Instances and Prototypes - JavaScript Spessore: A thick shot of objects, metaobjects, & protocols (2014)

JavaScript Spessore: A thick shot of objects, metaobjects, & protocols (2014)

Instances and Prototypes


In This Chapter

In this chapter, we’ll look at JavaScript’s extremely simple (and undeniably useful) mechanism for delegating behaviour to prototypes. In later chapters we’ll discuss mixins, forwarding, and other kinds of delegation. But for now, let’s look at what JavaScript makes obvious and easy, prototypes.

Prototypes are Simple, it’s the Explanations that are Hard To Understand

As you recall from our code for making objects extensible, we wrote a function that returned a Plain Old JavaScript Object. The colloquial term for this kind of function is a “Factory Function.”

Let’s strip a function down to the very bare essentials:

var Ur = function () {};

This doesn’t look like a factory function: It doesn’t have an expression that yields a Plain Old JavaScript Object when the function is applied. Yet, there is a way to make an object out of it. Behold the power of the new keyword:

new Ur()

//=> {}

We got an object back! What can we find out about this object?

new Ur() === new Ur()

//=> false

Every time we call new with a function and get an object back, we get a unique object. We could call these “Objects created with the new keyword,” but this would be cumbersome. So we’re going to call them instances. Instances of what? Instances of the function that creates them. So givenvar i = new Ur(), we say that i is an instance of Ur.

For reasons that will be explained after we’ve discussed prototypes, we also say that Ur is the constructor of i, and that Ur is a constructor function. Therefore, an instance is an object created by using the new keyword on a constructor function, and that function is the instance’s constructor.


There’s more. Here’s something interesting:


//=> {}

What’s this prototype? Let’s run our standard test:

(function () {}).prototype === (function () {}).prototype

//=> false

Every function is initialized with its own unique prototype. What does it do? Let’s try something:

Ur.prototype.language = 'JavaScript';

var continent = new Ur();

//=> {}


//=> 'JavaScript'

That’s very interesting! Instances seem to behave as if they had the same elements as their constructor’s prototype. Let’s try a few things:

continent.language = 'CoffeeScript';


//=> {language: 'CoffeeScript'}


//=> 'CoffeeScript'



You can set elements of an instance, and they “override” the constructor’s prototype, but they don’t actually change the constructor’s prototype. Let’s make another instance and try something else.

var another = new Ur();

//=> {}


//=> 'JavaScript'

New instances don’t acquire any changes made to other instances. Makes sense. And:

Ur.prototype.language = 'Sumerian'


//=> 'Sumerian'

Even more interesting: Changing the constructor’s prototype changes the behaviour of all of its instances. This strongly implies that there is a dynamic relationship between instances and their constructors, rather than some kind of mechanism that makes objects by copying.18

Speaking of prototypes, here’s something else that’s very interesting:


//=> [Function]

continent.constructor === Ur

//=> true

Every instance acquires a constructor element that is initialized to their constructor. This is true even for objects we don’t create with new in our own code:


//=> [Function: Object]

If that’s true, what about prototypes? Do they have constructors?


//=> [Function]

Ur.prototype.constructor === Ur

//=> true

Very interesting! We will take another look at the constructor element when we discuss extending objects with delegation.

But let’s get back to prototypes:

function C () {}

C.prototype.bodyOfWater = 'sea'


//=> { bodyOfWater: 'sea' }

var c = new C();


//=> { bodyOfWater: 'sea' }


//=> true

getPrototypeOf and isPrototypeOf are very useful. Let’s see how:

var oldProto = C.prototype;

C.prototype = { bodyOfWater: 'ocean' };


//=> { bodyOfWater: 'sea' }


//=> false


//=> true

Changing a the object bound to a function’s prototype property doesn’t change the prototype for any objects that have already been created with new.


