Student Database Schema - Oracle PL/SQL by Example, Fifth Edition (2015)

Oracle PL/SQL by Example, Fifth Edition (2015)

B. Student Database Schema

Table and Column Descriptions

This appendix lists all the tables from the STUDENT database schema that are used in the book. Each table is listed here with the database table name first; what follows are the columns in that table, an indicator of whether a null value is allowed, the column data type, and a description. The scripts to install this database can be found on the companion website for this book.


COURSE: Information for a Course


SECTION: Information for an Individual Section (Class) of a Particular Course


STUDENT: Profile Information for a Student


ENROLLMENT: Information for a Student Registered for a Particular Section of a Particular Course (Class)


INSTRUCTOR: Profile Information for an Instructor


ZIPCODE: City, State, and ZIP Code Information


GRADE_TYPE: Lookup Table of a Grade Type (Code) and its Description


GRADE_TYPE_WEIGHT: Information on How the Final Grade for a Particular Section is Computed; For Example, the Midterm Constitutes 50%, the Quiz 10%, and the Final Examination 40% of the Final Grade


GRADE: The Individual Grades a Student Received for a Particular Section (Class)


GRADE_CONVERSION: Converts a Number Grade to a Letter Grade

The entity–relationship diagram for the tables in the student schema shown in Figure B–1 shows the tables and their foreign key relationships using the standard crow’s feet arrows.


Figure B-1