg reImage, if externalResourcesRequired is set to true, lazyload has no effect.

img, audio, video, script, link, embed, iframe, object, svg feImage, svg use, svg script,svg tref

Support for postponeattribute

Yes (data-src/data-href)

Remove src of elements with postpone and place in an array. On scroll or when an element with the display:none property becomes visible, determine if any elements are within the bounding box of the page and if so, reset the src for each visible element. For audio, postpone works only if the controls attribute has been set; for svg reImage, if externalResourcesRequired is set totrue, postpone has no effect.

img, audio, video, script, link, embed, iframe, object, svg reImage, svg use, svg script,svg tref

Support forresource-priorities CSS property

Yes (data-slacker-interpret)

Parse all link and style elements that use the data-slacker-interpret attribute and find all instances of the resource-priorities property. Remove src values for related elements, and any CSS properties that specify a source (like background-image). No exceptions.

img, audio, video, script, link, embed, iframe, object, svg reImage, svg use, svg script,svg tref, background-image, border-image-source, content, cursor, list-style-image,@font-face src

Support forlazyloaded event


Once the src has been reset for resources with the lazyload attribute, fire the lazyloaded event. If no such elements exist, fire immediately after document.load. No exceptions.


Even though there are really only four major features to the Resource Priorities spec, there’s quite a lot going on for what seems like a relatively straightforward prollyfill. In addition to needing to support new attributes, a CSS property, and a DOM event, we have to consider how to support these new features across a dozen HTML elements and a handful of resource-loading CSS properties. We also have to take into account the interaction between lazyload/postpone and defer and async when used on script elements. Since there’s a lot to consider when building my prollyfill, I’m going to create a road map for major features, just as I did for my HTML5 Forms polyfill. The road map for slacker.js can be seen here:

§ v0.1—support for the lazyload attribute and lazyloaded event

§ v0.2—support for the postpone attribute

§ v0.5—support for the resource-priorities CSS property

§ v1.0—full spec support (v0.5 + bug-fixes and enhancements)

With a clearly defined set of goals, features, and a road map for my library, I’m now ready to get started. In the next section, we’ll set up the initial project for slacker.js and start building out our polyfill.

Setting Up Your Prollyfill Project

In Chapter 3, I provided some tips on how to set up the initial project structure for your polyfill, including essential documentation files (README, LICENSE, CHANGELOG, CONTRIBUTING) and essential directories for your source, third party dependencies, tests, and distribution files. InChapter 4, we expanded on this list with a discussion on configuring project builds with Grunt and setting up unit and cross-browser testing via Jasmine, Karma, and Travis. For a prollyfill, much of this process remains the same, so I won’t repeat it here. Instead, I encourage you to check out Chapters 3 and 4 if you haven’t already to get an overview of how I’ve chosen to configure both my HTML5 Forms polyfill and my Resource Priorities prollyfill.

Adding Prollyfill Features

For slacker.js, I’m going to use Jasmine for my unit tests, just as I did for the HTML5 Forms polyfill earlier in the book. Once I’ve configured Jasmine, including the Grunt- and Karma-dependent steps outlined in Chapter 4, I’m ready to add my first test.

The First Test: Feature Detection

In the road map for my prollyfill, which I shared previously, I decided to first focus on supporting the lazyload attribute. Along those lines, my first test makes sure that my prollyfill is performing feature detection for the lazyload attribute. I know, of course, that no browser currently supports this attribute, but I don’t know how long that will be the case, or how long my library will stick around, so the responsible thing to do is to always perform feature detection, if possible, even when building prollyfills. Example 7-3 contains the source for my first test.

If you’re using Chrome, some tests will fail because of cross-domain restrictions. To work around this, you’ll want to either run your tests using a local web server, or run Chrome with the --allow-file-access-from-files terminal command.

For OS X, run open -a /Applications/Google\ --args --allow-file-access-from-files.

And for Windows, run C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome[ SxS]\Application\chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files.

