Microsoft Office 2016: The Complete Guide (2015)
When Word 2016 is started, you can either open an existing document or you may create a new document. Whenever a new document is created or you wish to input characters in a template, a blinking cursor will indicate where the next character that is to be entered will appear. Upon reaching the right margin, the next character or text that you are inputting will move to the following line.
Whenever you have created a document, that document is temporary, this is indicated by the file name Document 1. You will need to save the document in order for it to become permanent. There are a number of places where you can save your document. However, in order to choose the best location, you need to know how you will be using the document. You can save your document at the following locations:
SharePoint team
Personal One-Drive folder
A folder on the computer
If you will be travelling and wants access to your documents, you may save it online. Also, if you will be sharing documents with your team mates, colleagues or family, it is best to save your document online. If it is a business document, you wish to share, it is suggested that you save it on One-Drive or Share-point. If the nature of the document is private, but you want to share it with your friends and family, select a personal One-Drive folder. But if you prefer to work with a document that is already on your computer, you may save it to a folder on that computer.
In order for you to save your document:
Tap on the Save button which is located on the Quick Access Toolbar or:
Click on Save in the Backstage view where the Save As page of the Backstage view will be displayed.
Select a Name to the document.
Assign a Metadata tags.
Identify a File type for the document.
Select a Location on the Save As page.
Save Document, this will close the dialog box.