Artifacts - Scrum Bootcamp: Learn the Basics of Scrum Programming (2016)

Scrum Bootcamp: Learn the Basics of Scrum Programming (2016)

Chapter 4. Artifacts

In Scrum,“artifacts” give important data to the stakeholders and team members; thus, artifacts allow you to understand the current project, the tasks that has been completed and the processes involved in the project. The Scrum framework involves the following artifacts:

· Project backlog

· Sprint backlog

· Increment

· Burn-Down chart

The list given above shows the mandatory artifacts of the Scrum framework. In some situations, Scrum teams require other types of artifacts.

Let’s discuss the four mandatory artifacts in detail:

The Project Backlog

Basically, this artifact is a set of features/characteristics that the Scrum team must add to the product. It provides the team with information that they can use to improve the project increment.

The project backlog specifies the functions, features, repairs, enhancements and requirements that the project requires. The items within this backlog have the following attributes:

· Value

· Order

· Description

· Estimate

Scrum practitioners use the term“user story” when referring to any of the attributes given above. In general, the product owner must take care of all aspects (e.g. content, ordering, availability, etc.) related to the project backlog.

This artifact evolves as the project progresses. The initial version may hold only the most basic requirements. As the Scrum team gets more information about the project, the project backlog will be developed further. The product owner must update this artifact regularly to retain its effectiveness. Basically, the project backlog will exist as long as the product related to it exists.

As the team works on the product, the project backlog turns into a bigger and more detailed list. Moreover, the changes in technology, market conditions, or business needs may affect the project backlog. This is the reason why many people consider this backlog as a“live” output.

The refinement of the project backlog involves the addition of details, approximations and priority orders to the items within the artifact. It is a continuous process that the product owner performs. The entire team decides on when and how the refinement is done.

Important Note: The product owner may update the project backlog anytime, depending on his/her situation.

Often, high-priority backlog items are clearer and more defined than lower-priority ones. Clear and precise details allow team members to make correct estimates.

This artifact allows team members to refine requirements so they can use it for the upcoming sprint. The backlog items that the Scrum team can develop are considered to be ready for usage in the next sprint’s planning stage.

The Sprint Backlog

This artifact is the combination of project backlog items chosen for the sprint, and a strategy to create the increment and attain the sprint’s goal.

This kind of backlog specifies the functionalities that can be added to the next project increment. It also defines the tasks and activities needed to add those functionalities to the product.

As new tasks are required, the members of the team update the sprint backlog. The team members will also update the remaining tasks on a regular basis. Obviously, it’s important to inform the whole team whenever a task gets added or completed. The team should also remove unnecessary items from this backlog.

Keep in mind that only members of the team can modify the sprint backlog. Additionally, this artifact must be visible and accessible to all of the team members.


The term“increment” refers to the project backlog items that the team has completed. When concluding a sprint, the increment should be a usable product. The product should be usable, even if the product owner doesn’t want to release it yet.

The entire team should agree on what will be considered as increments. This differs significantly for each Scrum team. However, each member must understand clearly what“increment” means for the team. This allows members to determine the progress or completion of the project.

The knowledge about increments also allows members to identify the backlog items that must be selected. The objective of every sprint session is to create increments of usable products.

In general, each Scrum team should complete a product increment within a sprint. Since increments are usable products, the product owner may release it to the market as is.

Some Scrum teams consider increment knowledge as a requirement. That means increment knowledge is involved in the organization’s standards, guidelines or conventions. If increment knowledge is not mandatory, the ScrumMaster must define the increments appropriate for the project.

The Burn-Down Chart

During a sprint session, the team members may sum up the remaining tasks inside the project backlog. The Scrum team measures the remaining tasks during each daily meeting. This approach allows teams to determine their chances of achieving their goal/s and manage their progress.

The Burn-Down chart is a technique for tracking the activities completed by the team. Agile practitioners have used this technique in measuring and managing their team’s progress.

Product owners track the remaining tasks during each sprint review. Then, he/she compares these tasks with those from previous sprints. This approach helps product owners to assess the team’s progress toward completing the assigned tasks.

Important Note: The product owner must share this artifact will each stakeholder.


Scrum involves different outputs that are known as artifacts. You must generate and use these artifacts while implementing the Scrum framework. By doing so, you can increase your chances of meeting your project goals.