BONUS CHAPTER - Learning Ubuntu: A Beginners Guide to Using Linux (2016)

Learning Ubuntu: A Beginners Guide to Using Linux (2016)




There is still a lot that you need to learn to establish the fundamentals of using Ubuntu, but I think this book is good in the sense that it covers some basics, along with a practical use. With the proper permissions in place and a database setup, we can proceed to setup WordPress.

In your web browser enter the IP address of your server. You should then see the “Welcome to WordPress” starting page. At the bottom of the page click on the “Let’s Go!” button!


Now it is going to ask you for the following information. If you followed my example earlier, it should look similar to this:

Database Name: website

User Name: website

Password: [Your randomly generated password]

Database Host: localhost

Table Prefix: wp_

Once that information is entered you will be prompted to run the install.

Go ahead and click “Run the install.”

You will then be prompted for the information you want to use for your WordPress Site.

Provide the requested information and click “Install WordPress.”

Congratulations! In just under 70 pages we have established some Ubuntu basics and used that information to build a basic webserver.

There much more to learn of course, but this is just the beginning. This guide should have you comfortable with navigating and installing packages on Ubuntu.

If you have any questions for further learning, do not hesitate to email me at

Thank you and good luck as you continue learning!