Advanced gawk - Advanced Shell Scripting - Wiley Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible 3rd (2015)

Wiley Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible 3rd (2015)

Part III. Advanced Shell Scripting

Chapter 22. Advanced gawk

In This Chapter

1. Reexamining gawk

2. Using variables in gawk

3. Using structured commands

4. Formatting your printing

5. Working with functions

Chapter 19 introduced the gawk program and demonstrated the basics of using it to produce formatted reports from raw data files. This chapter dives more deeply into customizing gawk to produce reports. The gawk program is a full-fledged programming language, providing features that allow you to write advanced programs to manipulate data. If you are jumping into the shell script world from another programming language, you should feel right at home with gawk. In this chapter, you'll see how to use the gawk programming language to write programs to handle just about any data-formatting task you'll run into.

Using Variables

One important feature of any programming language is the ability to store and recall values using variables. The gawk programming language supports two different types of variables:

· Built-in variables

· User-defined variables

Several built-in variables are available for you to use in gawk. The built-in variables contain information used in handling the data fields and records in the data file. You can also create your own variables in your gawk programs. The following sections walk you through how to use variables in your gawk programs.

Built-in variables

The gawk program uses built-in variables to reference specific features within the program data. This section describes the built-in variables available for you to use in your gawk programs and demonstrates how to use them.

The field and record separator variables

Chapter 19 demonstrated one type of built-in variable available in gawk: the data field variables. The data field variables allow you to reference individual data fields within a data record using a dollar sign and the numerical position of the data field in the record. Thus, to reference the first data field in the record, you use the $1 variable. To reference the second data field, you use the $2 variable, and so on.

Data fields are delineated by a field separator character. By default, the field separator character is a whitespace character, such as a space or a tab. Chapter 19 showed how to change the field separator character either on the command line by using the -F command line parameter or within the gawk program using the special FS built-in variable.

The FS built-in variable belongs to a group of built-in variables that control how gawk handles fields and records in both input data and output data. Table 22.1 lists the built-in variables contained in this group.

Table 22.1 The gawk Data Field and Record Variables




A space-separated list of numbers defining the exact width (in spaces) of each data field


Input field separator character


Input record separator character


Output field separator character


Output record separator character

The FS and OFS variables define how your gawk program handles data fields in the data stream. You've already seen how to use the FS variable to define what character separates data fields in a record. The OFS variable performs the same function but for the output by using the print command.

By default, gawk sets the OFS variable to a space, so when you use the command:

print $1,$2,$3

you see the output as:

field1 field2 field3

You can see this in the following example:

$ cat data1




$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {print $1,$2,$3}' data1

data11 data12 data13

data21 data22 data23

data31 data32 data33


The print command automatically places the value of the OFS variable between each data field in the output. By setting the OFS variable, you can use any string to separate data fields in the output:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","; OFS="-"} {print $1,$2,$3}' data1




$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","; OFS="--"} {print $1,$2,$3}' data1




$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","; OFS="<-->"} {print $1,$2,$3}' data1





The FIELDWIDTHS variable allows you to read records without using a field separator character. In some applications, instead of using a field separator character, data is placed in specific columns within the record. In these instances, you must set the FIELDWIDTHSvariable to match the layout of the data in the records.

After you set the FIELDWIDTHS variable, gawk ignores the FS and calculates data fields based on the provided field width sizes. Here's an example using field widths instead of field separator characters:

$ cat data1b




$ gawk 'BEGIN{FIELDWIDTHS="3 5 2 5"}{print $1,$2,$3,$4}' data1b

100 5.324 75 96.37

115 -2.34 91 94.00

058 10.12 98 100.1


The FIELDWIDTHS variable defines four data fields, and gawk parses the data record accordingly. The string of numbers in each record is split based on the defined field width values.


It's important to remember that after you set the FIELDWIDTHS variable, those values must remain constant. This method can't accommodate variable-length data fields.

The RS and ORS variables define how your gawk program handles records in the data stream. By default, gawk sets the RS and ORS variables to the newline character. The default RS variable value indicates that each new line of text in the input data stream is a new record.

Sometimes, you run into situations where data fields are spread across multiple lines in the data stream. A classic example of this is data that includes an address and phone number, each on a separate line:

Riley Mullen

123 Main Street

Chicago, IL 60601


If you try to read this data using the default FS and RS variable values, gawk reads each line as a separate record and interprets each space in the record as a field separator. This isn't what you intended.

To solve this problem, you need to set the FS variable to the newline character. This indicates that each line in the data stream is a separate field and all the data on a line belongs to the data field. However, when you do that, you don't know where a new record starts.

To solve this problem, set the RS variable to an empty string, and leave a blank line between data records in the data stream. The gawk program interprets each blank line as a record separator.

