PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy, Third Edition (2014)
Chapter 16. Managing Multiple Database Tables
The previous chapter showed you how to use INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN to retrieve information stored in multiple tables. You also learned how to link existing tables by adding an extra column to the child table and updating each record individually to insert a foreign key. However, most of the time you’ll want to insert data simultaneously in both tables. That presents a challenge, because INSERT commands can operate on only one table at a time. You need to handle the insert operations in the correct sequence, starting with the parent table, so that you can get the new record’s primary key and insert it in the child table at the same time as other details. Similar considerations also need to be taken into account when updating and deleting records. The code involved isn’t difficult, but you need to keep the sequence of events clearly in mind as you build the scripts.
This chapter guides you through the process of inserting new articles in the blog table, optionally selecting a related image or uploading a new one, and assigning the article to one or more categories, all in a single operation. Then you’ll build the scripts to update and delete articles without destroying the referential integrity of related tables.
You’ll also learn about foreign-key constraints, which control what happens if you try to delete records that still have a foreign-key relationship in another table. Not all databases support foreign-key constraints, so it’s important to check whether your remote server does. This chapter also explains what measures you can take to preserve the integrity of your data if your server doesn’t support foreign-key constraints.
In particular, you’ll learn about the following:
· Inserting, updating, and deleting records in related tables
· Finding the primary key of a record immediately after it has been created
· Converting a table’s storage engine
· Establishing foreign-key constraints between InnoDB tables
Maintaining Referential Integrity
With single tables, it doesn’t matter how often you update a record or how many records you delete, the impact on other records is zero. Once you store the primary key of a record as a foreign key in a different table, you create a dependency that needs to be managed. For example, Figure 16-1 shows the second article from the blog table (“Trainee Geishas Go Shopping”) linked to the Kyoto and People categories through the article2cat cross-reference table.
Figure 16-1. You need to manage foreign-key relations to avoid orphaned records
If you delete the article, but fail to delete the entries for article_id 2 in the cross-reference table, a query that looks for all articles in the Kyoto or People categories tries to match a nonexistent record in the blog table. Similarly, if you decide to delete one of the categories without also deleting matching records in the cross-reference table, a query that looks for the categories associated with an article tries to match a nonexistent category.
Before long, your database is littered with orphaned records. Fortunately, maintaining referential integrity is not difficult. SQL does it through the establishment of rules known as foreign-key constraints that tell the database what to do when you update or delete a record that has dependent records in another table.
Support for foreign-key constraints
Foreign-key constraints are supported by InnoDB, the default storage engine in MySQL 5.5 and later. The equivalent storage engine in MariaDB is Percona XtraDB, but it identifies itself as InnoDB and has the same features. Even if your remote server is running the latest version of MySQL or MariaDB, there’s no guarantee that InnoDB is supported, because your hosting company may have disabled it.
If your server is running an older version of MySQL, the default storage engine is MyISAM, which doesn’t support foreign-key constraints. However, you might still have access to InnoDB, because it has been an integral part of MySQL since version 4.0. Converting MyISAM tables to InnoDB is very simple and takes only a few seconds.
If you don’t have access to InnoDB, you need to maintain referential integrity by building the necessary rules into your PHP scripts. This chapter shows both approaches.
Note MyISAM tables have the advantage of being very fast. They require less disk space and anre ideal for storing large amounts of data that isn’t changed very often. They also support full text indexing and searching, a feature that wasn’t available in InnoDB until MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0.5.
PHP Solution 16-1: Checking whether InnoDB is supported
This PHP solution explains how to check whether your remote server supports the InnoDB storage engine.
1. If your hosting company provides phpMyAdmin to administer your database(s), launch phpMyAdmin on your remote server and click the Engines tab at the top of the screen, if it’s available. This displays a list of storage engines similar to Figure 16-2.
Figure 16-2. Checking storage engine support through phpMyAdmin
2. The list displays all storage engines, including those that are not supported. Unsupported or disabled storage engines are grayed out. If you’re not sure of the status of InnoDB, click its name in the list.
3. If InnoDB is not supported, you’ll see a message telling you so. If, on the other hand, you see a list of variables similar to Figure 16-3, you’re in luck—InnoDB is supported.
Figure 16-3. Confirmation that InnoDB is supported
4. If there’s no Engines tab in phpMyAdmin, select any table in your database and click the Operations tab at the top right of the screen. In the Table options section, click the down arrow to the right of the Storage Engine field to display the available options (see Figure 16-4). If InnoDB is listed, it’s supported.
Figure 16-4. The available storage engines are listed in the Table options
5. If neither of the preceding methods gives you the answer, open storage_engines.php in the ch16 folder. Edit the first three lines to insert the hostname, username, and password for the database on your remote server.
6. Upload storage_engines.php to your website and load the page into a browser. You should see a list of storage engines and level of support, as shown in Figure 16-5. In some cases, NO will be replaced by DISABLED.
Figure 16-5. The SQL query in storage_engines.php reports which ones are supported
As Figure 16-5 shows, a typical installation of MySQL supports several storage engines. What may come as a surprise is that you can use different storage engines within the same database. In fact, it’s recommended that you do. Even if your remote server supports InnoDB, it’s usually more efficient to use MyISAM for tables that don’t have a foreign-key relationship. Use InnoDB for tables that have foreign-key relationships. You should also use InnoDB if you need support for transactions.
Note A transaction is a series of related SQL queries. If one part of the series fails, the transaction is terminated and the database rolls back to its original state from before the transaction. Financial databases make extensive use of transactions, which are beyond the scope of this book.
I’ll explain how to convert tables to InnoDB and set up foreign-key constraints later in this chapter. Before that, let’s look at how to establish and use foreign-key relationships regardless of the storage engine being used.