You can create objects and assign them prototypes without new. This object doesn’t have a prototype:

var obj = Object.create(null);


//=> null

This object has the same prototype as an object we create using literal object syntax, or an object we create using new Object()

obj = Object.create(Object.prototype);


//=> {}

Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.getPrototypeOf({})

//=> true

Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.getPrototypeOf(new Object())

//=> true

This object has a prototype of our choosing:

var ourPrototype = { bodyOfWater: 'ocean' };

obj = Object.create(ourPrototype);


//=> true

We can create an object with any prototype we like, without writing a constructor or using new.

revisiting this idea of queues

Let’s rewrite our Queue to use new and .prototype, using this and our extendsObject helper from Composition and Extension:

var Queue = function () {

extend(this, {

array: [],

head: 0,

tail: -1



extend(Queue.prototype, {

pushTail: function (value) {

return this.array[this.tail += 1] = value


pullHead: function () {

var value;

if (!this.isEmpty()) {

value = this.array[this.head]

this.array[this.head] = void 0;

this.head += 1;

return value



isEmpty: function () {

return this.tail < this.head



You recall that when we first looked at this, we only covered the case where a function that belongs to an object is invoked. Now we see another case: When a function is invoked by the new operator, this is set to the new object being created. Thus, our code for Queue initializes the queue.

You can see why this is so handy in JavaScript: We wouldn’t be able to define functions in the prototype that worked on the instance if JavaScript didn’t give us an easy way to refer to the instance itself.

objects everywhere?

Now that you know about prototypes, it’s time to acknowledge something that even small children know: Everything in JavaScript behaves like an object, everything in JavaScript behaves like an instance of a function, and therefore everything in JavaScript behaves as if it delegates some methods to its constructor’s prototype and/or has some elements of its own.

For example:


//=> '3.1415'


//=> [ 'FORTRAN',


# 'LISP',

# 'BASIC' ]




'BASIC' ].length

//=> 4

Functions themselves are instances, and they have methods. For example, every function has a method call. call’s first argument is a context: When you invoke .call on a function, it invoked the function, setting this to the context. It passes the remainder of the arguments to the function. It seems like objects are everywhere in JavaScript!


You may have noticed that we use “weasel words” to describe how everything in JavaScript behaves like an instance. Everything behaves as if it was created by a function with a prototype.

The full explanation is this: As you know, JavaScript has “value types” like String, Number, and Boolean. As noted in the first chapter, value types are also called primitives, and one consequence of the way JavaScript implements primitives is that they aren’t objects. Which means they can be identical to other values of the same type with the same contents, but the consequence of certain design decisions is that value types don’t actually have methods or constructors. They aren’t instances of some constructor.

So. Value types don’t have methods or constructors. And yet:

"Spence Olham".split(' ')

//=> ["Spence", "Olham"]

Somehow, when we write "Spence Olham".split(' '), the string "Spence Olham" isn’t an instance, it doesn’t have methods, but it does a damn fine job of impersonating an instance of a String constructor. How does "Spence Olham" impersonate an instance?

JavaScript pulls some legerdemain. When you do something that treats a value like an object, JavaScript checks to see whether the value actually is an object. If the value is actually a primitive,19 JavaScript temporarily makes an object that is a kinda-sorta copy of the primitive and that kinda-sorta copy has methods and you are temporarily fooled into thinking that "Spence Olham" has a .split method.

These kinda-sorta copies are called String instances as opposed to String primitives. And the instances have methods, while the primitives do not. How does JavaScript make an instance out of a primitive? With new, of course. Let’s try it:

new String("Spence Olham")

//=> "Spence Olham"

The string instance looks just like our string primitive. But does it behave like a string primitive? Not entirely:

new String("Spence Olham") === "Spence Olham"

//=> false

Aha! It’s an object with its own identity, unlike string primitives that behave as if they have a canonical representation. If we didn’t care about their identity, that wouldn’t be a problem. But if we carelessly used a string instance where we thought we had a string primitive, we could run into a subtle bug:

if (userName === "Spence Olham") {




That code is not going to work as we expect should we accidentally bind new String("Spence Olham") to userName instead of the primitive "Spence Olham".

This basic issue that instances have unique identities but primitives with the same contents have the same identities–is true of all primitive types, including numbers and booleans: If you create an instance of anything with new, it gets its own identity.

