Working with Commands - Learning the Shell - The Linux Command Line (2012)

The Linux Command Line (2012)

Part I. Learning the Shell

Chapter 5. Working with Commands

Up to this point, we have seen a series of mysterious commands, each with its own mysterious options and arguments. In this chapter, we will attempt to remove some of that mystery and even create some of our own commands. The commands introduced in this chapter are these:

· type—Indicate how a command name is interpreted.

· which—Display which executable program will be executed.

· man—Display a command’s manual page.

· apropos—Display a list of appropriate commands.

· info—Display a command’s info entry.

· whatis—Display a very brief description of a command.

· alias—Create an alias for a command.

What Exactly Are Commands?

A command can be one of four things:

· An executable program like all those files we saw in /usr/bin. Within this category, programs can be compiled binaries, such as programs written in C and C++, or programs written in scripting languages, such as the shell, Perl, Python, Ruby, and so on.

· A command built into the shell itself. bash supports a number of commands internally called shell builtins. The cd command, for example, is a shell builtin.

· A shell function. Shell functions are miniature shell scripts incorporated into the environment. We will cover configuring the environment and writing shell functions in later chapters, but for now just be aware that they exist.

· An alias. An alias is a command that we can define ourselves, built from other commands.

Identifying Commands

It is often useful to know exactly which of the four kinds of commands is being used, and Linux provides a couple of ways to find out.

type—Display a Command’s Type

The type command is a shell builtin that displays the kind of command the shell will execute, given a particular command name. It works like this:

type command

where command is the name of the command you want to examine. Here are some examples:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ type type
type is a shell builtin
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ type ls
ls is aliased to `ls --color=tty'
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ type cp
cp is /bin/cp

Here we see the results for three different commands. Notice that the ls command (taken from a Fedora system) is actually an alias for the ls command with the --color=tty option added. Now we know why the output from ls is displayed in color!

which—Display an Executable’s Location

Sometimes more than one version of an executable program is installed on a system. While this is not very common on desktop systems, it’s not unusual on large servers. To determine the exact location of a given executable, the which command is used:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ which ls

which works only for executable programs, not builtins or aliases that are substitutes for actual executable programs. When we try to use which on a shell builtin (for example, cd), we get either no response or an error message:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ which cd
/usr/bin/which: no cd in (/opt/jre1.6.0_03/bin:/usr/lib/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/kerber

This is a fancy way of saying “command not found.”

Getting a Command’s Documentation

With this knowledge of what a command is, we can now search for the documentation available for each kind of command.

help—Get Help for Shell Builtins

bash has a built-in help facility for each of the shell builtins. To use it, type help followed by the name of the shell builtin. For example:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ help cd
cd: cd [-L|-P] [dir]
Change the current directory to DIR. The variable $HOME is the default DIR.
The variable CDPATH defines the search path for the directory containing DIR.
Alternative directory names in CDPATH are separated by a colon (:). A null
directory name is the same as the current directory, i.e. `.'. If DIR begins
with a slash (/), then CDPATH is not used. If the directory is not found, and
the shell option `cdable_vars' is set, then try the word as a variable name.
If that variable has a value, then cd to the value of that variable. The -P
option says to use the physical directory structure instead of following
symbolic links; the -L option forces symbolic links to be followed.

A note on notation: When square brackets appear in the description of a command’s syntax, they indicate optional items. A vertical bar character indicates mutually exclusive items. An example is the cd command above: cd [-L|-P] [dir].

This notation says that the command cd may be followed optionally by either a -L or a -P and further, optionally followed by the argument dir.

While the output of help for the cd command is concise and accurate, it is by no means a tutorial, and as we can see, it also seems to mention a lot of things we haven’t talked about yet! Don’t worry. We’ll get there.

--help—Display Usage Information

Many executable programs support a --help option that displays a description of the command’s supported syntax and options. For example:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ mkdir --help
Usage: mkdir [OPTION] DIRECTORY...
Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.