The following is an example of using this technique:

$ cat data2

Riley Mullen

123 Main Street

Chicago, IL 60601


Frank Williams

456 Oak Street

Indianapolis, IN 46201


Haley Snell

4231 Elm Street

Detroit, MI 48201


$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS=""} {print $1,$4}' data2

Riley Mullen (312)555-1234

Frank Williams (317)555-9876

Haley Snell (313)555-4938


Perfect! The gawk program interpreted each line in the file as a data field and the blank lines as record separators.

Data variables

Besides the field and record separator variables, gawk provides some other built-in variables to help you know what's going on with your data and extract information from the shell environment. Table 22.2 shows the other built-in variables in gawk.

Table 22.2 More gawk Built-In Variables




The number of command line parameters present


The index in ARGV of the current file being processed


An array of command line parameters


The conversion format for numbers (see the printf statement), with a default value of %.6 g


An associative array of the current shell environment variables and their values


The system error if an error occurs when reading or closing input files


The filename of the data file used for input to the gawk program


The current record number in the data file


If set to a non-zero value, ignores the case of characters in strings used in the gawk command


The total number of data fields in the data file


The number of input records processed


The output format for displaying numbers, with a default of %.6 g


The length of the substring matched in the match function


The start index of the substring matched in the match function

You should recognize a few of these variables from your shell script programming. The ARGC and ARGV variables allow you to retrieve the number of command line parameters and their values from the shell. This can be a little tricky, however, because gawk doesn't count the program script as part of the command line parameters:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{print ARGC,ARGV[1]}' data1

2 data1


The ARGC variable indicates that two parameters are on the command line. This includes the gawk command and the data1 parameter (remember that the program script doesn't count as a parameter). The ARGV array starts with an index of 0, which represents the command. The first array value is the first command line parameter after the gawk command.


Note that unlike shell variables, when you reference a gawk variable in the script, you don't add a dollar sign before the variable name.

The ENVIRON variable may seem a little odd to you. It uses an associative array to retrieve shell environment variables. An associative array uses text for the array index values instead of numeric values.

The text in the array index is the shell environment variable. The value of the array is the value of the shell environment variable. The following is an example of this:

$ gawk '


> print ENVIRON["HOME"]

> print ENVIRON["PATH"]

> }'




The ENVIRON[”HOME”] variable retrieves the HOME environment variable value from the shell. Likewise, the ENVIRON[”PATH”] variable retrieves the PATH environment variable value. You can use this technique to retrieve any environment variable value from the shell to use in your gawk programs.

The FNR, NF, and NR variables come in handy when you're trying to keep track of data fields and records in your gawk program. Sometimes, you're in a situation where you don't know exactly how many data fields are in a record. The NF variable allows you to specify the last data field in the record without having to know its position:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=":"; OFS=":"} {print $1,$NF}' /etc/passwd








The NF variable contains the numerical value of the last data field in the data file. You can then use it as a data field variable by placing a dollar sign in front of it.

The FNR and NR variables are similar to each other, but slightly different. The FNR variable contains the number of records processed in the current data file. The NR variable contains the total number of records processed. Let's look at a couple of examples to see this difference:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{print $1,"FNR="FNR}' data1 data1

data11 FNR=1

data21 FNR=2

data31 FNR=3

data11 FNR=1

data21 FNR=2

data31 FNR=3


In this example, the gawk program command line defines two input files. (It specifies the same input file twice.) The script prints the first data field value and the current value of the FNR variable. Notice that the FNR value was reset to 1 when the gawk program processed the second data file.

Now, let's add the NR variable and see what that produces:

$ gawk '

> BEGIN {FS=","}

> {print $1,"FNR="FNR,"NR="NR}

> END{print "There were",NR,"records processed"}' data1 data1

data11 FNR=1 NR=1

data21 FNR=2 NR=2

data31 FNR=3 NR=3

data11 FNR=1 NR=4

data21 FNR=2 NR=5

data31 FNR=3 NR=6

There were 6 records processed


The FNR variable value was reset when gawk processed the second data file, but the NR variable maintained its count into the second data file. The bottom line is that if you're using only one data file for input, the FNR and NR values are the same. If you're using multiple data files for input, the FNR value is reset for each data file, and the NR value keeps count throughout all the data files.


When using gawk, notice that the gawk script can often become larger than the rest of your shell script. In the examples in this chapter, for simplicity we just run the gawk scripts directly from the command line, using the multiline feature of the shell. When you use gawk in a shell script, you should place different gawk commands on separate lines. This makes it much easier for you to read and follow, rather than trying to cram it all onto one line in the shell script. Also, if you find yourself using the same gawkscripts in different shell scripts, you can save the gawk script in a separate file and reference it using the –f parameter (see Chapter 19).