There are more pitfalls to beware. Consider the truthiness of string, number and boolean primitives:

'' ? 'truthy' : 'falsy'

//=> 'falsy'

0 ? 'truthy' : 'falsy'

//=> 'falsy'

false ? 'truthy' : 'falsy'

//=> 'falsy'

Compare this to their corresponding instances:

new String('') ? 'truthy' : 'falsy'

//=> 'truthy'

new Number(0) ? 'truthy' : 'falsy'

//=> 'truthy'

new Boolean(false) ? 'truthy' : 'falsy'

//=> 'truthy'

Our notion of “truthiness” and “falsiness” is that all instances are truthy, even string, number, and boolean instances corresponding to primitives that are falsy.

There is one sure cure for “JavaScript Impostor Syndrome.” Just as new PrimitiveType(...) creates an instance that is an impostor of a primitive, PrimitiveType(...) creates an original, canonicalized primitive from a primitive or an instance of a primitive object.

For example:

String(new String("Spence Olham")) === "Spence Olham"

//=> true

Getting clever, we can write this:

var original = function (unknown) {

return unknown.constructor(unknown)


original(true) === true

//=> true

original(new Boolean(true)) === true

//=> true

Of course, original will not work for your own creations unless you take great care to emulate the same behaviour. But it does work for strings, numbers, and booleans.

Binding Functions to Contexts

Recall that in What Context Applies When We Call a Function?, we adjourned our look at setting the context of a function with a look at a contextualize helper function:

var contextualize = function (fn, context) {

return function () {

return fn.apply(context, arguments)



a = [1,2,3],

accrete = contextualize(a.concat, a);


//=> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

How would this help us in a practical way? Consider building an event-driven application. For example, an MVC application would bind certain views to update events when their models change. The Backbone framework uses events just like this:

var someView = ...,

someModel = ...;

someModel.on('change', function () {



This tells someModel that when it invoked a change event, it should call the anonymous function that in turn invoked someView’s .render method. Wouldn’t it be simpler to simply write:

someModel.on('change', someView.render);

It would, except that the implementation for .on and similar framework methods looks something like this:

Model.prototype.on = function (eventName, callback) { ... callback() ... }

Although someView.render() correctly sets the method’s context as someView, callback() will not. What can we do without wrapping someView.render() in a function call as we did above?

binding methods

Before enumerating approaches, let’s describe what we’re trying to do. We want to take a method call and treat it as a function. Now, methods are functions in JavaScript, but as we’ve learned from looking at contexts, method calls involve both invoking a function and setting the context of the function call to be the receiver of the method call.

When we write something like:

var unbound = someObject.someMethod;

We’re binding the name unbound to the method’s function, but we aren’t doing anything with the identity of the receiver. In most programming languages, such methods are called “unbound” methods because they aren’t associated with, or “bound” to the intended receiver.

So what we’re really trying to do is get ahold of a bound method, a method that is associated with a specific receiver. We saw an obvious way to do that above, to wrap the method call in another function. Of course, we’re responsible for replicating the arity of the method being bound. For example:

var boundSetter = function (value) {

return someObject.setSomeValue(value);


Now our bound method takes one argument, just like the function it calls. We can use a bound method anywhere:

someDomField.on('update', boundSetter);

This pattern is very handy, but it requires keeping track of these bound methods. One thing we can do is bind the method “in place,” using the let pattern like this:

someObject.setSomeValue = (function () {

var unboundMethod = someObject.setSomeValue;

return function (value) {

return, value);



Now we know where to find it:

someDomField.on('update', someObject.setSomeValue);

This is a very popular pattern, so much so that many frameworks provide helper functions to make this easy. Underscore, for example, provides _.bind to return a bound copy of a function and _.bindAll to bind methods in place:

// bind *all* of someObject's methods in place


// bind setSomeValue and someMethod in place

_.bindAll(someObject, 'setSomeValue', 'someMethod');

There are two considerations to ponder. First, we may be converting an instance method into an object method. Specifically, we’re creating an object method that is bound to the object.

Most of the time, the only change this makes is that it uses slightly more memory (we’re creating an extra function for each bound method in each object). But if you are a little more dynamic and actually change methods in the prototype, your changes won’t “override” the object methods that you created. You’d have to roll your own binding method that refers to the prototype’s method dynamically or reorganize your code.