Inserting records into multiple tables
An INSERT query can insert data into only one table. Consequently, when working with multiple tables, you need to plan your insert scripts carefully to ensure that all the information is stored and that the correct foreign-key relationships are established.
PHP Solutions 15-2 (MySQLi) and 15-3 (PDO) in the previous chapter showed how to add the correct foreign key for an image that is already registered in the database. However, when inserting a new blog entry, you need to be able to select an existing image, upload a new image, or choose to have no image at all. This means that your processing script needs to check whether an image has been selected or uploaded and execute the relevant commands accordingly. In addition, tagging a blog entry with zero or more categories increases the number of decisions the script needs to make. Figure 16-6 shows the decision chain.
Figure 16-6. The decision chain for inserting a new blog article with an image and categories
When the page first loads, the form hasn’t been submitted, so the page simply displays the insert form. Both the existing images and categories are listed in the insert form by querying the database in the same way as was done for the images in the update form in PHP Solutions 15-2 and 15-3.
After the form has been submitted, the processing script goes through the following steps:
1. If an image has been uploaded, the upload is processed, the details of the image are stored in the images table, and the script gets the primary key of the new record.
2. If no image has been uploaded, but an existing image has been selected, the script gets its foreign key from the value submitted through the $_POST array.
3. In either case, the new blog article is inserted in the blog table along with the image’s primary key as a foreign key. However, if an image has neither been uploaded nor selected from the existing ones, the article is inserted in the blog table without a foreign key.
4. Finally, the script checks whether any categories have been selected. If they have, the script gets the new article’s primary key and combines it with the primary keys of the selected categories in the article2cat table.
If there’s a problem at any stage, the script needs to abandon the rest of the process and redisplay the user’s input. The script is quite long, so I’ll break it up into several sections. The first stage is to create the article2cat cross-reference table.
Creating a cross-reference table
When dealing with many-to-many relationships in a database, you need to build a cross-reference table like the one in Figure 16-1. A cross-reference table consists of just two columns, which are jointly declared as the table’s primary key (known as a composite primary key). If you look atFigure 16-7, you’ll see that the article_id and cat_id columns both contain the same number several times—something that’s unacceptable in a primary key, which must be unique. However, in a composite primary key, it’s the combination of both values that is unique. The first two combinations, 1,3 and 2,1, are not repeated anywhere else in the table, nor are any of the others.
Figure 16-7. In a cross-reference table, both columns together form a composite primary key
Setting up the categories and cross-reference tables
In the ch16 folder, you’ll find categories.sql, which contains the SQL to create the categories table and the cross-reference table, article2cat, together with some sample data. The settings used to create the tables are listed in Tables 16-1 and 16-2. Both database tables have just two columns.
Table 16-1. Settings for the categories table
Table 16-2. Settings for the article2cat cross-reference table
The important thing about the definition for a cross-reference table is that both columns are set as primary key, and that the A_I (AUTO_INCREMENT) check box is not selected for either column.
Caution To create a composite primary key, you must declare both columns to be primary keys at the same time. If, by mistake, you declare only one as the primary key, the database prevents you from adding the second one later. You must delete the primary-key index from the single column and then reapply it to both. It’s the combination of the two columns that is treated as the primary key.
Getting the filename of an uploaded image
The script makes use of the Upload class from Chapter 6, but the class needs slight tweaking because the filenames of uploaded files are incorporated into the $messages property.
PHP Solution 16-2: Improving the Upload class
This PHP solution adapts the Upload class from Chapter 6 by creating a new protected property in which to store the names of successfully uploaded files, together with a public method to retrieve the array of names.
1. Open Upload.php in the PhpSolutions/File folder. Alternatively, copy Upload.php from the ch16/PhpSolutions/File folder and save it in PhpSolutions/File in the phpsols site root.
2. Add the following line to the list of properties at the top of the file:
protected $filenames = [];
This initializes a protected property called $filenames as an empty array.
3. Amend the moveFile() method to add the amended filename to the $filenames property if the file is successfully uploaded. The new code is highlighted in bold.
protected function moveFile($file) {
$filename = isset($this->newName) ? $this->newName : $file['name'];
$success = move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $this->destination . $filename);
if ($success) {
// add the amended filename to the array of uploaded files
$this->filenames[] = $filename;
$result = $file['name'] . ' was uploaded successfully';
if (!is_null($this->newName)) {
$result .= ', and was renamed ' . $this->newName;
$this->messages[] = $result;
} else {
$this->messages[] = 'Could not upload ' . $file['name'];
The name is added to the $filenames array only if the file is successfully moved to the destination folder.
4. Add a public method to return the values stored in the $filenames property. The code looks like this:
public function getFilenames() {
return $this->filenames;
It doesn’t matter where you put this code in the class definition, but it’s common practice to keep all public methods together.
5. Save Upload.php. If you need to check your code, compare it with Upload_01.php in the ch16/PhpSolutions/File folder.
Adapting the insert form to deal with multiple tables
The insert form for blog articles that you created in Chapter 13 already contains the code needed to insert most of the details in the blog table. Rather than start again from scratch, it makes sense to adapt the existing page. As it stands, the page contains only a text input field for the title and a text area for the article.
You need to add a multiple-choice <select> list for categories and a drop-down <select> menu for existing images.
To prevent a user from selecting an existing image at the same time as uploading a new one, a check box and JavaScript control the display of the relevant input fields. Selecting the check box disables the drop-down menu for existing images and displays the input fields for a new image and caption. Deselecting the check box hides and disables the file and caption fields and re-enables the drop-down menu. If JavaScript is disabled, the options for uploading a new image and captions are hidden.
