APPLYING STYLES TO TEXT - Microsoft Office 2016: The Complete Guide (2015)

Microsoft Office 2016: The Complete Guide (2015)


Word provides you with the option of formatting your document in a style that is easier for reading. In addition, styles will help to create a document with a professional look. You can modify the appearance of words, phrases, and paragraphs by using styles. Applying style will also assist you in structuring the document in such a manner that a document outline is shown in the Navigation pane which will prove helpful in creating a table of content.

Styles also include character formatting such as size, font and color. Paragraph formatting: line spacing and outline are also functions of Styles. Styles are kept in the template that is related to each document. It should be noted that blank and new documents are created on the Normal template. However, the Normal template comprises a basic selection of styles that is appropriate for the requirements of most documents. These styles contain nine heading levels, numerous text styles plus those for multiple levels of bulleted and numbered lists, table of contents entry styles, and index and several specially designed styles such as those for hyperlinks, placeholders, quotations and captions.

Styles are used for many different purposes, including enhancing the appearance of the content, creating an outline for a document, and labelling content in such a way that it can be easily located.

Styles that are kept in a template are frequently founded in the Normal style. It uses the default body and heading fonts related with the document’s theme thereby creating consistency. Consequently, formatting document content by using styles attains a balanced result.

Applying Title Styles

Display the Navigation pane. Tap on the Styles dialog box launcher to show the Styles pane on the Home tab.

Drag the Title bar to the right edge of the program window.

Click in the Document title.

Click in the First heading.

Click once more in the Document title.

Click the Title Styles pane to apply the style.

Applying Style to Sub Titles

To do this:

Click anywhere in the Information Sheet paragraph.

Tap on the Subtitle to apply the style in the styles pane.

The theme can by changed by applying any font set. To do this:

Position your cursor on the font that you like.

Click the Font you like.

Tap on the Themes button.

Tap on Save Current Theme to save your change.

Chang the Suggested name

Click Save.