User-defined variables

Just like any other self-respecting programming language, gawk allows you to define your own variables for use within the program code. A gawk user-defined variable name can be any number of letters, digits, and underscores, but it can't begin with a digit. It is also important to remember that gawk variable names are case sensitive.

Assigning variables in scripts

Assigning values to variables in gawk programs is similar to doing so in a shell script, using an assignment statement:

$ gawk '


> testing="This is a test"

> print testing

> }'

This is a test


The output of the print statement is the current value of the testing variable. Like shell script variables, gawk variables can hold either numeric or text values:

$ gawk '


> testing="This is a test"

> print testing

> testing=45

> print testing

> }'

This is a test



In this example, the value of the testing variable is changed from a text value to a numeric value.

Assignment statements can also include mathematical algorithms to handle numeric values:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{x=4; x= x * 2 + 3; print x}'



As you can see from this example, the gawk programming language includes the standard mathematical operators for processing numerical values. These can include the remainder symbol (%) and the exponentiation symbol (using either ∧ or **).

Assigning variables on the command line

You can also use the gawk command line to assign values to variables for the gawk program. This allows you to set values outside of the normal code, changing values on the fly. Here's an example of using a command line variable to display a specific data field in the file:

$ cat script1


{print $n}

$ gawk -f script1 n=2 data1




$ gawk -f script1 n=3 data1





This feature allows you to change the behavior of the script without necessitating that you change the actual script code. The first example displays the second data field in the file, while the second example displays the third data field, just by setting the value of the nvariable in the command line.

There's one problem with using command line parameters to define variable values. When you set the variable, the value isn't available in the BEGIN section of the code:

$ cat script2

BEGIN{print "The starting value is",n; FS=","}

{print $n}

$ gawk -f script2 n=3 data1

The starting value is





You can solve this using the -v command line parameter. This allows you to specify variables that are set before the BEGIN section of code. The -v command line parameter must be placed before the script code in the command line:

$ gawk -v n=3 -f script2 data1

The starting value is 3





Now the n variable contains the value set in the command line during the BEGIN section of code.

Working with Arrays

Many programming languages provide arrays for storing multiple values in a single variable. The gawk programming language provides the array feature using associative arrays.

Associative arrays are different from numerical arrays in that the index value can be any text string. You don't have to use sequential numbers to identify data elements contained in the array. Instead, an associative array consists of a hodge-podge of strings referencing values. Each index string must be unique and uniquely identifies the data element that's assigned to it. If you're familiar with other programming languages, this is the same concept as hash maps or dictionaries.

The following sections walk you through using associative array variables in your gawk programs.

Defining array variables

You can define an array variable using a standard assignment statement. Here's the format of the array variable assignment:

var[index] = element

In this example, var is the variable name, index is the associative array index value, and element is the data element value. Here are some examples of array variables in gawk:

capital["Illinois"] = "Springfield"

capital["Indiana"] = "Indianapolis"

capital["Ohio"] = "Columbus"

When you reference an array variable, you must include the index value to retrieve the appropriate data element value:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{

> capital["Illinois"] = "Springfield"

> print capital["Illinois"]

> }'



When you reference the array variable, the data element value appears. This also works with numeric data element values:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{

> var[1] = 34

> var[2] = 3

> total = var[1] + var[2]

> print total

> }'



As you can see from this example, you can use array variables just as you would any other variable in the gawk program.

Iterating through array variables

The problem with associative array variables is that you might not have any way of knowing what the index values are. Unlike numeric arrays, which use sequential numbers for index values, an associative array index can be anything.

If you need to iterate through an associate array in gawk, you can use a special format of the for statement:

for (var in array)




The for statement loops through the statements, each time assigning the variable var the next index value from the array associative array. It's important to remember that the variable is the value of the index and not the data element value. You can easily extract the data element value by using the variable as the array index:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{

> var["a"] = 1

> var["g"] = 2

> var["m"] = 3

> var["u"] = 4

> for (test in var)

> {

> print "Index:",test," - Value:",var[test]

> }

> }'

Index: u - Value: 4

Index: m - Value: 3

Index: a - Value: 1

Index: g - Value: 2


Notice that the index values aren't returned in any particular order, but they each reference the appropriate data element value. This is somewhat important to know, because you can't count on the returned values being in the same order, just that the index and data values match.

Deleting array variables

Removing an array index from an associative array requires a special command:

delete array[index]

The delete command removes the associative index value and the associated data element value from the array:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{

> var["a"] = 1

> var["g"] = 2

> for (test in var)

> {

> print "Index:",test," - Value:",var[test]

> }

> delete var["g"]

> print "---"

> for (test in var)

> print "Index:",test," - Value:",var[test]

> }'

Index: a - Value: 1

Index: g - Value: 2


Index: a - Value: 1


After you delete an index value from the associative array, you can't retrieve it.