Example 7-3. First test in fixtures.js for the slacker.js prollyfill

var path = 'javascripts/fixtures/';

describe('lazyload attribute tests', function() {

it('should test for the lazyload attribute before acting', function() {

var s = document.createElement('script');

var lazyloadSupported = 'lazyload' in s;

var slackerFrame = document.querySelector('iframe#slackerFrame'),

loaded = false;

slackerFrame.src = path + 'lazyload.html';

slackerFrame.addEventListener('load', function() {

loaded = true;


waitsFor(function() {

return loaded;

}, 'iframe load event never fired', 2000);

runs(function() {



slackerFrame.src = '';




There’s quite a lot going on here, so let’s unpack this sample. The first thing you’ll notice is that I’m getting a reference to an iframe in my main document. This is key. Because my prollyfill is meant to operate on entire documents, I feel that I should simulate these conditions as much as possible in my tests. In order to do that, I load an external HTML file, the source of which is shown in Example 7-4, and inject it as the source of my iframe, which causes my prollyfill to run. Once I’ve loaded the iframe and set its new source, I need to wait for the page to fully load before running my tests, so I add an event listener for the frame and use the Jasmine waitsFor and runs methods to make sure that the tests don’t run until I’m good and ready.

Example 7-4. The lazyload.html source

<!DOCTYPE html>



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" data-href="animations.css" lazyload />



<img data-src="foo.png" lazyload/>

<script src="../../../../src/slacker.features.js"></script>

<script src="../../../../src/slacker.js"></script>



When I first run this test, it will fail, of course. In order to make it pass, I’ll add a test for the lazyload attribute to my source in a new file called slacker.features.js, as shown in Example 7-5.

Example 7-5. lazyload feature test in slacker.js

(function() {

window.slacker = window.slacker || {};

var resourcePrioritiesFeatures = {

lazyload: (function () {

var s = document.createElement('script');

return 'lazyload' in s;



window.slacker.features = resourcePrioritiesFeatures;


This module, which will serve as the core module for all feature tests in my prollyfill, starts with an IIFE before setting the global window.slacker namespace that I’ll be using for the library. Next, I create an object literal to hold my feature tests, and add a test for the lazyload. As discussed in Chapter 3, I can test for official support for new HTML attributes by creating an in-memory element and checking to see whether the attribute exists. Once I’ve added my features module and the lazyload test, my first test should pass.

The Second Test: Initial lazyload Functionality

Now that I have my feature testing in place, I can shift to the lazyload attribute itself. The next test, as illustrated in Example 7-6, will make sure that my prollyfill detects the presence of this attribute and removes whatever value is specified in the data-href attribute of my <link>element.

Example 7-6. Testing data-href attribute removal in fixtures.js

it('should detect the lazyload attribute and remove data-href',

function() {

var slackerFrame = document.querySelector('iframe#slackerFrame'),

loaded = false;

slackerFrame.src = path + '/lazyload.html';

slackerFrame.addEventListener('load', function() {

loaded = true;


waitsFor(function() {

return loaded;

}, 'iframe load event never fired', 2000);

runs(function() {

var stylesheet = slackerFrame.contentDocument.querySelectorAll('link[lazyload]');



slackerFrame.src = '';



This test is similar to our first in that it does some async work to prepare an iframe—and we’ll clean up this duplication in a bit—before running the actual test. The test pulls the <link> element from the DOM and checks to see that its data-href attribute is null. As with our first test, this test will fail on first run because I haven’t added any functionality yet. Let’s do that, first by creating a slacker.js source file in the src/ directory for my project, and then by adding the src removal functionality, as illustrated in Example 7-7.

Example 7-7. Creating the lazyload src removal feature in slacker.js

(function() {

window.slacker = window.slacker || {};

var i, len,

lazyLoaded = [];

//Test for the presence of the lazyload attribute.

//If it's not supported, let's get to work.

if (!window.slacker.features.lazyload){

var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[lazyload]');

for (i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {

var el = elements[i];

if (el.nodeName === 'LINK') {







At this point, our prollyfill is pretty simple, but it’s enough to make our second test pass. I’m simply looking for every element with the lazyloaded attribute and then looping over each. If the nodeName of the current element is LINK, I remove that element’s data-href attribute and place it into an array. If I run my tests again, they should now pass.

