Searching for Files - Common Tasks and Essential Tools - The Linux Command Line (2012)

The Linux Command Line (2012)

Part III. Common Tasks and Essential Tools

Chapter 17. Searching for Files

As we have wandered around our Linux system, one thing has become abundantly clear: A typical Linux system has a lot of files! This raises the question “How do we find things?” We already know that the Linux filesystem is well organized according to conventions that have been passed down from one generation of Unix-like systems to the next, but the sheer number of files can present a daunting problem.

In this chapter, we will look at two tools that are used to find files on a system:

· locate—Find files by name.

· find—Search for files in a directory hierarchy.

We will also look at a command that is often used with file-search commands to process the resulting list of files:

· xargs—Build and execute command lines from standard input.

In addition, we will introduce a couple of commands to assist us in our explorations:

· touch—Change file times.

· stat—Display file or filesystem status.

locate—Find Files the Easy Way

The locate program performs a rapid database search of pathnames and then outputs every name that matches a given substring. Say, for example, we want to find all the programs with names that begin with zip. Since we are looking for programs, we can assume that the name of the directory containing the programs would end with bin/. Therefore, we could try to use locate this way to find our files:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ locate bin/zip

locate will search its database of pathnames and output any that contain the string bin/zip:


If the search requirement is not so simple, locate can be combined with other tools, such as grep, to design more interesting searches:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ locate zip | grep bin

The locate program has been around for a number of years, and several different variants are in common use. The two most common ones found in modern Linux distributions are slocate and mlocate, though they are usually accessed by a symbolic link named locate. The different versions of locate have overlapping options sets. Some versions include regular-expression matching (which we’ll cover in Chapter 19) and wildcard support. Check the man page for locate to determine which version of locate is installed.

Where Does the locate Database Come From?

You may notice that, on some distributions, locate fails to work just after the system is installed, but if you try again the next day, it works fine. What gives? The locate database is created by another program named updatedb. Usually, it is run periodically as a cron job; that is, a task performed at regular intervals by the cron daemon. Most systems equipped with locate run updatedb once a day. Since the database is not updated continuously, you will notice that very recent files do not show up when using locate. To overcome this, it’s possible to run the updatedb program manually by becoming the superuser and running updatedb at the prompt.

find—Find Files the Hard Way

While the locate program can find a file based solely on its name, the find program searches a given directory (and its subdirectories) for files based on a variety of attributes. We’re going to spend a lot of time with find because it has a bunch of interesting features that we will see again and again when we start to cover programming concepts in later chapters.

In its simplest use, find is given one or more names of directories to search. For example, it can produce a list of our home directory:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find ˜

On most active user accounts, this will produce a large list. Since the list is sent to standard output, we can pipe the list into other programs. Let’s use wc to count the number of files:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find ˜ | wc -l

Wow, we’ve been busy! The beauty of find is that it can be used to identify files that meet specific criteria. It does this through the (slightly strange) application of tests, actions, and options. We’ll look at the tests first.


Let’s say that we want a list of directories from our search. To do this, we could add the following test:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find ˜ -type d | wc -l

Adding the test -type d limited the search to directories. Conversely, we could have limited the search to regular files with this test:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find ˜ -type f | wc -l

Table 17-1 lists the common file-type tests supported by find.

Table 17-1. find File Types

File Type



Block special device file


Character special device file




Regular file


Symbolic link

We can also search by file size and filename by adding some additional tests. Let’s look for all the regular files that match the wildcard pattern *.JPG and are larger than 1 megabyte:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find ˜ -type f -name "*.JPG" -size +1M | wc -l

In this example, we add the -name test followed by the wildcard pattern. Notice that we enclose it in quotes to prevent pathname expansion by the shell. Next, we add the -size test followed by the string +1M. The leading plus sign indicates that we are looking for files larger than the specified number. A leading minus sign would change the string to mean “smaller than the specified number.” Using no sign means “match the value exactly.” The trailing letter M indicates that the unit of measurement is megabytes. The characters shown in Table 17-2 may be used to specify units.