Using Patterns

The gawk program supports several types of matching patterns to filter data records, in much the same way as the sed editor. Chapter 19 showed two special patterns in action. The BEGIN and END keywords are special patterns that execute statements before or after the data stream data has been read. Similarly, you can create other patterns to execute statements when matching data appears in the data stream.

This section demonstrates how to use matching patterns in your gawk scripts to limit what records a program script applies to.

Regular expressions

Chapter 20 showed how to use regular expressions as matching patterns. You can use either a Basic Regular Expression (BRE) or an Extended Regular Expression (ERE) to filter which lines in the data stream the program script applies to.

When using a regular expression, the regular expression must appear before the left brace of the program script that it controls:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","} /11/{print $1}' data1



The regular expression /11/ matches records that contain the string 11 anywhere in the data fields. The gawk program matches the defined regular expression against all the data fields in the record, including the field separator character:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","} /,d/{print $1}' data1





This example matches the comma used as the field separator in the regular expression. This is not always a good thing. It can lead to problems trying to match data specific to one data field that may also appear in another data field. If you need to match a regular expression to a specific data instance, you should use the matching operator.

The matching operator

The matching operator allows you to restrict a regular expression to a specific data field in the records. The matching operator is the tilde symbol (∼). You specify the matching operator, along with the data field variable, and the regular expression to match:

$1 ~ /^data/

The $1 variable represents the first data field in the record. This expression filters records where the first data field starts with the text data. The following is an example of using the matching operator in a gawk program script:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","} $2 ~ /^data2/{print $0}' data1



The matching operator compares the second data field with the regular expression /∧data2/, which indicates the string starts with the text data2.

This is a powerful tool that is commonly used in gawk program scripts to search for specific data elements in a data file:

$ gawk -F: '$1 ~ /rich/{print $1,$NF}' /etc/passwd

rich /bin/bash


This example searches the first data field for the text rich. When it finds the pattern in a record, it prints the first and last data field values of the record.

You can also negate the regular expression match by using the ! symbol:

$1 !~ /expression/

If the regular expression isn't found in the record, the program script is applied to the record data:

$ gawk –F: '$1 !∼ /rich/{print $1,$NF}' /etc/passwd

root /bin/bash

daemon /bin/sh

bin /bin/sh

sys /bin/sh

--- output truncated ---


In this example, the gawk program script prints the userid and shell for all the entries in the /etc/passwd file that don't match the userid rich!

Mathematical expressions

In addition to regular expressions, you can also use mathematical expressions in the matching pattern. This feature comes in handy when matching numerical values in data fields. For example, if you want to display all the system users who belong to the root users group (group number 0), you could use this script:

$ gawk -F: '$4 == 0{print $1}' /etc/passwd







The script checks for records where the fourth data field contains the value 0. On this Linux system, five user accounts belong to the root user group.

You can use any of the normal mathematical comparison expressions:

· x == y: Value x is equal to y.

· x <= y: Value x is less than or equal to y.

· x < y: Value x is less than y.

· x >= y: Value x is greater than or equal to y.

· x > y: Value x is greater than y.

You can also use expressions with text data, but you must be careful. Unlike regular expressions, expressions are an exact match. The data must match exactly with the pattern:

$ gawk -F, '$1 == "data"{print $1}' data1


$ gawk -F, '$1 == "data11"{print $1}' data1



The first test doesn't match any records because the first data field value isn't data in any of the records. The second test matches one record with the value data11.

Structured Commands

The gawk programming language supports the usual cast of structured programming commands. This section describes each of these commands and demonstrates how to use them within a gawk programming environment.

The if statement

The gawk programming language supports the standard if-then-else format of the if statement. You must define a condition for the if statement to evaluate, enclosed in parentheses. If the condition evaluates to a TRUE condition, the statement immediately following the if statement is executed. If the condition evaluates to a FALSE condition, the statement is skipped. You can use this format:

if (condition)


Or you can place it on one line, like this:

if (condition) statement1

Here's a simple example demonstrating this format:

$ cat data4






$ gawk '{if ($1 > 20) print $1}' data4




Not too complicated. If you need to execute multiple statements in the if statement, you must enclose them with braces:

$ gawk '{

> if ($1 > 20)

> {

> x = $1 * 2

> print x

> }

> }' data4




Be careful that you don't confuse the if statement braces with the braces used to start and stop the program script. The gawk program can detect missing braces and produces an error message if you mess up:

$ gawk '{

> if ($1 > 20)

> {

> x = $1 * 2

> print x

> }' data4

gawk: cmd. line:6: }

gawk: cmd. line:6: ^ unexpected newline or end of string


The gawk if statement also supports the else clause, allowing you to execute one or more statements if the if statement condition fails. Here's an example of using the else clause:

$ gawk '{

> if ($1 > 20)

> {

> x = $1 * 2

> print x

> } else

> {

> x = $1 / 2

> print x

> }}' data4







You can use the else clause on a single line, but you must use a semicolon after the if statement section:

if (condition) statement1; else statement2

Here's the same example using the single line format:

$ gawk '{if ($1 > 20) print $1 * 2; else print $1 / 2}' data4







This format is more compact but can be harder to follow.