The First Refactor: Cleaning Up the Tests

At this point, our prollyfill is nowhere near functional, but we’re off to the right start. A logical next step would be to round out basic lazyload support by setting my link element’s href after the page load. We’ll get to that, of course, but first I need to clean up some duplication of code in my tests in order to simplify things.

If you take a look at Example 7-3 and Example 7-6, you’ll notice a lot of boilerplate test code that I have to duplicate each time through. I’d like to clean this up to make my subsequent tests cleaner, so I’ll create a local function in my fixtures.js file to manage all of the frame loading. The source of this helper method can be found in Example 7-8.

Example 7-8. The test runner helper method in fixtures.js

function loadFrame(test) {

var slackerFrame = document.querySelector('iframe#slackerFrame'),

loaded = false;

slackerFrame.src = path + 'lazyload.html';

slackerFrame.addEventListener('load', function() {

loaded = true;


waitsFor(function() {

return loaded;

}, 'iframe load event never fired', 2000);

runs(function() {

if (test && typeof test === 'function') {



slackerFrame.src = '';



With this method, I’m able to abstract away much of the iframe logic and keep my test methods clean so that they have to pass in only the spec-specific setup and expect statements. As an example, my refactored version of Example 7-3 can be seen in Example 7-9. It’s much cleaner and will make adding subsequent tests much simpler.

Example 7-9. A refactored iframe test in fixtures.js

it('should test for the lazyload attribute before acting', function() {

var s = document.createElement('script');

var lazyloadSupported = 'lazyload' in s;

loadFrame(function(frame) {





The Third Test: Modifying the Public API

So far, we’ve been building our prollyfill to the Resource Priorities spec, and things look pretty good. However, as a prollyfill developer, you might encounter situations where you have an idea for a feature of your library that might actually make sense as a part of the official spec. In this section, we’ll explore the addition of one such feature to slacker.js.

As I worked on the initial functionality for slacker.js, I found myself wishing that the collection of deprioritized elements—as in, those decorated with the lazyload or postpone attributes—were available in some form of collection that I could inspect from my tests. I also thought that a collection like this would be useful to app developers, so since this is a prollyfill for a draft specification, what better way to test out this idea than to add the feature to my prollyfill and try it out?

To add this functionality, I’ll start with a simple test, as illustrated in Example 7-10. Here, I’m specifying that I expect for my slacker object to hold an array called lazyLoaded and that this array should have a length of 2, which corresponds to the two elements (one <link> and one<img>) in my lazyload.html test file.

Example 7-10. Testing for brand-new functionality in fixtures.js

it('should hold the resource source in the lazyLoaded array', function() {

loadFrame(function(frame) {

var win = frame.contentWindow;




Once I’ve added this test and run my tests in the browser to verify failure, I’ll head back over to slacker.js to add the following line just after the for loop:

window.slacker.lazyLoaded = lazyLoaded;

With this line, my tests and apps can now obtain access to an array of lazyLoaded elements. Is this a good idea? Maybe or maybe not. All that matters in this case is that, as a prollyfill developer, I should feel free to experiment and play with ideas like this, and even pitch them to the spec authors for inclusion. If they say yes, I’ve contributed to a future web platform standard! And if not, no harm, no foul. I can simply remove the API from my prollyfill and move on, confident that I’ve still contributed to the standardization process by encouraging conversation.

Of course, if this new API were to be added to the spec, it would no doubt live as an object on window and would probably have a different name. I’m adding it to my slacker namespace to be clear about the API for my prollyfill. If and when I propose this new addition, I can use the API of my library as a reference, while suggesting additions or changes to the spec.

The Fourth Test: Supporting Additional Element Types

My test in Example 7-10 will still fail at this point, and if you look at the source in Example 7-7, it’s easy to see why. My test file contains two lazyload elements, an image, and a stylesheet, but my prollyfill supports only the <link> element, so I’ll need to modify the library to support the<img> element as well. Example 7-11 contains the new source of my for loop.