Table 17-2. find Size Units




512-byte blocks (the default if no unit is specified)




2-byte words


Kilobytes (units of 1024 bytes)


Megabytes (units of 1,048,576 bytes)


Gigabytes (units of 1,073,741,824 bytes)

find supports a large number of different tests. Table 17-3 provides a rundown of the common ones. Note that in cases where a numeric argument is required, the same + and - notation discussed above can be applied.

Table 17-3. find Tests



-cmin n

Match files or directories whose content or attributes were last modified exactly n minutes ago. To specify fewer than n minutes ago, use -n; to specify more than n minutes ago, use +n.

-cnewer file

Match files or directories whose contents or attributes were last modified more recently than those of file.

-ctime n

Match files or directories whose contents or attributes (i.e., permissions) were last modified n*24 hours ago.


Match empty files and directories.

-group name

Match file or directories belonging to group name. name may be expressed as either a group name or as a numeric group ID.


Like the -name test but case insensitive.

-inum n

Match files with inode number n. This is helpful for finding all the hard links to a particular inode.

-mmin n

Match files or directories whose contents were modified n minutes ago.

-mtime n

Match files or directories whose contents only were last modified n*24 hours ago.


Match files and directories with the specified wildcard pattern.

-newer file

Match files and directories whose contents were modified more recently than the specified file. This is very useful when writing shell scripts that perform file backups. Each time you make a backup, update a file (such as a log) and then use find to determine which files have changed since the last update.


Match file and directories that do not belong to a valid user. This can be used to find files belonging to deleted accounts or to detect activity by attackers.


Match files and directories that do not belong to a valid group.

-perm mode

Match files or directories that have permissions set to the specified mode. mode may be expressed by either octal or symbolic notation.


Similar to the -inum test. Matches files that share the same inode number as file name.

-size n

Match files of size n.

-type c

Match files of type c.

-user name

Match files or directories belonging to name. name may be expressed by a username or by a numeric user ID.

This is not a complete list. The find man page has all the details.


Even with all the tests that find provides, we may still need a better way to describe the logical relationships between the tests. For example, what if we needed to determine if all the files and subdirectories in a directory had secure permissions? We would look for all the files with permissions that are not 0600 and the directories with permissions that are not 0700. Fortunately, find provides a way to combine tests using logical operators to create more complex logical relationships. To express the aforementioned test, we could do this:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find ˜ \
( -type f -not -perm 0600 \) -or \( -type d -not -perm 0700 \)

Yikes! That sure looks weird. What is all this stuff? Actually, the operators are not that complicated once you get to know them (see Table 17-4).

Table 17-4. find Logical Operators




Match if the tests on both sides of the operator are true. May be shortened to -a. Note that when no operator is present, -and is implied by default.


Match if a test on either side of the operator is true. May be shortened to -o.


Match if the test following the operator is false. May be shortened to -!.

( )

Groups tests and operators together to form larger expressions. This is used to control the precedence of the logical evaluations. By default, find evaluates from left to right. It is often necessary to override the default evaluation order to obtain the desired result. Even if not needed, it is helpful sometimes to include the grouping characters to improve readability of the command. Note that since the parentheses characters have special meaning to the shell, they must be quoted when using them on the command line to allow them to be passed as arguments to find. Usually the backslash character is used to escape them.

With this list of operators in hand, let’s deconstruct our find command. When viewed from the uppermost level, we see that our tests are arranged as two groupings separated by an -or operator:

(expression 1) -or (expression 2)

This makes sense, since we are searching for files with a certain set of permissions and for directories with a different set. If we are looking for both files and directories, why do we use -or instead of -and? Because as find scans through the files and directories, each one is evaluated to see if it matches the specified tests. We want to know if it is either a file with bad permissions or a directory with bad permissions. It can’t be both at the same time. So if we expand the grouped expressions, we can see it this way:

(file with bad perms) -or (directory with bad perms)

