The Program Structure in JavaScript - JavaScript Bootcamp: Learn the Basics of JavaScript Programming in 2 Weeks (2016)

JavaScript Bootcamp: Learn the Basics of JavaScript Programming in 2 Weeks (2016)

Chapter 3. The Program Structure in JavaScript

This chapter will teach you“actual programming.” You’ll be using JavaScript commands that go beyond the nouns and phrases you’ve used so far. Study this material carefully since it will help you master the basics of JavaScript in two weeks.

Statements and Expressions

In the previous chapter, you generated new values by applying operators on existing values. It seems like value creation is the most important part of JavaScript programs. However, it’s just a small part of this powerful language.

The part of a code that creates a value is known as“expression.” Thus, any value that you’ll write literally (e.g. 99 or“ninety-nine”) falls under this category. Expressions are still called expressions even if you’ll enclose them in parentheses. Also, an expression is still an expression even if you are using unary, binary, or ternary operators.

The paragraph above highlights the advantages of a programming interface that is based on language. Expressions act as subsentences in any human language– they can hold other expressions inside them. That means you can mix JavaScript expressions to state confusing calculations.

If expressions are equivalent to subsentences, JavaScript statements are equivalent to complete sentences. Basically, a JavaScript program is just a collection of statements.

The most basic type of statement is a value followed by a semicolon. Based on this principle, we can create this simple program:



In JavaScript, the sample given above is considered as a complete program. It’s a worthless one, though. Statements are only useful if they do something that affects other things (e.g. showing some characters on the screen, improving the programming environment, etc.). The two statements shown above simply create two values (i.e. 0 and false). They don’t change or improve anything. If you’ll execute this program, you won’t observe anything significant.

The Variables

How can JavaScript programs maintain themselves? How do they store things? You have seen how to create new values using old ones. However, that process doesn’t modify the preexisting values. You also need to use the resulting values immediately or they will simply disappear. To capture and hold values, JavaScript offers variables.

var example = 3 * 3;

In this example, var (one of the keywords in JavaScript) indicates that the line will create a variable. The keyword is followed by the variable’s name and, if you want to assign a value immediately, by an“=” sign and your desired expression.

The statement generates a variable named“example” and uses it to store the product of 3 * 3.

Once you have defined a variable, you can use its name as an ordinary expression in your future JavaScript statements. The value that you’ll get from that“expression” is identical to the value you assigned while creating it. Check the following example:

var three = 3;

console.log(three * three);

// -> 9

When naming variables, you can use any word that isn’t a keyword (e.g. var). You can include numbers in the variable’s name, but you can’t use a number as the initial character. For example, programming1 is valid but 1programmingisn’t. Additionally, you cannot use spaces in naming variables. In terms of special characters, you can only use the dollar sign (i.e. $) and the underscore (i.e. _). JavaScript doesn’t allow you to use punctuation marks in variable names.

You may change the value assigned to a variable. In JavaScript, you can simply use the“=” sign on any variable to give it a new value.

var taste =“bitter”;


// -> bitter

taste =“sweet”;


// -> sweet

In general, you should think of variables as tentacles instead of containers. A variable grasps values, it doesn’t contain them. That means multiple variables can point to a single value.

Let’s analyze a simple example. You need to generate a variable to remember the amount Johnny owes you. When he pays you $50, you have to assign a new value to the existing variable. Check the lines below:

var JohnnysDebt = 200;

JohnnysDebt = JohnnysDebt– 50;


// -> 150

If you will create a variable without assigning a value, it will be considered empty. It will give you“undefined” if you’ll ask for the value it contains.

JavaScript allows you to include several variables in one var statement. When using this functionality, you should separate the variables using commas. Here’s an example:

var three = 3, four = 4;

console.log(three + four);

// -> 7

The Reserved Words in JavaScript

As discussed earlier, you can’t use keywords when naming your variables. However, there are other words that you can’t use as variable names because JavaScript has reserved them for future developments. Here are some of the reserved words in this scripting language:

in, do, let, if, new, try, with, case, void, with, while, false, yield, extends, delete, default, const, debugger, class, break, finally, null, private, return, import, protected, switch, super, interface, instanceof, throw, implements

Keep in mind that you can’t use the words given above when defining variables. If you’ll forget about this simple rule, you might experience problems when working with JavaScript programs.

JavaScript Environments

The term“environment” refers to the set of active values and variables. Basically, environments cannot be empty while starting up a JavaScript program. Environments hold variables related to the language itself, and often, they have variables that allow interactions with computer systems. For instance, in web browsers, various functions and variables exist to check and affect the current website and read the inputs from the mouse and keyboard.

The Functions

The default JavaScript environment involves functions. Functions are pieces of computer programs linked to a value. You may apply these values to activate the linked program. For instance, in browser environments, alert (i.e. a variable) contains a function that displays a dialog box. Here’s an example:

alert(“You are not authorized to access this page!”);

You may execute a function by placing parentheses after a JavaScript expression that generates a function value. Often, you’ll indicate the name of the variables that contain your desired functions. By enclosing values inside the parentheses, you are assigning those values to the program/s within the function. For the previous example,“alert” uses the assigned string to show a message in the resulting dialog box. Programmers use the term“arguments” when referring to the value/s assigned to a function.


You can use“alert” when trying out new strings or statements. However, since it requires you to close out the resulting windows, you might find it inconvenient and time-consuming. Because of this, you might want to use the function you’ve seen in the earlier sections of this book: console.log. Almost all JavaScript systems (e.g. Node.js, web browsers, etc.) offer this function to transfer arguments to a text-compatible output device.

When it comes to web browsers, the code’s output goes to the console of JavaScript. Although this section of the browser GUI is usually hidden, you can access it by pressing certain keys (i.e. for Windows computers, hit F12; For Mac computers, hit Command-Option-I). If you are having problems viewing this part, you may run an intra-device search for“developer tools” or“web console.” Analyze the following example:

var a = 99;

console.log(“one hundred minus one is”, a);

// -> one hundred minus one is 99

As discussed earlier, you can’t use periods or commas when naming variables. However, the example given above contains one. The reason for this is that console.log isn’t an ordinary variable. It is a JavaScript expression that collects the“log” information from the value stored in“console” (which is a variable).

The Return Values

Writing information on the screen and displaying dialog boxes are known as side effects. Because of these side effects, functions are important in the JavaScript language. You may also use functions to generate values– in this case, a function can be useful even without its side effects. For instance, Math.max (a JavaScript function) receives an unlimited number of numeric values and indicates the highest one. Here’s an example:

console.log(Math.max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

// -> 5

In JavaScript, anything that generates values is considered as an expression. That means you can perform function calls in large expressions. In the example below, you’ll use the Math.min function as an input for the“+” operator:

console.log(Math.min(1, 2) + 98);

// -> 99