The Linux Command Line (2012)
Part IV. Writing Shell Scripts
Chapter 36. Exotica
In this, the final chapter of our journey, we will look at some odds and ends. While we have certainly covered a lot of ground in the previous chapters, there are many bash features that we have not covered. Most are fairly obscure and useful mainly to those integrating bash into a Linux distribution. However, there are a few that, while not in common use, are helpful for certain programming problems. We will cover them here.
Group Commands and Subshells
bash allows commands to be grouped together. This can be done in one of two ways: either with a group command or with a subshell. Here are examples of the syntax of each.
Group command:
{ command1; command2; [command3; ...] }
(command1; command2; [command3;...])
The two forms differ in that a group command surrounds its commands with braces and a subshell uses parentheses. It is important to note that, due to the way bash implements group commands, the braces must be separated from the commands by a space and the last command must be terminated with either a semicolon or a newline prior to the closing brace.
Performing Redirections
So what are group commands and subshells good for? While they have an important difference (which we will get to in a moment), they are both used to manage redirection. Let’s consider a script segment that performs redirections on multiple commands:
ls -l > output.txt
echo "Listing of foo.txt" >> output.txt
cat foo.txt >> output.txt
This is pretty straightforward: three commands with their output redirected to a file named output.txt. Using a group command, we could code this as follows:
{ ls -l; echo "Listing of foo.txt"; cat foo.txt; } > output.txt
Using a subshell is similar:
(ls -l; echo "Listing of foo.txt"; cat foo.txt) > output.txt
Using this technique, we have saved ourselves some typing, but where a group command or subshell really shines is with pipelines. When constructing a pipeline of commands, it is often useful to combine the results of several commands into a single stream. Group commands and subshells make this easy:
{ ls -l; echo "Listing of foo.txt"; cat foo.txt; } | lpr
Here we have combined the output of our three commands and piped them into the input of lpr to produce a printed report.
Process Substitution
While they look similar and can both be used to combine streams for redirection, there is an important difference between group commands and subshells. Whereas a group command executes all of its commands in the current shell, a subshell (as the name suggests) executes its commands in a child copy of the current shell. This means that the environment is copied and given to a new instance of the shell. When the subshell exits, the copy of the environment is lost, so any changes made to the subshell’s environment (including variable assignment) are lost as well. Therefore, in most cases, unless a script requires a subshell, group commands are preferable to subshells. Group commands are both faster and require less memory.
We saw an example of the subshell environment problem in Chapter 28, when we discovered that a read command in a pipeline does not work as we might intuitively expect. To recap, when we construct a pipeline like this:
echo "foo" | read
echo $REPLY
the content of the REPLY variable is always empty, because the read command is executed in a subshell and its copy of REPLY is destroyed when the subshell terminates.
Because commands in pipelines are always executed in subshells, any command that assigns variables will encounter this issue. Fortunately, the shell provides an exotic form of expansion called process substitution that can be used to work around this problem.
Process substitution is expressed in two ways: for processes that produce standard output:
or for processes that intake standard input:
where list is a list of commands.
To solve our problem with read, we can employ process substitution like this:
read < <(echo "foo")
echo $REPLY
Process substitution allows us to treat the output of a subshell as an ordinary file for purposes of redirection. In fact, since it is a form of expansion, we can examine its real value:
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ echo <(echo "foo")
By using echo to view the result of the expansion, we see that the output of the subshell is being provided by a file named /dev/fd/63.
Process substitution is often used with loops containing read. Here is an example of a read loop that processes the contents of a directory listing created by a subshell:
# pro-sub : demo of process substitution
while read attr links owner group size date time filename; do
cat <<- EOF
Filename: $filename
Size: $size
Owner: $owner
Group: $group
Modified: $date $time
Links: $links
Attributes: $attr
done < <(ls -l | tail -n +2)
The loop executes read for each line of a directory listing. The listing itself is produced on the final line of the script. This line redirects the output of the process substitution into the standard input of the loop. The tail command is included in the process substitution pipeline to eliminate the first line of the listing, which is not needed.