Note To save space, the remaining PHP solutions in this chapter give detailed instructions only for MySQLi. The structure and PHP logic for the PDO version are the same. The only differences lie in the commands used to submit the SQL queries to the database and to display the results. Fully commented PDO files are in the ch16 folder.
PHP Solution 16-3: Adding the category and image input fields
This PHP solution begins the process of adapting the blog entry insert form from Chapter 13 by adding the input fields for categories and images.
1. In the admin folder, find and open the version of blog_insert_mysqli.php that you created in Chapter 13. Alternatively, copy blog_insert_mysqli_01.php from the ch16 folder to the admin folder and remove _01 from the filename.
2. The <select> elements for the categories and existing images need to query the database when the page first loads, so you need to move the connection script and database connection outside the conditional statement that checks if the form has been submitted. Locate the lines highlighted in bold:
if (isset($_POST['insert'])) {
require_once '../includes/connection.php';
// initialize flag
$OK = false;
// create database connection
$conn = dbConnect('write');
Move them outside the conditional statement, like this:
require_once '../includes/connection.php';
// create database connection
$conn = dbConnect('write');
if (isset($_POST['insert'])) {
// initialize flag
$OK = false;
3. The form in the body of the page needs to be capable of uploading a file, so you need to add the enctype attribute to the opening <form> tag, like this:
<form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
4. If an error occurs when trying to upload a file—for example, if it’s too big or is not an image file—the insert operation will be halted. Amend the existing text input field and text area to redisplay the values, using the same technique as shown in Chapter 5. The text input field looks like this:
<input name="title" type="text" id="title" value="<?php if (isset($error)) {
echo htmlentities($_POST['title']);
} ?>">
The text area looks like this:
<textarea name="article" id="article"><?php if (isset($error)) {
echo htmlentities($_POST['article']);
} ?></textarea>
Make sure there’s no gap between the opening and closing PHP tags and the HTML. Otherwise, you’ll add unwanted whitespace inside the text input field and text area.
5. The new form elements go between the text area and the Submit button. First, add the code for the multiple-choice <select> list for categories. The code looks like this:
<label for="category">Categories:</label>
<select name="category[]" size="5" multiple id="category">
// get categories
$getCats = 'SELECT cat_id, category FROM categories ORDER BY category';
$categories = $conn->query($getCats);
while ($row = $categories->fetch_assoc()) {
<option value="<?= $row['cat_id']; ?>" <?php
if (isset($_POST['category']) && in_array($row['cat_id'],
$_POST['category'])) { echo 'selected';
} ?>><?php echo $row['category']; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
To allow the selection of multiple values, the multiple attribute has been added to the <select> tag, and the size attribute has been set to 5. The values need to be submitted as an array, so a pair of square brackets has been appended to the name attribute.
The SQL queries the categories table, and a while loop populates the <option> tags with the primary keys and category names. The conditional statement in the while loop adds selected to the <option> tag to redisplay selected values if the insertoperation fails.
6. Save blog_insert_mysqli.php and load the page into a browser. The form should now look like Figure 16-8.
Figure 16-8. The multiple-choice <select> list pulls the values from the categories table
7. View the page’s source code to verify that the primary key of each category is correctly embedded in the value attribute of each <option> tag. You can compare your code with blog_insert_mysqli_02.php in the ch16 folder.
8. Next, create the <select> drop-down menu to display the images already registered in the database. Add this code immediately after the code you inserted in step 5:
<label for="image_id">Uploaded image:</label>
<select name="image_id" id="image_id">
<option value="">Select image</option>
// get the list of images
$getImages = 'SELECT image_id, filename
FROM images ORDER BY filename';
$images = $conn->query($getImages);
while ($row = $images->fetch_assoc()) {
<option value="<?= $row['image_id']; ?>"
if (isset($_POST['image_id']) && $row['image_id'] ==
$_POST['image_id']) {
echo 'selected';
?>><?php echo $row['filename']; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
This creates another SELECT query to get the primary key and filename of each image stored in the images table. The code should be very familiar by now, so it needs no explanation.
9. The check box, file input field, and text input field for the caption go between the code in the previous step and the Submit button. The code looks like this:
<p id="allowUpload">
<input type="checkbox" name="upload_new" id="upload_new">
<label for="upload_new">Upload new image</label>
<p class="optional">
<label for="image">Select image:</label>
<input type="file" name="image" id="image">
<p class="optional">
<label for="caption">Caption:</label>
<input name="caption" type="text" id="caption">
The paragraph that contains the check box has been given the ID allowUpload, and the two other paragraphs have been assigned a class called optional. The style rules in admin.css set the display property of these three paragraphs to none.
10.Save blog_insert_mysqli.php and load the page in a browser. The images <select> drop-down menu is displayed below the categories list, but the three form elements you inserted in step 9 are hidden. This is what will be displayed if JavaScript is disabled in the browser. Users will have the option to select categories and an existing image but not to upload a new image.
If necessary, check your code against blog_insert_mysqli_03.php in the ch16 folder.
11.Copy toggle_fields.js from the ch16 folder to the admin folder. The file contains the following JavaScript:
var cbox = document.getElementById('allowUpload'); = 'block';
var uploadImage = document.getElementById('upload_new');
uploadImage.onclick = function () {
var image_id = document.getElementById('image_id');
var image = document.getElementById('image');
var caption = document.getElementById('caption');
var sel = uploadImage.checked;
image_id.disabled = sel; = sel ? 'block' : 'none'; = sel ? 'block' : 'none';
image.disabled = !sel;
caption.disabled = !sel;
This uses the IDs of the elements inserted in step 8 to control their display. If JavaScript is enabled, the check box is automatically displayed when the page loads, but the file input field and text input field for the caption remain hidden. If the check box is checked, the drop-down menu of existing images is disabled, and the hidden elements are displayed. If the check box is subsequently unchecked, the drop-down menu is re-enabled, and the file input field and caption field are hidden again.