Example 7-11. Supporting a second element type in slacker.js

for (i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {

var el = elements[i];

if (el.nodeName === 'LINK') {



} else if (el.nodeName === 'IMG') {





Once I’ve added this code, the test in Example 7-10 will pass, meaning that I have starter support for two element types and a public object that holds my lazyLoaded URLs. This is great, but since there’s some code duplication—and I hate duplication—it’s time for another refactor.

The Second Refactor: Completing Element Type Support

With only two elements to support, my if statement isn’t too unwieldy. That said, according to the Resource Priorities spec, I need to support 13 element types. What’s more, I still have to add support for postpone, which also supports 13 elements. I really don’t want to keep adding ifstatements, so it’s time for another refactor.

Since the only real difference between the elements I need to support is the source attribute they use (href or src), I can do a lot to abstract away the clearing of attributes into a local helper method, while placing each element I want to support into a local object. The new source forslacker.js once I’ve made this change can be found in Example 7-12.

Example 7-12. Refactoring to add multiple element support in slacker.js

(function() {

window.slacker = window.slacker || {};

var i, len,

lazyLoaded = [];

function clearSourceAttribute(el, attr) {




var elementReplacements = {

LINK: function(el) {

clearSourceAttribute(el, 'data-href');


IMG: function(el) {

clearSourceAttribute(el, 'data-src');



//Test for the presence of the lazyload attribute.

//If it's not supported, let's get to work.

if (!window.slacker.features.lazyload){

var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[lazyload]');

for (i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {

var el = elements[i];

if (el.nodeName in elementReplacements) {




//Make the array of lazyLoaded elements publicly available

//for debugging.

window.slacker.lazyLoaded = lazyLoaded;



By moving most of the attribute support and element-specific logic into module-level functions, I get a much cleaner for loop. It’s also much easier to add support for the rest of the elements in the spec. Let’s add another one of those now, first via a test, as shown in Example 7-13.

Example 7-13. Testing for <script> element support in fixtures.js

it('should support the script element', function() {

loadFrame(function(frame) {

var stylesheet = frame.contentDocument.querySelectorAll('script[lazyload]');





Similar to my initial test for the link attribute, I’m making sure that my <script> element is in the page, and that my prollyfill removes its data-src attribute. After verifying that it fails, I can add support to the slacker.js source by adding a new function for the <script> element, as shown in Example 7-14. Once I’ve added this function, I can rerun my tests and confirm that they pass.

Example 7-14. Adding support for the <script> element in slacker.js

var elementReplacements = {

LINK: function(el) {

clearSourceAttribute(el, 'data-href');


IMG: function(el) {

clearSourceAttribute(el, 'data-src');


SCRIPT: function(el) {

clearSourceAttribute(el, 'data-src');



The Fifth Test: Completing Initial Support

Now that I have some initial functionality to remove resource source attributes, and I have a clean way to add support for all element types, it’s time to complete initial support for the lazyloaded attribute by adding functionality to properly set the href attribute on my link tag after the page load is complete. First, just as we’ve done every time thus far, I’ll create my failing test, which can be seen in Example 7-15.

Example 7-15. Test for full lazyload attribute support in fixtures.js

it('should re-apply the lazyload attribute after the document.load event', function() {

loadFrame(function(frame) {

var stylesheet = frame.contentDocument.querySelectorAll('link[lazyload]');




As per the spec, once the document.load event has fired, I expect my prollyfill to go to work and set the src and href properties for my elements. If things work properly, this test will confirm that my test document’s link element has been modified accordingly.

To make this test pass, and round out initial support for the lazyloaded attribute, I’ll need to make some pretty extensive changes to my prollyfill source, as shown in Example 7-16.

Example 7-16. Adding complete support for the lazyloaded attribute in slacker.js

(function() {

window.slacker = window.slacker || {};

var i, len,

lazyLoaded = [];

function clearSourceAttribute(el, attr) {


el: el,

source: el.getAttribute('data-' + attr)


el.setAttribute('data-' + attr,'');


var elementSource = {

LINK: 'href',

IMG: 'src',

SCRIPT: 'src'


//Test for the presence of the lazyload attribute.