When executed, the script produces output like this:
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ pro_sub | head -n 20
Filename: addresses.ldif
Size: 14540
Owner: me
Group: me
Modified: 2012-04-02 11:12
Links: 1
Attributes: -rw-r--r--
Filename: bin
Size: 4096
Owner: me
Group: me
Modified: 2012-07-10 07:31
Links: 2
Attributes: drwxr-xr-x
Filename: bookmarks.html
Size: 394213
Owner: me
Group: me
In Chapter 10, we saw how programs can respond to signals. We can add this capability to our scripts, too. While the scripts we have written so far have not needed this capability (because they have very short execution times and do not create temporary files), larger and more complicated scripts may benefit from having a signal-handling routine.
When we design a large, complicated script, it is important to consider what happens if the user logs off or shuts down the computer while the script is running. When such an event occurs, a signal will be sent to all affected processes. In turn, the programs representing those processes can perform actions to ensure a proper and orderly termination of the program. Let’s say, for example, that we wrote a script that created a temporary file during its execution. In the course of good design, we would have the script delete the file when the script finishes its work. It would also be smart to have the script delete the file if a signal is received indicating that the program was going to be terminated prematurely.
bash provides a mechanism for this purpose known as a trap. Traps are implemented with the appropriately named built-in command trap. trap uses the following syntax:
trap argument signal [signal...]
where argument is a string that will be read and treated as a command, and signal is the specification of a signal that will trigger the execution of the interpreted command.
Here is a simple example:
# trap-demo : simple signal handling demo
trap "echo 'I am ignoring you.'" SIGINT SIGTERM
for i in {1..5}; do
echo "Iteration $i of 5"
sleep 5
This script defines a trap that will execute an echo command each time either the SIGINT or SIGTERM signal is received while the script is running. Execution of the program looks like this when the user attempts to stop the script by pressing ctrl-C:
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ trap-demo
Iteration 1 of 5
Iteration 2 of 5
I am ignoring you.
Iteration 3 of 5
I am ignoring you.
Iteration 4 of 5
Iteration 5 of 5
As we can see, each time the user attempts to interrupt the program, the message is printed instead.
Constructing a string to form a useful sequence of commands can be awkward, so it is common practice to specify a shell function as the command. In this example, a separate shell function is specified for each signal to be handled:
# trap-demo2 : simple signal handling demo
exit_on_signal_SIGINT () {
echo "Script interrupted." 2>&1
exit 0
exit_on_signal_SIGTERM () {
echo "Script terminated." 2>&1
exit 0
trap exit_on_signal_SIGINT SIGINT
trap exit_on_signal_SIGTERM SIGTERM
for i in {1..5}; do
echo "Iteration $i of 5"
sleep 5
This script features two trap commands, one for each signal. Each trap, in turn, specifies a shell function to be executed when the particular signal is received. Note the inclusion of an exit command in each of the signal-handling functions. Without an exit, the script would continue after completing the function.
When the user presses ctrl-C during the execution of this script, the results look like this:
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ trap-demo2
Iteration 1 of 5
Iteration 2 of 5
Script interrupted.
Temporary Files
One reason signal handlers are included in scripts is to remove temporary files that the script may create to hold intermediate results during execution. There is something of an art to naming temporary files. Traditionally, programs on Unix-like systems create their temporary files in the /tmp directory, a shared directory intended for such files. However, since the directory is shared, this poses certain security concerns, particularly for programs running with superuser privileges. Aside from the obvious step of setting proper permissions for files exposed to all users of the system, it is important to give temporary files non-predictable filenames. This avoids an exploit known as a temp race attack. One way to create a non-predictable (but still descriptive) name is to do something like this:
tempfile=/tmp/$(basename $0).$$.$RANDOM
This will create a filename consisting of the program’s name, followed by its process ID (PID), followed by a random integer. Note, however, that the $RANDOM shell variable returns a value only in the range of 1 to 32767, which is not a very large range in computer terms, so a single instance of the variable is not sufficient to overcome a determined attacker.
A better way is to use the mktemp program (not to be confused with the mktemp standard library function) to both name and create the temporary file.
The mktemp program accepts a template as an argument that is used to build the filename. The template should include a series of X characters, which are replaced by a corresponding number of random letters and numbers. The longer the series of X characters, the longer the series of random characters. Here is an example:
tempfile=$(mktemp /tmp/foobar.$$.XXXXXXXXXX)
This creates a temporary file and assigns its name to the variable tempfile. The X characters in the template are replaced with random letters and numbers so that the final filename (which, in this example, also includes the expanded value of the special parameter $$ to obtain the PID) might be something like
While the mktemp man page states that mktemp makes a temporary filename, mktemp also creates the file as well.