-Z, --context=CONTEXT (SELinux) set security context to CONTEXT
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
-m, --mode=MODE set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx - umask
-p, --parents no error if existing, make parent directories as
-v, --verbose print a message for each created directory
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit
Report bugs to <>.

Some programs don’t support the --help option, but try it anyway. Often it results in an error message that will reveal the same usage information.

man—Display a Program’s Manual Page

Most executable programs intended for command-line use provide a formal piece of documentation called a manual or man page. A special paging program called man is used to view them, like this:

man program

where program is the name of the command to view.

Man pages vary somewhat in format but generally contain a title, a synopsis of the command’s syntax, a description of the command’s purpose, and a listing and description of each of the command’s options. Man pages, however, do not usually include examples, and they are intended as a reference, not a tutorial. As an example, let’s try viewing the man page for the ls command:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ man ls

On most Linux systems, man uses less to display the manual page, so all of the familiar less commands work while displaying the page.

The “manual” that man displays is broken into sections and covers not only user commands but also system administration commands, programming interfaces, file formats, and more. Table 5-1 describes the layout of the manual.

Table 5-1. Man Page Organization




User commands


Programming interfaces for kernel system calls


Programming interfaces to the C library


Special files such as device nodes and drivers


File formats


Games and amusements such as screensavers




System administration commands

Sometimes we need to look in a specific section of the manual to find what we are looking for. This is particularly true if we are looking for a file format that is also the name of a command. If we don’t specify a section number, we will always get the first instance of a match, probably in section 1. To specify a section number, we use man like this:

man section search_term

For example:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ man 5 passwd

will display the man page describing the file format of the /etc/passwd file.

apropos—Display Appropriate Commands

It is also possible to search the list of man pages for possible matches based on a search term. Though crude, this approach is sometimes helpful. Here is an example of a search for man pages using the search term floppy:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ apropos floppy
create_floppy_devices (8) - udev callout to create all possible
floppy device based on the CMOS type
fdformat (8) - Low-level formats a floppy disk
floppy (8) - format floppy disks
gfloppy (1) - a simple floppy formatter for the GNOME
mbadblocks (1) - tests a floppy disk, and marks the bad
blocks in the FAT
mformat (1) - add an MSDOS filesystem to a low-level
formatted floppy disk

The first field in each line of output is the name of the man page, and the second field shows the section. Note that the man command with the -k option performs exactly the same function as apropos.

whatis—Display a Very Brief Description of a Command

The whatis program displays the name and a one-line description of a man page matching a specified keyword:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ whatis ls
ls (1) - list directory contents

The Most Brutal Man Page Of Them All

As we have seen, the manual pages supplied with Linux and other Unix-like systems are intended as reference documentation and not as tutorials. Many man pages are hard to read, but I think that the grand prize for difficulty has to go to the man page for bash. As I was doing my research for this book, I gave it a careful review to ensure that I was covering most of its topics. When printed, it’s over 80 pages long and extremely dense, and its structure makes absolutely no sense to a new user.

On the other hand, it is very accurate and concise, as well as being extremely complete. So check it out if you dare, and look forward to the day when you can read it and it all makes sense.

info—Display a Program’s Info Entry

The GNU Project provides an alternative to man pages called info pages. Info pages are displayed with a reader program named, appropriately enough, info. Info pages are hyperlinked much like web pages. Here is a sample:

File:, Node: ls invocation, Next: dir invocation, Up:
Directory listing

10.1 `ls': List directory contents

The `ls' program lists information about files (of any type, including
directories). Options and file arguments can be intermixed arbitrarily, as

For non-option command-line arguments that are directories, by default `ls'
lists the contents of directories, not recursively, and omitting files with
names beginning with `.'. For other non-option arguments, by default `ls'
lists just the filename. If no non-option argument is specified, `ls' operates
on the current directory, acting as if it had been invoked with a single
argument of `.'.