//If it's not supported, let's get to work.

if (!window.slacker.features.lazyload){

var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[lazyload]');

for (i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {

var el = elements[i];

if (el.nodeName in elementSource) {

clearSourceAttribute(el, elementSource[el.nodeName]);



//Make the array of lazyLoaded elements publicly available

//for debugging.

window.slacker.lazyLoaded = lazyLoaded;

//When the page has finished loading, loop through

//the collection of lazyloaded elements and set their

//attributes accordingly.

window.addEventListener('load', function() {

for (i = 0, len = lazyLoaded.length; i < len; i++) {

var element = lazyLoaded[i];

element.el.setAttribute(elementSource[element.el.nodeName], element.source);





The key piece of this sample is toward the end, where I’ve defined a load event listener on the current window. Once that event fires, I know it’s time for me to add source properties back on the lazyloaded elements, so I’ll loop through my collection of elements and set its src or hrefproperty accordingly. If you look closely, you’ll also notice that I refactored the clearSourceAttribute function, as well as the elementSource object to support clearing and setting of attributes cleanly. With these changes, all my tests will pass, and all I need to do to support the rest of the specified elements is to add them to the elementSource object. I’ll leave that as an exercise for you, though you can also check the public GitHub repo for slacker.js if you want to see what the completed prollyfill looks like.

The Final Test: Supporting the lazyloaded Event

Before we close this chapter and our journey into polyfills and prollyfills, there’s one more specified feature I want to add. According to the Resource Priorities spec, the browser should fire a lazyloaded DOM event after the download of all the lazyload-marked documents has been initiated. It should be easy enough to add this, so I’ll start again with a failing test (shown in Example 7-17).

Example 7-17. Testing for the lazyloaded event in fixtures.js

it('should fire the lazyloaded event after src replacement is complete', function() {

loadFrame(function(frame) {

var lazyloaded = false;

frame('lazyloaded', function() {

lazyloaded = true;


waitsFor(function() {

return lazyloaded;

}, 'iframe lazyloaded event never fired', 2000);

runs(function() {





After I load my test document, I’ll add a listener for the lazyloaded event, and then add the Jasmine waitsFor and runs functions so that I give the iframe plenty of time to fire the event before I execute the test.

To implement this function, I can add a single line just after the for loop in Example 7-16:

var evt = new CustomEvent('lazyloaded');


And that’s it! All my tests should pass, and I’ve now added experimental support for the lazyload portion of the Resource Priorities specification.

What’s Next?

We breezed through a lot in this chapter for our slacker.js prollyfill, but the work is just beginning. From here, I still need to add support for the remaining nine element types, deal with some element-specific edge cases, and then add support for the postpone attribute and theresource-priorities CSS property. On the infrastructure side, I’ll also need to make some changes to account for automated and cross-browser testing. Just like polyfilling, prollyfilling is hard work, and there’s still a lot left to do! You can just check out the slacker.js GitHub repo to see the remaining prollyfill features that I didn’t have space to cover here.

Hopefully, over the course of this chapter on building a real-world prollyfill, you got a glimpse into both the similarities and differences between polyfills and prollyfills. The two library types are a lot alike, with the key differences being how you handle the public API and performance considerations for each. In this section, I’ll briefly recap those differences.

Suggesting an API Modification

As we’ve talked about repeatedly in this book, the public API for a stable feature is set, and should be considered gospel by the polyfill developer. Prollyfills, on the other hand, are in flux, by definition. When building prollyfills, you should respect the API to some extent, while also feeling free to innovate and experiment with new ideas. Adding a lazyLoaded collection to slacker.js is an example of this.

But no experiment is complete without the reporting of results, so if you like the results of your modifications to an in-flux spec, you should feel free to get in touch with the appropriate working group, mailing list, or directly with the spec authors to get their feedback. As I said in the previous chapter, backing up your ideas with runnable code in a prollyfill is the best way to encourage the right kind of discussion around those ideas.

Building for Performance

As I mentioned earlier in this chapter, when building a prollyfill, your goal is to build something that tests out an experimental API, not to build something meant for cross-browser adoption by developers. As such, performance won’t and shouldn’t be your primary concern. What’s more, sometimes creating prollyfills for experimental APIs requires us to do bad things to HTML, JavaScript, and CSS in order to create something halfway functional, and these bad things often cause performance to fly right out the window. Chalk this up to another reason that access to those “low-level APIs” described in the Extensible Web Manifesto are so critical, as these would allow developers to build prollyfills that also perform reasonably well. Until then, we do the best we can.

