LINUX: Easy Linux For Beginners, Your Step-By-Step Guide to Learning The Linux Operating System and Command Line (2015)
Hi there! Congratulations on acquiring this book. You have made a great investment in the attainment of new knowledge in Linux.
My name is Felix Alvaro and I am an Internet Marketer, Entrepreneur and Author with the mission to motivate and inspire you to achieve your goals, by sharing my knowledge and experience through my books.
Because of your interest in this book, I am going to presume that you have heard about Linux. While it is not the most popular operating system used in most personal computers, Linux is definitely the most powerful. Here’s a trivia: 98.8% of the world’s fastest systems (think supercomputers) use the Linux kernel. If they are using it, then why shouldn’t you?
Aside from personally using it on your own computer, the demand for Linux administrators has been characteristically high ever since big companies adopted the open-source operating system for their servers.
Regardless if you are getting this book to experience using Linux the first time or if you are eyeing to get Linux Professional certifications in the future, buying this book definitely puts you in the right track. I can promise that this book will equip you with the information that you need to get you started and keep you going in your Linux knowledge.
Getting started with Linux is easy once you become familiar with the system’s features. In this guide, I am going to break everything down for you in a simple approach that will enable you to grasp everything quickly. I also don’t assume you know something already and go into detail for every concept I teach.