12.Link toggle_fields.js to blog_insert_mysqli.php with a <script> tag just before the closing </body> tag, like this:
<script src="toggle_fields.js"></script>
Adding the JavaScript at the bottom of the page speeds up downloading and display. The code in toggle_fields.js won’t work correctly if you add it to the <head>.
13.Save blog_insert_mysqli.php and load the page in a browser. In a JavaScript-enabled browser, the check box should be displayed between the <select> drop-down menu and the Submit button. Select the check box to disable the drop-down menu and display the hidden fields, as shown in Figure 16-9.
Figure 16-9. The check box controls the display of the file and caption input fields
14.Deselect the check box. The file and caption input fields are hidden, and the drop-down menu is re-enabled. You can check your code, if necessary, with blog_insert_mysqli_04.php and toggle_fields.js in the ch16 folder.
If you’re wondering why I used JavaScript rather than PHP to control the display of the file and caption input fields, it’s because PHP is a server-side language. After the PHP engine has sent the output to the browser, it has no further interaction with the page unless you send another request to the web server. JavaScript, on the other hand, works in the browser, so it’s able to manipulate the content of the page locally. JavaScript can also be used in conjunction with PHP to send requests to the web server in the background, and it can use the result to refresh part of the page without reloading it—a technique known as Ajax, which is beyond the scope of this book.
The updated insert form now has input fields for categories and images, but the processing script still handles only the text input field for the title and the text area for the blog entry.
PHP Solution 16-4: Inserting data into multiple tables
This PHP solution adapts the existing script in blog_insert_mysqli.php to upload a new image (if required) and then insert data into the images, blog, and article2cat tables following the decision chain outlined in Figure 16-6. It assumes you have set up the article2catcross-reference table and have completed PHP Solutions 16-2 and 16-3.
Don’t attempt to rush through this section. The code is quite long, but it brings together many of the techniques you have learned previously.
Note If you’re using PDO, a separate section after this PHP solution describes the main differences in the code.
1. The Upload class that you updated in PHP Solution 16-2 uses a namespace, so you need to import it at the top level of the script. Add this line immediately after the opening PHP tag at the top of blog_insert_mysqli.php:
use PhpSolutions\File\Upload;
2. Immediately after the prepared statement has been initialized, insert the following conditional statement to process the image if one has been uploaded or selected.
// initialize prepared statement
$stmt = $conn->stmt_init();
// if a file has been uploaded, process it
if(isset($_POST['upload_new']) && $_FILES['image']['error'] == 0) {
$imageOK = false;
require_once '../PhpSolutions/File/Upload.php';
$loader = new Upload('../images/');
$names = $loader->getFilenames();
// $names will be an empty array if the upload failed
if ($names) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO images (filename, caption) VALUES (?, ?)';
if ($stmt->prepare($sql)) {
$stmt->bind_param('ss', $names[0], $_POST['caption']);
$imageOK = $stmt->affected_rows;
// get the image's primary key or find out what went wrong
if ($imageOK) {
$image_id = $stmt->insert_id;
} else {
$imageError = implode(' ', $loader->getMessages());
} elseif (isset($_POST['image_id']) && !empty($_POST['image_id'])) {
// get the primary key of a previously uploaded image
$image_id = $_POST['image_id'];
// create SQL
$sql = 'INSERT INTO blog (title, article, created) VALUES(?, ?, NOW())';
This begins by checking if $_POST['upload_new'] has been set. As explained in Chapter 5, a check box is included in the $_POST array only if it has been selected. So, if the check box hasn’t been selected, the condition fails, and the elseif clause at the bottom is tested instead. The elseif clause checks for the existence of $_POST['image_id']. If it exists and is not empty, it means that an existing image has been selected from the drop-down menu, and the value is stored in $image_id.
If both tests fail, an image has neither been uploaded nor selected from the drop-down menu. The script later takes this into account when preparing the INSERT query for the blog table, allowing you to create a blog entry without an image.
However, if $_POST['upload_new'] exists, the check box has been selected, and an image has probably been uploaded. To make sure, the conditional statement also checks the value of $_FILES['image']['error']. As you learned in Chapter 6, the error code 0 indicates a successful upload. Any other error code means the upload failed or that no file was selected.
Assuming a file has been successfully uploaded from the form, the conditional statement includes the Upload class definition and creates an object called $loader, setting the destination folder to images. It then calls the upload() method to process the file and store it in the images folder. To avoid complicating the code, I’m using the default maximum size and MIME types.
The changes you made to the Upload class in PHP Solution 16-2 add the name of an uploaded file to the $filenames property only if the file was moved successfully to the destination folder. The getFilenames() method retrieves the contents of the$filenames property and assigns the result to $names.
If the file was moved successfully, its filename is stored as the first element of the $names array. So if $names contains a value, you can safely proceed with the INSERT query, which binds the values of $names[0] and $_POST['caption'] as strings to the prepared statement.
After the statement has been executed, the affected_rows property resets the value of $imageOK. If the INSERT query succeeded, $imageOK is 1, which is treated as true.
If the image details were inserted in the images table, the prepared statement’s insert_id property retrieves the primary key of the new record and stores it in $image_id. The insert_id property must be accessed before running any other SQL queries because it contains the primary key of the most recent query.
However, if $imageOK is still false, the else block calls the upload object’s getMessages() method and assigns the result to $imageError. The getMessages() method returns an array, so the implode() function is used to join the array elements as a single string. The most likely causes of failure are a file that’s too big or that’s of the wrong MIME type.
