Microsoft Office 2016: The Complete Guide (2015)
Word allows you to display your document in different views. These include Print Layout, Read Mode, Web Layout, Outline and Draft views. To change from one view to another:
Click the buttons that are found in the Views group on the View tab, or
Click the View Shortcuts toolbar positioned in the lower-right corner of the program window.
Print Layout View: The document will be displayed on the screen similar to how it will look when it is printed.
Read Mode View: This view will only show content that can fit on the screen. As the name suggest, you can only read the content but you are not able to make any changes in this view.
Web Layout View: The document is presented in the same way that it would appear in a web browser.
Outline view: This view shows the structure of a document, the various headings and subheadings. It also allows you to efficiently rearrange your document as you see fit.
Draft view: This display presents a layout which allows you to easily edit the text. It should be noted that headers and footers are not displayed.
Word allows you to adjust the layout of a document. With tools such as rulers and gridlines you can easily position your text in the layout you desire.
To position and align your text:
Choose the corresponding Check boxes, you will find this in the Show group on the View tab.
Use the Tools that are shown in the Zoom group to change the magnification of the document.
Tap the Zoom button to choose or enter a percentage.
You also have the option of working with different parts of the same document at the same time:
From the Zoom dialog box Tap on Many pages.
Tap on the Monitor Button.
Click the Thumbnail that is on the second page in the top row.
Tap OK to adjust the Magnification in order for both pages to be shown side by side.
An invaluable feature (this is not found on the View tab) that will help you in refining the layout of a document:
Tap the Show/Hide button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab
(This will activate and reveal the formatting marks and hidden characters). Some formatting marks include paragraph, page breaks, tabs and section breaks. These will determine the layout of your documents. However, hidden characters facilitate the structure for a number of processes including indexing. To turn on and off formatting marks and hidden characters:
Click the Show/Hide button to conceal hidden text and formatting marks in your document.
Tap the Switch Windows button which is located on the View tab in the Window group.
Click the document to redisplay. The document will be displayed in Draft view with the formatting marks and hidden text turned on.