PHP and MySQL: The Missing Manual (2011)

PHP and MySQL: The Missing Manual (2011)


Part 1. PHP and MySQL Basics

Chapter 1. PHP: What, Why, and Where?

Chapter 2. PHP Syntax: Weird and Wonderful

Chapter 3. MySQL and SQL: Database and Language

Part 2. Dynamic Web Pages

Chapter 4. Connecting PHP to MySQL

Chapter 5. Better Searching with Regular Expressions

Chapter 6. Generating Dynamic Web Pages

Part 3. From Web Pages to Web Applications

Chapter 7. When Things Go Wrong (and They Will)

Chapter 8. Handling Images and Complexity

Chapter 9. Binary Objects and Image Loading

Chapter 10. Listing, Iterating, and Administrating

Part 4. Security and the Real World

Chapter 11. Authentication and Authorization

Chapter 12. Cookies, Sign-ins, and Ditching Crummy Pop-ups

Chapter 13. Authorization and Sessions