3. As long as the image upload didn’t fail, the next stage in the process is to insert the blog entry into the blog table. The form of the INSERT query depends on whether an image is associated with the blog entry. If it is, $image_id exists and needs to be inserted in the blog table as a foreign key. Otherwise, the original query can be used.
Amend the original query like this:
// don't insert blog details if the image failed to upload
if (!isset($imageError)) {
// if $image_id has been set, insert it as a foreign key
if (isset($image_id)) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO blog (image_id, title, article) VALUES(?, ?, ?)';
if ($stmt->prepare($sql)) {
$stmt->bind_param('iss', $image_id, $_POST['title'], $_POST['article']);
} else {
// create SQL
$sql = 'INSERT INTO blog (title, article)
VALUES(?, ?)';
if ($stmt->prepare($sql)) {
// bind parameters and execute statement
$stmt->bind_param('ss', $_POST['title'], $_POST['article']);
if ($stmt->affected_rows > 0) {
$OK = true;
This whole section of code is wrapped in a conditional statement that checks whether $imageError exists. If it does, there’s no point in inserting the new blog entry, so the entire code block is ignored.
However, if $imageError doesn’t exist, the nested conditional statement prepares different INSERT queries depending on whether $image_id exists and then executes whichever one has been prepared.
The conditional statement that checks the affected_rows property is moved out of the else block so that it applies to either INSERT query.
4. The next stage of the process inserts values into the article2cat cross-reference table. The code follows immediately after the code in the previous step and looks like the following:
// if the blog entry was inserted successfully, check for categories
if ($OK && isset($_POST['category'])) {
// get the article's primary key
$article_id = $stmt->insert_id;
foreach ($_POST['category'] as $cat_id) {
if (is_numeric($cat_id)) {
$values[] = "($article_id, " . (int) $cat_id . ')';
if ($values) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO article2cat (article_id, cat_id)
VALUES ' . implode(',', $values);
// execute the query and get error message if it fails
if (!$conn->query($sql)) {
$catError = $conn->error;
The value of $OK is determined by the affected_rows property from the query that inserted the data in the blog table, and the multiple-choice <select> list is included in the $_POST array only if any categories are selected. So, this code block is run only if the data was successfully inserted in the blog table and at least one category was selected in the form. It begins by obtaining the primary key of the insert operation from the prepared statement’s insert_id property and assigning it to $article_id.
The form submits the category values as an array. The foreach loop checks each value in $_POST['category']. If the value is numeric, the following line is executed:
$values[] = "($article_id, " . (int) $cat_id . ')';
This creates a string with the two primary keys, $article_id and $cat_id, separated by a comma and wrapped in a pair of parentheses. The (int) casting operator makes sure that $cat_id is an integer. The result is assigned to an array called $values. For example, if $article_id is 10 and $cat_id is 4, the resulting string assigned to the array is (10, 4).
If $values contains any elements, implode() converts it to a comma-separated string and appends it to the SQL query. For example, if categories 2, 4, and 5 are selected, the resulting query looks like this:
INSERT INTO article2cat (article_id, cat_id)
VALUES (10, 2),(10, 4),(10,5)
As explained in “Reviewing the four essential SQL commands” in Chapter 13, this is how you insert multiple rows with a single INSERT query.
Because $article_id comes from a reliable source and the data type of $cat_id has been checked, it’s safe to use these variables directly in an SQL query without using a prepared statement. The query is executed with the query() method. If it fails, the connection object’s error property is stored in $catError.
5. The final section of code handles the redirect on success and error messages. The amended code looks like this:
// redirect if successful or display error
if ($OK && !isset($imageError) && !isset($catError)) {
header('Location: http://localhost/phpsols/admin/blog_list_mysqli.php');
} else {
$error = $stmt->error;
if (isset($imageError)) {
$error .= ' ' . $imageError;
if (isset($catError)) {
$error .= ' ' . $catError;
The condition controlling the redirect now ensures that $imageError and $catError don’t exist. If either does, the value is concatenated to the original $error, which contains any error message from the prepared statement object.
6. Save blog_insert_mysqli.php and test it in a browser. Try uploading an image that’s too big or a file of the wrong MIME type. The form should be redisplayed with an error message and the blog details preserved. Also try inserting blog entries both with and without images and/or categories. You now have a versatile insert form.
If you don’t have suitable images to upload, use the images in the phpsols images folder. The Upload class renames them to avoid overwriting the existing files.
You can check your code against blog_insert_mysqli_05.php in the ch16 folder.
Main differences in the PDO version
The final PDO version can be found in blog_insert_pdo_05.php in the ch16 folder. It follows the same basic structure and logic as the MySQLi version, but has some important differences in the way values are inserted in the database.
The code in step 2 follows the MySQLi version closely but uses named placeholders instead of anonymous ones. To get the number of affected rows, PDO uses the rowCount() method on the statement object. The primary key of the most recent insert operation is obtained using thelastInsertId() method on the connection object. Like the MySQLi insert_id property, you need to access it immediately after the INSERT query has been executed.
The biggest changes are in the code in step 3 that inserts the details into the blog table. Because PDO can insert a null value into a column using bindValue(), only one prepared statement is needed. The PDO code for step 3 looks like this:
// don't insert blog details if the image failed to upload
if (!isset($imageError)) {
// create SQL
$sql = 'INSERT INTO blog (image_id, title, article)
VALUES(:image_id, :title, :article)';
// prepare the statement
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
// bind the parameters
// if $image_id exists, use it
if (isset($image_id)) {
$stmt->bindParam(':image_id', $image_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
} else {
// set image_id to NULL
$stmt->bindValue(':image_id', NULL, PDO::PARAM_NULL);
$stmt->bindParam(':title', $_POST['title'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(':article', $_POST['article'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
// execute and get number of affected rows
$OK = $stmt->rowCount();
If an image has been uploaded, the conditional statement highlighted in bold binds the value of $image_id to the named :image_id placeholder. But if no image has been uploaded, bindValue() sets the value to NULL.