This is one of the realities of “meta-programming.” Each technique looks useful and interesting in isolation, but when multiple techniques are used together, they can have unpredictable results. It’s not surprising, because most popular languages consider classes and methods to be fairly global, and they handle dynamic changes through side-effects. This is roughly equivalent to programming in 1970s-era BASIC by imperatively changing global variables.

If you aren’t working with old JavaScript environments in non-current browsers, you needn’t use a framework or roll your own binding functions: JavaScript has a .bind method defined for functions:

someObject.someMethod = someObject.someMethod.bind(someObject);

.bind also does some currying for you, you can bind one or more arguments in addition to the context. For example:

AccountModel.prototype.getBalancePromise(forceRemote) = {

// if forceRemote is true, always goes to the remote

// database for the most real-time value, returns

// a promise.


var account = new AccountModel(...);

var boundGetRemoteBalancePromise = account.


bind(account, true);

Very handy, and not just for binding contexts!


Getting the context right for methods is essential. The commonplace terminology is that we want bound methods rather than unbound methods. Current flavours of JavaScript provide a .bind method to help, and frameworks like Underscore also provide helpers to make binding methods easy.

Object Methods

An instance method is a function defined in the constructor’s prototype. Every instance acquires this behaviour unless otherwise “overridden.” Instance methods usually have some interaction with the instance, such as references to this or to other methods that interact with the instance. Aconstructor method is a function belonging to the constructor itself.

There is a third kind of method, one that any object (obviously including all instances) can have. An object method is a function defined in the object itself. Like instance methods, object methods usually have some interaction with the object, such as references to this or to other methods that interact with the object.

Object methods are really easy to create with Plain Old JavaScript Objects, because they’re the only kind of method you can use. Recall from This and That:

QueueMaker = function () {

return {

array: [],

head: 0,

tail: -1,

pushTail: function (value) {

return this.array[this.tail += 1] = value


pullHead: function () {

var value;

if (this.tail >= this.head) {

value = this.array[this.head];

this.array[this.head] = void 0;

this.head += 1;

return value



isEmpty: function () {

return this.tail < this.head




pushTail, pullHead, and isEmpty are object methods. Also, from encapsulation:

var stack = (function () {

var obj = {

array: [],

index: -1,

push: function (value) {

return obj.array[obj.index += 1] = value


pop: function () {

var value = obj.array[obj.index];

obj.array[obj.index] = void 0;

if (obj.index >= 0) {

obj.index -= 1


return value


isEmpty: function () {

return obj.index < 0



return obj;


Although they don’t refer to the object, push, pop, and isEmpty semantically interact with the opaque data structure represented by the object, so they are object methods too.

object methods within instances

Instances of constructors can have object methods as well. Typically, object methods are added in the constructor. Here’s a gratuitous example, a widget model that has a read-only id:

var WidgetModel = function (id, attrs) {

extend(this, attrs || {}); = function () { return id }


extend(WidgetModel.prototype, {

set: function (attr, value) {

this[attr] = value;

return this;


get: function (attr) {

return this[attr]



set and get are instance methods, but id is an object method: Each object has its own id closure, where id is bound to the id of the widget by the argument id in the constructor. The advantage of this approach is that instances can have different object methods, or object methods with their own closures as in this case. The disadvantage is that every object has its own methods, which uses up much more memory than instance methods, which are shared amongst all instances.


Object methods are defined within the object. So if you have several different “instances” of the same object, there will be an object method for each object. Object methods can be associated with any object, not just those created with the new keyword. Instance methods apply to instances, objects created with the new keyword. Instance methods are defined in a prototype and are shared by all instances.

Extending Objects with Delegation

You recall from Composition and Extension that we extended a Plain Old JavaScript Queue to create a Plain Old JavaScript Deque. But what if we have decided to use JavaScript’s prototypes and the new keyword instead of Plain Old JavaScript Objects? How do we extend a queue into a deque?

