Microsoft Office 2016: The Complete Guide (2015)
In cases where Word is not active, you may start Word and also open an existing document at the same time.
To start Word and also open an existing document at the same time:
Double-click the Document’s file name.
In cases where Word is already active, from the start page, you should choose an existing Document, located in the Recent pane.
Create a New document from the template, or
Tap on Open Other documents to reveal the Back stage view.
Generate a Blank document or a Document based on a template.
You may also:
Tap the Open page tab.
Choose a Location from the Places pane.
Select the File you want to open.
In cases where the document that you are working with is lengthy, you may display the content that is not shown by utilizing the vertical scroll bar that is shown whenever the pointer is moved.
To move the Scroll arrows up or down by one line:
Tap the scroll Arrows.
To move up or down the Full length of a window:
Tap over or under the scroll box in order to move up or down the Full length of a window.
Whenever the width of the document cannot fit on the screen, the Horizontal scroll box can be used in either direction to navigate from one side to the other. To do this:
Drag the Scroll box to the desired section of the document to display the content.
You can also use the cursor to move around in your document:
Move the Cursor around.
You can also position the cursor in an exact Location.
Click the Location.
Whenever multiple documents are open, you may close the document that is active whilst Word is still running:
Tap on the Close button at the right end of the title bar.
However, if there is only one document that is active:
Click the Close button to close the document and also exit Word.
If you want to close the document that is open but wants, Word to remain running:
Tap on Close, this is located in the backstage view.