In step 4, the PDO version uses exec()instead of query() to insert the values into the article2cat table. The exec() method executes an SQL query and returns the number of rows affected, so it should be used with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries when a prepared statement is not required.
The other important difference is in the code that builds the error message if there’s a problem. Because creating and preparing a statement is a one-step process in PDO, the statement object might not exist if a problem arises. So, you need to check for its existence before trying to call theerrorInfo() method. If there’s no statement, the code gets the error message from the database connection object. It’s also necessary to initialize $error as an empty string to concatenate the various messages to it, like this:
// redirect if successful or display error
if ($OK && !isset($imageError) && !isset($catError)) {
header('Location: http://localhost/phpsols/admin/blog_list_pdo.php');
} else {
$error = '';
if (isset($stmt)) {
$errorInfo = $stmt->errorInfo();
} else {
$errorInfo = $conn->errorInfo();
if (isset($errorInfo[2])) {
$error .= $errorInfo[2];
if (isset($imageError)) {
$error .= ' ' . $imageError;
if (isset($catError)) {
$error .= ' ' . $catError;
Updating and Deleting Records in Multiple Tables
The addition of the categories and article2cat tables means that the changes to blog_update_mysqli.php and blog_update_pdo.php in PHP Solutions 15-2 and 15-3 in the previous chapter no longer adequately cover the foreign-key relationships in the phpsolsdatabase. In addition to amending the update form, you also need to create scripts to delete records without destroying the database's referential integrity.
Updating records in a cross-reference table
Each record in a cross-reference table contains only a composite primary key. Normally, primary keys should never be altered. Moreover, they must be unique. This poses a problem for updating the article2cat table. If you make no changes to the selected categories when updating a blog entry, the cross-reference table doesn’t need to be updated. However, if the categories are changed, you need to work out which cross references to delete and which new ones to insert.
Rather than getting tied up in knots working out whether any changes have been made, a simple solution is to delete all existing cross references and insert the selected categories again. If no changes have been made, you simply insert the same ones again.
PHP Solution 16-5: Adding categories to the update form
This PHP solution amends blog_update_mysqli.php from PHP Solution 15-2 in the previous chapter to allow you to update the categories associated with a blog entry. To keep the structure simple, the only change that can be made to the image associated with the entry is to select a different existing image or no image at all.
1. Continue working with blog_update_mysqli.php from PHP Solution 15-2. Alternatively, copy blog_update_mysqli_04.php from the ch16 folder and save it in the admin folder as blog_update_mysqli.php.
2. When the page first loads, you need to run a second query to get the categories associated with the blog entry. Add the following highlighted code to the conditional statement that gets details of the selected record:
// get categories associated with the article
$sql = 'SELECT cat_id FROM article2cat
WHERE article_id = ?';
if ($stmt->prepare($sql)) {
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_GET['article_id']);
$OK = $stmt->execute();
// loop through the results to store them in an array
$selected_categories = [];
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
$selected_categories[] = $cat_id;
The query selects cat_id from all records in the cross-reference table that match the primary key of the selected blog entry. The results are bound to $cat_id, and a while loop extracts the values into an array called $selected_categories.
3. In the body of the HTML page, add a multiple-choice <select> list between the text area and the <select> drop-down menu that displays the list of images. Use another SQL query to populate it, like this:
<label for="category">Categories:</label>
<select name="category[]" size="5" multiple id="category">
// get categories
$getCats = 'SELECT cat_id, category FROM categories
ORDER BY category';
$categories = $conn->query($getCats);
while ($row = $categories->fetch_assoc()) {
<option value="<?= $row['cat_id']; ?>" <?php
if (isset($selected_categories) &&
in_array($row['cat_id'], $selected_categories)) {
echo 'selected';
} ?>><?= $row['category']; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
The while loop builds each <option> tag by inserting cat_id in the value attribute and displaying the category between the opening and closing tags. If cat_id is in the $selected_categories array, selected is inserted in the <option> tag. This selects the categories already associated with the blog entry.
4. Save blog_update_mysqli.php and select one of the EDIT links in blog_list_mysqli.php to make sure the multiple-choice list is populated with the categories. If you inserted a new entry in PHP Solution 16-4, the categories you associated with the item should be selected, as shown in the following screenshot.
You can check your code, if necessary, against blog_update_mysqli_05.php in the ch16 folder. The PDO version is found in blog_update_pdo_05.php.
5. Next, you need to edit the section of code that updates the record when the form is submitted. The new code begins by removing all entries in the cross-reference table that match article_id and then inserts the values selected in the update form. Inline commentsindicate where existing code has been omitted to save space.
// if form has been submitted, update record
if (isset($_POST ['update'])) {
// prepare update query
if (!empty($_POST['image_id'])) {
// existing code omitted
} else {
// existing code omitted
// delete existing values in the cross-reference table
$sql = 'DELETE FROM article2cat WHERE article_id = ?';
if ($stmt->prepare($sql)) {
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_POST['article_id']);
// insert the new values in articles2cat
if (isset($_POST['category']) && is_numeric($_POST['article_id'])) {
$article_id = (int) $_POST['article_id'];
foreach ($_POST['category'] as $cat_id) {
$values[] = "($article_id, " . (int) $cat_id . ')';
if ($values) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO article2cat (article_id, cat_id)
VALUES ' . implode(',', $values);
if (!$conn->query($sql)) {
$catError = $conn->error;
The code that inserts the values selected in the update form is identical to the code in step 4 of PHP Solution 16-4. The key thing to note is that it uses an INSERT query, not UPDATE. The original values have been deleted, so you're adding them anew.