The while statement

The while statement provides a basic looping feature for gawk programs. Here's the format of the while statement:

while (condition)




The while loop allows you to iterate over a set of data, checking a condition that stops the iteration. This is useful if you have multiple data values in each record that you must use in calculations:

$ cat data5

130 120 135

160 113 140

145 170 215

$ gawk '{

> total = 0

> i = 1

> while (i < 4)

> {

> total += $i

> i++

> }

> avg = total / 3

> print "Average:",avg

> }' data5

Average: 128.333

Average: 137.667

Average: 176.667


The while statement iterates through the data fields in the record, adding each value to the total variable and incrementing the counter variable, i. When the counter value is equal to 4, the while condition becomes FALSE, and the loop terminates, dropping through to the next statement in the script. That statement calculates the average and prints the average. This process is repeated for each record in the data file.

The gawk programming language supports using the break and continue statements in while loops, allowing you to jump out of the middle of the loop:

$ gawk '{

> total = 0

> i = 1

> while (i < 4)

> {

> total += $i

> if (i == 2)

> break

> i++

> }

> avg = total / 2

> print "The average of the first two data elements is:",avg

> }' data5

The average of the first two data elements is: 125

The average of the first two data elements is: 136.5

The average of the first two data elements is: 157.5


The break statement is used to break out of the while loop if the value of the i variable is 2.

The do-while statement

The do-while statement is similar to the while statement but performs the statements before checking the condition statement. Here's the format for the do-while statement:




} while (condition)

This format guarantees that the statements are executed at least one time before the condition is evaluated. This comes in handy when you need to perform statements before evaluating the condition:

$ gawk '{

> total = 0

> i = 1

> do

> {

> total += $i

> i++

> } while (total < 150)

> print total }' data5





The script reads the data fields from each record and totals them until the cumulative value reaches 150. If the first data field is over 150 (as seen in the second record), the script is guaranteed to read at least the first data field before evaluating the condition.

The for statement

The for statement is a common method used in many programming languages for looping. The gawk programming language supports the C-style of for loops:

for( variable assignment; condition; iteration process)

This helps simplify the loop by combining several functions in one statement:

$ gawk '{

> total = 0

> for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)

> {

> total += $i

> }

> avg = total / 3

> print "Average:",avg

> }' data5

Average: 128.333

Average: 137.667

Average: 176.667


By defining the iteration counter in the for loop, you don't have to worry about incrementing it yourself as you did when using the while statement.

Formatted Printing

You may have noticed that the print statement doesn't exactly give you much control over how gawk displays your data. About all you can do is control the output field separator character (OFS). If you're creating detailed reports, often you need to place data in a specific format and location.

The solution is to use the formatted printing command, called printf. If you're familiar with C programming, the printf command in gawk performs the same way, allowing you to specify detailed instructions on how to display data.

Here's the format of the printf command:

printf "format string", var1, var2 . . .

The format string is the key to the formatted output. It specifies exactly how the formatted output should appear, using both text elements and format specifiers. A format specifier is a special code that indicates what type of variable is displayed and how to display it. The gawk program uses each format specifier as a placeholder for each variable listed in the command. The first format specifier matches the first variable listed, the second matches the second variable, and so on.

The format specifiers use the following format:


In this example, control-letter is a one-character code that indicates what type of data value will be displayed, and modifier defines an optional formatting feature.

Table 22.3 lists the control letters that can be used in the format specifier.

Table 22.3 Format Specifier Control Letters

Control Letter



Displays a number as an ASCII character


Displays an integer value


Displays an integer value (same as d)


Displays a number in scientific notation


Displays a floating-point value


Displays either scientific notation or floating point, whichever is shorter


Displays an octal value


Displays a text string


Displays a hexadecimal value


Displays a hexadecimal value, but using capital letters for A through F

Thus, if you need to display a string variable, you use the format specifier %s. If you need to display an integer variable, you use either %d or %i (%d is the C-style for decimals). If you want to display a large value using scientific notation, you use the %e format specifier:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{

> x = 10 * 100

> printf "The answer is: %e\n", x

> }'

The answer is: 1.000000e+03


In addition to the control letters, you can use three modifiers for even more control over your output:

· width: This is a numeric value that specifies the minimum width of the output field. If the output is shorter, printf pads the space with spaces, using right justification for the text. If the output is longer than the specified width, it overrides the width value.