By default, the output is sorted alphabetically, according to the
--zz-Info: ( invocation, 63 lines --Top----------

The info program reads info files, which are tree-structured into individual nodes, each containing a single topic. Info files contain hyperlinks that can move you from node to node. A hyperlink can be identified by its leading asterisk and is activated by placing the cursor upon it and pressing the enter key.

To invoke info, enter info followed optionally by the name of a program. Table 5-2 lists commands used to control the reader while displaying an info page.

Table 5-2. info Commands




Display command help.

page up or backspace

Display previous page.

page down or Spacebar

Display next page.


Next—Display the next node.


Previous—Display the previous node.


Up—Display the parent node of the currently displayed node, usually a menu.


Follow the hyperlink at the cursor location.



Most of the command-line programs we have discussed so far are part of the GNU Project’s coreutils package, so you can find more information about them by typing

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ info coreutils

which will display a menu page containing hyperlinks to documentation for each program provided by the coreutils package.

README and Other Program Documentation Files

Many software packages installed on your system have documentation files residing in the /usr/share/doc directory. Most of these are stored in plaintext format and can be viewed with less. Some of the files are in HTML format and can be viewed with a web browser. We may encounter some files ending with a .gz extension. This indicates that they have been compressed with the gzip compression program. The gzip package includes a special version of less called zless, which will display the contents of gzip-compressed text files.

Creating Your Own Commands with alias

Now for our very first experience with programming! We will create a command of our own using the alias command. But before we start, we need to reveal a small command-line trick. It’s possible to put more than one command on a line by separating each command with a semicolon character. It works like this:

command1; command2; command3...

Here’s the example we will use:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ cd /usr; ls; cd -
bin games kerberos lib64 local share tmp
etc include lib libexec sbin src
[me@linuxbox ˜]$

As we can see, we have combined three commands on one line. First we change directory to /usr, then we list the directory, and finally we return to the original directory (by using cd -) so we end up where we started. Now let’s turn this sequence into a new command using alias. The first thing we have to do is dream up a name for our new command. Let’s try test. Before we do that, it would be a good idea to find out if the name test is already being used. To find out, we can use the type command again:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ type test
test is a shell builtin

Oops! The name test is already taken. Let’s try foo:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ type foo
bash: type: foo: not found

Great! foo is not taken. So let’s create our alias:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ alias foo='cd /usr; ls; cd -'

Notice the structure of this command:

alias name='string'

After the command alias we give the alias a name followed immediately (no whitespace allowed) by an equal sign, which is followed immediately by a quoted string containing the meaning to be assigned to the name. After we define our alias, it can be used anywhere the shell would expect a command.

Let’s try it:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ foo
bin games kerberos lib64 local share tmp
etc include lib libexec sbin src
[me@linuxbox ˜]$

We can also use the type command again to see our alias:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ type foo
foo is aliased to `cd /usr; ls ; cd -'

To remove an alias, the unalias command is used, like so:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ unalias foo
[me@linuxbox ˜]$ type foo
bash: type: foo: not found

While we purposely avoided naming our alias with an existing command name, it is sometimes desirable to do so. This is often done to apply a commonly desired option to each invocation of a common command. For instance, we saw earlier how the ls command is often aliased to add color support:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ type ls
ls is aliased to `ls --color=tty'

To see all the aliases defined in the environment, use the alias command without arguments. Here are some of the aliases defined by default on a Fedora system. Try to figure out what they all do:

[me@linuxbox ˜]$ alias
alias l.='ls -d .* --color=tty'
alias ll='ls -l --color=tty'
alias ls='ls --color=tty'

There is one tiny problem with defining aliases on the command line. They vanish when your shell session ends. In a later chapter we will see how to add our own aliases to the files that establish the environment each time we log on, but for now, enjoy the fact that we have taken our first, albeit tiny, step into the world of shell programming!

Revisiting Old Friends

Now that we have learned how to find the documentation for commands, go and look up the documentation for all the commands we have encountered so far. Study what additional options are available and try them out!