6. Save blog_update_mysqli.php and test it by updating existing records in the blog table. You can check your code, if necessary, against blog_update_mysqli_06.php in the ch16 folder. The PDO version is found in blog_update_pdo_06.php.
Preserving referential integrity on deletion
In PHP Solution 16-5, there was no need to worry about referential integrity when you deleted records in the cross-reference table because the values stored in each record are foreign keys. Each record simply refers to the primary keys stored in the blog and categories tables. Referring to Figure 16-1 at the beginning of this chapter, deleting from the cross-reference table the record that combines article_id 2 with cat_id 1 simply breaks the link between the article titled “Trainee Geishas Go Shopping” and the Kyoto category. Neither the article nor the category is affected. They both remain in their respective tables.
The situation is very different if you decide to delete either the article or the category. If you delete the “Trainee Geishas Go Shopping” article from the blog table, all references to article_id 2 must also be deleted from the cross-reference table. Similarly, if you delete the Kyotocategory, all references to cat_id 1 must be removed from the cross-reference table. Alternatively, you must halt the deletion if an item’s primary key is stored elsewhere as a foreign key.
The best way to do this is through the establishment of foreign-key restraints. To do so, related tables must use the InnoDB storage engine. If you’re using MySQL or MariaDB 5.5 or later, InnoDB is the default. Also, all the .sql files that accompany this book select the InnoDB engine. However, if you have existing tables that were created using the MyISAM storage engine, you need to convert them before you can establish foreign-key constraints.
PHP Solution 16-6: Converting tables to the InnoDB storage engine
This PHP solution shows how to convert a table from MyISAM to InnoDB. If you plan to upload the tables to your remote server, it must also support InnoDB (see PHP Solution 16-1).
1. Select the phpsols database in phpMyAdmin, and then select the article2cat table.
2. Click the Operations tab at the top right of the screen.
3. In the Table options section, the Storage Engine field reports which engine the table is currently using. If it says MyISAM, select InnoDB from the drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 16-10.
Figure 16-10. Changing a table's storage engine is very easy in phpMyAdmin
4. Click Go. Changing the storage engine is as simple as that!
Note Each table needs to be converted individually. You cannot change all tables in a database in a single operation.
PHP Solution 16-7: Setting up foreign-key constraints
This PHP solution describes how to set up foreign-key constraints between the article2cat, blog, and categories tables in phpMyAdmin. The foreign-key constraints must always be defined in the child table. In this this case, the child table is article2cat, because it stores thearticle_id and cat_id primary keys from the other tables as foreign keys.
1. Select the article2cat table in phpMyAdmin and click the Structure tab.
2. Click Relation view (circled in Figure 16-11) at the bottom of the structure table.
Figure 16-11. Foreign-key constraints are defined in phpMyAdmin’s Relation view
3. Foreign-key constraints can be set up only on columns that are indexed. The article_id and cat_id columns in article2cat are the table’s composite primary key, so they’re both listed in the screen that opens. If your version of phpMyAdmin has an option labeled “Internal relations,” you can ignore it.
In the article_id row, open the drop-down menu under “Foreign key constraint (INNODB)” to reveal the list of indexed columns in the database, and select `phpsols`.`blog`.`article_id` as shown in Figure 16-12. This will be used to establish a formal foreign-key relationship between article_id in the article2cat table and article_id in the blog table.
Figure 16-12. Selecting the parent table’s primary key
4. This opens up more options (in older versions of phpMyAdmin, they’re always visible). Leave “Constraint name” blank. phpMyAdmin will automatically generate a name for the constraint.
The ON DELETE drop-down menu has the following options:
· CASCADE: When you delete a record in the parent table, all dependent records are deleted in the child table. For example, if you delete the record with the primary key article_id 2 in the blog table, all records with article_id 2 in thearticle2cat table are automatically deleted.
· SET NULL: When you delete a record in the parent table, all dependent records in the child table have the foreign key set to NULL. The foreign-key column must accept NULL values.
· NO ACTION: On some database systems, this allows foreign-key constraint checks to be delayed. MySQL performs checks immediately, so this has the same effect as RESTRICT.
· RESTRICT: This prevents the deletion of a record in the parent table if dependent records still exist in the child table.
Note The same options are available for ON UPDATE. With the exception of RESTRICT, they are of limited interest because you should change the primary key of a record only in exceptional circumstances. ON UPDATE RESTRICT not only stops changes from being made to the primary key in the parent table; it also rejects any inserts or updates in the child table that would result in foreign-key values that don’t have a match in the parent table.
In the case of a cross-reference table, CASCADE is the logical choice. If you decide to delete a record in the parent table, you want all cross-references to that record to be removed at the same time. However, to demonstrate the default behavior of foreign-key constraints, select RESTRICT for both ON DELETE and ON UPDATE.
5. In the cat_id row, select `phpsols`.`categories`.`cat_id` from the “Foreign key restraint (INNODB)” drop-down menu, and set ON DELETE and ON UPDATE to RESTRICT. Click Save.
Note If RESTRICT isn’t available in the drop-down menu, leave the option blank.
6. If you have not already done so, update at least one blog entry to associate it with a category.
7. In phpMyAdmin, select the categories table and click Delete next to a category that you know to be associated with a blog entry, as shown in Figure 16-13.
Figure 16-13. Try to delete a record in the categories table
Note In older versions of phpMyAdmin, the delete icon is a large red X.