· prec: This is a numeric value that specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal place in floating-point numbers, or the maximum number of characters displayed in a text string.

· - (minus sign): The minus sign indicates that left justification should be used instead of right justification when placing data in the formatted space.

When using the printf statement, you have complete control over how your output appears. For example, in the “Built-in variables” section, we used the print command to display data fields from our records:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS=""} {print $1,$4}' data2

Riley Mullen (312)555-1234

Frank Williams (317)555-9876

Haley Snell (313)555-4938


You can use the printf command to help format the output so it looks better. First, let's just convert the print command to a printf command and see what that does:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS=""} {printf "%s %s\n", $1, $4}' data2

Riley Mullen (312)555-1234

Frank Williams (317)555-9876

Haley Snell (313)555-4938


That produces the same output as the print command. The printf command uses the %s format specifier as a placeholder for the two string values.

Notice that you have to manually add the newline character at the end of the printf command to force a new line. Without it, the printf command uses the same line on subsequent prints.

This is useful if you need to print multiple things on the same line, but using separate printf commands:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {printf "%s ", $1} END{printf "\n"}' data1

data11 data21 data31


Both printf outputs appear on the same line. To be able to terminate the line, the END section prints a single newline character.

Next, let's use a modifier to format the first string value:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS=""} {printf "%16s %s\n", $1, $4}' data2

Riley Mullen (312)555-1234

Frank Williams (317)555-9876

Haley Snell (313)555-4938


By adding the 16 modifier value, we force the output for the first string to use 16 spaces. By default, the printf command uses right justification to place the data in the format space. To make it left justified, just add a minus sign to the modifier:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS=""} {printf "%-16s %s\n", $1, $4}' data2

Riley Mullen (312)555-1234

Frank Williams (317)555-9876

Haley Snell (313)555-4938


Now that looks pretty professional!

The printf command also comes in handy when dealing with floating-point values. By specifying a format for the variable, you can make the output look more uniform:

$ gawk '{

> total = 0

> for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)

> {

> total += $i

> }

> avg = total / 3

> printf "Average: %5.1f\n",avg

> }' data5

Average: 128.3

Average: 137.7

Average: 176.7


By using the %5.1f format specifier, you can force the printf command to round the floating-point values to a single decimal place.

Built-In Functions

The gawk programming language provides quite a few built-in functions that perform common mathematical, string, and even time functions. You can utilize these functions in your gawk programs to help cut down on the coding requirements in your scripts. This section walks you through the different built-in functions available in gawk.

Mathematical functions

If you've done programming in any type of language, you're probably familiar with using built-in functions in your code to perform common mathematical functions. The gawk programming language doesn't disappoint those looking for advanced mathematical features.

Table 22.4 shows the mathematical built-in functions available in gawk.

Table 22.4 The gawk Mathematical Functions



atan2(x, y)

The arctangent of x / y, with x and y specified in radians


The cosine of x, with x specified in radians


The exponential of x


The integer part of x, truncated toward 0


The natural logarithm of x


A random floating point value larger than 0 and less than 1


The sine of x, with x specified in radians


The square root of x


Specifies a seed value for calculating random numbers

Although it does not have an extensive list of mathematical functions, gawk does provide some of the basic elements you need for standard mathematical processing. The int() function produces the integer portion of a value, but it doesn't round the value. It behaves much like a floor function found in other programming languages. It produces the nearest integer to a value between the value and 0.

This means that the int() function of the value 5.6 returns 5, while the int() function of the value -5.6 returns -5.

The rand() function is great for creating random numbers, but you need to use a trick to get meaningful values. The rand() function returns a random number, but only between the values 0 and 1 (not including 0 or 1). To get a larger number, you need to scale the returned value.

A common method for producing larger integer random numbers is to create an algorithm that uses the rand() function, along with the int() function:

x = int(10 * rand())

This returns a random integer value between (and including) 0 and 9. Just substitute the 10 in the equation with the upper limit value for your application, and you're ready to go.

Be careful when using some of the mathematical functions, because the gawk programming language does have a limited range of numeric values it can work with. If you go over that range, you get an error message:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{x=exp(100); print x}'


$ gawk 'BEGIN{x=exp(1000); print x}'

gawk: warning: exp argument 1000 is out of range



The first example calculates the natural exponential function of 100, which is a very large number but within the range of the system. The second example attempts to calculate the natural exponential function of 1,000, which goes over the numerical range limit of the system and produces an error message.