Our next challenge is how to test for “bad permissions.” How do we do that? Actually we don’t. What we will test for is “not good permissions,” since we know what “good permissions” are. In the case of files, we define good as 0600; for directories, 0700. The expression that will test files for “not good” permissions is:

-type f -and -not -perms 0600

and the expression for directories is:

-type d -and -not -perms 0700

As noted in Table 17-4, the -and operator can be safely removed, since it is implied by default. So if we put this all back together, we get our final command:

find ˜ (-type f -not -perms 0600) -or (-type d -not -perms 0700)

However, since the parentheses have special meaning to the shell, we must escape them to prevent the shell from trying to interpret them. Preceding each one with a backslash character does the trick.

There is another feature of logical operators that is important to understand. Let’s say that we have two expressions separated by a logical operator:

expr1 -operator bexpr2

In all cases, expr1 will always be performed; however, the operator will determine if expr2 is performed. Table 17-5 shows how it works.

Table 17-5. find AND/OR Logic

Results of expr1


expr2 is...



Always performed



Never performed



Never performed



Always performed

Why does this happen? It’s done to improve performance. Take -and, for example. We know that the expression expr1 -and expr2 cannot be true if the result of expr1 is false, so there is no point in performing expr2. Likewise, if we have the expression expr1 -or expr2 and the result of expr1 is true, there is no point in performing expr2, as we already know that the expression expr1 -or expr2 is true.

Okay, so this helps things go faster. Why is this important? Because we can rely on this behavior to control how actions are performed, as we shall soon see.


Let’s get some work done! Having a list of results from our find command is useful, but what we really want to do is act on the items on the list. Fortunately, find allows actions to be performed based on the search results.

Predefined Actions

There are a set of predefined actions and several ways to apply user-defined actions. First let’s look at a few of the predefined actions in Table 17-6.

Table 17-6. Predefined find Actions




Delete the currently matching file.


Perform the equivalent of ls -dils on the matching file. Output is sent to standard output.


Output the full pathname of the matching file to standard output. This is the default action if no other action is specified.


Quit once a match has been made.

As with the tests, there are many more actions. See the find man page for full details.

In our very first example, we did this:

find ˜

This command produced a list of every file and subdirectory contained within our home directory. It produced a list because the -print action is implied if no other action is specified. Thus, our command could also be expressed as

find ˜ -print

We can use find to delete files that meet certain criteria. For example, to delete files that have the file extension .BAK (which is often used to designate backup files), we could use this command:

find ˜ -type f -name '*.BAK' -delete

In this example, every file in the user’s home directory (and its subdirectories) is searched for filenames ending in .BAK. When they are found, they are deleted.


It should go without saying that you should use extreme caution when using the -delete action. Always test the command first by substituting the -print action for -delete to confirm the search results.

Before we go on, let’s take another look at how the logical operators affect actions. Consider the following command:

find ˜ -type f -name '*.BAK' -print

As we have seen, this command will look for every regular file (-type f) whose name ends with .BAK (-name '*.BAK') and will output the relative pathname of each matching file to standard output (-print). However, the reason the command performs the way it does is determined by the logical relationships between each of the tests and actions. Remember, there is, by default, an implied -and relationship between each test and action. We could also express the command this way to make the logical relationships easier to see:

find ˜ -type f -and -name '*.BAK' -and -print

With our command fully expressed, let’s look at Table 17-7 to see how the logical operators affect its execution.

Table 17-7. Effect of Logical Operators


Is performed when...


-type f and -name '*.BAK' are true.

-name '*.BAK'

-type f is true.

-type f

Is always performed, since it is the first test/action in an -and relationship.

Since the logical relationship between the tests and actions determines which of them are performed, we can see that the order of the tests and actions is important. For instance, if we were to reorder the tests and actions so that the -print action was the first one, the command would behave much differently:

find ˜ -print -and -type f -and -name '*.BAK'

This version of the command will print each file (the -print action always evaluates to true) and then test for file type and the specified file extension.