8. Click OK when phpMyAdmin asks you to confirm the deletion. If you have set up the foreign-key constraints correctly, you’ll see an error message similar to that in Figure 16-14.
Figure 16-14. The foreign-key constraint prevents the deletion if dependent records exist
9. If the error message appears in a modal dialog box, click the box to dismiss it.
10.Select the article2cat table, and click the Structure tab. Then click “Relation view.”
Note In older versions of phpMyAdmin, ON DELETE and ON UPDATE may be blank. Leaving these options blank has the same effect as selecting RESTRICT, which is the default for both.
11.Change both ON DELETE settings to CASCADE, and click Save.
12.Select a record in the blog table that you know is associated with a category. Make a note of its article_id and then delete the record.
13.Check the article2cat table. The records associated with the record you have just deleted have also been deleted.
To continue your exploration of foreign-key constraints, select the blog table, and establish a foreign-key relationship with image_id in the images table. If you delete a record from the images table, the image_ id foreign key in the blog table needs to be set to NULL. This is done automatically if you set the value of ON DELETE to SET NULL. Test it by deleting a record from the images table and checking the associated record(s) in the blog table.
Note If you need to convert an InnoDB table back to MyISAM, you must first remove any foreign-key constraints. Select “Relation view,” set the “Foreign key (INNODB)” fields to blank, and click Save. After removing the foreign-key constraints, you can change the storage engine as described in PHP Solution 16-6. Select MyISAM instead of InnoDB.
Creating delete scripts with foreign-key constraints
Choosing the values for ON DELETE in InnoDB tables depends on the nature of the relationship between tables. In the case of the phpsols database, it’s not only safe but desirable to set the option to CASCADE for both columns in the article2cat cross-reference table. If a record is deleted in either the blog or categories parent tables, the related values need to be deleted in the cross-reference table.
The relationship between the images and blog tables is different. If you delete a record from the images table, you probably don’t want to delete related articles in the blog table. In that case, SET NULL is an appropriate choice. When a record is deleted from the images table, the foreign key in related articles is set to NULL, but the articles remain intact.
On the other hand, if images are vital to the understanding of articles, select RESTRICT. Any attempt to delete an image that still has related articles is automatically halted.
These considerations affect how you handle deletion scripts. When the foreign-key constraint is set to CASCADE or SET NULL, you don’t need to do anything special. You can use a simple DELETE query and leave the rest to the database.
However, if the foreign-key constraint is set to RESTRICT, the DELETE query will fail. To display an appropriate error message, use the errno property of a MySQLi statement object. The MySQL error code for a query that fails as a result of a foreign-key constraint is 1451. After calling the execute() method, you can check for errors in MySQLi as follows:
if ($stmt->affected_rows > 0) {
$deleted = true;
} else {
$deleted = false;
if ($stmt->errno == 1451) {
$error = 'That record has dependent files in a child table, and cannot be deleted.';
} else {
$error = 'There was a problem deleting the record.';
If you are using PDO, use the errorCode() method. The code for a query that fails as a result of a foreign-key constraint is HY000. After checking the number of affected rows, you can check the error code with a PDO prepared statement, like this:
$deleted = $stmt->rowCount();
if (!$deleted) {
if ($stmt->errorCode() == 'HY000') {
$error = 'That record has dependent files in a child table, and cannot be deleted.';
} else {
$error = 'There was a problem deleting the record.';
The technique is the same if you use the PDO exec() method, which returns the number of affected rows with a non-SELECT query. When using exec(), the errorCode() method is called on the database connection.
$deleted = $conn->exec($sql);
if (!$deleted) {
if ($conn->errorCode() == 'HY000') {
$error = 'That record has dependent files in a child table, and cannot be deleted.';
} else {
$error = 'There was a problem deleting the record.';
Creating delete scripts without foreign-key constraints
If you can’t use InnoDB tables, you need to build the same logic into your own delete scripts. To achieve the same effect as ON DELETE CASCADE, run two consecutive DELETE queries, like this:
$sql = 'DELETE FROM article2cat WHERE article_id = ?';
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_POST['article_id']);
$sql = 'DELETE FROM blog WHERE article_id = ?';
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_POST['article_id']);
To achieve the same effect as ON DELETE SET NULL, run an UPDATE query combined with a DELETE query, like this:
$sql = 'UPDATE blog SET image_id = NULL WHERE image_id = ?';
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_POST['image_id']);
$sql = 'DELETE FROM images WHERE image_id = ?';
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_POST['image_id']);
To achieve the same effect as ON DELETE RESTRICT, you need to run a SELECT query to find if there are dependent records before continuing with the DELETE query, like this:
$sql = 'SELECT image_id FROM blog WHERE image_id = ?';
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_POST['image_id']);
// store result to find out how many rows it contains
// if num_rows is not 0, there are dependent records
if ($stmt->num_rows) {
$error = 'That record has dependent files in a child table, and cannot be deleted.';
} else {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM images WHERE image_id = ?';
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_POST['image_id']);
Chapter Review
Once you have learned the basic SQL and the PHP commands necessary to communicate with a database, working with single tables is very easy. Linking tables through foreign keys, however, can be quite challenging. The power of a relational database comes from its sheer flexibility. The problem is that this infinite flexibility means there is no single “right” way of doing things.
Don't let this put you off, though. Your instinct may be to stick with single tables, but down that route lies even greater complexity. The key to making it easy to work with databases is to limit your ambitions in the early stages. Build simple structures like the one in this chapter, experiment with them, and get to know how they work. Add tables and foreign-key links gradually. People with a lot of experience working with databases say they frequently spend more than half the development time just thinking about the table structure. After that, the coding is the easy bit!
In the final chapter, we move back to working with a single table, addressing the important subject of user authentication with a database and how to handle encrypted passwords.