But just because performance isn’t your primary concern when building a prollyfill doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a concern at all. While I don’t recommend spending time building comparative JSPerf tests and mining your browser’s developer tools in an effort to squeeze out that extra few dozen milliseconds of speed, it is important to pay at least some attention to how your library performs, and apply common sense practices to its construction.

One of the best ways to pay attention to performance in any project, including a prollyfill, is by taking a test-driven development approach to adding features. I’ve used this approach throughout this book. The basic idea is to first write a failing test for new functionality, to write just enough code to make that test pass, and finally, to consider any refactoring that needs to take place in order to improve the code.

The last step is critical, and I’ve shown you examples of it in both this chapter and Chapters 4 and 5. On the surface, refactoring might seem like an ascetic preference, but much of the time, the work I put in to improve the code also improves its performance. By removing duplication and looking for opportunities for reuse in my code, I’m encouraging myself to pay attention to ways to also improve that code’s performance. When building a prollyfill, taking a TDD approach will ensure that your library performs as well as it can.

Over the course of this short book, we’ve covered a lot of ground. We spent some time early on talking about why polyfills still matter, and I shared some principles for responsible polyfill development. Then, I put those principles in action and walked you through the creation of a polyfill for the HTML5 Forms specification. Finally, we talked about prollyfills and the opportunity that these present for developers to have a tangible impact on the future of the web platform.

It’s an exciting time for the web platform, and it’s an exciting time to be a frontend developer. More and more, developers are being given an opportunity to step up to the plate and participate in the standardization and browser evolution processes. Building polyfills is just one of the many ways that developers can participate, but it is unique because it is one backed by actual code and experience. It’s a powerful tool that I hope you’ll consider wielding as we work to extend the Web forward, together.

About the Author

Brandon Satrom (@BrandonSatrom) is Director of Product Management for Telerik, the worlds greatest developer tools company. An unabashed lover of the open web, Brandon loves to talk about HTML, JavaScript, CSS, open source and whatever new shiny tool or technology has distracted him from that other thing he was working on. Brandon has spoken at national, international and online events, and he loves hanging out with and learning from passionate designers and developers. Brandon lives in Austin, TX with his wife, Sarah, and three sons, Benjamin, Jack and Matthew.


The animal on the cover of Building Polyfills is a beech marten (Martes foina), a small mammal native to Europe and central Asia. It is also known as a stone marten or white-breasted marten. It is very adaptable: it lives in both open and forested habitats, and is omnivorous. While plants, nuts, and fruit make up a high percentage of their diet, beech martens also eat eggs, mice, rats, and small birds. Occasionally, they will hunt domestic chickens and rabbits.

Beech martens have coarse brown fur and a white patch on their throat and chest. Not including their long bushy tails (which average around 10 inches long), they are usually 16-19 inches long and weigh 3-5 pounds. They are about the size of a house cat, albeit with a more slender body.

The homes of beech martens can be found in rock crevices, abandoned burrows, tree holes, and even nooks within human buildings—they do not dig their own dens. Beech martens are nocturnal, most active between 6 p.m. to midnight. They are typically solitary animals, except during the summer mating season. Male territories often overlap with those of females, allowing them access to multiple potential mates. Kits aren’t born until the following spring: implantation is delayed until roughly 230 days after mating, and gestation takes another month.

In the fur trade, beech marten pelts aren’t viewed as of high a quality as related species like the pine marten or sable. Nevertheless, they are still hunted in areas where more valuable furred animals aren’t present. There is a population of beech martens in North America—particularly, the state of Wisconsin—descended from animals who escaped from a commercial fur farm in the 1940s.

The cover image is from A History of British Quadrupeds. The cover fonts are URW Typewriter and Guardian Sans. The text font is Adobe Minion Pro; the heading font is Adobe Myriad Condensed; and the code font is Dalton Maag’s Ubuntu Mono.