User-Defined Actions

In addition to the predefined actions, we can also invoke arbitrary commands. The traditional way of doing this is with the -exec action, like this:

-exec command {} ;

where command is the name of a command, {} is a symbolic representation of the current pathname, and the semicolon is a required delimiter indicating the end of the command. Here’s an example of using -exec to act like the -delete action discussed earlier:

-exec rm '{}' ';'

Again, since the brace and semicolon characters have special meaning to the shell, they must be quoted or escaped.

It’s also possible to execute a user-defined action interactively. By using the -ok action in place of -exec, the user is prompted before execution of each specified command:

find ˜ -type f -name 'foo*' -ok ls -l '{}' ';'
< ls ... /home/me/bin/foo > ? y
-rwxr-xr-x 1 me me 224 2011-10-29 18:44 /home/me/bin/foo
< ls ... /home/me/foo.txt > ? y
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 0 2012-09-19 12:53 /home/me/foo.txt

In this example, we search for files with names starting with the string foo and execute the command ls -l each time one is found. Using the -ok action prompts the user before the ls command is executed.

Improving Efficiency

When the -exec action is used, it launches a new instance of the specified command each time a matching file is found. There are times when we might prefer to combine all of the search results and launch a single instance of the command. For example, rather than executing the commands like this,

ls -l file1
ls -l file2

we may prefer to execute them this way:

ls -l file1 file2

Here we cause the command to be executed only one time rather than multiple times. There are two ways we can do this: the traditional way, using the external command xargs, and the alternative way, using a new feature in find itself. We’ll talk about the alternative way first.

By changing the trailing semicolon character to a plus sign, we activate the ability of find to combine the results of the search into an argument list for a single execution of the desired command. Going back to our example,

find ˜ -type f -name 'foo*' -exec ls -l '{}' ';'
-rwxr-xr-x 1 me me 224 2011-10-29 18:44 /home/me/bin/foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 0 2012-09-19 12:53 /home/me/foo.txt

will execute ls each time a matching file is found. By changing the command to

find ˜ -type f -name 'foo*' -exec ls -l '{}' +
-rwxr-xr-x 1 me me 224 2011-10-29 18:44 /home/me/bin/foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 0 2012-09-19 12:53 /home/me/foo.txt

we get the same results, but the system has to execute the ls command only once.

We can also use the xargs command to get the same result. xargs accepts input from standard input and converts it into an argument list for a specified command. With our example, we would use it like this:

find ˜ -type f -name 'foo*' -print | xargs ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 me me 224 2011-10-29 18:44 /home/me/bin/foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 0 2012-09-19 12:53 /home/me/foo.txt

Here we see the output of the find command piped into xargs, which, in turn, constructs an argument list for the ls command and then executes it.


While the number of arguments that can be placed into a command line is quite large, it’s not unlimited. It is possible to create commands that are too long for the shell to accept. When a command line exceeds the maximum length supported by the system, xargs executes the specified command with the maximum number of arguments possible and then repeats this process until standard input is exhausted. To see the maximum size of the command line, execute xargs with the --show-limits option.

Dealing with Funny Filenames

Unix-like systems allow embedded spaces (and even newlines!) in filenames. This causes problems for programs like xargs that construct argument lists for other programs. An embedded space will be treated as a delimiter, and the resulting command will interpret each space-separated word as a separate argument. To overcome this, find and xarg allow the optional use of a null character as argument separator. A null character is defined in ASCII as the character represented by the number zero (as opposed to, for example, the space character, which is defined in ASCII as the character represented by the number 32). The find command provides the action -print0, which produces null-separated output, and the xargs command has the --null option, which accepts null separated input. Here’s an example:

find ˜ -iname '*.jpg' -print0 | xargs --null ls -l

Using this technique, we can ensure that all files, even those containing embedded spaces in their names, are handled correctly.

A Return to the Playground

It’s time to put find to some (almost) practical use. First, let’s create a playground with lots of subdirectories and files:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ mkdir -p playground/dir-{00{1..9},0{10..99},100}
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ touch playground/dir-{00{1..9},0{10..99},100}/file-{A..Z}

Marvel in the power of the command line! With these two lines, we created a playground directory containing 100 subdirectories, each containing 26 empty files. Try that with the GUI!