Besides the standard mathematical functions, gawk also provides a few functions for bitwise manipulating of data:

· and(v1, v2): Performs a bitwise AND of values v1 and v2

· compl(val): Performs the bitwise complement of val

· lshift(val, count): Shifts the value val count number of bits left

· or(v1, v2): Performs a bitwise OR of values v1 and v2

· rshift(val, count): Shifts the value val count number of bits right

· xor(v1, v2): Performs a bitwise XOR of values v1 and v2

The bit manipulation functions are useful when working with binary values in your data.

String functions

The gawk programming language also provides several functions you can use to manipulate string values, shown in Table 22.5.

Table 22.5 The gawk String Functions



asort(s [,d])

This function sorts an array s based on the data element values. The index values are replaced with sequential numbers indicating the new sort order. Alternatively, the new sorted array is stored in array d if specified.

asorti(s [,d])

This function sorts an array s based on the index values. The resulting array contains the index values as the data element values, with sequential number indexes indicating the sort order. Alternatively, the new sorted array is stored in arrayd if specified.

gensub(r, s, h [, t])

This function searches either the variable $0, or the target string t if supplied, for matches of the regular expression r. If h is a string beginning with either g or G, it replaces the matching text with s. If h is a number, it represents which occurrence of r to replace.

gsub(r, s [,t])

This function searches either the variable $0, or the target string t if supplied, for matches of the regular expression r. If found, it substitutes the string s globally.

index(s, t)

This function returns the index of the string t in string s, or 0 if not found.


This function returns the length of string s, or if not specified, the length of $0.

match(s, r [,a])

This function returns the index of the string s where the regular expression r occurs. If array a is specified, it contains the portion of s that matches the regular expression.

split(s, a [,r])

This function splits s into array a using either the FS character, or the regular expression r if supplied. It returns the number of fields.


This function returns a string similar to the output of printf using the format and variables supplied.

sub(r, s [,t])

This function searches either the variable $0, or the target string t, for matches of the regular expression r. If found, it substitutes the string s for the first occurrence.

substr(s, i [,n])

This function returns the nth character substring of s, starting at index i. If n is not supplied, the rest of s is used.


This function converts all characters in s to lowercase.


This function converts all characters in s to uppercase.

Some string functions are relatively self-explanatory:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{x = "testing"; print toupper(x); print length(x) }'




However, some string functions can get pretty complicated. The asort and asorti functions are new gawk functions that allow you to sort an array variable based on either the data element values (asort) or the index values (asorti). Here's an example of using asort:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{

> var["a"] = 1

> var["g"] = 2

> var["m"] = 3

> var["u"] = 4

> asort(var, test)

> for (i in test)

> print "Index:",i," - value:",test[i]

> }'

Index: 4 - value: 4

Index: 1 - value: 1

Index: 2 - value: 2

Index: 3 - value: 3


The new array, test, contains the newly sorted data elements of the original array, but the index values are now changed to numerical values, indicating the proper sort order.

The split function is a great way to push data fields into an array for further processing:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{ FS=","}{

> split($0, var)

> print var[1], var[5]

> }' data1

data11 data15

data21 data25

data31 data35


The new array uses sequential numbers for the array index, starting with index value 1 containing the first data field.

Time functions

The gawk programming language contains a few functions to help you deal with time values, shown in Table 22.6.

Table 22.6 The gawk Time Functions




Converts a date specified in the format YYYY MM DD HH MM SS [DST] into a timestamp value

strftime(format [,timestamp])

Formats either the current time of day timestamp, or timestamp if provided, into a formatted day and date, using the date() shell function format


Returns the timestamp for the current time of day

The time functions are often used when working with log files that contain dates that you need to compare. By converting the text representation of a date to the epoch time (the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970), you can easily compare dates.

The following is an example of using the time functions in a gawk program:

$ gawk 'BEGIN{

> date = systime()

> day = strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y", date)

> print day

> }'

Friday, December 26, 2014


This example uses the systime function to retrieve the current epoch timestamp from the system and then uses the strftime function to convert it into a human-readable format using the date shell command's date format characters.

User-Defined Functions

You're not limited to just using the built-in functions available in gawk. You can create your own functions for use in gawk programs. This section shows you how to define and use your own functions in gawk programs.

Defining a function

To define you own function, you must use the function keyword:

function name([variables])




The function name must uniquely identify your function. You can pass one or more variables into the function from the calling gawk program:

function printthird()


print $3


This function prints the third data field in the record.

The function can also return a value using the return statement:

return value

The value can be a variable, or an equation that evaluates to a value:

function myrand(limit)


return int(limit * rand())


You can assign the value returned from the function to a variable in the gawk program:

x = myrand(100)

The variable contains the value returned from the function.