Here’s our Queue:

var Queue = function () {

extend(this, {

array: [],

head: 0,

tail: -1



extend(Queue.prototype, {

pushTail: function (value) {

return this.array[this.tail += 1] = value


pullHead: function () {

var value;

if (!this.isEmpty()) {

value = this.array[this.head]

this.array[this.head] = void 0;

this.head += 1;

return value



isEmpty: function () {

return this.tail < this.head



And here’s what our Deque would look like before we wire things together:

var Dequeue = function () {;


Dequeue.INCREMENT = 4;

extend(Dequeue.prototype, {

size: function () {

return this.tail - this.head + 1


pullTail: function () {

var value;

if (!this.isEmpty()) {

value = this.array[this.tail];

this.array[this.tail] = void 0;

this.tail -= 1;

return value



pushHead: function (value) {

var i;

if (this.head === 0) {

for (i = this.tail; i >= this.head; --i) {

this.array[i + INCREMENT] = this.array[i]


this.tail += this.constructor.INCREMENT;

this.head += this.constructor.INCREMENT


this.array[this.head -= 1] = value



We obviously want to do all of a Queue’s initialization, thus we called

So what do we want from dequeues such that we can call all of a Queue’s methods as well as a Dequeue’s? Should we copy everything from Queue.prototype into Deque.prototype, like extend(Deque.prototype, Queue.prototype)? That would work, except for one thing: If we later modifiedQueue, say by mixing in some new methods into its prototype, those wouldn’t be picked up by Dequeue.

No, there’s a better idea. Prototypes are objects, right? Why must they be Plain Old JavaScript Objects? Can’t a prototype be an instance?

Yes they can. Imagine that Deque.prototype was a proxy for an instance of Queue. It would, of course, have all of a queue’s behaviour through Queue.prototype. We don’t want it to be an actual instance, mind you. It probably doesn’t matter with a queue, but some of the things we might work with might make things awkward if we make random instances. A database connection comes to mind, we may not want to create one just for the convenience of having access to its behaviour.

Here’s such a proxy:

var queueProxy = new Queue();

And here’s another:

var queueProxy = Object.create(Queue.prototype);

The key here is that the prototype of a Dequeue needs to be an object that has its prototype set to Queue.prototype. That way, we can add methods to Dequeue’s prototype without modifying Queue’s prototype. Let’s double-check:


//=> true

Let’s insert queueProxy into our code:

var Dequeue = function () {


Dequeue.INCREMENT = 4;

Dequeue.prototype = queueProxy;

extend(Dequeue.prototype, {

size: function () {

return this.tail - this.head + 1


pullTail: function () {

var value;

if (!this.isEmpty()) {

value = this.array[this.tail];

this.array[this.tail] = void 0;

this.tail -= 1;

return value



pushHead: function (value) {

var i;

if (this.head === 0) {

for (i = this.tail; i >= this.head; --i) {

this.array[i + INCREMENT] = this.array[i]


this.tail += this.constructor.INCREMENT;

this.head += this.constructor.INCREMENT


this.array[this.head -= 1] = value



And it seems to work:

d = new Dequeue()





//=> 'Hello'


//=> '!'


//=> 'JavaScript'


extracting the boilerplate

Let’s turn our mechanism into a function:

var child = function (parent, child) {

var proxy = Object.create(parent.prototype);

child.prototype = proxy;

return child;


And use it in Dequeue:

var Dequeue = child(Queue, function () {


Dequeue.INCREMENT = 4;

extend(Dequeue.prototype, {

size: function () {

return this.tail - this.head + 1


pullTail: function () {

var value;

if (!this.isEmpty()) {

value = this.array[this.tail];

this.array[this.tail] = void 0;

this.tail -= 1;

return value



pushHead: function (value) {

var i;

if (this.head === 0) {

for (i = this.tail; i >= this.head; --i) {

this.array[i + INCREMENT] = this.array[i]


this.tail += this.constructor.INCREMENT;

this.head += this.constructor.INCREMENT


this.array[this.head -= 1] = value



future directions

Some folks just love to build their own mechanisms. When all goes well, they become famous as framework creators and open source thought leaders. When all goes badly they create in-house proprietary one-offs that blur the line between application and framework with abstractions everywhere.

If you’re keen on learning, you can work on improving the above code to handle extending constructor properties, automatically calling the parent constructor function, and so forth. Or you can decide that doing it by hand isn’t that hard so why bother putting a thin wrapper around it?

It’s up to you, while JavaScript isn’t the tersest language, it isn’t so baroque that building inheritance ontologies requires hundreds of lines of inscrutable code.