The method we employed to accomplish this magic involved a familiar command (mkdir); an exotic shell expansion (braces); and a new command, touch. By combining mkdir with the -p option (which causes mkdir to create the parent directories of the specified paths) with brace expansion, we were able to create 100 directories.

The touch command is usually used to set or update the modification times of files. However, if a filename argument is that of a non-existent file, an empty file is created.

In our playground, we created 100 instances of a file named file-A. Let’s find them:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find playground -type f -name 'file-A'

Note that unlike ls, find does not produce results in sorted order. Its order is determined by the layout of the storage device. We can confirm that we actually have 100 instances of the file this way:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find playground -type f -name 'file-A' | wc -l

Next, let’s look at finding files based on their modification times. This will be helpful when creating backups or organizing files in chronological order. To do this, we will first create a reference file against which we will compare modification time:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ touch playground/timestamp

This creates an empty file named timestamp and sets its modification time to the current time. We can verify this by using another handy command, stat, which is a kind of souped-up version of ls. The stat command reveals all that the system understands about a file and its attributes:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ stat playground/timestamp
File: `playground/timestamp'
Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file
Device: 803h/2051d Inode: 14265061 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1001/ me) Gid: ( 1001/ me)
Access: 2012-10-08 15:15:39.000000000 −0400
Modify: 2012-10-08 15:15:39.000000000 −0400
Change: 2012-10-08 15:15:39.000000000 −0400

If we touch the file again and then examine it with stat, we will see that the file’s times have been updated:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ touch playground/timestamp
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ stat playground/timestamp
File: `playground/timestamp'
Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file
Device: 803h/2051d Inode: 14265061 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1001/ me) Gid: ( 1001/ me)
Access: 2012-10-08 15:23:33.000000000 −0400
Modify: 2012-10-08 15:23:33.000000000 −0400
Change: 2012-10-08 15:23:33.000000000 −0400

Next, let’s use find to update some of our playground files:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find playground -type f -name 'file-B' -exec touch '{}' ';'

This updates all files in the playground that are named file-B. Next we’ll use find to identify the updated files by comparing all the files to the reference file timestamp:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find playground -type f -newer playground/timestamp

The results contain all 100 instances of file-B. Since we performed a touch on all the files in the playground that are named file-B after we updated timestamp, they are now “newer” than timestamp and thus can be identified with the -newer test.

Finally, let’s go back to the bad permissions test we performed earlier and apply it to playground:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find playground \( -type f -not -perm 0600 \) -or \( -type d
-not -perm 0700 \)

This command lists all 100 directories and 2,600 files in playground (as well as timestamp and playground itself, for a total of 2,702) because none of them meets our definition of “good permissions.” With our knowledge of operators and actions, we can add actions to this command to apply new permissions to the files and directories in our playground:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ find playground \( -type f -not -perm 0600 -exec chmod 0600
'{}' ';' \) -or \( -type d -not -perm 0700 -exec chmod 0700 '{}' ';' \)

On a day-to-day basis, we might find it easier to issue two commands, one for the directories and one for the files, rather than this one large compound command, but it’s nice to know that we can do it this way. The important point here is to understand how operators and actions can be used together to perform useful tasks.


Finally, we have the options. The options are used to control the scope of a find search. They may be included with other tests and actions when constructing find expressions. Table 17-8 lists the most commonly used options.

Table 17-8. find Options




Direct find to process a directory’s files before the directory itself. This option is automatically applied when the -delete action is specified.

-maxdepth levels

Set the maximum number of levels that find will descend into a directory tree when performing tests and actions.

-mindepth levels

Set the minimum number of levels that find will descend into a directory tree before applying tests and actions.


Direct find not to traverse directories that are mounted on other filesystems.


Direct find not to optimize its search based on the assumption that it is searching a Unix-like filesystem. This is needed when scanning DOS/Windows filesystems and CD-ROMs.