Using your functions

When you define a function, it must appear by itself before you define any programming sections (including the BEGIN section). This may look a little odd at first, but it helps keep the function code separate from the rest of the gawk program:

$ gawk '

> function myprint()

> {

> printf "%-16s - %s\n", $1, $4

> }

> BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS=""}

> {

> myprint()

> }' data2

Riley Mullen - (312)555-1234

Frank Williams - (317)555-9876

Haley Snell - (313)555-4938


The function defines the myprint() function, which formats the first and fourth data fields in the record for printing. The gawk program then uses the function to display the data from the data file.

After you define a function, you can use it as often as necessary in the program section of the code. This saves lots of work when using long algorithms.

Creating a function library

Obviously, having to rewrite your gawk functions every time you need them is not a pleasant experience. However, gawk provides a way for you to combine your functions into a single library file that you can use in all your gawk programming.

First, you need to create a file that contains all your gawk functions:

$ cat funclib

function myprint()


printf "%-16s - %s\n", $1, $4


function myrand(limit)


return int(limit * rand())


function printthird()


print $3



The funclib file contains three function definitions. To use them, you need to use the -f command line parameter. Unfortunately, you can't combine the -f command line parameter with an inline gawk script, but you can use multiple -f parameters on the same command line.

Thus, to use your library, just create a file that contains your gawk program, and specify both the library file and your program file on the command line:

$ cat script4

BEGIN{ FS="\n"; RS=""}




$ gawk -f funclib -f script4 data2

Riley Mullen - (312)555-1234

Frank Williams - (317)555-9876

Haley Snell - (313)555-4938


Now you just need to add the funclib file to your gawk command line whenever you need to use a function defined in the library.

Working through a Practical Example

The advanced gawk features come in handy if you have to handle data values in a data file, such as tabulating sales figures or calculating bowling scores. When you work with data files, the key is to first group related data records together and then perform any calculations required on the related data.

For example, let's work with a data file that contains the bowling scores from a game between two teams, each with two players:

$ cat scores.txt

Rich Blum,team1,100,115,95

Barbara Blum,team1,110,115,100

Christine Bresnahan,team2,120,115,118

Tim Bresnahan,team2,125,112,116


Each player has scores from three separate games in the data file, and each player is identified by a team name in the second column. Here's the shell script to sort the data for each team and calculate the totals and averages:

$ cat


for team in $(gawk –F, '{print $2}' scores.txt | uniq)


gawk –v team=$team 'BEGIN{FS=","; total=0}


if ($2==team)


total += $3 + $4 + $5;




avg = total / 6;

print "Total for", team, "is", total, ",the average is",avg

}' scores.txt



The first gawk statement inside the for loop filters out the team names in the data file and then uses the uniq function to return one value for each separate team name. The for loop then iterates for each separate team name.

The gawk statement inside the for loop is what's doing the calculations. For each data record, it first determines if the team name matches the loop team. That's done by using the –v option in gawk, which allows us to pass a shell variable inside the gawk program. If the team name matches, the code keeps a running sum of the three scores in the data record, adding each data record's values, as long as that data record matches the team name.

At the end of each loop iteration, the gawk code displays the score totals, as well as the average of the scores. The output should look like this:

$ ./

Total for team1 is 635, the average is 105.833

Total for team2 is 706, the average is 117.667


Now you have a handy shell script to calculate the results of all your bowling tournaments; you just need to plug the data from each player into the data text file and run the script!


This chapter walked you through the more advanced features of the gawk programming language. Every programming language requires using variables, and gawk is no different. The gawk programming language includes some built-in variables that you can use to reference specific data field values and retrieve information about the number of data fields and records processed in the data file. You can also create your own variables for use in your scripts.

The gawk programming language also provides many of the standard structured commands you expect from a programming language. You can easily create fancy programs using if-then logic and while, do-while, and for loops. Each of these commands allows you to alter the flow of your gawk program script to iterate through data field values to create detailed data reports.

The printf command is a great tool to have if you need to customize your report output. It allows you to specify the exact format for displaying data from the gawk program script. You can easily create formatted reports, placing data elements in exactly the correct position.

Finally, this chapter discussed the many built-in functions available in the gawk programming language and showed you how to create your own functions. The gawk program contains many useful functions for handling mathematical features, such as standard square roots and logarithms, as well as trigonometric functions. There are also several string-related functions that make extracting substrings from larger strings a breeze.

You aren't limited to the built-in functions in the gawk program. If you're working on an application that uses lots of specialized algorithms, you can create your own functions to process the algorithms and use those functions in your own code. You can also set up a library file containing all the functions you use in your gawk programs, saving you time and effort in all your coding.

The next chapter switches gears a little. It examines a few other shell environments you may run into in your Linux shell-scripting endeavors. Although the bash shell is the most common shell used in Linux, it's not the only shell. It helps to know a little about some of the other shells available and how they differ from the bash shell.