For scripts that are executed by regular users, it may be wise to avoid the use of the /tmp directory and create a directory for temporary files within the user’s home directory, with a line of code such as this:
[[ -d $HOME/tmp ]] || mkdir $HOME/tmp
Asynchronous Execution
It is sometimes desirable to perform more than one task at the same time. We have seen that all modern operating systems are at least multitasking if not multiuser as well. Scripts can be constructed to behave in a multitasking fashion.
Usually this involves launching a script that, in turn, launches one or more child scripts that perform an additional task while the parent script continues to run. However, when a series of scripts runs this way, there can be problems keeping the parent and child coordinated. That is, what if the parent or child is dependent on the other, and one script must wait for the other to finish its task before finishing its own?
bash has a built-in command to help manage asynchronous execution such as this. The wait command causes a parent script to pause until a specified process (i.e., the child script) finishes.
We will demonstrate the wait command first. To do this, we will need two scripts. Here is the parent script:
# async-parent : Asynchronous execution demo (parent)
echo "Parent: starting..."
echo "Parent: launching child script..."
async-child &
echo "Parent: child (PID= $pid) launched."
echo "Parent: continuing..."
sleep 2
echo "Parent: pausing to wait for child to finish..."
wait $pid
echo "Parent: child is finished. Continuing..."
echo "Parent: parent is done. Exiting."
And here is the child script:
# async-child : Asynchronous execution demo (child)
echo "Child: child is running..."
sleep 5
echo "Child: child is done. Exiting."
In this example, we see that the child script is very simple. The real action is being performed by the parent. In the parent script, the child script is launched and put into the background. The process ID of the child script is recorded by assigning the pid variable with the value of the $! shell parameter, which will always contain the process ID of the last job put into the background.
The parent script continues and then executes a wait command with the PID of the child process. This causes the parent script to pause until the child script exits, at which point the parent script concludes.
When executed, the parent and child scripts produce the following output:
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ async-parent
Parent: starting...
Parent: launching child script...
Parent: child (PID= 6741) launched.
Parent: continuing...
Child: child is running...
Parent: pausing to wait for child to finish...
Child: child is done. Exiting.
Parent: child is finished. Continuing...
Parent: parent is done. Exiting.
Named Pipes
In most Unix-like systems, it is possible to create a special type of file called a named pipe. Named pipes are used to create a connection between two processes and can be used just like other types of files. They are not that popular, but they’re good to know about.
There is a common programming architecture called client/server, which can make use of a communication method such as named pipes, as well as other kinds of interprocess communication such as network connections.
The most widely used type of client/server system is, of course, a web browser communicating with a web server. The web browser acts as the client, making requests to the server, and the server responds to the browser with web pages.
Named pipes behave like files but actually form first-in, first-out (FIFO) buffers. As with ordinary (unnamed) pipes, data goes in one end and emerges out the other. With named pipes, it is possible to set up something like this:
process1 > named_pipe
process2 < named_pipe
and it will behave as if
process1 | process2
Setting Up a Named Pipe
First, we must create a named pipe. This is done using the mkfifo command:
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ mkfifo pipe1
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ ls -l pipe1
prw-r--r-- 1 me me 0 2012-07-17 06:41 pipe1
Here we use mkfifo to create a named pipe called pipe1. Using ls, we examine the file and see that the first letter in the attributes field is p, indicating that it is a named pipe.
Using Named Pipes
To demonstrate how the named pipe works, we will need two terminal windows (or, alternatively, two virtual consoles). In the first terminal, we enter a simple command and redirect its output to the named pipe:
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ ls -l > pipe1
After we press enter, the command will appear to hang. This is because there is nothing receiving data from the other end of the pipe yet. When this occurs, it is said that the pipe is blocked. This condition will clear once we attach a process to the other end and it begins to read input from the pipe. Using the second terminal window, we enter this command:
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ cat < pipe1
The directory listing produced from the first terminal window appears in the second terminal as the output from the cat command. The ls command in the first terminal successfully completes once it is no longer blocked.